/ Fantasy / I Became The Pope, Now What?

I Became The Pope, Now What? Original

I Became The Pope, Now What?

Fantasy 775 Capítulos 4.5M Visitas

4.71 (153 valoraciones)

Nomination Award for WSA 2022 Contest Nomination Award for WSA 2022 Contest

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Johnathan, an old man with an extraordinary past but an ordinary end, gets reincarnated in a dark fantasy world full of magic, darkness, and mysteries furled.

However, he committed a grave blunder by taking the fiction he had read as a reference. Reborn as a baby, he hoped to be deemed gifted by speaking early.

One thing led to another, and tragedy struck. The villagers declared him a demon-possessed and called the church. Johnathan, now known as Sylvester Maximilian, realized that he had messed up.

When the church's inquisitors came to judge him and burn him on a pyre. As a last resort and to welcome his soon to arrive second death, he started chanting holy hymns as his last breath.

Overwhelmed, they kneeled, thinking he was a messenger of Solis.

From there, the story of how Sylvester Maximilian rose through the ranks to sit at the top began.

But his life won't be ordinary, as he uses his cunning and the tag of 'God's favored' to his advantage. Fighting treachery, unearthing secret plots and world mysteries, facing the darkness around him and creating his place in history, engraving his name in the annals to be forever remembered as the—Immortal Pope, The Young.

[A/N: To not mislead you, the novel's name does not mean he instantly becomes the Pope from the start. The story will follow the life of MC. Though he will become the Pope at a pretty young age. 40% of the novel will be based around MC fighting to sit on the supreme throne.

If you enjoy world building and lore building, then you will like this story.]

***Main Tags: FANTASY, ADVENTURE, MAGIC, DARK, STRONG MC(Weak at the start because he's a baby. Not an instant OP though.), WHOLESOME, COMEDY, KINGDOM BUILDING. MENTALLY OLD MC, Politics, Backstabbing, World Building.***

[WARNING: MC will not go around saving everyone. Absolutely not if it puts him in danger. But if he can save someone using his status or position in the church, he will. He will kill innocent people if he has to. MC is not crazy, cynical, or unsociable. The world at some times may seem very DARK.]

The religion will be fake. I won't make it similar to those existing in our world not to trigger anyone. However, the Church terminologies and designations may feel identical as they are simple vocabulary words.

Again, everything you read in this novel is fictional and has no relation to our world.

I hope you enjoy my work. Stay safe and eat healthy bananas.
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  1. Dagorith
    Dagorith Contribuido 128601
  2. BingeFics
    BingeFics Contribuido 57013
  3. Sir_PuffALot
    Sir_PuffALot Contribuido 38061


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    • Calidad de escritura
    • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
    • Desarrollo de la Historia
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    I have survived Corona-chan's vicious attacks with the help of daily bananas and praying to Lord Harambe. So, after 2 years and 3 months, this Gorilla has decided to write an original again. The plan is simple, my fellow Monke friends. I write, and you vote. I get rich, and you all—cough! Anyway, the MC of this fic is mentally old, as he was an old man before being reincarnated. He is not an evil character, but not an overly righteous guy either. But since I'm a simp for wholesomeness, there will be some fluffy moments. But the major focus will be on MC's road to power. Which will include a lot of fights, plotting, backstabbing and friendships. The plot speed will depend on arcs. Though I will try to keep you all entertained with some high cliffs. Now, don't forget to stone me. I don't mind being hurt. Ah, here, take some Monke bathwater for good luck. Gorilla out.

    Ver 89 respuestas

    A hidden gem. Writing Quality: Smooth. Almost zero grammatical errors, and the rhyms are clear, crisp and with good phrasing. they don't break emersion from the story. Stability of Updates: Long chapters, 1ch/d as of writing this review. Author has said that he will increase it in the coming weeks. Story Development: Unexpectedly Interesting. Set in the medieval era with magic, church and knights, it's a fresh take on an old genre. Worth reading. Character Design: Strong. MC was an old man in his previous life and is reborn as an infant in a fantasy world. He has the wit of an old man, and the curiosity of a newborn. The side character add flesh to the novel. World Background: Stable. Author has it all planned, and the writing style gives clear visualisation of the novel world. I also like the fact that author makes the language of the world something other than english, which most of the authors fail to consider or just don't bother. Language is a big factor in creating the realism in needed.

    Ver 9 respuestas
    LV 13 Badge

    So, as a loyal reader and a friend of the author, i could read this novel before you WN readers. This means i can give you my honest review and what i actually thought of those chapters. The novel starts off with a little backstory before actually starting which is pretty great imo, we don't see this often in here. The chapters keep you focused and distracted while giving you informations on the world our MC got sent to. Which is a key quality for novels. The story combines comedy and action perfectly imo, i really liked that. The only things the author has to keep reminding himself of is to not use the habits of a fanfiction writer in this novel, we had to correct him sometimes for him to not f**k up. But besides that this novel started great, i'll comment on this review another little review to say if the novel is still good or not based on the WN community's view of things. Have a good day and good luck Gorilla. - By LOF

    Ver 12 respuestas

    Hmm... Who are you?! MIRAJ?! IS THAT YOU?

    Ver 1 respuestas

    Interesting story... Chracters are kinda 2D though. Also a lot of useless chapters & words where absolutely nothing happens. I would be fine with that but it is not like we get to read something interesting. Worst of all. Nearly 60 chapters in and the author did not describe even a single light spell or application of runes. He is a master but thus far has not performed a single spell. Nor did we get to hear about spells. The few battles we read about at this point are extremely dumb too. It is a nice story but the author clearly does not focus on the magic or combat aspect of his story which I personally think is the most important thing. The rest is all very interesting though and I may read on for a bit more...

    Ver 5 respuestas

    Welp, I am just gonna be an *ssh*le and write a spam review. I won ’t say anything because I don’t trust my ability to not spoil. Just know I read it before you and I love it. Gorilla always writes good content. Don’t forget to spam him bananas, stones, good reviews, and love or you will have a monke protection department following you.

    Ver 2 respuestas

    I like the concept of this novel. It reminds me slightly of “the holy emporer is my grandfather”. And the idea that the mc can launch crusades and create a holy empire is very appealing. Currently it’s just him as an infant but it’s already developing very well. My only issue with this novel is the believers may not have much depth. For example the mother or the inquisitor. I’ve seen a couple of such novels where it has the side characters be really fanatical. And because of that they don’t even have their own personality. But it’s still too early to say anything about this novel so I wish the best for you author.

    Ver 1 respuestas

    I have no words to say. This Gif tells everything.

    Ver 0 respuestas

    “I became the Pope, now what?” It is a wonderful beginning for a novel, capturing your attention and pulling you in immediately. The novel is about a man named Sylvester Maximilian, who becomes Pope: The greatest power there is to achieve, but what then? read his journey of how he became the Pope and deal with the many challenges that come after it. It is an adventure story, with many twists, and some serious moments. I loved the writing style of this book, it was so easy to read and keep scrolling for more. Can't wait for more chapters.

    Ver 2 respuestas

    A well-thought-out story. The story clearly shows that the author thinking long and hard before writing the story, instead of just doing work count writing. The poems/Rhymes are well-made and precise. The best, thing is that the MC is smart and knows what to do. He is not naive.

    Ver 0 respuestas

    I'm still surprised I read a story by author where MC isn't an old man, I love his other novels so it was a given I would read this...but a young MC, you had me at a young MC, I also don't know if I reviewed this earlier, maybe not but it's here now...or maybe I was thinking of my chapter comment..yea, don't think I reviewed it but this story is good

    Ver 0 respuestas
    LV 11 Badge

    Author you said that there will be romance in later half of the story after mc becomes the pope ? but how can that happen if they are not allowed to have a wife, children ? how will mc have romance and make babies with the future fl ?

    Ver 0 respuestas

    ape together strong - a wise mentor world building is peak , keeps you wondering, speculating and intrigued consistently, delves into the remorse greif escape of the mc in such both minimal yet masterfully descriptive wording, +1 star just for chonky , the hidden narritive and expostitionsare all subtle enough it leaves you theorizing yet enough to still keep you suspecting for a singular planned narritive to which when it is revieled you feel proud in some level keeping you emotional / phycological tuned to the novel such great work needs to be shared and commented on, as a avid reader of this novel as well as often with other novels if the author doesnt post for days it would be understandable because of their lack luster skills but for highly skilled authors you would accept the idea of them taking days to post a single chapter but no not when it comes to this great novel and its author , to which if he were to not post for even 2 days i believe me and many other readers would feel concsernd not for the upload delays but because we would assume the author to be unwell etc , that is how consistantly the author posts to the point the readers would be concerds not for the novel but for the author, in short stella job to the author pls share this novel to grow the community :D

    Ver 1 respuestas

    i shall trust the author not to drop it and give us a gem 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Ver 0 respuestas

    First of all, I am lucky to find this novel. I like the concept and it's catchy (probably unique), I got hooked real good especially the book cover is anime.The writing quality is good but I found a few typos, probably because of autocorrect.The story development, I have mixed feelings. Firstly, especially the 1st Volume and first 60 chapters of 2nd Volume, I understand that the MC has zero motivation to become the Pope. Because, it was obvious, he's weak and only want to live a peaceful life.Secondly, my heart broke many times the more I read. The red flags and foreshadowing... To me, it's sometimes hard to notice but reading the comment section opened my eyes, felt enlightened, and entertained. Thanks to them, I prepared for the worst but it still broke my heart.Thirdly, I felt overjoyed and thrilled every time the MC did something to help the people - changing their lives thanks to the inventions and innovations. I like world building stuff starting from medieval setting to probably the magical modern setting.The character design: He's not like the typical reincarnated/transmigrated MCs out there with so much cheats and plot armor. No harem. Just pure big brain and strategy or schemes.Yes, he got a shiny halo with all the elemental affinities, maybe except darkness but he still got to start from weak. He's a literal baby that can talk and can obviously die instantly if he's not careful.And yes, he can grow strong faster like he got some Exp boost blessing but he needs to fight and kill stronger opponents. No pain no gain.Finally, the stronger the enemy he is going to face, the less of using his schemes and he needs more power. Of course, schemes won't work against absolute power!Update stability: the author is updating regularly, once a day.The world's background: It's understandably full of mystery.

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 0 respuestas

    I'm disappointed by this story. The author writes well and his drawing of maps, characters, etc... are really great. Unfortunately I just can't get into the story. I lasted a 100 chapters because the story is well written and had potential, but at some point, I can't go on. Minor problem: author tells us he created a religion but apart from the name of the god, it's 99% the Catholic Church. I'm sorry but priest might be a generic religious term bur Pope, Cardinal, Inquisitor and many more are not generic terms. Even the way they operate are so similar to the Catholic Church. Not something that bothered me, just saying. My main problem is the MC. He is a freaking robot with no emotions. His "friends" are tools and he tolerates his mother because she also treats him with love. I get he is old and an ex CIA agent but in 16 years, he never changes. He never treats anyone genuinely, it's always an act. He also has 0 goal. He goes through his life without ambition except keep living. Sure he is too involved with the Church to be permitted to leave alive but never he tells himself "if I'm freakingly strong they won't be able to stop me". He sees a lot of corruption, abuse or other evil done by the Church or Nobles and he still follows orders without remorse while telling himself "I'll get super strong and stop those things". Nope, he is a good little soldier following orders. We know he'll be the pope but so far it isn't his ambition. It's just something that'll happen because he us too talented. I don't care if he wants ti be a saint, evil or something between. I just want him to want to be someone.

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 1 respuestas

    I am the EXP of my sword... EXP is my blood... and EXP is my body... I have created over 1000 useless reviews... Unknown to death, nor know to live... I have withstood the pain of creating many more useless reviews... Yet, those hands will never write anything useful... And so I pray... UNLIMITED EXP WORKS

    Ver 0 respuestas

    This was one of my favorite novels until the story quality went downhill. The author didn't know what to do with this novel after the MC became the pope. The author/mc is obsessed with collecting women and little girls like Pokémon.. at some point it starts being suspicious. And his obsession with his mother is weird.

    Ver 5 respuestas
    LV 13 Badge

    I started reading it as a joke but I don't know when I became addicted to this novel. The author knows his work as his dialogues and way of writing soothes the mind. For example : "I am no God. I am what you all were supposed to be." What a good line. I will forever hate myself for the fact that I wasn't the one who wrote this line. Sylvester does things exactly in a way in which a man of his past will do. It is a great novel and I recommend every one to read it. Forget all those harems and fan service novels for a second and dive down in some real fiction novel. This Ape is with you.

    Ver 0 respuestas

    I only came to leave 5 stars because I am enjoying the novel :)

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Volumen 1 : School of Dawn

    1. 1
      1. Life Is A Race 2 years ago
    2. 2
      2. New World 2 years ago
    3. 3
      3. A Cruel World 2 years ago
    4. 4
      4. The Boy With Golden Eyes 2 years ago
    5. 5
      5. The Boy Who Sings 2 years ago
    6. 6
      6. Goodbye? 2 years ago
    7. 7
      7. Must Live! 2 years ago
    8. 8
      8. Wizard Rank 2 years ago
    9. 9
      9. Warning Signs! 2 years ago
    10. 10
      10. The Bard Repeats 2 years ago
    11. 11
      [Bonus Chapter] 11. Magna Sanctum 2 years ago
    12. 12
      12. Adopted? 2 years ago
    13. 13
      13. A Fluffy Blessing 2 years ago
    14. 14
      [LONG BONUS CHAPTER] 14. Magic! 2 years ago
    15. 15
      15. More Magic! 2 years ago
    16. 16
      16. The Ugly Side 2 years ago
    17. 17
      17. What A Magical World 2 years ago
    18. 18
      18. Mercy 2 years ago
    19. 19
      19. A Hymn To Remember 2 years ago
    20. 20
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 20. The Bane of Sinners 2 years ago
    21. 21
      21. Knight? 2 years ago
    22. 22
      22 - School of Dawn  2 years ago
    23. 23
      23. Rank Test 2 years ago
    24. 24
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 24. Oh no…! 2 years ago
    25. 25
      25. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing!  2 years ago
    26. 26
      26. Survival of the Fittest 2 years ago
    27. 27
      27. Honey Enjoyer! 2 years ago
    28. 28
      28. Hymn Politics 2 years ago
    29. 29
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 29. Need Some Light! 2 years ago
    30. 30
      30. Questionable Questions 2 years ago
    31. 31
      31. The Soul Tree 2 years ago
    32. 32
      32. Old Man's Wisdom 2 years ago
    33. 33
      [BONUS CHAP] 33. Tough Exam 2 years ago
    34. 34
      34. Team Work 2 years ago
    35. 35
      35. Easy Money? 2 years ago
    36. 36
      36. Miscalculation 2 years ago
    37. 37
      37. Sylvester Holmes 2 years ago
    38. 38
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 38. Limitless Love 2 years ago
    39. 39
      39. What To Do? 2 years ago
    40. 40
      40. Taste of Death 2 years ago
    41. 41
      41. Dying Light 2 years ago
    42. 42
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 42. No More Space 2 years ago
    43. 43
      43. Crimson Fire 2 years ago
    44. 44
      44. Worth It! 2 years ago
    45. 45
      45. Season of Solis 2 years ago
    46. 46
      46. Some Young Lights Doused 2 years ago
    47. 47
      47. Results! 2 years ago
    48. 48
      48. Payback 2 years ago
    49. 49
      49. A Little Purge 2 years ago
    50. 50
      50. No Mercy! 2 years ago
    51. 51
      51. The Pact of Brothers 2 years ago
    52. 52
      52. Let's Be Friends... Not 2 years ago
    53. 53
      53. Search For Teacher 2 years ago
    54. 54
      54. Rank... 2 years ago
    55. 55
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 55. Master Wizard! 2 years ago
    56. 56
      56. So Long... 2 years ago

    Volumen 2 : Servant of Faith

    1. 57
      57. Dance of the Knights 2 years ago
    2. 58
      58. Never Again! 2 years ago
    3. 59
      59. The Chase 2 years ago
    4. 60
      60. Confrontation 2 years ago
    5. 61
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 61. Brothers 2 years ago
    6. 62
      62. Destiny 2 years ago
    7. 63
      63. Return of Sylvester Holmes 2 years ago
    8. 64
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 64. Old Monk 2 years ago
    9. 65
      65. Crash Course 2 years ago
    10. 66
      66. Darkness 2 years ago
    11. 67
      67. What Would You Do? 2 years ago
    12. 68
      68. Case 1: Dark Hunter 2 years ago
    13. 69
      69. Yeah, Boy! 2 years ago
    14. 70
      [BONUS] 70. Race Against Time 2 years ago
    15. 71
      71. Best Hobby 2 years ago
    16. 72
      72. Vine Forest 2 years ago
    17. 73
      [Bonus Chapter] 73. A Man Of Word 2 years ago
    18. 74
      74. Magic Might 2 years ago
    19. 75
      75. Conspiracy! 2 years ago
    20. 76
      76. It Goes Deeper 2 years ago
    21. 77
      77. Suspense! 2 years ago
    22. 78
      78. Slight Inconvenience 2 years ago
    23. 79
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 79. Orders! 2 years ago
    24. 80
      80. Purge! 2 years ago
    25. 81
      81. Love Kills 2 years ago
    26. 82
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 82. Just Saying 2 years ago
    27. 83
      83. What If! 2 years ago
    28. 84
      84. Real Homies! 2 years ago
    29. 85
      85. Pope Is Angry! 2 years ago
    30. 86
      86. A Big Request! 2 years ago
    31. 87
      87. Three Wise Old Men 2 years ago
    32. 88
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 88. Money Making Scheme 2 years ago
    33. 89
      89. A Golden Storm 2 years ago
    34. 90
      90. The Ultimate Move! 2 years ago
    35. 91
      91. Invisible Threats 2 years ago
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      92. Assassins in Riveria 2 years ago
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      [BONUS CHAPTER] 93. The Bounty 2 years ago
    38. 94
      94. A Good Day Indeed 2 years ago
    39. 95
      95. The Bard Can Sing! 2 years ago
    40. 96
      96. Ten Years A Slave 2 years ago
    41. 97
      97. It's A Trap!  2 years ago
    42. 98
      [BONUS CHAPTER] 98. Lionis Family 2 years ago
    43. 99
      99. Sylvester The Builder 2 years ago
    44. 100
      100. Rise! Rise! Rise! 2 years ago
    45. 101
      101. Sphinx Town 2 years ago
    46. 102
      102. A Sight To Behold 2 years ago
    47. 103
      103. Possessed or not? 2 years ago
    48. 104
      104. Bloody Bloodlings 2 years ago
    49. 105
      105. Music Healing 2 years ago
    50. 106
      106. Exorcism 2 years ago
    51. 107
      107. A Small Promise 2 years ago
    52. 108
      108. Strong Boy Necromancer 2 years ago
    53. 109
      109. A Trap? 2 years ago
    54. 110
      110. Down Under 2 years ago
    55. 111
      111. It's Party Time 2 years ago
    56. 112
      112. Raining Gifts 2 years ago
    57. 113
      113. Scent of Storm 2 years ago
    58. 114
      114. A Shocking Discovery! 2 years ago
    59. 115
      115. Strongest Demon 2 years ago
    60. 116
      116. A Threat 2 years ago
    61. 117
      117. Into The Mountains 2 years ago
    62. 118
      118. Death In Hope 2 years ago
    63. 119
      119. Battle Of Mist I 2 years ago
    64. 120
      120. Battle Of Mist II 2 years ago
    65. 121
      121. Wrath Of The Heavens 2 years ago
    66. 122
      122. Hard Earned…  2 years ago
    67. 123
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    68. 124
      124. Burning Dreams  2 years ago
    69. 125
      125. Facing The Reality 2 years ago
    70. 126
      126. O' Great King of Bards 2 years ago
    71. 127
      127. S-Ranked Bounty 2 years ago
    72. 128
      128. A God 2 years ago
    73. 129
      129. Tower Of Godless 2 years ago
    74. 130
      130. Home 2 years ago
    75. 131
      131. Will To Rise 2 years ago
    76. 132
      132. Payback 2 years ago
    77. 133
      133. Lady Aurora's Class 2 years ago
    78. 134
      134. Too Many Ding-Dongs 2 years ago
    79. 135
      135. Is This... Crusade Time? 2 years ago
    80. 136
      136. Tree Has Seen Some Bull**** 2 years ago
    81. 137
      137. Dreams of Destruction 2 years ago
    82. 138
      138. Sir Dolorem & Nights Of Revelations 2 years ago
    83. 139
      139. An Opportunity Of A Lifetime 2 years ago
    84. 140
      140. Cough! Cough! 2 years ago
    85. 141
      141. Where It All Begins 2 years ago
    86. 142
      142. New Assignment! 2 years ago
    87. 143
      143. The Son 2 years ago
    88. 144
      144. Author 2 years ago
    89. 145
      145. Art 2 years ago
    90. 146
      146. So It Begins 2 years ago
    91. 147
      147. Bard At Work 2 years ago
    92. 148
      148. The Man 2 years ago
    93. 149
      149. Pitfall Town 2 years ago
    94. 150
      150. Fine Sand 2 years ago
    95. 151
      151. A Cold Night 2 years ago
    96. 152
      152. Shadow Vs Light 2 years ago
    97. 153
      153. Cry Or Laugh? 2 years ago
    98. 154
      154. On The Edge 2 years ago
    99. 155
      155. What A Good Start 2 years ago
    100. 156
      156. Sylvester, the Versatile Superstar 2 years ago
    101. 157
      157. Acting 2 years ago
    102. 158
      158. Mystery Goes Deeper 2 years ago
    103. 159
      159. Hey you! 2 years ago
    104. 160
      160. Embezzler 2 years ago
    105. 161
      161. Bad News 2 years ago
    106. 162
      162. Medic! 2 years ago
    107. 163
      163. Mountain of Tears 2 years ago
    108. 164
      164. The Unmovable 2 years ago
    109. 165
      165. Who Did It? 2 years ago
    110. 166
      166. Sir Willfard and Bob 2 years ago
    111. 167
      167. Two Music Enjoyers 2 years ago
    112. 168
      168. The Necromancer, The Dude 2 years ago
    113. 169
      169. A Man Doomed For Loneliness 2 years ago
    114. 170
      170. F*** My Luck! 2 years ago
    115. 171
      171. Pathetic! 1 years ago
    116. 172
      172. Fortune In Misfortune 1 years ago
    117. 173
      173. Why? 1 years ago
    118. 174
      174. But Why? 1 years ago
    119. 175
      175. Mayhem 1 years ago
    120. 176
      176. Meat-Shield 1 years ago
    121. 177
      177. Duke Zephyr Vas Zon  1 years ago
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      178. Connecting Dots 1 years ago
    123. 179
      179. No Winners In War 1 years ago
    124. 180
      180. Aftershocks 1 years ago
    125. 181
      181. The Letter 1 years ago
    126. 182
      182. The Hornet's Nest 1 years ago
    127. 183
      183. Broken Minds 1 years ago
    128. 184
      184. The Escape 1 years ago
    129. 185
      185. Suspense! 1 years ago
    130. 186
      186. Bard's Knight 1 years ago
    131. 187
      187. Exotic Man 1 years ago
    132. 188
      188. A Name 1 years ago
    133. 189
      189. What Shines, Also Burns 1 years ago
    134. 190
      190. Hanging By A Thread 1 years ago
    135. 191
      191. Trapped 1 years ago
    136. 192
      192. Here He Comes! 1 years ago
    137. 193
      193. Darkness 1 years ago
    138. 194
      194. All Is Not Well! 1 years ago
    139. 195
      195. A Test Of God 1 years ago
    140. 196
      196. Chamber Of Schemes 1 years ago
    141. 197
      197. Hidden Meanings 1 years ago
    142. 198
      198. Entertaining A Princess 1 years ago
    143. 199
      199. Visions? 1 years ago
    144. 200
      200. Chonky Under Dumpy 1 years ago
    145. 201
      201. Green City 1 years ago
    146. 202
      202. A Bard & A King 1 years ago
    147. 203
      203. Interrogation 1 years ago
    148. 204
      204. Trouble In Green City 1 years ago
    149. 205
      205. Hymn At Saving 1 years ago
    150. 206
      206. Good Friends 1 years ago
    151. 207
      207. A Mother's Cry 1 years ago
    152. 208
      208. The Mad Queen 1 years ago
    153. 209
      209. S.S.R 1 years ago
    154. 210
      210. Sylvester Vs Lady Aurora 1 years ago
    155. 211
      211. Bystander Endangered 1 years ago
    156. 212
      212. Song Of The Crusade 1 years ago
    157. 213
      213. Duke of Ironstone  1 years ago
    158. 214
      214. Tempted 1 years ago
    159. 215
      215. Hidden Hands 1 years ago
    160. 216
       216. Happy Ending For Some 1 years ago
    161. 217
      217. A Cardinal's Woes 1 years ago
    162. 218
      218. Worst Assassin Ever 1 years ago
    163. 219
      219. An Orphan's Tale 1 years ago
    164. 220
      220. The Horny Heist 1 years ago
    165. 221
      221. Family Biases 1 years ago
    166. 222
      222. On The Night Roads 1 years ago
    167. 223
      223. The Mist Of Dead 1 years ago
    168. 224
      224. Summoned Darkness 1 years ago
    169. 225
      225. A Rare Demon 1 years ago
    170. 226
      226. Into The Mist 1 years ago
    171. 227
      227. Dual What? 1 years ago
    172. 228
      228. Dream of Invention 1 years ago
    173. 229
      229. A Letter From Home 1 years ago
    174. 230
      230. Black Market Trading 1 years ago
    175. 231
      231. Hunting A Soul Eater 1 years ago
    176. 232
      232. Brother & Sister VS Soul Eater 1 years ago
    177. 233
      233. Battle of Ender Village 1 years ago
    178. 234
      234. What Now? 1 years ago
    179. 235
      235. Meeting Lord Inquisitor 1 years ago
    180. 236
      236. A Tiger's Vengeance 1 years ago
    181. 237
      237. Promise Of A Father 1 years ago
    182. 238
      238. Looming War 1 years ago
    183. 239
      239. Anger In Sanctum Council 1 years ago
    184. 240
      240. The Kingmaker 1 years ago
    185. 241
      241. Do What? 1 years ago
    186. 242
      242. Fishing? Lord Inquisitor?  1 years ago
    187. 243
      243. Into The Battle 1 years ago
    188. 244
      244. Calm Before The Storm 1 years ago
    189. 245
      245. Battle of Three Fingers - Mind Games 1 years ago
    190. 246
      246. Battle of Three Fingers - Bloody Twists 1 years ago
    191. 247
      247. Battle of Three Fingers - Shocking Development 1 years ago
    192. 248
      248. Battle of Three Fingers - A Conclusion 1 years ago
    193. 249
      249. An Offer 1 years ago
    194. 250
      250. Guaranteed To Lose 1 years ago
    195. 251
      251. Bloodrain 1 years ago
    196. 252
      252. What Makes A Guardian 1 years ago
    197. 253
      253. Fall Of A Titan 1 years ago
    198. 254
      254. A Moral Dilemma 1 years ago
    199. 255
      255. Sylvester and the Witch 1 years ago
    200. 256
      256. Rise of a Kingmaker 1 years ago
    201. 257
      257. Price of Misunderstandings 1 years ago
    202. 258
      258. The Great Revelation! 1 years ago
    203. 259
      259. The Final Piece 1 years ago
    204. 260
      260. The River City 1 years ago
    205. 261
      261. Master of Manipulation 1 years ago
    206. 262
      262. Power of Halo & Hymns 1 years ago
    207. 263
      263. Sylvester Meets King Riveria 1 years ago
    208. 264
      264. Web Of Lies I 1 years ago
    209. 265
      265. Web Of Lies II 1 years ago
    210. 266
      266. Anger Of Commoners. 1 years ago
    211. 267
      267. A Shocking Question 1 years ago
    212. 268
      268. Real Men's Taste 1 years ago
    213. 269
      269. Man-Eat-Man world.  1 years ago
    214. 270
      270. O' King of Rivers 1 years ago
    215. 271
      271. Two Brothers & Blood 1 years ago
    216. 272
      272. Money, Money, Money… 1 years ago
    217. 273
      273. Forged In Fire 1 years ago
    218. 274
      274. A Troubled Heart 1 years ago
    219. 275
      275. Some Ambitious Men 1 years ago
    220. 276
      276. Mother Xavia 1 years ago
    221. 277
      277. The World's Choices [End Of Volume 2] 1 years ago

    Volumen 3 : The Brightest Light

    1. 278
      278. Heard Around The World 1 years ago
    2. 279
      279. Supreme Council's Verdict 1 years ago
    3. 280
      280. Reason Behind Pope's Grief 1 years ago
    4. 281
      281. Food Revolution 1 years ago
    5. 282
      282. Grandpa Monk's Letter 1 years ago
    6. 283
      283. A Dream Of Immortality 1 years ago
    7. 284
      284. New Home 1 years ago
    8. 285
      285. Cardinal Is Too Loyal 1 years ago
    9. 286
      286. The Newton Moment! 1 years ago
    10. 287
      287. Drunken Pope 1 years ago
    11. 288
      288. Felix, the best bro! 1 years ago
    12. 289
      289. Sigma Cat 1 years ago
    13. 290
      290. A Delightful Dinner 1 years ago
    14. 291
      291. Hope Shines & Luck Declines 1 years ago
    15. 292
      292. Fortune In Misfortune 1 years ago
    16. 293
      293. 'Buying' Slaves 1 years ago
    17. 294
      294. The Bad And The Ugly! 1 years ago
    18. 295
      295. A Spy At Work 1 years ago
    19. 296
      296. Heathens In Disguise 1 years ago
    20. 297
      297. Sylvester's Offer 1 years ago
    21. 298
      298. Pope's Regrets 1 years ago
    22. 299
      299. The Purge Within! 1 years ago
    23. 300
      300. Pope's Salvation 1 years ago
    24. 301
      301. Sylvester & Boris 1 years ago
    25. 302
      302. Sylvester, the seducer 1 years ago
    26. 303
      303. Trouble 1 years ago
    27. 304
      304. Sylvester's Counter 1 years ago
    28. 305
      305. Mutual Benefits 1 years ago
    29. 306
      306. Declaration of Darkness 1 years ago
    30. 307
      307. Pain 1 years ago
    31. 308
      308. Vision of Solis 1 years ago
    32. 309
      309. Level-Up 1 years ago
    33. 310
      310. Stronger Than Before 1 years ago
    34. 311
      311. Story Of A Woman 1 years ago
    35. 312
      312. Mysterious Statue 1 years ago
    36. 313
      313. Void Anomaly 1 years ago
    37. 314
      314. Eliminating Competition 1 years ago
    38. 315
      315. A Place Called Home 1 years ago
    39. 316
      316. The Womaniser 1 years ago
    40. 317
      317. Mirnor Village 1 years ago
    41. 318
      318. Curse Of Broken Promises 1 years ago
    42. 319
      319. Feelings of Hearts 1 years ago
    43. 320
      320. A Woman's Need 1 years ago
    44. 321
      321. Jealousy Kills 1 years ago
    45. 322
      322. Price Of Broken Vows 1 years ago
    46. 323
      323. When Two Worlds Meet 1 years ago
    47. 324
      324. Price Of Secrets 1 years ago
    48. 325
      325. Augustus Steel, A Broken Man 1 years ago
    49. 326
      326. Spirit's Favoured 1 years ago
    50. 327
      327. Conquering—One Barony At A Time 1 years ago
    51. 328
      328. A Gift 1 years ago
    52. 329
      329. Good Night 1 years ago
    53. 330
      330. Era Of Inventions—Begins! 1 years ago
    54. 331
      331. Chonky Meets Big Mum 1 years ago
    55. 332
      332. Above Supreme Wizard? 1 years ago
    56. 333
      333. An Ominous Bird 1 years ago
    57. 334
      334. Missive From North 1 years ago
    58. 335
      335. The Grind 1 years ago
    59. 336
      336. Slave By Choice 1 years ago
    60. 337
      337. Worst Fear Comes True 1 years ago
    61. 338
      338. Felix's Regret 1 years ago
    62. 339
      339. Felix Sandwall 1 years ago
    63. 340
      340. The Scheming Begins 1 years ago
    64. 341
      341. Finding Meatshields 1 years ago
    65. 342
      342. Sylvester & The Legend Of His Rotten Luck 1 years ago
    66. 343
      343. Keeps Getting Worse 1 years ago
    67. 344
      344. Price The Innocent Pays 1 years ago
    68. 345
      345. Go Left To Go Right 1 years ago
    69. 346
      346. A Blind Man's Story 1 years ago
    70. 347
      347. A Messed-Up Family 1 years ago
    71. 348
      348. Chonky's Worry & Sylvester's Game 1 years ago
    72. 349
      349. A Price Sylvester Must Pay 1 years ago
    73. 350
      350. Sylvester & Felix 1 years ago
    74. 351
      351. General Sylvester 1 years ago
    75. 352
      352. Battle of River Pass - The Game Begins 1 years ago
    76. 353
      353. Battle of River Pass - Invisible Hand 1 years ago
    77. 354
      354. Battle of River Pass - Sylvester's Lapse 1 years ago
    78. 355
      355. Battle of River Pass - An Overpowered Snake 1 years ago
    79. 356
      356. Battle of River Pass - Murphy's First Law 1 years ago
    80. 357
      357. Battle of River Pass - Unwavering Sylvester 1 years ago
    81. 358
      358. Battle of River Pass - Conclusion 1 years ago
    82. 359
      359. A Ground Breaking Discovery 1 years ago
    83. 360
      360. A Betrayal?  1 years ago
    84. 361
      361. Wilful Prisoners  1 years ago
    85. 362
      362. Felix The Fearless 1 years ago
    86. 363
      363. Thirst For Wealth 1 years ago
    87. 364
      364. Face-To-Face With Death 1 years ago
    88. 365
      365. Laugh of Victory 1 years ago
    89. 366
      366. Bors Might Ritual 1 years ago
    90. 367
      367. Creating Strong Allies 1 years ago
    91. 368
      368. Barbarians To Belivers 1 years ago
    92. 369
      369. Son Of None 1 years ago
    93. 370
      370. Assassins Came To Assassinate, Got Assassinated 1 years ago
    94. 371
      371. Dangerous Jealousy 1 years ago
    95. 372
      372. The Food Devourer 1 years ago
    96. 373
      373. Eye Transplant?  1 years ago
    97. 374
      374. Sylvester's Promotion! 1 years ago
    98. 375
      375. Love Blossoms?  1 years ago
    99. 376
      376. Finally!!! 1 years ago
    100. 377
      377. Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention 1 years ago
    101. 378
      378. A King In Distress 1 years ago
    102. 379
      379. A Unique Spy Organisation 1 years ago
    103. 380
      380. The Fate Changer 1 years ago
    104. 381
      381. The Promotion Test 1 years ago
    105. 382
      382. Archbishop Sylvester Maximilian 1 years ago
    106. 383
      383. Conquering Through Music 1 years ago
    107. 384
      384. Bards? More Like Spies 1 years ago
    108. 385
      385. Sylvester's Specialisation In Magic. 1 years ago
    109. 386
      386. World's First Franchise  1 years ago
    110. 387
      387. One Weapon To Kill All 1 years ago
    111. 388
      388. The Eye Surgery 1 years ago
    112. 389
      389. Eyes and A Serious Spar 1 years ago
    113. 390
      390. Seven More Years 1 years ago
    114. 391
      391. Brothers Forever 1 years ago
    115. 392
      392. Gracia Will Not Forget 1 years ago
    116. 393
      393. An Interesting Woman 1 years ago
    117. 394
      394. Grand Conspiracy In Riveria 1 years ago
    118. 395
      395. A Desire For Chaos 1 years ago
    119. 396
      396. The Plague 1 years ago
    120. 397
      397. A Magical Plague & A Mystery Unfolded 1 years ago
    121. 398
      398. Widowmakers 1 years ago
    122. 399
      399. I Like Reading Books 1 years ago
    123. 400
      400. A Doomed New Kingdom 1 years ago
    124. 401
      401. When Earth Breathes 1 years ago
    125. 402
      402. Sylvester Makes A Move 1 years ago
    126. 403
      403. The Dark Side 1 years ago
    127. 404
      404. Let's Collect Donations 1 years ago
    128. 405
      405. The Ebony City 1 years ago
    129. 406
      406. In The Viper's Nest  1 years ago
    130. 407
      407. Wolf In Sheep's Clothing 1 years ago
    131. 408
      408. Reaction To Action 1 years ago
    132. 409
      409. Chonky, The Sneaky Boy 1 years ago
    133. 410
      410. Enemies From Past 1 years ago
    134. 411
      411. Bugles Of War 1 years ago
    135. 412
      412. A Sad Sad World 1 years ago
    136. 413
      413. Cow Where? 1 years ago
    137. 414
      414. The Cure 1 years ago
    138. 415
      415. Some Setbacks 1 years ago
    139. 416
      416. Army Of The Peasants 1 years ago
    140. 417
      417. Friends or Foes 1 years ago
    141. 418
      418. Creator Of Plague 1 years ago
    142. 419
      419. The Moment Of Truth 1 years ago
    143. 420
      420. The Puppet Master 1 years ago
    144. 421
      421. Duel Under Faith 1 years ago
    145. 422
      422. Light vs Time 1 years ago
    146. 423
      423. Light That Does Not Burn 1 years ago
    147. 424
      424. Bard's Revenge 1 years ago
    148. 425
      425. The Last Hymn 1 years ago
    149. 426
      426. Fruit Of Labour 1 years ago
    150. 427
      427. The Folly Goes Deeper 1 years ago
    151. 428
      428. Time To Master The Spear 1 years ago
    152. 429
      429. The Scent of Absolute Death 1 years ago
    153. 430
      430. Weight Of The World 1 years ago
    154. 431
      431. Adventures of Lord Chonky 1 years ago
    155. 432
      432. Mines Of Mineworth 1 years ago
    156. 433
      433. Sylvester, The Monkey King 1 years ago
    157. 434
      434. Homesick 1 years ago
    158. 435
      435. Letting The Past Go 1 years ago
    159. 436
      436. Sir Dolorem's Closure 1 years ago
    160. 437
      437. Sylvester Maximilian & Sir Adrik Dolorem 1 years ago
    161. 438
      438. Dance & Regret 1 years ago
    162. 439
      439. The Arbitrator 1 years ago
    163. 440
      440. One More Headache 1 years ago
    164. 441
      441. Sylvester's Web Of Schemes 1 years ago
    165. 442
      442. Let's Go Home 1 years ago
    166. 443
      443. Bright Mothers' Worry 1 years ago
    167. 444
      444. A Lonely Night  1 years ago
    168. 445
      445. Sylvester's Final Move 1 years ago
    169. 446
      446. Won… But At What Cost? 1 years ago
    170. 447
      447. Money! More Money! 1 years ago
    171. 448
      448. A Conspiracy? 1 years ago
    172. 449
      449. The Shadow of Roars 1 years ago
    173. 450
      450. Future In Haze 1 years ago
    174. 451
      451. The Pope's Fury 1 years ago
    175. 452
      452. A Great Temptation 1 years ago
    176. 453
      453. The Mystery Is Solved  1 years ago
    177. 454
      454. A New Clue 1 years ago
    178. 455
      455. Sandwall County 1 years ago
    179. 456
      456. A Grand Revelation 1 years ago
    180. 457
      457. A Demand 1 years ago
    181. 458
      458. We Meet Again 1 years ago
    182. 459
      459. A Monster In Human Skin 1 years ago
    183. 460
      460. Chaotic Chain of Command 1 years ago
    184. 461
      461. Million Scalp War: Against The Odds 1 years ago
    185. 462
      462. Million Scalp War: All Out 1 years ago
    186. 463
      463. When the Heavens Wept [VOLUME END] 1 years ago
    187. 464

    Volumen 4 : The Grassroots

    1. 465
      464. Words Reach Home 1 years ago
    2. 466
      465. The Ripple Effect 1 years ago
    3. 467
      466. Sylvester 1 years ago
    4. 468
      467. No Matter The Price 1 years ago
    5. 469
      468. A Forgotten Name 1 years ago
    6. 470
      469. The Real Dangers of Divine Desert 1 years ago
    7. 471
      470. The Tribulation Path 1 years ago
    8. 472
      471. The Core Temple 1 years ago
    9. 473
      472. Secrets Uncovered, Yet Mystery Intensifies 1 years ago
    10. 474
      473. Chonky, The Enigma 1 years ago
    11. 475
      474. Five Year Plan 1 years ago
    12. 476
      475. A Spy—A Priest—A Slave 1 years ago
    13. 477
      476. Breaking An Empire 1 years ago
    14. 478
      477. Princess' Bodyguard 1 years ago
    15. 479
      478. Childish & Crazy 1 years ago
    16. 480
      479. Sylvester & His Luck 1 years ago
    17. 481
      480. Church Of The West 1 years ago
    18. 482
      481. Desperate Times 1 years ago
    19. 483
      482. Empire Of Schemers 1 years ago
    20. 484
      483. Source Of Masan's Might 1 years ago
    21. 485
      484. A Possible Ally 1 years ago
    22. 486
      485. Murder In Masan 1 years ago
    23. 487
      486. Depressed Pope 1 years ago
    24. 488
      487. My Dear Sister 1 years ago
    25. 489
      488. Family 1 years ago
    26. 490
      489. Revolution Is Coming 1 years ago
    27. 491
      490. Taste of Metal 1 years ago
    28. 492
      491. The Day Masan Fell 1 years ago
    29. 493
      492. A Spy's Greatest Weapon! 1 years ago
    30. 494
      493. The Time Has Come 1 years ago
    31. 495
      494. Dark Clouds Over Holy Land 1 years ago
    32. 496
      495. 9 Years Later, Face To Face 1 years ago
    33. 497
      496. Only One Year 1 years ago
    34. 498
      497. The Greatest Heist 1 years ago
    35. 499
      498. Gold—Economy—Peace 1 years ago
    36. 500
      499. A Delightful Possibility 1 years ago
    37. 501
      500. People Are…Complicated 1 years ago
    38. 502
      501. The Birth Of Kingdoms 1 years ago
    39. 503
      502. The Curse Of Sylvester Maximilian 1 years ago
    40. 504
      503. A Hunter In The Castle 1 years ago
    41. 505
      504. Sylvester—Fighter, Singer, Actor  1 years ago
    42. 506
      505.  The Master Manipulator 1 years ago
    43. 507
      506. A Brother's Grief  1 years ago
    44. 508
      507. Beginning Of The End 1 years ago
    45. 509
      508. Bard & Blood 1 years ago
    46. 510
      509. Battle of Spies I  1 years ago
    47. 511
      510. Battle of Spies II 1 years ago
    48. 512
      511. A Humble Request 1 years ago
    49. 513
      512. Setting The Stage 1 years ago
    50. 514
      513. A Father's Love [END OF VOLUME] 1 years ago

    Volumen 5 : I Became The Pope

    1. 515
      514. Sylvester Lives! 1 years ago
    2. 516
      515. Return To Sandwall 1 years ago
    3. 517
      516. Propaganda War 1 years ago
    4. 518
      517. Ten Thousand Millennia 1 years ago
    5. 519
      518. A God In Sky 1 years ago
    6. 520
      519. A Little Too Easy 1 years ago
    7. 521
      520. Road To Revelations 1 years ago
    8. 522
      521. The Most Important Revelation 1 years ago
    9. 523
      522. New Holy Land  1 years ago
    10. 524
      523. A Reminder From Shadows 1 years ago
    11. 525
      524. The Imposter 1 years ago
    12. 526
      525. Changing Demographics 1 years ago
    13. 527
      526. The United Kingdoms of Sol 1 years ago
    14. 528
      527. Absolute Power Corrupts 1 years ago
    15. 529
      528. Reverse Psychology 1 years ago
    16. 530
      529. Home 1 years ago
    17. 531
      530. Godfather & Godson 1 years ago
    18. 532
      531. An Adventurous Love Story 1 years ago
    19. 533
      532. Boon of Blood 1 years ago
    20. 534
      533. Game of Minds  1 years ago
    21. 535
      534. A Veteran At Work 1 years ago
    22. 536
      535. A Letter From Distant Lands 1 years ago
    23. 537
      536. Deadly—Past, Present & Future 1 years ago
    24. 538
      537. Too Much Honor Is A Liability 1 years ago
    25. 539
      538. Battle of Popes I - A Divine Duel 1 years ago
    26. 540
      539. Battle of Popes II - Powers Unknown 1 years ago
    27. 541
      540. Battle of Popes III - A Divine Realization 1 years ago
    28. 542
      541. Battle of Popes Final - First Contact 1 years ago
    29. 543
      542. Journey To The East 1 years ago
    30. 544
      543. The World Is Evolving 1 years ago
    31. 545
      544. Masters & Slaves 1 years ago
    32. 546
      545. Pirate Captain Zohron 1 years ago
    33. 547
      546. Continent Of Beastaria 1 years ago
    34. 548
      547. An Impactful Landfall 1 years ago
    35. 549
      548. O' Good Mother Remira 1 years ago
    36. 550
      549. The Greenville City 1 years ago
    37. 551
      550. Old Pals  1 years ago
    38. 552
      551. Sylvester, Chonky & Squishes 1 years ago
    39. 553
      552. The Voice Of Darkness 1 years ago
    40. 554
      553. The Fear Of the Unknown 1 years ago
    41. 555
      554. The Invisible Helping Hand 1 years ago
    42. 556
      555. The Sin Goes Both Ways 1 years ago
    43. 557
      556. What It Means To Be Pope  1 years ago
    44. 558
      557. Light & Dark 1 years ago
    45. 559
      558. Behind The Mask 1 years ago
    46. 560
      559. Two Lads Fighting In Mud 1 years ago
    47. 561
      560. The Unholy In Holy 1 years ago
    48. 562
      561. Fortune In Misfortune 1 years ago
    49. 563
      562. Into The Deca Imperia 1 years ago
    50. 564
      563. Step-Mom…? 1 years ago
    51. 565
      564. Tree Bluer Than Sea  1 years ago
    52. 566
      565. The Key Of Madness 1 years ago
    53. 567
      566. Escaping Like A Breeze 1 years ago
    54. 568
      567. Two Men In Black 1 years ago
    55. 569
      568. Sylvester VS Tentacle Monster  1 years ago
    56. 570
      569. It's A Trap  1 years ago
    57. 571
      570. A Hopeless Future 1 years ago
    58. 572
      571. Just The Boys Talking 1 years ago
    59. 573
      572. One's Peace Is Another's Chaos 1 years ago
    60. 574
      573. Saint Scepter's Web 1 years ago
    61. 575
      574. A Letter To The Enemy 1 years ago
    62. 576
      575. Battle Of Supreme I: Hidden Cards 1 years ago
    63. 577
      576. Battle Of Supreme II: Planned Moves 1 years ago
    64. 578
      577. Battle Of Supreme III: The Anomaly 1 years ago
    65. 579
      578. Battle Of Supreme IV: The Terms 1 years ago
    66. 580
      579. Battle of Miraj City I: The Shooting Stars 1 years ago
    67. 581
      580. Battle of Miraj City II: Fast Approach 1 years ago
    68. 582
      581. Battle of Miraj City III: Kneel! 1 years ago
    69. 583
      582. Battle of Miraj City IV: Changing Destiny 1 years ago
    70. 584
      583. Sylvester Maximilian & Axel Tar Kreed 1 years ago
    71. 585
      584. A Mother's Embrace 1 years ago
    72. 586
      585. When Things Go Wrong 1 years ago
    73. 587
      586. Nothing Lasts Forever 1 years ago
    74. 588
      587. No More God's Favored 1 years ago
    75. 589
      588. Calm In West & Chaos in East 1 years ago
    76. 590
      589. The Squish Ball & The Rituals Begins 1 years ago
    77. 591
      590. I Became The Pope 1 years ago
    78. 592
      591. Curse Of The Blessed 1 years ago
    79. 593
      592. Four Part Plan 1 years ago
    80. 594
      593. Into The Door Of Darkness  1 years ago
    81. 595
      594. Essence Of A God  1 years ago
    82. 596
      595. Trial By Will 1 years ago
    83. 597
      596. Trial By Mind 1 years ago
    84. 598
      597. Chonky Does Chonking 1 years ago
    85. 599
      598. The Elder God's Lure 1 years ago
    86. 600
      599. An Exchange Of Names 1 years ago
    87. 601
      600. Saint Scepter, The Man Who Tried 1 years ago
    88. 602
      601. Pope Sylvester Maximilian 1 years ago
    89. 603
      602. A Daughter's Coronation 1 years ago
    90. 604
      603. Unlikely Place, Unlikely Meeting 1 years ago
    91. 605
      604. Hidden Feelings 1 years ago
    92. 606
      605. A Father, A Mother, A Son 1 years ago
    93. 607
      606. Grand Plans & Grand Changes 1 years ago
    94. 608
      607. A Dragon's Compromise 1 years ago
    95. 609
      608. Sylvester's Fear  1 years ago
    96. 610
      609. When Magic Meets Technology 1 years ago
    97. 611
      610. Memory Of Thoughts 1 years ago
    98. 612
      611. A Troublesome Development 1 years ago
    99. 613
      612. A Fountain & Battle Preparation   1 years ago
    100. 614
      613.  Sylvester & Chonky Commit A Genocide 1 years ago
    101. 615
      614. Highland Productivity Experiment 1 years ago
    102. 616
      615. Sylvester vs. The Church 1 years ago
    103. 617
      616. The Calculated Rage 1 years ago
    104. 618
      617. Battle Of Mount Primis I: Scent Of Rage 1 years ago
    105. 619
      618. Battle Of Mount Primis II: That Hopeless Emptiness 1 years ago
    106. 620
      619. Battle Of Mount Primis III: Once, I Was You 1 years ago
    107. 621
      620. Battle Of Mount Primis IV: Triumph 1 years ago
    108. 622
      621. The Pope Speaks 1 years ago
    109. 623
      622. A Hymn For All 1 years ago
    110. 624
      623. The Taste Of Big Meat 1 years ago
    111. 625
      624. Constitution Of Light  1 years ago
    112. 626
      625. The Final Nail 1 years ago
    113. 627
      626. Welcome To Hell  1 years ago
    114. 628
      627. No Way Out! 1 years ago
    115. 629
      628. Slave Gods & Sylvester 1 years ago
    116. 630
      629. School Of Sylvester? 1 years ago
    117. 631
      630. Chonky Got New Toys 1 years ago
    118. 632
      631. Blood And Beyond 1 years ago
    119. 633
      632. A Tense Dinner 1 years ago
    120. 634
      633. Suggesting A Possibility  1 years ago
    121. 635
      634. The Good And The Ugly 1 years ago
    122. 636
      635. Delimira's Pain 12 months ago
    123. 637
      636. Father & Son  12 months ago
    124. 638
      637. Virideus 12 months ago
    125. 639
      638. Three Supreme Wizards 12 months ago
    126. 640
      639. Battle Of Divider Swamp I: Zama'tar 11 months ago
    127. 641
      640. Battle Of Divider Swamp II: Don't Get Caught! 11 months ago
    128. 642
      641. Battle Of Divider Swamp III: Sylvester's Own Magic 11 months ago
    129. 643
      642. Battle Of Divider Swamp IV: A Demon's Duty 11 months ago
    130. 644
      643. The Clash Of Fates I: Future Of The World 11 months ago
    131. 645
      644. The Clash Of Fates II: Sylvester's Supreme Void 11 months ago
    132. 646
      645. The Clash Of Fates III: Ruler Of The World  11 months ago
    133. 647
      646. A Gift To A Species 11 months ago
    134. 648
      647. The Hive Project  11 months ago
    135. 649
      648. The World Isn't Kind 11 months ago
    136. 650
      649. A Surprising Invention 11 months ago
    137. 651
      650. A Strange Welcome 11 months ago
    138. 652
      651. The Victims Of War 11 months ago
    139. 653
      652. The One Condition 11 months ago
    140. 654
      653. A New Guardian of Light 11 months ago
    141. 655
      654. Shouldn't Have Said That  11 months ago
    142. 656
      655. A Diary Of Emotions 11 months ago
    143. 657
      656. Doubts & Honor 11 months ago
    144. 658
      657. Adopted! 11 months ago
    145. 659
      658. Questionable Existence 11 months ago
    146. 660
      659. Existential Doubts 11 months ago
    147. 661
      660. Guardians' Dilemma 11 months ago
    148. 662
      661. Boy Becomes A Man 11 months ago
    149. 663
      662. Beyond The Beauty 11 months ago
    150. 664
      663. God Among Mortals 11 months ago
    151. 665
      664. The Hole Is The Goal 11 months ago
    152. 666
      665. The Warning Signs 11 months ago
    153. 667
      666. Father & Daughter 11 months ago
    154. 668
      667. The Demon's Cry 11 months ago
    155. 669
      668. Same Shit, Different Day  11 months ago
    156. 670
      669. A Different Kind Of Inquisition  10 months ago
    157. 671
      670. The Fear Of Fleeting Time 10 months ago
    158. 672
      671. An Ant's Dream 10 months ago
    159. 673
      672. Breaking Evolution I: The Divine Shackles 10 months ago
    160. 674
      673. Breaking Evolution II: Creator & Destroyer 10 months ago
    161. 675
      674. Felix, The Saint Viceman 10 months ago
    162. 676
      675. A Hopeful Cure 10 months ago
    163. 677
      676. The Past Haunts 10 months ago
    164. 678
      677. The Fight of Supreme 10 months ago
    165. 679
      678. Two Against One 10 months ago
    166. 680
      679. Magic Meets Science 10 months ago
    167. 681
      680. Standing Before True Talent 10 months ago
    168. 682
      681. Matters Of Broken Heart 10 months ago
    169. 683
      682. Wasted Beauty 10 months ago
    170. 684
      683. Peace & Crime 10 months ago
    171. 685
      684. Heresy In The North 10 months ago
    172. 686
      685. Seeking Answers 10 months ago
    173. 687
      686. The Miracle Of Flesh 10 months ago
    174. 688
      687. Dwarven King On Pilgrimage 10 months ago
    175. 689
      688. A Lunch With Guardians 10 months ago
    176. 690
      689. Legend Continues 10 months ago
    177. 691
      690. Just Three Brothers & Chonky 10 months ago
    178. 692
      691. A City Was Born 10 months ago
    179. 693
      692. Paying A Visit 10 months ago
    180. 694
      693. A Conqueror And A Giant Approaches 10 months ago
    181. 695
      694. The Richest 10 months ago
    182. 696
      695. The Great Harvest Festival 10 months ago
    183. 697
      696. Cardinal Morgan 10 months ago
    184. 698
      697. A Dwarf's Tears 10 months ago
    185. 699
      698. Little Green Frogs, But Bigger 9 months ago
    186. 700
      699. Marriage Matters I: A Grand Photoshoot 9 months ago
    187. 701
      700. Marriage Matters II: A Crisis Looms 9 months ago
    188. 702
      701. Return Of General Bob 9 months ago
    189. 703
      702. Something Feels Wrong 9 months ago
    190. 704
      703. The Old Sylvester 9 months ago
    191. 705
      704. Leyon Of Sol 9 months ago
    192. 706
      705. A New Title Acquired 9 months ago
    193. 707
      706. The Sol Theocracy 9 months ago
    194. 708
      707. Where To Now? 9 months ago
    195. 709
      708. Something Long and Heavy 9 months ago
    196. 710
      709. Talent, Tiredness & Tears 9 months ago
    197. 711
      710. Once In A Lifetime 9 months ago
    198. 712
      711. Supreme Wizard Engineer  9 months ago
    199. 713
      712. I Absolutely Love Trains 9 months ago
    200. 714
      713. Money, Scams & The Bank 9 months ago
    201. 715
      714. Central Continent  9 months ago
    202. 716
      715. Bond… James Bond 9 months ago
    203. 717
      716. Slaver Sylvester & Sneaky Chonky 9 months ago
    204. 718
      717. Interrogation 9 months ago
    205. 719
      718. Different Species, Same Emotions 9 months ago
    206. 720
      719. The Portal 9 months ago
    207. 721
      720. A Godly Pact 9 months ago
    208. 722
      721. Ten Thousand Years Ago 9 months ago
    209. 723
      722. A Surprise In Waiting 9 months ago
    210. 724
      723. Rise Beyond Humanity 9 months ago
    211. 725
      724. I Feel Different 9 months ago
    212. 726
      725. My Greatest Present 9 months ago
    213. 727
      726. Into The Portal I: A Horrifying Possibility 8 months ago
    214. 728
      727. Into The Portal II: Demons Can Fly? 8 months ago
    215. 729
      728. Into The Portal III: The Voices 8 months ago
    216. 730
      729. The Tribute 8 months ago

    Volumen 6 : Now What?

    1. 731
      730. Wait A Minute! 8 months ago
    2. 732
      731. Infinite Money Scheme 8 months ago
    3. 733
      732. A Forgotten Man 8 months ago
    4. 734
      733. Traveler From Another World  8 months ago
    5. 735
      734. The Imperial Welcome 8 months ago
    6. 736
      735. The Empress 8 months ago
    7. 737
      736. First Exchange 8 months ago
    8. 738
      737. I Need Answers! 8 months ago
    9. 739
      738. The Room 8 months ago
    10. 740
      739. Once Again, Where It Began 8 months ago
    11. 741
      740. Life Goes On 8 months ago
    12. 742
      741. The Filter 8 months ago
    13. 743
      742. Just Like Me 8 months ago
    14. 744
      743. Diana's Legacy 8 months ago
    15. 745
      744. A Young Voice 8 months ago
    16. 746
      745. Where Are We? 8 months ago
    17. 747
      746. Same But Bigger 8 months ago
    18. 748
      747. The Fabric Of Reality 8 months ago
    19. 749
      748. An Exciting Possibility 8 months ago
    20. 750
      749. A Fissure Of Hope 7 months ago
    21. 751
      750. The Living, The Dead & The Dying 7 months ago
    22. 752
      751. A God Or A Monster? 7 months ago
    23. 753
      752. I Have Become Life, Creator Of Worlds 7 months ago
    24. 754
      753. We Meet Again 7 months ago
    25. 755
      754. Home 7 months ago
    26. 756
      755. Not A Warm Welcome 7 months ago
    27. 757
      756. A Visitor Comes 7 months ago
    28. 758
      757. Johnathan Colt Westerling 7 months ago
    29. 759
      758. Double Surprise 7 months ago
    30. 760
      759. A Mother's Plea 7 months ago
    31. 761
      760. Triplets & Zenith's Inexperience 7 months ago
    32. 762
      761. Godly Woes 7 months ago
    33. 763
      762. Ashraska's Reply 7 months ago
    34. 764
      763. Crisis In the Demon World 7 months ago
    35. 765
      764. A Provocaton 7 months ago
    36. 766
      765. Suck Terrance 7 months ago
    37. 767
      766. Landfall 7 months ago
    38. 768
      767. The One Behind All 7 months ago
    39. 769
      768. GODs Vs gods I: The Highest Realm 7 months ago
    40. 770
      769. GODs Vs gods II: The Plan 7 months ago
    41. 771
      770. GODs Vs gods III: Godslayer 7 months ago
    42. 772
      771. GODs Vs gods IV: Only One End 6 months ago
    43. 773
      772. At The End Of Existence I: Solis 6 months ago