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26.98% Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse. / Chapter 16: Chapter XV: Yorokobe

Capítulo 16: Chapter XV: Yorokobe

I walk towards the great hall to 'deliver' the promised food to my new acquiesces. I thought about inviting Harry and Hermione but since I didn't know my fellow Slytherin very well including my knowledge from the books and movies I decided to wait a little bit.

"Morning everyone" I greeted everyone, but I received stinky looks from many of the Slytherins.

"Good morning Yozora! Do you bring the food?" Asked Tracey cheerfully.

"Morning Yozora." Said both Blaise and Daphne.

I was going to say something, but someone sneered. "So, the fearsome jap is now a butler? Well, at least now you know your place." Malfoy said with disdain.

I could not help but roll my eyes towards his 'insult'. "Oh, Hua Peng, I didn't see you there, how are you? Busy telling everyone that they are courting death and that your ancestors will know about their disrespect?"

Pe-Malfoy clenched his teeth at my obvious scoff. "You dare to disrespect me! My name is Draco Malfoy"

I raised my eyebrow. "Is that so? Sorry, you are like a stereotypical young master that forgot your name, but yes, I dare to mock a stupid kid too full of himself, so shut the fuck up and don't annoy me."

"Language," Daphne said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Sorry, Sorry, let's ignore the young master over there so we can eat," I said as I decided to drop it but it seems that Malfoy wouldn't.

"Such vulgar language, but I wouldn't expect less from a dirty Mudblood like you." Malfoy

I sighed tiredly, "Look, I don't have a particular problem with you, you are just a confused kid with daddy issues who wants his father's approval so bad that would imitate anything that he does." And I really did have a problem with him, in the books when he realized what entailed to be Voldemort's follower he wanted to get away from that kind of life, and eventually, he even got work in the ministry. "So let me give you a couple of pieces of advice, first daddy issues with a girl are hot but with a dude are just weird, second drop this 'young master' act of yours it only makes you look pathetic, and finally…"

I smiled softly and looked directly into Malfoy's eyes. "Stop bothering me, don't take my dislike of hitting kids as a free pass to do or say anything you want, 'cause if I run out of patience maybe I can ignore that fact."

Malfoys looked at me with some fear and was sweating a lot. "If you dare to do anything to me, my fa-"

"I don't care about your death eater father! He is just a pathetic man who wasn't man enough to accept his crimes and got scoot free by bribing the Wizengamot, so go ahead and tell your father that you are being bullied by a muggleborn that doesn't even have used magic to do anything and let's see how it ends"

Malfoy was fuming in anger but lucky for him, he was not stupid enough to not see that things would end badly on his side. "This isn't over, Mudblood!" He said as he left the hall while Crabbe and Goyle followed from behind.

"Now that the annoying young master left, let's start with the food," I said cheerfully. "But it would be pretty boring if I just handed the food like that, so let's play one of my favorite games…."

I took a box from my "enchanted bag". "The Gacha!" and as I say so I could swear that I could hear a thundering fall, but it must be my imagination.

"Gacha?" The three of them asked quite confused.

"Oh yeah, it's not quite popular here, you see in the muggle side of Japan we have machines that you put money on them and it gives a little plastic sphere and inside them, there are prices like toys or accessories, but since I don't have the machine we will use this box as a replacement so to decide what food do you get."

"Is that really necessary?" Asked Blaise with some hesitation. 'Come on dude, what do you think I will give you?'

"Yes," I said with a grin. "So who wants to go first?"

"Me, me" Said Tracey with a lot of excitement in her voice.

"Okay, here you go" I handed her the box.

Tracey eagerly searched for a "lucky" ball and after a bit, she decided on one.

"Here" She enthusiastically opened the sphere. "Egg Fried Rice?"

"Fuiyoh! Niece Tracey so lucky! And the best part is that you won't have to taste some shitty recipe from Jamie Oliver." I let my inner Uncle Roger free.

"Why are you calling me nice? You are hardly older than me! And who is Jamie Oliver?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Whatever, give me my food."

I took out the egg-fried rice from the 'bag' and put it on the table. "Enjoy."

"Wow, it looks delicious! Thanks for the food." She said and after she took the first bite, her eyes illuminated as if she had stars in her eyes.

"So good~," Tracey said with a blissful expression on her face. "Guys you need to try it."

Daphne and Blaise were surprised at Tracey's reaction, so they didn't wait too long for trying themselves.

"Delicious~" Daphne whispered

"This taste better than the food here!" Blaise said very amazedly. "What did you put in this? It wasn't supposed to be only fried rice with egg?"

"Fufufu, don't underestimate simple dishes," I said with a serious expression. "But I added a few things that elevated the flavor of the dish, I used smoked duck fat that gave it extra flavor and fried shallots to give it a crispy consistency to the rice, but above everything the MVP is…."

The three of them looked at me with a serious expressions thinking about what could be the ingredient.

"The king of flavor MSG," I said playfully.

"Huh?" The trio said quite confused.

"It means monosodium glutamate, which is a flavor enhancer so with the right concentration of it, gives a different flavor than usual."

They just nodded and continue to eat the egg-fried rice until it was finished.

"So who wants to go next?"

Blaise tried to raise his hand but before he could Daphne already was in front of the box.

She quickly grabbed one of the capsules and opened it "Doppio Mezzaluna Pizza" Daphne said.

"Good, good, so first Malaysian food and now Italian food, we are getting variety here," I said as I took out a pizza compromised of two halves. One was composed of beef and the other exclusively of a mixture of cheese.

"Before anything, you need to know that there is an order of how you need to eat this," I said before they started to eat. "First you need to eat the right side which is the one that has beef on it and then the left side."

Everyone nodded and each of them took and without waiting started to eat.

"It's very rich in flavor!" Said Daphne with a delightful expression on her face.

"The crust is so crispy~," Tracey said in between bites.

"Yozora what with this beef, it tastes salty but at the same time sweet but with the cheese gives a magnificent flavor!" Asked

"Is Shigureni Beef, is a classic recipe from Japan. Without giving too many details I seasoned it with sesame oil, soy sauce, and a little bit of sugar giving it a sweet and salty taste and there are thin cuts of ginger that give it a good fragrance." I explained them in simple terms.

"I see.." Daphne said shortly and continued to eat.

"What gave you the idea of mixing different styles of cuisine?" Asked Tracey.

"I travel a lot with gramps, so I tasted a lot of different types of food so from time to time I try to combine the best of different types of cuisine to get better recipes," I said half-lying since I couldn't say that I got the recipe from another universe that is specialized in food.

"Oh, I also travel a lot with my mother, maybe you can give me some recommendations of places to visit in the future." Said Blaise quite happily.

"Sure, but let's talk about that later, now try the left side of the pizza," I said as I wanted to see their expressions.

Everyone grabbed a slide of cheese's side and immediately eat it. And in no time I could see that they liked it very much.

"Delicious! (Read: Umai!)" Blaise said out aloud.

"Outstanding, there are many different types of cheese that taste very good together," Said Daphne praising my food.

"I can only recognize mozzarella and parmesan cheese but there are others, aren't they?" Asked Tracey with a happy expression.

"Yup, there are actually 4 types of cheese: Mozzarella, Parmigiano-Reggiano aka Parmesan, Gorgonzola, and Ricotta."

"It matches perfectly with the crispy crust and the pepper intensifies the flavor." Said Daphne.

"Now I see why you asked us to eat it in a specific order, the sweetness of the beef side makes contrasts with this intensifying the deliciousness of the pizza." Blaise expressed his opinion about the dish.

"That's right," I said with a smile.

And in no time the pizza was gone and everyone looked pleased.

"The best pizza I ever had." Said Blaise with a pleased expression.

"Yozora you should drop all the wizard thing and become a chef, you would become the richest chef in the world." Tracey expressed her opinion.

I chucked a little bit. "Thank you for the praise but while I am very proud of my cooking skills it is just a hobby for the moment and I don't care too much about the money, but anyways do you guys are full or do you want to try one more dish?"

"Another! Another!" Tracey said cheerfully.

"I wouldn't mind eating a little bit more," Daphne said with some light in her eyes.

"Me neither, besides I want to test my luck," Blaise said quite confident of his luck.

I nodded at his words and passed him the box and Blaise just grabbed the first sphere that could get and without waiting opened it.

"Mapo Tofu?" Blaise said quite confused since he didn't seem to know what that food is.

I immediately smiled evilly and took out my robes showing everyone my Kirie Kotomine cosplay.

"Yorokobe shounen, you have chosen the food that our beloved God gave us," I said trying to make my best impression of the nihilistic priest.

Everyone looked at me with a deadpan expression including people from other tables, even from the professors.

{Didn't you want to be low profile? Everyone is looking at you.} Gramps asked tiredly.

{Yes, but this is worth the attention.}

"Were you wearing the priest robes the whole time?" Daphne said with an incredulous expression.

"Yes!" I said without shame.

"Was this necessary or there is a meaning behind all this?" Blaise while touching his glabella.


"Pff you look like a Buffon Yozora" Tracey said while trying to hold her laughter.

"Well let's stop talking about me," I said as I put the Mapo Tofu on the table. "Enjoy, God's lost lambs."

They decided to ignore my excellent acting and dig into the food but as soon they took the first bite their faces turned red and some tears started to form in their eyes.

"HOT!" The three of them yelled but even so, they didn't stop eating.

"This is burning my mouth, but I can't stop eating!" Tracey said with some tears falling from her eyes.

"Is that so? Is it not that spicy?" Daphne tried to convince us with her usual cold tone, usually, it would work, if not for the obvious red eyes but…

"By Merlin's beard, this is so spicy!" Said Blaise with tears and snot on his face.

"So why don't you stop eating?" I asked even if I knew the reason.

"Are you kidding? Even if my mouth ends ups becoming pixie dust I won't stop!" He said as he stop eating even faster.

'Fufufu as expected from a recipe of Terunori Kuga, even if people are nearly dying from the spiciness of the food they won't stop until the plate is finished.'

After a few minutes and a lot of pumpkin juice disgusting by the way, everyone's mouths were normal once again.

"Yozora that was a hell of an experience" Tracey expressed her opinion.

"No kidding for a moment I thought that I would need to go to Madam Pomfrey." Blaise said as he was the one who had less tolerance for spicy food.

"It wasn't that spicy," Daphne said but nobody believed her.

"Well guys if you excuse me, I have things to do," I said to everyone since I was in the middle of a breakthrough in my magecraft studies.

"What so soon? I thought that we could hang out after this eating." Tracey looked quite disappointed at my words.

"By the way where are you all the time? The only time anyone sees you is in class and from time to time in the library." Asked Blaise quite curious.

"Oya, do I have a stalker already? I am flattered by your interest, but I am not into dudes, besides you are too young for me." I said trying to annoy him.

And I succeeded since he frowned. "I don't mean in that way!" Blaise screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Stop teasing the poor boy Yozora," Daphne said.

"Thank you Daphne I knew th-"

"If he is not ready for leaving the broomstick closet, we should take him out by force." The blond girl says with a small smirk.

"I hate you all," said Blaise while groaning.

"Hahaha don't be meanies with Blaise," Tracey said trying but failing to hold her laughter. "But he is right where are you all the time?"

I shrugged my shoulder at her question. "You know the usual places, in the library, roaming around the castle, in the black lake, in the lair of an Acromantula, the kitchen, just your everyday places."

Daphne raised her eyebrow at my answer "Did you say Acromantula lair?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"You can't say something like that and act like nothing." The three of them said in unison

"Of course, I can, see ya!" I said as I walk away from the great hall.


Monday arrived and finally, it was time for the first flying lesson, I was quite eager for this one since I still can't find a way to fly by myself.

"Good afternoon class," A woman with short grey hair and yellow eyes said to the whole class.

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch"

'Oh, a fellow with unusual colored eyes.' I thought to myself

"Well, what are you all waiting for?" She said very loudly "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up."

Everyone did as instructed and went to the left side of the broom. The brooms looked very old and some twigs stuck out at weird angles.

"Stick out your right hand over your broom and say 'UP!'" Madam Hooch said.

"Up!" Everyone shouted.

My broom jumped directly toward my hand and like in the books Harry's broom also jumped directly, as so Malfoy's. Neville's broom didn't move at all, and Hermione's just moved from side to side, while Ron's….

"Ouch," The read head boy complained as he rubbed his nose.

"Now everyone does as I do." Madam Hooch said as she showed how to mount the broom properly. She walked up and down the rows, correcting the postures and grips of some students.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard." Said Madam Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet and then come straight back down by leaning forwards slightly. On my whistle-three-two-"

But Neville pushed off hard before the whistle had touched Madam Hooch's lips.

"Come back, boy" The teacher shouted but Neville started to rise to the sky.

Neville flew erratically around the field while screaming. "Somebody help me!!" The boy screamed with a lot of fear in his voice. He grabbed the broom tightly to avoid falling but there was a limit he could handle and in a few seconds his grip loses and he started to fall face down toward the ground.

"augh" Neville groaned in pain after his fall.

Madam Hooch was bending over Neville to look for any injuries. "Broken wrist." The teacher said. "Come on, it's all right up you get."

She looked at the class. "None of you is to move while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing! You leave the broom where they are you will be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch', come on dear."

Madam Hooch left with Neville who was crying while holding his now broken wrist.

'Well it seems that my theory about wizards having stronger bodies than regular people is right, a normal person would have broken more than just a wrist from that height.' I thought to myself since I always thought that it was weird how no one in the movies had major injuries in some events.

"Did you see his face, the great dump?" Malfoy burst into laughter and some of my house members did the same.

"Shut up, Malfoy" Snapped a girl to seems to be Parvati Patil.

"Oh, sticking up for Longbottom?" said Pansy Parkinson and it was quite ironic since she always sticks in everything related to Malfoy. "Never thought you would like fat little crybabies, Parvati."

"Look," said Malfoy, snatching something out of the grass, "It's that stupid thing Longbottom's gran sent him."

"Give it back, Malfoy." Said Harry somewhat annoyed.

Malfoy made a classic young master smile. "I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to-"

But I interrupted him. "Stop being a brat, Malfoy." I looked at him. "Just give them the ball and remain quiet."

Malfoy was fuming in anger at my words. "You can't tell me what to do, Mudblood." Said Malfoy as he left the ground with his broom.

"He is dead." Some of the Slytherin students muttered.

"Get back here." Yelled a very angry Harry.

"Come and get me, Potter."

Harry grabbed his broom and was about to fly away but our favorite bushy-haired girl shouted "No!!, Madam Hooch told us not to move, you will get us all into trouble, beside you don't even know how to fly."

Harry ignored her and flew away.

Hermione made an annoyed expression. "What an idiot."

"Hahaha, I must admit that is quite refreshing that for once I am not the idiot you are talking about," I said in between laughs.

"It's not funny Yozora, Harry will make Gryffindor lose house points!" Said Hermione very annoyed.

"Mah, Mah, Hermione don't be so stiff, Harry is angry at Malfoy so he is not thinking straight, not everyone can be as calm as me in this kind of situation," I said with a smile on my face.

"…" Hermione

"…" Blaise

"…" Daphne

"…" Tracey

"…" Everyone in the Slytherin house.

"Calm my ass, you beat the crap of the senior years on the first day of class!!" All of the Slytherin students screamed.

"You did what!" Hermione shouted.

I turned around and smiled "sweetly" to my house members. "Oya, I don't remember doing that."

Everyone's sweat dropped looking at me since they know what my smile means.

"Look Harry is coming back," I said as I pointed at the boy who had the Remembrall in his hand.

All of the Gryffindor students cheered as they went towards Harry to congratulate him for his 'bravery' and flying skills but everyone stopped as they hear a very known voice.


Harry's face from having a big smile in his face turned pale as he saw Professor McGonagall running in his direction.

"Never- in all my time at Hogwarts-" Professor McGonagall was almost speechless with shock and some flashes of anger could be seen on her face. "How dare you- might have broken your neck."

"It wasn't his fault, Professor-"Parvati tried to defend Harry.

"Be quiet, Miss Patil- "

"But Malfoy-" Ron tried to blame Malfoy for all this but Professor McGonagall didn't want to hear excuses.

"That is enough, Mr. Weasley. Potter, follow me, now."

Harry seemed to say something to defend himself but decided to remain quiet and followed Professor McGonagall.

I looked around and caught sight of Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle's triumphant faces. "What are you smiling at? You dumb idiots." I said. "It seems that you didn't take to heart my last warning Malfoy, so just wait till we reach the common room."

Crabbe and Goyle's faces become a lot paler and Malfoy just looked at me with anger.

"That idiot, he is going to be expelled." Said Hermione with a worried tone. Even if she is angry at Harry for risking Gryffindor to lose points.

"Nah, don't worry about that, there is no way that Harry will be expelled furthermore I'm sure that there is going to be a surprise."

Hermione looked at me with her face showing a little bit of confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

I smiled at her. "You'll see."

"Fine, I know that when you get all mysterious no one can make you talk," Hermione said with a sigh.

"Good that you know," I said with a smirk on my face. "So let's just enjoy the rest of the class."


Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Remember that I said that this week shouldn't be the problem? Well I jinxed myself, there was a lot of work and I had barely time this week. I had to arrive earlier at work and do extra hours a bad week if I had to be honest hahaha.

So anyway a little bit of the MC's cooking skills and when I say a little I mean it. Think about it if he did the recipes like they are stated and with his skill, the reaction of the Slytherin trio would be different. I don't know about you guys, but I certainly don't want the FBI kicking on my door for giving 11 years old kids food from Shokugeki No Soma hahaha.

And with nothing else to say, thank you for reading, if you like the ff so far, please leave a review it will help me a lot so more people start reading it. Also, leave a comment with your thoughts and maybe drop a stone or two hahaha.

See you again in the next chapter.

Author out.

*The author is crying on the corner because his boss asked him for more extra hours*

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