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45.78% I'm Gohan! / Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Zuno

Capítulo 75: Chapter 75: Zuno

Just like Gohan said, they didn't take long to arrive. There was little left to land on Zuno's planet, and both sat waiting.

Trunks was nervous to see who, in Gohan's words, would tell them the current location of the new planet Namek. He couldn't wait.

"Hey... how long do you think it will take to get over the power of a Super Saiyan?" Trunks asked turning his head towards Gohan.

Some time ago Gohan told him about the next phases of the Super Saiyan. He told him that with enough training he would get them.

"Once you reach your limit as a Super Saiyan, but it's better to focus on strengthening the base power to the maximum" Gohan replied.

Super Saiyan 2 was a powered-up variation, therefore it was achieved in the same way as Super Saiyan 1.

And the same with Super Saiyan 3; it was necessary to reach the limit of one phase to advance to another. This is what Gohan had explained him.

However, maximizing the base power and ordinary Super Saiyan the other variants would be unnecessary, that's what Gohan wanted to achieve.

"I'll keep training then" Trunks sighed with a smile and realized something interesting "Look, it seems that we have already reached the planet"

The boy looked up seeing the same thing as Trunks. Immediately the landing occurred and after a couple of minutes the ship settled on the ground.

"Alright let's get out" Gohan stated getting up as the door to the capsule opened. Trunks then unbuckled his belt, and followed him.

On leaving, they noticed that it was a fairly rocky planet, and some oriental palaces were seen standing on rocks that floated in the air.

Gohan put the ship in his capsule, and noticed that an air of mysticism enveloped this place. He seemed even more enigmatic than Yadrat.

Trunks was somewhat stunned, since it was the first time he had left his planet. And to tell the truth he looked quite different from Earth.

"It must be that castle over there, it's the biggest one" Gohan pointed to a building and walked towards it with Trunks. But nothing good awaited them.

"There are many people!" Trunks exclaimed seeing the long queue to enter into Zuno's palace.

"Indeed, Master Zuno has a fairly long waiting list. If they make an appointment today, maybe in half a year they will have an audience"

They both turned and saw a man with a large shaven head, a yellow suit and purple skin. Trunks was shocked to see him up close.

"W-what?! Half a year? Damn, then we'll have to come back another time Gohan" Trunks resigned himself to leaving but Gohan stopped him.

"I am the emperor of this universe, I can't wait that long!" Gohan exclaimed exalted and transformed into a Super Saiyan in that instant.

Zuno's assistant cringed quite a bit at his transformation and took several steps back. "A-are you t-the emperor of the universe?"

"Yes, indeed, and I also have a couple of things here that Master Zuno may be interested in" Gohan added with a smile, and the man nodded.

"O-okay, wait here and I'll go tell you" the assistant went inside the palace and the young man sighed returning to his base state.

He wanted to speed this up and the only way was by intimidation using his charge. It was not the best method, but it was one of the most productive.

Although really his empire was in the past, but did it mean that he couldn't take over the empire of the future? Well no.

"The emperor of the universe?" Trunks repeated blinking curiously, and the boy nodded scratching his head with a slight smile.

"I'll explain it to you later, but I didn't want to wait too long" Gohan uttered and Trunks nodded, as he too was eager to go to Namek.

After a time, Zuno's assistant returned to where they both were. "Master Zuno is willing to see you"

Gohan smiled, and they followed the assistant. Once inside they saw a great man on a machine with two others of the same species.

"Is that huge being over there Master Zuno?" Trunks asked in surprise, and sat down on the tatami. Next to him was Gohan, who nodded.

"So, do you have any questions for Master Zuno?" asked one of the two beings standing next to the great one, Zuno.

"Sure, that's why we came" Gohan replied.

"Very well, then present your gifts" indicated the other assistant and Trunks worried, since he hadn't brought anything of value with him.

"What are we going to do? I don't have any gifts to offer" Trunks said, waiting to see what solution Gohan suggested, who closed his eyes.

"Trunks, go kiss him"

"W-what did you say?" he hesitated in alarm.

"Going to kiss him, I've heard that doing that is also considered a gift" Gohan spoke sternly, "That's your only option"

"K-kiss him? O-Of course not!" Trunks shook his head in disgust, "A-aren't you making fun of me?"

Gohan smiled holding back his laughter and putting two fingers on his forehead he disappeared. A second later, he was back with Bulma. Trunks froze.

"As I said, if you kiss Master Zuno he will grant you any question" Gohan spoke with a stern face and Bulma turned to Zuno.

Seeing that big face the woman was startled and looked with a vein of anger at Gohan, who backed away swallowing saliva.

"C-come on m-mom, we need to know where Namek is" Trunks urged his mother. Gohan looked at him with a poker face.

Realizing the great importance of this matter, Bulma swallowed hard and stepped forward. She closed her eyes, and gave Zuno a kiss on the cheek.

"From what I see you are a woman, although a little older and you are not my type. Therefore, I will grant you two questions" declared Zuno.

"H-How am I an old woman?!" Bulma snapped at him and Trunks had to stop her from doing anything stupid to Zuno, "Let go of me!"

"That was a question, you have another one"

"That was rude, Bulma may have aged but she's still beautiful" Gohan pointed out leaving Bulma a bit calmer.

Trunks sighed, letting go of his previously furious mother, who wiped her hands and glared at Zuno with a savage look. And he remained swallowed.

"Hpmf, just tell me where the new planet Namek is, that's all I want to know" Bulma said grumbling under her breath with a frown on her face.

"It's in a galaxy to the west, coordinates 8834-YZ" replied Zuno while Bulma wrote it down in a notebook.

"Your questions are over old woman, next" the assistant said and Bulma gave him an annoyed look but she already knew what she wanted.

Gohan then placed two fingers on his forehead, concentrating on the location Zuno had given, to see if he could feel any known Ki.

"Got it! They're weak energies but I could feel Dende's Ki and Elder Moori's" Gohan exclaimed with a smile. Bulma jumped up contently.

"We will finally resurrect our friends!" the woman cried with joy and Trunks squeezed her hands with great emotion, "What are we waiting for, Gohan?"

"I also want to ask Master Zuno a question" Gohan said walking towards him and took out a Senzu bean, "Here, this is my gift"

"Oh, what is it about?"

"They are beans capable of healing wounds and keeping the body nourished for ten days, try it" Gohan replied with a smile.

The assistant took that seed and swallowed it. Suddenly he felt as full as ever. "This food is really fantastic Master Zuno!"

"Is that true? Well, in that case I'll grant you a question" Zuno spoke causing Gohan to fall on his back after hearing him.

"How come you know so much about the universe?" Gohan asked with a smile. This being always caused him a lot of intrigue.

Perhaps, having the answer to that would open the doors to reaching a level of knowledge as high as Zuno's. That would be incredible.

Zuno looked at him for a few moments, somewhat surprised by that question. "I am not authorized to answer such a question"

"What? And why is that?"

"Send in next, please," one of Zuno's assistants interjected, and the boy grumbled. Surely Zuno had cheated him!

"C-calm down, maybe that man had his reasons" Trunks tried to calm him down and Gohan sighed putting two fingers to his forehead.

"We better go to new Namek, put your hands on my shoulder" Gohan told them. Bulma nodded excitedly, and in no time they were gone.

They soon reappeared on the new planet Namek, which was very identical to the previous one. Gohan smiled rather wistfully as he looked up at the sky.

"You are!"

Gohan turned around and saw that it was Dende, except that he looked much older than the one in his timeline, "Hey, long time no see Dende!"

"It's been many years, although you haven't changed much Gohan" replied Dende happily, "Miss Bulma"

"It's good to see you too!" added the woman.

"You are the son of the warrior who defeated Frieza, right? We are very grateful to you earthlings" Moori declared with a big smile.

"It was nothing hehe!" Gohan scratched the back of his neck smiling, "And by the way Elder, do you have the seven dragon balls with you?"

"Of course, they are gathered in this village. After what happened with Frieza, we took some precautions" replied Moori.

"Perfect! Some enemies attacked the Earth killing many people, that includes my father, Piccolo and the others" explained Gohan.

"That's terrible! So you want to use the spheres to revive them?" Moori asked with a frown and the young man nodded sternly.

"I know that it is forbidden to use the Dragon balls improperly but the Earth needs its warriors, they would help us" Gohan said.

"You can use them as you like, it wouldn't be fair not to help you after you saved us from Frieza" Moori added smiling.

"I appreciate it very much, Elder" Gohan turned to Bulma and Trunks, and gave them a thumbs up. Mother and son felt very happy about this.

After a few seconds, a Namekian brought the seven dragon balls and placed them on the ground. Moori approached, and summoned the dragon Porunga.

The sky instantly turned black and the dragon god emerged from the seven spheres. Trunks was startled, he had never seen anything like it.

"Whoever gathered the dragon balls can ask me for his wishes, but only three and that they are within my possibilities" said the dragon.

"Well, the first one will be to resurrect everyone who was killed by the androids" Gohan said looking at Trunks and Bulma, who nodded.

"But that… won't revive Mr. Goku, since he passed away from an illness" Trunks interjected.

"Well, we have two wishes left" Bulma spoke up with a smile giving Gohan a thumbs up.

Moori nodded listening to everything and notified Porunga of that wish. Sure, speaking Namekian.

"That will be easy" Porunga's eyes shone for a few moments, "Your first wish has already been fulfilled successfully, what is the second?"

"Is it possible to revive the warrior Son Goku?" Gohan asked and Moori acted as translator.

Bulma was expectant. Even Gohan was curious, although he already knew that this would be easy to do. Future Goku was going to be resurrected.

"Yes, that is possible" replied the dragon god emitting a red light from his eyes as a sign of having granted the wish, "Son Goku has already been revived"

"Yes finally!" Bulma danced happily, "Wait! Gohan, w-would you let me make the last wish?"

"Sure, what is it about?"

"Y-you see... in the last twenty years I have aged, I would like to be as young as before. And the same for your mother, Chi-Chi"

"I know it sounds selfish... but understand me, the stress of watching over Trunks while the planet was being destroyed took a toll on my physique"

"There were even nights where he was unable to sleep… but anyway, I'd just like to ask for that," Bulma spoke up with a faint smile on her face.

Gohan listened to this with some sorrow. Both Bulma and her mother had suffered a lot in this timeline, they deserved some happiness.

"You can ask for it, because without you the world wouldn't have been saved. You deserve it" Gohan replied and Bulma's eyes sparkled after hearing him.

Gohan communicated the wish to Moori. After a moment, Bulma rejuvenated as much as she had during her time on Namek twenty years ago.

"This is fabulous! Thank you very much Porunga!" Bulma exclaimed touching the skin on her face.

"Until next time!" the dragon god said goodbye by scattering the spheres around the planet, and the sky returned to normal a few minutes later.

"I'm happy for you Bulma, but remember that Dragon balls shouldn't usually be used for things like that... or the consequences would be catastrophic"

"The balance of the universe would be broken and that would bring unprecedented chaos, so be careful when using the spheres" warned Gohan.

Bulma nodded at how serious the matter was. Trunks made a mental note regarding this.

"Exactly, I hope the Earth returns to normal soon" Moori said approaching and Gohan nodded. But then he remembered one thing.

"And by the way Elder, is it possible that some Namekian decides to become our new Kami?" Gohan asked smiling intrigued.

Bulma looked at him curiously, but she made sense. Since with a new Kami, in case Piccolo died the Dragon balls would not disappear.

"In that case Dende is the most suitable, he has more talent among the young generation" Moori said making the aforementioned turn when he heard him.

"That sounds good hehe, I'd like you to come with us Dende, our planet needs a new Kami" Gohan urged extending his hand.

"I-I..." Dende was a little hesitant about that option, but Moori convinced him with a look, "O-okay, I'll do my best"

"Perfect, you won't regret it!" Gohan said smiling, "Thank you very much for this help, we will be there when you need us"

"We trust you" replied Moori and instantly the earthlings disappeared together with Dende, heading for Earth, "I wish you luck"


In the middle of a rebuilding city, various guys started to rise up. And everyone was very confused, they were the Z fighters!

"W-what's wrong? Have we revived?" Krillin asked blinking in disbelief.

"S-so it seems, it's incredible" Tien murmured in disbelief, Chiaotzu who was next to him was as dumbfounded as his best friend.

"Maybe Trunks was finally able to revive us!" Yamcha exclaimed jumping for joy, "Finally! After so many years we've been resurrected haha!"

Piccolo looked at his hands in bewilderment. Vegeta did the same, he never believed that he would come back to life, this was magnificent!

"I wonder what Trunks did to revive us, but I don't see dad anywhere" Future Gohan scratched the back of his neck smiling.

"Well, that's because he's somewhere else"

They all turned to hear that, and saw Bulma, Dende, Gohan as a child and Trunks, who was excited as ever to see his máster, his friend and his brother, Future Gohan.

"Gohan is you!" Trunks ran to him and hugged him releasing several tears of happiness from his eyes, "Finally... finally you're back Gohan"

Future Gohan hugged him closing his eyes, and letting out a single tear. "Yes, I'm so sorry Trunks... I left you alone"

Bulma looked at the scene moved, she knew how much Trunks had missed Future Gohan, but he finally saw him again.

"Hey woman!" Bulma turned at the sound of Vegeta's voice, who was with his arms crossed as usual. "Hpmf, you look younger"

"Do you really think so? Oh, I didn't know about that romantic side of you, Vegeta" the woman scoffed.

"I-I'm the prince of the Saiyans, don't talk nonsense!" Vegeta groaned causing Bulma to chuckle lightly at that, "Tsk, you silly woman"

"I also missed you"

Several laughed at this, they finally came back.

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It will be fun to see how the two Gohans interact, the one from this story and the one from Future Trunks. And besides, there is a lot to explain about what happened with the Z fighters. How strong will they be? Will they be surprised to see Gohan's power and all the changes in his timeline? What will be happening in the past?

Thanks for reading, I hope we reach 400 power stones soon!

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