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63.49% Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse. / Chapter 39: Chapter XXXIII: The Plot Intensifies. (2/2)

Capítulo 39: Chapter XXXIII: The Plot Intensifies. (2/2)

After talking a little bit longer with Oberon, he asked some of the guards to take us to a room in the castle so we can rest for the night, honestly I am too excited of which of the weapons I will get and honestly besides the obvious ones, I would like Failnaugh since it's a pretty good bow…but knowing that I am unlucky when in comes to that specific kind of weapon I don't think it would get it.

The room like the rest of the castle is pretty simple, yet beautiful without a question, the best part of was the view that I had from the window, I could see the entire Avalon from here. Something that I notice from here and on the streets is that there are not many kids but is not surprising since Av is 250 years and is considered a young man, so maybe like other being with long life they have the same fertility problem.

"Today was a day full of surprises, to think that your theories were right to that extent," Gramps said with a little frown on his face.

"Yeah, honestly I was hoping that I was wrong or that at the very least what was holding back humanity was not something so troublesome." Honestly, the worst-case scenario that was on my mind after hearing that story from my "family".

"Do you still think that it was an outer god?" Gramps asked as I told him all of my theories.

"*sights* it's a quite complicated situation as it's hard to believe that normal humans went against an outer god as from my understanding they are nigh-omnipotent beings so is hard to believe that regular humans could go against them, not to undermine Oberon and the rest of the people here but as far as I know Outer Gods could erase a whole world with a sneeze, though I might be wrong, or maybe it was just a fragment of such being. Another theory is that it could be a god from this universe but not necessarily from this planet, even if it sounds crazy it's not impossible." Seriously at first, I thought that this world would be only a slightly alternative version of the one I knew, but ever since I got in contact with the Magical Community it seems that my understanding of this world is very wrong, what's next, will I have to fight Yamazaki Kento to death?

A/N: For those who don't know him, he is a relatively popular actor in Japan that has many main roles in Anime Live Action movies and TV shows. One of his more popular roles is Arima Kosei in the movie adaptation of Your Lie In April (Self emotional damage), L in the Death Note T.V series, Josuke in Jojo's movie, and Saiki Kuso in the movie adaptation of The disastrous life of Saiki K.

"Little Yozora, don't try to solve everything in this very instant, we still have time before that happens so it's better if you take it slow for now. I am not telling you to laze around but to take your time to solve things, sure I don't think that we have those 50 years but maybe 5 to 10, not much but it's better than anything, besides you still have the Time-turner so from your perspective if used wisely it can get you a little bit of extra time, not to mention that in some worlds there might be a time difference with this and that Hyperbolic time chamber that you mentioned or time magic of another world, the point is that YOU still have plenty of time."

"Thanks, gramps sometimes I wonder how I could forget such things, even if I was the one that mention it," I said with mild amusement.

"Well you are trying to do many things alone when it comes to studies you are quite capable of doing so, but you are still young and inexperienced when it comes to things related to life so you got overwhelmed," Gramps replied and while most of the time I would say that I am older than I look, this time he was right, in comparison with him and many beings outside I am young and my life in my original world doesn't give me many experiences related with this kind of situation, sure so far my plans had worked but it is mostly attributed to my meta-knowledge along with my [Clairvoyance(Beast)]. Sure, with time I have gained some experience, but in general, I am an amateur.

"Yeah you are right, for now, I will take things a little bit slower, but for now let's check the rewards of this mission."

Mission: Mayhem In The Wizarding World 2: Electric Boogaloo!!

Description: Everyone's favorite god is BACK!!!!!

Gzzz dude doesn't try to steal my thunder acting like a know-it-all dumbass.

So, the last mission was a fun one I admit, seeing you slapping the ugly face of Umbitch is a memory that I would treasure for the rest of my immortal life.

But! The problem was that you(we) created mayhem in the far lands of the British Islands, partially because of your incapability to move quickly between places, but that's not a problem anymore is it not? So, we are going full international! Don't be like those assholes in anime who even if there is a whole world to explore but only stick to Japan or Britain in your case.

And your actions using Organization XIII are perfect for this!

Main Objectives:

Do a makeover in Azkaban (1/1) Note: You know what I mean so don't try to be a smartass. Note 2: Man WTF, I said to make over not wipe the hell out of Azkaban!!! the plant was a good touch though.

Create an event in which more than 3 countries participate not including the ones in the British Islands (1/1) Note: Don't just plagiarize the Tri-Wizard Championship, you may use it as a base if you want to. Rewards regarding this objective can be increased depending on how much you entertain me.

Note: Fuhahaha! Bro I wish that your Clairvoyance rank was higher so you could see the faces of the people outside England, they were hilarious. In China, some of them even said that you are courting death! Hahahaha bro, wasn't that your wet dream? The best part is that THEY ARE NOT WRONG HAHAHA, again respect, if you want to have some "private" time with her I promise that I won't look *wink*

Make 5 countries other than the ones in the British islands acknowledge "Organization XIII". (15/5) Note: You know make it fun.

Note: Okay dude, tell me the truth, after the fifth country you just continued for the fun, don't ya? Hahaha can't blame you, damn if I knew that you were going to the U.S.A I would have given you a mission to cosplay as Spider-Man and slap the face of J.J. Jameson, but well I can't change the past…Unless... Nah too much trouble.

Find one of the hidden "realms" of this world. (1/1)

Note: I know that you are disappointed that this world doesn't have a Land of The Shadows and before you ask, no I am not reading your mind. I mean I can't blame you I was also disappointed when I found out, not being able to see Scathach's sexy legs is sad. Well, at least you got your Fate crossover meeting Oberon.

Bonus Objective:

Finish all the main objectives in less than 4 months (1/1)

Note: Completing this task it's not surprising, I mean if you wanted you could have done everything in like what? 3 and a half days? Honestly, the great me is just being generous and wanted to give you some extra help, so be grateful to the great me hahaha.

Honestly, if someone was close enough to me, they could perfectly hear my blood pressure constantly raising. "Honestly while I know we are fellow cultured people that practice the Dao of annoying people to death, I don't like to be on the other side... I wonder what would happen if we went together to annoy some people together?"

"Please for the sake of my sanity don't do that," Gramps said with an exasperated tone.

I just shrug my shoulder as I didn't think that it will possible in the first place.

At the time, I didn't know that my words would become true, and me, Fuga, a Dead Apostle, and a certain Magus of Flowers will go together to some world and get forbidden from entering that world ever again, but that's a story for another time.

"Now, I wonder if... Receive the first reward."

*Ding* *Ding* [Generating random character card.]

"Oh, it worked, let's see who it is..."

Character card: Park Hyung-Seok (Daniel Park) [Original Body]

Source: Lookism (PTJ Verse)

Note: A character card different from a summoning ticket allows the user to integrate with it to obtain the skills, abilities, experiences, and memories of said person. The time it takes depends on a series of factors like the difference in strength with said character, personality, and skill set.

"Yes!" I yelled since this was a pretty neat draw. "Well, I would love it if they specified a little bit more about what a "low-tiered world" is maybe I just got a really low-tiered one, maybe they could categorize them as low-low, low-mid, low-high to be a little more specific, but meh, I'll that whatever it gives." Unknown to me someone took note of what I said.

"Who is this Daniel Park? You seem pretty excited about this guy but never talked about it on the list of possible worlds to go." Gramps since most of the time I talked about worlds with a power level at least at the level of Boku No Hero Academia, is not that high but you get the idea.

"Well the story of his world is complicated, well not is just weird from our perspective, since at the start it just seemed like a slice of life with a little bit of supernatural, but then gangs became involved, next big corporations, the government, etc. In a sense, it's pretty standard for a Korean high school story. But what's special about him are mainly two things. The first one is that he got a second body and changes his consciousness between them when he falls asleep, but the second body it's what they describe as a "perfect" body by that world standard. And the second one is that he can copy other people's techniques to the point that he can execute them with the same amount of competency as the one who did it with either of his bodies, of course, this is limited to his body capabilities. I wish I got the second body as he can go into a state that.... what the hell happened!" I yelled as I was reading the history inside the card.

Damn! why did I have to die when the story became more interesting, so the second body was not James Lee after all I was not wrong when I thought that DG was suspicious, but Little Daniel became a beast in his original body well now he is not so little, not to mention… "Never mind gramps, I still got the jackpot."

"That kind of talent is certainly enviable and for someone like you that doesn't relies on one style, not to mention that will save you a lot of time," Gramps said holding his chin in a pensive way.

"Yeah even if I was able to duplicate some of the techniques I've seen in other entertainment media, it still took me some time to recreate them and master them, I hope that soon I can go to a world like The God of Highschool or Everyone Else Is A Returnee as they have some pretty dope techniques. Well let's check the next reward, I will integrate it with the card later." I took the card to my dimensional pocket. "Receive the second reward!"

*Ding* *Ding* [Generating random skill]

Skill: Body Double (D~Rank): Allows the user to make one or more copies of themselves depending on the rank of the skill and the amount of magic energy used.

Source:(Tensura) The Voice of the World

"Thank you Fuga-sama!!!!" I screamed and I was thankful that the room was soundproof. "While I am a little bit down that my research to create a spell to make clones is a little bit meaningless now, this will save me a lot of time in my training, best of all since this skill is directly from the voice of the world it means that it still not influenced by someone in that world, hopefully, it will mold in a way that helps me even more." If anything, maybe as my intentions are, it will turn similar to the Kage Bushin No Jutsu or Mori Jin's clone technique.

"Just don't overextend yourself, if it works like the spell you were working on it can strain you with the mental fatigue of receiving a lot of information."

"Yeah, don't worry. I plan to start slowly with the clones in the meantime I get used to them. Anyways, Receive the third reward!"

*Ding* *Ding*[Generating random rewards]

Reward: 2000 store points

Item: Booster Pack

Description: A pack of 5 random cards from the omniverse.

Source: Yu-Gi-Oh Verse

Note: Since you achieved thrice the requirements needed to complete the part of the mission, I was allowed to give you more than one reward, but take notice that this will not always happen.

"So nostalgic," I said with a warm smile on my face. "It's been ages since the last time I saw a Yu-Gi-Oh card, I remember that I loved to play the game when I was in Highschool and the anime series were good admittedly some more than others and the manga was so dark in comparison. Also, the store points are sweet as I wanted to buy some books."

"But why would Fuga give you a card game as a reward?" Gramps asked. "After all as annoying as he is, he has never given you a useless reward."

"True, but maybe there is a meaning behind this, maybe I can use the magic and trap cards as a one-time use mystic code.... or maybe there are spirits on the monster cards." Like Manjoume with the Ligh and Darkness Dragon in the manga, the Neo-Spacian with Judai, Stardust Dragon with Yusei, etc. I used Structural Analysis with the booster pack but weirdly enough I couldn't feel anything and I mean nothing. While the spell did work, I couldn't even identify that there were cards, if I couldn't feel the cards inside the pack and read the description of the reward, I would think that there is nothing inside. "Maybe the pack is special and it avoids any detection ways to not lose the surprise factor, something that I would do if I was the one giving them"

"Ho, so it means that we will get new companions beside Lady Death? And the nature of those spirits similar to Heroic Spirits?"

"Maybe if I am lucky...which I am." While I don't like stats in my status, I do not doubt that I have EX-Rank luck. "And the nature of them depends on the card itself, some of them are the result of some kind of exorcism in ancient Egypt where humans developed a spirit inside them, a note here is that not all of these spirits were maleficent in nature, other were human mages that turned themselves into a spirit, some were part of a greater being that got itself fragmented in some parts, guardians and even beings from space or gods, so their origins variate a lot. But many of them are undoubtedly strong when materialized in the real world which in the main "plot" happened a lot of times, so if I find a way to materialize them they would be good partners in our travel."

"I see, anyways I hope we get some companions, by the way why you didn't reply when I mentioned Lady Death?" Gramps asked with a teasing smile.

"*Cough* Anyhow let's check the next one," I said avoiding his question. "Receive the Fourth reward!"

Ding* *Ding*[Generating random perk]

Trait: Out of Context

Description: You are not quite normal, even by the rather abnormal standards of your peers. Your unusual origins have resulted in your abilities also being slightly unusual, not enough to alter their function, but enough that your powers are not vulnerable to manipulation by outside forces.

Your powers and internal power supplies cannot be drained, suppressed, stolen weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your will. You also have the ability to turn any of your powers from fully off to fully on, or anything in between, and you cannot be forced to use this metaphorical dimmer-switch against your will, not even if you're mind controlled or similar.

Source: Generic Super Academy (Jumpchain)

"Hahaha" I started to laugh like a madman. "This is broken as fuck." I said with a shit-eating grin[I1] .

"Now I can use Nen without worrying about awakening in other people, as my experiments with some of the prisoners at home, sure they died since they couldn't control their Aura from leaking, but since in the future I will face people with sturdier bodies and some degree of control with their life force, I don't want to give any weapons to any enemy that might scape before I kill them, also if at any given moment I go to the Marvel world where there are a lot of people that can copy powers I will not have to worry." Seriously there are a lot of people out there that can do this and would be annoying as fuck to handle them. "And more important, suck it Ajuka Astaroth! Not your most powerful weapon is useless against me! HAHAHA."

At this gramps raised an eyebrow. "What's with you and that devil? as this is not the first time you mention him. If I didn't know you better, I would think that you have something against devils."

"Nah, I couldn't care less about someone's race as that is something that in most cases they can't control. It's just that in that world I am not only wary about him but also Azazel and Hades among other people, it just happens that I find him more irritating than others." I mean sure Sirzechs is powerful but there are more powerful people than him like Shiva, I must remember to not mess with the Hindu Pantheon before getting strong enough. "What happens with them is that they are smart and cunning bastards, so I cannot drop my guard with them, so this gives me an edge against those morons."

"All right," Gramps said no more even if he looked like he wanted to say something more.

I thanked him as this was not the moment for me to say something. "Receive the last reward."

*Ding* *Ding* [Unlocking reward]

Ability: The Flames of Purgatory

Description: These are seven flames that each represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and are named after their corresponding demon.

Satan's Flame.

Belphegor, the "Blaze of Limbo"

Mammon, the "Dichromatic Twin Flame of the Netherworld"

Beelzebub, the "Achromatic Catharsis Flame of Purgatory"

Leviathan, the "Argenteous Phantom Flame of Hades"

Asmodeus, the "Iridescent Explosive Flame of Hell"


Source: Code: Breaker

My eyes widened looking at the bluish screen in front of me. This power was one of my favorites back in the days when I got introduced to the anime and manga. When I watched the anime I found it pretty good and watched it many times...until I read the manga and found out that the anime adaptation was bulshit! This was the first time that I got to know that is not always a good thing that a manga has an anime adaptation.

But leaving weeb things aside, this ability it's very useful. Satan's Flame is a fire that consumes everything including the soul, sure Fiendfyre also does the same as it can destroy a Horcrux, but it has other abilities like transforming the user's body in fire like in his fight with The One Being Sought like a Logia Devil Fruit, sometimes I wonder why did Ogami never use that again, most the likely for plot convenience but it will be a very useful way to save myself on emergencies.

Belphegor can "burn" other people's special powers, sure there are no other "Special Ability Users" in most of the world, but maybe this was just specified as that in that world there was just "Rare Kind" or "Special Ability Users" in the supernatural world, so maybe it can work against magecraft, magic or some related supernatural abilities, maybe at the very least will work against power related with life force as that is the source of power os the "Special Abilities" in that world.

"Wasn't that power from the guy that you quoted when we "kindly" asked the Dursleys to treat Harry like a human being?" Gramps asked since this was one of the worlds that I mentioned before.

"Yup, honestly I am quite surprised that I got a "superpower" from this world first, honestly I thought that I would have to follow some kind of trend and get either a Quirk from the world full "Heroes" and "Villains" or a mutant power from the Marvel world," I said remembering some of the most underrated powers in Marvel like Cypher's and Sage's power, damn if I had those I would be OP.

"Why?" Gramps asked since he was always present when I received my rewards.

"Since so far all of my rewards came from the "popular" world of "fiction" when I was in my former world. But this time the pattern was broken, sure all of these rewards are awesome and useful and will give me a boost in my strength, and the first ones except for the perk are from the popular world and The Flames Of Purgatory are from a world that while I loved, is not as nearly popular as the others not to mention that this time this ability was directly choose by Fuga and surely will cause mayhem if...."After saying this out loud I had an ominous feeling.

"You know gramps I am having a bad feeling about this," I say looking at the window, that was when I realized that there was something strange in the ambient, the flow of mana was slowing down and that's not all. Everything seems to be stopped, but if you look carefully things are still moving although annoyingly slow.

"You are a scary boy." Someone said behind me, I didn't worry since it was a voice that I recognize even though I haven't heard it in a long time.

"It's been a while Kazuma," I say turning around to look him in the face. "But it was necessary the whole Amenadiel entrance like?"

"Nope, but it's cool," Kazuma said with a grin on his face. "And it has not been that long, but I guess that the whole thing about being a god or whatever made my sense of time different than yours."

"Fair enough, I would have done the same if I could." I admit that I have done some "dramatic" entrances in places just because it was fun.

"How have you been Li-san? Has the rascal given you a lot of problems?" Kazuma said while with a mocking tone that that I ignored as I was researching the whole area.

"I've been well Kazuma-dono." Gramps greeted Kazuma with a polite tone. "And more than a problem, I would say that things are quite "lively" since I am with Little Yozora so it's quite hard to get bored since he started to go to Hogwarts Kuhahaha"

"Don't need to be so polite Li-san, just call me Kazuma."

"Very well Kazuma," Gramps replied and they started to have a little conversation while I was busy.

Mmm, this Time Dilatation magic is not done with a system that I know, but I can understand the general structure of how it works. Sure I am not that well versed in time magic but with some effort, I may replicate it in a more reduced area since this seems to be affecting the whole Avalon. This will save me a lot of time making my own version of the hyperbolic time chamber.

"A workaholic as always, seriously dude I am surprised that you haven't passed out of sleep deprivation," Kazuma says, guessing what I am doing. "Though that would be the case if you were a normal human, seriously dude you are a cheat, I thought that you were your average dude before coming here, yet you became stupidly strong for this world in a short time."

I looked at Kazuma with a confused look. "What are you talking about? I was a normal human, anyways are you hungry I have some dishes ready for dinner, usually, Death would be around this hour but since we came to Avalon, she decided to not come here since Oberon could notice her, sure he can't do nothing to her but she didn't want to scare the poor man."

"Normal my ass!" Kazuma yelled pointing at me. "No normal guy can just learn Magecraft in just 2 years, and on top of that the cheat code of the Ainsworth by just reading a book! And what the fuck was that of learning Nen in just a month! You are a damn cheater."

"Mmmm well I was always a fast learner but you should know that after all, you checked my background, didn't you? Besides I am not actually that strong." I say expressing my real thoughts, while I am proud of what I have achieved in this world, in comparison with other worlds, it is not that impressive.

"I did but that is different from this man, honestly neither of us wanted to make the DXD world your house as you would be in the eyes of every faction sooner or later if we might have wanted to make your home world something less messy or at least something more reasonable for a beginner yet it was A LOT better than the other option"

"Now that I think about you did mention that it was the best place so the system functions right, but what was the other option?" This made me curious since, while DXD is dangerous and is not that bad in comparison with other worlds. But it is not what one would call a beginner's town.

"Warhammer 3000"




"Thanks a lot for not sending me there," I said giving Kazuma a small bow.

"Don't mind, even if the higher-ups are stubborn not even they wanted to send you there as it was possible to you to die even before you complete a mission, but seriously what did you do to become this strong in this world?"

"You didn't see me training before?"

"Meh, I skipped your training arc after a month," Kazuma said shamelessly without a hint of being joking.

"In the beginning, I bought Akisame's book to change my body muscles to pink ones, and to help the recovery I used some of the runes though that didn't replenish my stamina, I used that as a way to train it so in a sense I practiced three things at the same time. And when I literally didn't have more strength to train, I studied Magecraft theory as well as to meditate to increase and strengthen my magic circuits."

"As for martial arts and Battle training, gramps trained me from the basics but since I caught up with that easily, we do a lot of sparring with me being beaten to the ground most of the time, oh and I lost an arm once"

"And for Magecraft at the start, I just followed Zelretch's instructions until I got enough proficient to make some modifications, as well with Displacement Magecraft, Darius is nuts be he was a genius of his own, by the way, I must thank you for the trait or else I wouldn't be able of using it to its full potential."

I finished my explanation of how I trained until now, quite normal if I must say, but it's what matters it's the efficiency of how things were done, and with gramps by my side things we very smooth.

"Your explanation it's too lukewarm, but if you explained everything you did it would take a lot of time something that we don't have," Kazuma said sitting on a chair. "I will take your offer for dinner, but I need to tell you something."

"Very well," I said taking some dishes from my pocket dimension. "I assumed so, even if you are welcome here anytime as my boss and someone that I have respect, I doubt that the higher-ups would allow you to come here just for a friendly chat." I mean how can't I respect the God of Gender Equality besides he is a chill dude.

"It's as you said kiddo, I came here to give you a heads up," He says while taking a bite of the food on the table. "It's quite good, no wonder why all the females here have a thing for you," he says with a mocking tone.

"A heads up?" I asked ignoring Kazuma's second statement.

"In exactly 7 months you are going to be sent to the DXD world," Kazuma said dropping his easygoing personality.

"Huh? Wasn't I supposed to go after completing my mission here, well it can't be helped if I have to go a little bit earlier, I assume that is because of the system, am I right?"

"You are taking this better than I thought but you are right, to fix the system we need you to stay in that world for a time, at most you will be there for a year, after that you will return to this world until you finish your mission."

"Don't get me wrong, I am quite scared of going to that world with my current strength but whining about that won't change anything, and since I will leave this place I need to take some precautions since the people that I have antagonized so far will use this opportunity to take advantage of the people close to me." I wanted to use those idiots as a stepping stone they could so they could grow and entertain Fuga for a bit, but since I am going to leave for a time, maybe I should just kill them to make sure that nothing happens.

"Well lucky for you Fuga said something about that," Kazuma said with mild amusement. " One of the conditions, so he will let you out of this world before the end of the mission, was to help him to stop time or else "the Waifus will be sad" and "As a man of culture he won't participate making the Waifus sad" or something like that."


"Now I respect feels kinda weird." Even though I like his sense of humor, it's pretty hard to take him seriously.

"I know right," Kazuma said chucking a little bit. " But continuing with the serious talk, there is a small problem, you will not be sent at the beginning of the "plot", as a matter of fact, we don't know "when" you will arrive, we just have a rough estimate that would be around 500 years before the plot, that was the best we could do."

Honestly, most of the people would be scared of going to that in those years when mayhem was a common thing in the world but for me...

"Kazuma, does the deal with the god of that world still valid, the one that said that he doesn't care about the plot as long as I don't destroy the world?" I said with a wide grin on my face.

"Yup, while he was angry about the mess up we made after sending you to the wrong world, he is somewhat like Fuga but less crazy as he is bored of watching the plot so many times using his words is like "Watching the same porn so many times that it doesn't turn you up" as vulgar as it sounds I can relate to that."

"Hahahaha" I couldn't help to laugh. "Good, it seems that if I play my cards correctly my live hood in that world will be a lot easier than I thought."

"Oi stop smiling like that it looks creepy." He said slurping the pasta that was on the table. "What are you gonna do? Kill the four "new" Satan's when they are weakened after fighting the old Satan faction?" Kazuma said with a playful tone but I just smiled at him.

"Oi are you serious?" Kazuma said quite taken aback.

"While it's not a bad idea I will pass ... maybe I will just kill Ajuka Astaroth as he is the only one that maybe can become a hindrance in the long run, but that is not my main priority." If I kill them and if the devils act as the stupid being that I think they are I do not doubt that the other factions will not tolerate them anymore and eliminate them but that it's just a big "If" so I will rather play safe on this as they can become a major headache than when they became "tamer" with Sirchzen's and the rest.

"You seem to have something against the devils, not that I am blaming you, but the first time we meet you were really against the idea of being on their side."

"Mmm, obviously I don't have any personal problem against them as I have yet to meet them, but I do have a problem with the devil pieces." Before coming to this world, I was really against the idea of becoming the slave of a devil, but now..."The single idea of them trying to make me one of them, makes me want to vomit! They think that are above everyone just because they are bigger ants on average, they degraded what it means to be a leader by calling themselves kings when at the end of the day they are nothing but a bunch of..." I snapped off my rant, after realizing that I was letting my Aura and Magic Energy go wild.

"*Cough* Sorry about that, but the point is that I don't like Devil Pieces," I said awkwardly trying to avoid the subject.

"What the hell was that?" Kazuma said narrowing his eyes.

"Sorry from time to time I get upset when it comes to a certain group of stupid people." I noticed this the first time when Dumbledore tried to prier into my mind but in the hearing, it got a stronger reaction after all the rambling of the nobles.

Kazuma looked at me for a little bit longer but he just sighed "So, what it's your big plan that makes you grin like a third-rate villain?" He said trying to change the subject, knowing that I didn't want to talk about it.

"Do you really want the spoiler?" I ask since me telling him my plans won't change a thing.

"No thank you, I am still pissed with Seiya after he made me a spoiler Kingdom Hearts 4 so I will be prepared for..."

"Stop, Stop Stop!!!!!!!" I said in a panic. "Dude I've been waiting for that game for years and it was announced before I was killed by Truck-kun, so don't be mean, I want to buy it after the shop is available!" Even though I probably will have the chance of going to the Kingdom Hearts universe, I am still a very big fan of the saga, so I really wanted to play it.

"Hahaha sorry I forgot that you are a fan, it was a dick move on my part," Kazuma said with an apologetic tone.

"How can you forget when I literally made The Organization XIII a thing in this world and made a Tournament with the city of the Keyblade wielders?"

"Everyone makes mistakes, let's move on," Kazuma said awkwardly. "But whatever, just stay safe kid, it would be a pain in the ass to get another soul like yours."

"I appreciate your concern Kazuma," I say even if his words seemed rough, he actually cared for my well-being, even if it's a little.

"No problem, also I will recommend that if you have enough points to used them to get something useful before going there, as the System will be shut down until it's fixed, and don't worry about the points, as you going there will count as a mission."

"Quite generous of your part, though I wonder why?" I mean so far they acted well with me but I find it quite weird that they give me a mission for this.

"Now that the official matters are done, I need to talk to you about something off the records." After saying that Kazuma snapped his fingers creating what seems to be another boundary field.

"Kazuma I know that I am attractive but I don't swing that way, so I will respectfully reject your confession." I reject him giving him a small bow.

But weirdly enough Kazuma didn't react as I hoped. "Usually I would rant, but this time I need to be as serious as possible."

I was really surprised to hear his words. What the hell is so important that he wouldn't react to that? "All right, I will act serious for once," I say dropping my playful demeanor

Kazuma didn't say anything and took a black card out of his pocket and threw it at me, that made me get confused but I just catch it. The design of the card was like the ones Luxord used in the Kingdom Hearts saga, most likely he did that just as a service since he knows about my preference about my fanatism of the game... even though he "forgot" for a moment and almost spoils me.

After looking at the design for a little bit, I checked the front side of the card and what was there made my eyes grow wider. "What is the meaning of this Kazuma?"

"What? Can't I just help one of my workers?" Kazuma said nonchalantly but I perfectly knew that he wasn't the kind of person that would do something like that.

"As if, I may not know a lot about your part of the work in this organization but I do know that you can't directly help me in normal circumstances, I bet that Aqua got in a lot of trouble just by putting in my way a fragment of Durindana that day on the museum."

"So, you noticed that it was no coincidence huh, but what makes you believe that was her and not someone else?"

"Of course, I would notice, I may be lucky, but getting an A-Rank Noble Phantasm in the first museum that I step in? Not possible, and on top of that being a Spear the very same kind of weapon that I like the most, makes it harder to think that is just a coincidence. And I know that it wasn't anybody else since the higher-ups care too much about the "karma" to give me something like that, Celes the one in charge of the system from what I know at the time didn't know too much about me so it makes no sense that she would do something like that, you in another hand while you knew about my situation and so far acted amicable with me, didn't have a real benefit or reason to help me since you even if like me acts like a fool most of the time. are a pragmatic person so it was no use to give me a powerful weapon in a "low-tiered" world since there is not really anything too dangerous that can affect me but Aqua in another hand..."

"She feels guilty about what she had done to me and is highly emotional, so even if she got in even more problems than she already had, she would do it anyways, or at least is what I think after getting the spear." While I am certain that my origin is not "Sword" like Emiya Shiro, every weapon that I recreated with Armirger gives a different kind of feeling either from their previous user or the person that created it, yet Durindana is different. While it still has all of Hector's "memories" and experiences, there is something off about the weapon, a warm feeling that I can't put heads on it and no matter how many times I check its history I can't find the origin of those feelings.

"Quite clever, aren't you? I pity the fools that earned your anger in this world... and the ones that eventually will in other worlds. And you are right, since she couldn't meet you in person, she "slipped" a fragment of Durindana near your area as a way to apologize and even then she feels terrible to this day. Of course, she was punished but she didn't care at all." Kazuma explained a part of what happened, but I feel there is more about it.

"So tell me Kazuma what's the catch? for me, this card is very valuable, so if the higher-ups realize that you gave me something like this, you will get even in more trouble than Aqua since she just acted indirectly as I just used a skill that I already had to get the full Durindana, you in another hand are making a direct move giving me this that will help me a lot your punishment will be many times more severe than hers"

"As you said, while I don't what you to die, I would not risk myself to the beating that my bosses would give me if they found out about this, so it's not a gift, it is a bribe."

"A bribe for...?"

"In the future, I will ask you something and you will be unable to refuse."

"Then why don't you just make a mission or something like that? I doubt that you are incapable of doing that, maybe the gods that rule over a world or multiverse have an easier time asking for them but you should be at least capable of doing a few as a privilege, don't you?"

"While you are right that I can give a couple of missions now and then, I would rather not as this is something.... personal. I still can't tell you what it is, but at the very least I can promise that I don't have bad intentions with this, I just want to keep things private for now."

"It must be pretty important for you if you will go to this length for it."

"It is." He said with a lot of seriousness. "So, will you accept?"

"Fine." I accepted mostly because I am curious about what would make him go this far. "I just hope that you are not messing with me." While there is a risk of accepting his request without having the prior knowledge of what he wants, the reward is worth it. Besides if he goes to this length to ask me something at the risk of severe punishment for what I know and so far, if he wanted to harm me he would not come directly to me.

"Meh, I have cheaper ways to mess you out," Kazuma admitted without a hint of shame. "Now that you accepted I have to go, thank you for the food and for accepting my request."

"Yeah no problem, if you want you can take some to share with your coworkers."

For a moment he seemed that would decline but then a mischievous smile creeped out of his face. "Well since you are being generous, I will accept," Kazuma said with a playful tone, now relaxed that I accepted his request.

"Oh, before leaving I have some advice for you. I know that this is something that you already realized but be careful about how you treat people based on your previous perception of their "fictional" counterpart, like your friend Harry that had an even worse childhood than it was stated in the books, or Blaise that was snobbish to say the least in the books here is a pretty chill dude. That it's just a version of them or taking me for example, many of the things that happened in the anime did happen, and while most of us had good moments… there were many awful ones, and not all the time was smiles and laughs, while Aqua could revive many people that died, even if they were alive they couldn't be saved from the scars of the past." Kazuma said with a lot of sorrow in the last part.

"What I am trying to say, is not to ignore your previous knowledge about people from other worlds, but treat it just as a guide, not an absolute truth. As I can assure you that neither me, Aqua, Darkness, YunYun, Megumin, Wis, or Eris are a carbon copy of what is shown in the media, not even at that moment and even more than a lot of time has passed. I know that you know this but it doesn't hurt to have the perspective of someone that has seen his "other self"

Honestly, I feel quite surprised by the look in Kazuma's eyes, while I had my suspicions about his past before this talk, now even if he didn't tell me the full story about what happened on his days in Axel against the Maou, I do not doubt that it wasn't really a good experience at all, and we if we add the possibility of the interference of an Outer God...

"Don't worry I will not commit that mistake, that's why I've been making plans since the moment I woke up in this world, surely most of them went to drain after Fuga's intervention yet is better than none, and with the DXD world even more, though I must adjust slightly some of my plans it's not a big deal, as I told you before while I don't have nothing against Devil's as a whole, but I have never believed that they will be as easy going as they were in the novels and not just them but all the factions that I know that exist, it just happens that they are the ones that can be more troublesome because of the peerage system, but that doesn't mean that I will straight-up antagonize them, and who knows maybe I can give them a taste of their own medicine." I said with a grin on my face, as that not only benefit me but make them royalty pissed for "stealing" their potential

"By the way thank you for sharing a little about yourself, even if you didn't need to, oh! also give my greetings to everyone on your side," I said with honesty as it was really insightful to see things from his perspective.

"No problem kiddo, I would say the same to you but I doubt that your little Harem would know about the great me, even if you are constantly preaching my name hahaha!"

"You damn-" But before I could say anything Kazuma left the pace as if he was never here.

"So, what did he give you?" Gramps asked as he remained silent most of the time except for their initial greetings.

"Something that will help me in the long run."


Hello, Niece and Newphew it's uncle author and I AM BACK!

*Plays celebration time*

Guys, I missed you so much hahaha, sorry for taking a month to update a chapter but at least it's a chapter with 20,628 words, so it's pretty much like 4-5 regular chapters hahahaha, that is the reason I had to make this chapter of two parts since webnovel has a limit of 20,000 words, something I didn't knew.

So what did you think about the chapter?, I sincerely hope that you liked it. The reason why I decided to make this chapter this long is that…. Well I underestimated it to be honest hahaha. I thought that with around 10,000 would be around to wrap everything but I was too naïve. *Vietnam Flashbacks*

*Cough* *Cough* Anyways, usually I would do a recap of everything but since this chapter is so long I don't wanna hahaha. But can you give me your opinions on the rewards? Honestly except for the trait, everything was balanced somewhat balanced. From the rewards that I planned this time, the ones that really were random were the skill and the perk, and technically part of the Yu-Gi-Oh booster pack, but you will see/read about that in the next chapter. With the skill, I selected 5 skills of Tensura, obviously, there were no Unique or Ultimate Skills since that would be too broken to just mess around a currently low-tiered world. And with the perks, well I friend of mine recently started (well it was recent when I was planning the rewards for that mission) with the whole Jump thing, and I was curious since I am a fan of Essence of Gacha so I just took some of the perks that I found useful in general and randomize them for this mission. There was one from a Persona 5 jump that I am quite tempted to use in the future hahaha.

Anyways, with this chapter done, there are only 4 more chapters until we reach the DXD arc. Honestly, I already want to go there since I have a lot of ideas for it, and speaking of that. It's quite obvious that Yozora's opinion about Devils is quite low even if he says otherwise. While he truly doesn't care about the races of anyone, he is talking more about them as a faction. Because there are some devils in his opinion that are respectable, like DXD everyone's favorite Gym Bro Sairong, among others. What do you think that I was going to talk about the waifus?.... *cough* Grayfia best DXD waifu *cough*

So with anything else to say, thank you for reading this chapter.

If you like this ff so far please make a review on the main page, this will help me a lot so more people with interested in reading it.

Also, leave a comment with your thoughts on this chapter and maybe drop a stone or two since I am starving(need to get stoned)

See you again in the next chapter!

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