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37.5% Harry Potter: Genius of The Millennia / Chapter 3: Chapter 2: The Acceptance Letter

Capítulo 3: Chapter 2: The Acceptance Letter

Notice: A lot of Past events will be changed to fit the plot, so you can call this an AU. A lot of people have been asking me this question so here is your answer.


I have just apparated in South Atlantic Ocean between South America and Africa. Flying in the air I could see an isolated island towards the north. I face my back towards the island and fly a certain distance. I was now hovering just above the water and I could only see water all around except the small island in the north direction which was opposite me.

"OPEN SESAME" I shouted since the crashing sounds of waves was loud.

Just like that, a door in the middle of the ocean was opened and I flew straight through it before it vanished again like it was never there, to begin with.

As I flew through the door, the scenery had changed to a complete 180. Now I was standing on the edge of barren land with a blazing hot breeze and the smell of smoke. The door behind me just disappeared but I was busy looking toward the obstacle that I had prepared for anyone who was able to enter this dimension.

In front of me was Godzilla- The King of Mythical creatures. Standing at a staggering height of 120 meters, it was the incarnation of destruction. Long ago, an insane group of scholars in wizards had deemed this world unfit and so they wanted it destroyed. To do this they made a magical creature so strong that it was able to sink their home continent within a day. That sank continent was Atlantis. The monster however was left to roam around the world through the oceans. He divided the supercontinent into many small continents. He was roaming free for about 2000 years.

Godzilla didn't need to eat or drink. It is a creature that is amortal and was born for only one purpose, which was to destroy everything that lives. Magic doesn't work on it. It is a monstrosity that even I cannot defeat, therefore I have sealed this thing in this separate dimension so that it doesn't harm anyone. I also used it as a trial to see if one was worthy to enter my castle. The rules were simple, a person just has to kill this monstrosity and the door to Camelot's dimension will be revealed.

I had also set up a password function so that I could enter that dimension without killing Godzilla. I mean I can easily kill that thing but then my security will be hampered and I don't want that. It is only for that reason that I am letting that thing live, I swear!

So I just cleared my throat and whispered in a hushed voice so that, Godzilla doesn't detect me.

"Camelot." Just as I whispered that a marble tablet came floating from under the ground and hovered right in front of me.

This is a soul ward. Unlike Blood Wards which allow access to your descendants or your blood-related relatives, this tablet only recognizes the wavelength and energy type of my soul. So, as soon as I placed my hand on it, it recognized me and teleported me directly to the Camelot Dimension.

Several species resided in Camelot, a lot of rare species in my previous lives that is. Some of whom might even be close to extinction by now.

These races included the Elder Dragon, Kraken, Charybdis, Hydra, Cerberus, Pegasus, Unicorn, Sphinx, Mermaid, Nidhogg, Jormungand, Fenrir, Phoenix, Nundu, Qilin, Demiguise, thunderbird, Wampus Cat, Horned Serpent, Chimaera, Acromantula, and many other dangerous and interesting magical creatures.

There was a different kind of atmosphere in different places where a group (about 100-200) of species resided, but many of the magical creatures were immortal and so they were only one in number. These magical creatures were all managed by the Forest elves who were a very unique race. Goblins were produced by the cross-breeding of Dwarfs and Forest Elves while house-elves were a cross breed between goblins and forest elves. Around 2000 BC, forest elves were used as slaves until I bought every single one of them and left them here to live a fulfilling life.

Forest elves, unlike house elves, are the same height as humans with beautiful faces and pointy ears. They can also live for about 600-800 years. They have a unique ability to be able to talk and calm down any magical beasts. Therefore I offered the forest elves a peaceful life in exchange for taking care of my magical beasts.

There are also Centaur that resides here, but they like to keep to themselves and did not want to be friendly with the elves.

There was also a small community of Dwarves that I was able to save before they were squashed down by humans and goblins. Since both Humans and Goblins were jealous of their blacksmithing talents. Though the goblins did inherit some of it.

The dwarves and the forest elves had a friendly relationship that live here in Camelot, an average life of a dwarf is anywhere between 300-400 years.

It was a small and peaceful society that I had created here in this dimension the last time I left it. Though I don't know about the current situation of Camelot. The flow of time in this dimension is the same as that of Earth.

As I landed on the ground of Camelot, I sensed a security ward going off, just as I landed here. Probably placed by the current residents here.

I was just taking in the beautiful atmosphere of Camelot while waiting for the residents to arrive here, but soon enough what looked like the chief of Elves, Dwarves, and even Centaur was walking toward me while I was just sitting on a transfigured stone chair.

"Who are you Human? and how did you even enter this place?" the Centaur said while hostility was dripping from his words. The centaur was wearing gold ornaments.

"Don't be hasty" I said in a relaxed manner.

"All of us that live here did not have a good history with Humans, you cannot blame us for that," the elven chief said. He looked pretty handsome, with a nice-looking robe and some gold ornaments.

"Never mind that, I am more interested in how a mere Human was able to bypass our King's defenses," the Dwarven chief looked giddy at the prospect of extracting information from me. He was a tall 6 and a half feet man wearing full body armor and carrying a sword. All his armor and weapon were engraved with ruins and they looked sturdy.

"So, who is this King exactly?" I asked the dwarf while ignoring the other two who looked offended.

"Well, the information doesn't come free, you know?" he said with a business-like smirk.

"How about this, I tell you who I am and you guys tell me what is going on in this place? Does that sound like a fair deal?" I said while the dwarf had a broad smile plastered on his face.

Then I went on to explain how I died as Merlin Wyllt and was reborn as Harry Potter. I had to give them several proofs in which I discovered something new.

For the first proof, they wanted to see my Corporeal Patronus because obviously, their ancestors have told them that I had a Phoenix Patronus, but something new happened. I was now able to cast two Corporeal Patronus which should have been impossible, but coming back from the dead should have been the same, so I guess it makes some sense. The first Patronus that I inherited from my previous life was the Phoenix Patronus and the new one was a Thestral Patronus.

Then I went on to explain how I might have gotten the second Patronus. For the last proof, I had called my phoenix. Now a phoenix always bonds with a person's soul and not their body, therefore the two can have a connection and understand what the other is saying. Due to that connection, I was able to recall my phoenix that was currently residing in the Camelot Castle.

My phoenix familiar was 'Neo'. He is a rare mutation among the phoenix and so he was kind of an outlaw until I took him in, in my previous life of course. He is unlike any other phoenix, he is a blue magical bird with white plumage, along with a black beak and talons, sapphire eyes, and a tail as long as a peacock's. His blue feathers glowed faintly in the darkness, while his white tail feathers were hot to the touch.

Seeing all the proof in front of their eyes, all three of the elders bent on their knees and gave me a bow filled with respect.

"Our King-" said the elven leader.

"-We are pleased to welcome you-" the dwarven leader continued.

"-back in Camelot." the centaur finished the line.

Well, I guess that makes sense. I mean I am the one that built this space using the energy that was released when I killed a Phoenix. Well, that was a sad event, but it had to be done. All because of that foolish old Geezer Herpo.

Herpo, born somewhere around 8000 BC, was a man who was obsessed with dark arts and mastered it to such perfection that he obtained almost perfect immortality. He made a phoenix Horcrux which was nigh impossible to kill and from various rituals had obtained immortal youth. Only I had a spell capable of killing a phoenix permanently. Even after I had killed his phoenix, that damn geezer Herpo was still the master of Dark Arts to the finest extents. Our battle was legendary, going on for 7 days and 7 nights nonstop and it turned the Green Sahara into a desert. That battle took place almost 6000 years ago.

Bringing my mind back to the present, I asked the Elf, Dwarf, and Centaur to explain about the current situation to me.

It turns out that they have bloomed into almost a small country with the population of Elves, Dwarves and Centaurs combined reaching about 700,000. They then went on to explain how the magical creatures are healthy and have grown in population considerably and since this dimension had infinite space in it, they let the population of magical creatures grow as much as they want.

Another thing that I discovered was that cross-breeding between two races was considered taboo because of their previous experiences. Well, it's their choice so I am not gonna interrupt them.

Just like that, the next day all the three races came together and held a gigantic feast for my return. It was amazing and the first thing that I enjoyed this much after my reincarnation.

I had also keyed myself to the castle wards to allow me to directly apparate there. The sentient butler consciousness that I had developed and left in the castle was also delighted to see me again.

Just like that, I spent the last month of my punishment from the Dursleys while I put a notice me not charm on the door of the cupboard under the stairs. I had mastered all of the parseltongue spells and healing spells that I had in Camelot.

Now, I can without a doubt say that I can speak almost all the languages available on Earth fluently. I had also told all the residents of Camelot that I might visit sometimes when I needed their help and they were delighted to hear it.

Just like that my punishment was spent very productively and I had learned a lot. Summer Vacation has also started and Dudley successfully got admission to Smeltings Academy because Uncle Vernon had also attended that school and the only thing that he praised about Smeltings was the portions of food served at the school was very filling, but Aunt Petunia surprisingly disagreed.

Anyway, Aunt Petunia had brought Dudley's school uniform from London. I was to go to Stonewall High School and Aunt Petunia had dyed Dudley's old clothes grey for that. Though it didn't matter anyway because I was going to attend Hogwarts starting this year.

Today, 24 July 1991 (Tuesday), was just like any other day with Dudley hitting everyone with his smelting stick during breakfast when the mail came in.

"Dudley go get the mail," said Uncle Vernon.

"Alright," said Dudley. While Uncle Vernon and I were dumbstruck that Dudley was finally doing some work.

But my Hogwarts letter just had to come today. Dudley came running to the kitchen while shouting "Harry's got a letter!!". I mean even Hermione sends me letters but since she doesn't know my address she just sends them to Mayfair Library.

What happened afterward was chaos. While I was eating breakfast, Uncle Vernon ad Dudley was brawling because Uncle Vernon didn't let us see what was in the letter. So, I got to finish my breakfast while the stubborn Dudley was hitting Uncle Vernon with the Smelting stick. That was until he shouted.

"STOP, both of you!"

"But I ain't doing anything," I said and Uncle Vernon realized that I really wasn't doing anything. So, he threw both of us out of the kitchen and was discussing things with Aunt Petunia while Dudley's stomach was rumbling because he didn't eat his breakfast.

Meanwhile, the big Dursleys had decided that they won't reply to the letter. Well, since I knew that their efforts would be pointless anyway, I just got back to my cupboard.

Though in the evening when Uncle Vernon got back from work, he told me that I could take Dudley's second room since I was growing small for the cupboard. Well, I know that he doesn't want the letter to get to me, but jeez, the longer I don't reply to the letter then the next day I will receive two times the amount of letters than the previous time. I mean it will be fun to see the entire house filled with letters.

If I remember correctly, then this particular piece of magic was developed by Rovena Ravenclaw. She used this to annoy me if I didn't reply to her letter. The enchantment was visible on the letter to the trained eye that is. It might as well be an automated system by Hogwarts. Therefore no need to worry.

And just like I predicted, today (25 July 1991, Wednesday) there was the Hogwarts letter again that Uncle Vernon had to fight and take from Dudley. It is almost like my new morning series while I eat my breakfast, 'The Walrus Brawl'. I even thought of a name while watching today's sho- I mean fight.

On Thursday when six letters from Hogwarts barged their way in. Uncle Vernon decided to nail the mail slot that day and so he didn't go to work. I even heard from Aunt Petunia that he slept near the door yesterday and I think two of my ribs cracked just from trying to hold in the laughter.

On Friday, no less than twelve letters have found their way into the home, and Uncle Vernon had to once again take a holiday and nail all the loose ends of the home, while everyone was worried about the letters, I was devouring the ice cream in the fridge since no one was watching.

Today is Saturday and I am starting to think that someone was sent after me to see that I read the letter that was delivered. Well, my doubt obviously comes from the confounded milkman who delivered 24 letters transfigured as eggs through the living room window. Aunt Petunia was busy shredding the letters in the blender, Uncle Vernon made furious telephone calls to the post office and the dairy trying to find someone to complain to.

"Who on earth wants to talk to you this badly?" Dudley asked me in amazement. While I was left thinking why the school would send someone personally to see that I received the letter. Maybe to act as a guide for me to enter the wizarding world because obviously, it was well hidden. Or maybe to give me some Galleon so that I can buy my school supplies. Well, speaking of Galleon, I wonder if the coins are still minted by the Goblins.

Anyway, Sunday came around and Uncle Vernon looked mightily happy because there comes no post on Sunday, while I was looking at all the owls gathered around our apartment. 'So, wizards still haven't found any new way to transport letters?' this was my current thought as I watched all the owls dump the letter in the Chimney. 'Oh boy, Uncle Vernon is sitting in front of the Chimney' another amusing thought came into my head.

Just as I thought that a letter came flying through the chimney and hit him squarely at the back of his head. The next moment, thirty or forty letters came pelting out of the fireplace like bullets. The Dursleys ducked to avoid the letter bullets and of course, I had diverted all the letters that tried hitting me.

Uncle Vernon got so mad that we had come to a gloomy-looking hotel called Railview on the outskirts of a town called Cokeworth after driving for the whole day.

But the next morning the Hotel staff had received about a hundred letters with my name, at this point even I thought that this was getting ridiculous. I mean the whole running charade will not stop the letters from coming our way but to my surprise, by Monday night we had come to a small hut in the middle of the sea while the storm was trying to the house of its root.

They were talking about some legend that witches cannot cross the water, which I guess would be partially correct for a full veela, but any normal witch or wizard can easily swim in water even half veelas can swim in the water.

Anyway, it is the 30 July 1991, and only two minutes from midnight. Ah, my Eleventh Birthday, I thought while gazing out of the window, I could see a giant figure flying on what looked like a broom, 'The Poor Broom' I thought. So, this is the person that is probably going to be my guide in the wizarding world. He finally decided to make a move huh.

Just as the date changed and I became 11, the door to the shabby hut fell on the ground when the person tried to knock.

Dudley meanwhile sat up from his sleep and shouted, "Where's the Canon". What a bloke.

Meanwhile, Uncle Vernon came near the door while holding and rifle and shouting, "I warn you- I am armed," which looked ridiculous by the way.

So, this giant dude just walked into the hut and sat on the sofa which creaked.

"Ah, here's Harry" the ain't said while looking at me. "Las' time I saw you, you was only a baby. Yeh look a lot like yer dad but you got yer mum's eyes."

"Well, I probably don't recognize you because I was so little the last time I met you," I said with a shrug.

But my question was not answered as the Dursleys did some drama and the giant just made a knot of Uncle Vernon's rifle and scared them a bit.

"True, I haven't introduced meself. Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts." the now introduced Hagrid looked at me fondly.

I made a face of recognition as I removed a letter from my jacket. Yeah, I smuggled a letter before we were leaving Private Drive.

"Where did you get that boy?" Uncle Vernon asked with venom leaking from his tone.

"What? the house was full of it. I just picked one up. Don't worry I didn't read it." I said looking at the letter and not even sparing him a glance.

"So, you work for whatever this Hogwarts place is?" I asked. What? I had to come off authentic. Can't just say that it was one of my castles, you know.

"What are ye sayin' Harry? Ya never heard bout Hogwarts?" he asked while looking dangerously at the Dursleys while I just nodded my head.

What happened next was very chaotic. Hagrid was roaring at the Dursleys for telling me anything about my history while Uncle Vernon kept whimpering about not sending me to Hogwarts.

So, I found out that Voldemort wanted to kill my parents because they were opposing him in the war. He did kill my parents but was not able to kill me for some reason and was killed as the rumors say. But Hagrid thinks that he's still out there, trying to regain his powers.

Well, for now, I'll have to do with that. Because for some strange reason, I cannot remember anything before opening my eyes at the doorstep of the Dursleys. Though I can remember this flash of green light if I try to force my thought with occlumency.

But at last, after all that explanation I opened and read the letter.



(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. The term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

There was another paper inside the letter, but I looked at Hagrid and asked.

"So, how do I send a reply?"

At this question, Hagrid removed a living Owl from one of the pockets of his overcoat and wrote a small letter on a parchment.

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

Given Harry his letter.

Taking him to buy his things tomorrow.

Weather's horrible. Hope you're well.


He then gave this letter to the owl and there him out of the house window. Then Hagrid and I sat down on the sofa and ate some grilled sausages.

"So Hagrid, how am I gonna pay for the school fees and supplies," I said while reading the second piece of the paper.

"Well, your parent left you with enough money. Don't worry about it" He said while eating the entire sausage in a go.

"So, how did you do that magic with that umbrella?" I asked while eating the cake he got me.

"Oh, this! It has the broken pieces of my wand" he said while patting the umbrella.

"How did you break your wand?" I asked with a confused look.

"Oh, well — was at Hogwarts meself but I — er — got expelled, ter tell yeh the truth. In me third year. They snapped me wand in half an' everything. But Dumbledore let me stay on as gamekeeper. Great man, Dumbledore." He replied.

"Why were you expelled?" I asked.

"It's gettin' late and we've got lots ter do tomorrow," he said avoiding the topic.

With all my questioning, it had gotten around 1 in the morning and so we slept because tomorrow would be a great day for me. With that thought, I also went to sleep.


Sorry for the rough chapter today, but I just wanted to finish with the boring part and move on to some interesting parts. It is a hectic schedule to follow and I get very little time to write this stuff.

From the next chapter onwards, I will try to publish it more refined. So bear with it for now.

Anyways, let me know what you all think.

Remember spread Love, not Hate.

With that Author-Kun is signing off.

PhantomNoobster69 PhantomNoobster69

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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