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21.4% Winds of Change (DxD) / Chapter 43: Chapter 6 - Part 3 - Tuatha Dé Danann, Goddess Danu and The Alliance

Capítulo 43: Chapter 6 - Part 3 - Tuatha Dé Danann, Goddess Danu and The Alliance


County Meath


Jin Skyward

"Newgrange, huh? So they really did reside here, the Tuatha Dé Danann, is this where they created the 'Land of Heaven falls'?"

"Indeed, we are quite lucky, it is still morning, so there are no humans here. Come, it's inside."

Newgrange is a prehistoric monument in County Meath in Ireland, located on a rise overlooking the River Boyne, 8 kilometers west of Drogheda.

It is an exceptionally grand passage tomb built during the Neolithic Period, around 3200 BC, making it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids.

It is aligned with the winter solstice sunrise. Newgrange is the main monument in the Brú na Bóinne complex, a World Heritage Site that also includes the passage tombs of Knowth and Dowth, as well as other henges, burial mounds, and standing stones.

In Irish mythology, Newgrange is often called Síd in Broga. Like other passage tombs, it is described as a portal to the Otherworld and a dwelling of the divine Tuatha Dé Danann.

Because Scathach transported us near the site, we were not noticed by security, so we made our way inside the large monument. Once inside, it was quite cramped.

"It's tight…"


Just then Valerie looks at me with a frown…. Seriously?


"It's nothing, Jin…"

Around us were rocks and stones with unique designs and patterns on them. The rest were just rocks stuck together that were jutting out, so if you weren't careful, you might hit them and that would be painful.

"Did they build their portal here or something?"

"No, there's a secret passageway only a select few knows of, there resides a portal you take into their world. It is not a barrier like the other two."

Really? Now that sounds interesting, they really did go all out with this world of theirs then. I'm a little bit more excited now…

Scathach leads us down a few pathways until we reach a seemingly normal rock, but I could feel traces of magic in the surroundings. She presses on a certain spot and a 'click' noise is heard. Looking closely at it, it can only be activated by applying a bit of magic and pressing on that spot.

So no normal humans accidentally activate it if they started to randomly start molesting the rock where the switch was at.

A part of the ground beneath us started to slide to the right and beyond it was a staircase made of the same white rock of Newgrange. She urged us to go first and so we did, Scathach went last and I look behind me as she touches another rock and the entrance closes behind us.

"Quite convenient."

"Indeed, now keep going forward, it's a straightforward path."

"Yeah, we're not Zoro, we won't get lost."


"Never mind."

One Piece doesn't exist here. I haven't dug too deeply into it, but its knockoff is called True Piece… Why is it called that? I have no idea. I asked Rias about it once; she said the author just decided to name it that.

The story and characters are the same, of course, names and places are changed, but the story premise is nearly the same. That's why they didn't know or understand when I said Haki back then. I didn't explain it to them yet… Though Rias suspected it may be like the one in True Piece.

"I haven't been here in a long time~"

Áine sounded excited to be here, so, she hasn't been here a long time? I wonder what those standards are for Gods and Goddesses.

"You have? Áine-san? What is it like? How long ago?"

Valerie was quite curious too, in the front was Áine taking the lead, behind her was Valerie, Ophis Lianne, me, and Scathach.

"Yep! Hmmm ~ let's keep that part a secret for now, shall we? For how long? Hmmm ~ around four hundred years give or take?"

Four hundred years? How long has she been wandering about? She definitely saw many parts of Ireland's human history take place then… More so than the other gods since they apparently reside in their own worlds.

What's her opinion on humans in general? As she has been... She seems indifferent or likes them, but she could be putting up a facade, lying to us.

Now, after walking down the stairs, we were walking down a candle-lit passageway. It was just a straightforward path, with no twists or turns. Valerie and Áine started to talk to each other. They got along well.

Scathach and Lianne were talking about tactics, battle strategies, and training topics. They had a relaxed atmosphere around them, a rare smile on Lianne's face since she only shows that to me or the girls.

Ophis was walking beside me, we both were silent but she was holding my hand… She's been doing that a lot.

"We're here~"

Everyone stopped as a blue and white portal appeared in front of us… Seriously? I didn't expect a portal… Maybe a barrier or a teleportation circle? But a portal? Nope.

Áine while dragging Valerie with her stepped in first, followed by Scathach and Lianne, finally, Ophis and I passed through.

Land of ????


Amazing. In front of me were large chunks of earth broken into pieces, large tree roots were everywhere, and some were even holding up the large chunks of land. There were many trees, and small bodies of water too.

In the distance, there were many rivers… It looked like an enormous waterfall. Some chunks of land were higher than others because the roots of the trees supported them.

On the right, in the far distance, I could see… Some sort of building, like towers. Maybe that's where the Gods were at? But they seemed to be in a state of ruin when I zoomed in. Neither did I feel any life emanating from this place… Well, only monsters and creatures.

I look up and see a few…. Flying creatures, dragons? No, probably wyverns and drakes as well as larger flying birds.

In the middle, well what I perceived as the middle was a larger piece of land that looked like where the roots were coming from, and from the roots was an enormous tree, smaller than the one in Tír na nÓg but still quite large. Near its trunk was… A blue-ish portal, I wonder if that's…


"Right? But this isn't where the Gods live! Well, any more anyway. They use to when Goddess Danu used to rule over them— Well, lead them, but since she left, they moved."


"Mmm-hmm, over there, see that blue shiny portal thing? They made another world in there, not to the same size as this, but still large! All types of supernatural beings have moved in there, not just Gods!"

Áine pointed at the blue portal, it was swirling and letting out 'zgzgzg' noises, we could even hear it from here.

"What happened to this place? Why does it look so destroyed?"

"Hehe, it's always looked like this! Goddess Danu was quite strange… Okay I lied, it sort of looked like this, but as young Gods and Goddesses they got a bit rowdy, they did marry human heroes, so that added to the chaos of this place."

"It's nothing serious! Just you know, very rough and tumble kind of partying… A lot of punches, use of magic and weapons…"


"So, they're idiots?"

"Pfft— Well I guess you could call them that back then, teenage or young adult Gods? Hehe sure."

So, this is a result of those Gods having a party? Like teenagers during a high school weekend or college students during spring break. Complete and utter chaos, but this was on a much larger scale…

"What about those ruins in the back?"

"Intelligent creatures built that; I think. Dryads, Elves, Spirits, and other creatures both in Irish mythology and abroad have resided in here. Most are peaceful, some are… A bit wearier, and are prone to attack if startled."

"Anyway, let's go to the next portal!"

Áine urging us forward— She ran ahead. A very energetic woman, but she stopped as she got to the edge…

"Ahaha… I was invited in the past and had a hand in getting there… Um…"

I sigh and walk over towards her. She tilts her head and I pick her up.

"Hya ~ I'm being held by Jin ~"

"....Do we need to watch out for anything on the way there? Traps? Or something?"

"Nope ~"

I leap off the edge and we fall, Áine started to scream. I got nearer to the root and pushed myself off it, Ophis and Valerie were flying towards the portal with their wings. Scathach and Lianne had joined me in my little parkour journey.

As the two joined me, I landed on another piece of land.

"My life as a Goddess flashed before my eyes…"

"Quit being dramatic. Let's keep going, those two will get there before we will."

Teleportation? Who needs that, I want to see what else this abandoned land can offer… I start to run again and jump to the next chunk of land, this time Áine not screaming. The other two kept up with me.

While I ran and jumped, I also listened to the sound of water crashing beneath me, water flowing, and the occasional insect or animal noise. A giant shadow passes above me. I look up and see a large wyvern.

It was heading towards both Ophis and Valerie, but the two of them turn around, and glare at it as it immediately changes course and flies away…. What was its end goal there?

[Testing itself?]

{Pointless pride?}


Well, whatever it was, it's over now. Time to speed this up a bit—

"No touching my butt, mister!"

"I have not and I will not…"

She was grinning at me… Is this a form of sexual harassment on my end?


"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I'm sorry!!! I was just teasing you!!!!!!"

Increasing my power and speed, I pushed off the ground and flew across the giant gap between the small land and the one with the giant tree, until—


I landed on the ground, destroying a bit of it in the process, I turn around and repair it. When I look back at Áine she was still crying and a bit of snot was coming out of her nose… I took it too far. My bad.


"Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Why are you so mean to me?!"

?! W-What kind of reaction is this…? Why did she start crying… She was rubbing her eyes, tears flowing down and snot coming out… This… This isn't the image I had for this Goddess when I first met her…

"I was just teasing you back… Just a little bit… Er, sorry?"

"You're forgiven, but only if you kiss me, mmmmm"


I felt everyone else land near me as they heard what she said, they all had astonished expressions on their faces. Áine's tears and snot immediately disappeared as she exaggeratedly pushes her lips out for a kiss.


"Ow! Don't just drop me! So rude!"

As she got closer to me, I dropped her, sighed, and started walking towards the portal.

"Why are you even acting like this?"

Scathach asks Áine behind me. Now that everyone else had gathered around Áine, I was approaching the portal.

"I am a fan, and when I saw him ~ you can call it love at first sight ~"


Ignoring the Goddess, everyone else joined me by the portal, including Áine as she had recomposed herself. A lot of tree roots were encircling the portal, now that I take a closer look at it, the portal's frame was made out of blue and black stone.

The 'portal' itself was just another form of magic used to 'light' or 'turn' it on, it almost sounds and feels like the Minecraft nether portal. I glance at everyone, looks like they were all ready, so I stepped through.

Titeann Tír na bhFlaitheas /Land of Heaven falls

Interesting, very interesting. Much like every other world I've seen so far, it's almost medieval in a way. However, unlike the Land of Giants and Heroes where there were only floating islands. There were some floating buildings and floating steps leading towards them.

In the background, there was another giant tree, but it was on a floating island, beside it was a floating castle… What's with Irish deities and making things float?

Many of the houses were built of wood, a few of stone, and some brick. However, like the other side, there were roots of trees encircling some of the houses.

In front of us was a fountain… That was shooting clouds out of it? What? Beyond that were seven shops in a circle that surrounded one shop in the middle. There were floating lights everywhere, but as it was daytime, they weren't on.

Daytime, I will assume there's a day and night cycle here. Around us were houses or other buildings, there weren't any street vendors in our immediate vicinity, but within the circle of shops, there were a few.

I could see the residents of this world starting to wake up and get their shops ready. What surprised me more was that there weren't any… Guards, I guess? There was no 'gate' where they would be put at.

They were all… Different. Fairies— Some were humanoid, others the typical size, some kind of furry humanoid animal… A cat? But more… Well, cat— Less human features, it's like a normal cat, bigger, fluffier but…walks on two legs and is smoking a pipe…

A leprechaun, some Ariel's, spirits of all kinds. I could see wood, plants, and water spirits from where I was standing. The skies were the same and the bird creature from before was present, no wyverns or drakes.

"This place is certainly unique."

The castle and tree that I mentioned earlier were higher than the clouds. This is because it went past some of them, one of the houses had a windmill on it, there was a small river running along the town, it was beyond the seven shops.

A water wheel was there. Was it running power around the seven shops? Or is it just for decoration? Or for another purpose?

"Yes, while it looks 'normal' it has a lot more to offer. Come."

This time, Scathach took the lead, Áine clung to me still a bit annoyed by me earlier but didn't shy away from the skinship. Valerie looked a bit annoyed so she decided to walk beside Lianne.

We silently followed Scathach, since it was quite early, around ten in the morning, and we weren't in a rush. I didn't sense any trouble outside or inside. So I wonder what 'problem' or 'incident' they have for me…

Scathach headed into… A bread shop? We were all a bit confused— Except Áine, but we still followed her in.

"Padraig, is business doing well?"

"Hmm? Oh?! If it isn't Lady Scathach… And Lady Áine? Well color me silly and throw a wrench up my ass, it's been a while, Miss Goddess of Summer, still wandering all of Ireland?"

The man who greeted us had elf-like ears, long emerald hair with purple streaks on his side, lime green eyes, and a stubby nose. He wore the typical bakery uniform, white shirt, white pants, and a green apron with dark brown and olive boots.

"Hmmm? And who might these lovely ladies and gentlemen be?"

"It's been some time, Padraig, have you been well?"

Áine got off me and walked over to the Elf? Named Padraig. Those two seem to know each other.

"These three are Lianne, Valerie, and… Phis. The lone man over there is Jin, the Middleman."

Upon hearing my 'middleman' title his eyes widen, and a large smile spread across his face.

"The famed Middleman? Well, color me surprised again! How do you do, mate? Big fan, big fan."

After shaking Áine's hand he walks past her and stands in front of me. He puts his hand out for a handshake and I oblige. We shake hands. I could tell that he had a firm grip. He was definitely an Elf, and was High-class… Did he recently move up? He was quite low on it.

"So the Middleman has finally graced our world, huh? Can't wait for you to meet our Gods and Goddesses, they're a sweet and relaxed bunch!"

Sweet and relaxed? Well… If what Áine told us earlier was true, then I kind of expect them all to mellow out over time…

"Nice to meet you…so, got bread?"


Everyone just stared at me with my very bad joke.

"Hah! I like you already, give us a name, will you?"

"Jin, call me Jin."

He walks over to a fresh pile of bread, picks one up, and chucks it at me. I catch it and look at him as he grins at me.

"It's on the house, go on, eat it."

I nod and take a bite.... Not bad, this is pretty tasty, actually. I give him a nod of approval as he gives me a thumbs up.

"Tis a start of a beautiful friendship, Jin-boy."

"Anyway, I just came here to say hi and we'll probably be here for a day or a few. I'll see you around, Padraig."

"Aye, see you later, Lady Scathach, Lady Áine, Jin-boy, and Jin-boy's harem!"

Scathach left through the door followed by us. When we got back out, even more beings were out and about, a few of them recognized Áine and Scathach so we had to stop every now and again so they could talk.

Is this how Valerie and Ophis felt back in the TLOHAG? I can sympathize with you two now…

We were slowly reaching the edge of this medium-sized town? Village? But when we did… The guards that I was looking for earlier were there.

"Lady Scathach! Lady… Áine?! You have returned… With guests? Who might those be?"

One of the guards asked, he had green armor on him with a grin helmet with a sharp point on top. The other guards nodded but didn't say anything. They kept an eye on us. They were also shocked to see Áine here.

"Ah, this man beside me is Jin, the Middleman. We're here for the treaty and about 'that'. They are his companions."

Once they heard that they grinned and nodded. The air around them changed and it became lighter. Why were they grinning….? What the hell are they going to ask me to do?

"I see! Very well! It's nice to meet you, Sir Middleman! Please, go ahead."

They both gesture to the emp— Oh? Stairs started to appear out of thin air. They were giving off a small and dull green glow. Scathach nods as we start walking up them… They were stable, I expected them to be— Well loose? Wobbly?

They were also see-through so we could also see the void beneath us, well it wasn't a void, but a very long drop down to water… A large body of ocean? I wonder if there's life down there or land…

As we slowly ascended up the stairs I looked to my right and that giant tree on the floating island was there… The tree took up around ninety percent of the island, and from where I was, I could see only a few parts of it where it was even ground.

It didn't take long for us to pass by the clouds. Ophis tried to pluck one out of the sky… It didn't work. Valerie giggled at her disappointment. I summoned some sweets and gave them to her. That quickly brightened her up.

We eventually reached the top. This time there were no guards or even gates or doors, only a large open door frame, and beyond it was a large staircase with red carpet. As we stepped inside, we found tree roots... But I did not see any from below when we walked up.

I could feel the presence of multiple gods at a specific point of the castle… So, were we meant to go there ourselves?

"It seems you have made it. Welcome back, Lady Scathach… Lady Áine."

We turn to our right and see a woman in business attire, a black and white suit. She had long and wavy golden-brown hair, yellow-colored eyes, and was quite… Stacked and curvy.

Grip ~ Grip ~ Pinch ~


I look back and see Valerie gripping my left arm, Áine my right, and Lianne pinching my waist… Why? All I did was look at her…

"Hello there, Nessa. It hasn't been that long since I last visited… I brought the Middleman with me, we came across Áine on the way here."

The woman named Nessa nods.

"Very well, they have been expecting him, follow me."

She turns around and starts to walk away, and we hurriedly follow after her. Just like her name suggests, she's quite… Well blunt and to the point. Even her face almost looked fed up with seeing us.

'Nessa' this name can mean 'rough' or 'not gentle.' In Irish mythology, she was the powerful and ambitious mother of Conchobar (Conor) MacNessa, King of Ulster.

She carried herself and walked with pride. Maybe she was the stubborn type? Almost like Brynhildr… Heh, I wonder how she's been? I haven't seen Rose in a while either… Actually a lot of the girls…

I'll try to visit them, maybe before the Rating Game between Rias and Sona? ….But seriously, how many twists, turns and stairs are we gonna climb up before we reach this stupid— Oh never mind.

Nessa stopped in front of a large door and pushed it open. It was quite noisy inside. The smell of food, alcohol, and whatever else those smells were… Permeated all throughout the room and beyond once the door was open.

The room was like any other typical castle dining hall, however, there were even more plants, vines, roots, and a few 'unique' ornaments…. Like bottles of beer and wine on the walls. A few weapons, and pictures of someone.

The chandelier on the ceiling looks like it might shatter any second now…

"The Gods and Goddesses of Tuatha Dé Danann…"

She sounded so disappointed while saying that… Poor girl. I look at all the Gods and Goddesses present. They seemed. Well, relaxed? Since they haven't exactly noticed us.


Nessa shouted an 'ahem' as all the heads turned in our direction.

"Hmmm? Oh, Ness— Oh Scathach! Welcome back! Come, come and have a drink, some food too! Ahaha!"

"Is that…. Áine?! Dear me it's been so long! Hi!!! Deary come here!!!"

A male started to pat a seat beside him, a female also started to wave over Áine…. They really were quite relaxed…

At the head of the table was a single man who was eating and drinking quietly. He had a relaxed and pleasant expression on him. It looked like he didn't mind all the happenings around him.

"Settle down, Scathach came back here for one simple reason, we discussed it the last time she was here, no? It may have to do with the single man she came with."

The Gods and Goddesses stopped in their tracks as the man at the end of the table spoke up. No he wasn't the only one that was calm, the man beside him was also quietly sitting there, eating and drinking his fill.

The man who stopped the Gods smiled at us.

"Welcome, Middleman, I am Nuada Airgetlám, call me Nuada. Current King of this realm. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Nuada is a tall man who has long silver hair, which ends just above his shoulder, and metallic blue eyes, which appear to have wrinkles under them.

He is always seen wearing a green yukata under a black haori (a traditional Japanese thigh-length kimono-style jacket, with golden borders with a zigzag pattern, and zori (flat sandals) with white tabi (toe-divided socks).

"Likewise, King Nuada."

He then starts to introduce the rest. First the one to his right, the other God who was calmly eating and drinking.

"This is Lugh, the God of the Sun of the Irish Mythology, part of the top ten strongest in our world and the one leading the charge for the treaty between Tír na nÓg, Tuatha Dé Danann, and the Land of Heroes and Giants."

Lugh opens his eyes and looks at me. He nods and gives me a calm smile. I do the same thing back to him.

Lugh is a quite good-looking young man with long, black hair that is tied into a ponytail with bangs swept to the left and right side except for strands of hair falling in his face and blue eyes.

He wears a long, black jacket with gold trimmings, opened with an upturned collar and rolled-up sleeves, with a long-sleeved white shirt underneath, straightened with an unorganized blue necktie. Below, Lugh wears black pants and white shoes.

"That one over there is Dagda. Our druid and the manliest man you'll ever meet."

"Nice to meet'cha, young Middleman-boy!"

Dagda is a tall, muscular young man with green eyes and black hair that he usually styled in a combed-up, heart-shaped pompadour. He wears a black shirt with green shoulders, chest armor, and white pants with black boots. He also wears a black leather jacket on top of his usual outfit.

"The one beside him is our God of Healing! The one and only Dian Cecht!"

Dian Cecht is a human male. Despite being a thousand years old or more, he looks like a young man in his twenties. Dian Cecht has fair skin, blonde hair which he ties in two loose strands, and blue eyes. He wears a white hood with grey designs around the edges. Beneath that is a maroon robe.

"You didn't need to introduce me so dramatically, old friend."

"To my left is Aengus, the God of Youth and Love! He likes poetry."

Aengus is a handsome man with lavender eyes and platinum-blond hair. Aengus wears elegant clothing consisting of a white suit, a pocket square, and an ascot tie, along with accessories such as a brooch and white gloves.

"If you know of foreign poetry, feel free to pass it along to me, Sir Middleman."

I nod at him, he's quite flamboyant, another interesting character.

"Finally! Brigid, Goddess of wisdom, poetry, healing, protection, and blacksmithing, she's also the cat la—"


"I like animals!"

The Goddess Brigid threw a wine bottle at Nuada….

"R-Right, she's an animal lover…"

Brigid is a fair-skinned girl in her mid-teens with chin-length red hair that has grown up to shoulder-length later on and wide green eyes.

She is seen with a large green hooded coat, a red sweater vest with a white buttoned shirt underneath, a knee-length dirty dark-green skirt, and below the knees laced brown boots.

Even though they're probably a hundred to thousands of years old they all look quite young. Did they use some kind of magic to make themselves look young? Devils often do so, so I'm not that surprised.

"Jin Skyward, my name may not sound Irish since my parents were a bit eccentric and did things at their own pace— Including my name. Current Middleman and Red Dragon Emperor, it's nice to meet the Gods of this realm."

I summon and de-summon my [Boosted Gear] to show proof and they nod.

"These are my… Lovers— They're part of a bigger harem I have, this is Valerie, Ophis, and Lianne."

Ophis and Lianne look at me blankly with both having small smiles… While Áine didn't look too thrilled with me excluding her.

"Fuahahaha! So it seems the rumors that you want a harem are quite… True! Interesting! Yes, live life how you want, that is our motto here!"

Nuada started to laugh and nod furiously. The other Gods looked at him strangely.

"We have a motto? Since when?"

"Don't question it!!! Young Jin, while this isn't all the Gods that reside here, these are the only ones who could… Make it, some are quite busy at the moment."

Busy, or didn't want to meet me… Or just lazy, I didn't really mind. It's fine, your introduction would have dragged on for at least more than an hour if they were all here.

"….Ophis? As in the Ouroboros Dragon?"

Dagda asked as he was still looking at Ophis, I nodded, making his eyes widen. He then starts to laugh, the other Gods looking at the little girl.

"To think you tamed such a powerful being, you have my praise, Jin."

Aengus says while making a weird motion with his head, flicking his hair and smacking Nuada who ignored it.

"So, to cut to the chase… Scathach said you have a problem that you needed help with?"

All the Gods in the room grin, they look at each other, including Lugh, and then back to Nuada…. What in the world…?

"Our original incident or 'troubles' were taken care of by Lugh, he took care of it yesterday, actually. So, you're not needed for it anymore, however, there is something we'll need help with from you!"

"Of course, bring out the documents! We wish to read them and sign it!"

The King, Nuada was quite eager to sign it, the other Gods as far as I can see felt the same too, they were all high in spirits.

I nod and summon the documents. I made all the food and drinks all float in the air, so the documents could fit on there.

"Sorry, feel free to take the food or drinks you want while they float."

"It is not a problem, Jin. We appreciate it, now, as we discussed it. We shall read all of this. But before that…"

"Jin, our newest problem is... A festival!"



The girls with me, excluding Áine and Scathach, repeated in unison, the two Goddess with me, Scathach facepalmed and Áine giggled.

"Yes! A big festival is ongoing for four days! There are still many things to be done, the 'incident' before delayed it quite a bit, however since it's been dealt with, we can proceed like normal."

"Please, help our residents prepare for the final day of the festival… It was a festival created hundreds of years ago! To celebrate my ascension to the throne and Goddess Danu stepping down, we wish for her to come but she almost never does...."

"However! Since you are here this year, she may appear!"

A festival for him and Goddess Danu, huh? I see, so all I have to do is a few chores, maybe heavy-lifting… With magic and that's all? Not as intense as the other two, but a welcomed change… So I can just relax for four days and then experience a festival.

I see King Nuada grin.

"We also invited many other groups here! The women of Tír na nÓg, the humans and giants of the Land of Heroes and Giants, the King and Queen of the Faerie Kingdom, Scathach, Áine, and Goddess Danu!"

"The minor Gods are also present, but they haven't responded in the past, as disappointing as that is... We hope they will this year. I had Nessa spread it."

That's why I felt her leave earlier… Well, whatever. I can stop whoever tries to ruin it, but I doubt it. With Lugh here, Scathach and other Gods… Who would be that dumb to….? Never mind, there's always someone.

I'll just post the Dragon Knights around the city then.

"Now then! You can take this opportunity to explore our realm as well. There is more to our realm than meets the eye, young Jin. Especially below."

"Alright, thanks. We'll get going then."

As we left the noisy group of Gods, we descended the stairs... There must be more to this realm, huh? Below… Perhaps above too? Are there more islands like this? What's beyond here? Considering I have four days, let's make sure we explore it all.

[Unless he means the land before they moved here, Partner.]

Right, that place too…

"So, where to first? Start helping right away or explore a bit?"

The unanimous answer was 'explore'. They did not want to start helping right away, and if 'we' did, it meant 'me' so I alone would be doing it. Whatever I can just use clones or something.

"Scathach, Áine, you guys know this place a lot better than us, is there anything specific that might Entertaining?"

"Well, there's a kingdom for the sea folk, mermaids you could call them, of course, there are mermen too. But they're called Merrows here in Ireland."

Merrows… So below are mermaids, huh? Only that though?

"Just that? Or are there other creatures?"

"Megalodon, the presumed extinct shark of an older era in the human world. A few gained consciousness and entered the supernatural world, while others were in other realms, such as here. Some in the Greek, Egyptian and American pantheons and factions, to name a few."

"Other creatures too, like the Kraken, the Loch Ness monster, and others. You just need to look hard enough and you'll find them around the human world."

Áine looks up at the sky and continues.

"There are creatures that dwell in the sky. They live in the clouds and floating islands up there. Drakes and Wyverns who have become powerful live up there, while the weaker ones, like you saw earlier, reside here or out there."

"Have you heard of Lig na Paiste – The Last Serpent of Ireland?"


[Now that's a nostalgic name, I haven't heard of that in a long time, Áine.]


I was a bit surprised when Ddraig randomly appeared with the entirety of the [Boosted Gear].

[Paiste was an enormous dragon that had potent venom and the ability to exhale fire. He lived near the source of the Owenreagh River in the Banagher Forest; the serpent would curl up in a small pool there.]

[The Owen Reagh stream/river, was called Lig-na-paistie, from which the dragon inherited his name.]

[Paiste was left over from the most ancient times, the beginning of the world. While he spent much of his time in the pool, Paiste would also curl around a green hill in the dark valley near the Owenreagh River. He would hold his tail in his mouth.]

"Did you two fight?"

[No, but back then, I wanted to, Partner. However, since being sealed here… I have no idea what happened to him. He may be alive or dead for all I know. But he was strong, so I'm willing to bet that he's alive.]

"Fufufufu, well you're in luck, [Welsh Dragon] Ddraig, because Paiste resides in the waters of this realm now. With the help of the Gods of Ireland, he moved here and is a 'protector' of the bodies of ocean below."


"Alright, fine, fine, we'll go visit him. Also, you can come out yourself."

[Oh, right.]


The [Boosted Gear] shone once more, and Ddraig in his human form emerged. Scathach and Áine looked on in shock. Until now, I hadn't confirmed or denied the claim that I could do this, but now they're seeing it first-hand.

"Hoooo? The [Welsh Dragon] in the flesh, so those rumors were true."

Scathach stared at the both of us with a wide smile, Áine did the 'Ara ara' which I have no idea where she heard it from…

"So, I guess we're going to meet this Dragon then. Hop on the Jin expre— Oof, I should have seen that coming…"

I was jokingly tempted to say hop on, as in I'll carry the first to jump into my arms… Valerie took that quite literally and hurled herself onto me. While she looked embarrassed, she looked content. Áine was frowning slightly but didn't say anything.

"Well, you lead the charge then Ddraig, we'll follow behind. You guys can fly, right?"


"Unfortunately, no ~"

"Don't even try using [Juggernaut Drive] as a convenient transport vehicle, Partner."

Scathach and Áine answered with a no, Lianne can fly using magic so she was fine… I kind of hoped those two would be able to… Or are they lying to me?

"Haaa…. Kaisel."

From my shadow came out Kaisel. He hovered beside the stairs and lowered his head. I jump on top of him, followed by everyone else. Ddraig was preparing to take the lead, so he spread out his wings and floated up.

"Alright, leave this to me, I already have his general location, just follow me."

Kaisel nodded as Ddraig flew away.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! So fast!!!!"

I felt Áine clinging onto my waist, everyone else was fine. She really isn't a Goddess who fights... Well, not everyone has to. The rest were fine. I was sitting down cross-legged as Ophis sat in the middle of my crossed legs, eating sweets that I summoned while sometimes petting Kaisel.

Valerie to my right and Lianne to my left. Scathach was near the tail of Kaisel as she watched our backs.

"This is the first time we've been on Kaisel's back, huh?"

Since I can just teleport around, Kaisel and my other shadows are usually called upon when combat or scouting are needed. I don't have to, but I don't want them to feel neglected.

"Yeah, we might use everyone else more in the coming months, who knows?"

"We're near him! A few more minutes!"

Ddraig shouted back at us. We had descended closer to the waters, we weren't all that high up in the sky. Looking below us, we can see a vast variety of sea life, from normal to supernatural sea creatures.

A multitude of colors, smells, and lights were permeating throughout the water below us. It was still quite early in the day, around eleven now, nearing the afternoon.

A pod of supernatural dolphins were trying to follow us, but the speed that Ddraig chose was quite fast so they fell short, they were the same colors as the normal dolphins, but had a certain aura coming from them.

Different corals and fishes were also below us, some aggressive since some jumped out at us from time to time—


Scathach had her spear out as another large fish jumped out and she killed it. They never said these waters were totally safe, she sat back down and threw the fish back into the 'ocean', immediately after, other creatures swarmed it and ate it.

I looked back forward and could see a large island; I could also feel a dragon's aura coming from it. So, it's there, huh? We eventually land on the ground as Kaisel disappears back into my shadow.

"He's near the middle."

"Right, Partner, let's go."

Ddraig continues to lead the charge, we go through a lot of plant life, bushes, trees, and coming across a few supernatural creatures, some tried to attack us, a blast of haki dealt the trick as they either passed out or ran away.

Ophis tried to eat the fruit here, I only let her eat like two of them since the rest she tried to eat were poisonous or just not consumable.

"We're here."

The path leads to a large clearing where a statue of a draconic serpent stands next to a large boulder. Did someone make this? Unless this Paiste guy did it himself.

"Oi! Paiste!! It's me, Ddraig! The [Welsh Dragon]!"

Ddraig shouted at the pool of water that was in front of us. Suddenly, the environment started to shake, and the trees and bushes swayed rapidly. The wildlife around us started to run away from where we were.

Splash!!! Gwuuuuuushhh!!!

Covering the group with a barrier to prevent us from getting wet, because who would want to be? From the pool of water came out a Dragon who had a scaley serpent body, it was mostly silver or grey in color while a weird circular symbol as on its head, its eyes were also blue.

{Ddraig? The Welsh Dragon? The Dragon of Domination? The Heavenly Dragon? ...How are you alive? Were you not killed by the Three Great Powers?}

"Heh, this and that happened and I've been revived by my Partner here, his name is Jin, the current Red Dragon Emperor of this generation."

"I heard you were here so I wanted to pay you a visit… Maybe, fight?!"

The Dragon Paiste stared dumbfounded at Ddraig before shaking his head.

{You are aware of my stance on fighting, I prefer sleeping, slumbering in the depths of my pool. If I was a battle maniac like you— Welsh Dragon, I would have sought you out many years ago.}

"Oh, come on, just a short one!"

{No. If that is all, I'm going back to sleep.}


Splash! Swirl!

Without saying anything else the Serpent Dragon dove back into its pool; it made a short swirling motion and noise before becoming still. Looks like your old acquaintance didn't want to fight you, Ddraig.

"....Boring, I'm heading back then."

Ddraig slumped down in disappointment and quickly retreated back into the [Boosted Gear], though it seemed like that Dragon didn't pay much attention to the rest of us. He had a quick chat with Ddraig and just dipped.

I swear, some dragons are just problematic like that. The problem is they don't care too much about anything else other than themselves, now we are just left to ourselves. The one who wanted to check this guy out was sulking back in the [Boosted Gear].

"Shall we go back? Or do you guys want to keep exploring?"

"I want to explore more of the town…. Hey, are those more floating island?"

Valerie started to talk but stops herself and points up into the sky. We all turned to look at what she was pointing at and it was indeed another— No, a few floating islands.

"What are they?"

I ask Scathach and Áine, the Witch of Dún Scáith shook her head, also unsure. Áine was staring at it intently.

"Maybe, more Gods or beings that reside here? I mean… I can feel some kind of magic coming from that place, do you want to check it out, Jin?"

"….No, maybe another day, for now, let's go back. I'll start on helping those guys out."

Hearing no objections, I teleport everyone back to the city.

4 days left

"Jin! Come help with baking bread for me!"

I let the girls wander and explore while I helped out Padraig. I also had Antares and Greed investigate and scout out the realm. I wanted some information about this place while I helped around, hell I could get some while doing this, so it isn't that terrible.

"Nice! You're a natural at this."

Padraig stops to give me a thumbs up. I glance at him and shake my head.

"Well, I do like cooking. I'm thinking of opening a restaurant when I'm in college, I have help from the Devils of Gremory."

"Hmm-hmm, Chief Jin, is it? Sounds interesting! Do you have anything for your menu yet?"

I shake my head, I haven't really sat down and thought of it. I spoke about it with Valerie and Ophis during my stay in Tír na nÓg during the night in those days of no attacks. Since they both had different tastes in food… Vampire and Dragon.

I did take them into account but, yeah, I just needed to browse around the internet to see what's popular.

"Alright, this batch is done… Will these be okay for the festival? Actually, how long does it last?"

"It already has! This Festival lasts four days, on the final day is when…. Well, everyone goes wild! We're hoping to see Goddess Danu this year, though we hope for that every year, haha!"

"Goddess Danu, huh? She's like mother earth, Gaia in a way for Ireland, right?"

"Mmm-mmm, she's loved by everyone in the supernatural world of the Irish Mythology. It's kind of difficult to hate her, she's done a lot for nearly everyone."

"As in….?"

While I continue kneading the dough, he stops working. I was curious to hear what she had done for Irish mythology.

"Not just for us that's in the supernatural world, but the human realm too! Haven't you seen the random fires that started in the forests of Ireland, but to mysteriously disappear? Other dangerous natural phenomena just… Going completely poof!"

"It's all thanks to Goddess Danu, she's like… The silent protector of our country! Even foreign Gods and entities are wary of her. While she's no fighter, her skill set and abilities are quite diverse."

I follow the recipe that Padraig gave me and I continue working on it, so, she's like the 'Ultimate Goalkeeper in Football (Soccer)'? Being able to defend this country from attacks, while also dealing with troubles within its own borders? She's like superwoman…

"Okay, I get the human side, what about the supernatural?"

A broad smile spread across his face as he resumed making bread with me.

"Tír na nÓg, the place where the heroes and giants reside, Land of Heaven Falls, and many other 'realms' or 'worlds' in the Irish mythology was due to her help. She helped kick-start it all. Why do you think she stayed here for some time she helped create that world out there!"

"We only moved here because the Gods could have a better influence on how things work, like weather and the like. Out there, they don't, it's very limited! Take it like the God of the Bible and his system."

"Let's say, the Seraph Michael uses the system, he'll be strained and can only change minor things, right?"

I nod.

"With the God of the Bible, he can change it freely! It's the same as that outside world with Goddess Danu, as well as the Gods here and out here. They can try and change some things, but… Trying to alter larger things is… Well, next to impossible."

Maybe, she's a Primordial Goddess? To Earth and Nature? I'll know for certain once I meet her.

"Hohoho, you're quite curious on meeting her now, aren't you?"

Padraig had come up close to me and was grinning, well, yeah, with what you said who wouldn't be?

"Well yeah, you hyped her up pretty well. I'll probably try to find her myself."

"Ah ah ah! She's nearly impossible to find, even the Gods here can't locate her that easily!"

Well, I'm not like any other God…


We had found a little inn and rented two rooms. Scathach in her own, the rest staying with me. The owner was a bit worried that we wouldn't fit, but I offered him to increase the space inside. He didn't understand so I showed him, shocked, he offered me a half-price deal for the next four days I'll be staying here.

He gets more space, I pay less, I would say that's a win for me, though money isn't an issue. The girls were currently out taking a bath together in an open bath… This place had one, surprisingly. We hadn't eaten yet so I look forward to that… Good old Irish food…


"Find out anything useful or relevant?"

I was looking out the window of the bedroom I rented when I felt both Antares and Greed appear behind me.

"As requested, I searched the old site of 'Land of Heaven Falls' and it is as described by the Áine woman. Around ninety percent of it is being inhabited by animals, creatures, and supernatural monsters. The ten percent are criminals hiding there, most are lying low or waiting for death as they're injured."

"I have come across a small encampment of elves, spirits, and dark elves. There were a few more such as Lamia's and… Irish Vampires, but they seemed to be mostly neutral. There were some nests of wyverns and drakes, a small mountain range is like a home for them, like the one in the Underworld with Tannin."

So, I'll assume a humanoid drake or wyverns are the ones managing that? Who would have thought they'd go that far.

"How about the waterways?"

"Ha. Water monsters and creatures mostly use it, a few skirmishes happen because of personal territory but it is mostly civil, with an agreement of letting anyone drink there."

"Any notable criminals? What about the history of that place? Books, ruins, anything will do."

"No, some are stray devils, rogue fallen, and a few stray priests. They range from Low to Middle-class in power, they are in no way a threat. There were some ruins, however, the current inhabitants have long discarded any previous history there, forgive me my Liege."

Unfortunate, looks like they yeeted and deleted any documents or proof of the old civilizations of the Tuatha Dé Danann, maybe about Goddess Danu too.

"Good, anything else?"

"No, my Liege that is all."

"Good work, come back, we'll do this until the last day here. I want as much information as possible."

Greed silently slipped back into my shadow. Now it was Antares's turn, I expect great things from him… Well, I do from all of them, but he's officially my 'right-hand man' so there's a little bit more expectation there.


"Yes, Jin-sama. I have come across a multitude of islands with inhabitants on them. The one you came across earlier were Cat Sìth, unlike the normal folklore and legends, these ones are of humanoid variant…. Or you may see it as beings like Kuroka and Shirone."

Ah, Irish cat girls then, gotcha. But they're mostly in the Scottish folklore, did they migrate here or something? I know there are some sightings in Ireland.

"There were also a group of friendly Abhartach— Irish vampires, unlike the ones still in the old world, these ones said they frequently visit the city— Mainly at night though… Yes, I can feel some now."

….Yeah, I can feel the aura of vampires coming into the city right now, seems like they weren't lying, I look down and see one, a female. They see me looking, they wave and smile at me. I return the gesture. These vampires… Aren't as evil as the ones from the Carmilla or Tepes faction.

Of course, there will always be the exception, like the ones Greed came across. If they didn't migrate with these ones, then…

"I also came across a group of Clurichaun, much like folklore they only do small pranks and drink a lot. They offered me some but I had to decline."

The Clurichaun or Clúrachán are mischievous fairies in Irish folklore known for their great love of drinking and a tendency to haunt breweries, pubs, and wine cellars.

They are related to the leprechauns and have sometimes been known as guardians of hidden treasures.

This has led some folklorists to suppose that the Clurichaun is merely a leprechaun on a drinking spree, while others regard them as regional variations of the same being.

"I came across some leprechauns as well, Jin-sama, I spoke with it and said that they have a little village across multiple islands, it is to the north-east of here. If you wish to visit, I shall make arrangements."

"Hmm, I'll think about it, thank you. Anything else?"

"I have not come across it yet, however, I have heard rumors of another dragon living in this realm, however, this one prefers to be in isolation. It only takes orders from the Sun God, Lugh."

"According to rumors he has bested that Dragon in the past. The Dragon is Ellén Trechend, the three-headed dragons."

The Ellén Trechend is a three-headed monster referred to in Irish mythology. It is mentioned in the text 'Cath Maige Mucrama' or 'The Battle of Mag Mucrima' as having emerged from the cave of Cruachan, Rathcroghan, County Roscommon. It laid Ireland waste until it was killed by the Ulaid poet and hero Amergin.

So, being killed and confronted by the hero Amergin was a lie? Or did it perhaps survive? Hmm, from my limited knowledge of this…didn't Amergin Glúingel have some quarrels with the Tuatha Dé Danann in the past….?

"That is all, Jin-sama."

"I see, good work, Antares. I'll be doing this for the next three days I'm here."

Antares smiled and entered back into the ring, satisfied with my praise.


That might not be all of them, what else is hidden in this realm? Helping the people beings out here for the festival while also exploring… I don't want to put that burden or stress on the girls. They can explore and have fun.

I have my shadows and the beings I made for this… I might add Shaula and Querehsha to this little adventure I'm having…


I was in the open bath on the male's side, the girls are sleeping right now. I waited for them to fall asleep before taking my own bath, I didn't exactly sweat today or smell bad… But I think this is appropriate.

Right now, the city is still quite lively, and the people who couldn't come out during the day are having their own fun time at night. I could see some Banshee in the sky, as well as other nightly creatures.

I wonder if each of these 'races' or 'species' have their own 'King' or 'Queen' maybe even both? Like, a Queen Banshee? A ruler of sorts? That would be interesting… I can ask Scathach or Áine about that tomorrow.


"….Shaula, what are you doing?"

From my ring, out came Shaula, she had put on a black cut-out bikini, she was also blushing quite hard.

"I-I wanted to join you, is that a crime, Jin-sama?"

"….Well, no. Maybe a little warning next time?"

"N-N-Next t-time?! I mean, yes, of course!"

Bold but also easily embarrassed… How do you hope to do anything with me if you're like that… I pat the spot beside me as she had appeared across from me. She did as told and sat beside me.

"Do you want to join us more often? Lianne has been out and about since the last group of well, mythical beings."

"Please! I love the home I have but… I want to spend more time outside!"

I never confined you there though… I explicitly told you— All of you, that you could come out and hang out any time you want… Sharon does that nearly all the time, well when she's not over in Kyoto with Yasaka and Kunou…

Following my trip to Ireland, my next stop is Kyoto… A few days have already passed since I last left the Underworld. I wonder how everyone is? Is Akeno holding up? Reni? Ingvild? Kuroka?

"I will stop by to visit them before heading to Kyoto."


Shaula seemed confused after I muttered that. I shook my head and grabbed her head, I brought her head closer to my chest, and I felt her freeze up.

"Let's just relax for a few more minutes."


So we did just that. Once we were finished, Shaula shyly asked if she could sleep with me for the remaining days here. I didn't mind, but I did have to expand the bed more. The girls were awake but didn't say anything to Shaula joining in.

2 days left

There are two days left before the festival's finale. I asked the Gods about the documents they were meant to sign, they said that they wanted to wait for one last individual to come here before signing. At best, they said they'll sign it by the end of the festival.

"Oh! Mister Jin! To the left! Yes, yes that! Perfect!"

I was helping some spirits in building a little float of Lugh and Nuada. I had made around a thousand general android fairies and they were helping around the place. Nuada got wind of this and started howling with laughter.

He even asked if I was selling. I wasn't sure if I should or not, but for the time being I told him I wasn't but may change my mind in the future. I jump down from where I was and was handed a drink from the float owner.

"Thank you again, with you and those android things work has been a lot faster and smoother this year, we may all have tomorrow off to enjoy ourselves and then the final day too! Praise the middleman!"


The owner cheered as well as the other employees that ranged from hybrids, elves, spirits, and other beings.

Greed and Antares haven't come back to me, I told them to come back to me during the last day. I'll do my investigations and explorations in the future. I do want to go back to those places someday.

"We're basically done here, Mister Jin, you can go if you want. You probably have other places to help out, right? We'll be fine with the rest! We have those fairies after all!"

"Well, if you're sure then I'll get going then. Good luck!"

Leaving the shop that was full of floats of the Gods of this place, the spirits in there were high, not literal spirits, but fighting spirit.

"Next stop… A flower shop?"

With my android fairies everywhere, I was no longer required to be in those locations, I could focus on the city instead. Several other floating islands had some android fairies since they were going to be here with their own food, decorations, and the like.

"Mister Jin!!"


I turn around and could see one of the guards running towards me, he came up to me out of breath. I touch him and restore his stamina.

"Is something wrong? Why the rush?"

"T-The Gods request your presence; it has something to do with the final day of the festival!"

They want to see me? And it has something to do with the final day…? Do they want me to find and look for Goddess Danu? I mean that's the only thing that makes sense… Do I bring someone with me if this is what they're likely to ask?

"Alright, thanks for informing me, I'll head over."

A bit surprised with his stamina being restored he nodded his head without really paying attention to me.

I had teleported to the same room as before, instead of the rowdiness of these guys, they were sitting there with quite serious expressions on them.

"Hey, you guys wanted me for something?"

Hearing my voice, they all turn to me and nod. They all look at King Nuada and waited for him to continue.


"If you want me to search for Goddess Danu then I don't mind. I was already planning on doing that for the last day anyway. I already deployed some android fairies the last few days, I'll just increase the amount and make it more efficient."

They all look a bit stunned but burst into laughter, the slightly tense air had disappeared.

"So you remembered what we said a few days ago? As expected of the Middleman!"

I mean, so many beings here have told me about Goddess Danu that it would be pretty hard to forget about it… Nuada stops laughing and stares back at me seriously and bows.

"Please, find and bring her here. She helped us get here many years ago, even for just that day— We wish to see her, speak with her. We do not know why she avoids most of us…"

"Alright, alright no sad mushy shit, just keep laughing. I'll go find her, sheesh. BUT, I'll do it on the final day, make it a little special, you know?"

"You're that confident in finding her?"

Dagda asked and I nodded, he grinned at my fast response.

"Very well! I like that answer, quick and responsive! Nuada, I trust him on this!"

"…So do I."

Lugh opens his eyes and agrees with Dagda, seeing their strongest fighter agree with Dagda who's like a father figure to them, they all also nodded.

"Very well, I leave it up to you, Jin."


I turn around and leave, so I have to find her, huh?

"And that's what I have to do, any questions?"

It was nighttime, the same day and I had gathered everyone in my room and told them what the Gods here asked me— Well requested from me.

"So, we're going to be looking for the Goddess Danu?"

"….Well, that's why I gathered all of you here… I was going to say I'll be doing this alone, you guys can just stay here and enjoy yourselves during the final day of the festival. Everything should be done by tomorrow."

After I left the little meeting with the Gods, I went around the city helping more of them out, I also made more of my fairy androids, so my work was cut down, even more, even now they're helping the beings that can come out only at night.

It looks like this festival will be a twenty-four-hour thing, day and night.

"Hmph, you just want some alone time with Goddess Danu! Even though I've only accompanied you for a few days, I kind of know how your mind thinks, mister!"

Áine seemed… Upset about this? I mean, not totally upset, but… Annoyed? Is she competing with Goddess Danu or something…. A rivalry? A very one-sided one?

....Also, that's not why I'm doing it, I really do want you guys to enj—



'In modern terms, 'He's down bad for her', that's how you phrase it, yes?'

Cúntóir: Answer: Correct, Rudra.

I literally don't know what she looks like or her personality! I only know from accounts of the beings in this world. I don't know what's fact or fiction! Give me a little trust here?!

'{[Down bad indeed.]}'

...….I give up on all of you.

"He's gone silent, which only means he's silently agreeing with Áine-san."

Valerie concluded as everyone else nodded along.... Shaula, Lianne…. Why are you two agreeing? Aren't you guys meant to be on my side?

"I was just speaking to Ddraig, anyway, I'll leave you guys here. Just enjoy yourselves and let me deal with it."

Scathach was indifferent to it, so didn't care too much. Ophis decided to 'come' with me, by going back into the necklace, a loophole was found, the same with Lianne and Shaula, they'll be going back to my ring on the day.

Both Áine and Valerie were quite reluctant but, in the end, agreed to it, though they started making their own plans on where to go so… They got over it pretty quickly.

"Valerie? Why are you still up?"

I had briefly fallen asleep but the thought of meeting this Goddess Danu woke me up, I saw Valerie was standing out the balcony, so I went and stood beside her.

It's around one in the morning now, while they're still many night-based creatures out and about, everyone else had fallen asleep. Lianne woke up since I got up, Shaula was meant to be like that— But she's completely knocked out.

"Jin…well, I'm a Dhampir, so being up at night for me isn't strange… I was just watching them work…hey, an Irish vampire asked me out on a date earlier."

"...….You declined, right?"

She started to quietly giggle to herself while nodding, well yeah, she would. If she accepted, that would make less sense…

"Yes, I did, Jin… Were you worried?"

"No, not really, just making sure though. Why did they ask you out?"

Valerie leaned against me and sighed.

"We were just talking about… General things, then it came up I was a Dhampir, this and that lead up to him asking me out. But I immediately said I had a bo— Lover and he didn't push it any further."

"They're a lot nicer than the Purebloods back in Romania… They feel genuinely nice, rather than the fake kindness that I was shown by… But his friends were a bit rude, but I guess that's just their banter… You did say that's how it is for Irish male teens."

"Oh yeah, but I would say that's how most human guys are at that age… If you're real and good friends? If he insults you, you insult him back and then laugh about it. None of this is done with intent to hurt the other person, it's just meaningless insults… You can try to get creative with it, you know?"

She looks at me strangely, so I give an example…

"Hmm, let's go with…. A friend called me a fuckboy—"

"Are they lying though?"


[You're a hyuckboy, Partner.]

{What are you? Goofy?}

[Hyalbion, the Dragon of Hyuremecy.]


"I'll turn around and call him…. I don't know, something completely absurd. A glorified toaster with legs, that's the only purpose in his life is to fuck his own sister, because he jerks off to her at night and he's the reason for his parent's divorce."


Valerie was staring at me in shock and confused…. Was that too much? I didn't think so, there's worse I could say…

"…Is that how it works? A bit extreme…"

Okay, it's baseless but may hit home with a few people. Whatever, move on and lighten the mood… A few attempts later we were talking about mundane shit and eventually went back to bed, the vampire from before waved to her. Valerie responded with a wave and kissed me on the cheek. All in all, a success!

Final day

Day of the Festival

"Alright, go out there and enjoy yourselves, I can find her easily."

"Come back as soon as you can, Jin."

Shaula, Lianne, and Ophis had already returned to their respective homes and I was preparing to go out. It was around ten in the morning; the entire world was already in high spirits.

"You better fulfill this, Jin."

"Bring her back in one piece~"

Some encouraging words from Scathach and… Áine was quick to change her feelings on Goddess Danu, this woman just lives at her own pace, it's admirable in a way…

"Right, I'll get going then."

We were already outside, I had paid the inn owner a little bit more before we left, he wanted to kiss me because of it… I had to knock him out.

County Galway

Cloosh Valley Forest

Cloosh Valley forest, the biggest area of woods in Ireland, this is where Cúntóir and I felt her aura was at, so I came here.

I had appeared in the middle of a field, in front of me was a large density of trees, I could feel, hear and smell water in different directions… Further, in front of me— A little to the east, I felt her aura there. It did not seem like she was moving.

I start to lightly sprint in that direction, I was soon approaching the trees, this place was mostly barren, and while it's been acknowledged as the biggest forest in this country, not many people, well, care.

It's just a sea of trees, right? Who's really that interested unless you're— Well, interested in that kind of thing. The closer I got, the more magical energy I felt— And an even stranger feeling… While I haven't felt it before since I haven't met any yet, not including Nyarlathotep and Azathoth… My theory may be right.

Goddess Danu may be a Primordial Goddess, of what? I am still unsure, but earth and plants isn't too far off.

When I ran into the forest…. I was transported…. A barrier, it seems like I felt her inside her own little world she made, or, did she purposely leak her aura so I could follow it? If my theory was correct, then she already knew of me looking for her.

The new world I was in, was mostly made of trees, shrubbery, grass…. Nature at its peak. Untainted nature, I couldn't see much of the sky because of the trees but… It was pure blue, undiluted. Even the air here smelled good and felt good.

A small gentle breeze was with me— Almost following me. I could see certain animals looking at me as I ran by, their eyes never once leaving me.

As I approach her, I could see that there was a clearing up ahead…. It didn't look big but a clearing nonetheless. I finally arrived at the clearing…

In front of me was a lone woman, sitting on a stump and surrounded by animals, vines, and plant life. She had her eyes closed, a pleasant and content smile on her face. She was petting a squirrel as she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"...Goddess Danu?"

She silently nodded.

Goddess Danu is a young woman with emerald green eyes, slightly pale skin, and long dark green hair tied in a segmented ponytail that hangs down in front of her.

She wears a modest, conservative outfit that consists of a light green and white long-sleeved semi-jacket, a brown undershirt, a long dark green pleated skirt, and tall brown boots with slightly tall heels. Overall, her appearance gives off a very 'earthy' vibe.

"It seems you found me, young Red Dragon Emperor— No, shall I call you, Jin?"

The animals slowly left her but stayed at the edges of the clearing. She made a small gesture and a small tree stump appeared from the ground beside her, she slightly tilts her head indicating for me to join her.

I nod, both of us keeping eye contact, even when I sat down on the stump… She didn't stop looking at me, well I didn't either.

"This concerns the Festival in the Tuatha Dé Danann, yes? In their new world… The 'Titeann Tír na bhFlaitheas' or 'Land of Heaven Falls'?"

"….Yes, you seem well informed."

She had a gentle smile on her as she nods.

"Yes, I am the Primordial Goddess of Earth, Nature, and Wind after all… The earth, plants, trees, and the wind tell me everything."


"Yes I will, but only because it is coming from you."

...….? What? Why? If it was someone else, then she would have declined? Maybe even avoided them entirely?

"…May I know why? If someone else were to fetch you then—"

"I would have avoided them, the last time I had interactions with other Gods was when I left the Tuatha Dé Danann, I left everything to them… I am very proud of them. It's like watching your own children become fine adults."


I feel her grab both my hand and clasp them together… Like what Suzaku did to me before. She puts her head on them before looking back at me.

"As I said… The winds do not lie, while I heard your achievements across the supernatural world, I started to gain a slight interest. Why would you want peace? Why try to unite all of the entirety of the supernatural world?"

"Why are you so selfless? Huhu… However, I then heard of another rumor, the 'real' reason on why you are pursuing peace… It's quite selfish… Is it true…?"

I look away awkwardly and nod, I expected her to be disgusted or something, but she let out a soft chuckle, I felt the grip tighten a little bit.

"Is that so? Such an interesting Red Dragon Emperor, that's graced us… 'The Red Dragon who seeks comfort and love' was it?"

That's what Azazel said… How did— Wait, her powers reach all the way over to Japan? Not a fighter? But having such control of her powers… Geez woman.

"I shall go with you Jin, and only you."

"…..Um, alright then, thank you, I guess?"

Not a fighter, huh? Even though you're at [Low Tier God Class – Ex]? She's not exactly weak you know…

We both stand up at the same time, she doesn't let go of my hands, well— She lets go of one hand, but keeps holding my left with her right…

"I shall be leaving for a little while, young ones, run along now…"

She announces to the animals, they all nod and leave the place… I could feel her intertwine her fingers with mine, I-I, what the fuck do I do here? Whatever, let's just get going…

"Shall we?"


[She seems interested in you, whatever that 'interest' is.]

I am also confused, Ddraig, but whatever. We'll deal with it later.

Titeann Tír na bhFlaitheas /Land of Heaven falls

One moment we were in her little realm, the next— We were back in the 'Land of Heaven Falls', once I appeared in a little corner away from the festivities, Goddess Danu let out a small sigh.

"Is something the matter?"

"I'm just mentally and emotionally preparing myself, please don't worry."

She had her free hand on her chest and kept doing some breathing exercises. I let her do it for a minute straight until she looked at me ready. We stepped away from the corner we were at and joined the crowd.

I could feel the girls were around, and the Gods were also watching from an elevated place. I also felt Titania, Oberon, Queen Mia, Aoife, King Darragh, Queen Isabella, and Princess Siobhan were here. It seems like the other leaders had arrived while I was gone, it didn't take too long, right?

Cúntóir: Answer: Two hours have passed.

....????? How, I literally, never mind.

"Excuse me."


Goddess Danu looked at me confused. I picked her up and carried her bridal style, she let out a cute 'Eek' as I jumped into the sky. If she's the Goddess that started this little group of Gods all the way back then… Then she should have a more active role.

Once I was high in the sky, I could feel many eyes on me. Do it Ddraig.

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!]


Dawning my red armor, I summon the Dragon wings from my back and floated there. I look at Goddess Danu, it was her turn now. She let out a sigh and giggled, she gets off me and floats on her own.

With a wave of her finger and a flick of her wrist— An enormous gust of wind appeared out of nowhere, the roots and plants that were wrapped around the various houses and shops started to grow new parts and create something above us.

"It's her…"

The crowds started to let out surprised gasps, a few openly crying. I look over to see the Gods were smiling brightly, a few smirking. I looked above me and what she had made were letters— A sentence out of leaves, vines, roots, and the like.

It only said 'I am here'.

"Goddess Danu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The crowd finally boomed as they all started to cheer. Well, my work here is done. I fly down along with Danu and land near the other Gods. The party and other festivities started up again.

"Well done lad, you managed to get her, huh?"

Dagda came over to me as I undid my [Balance Break] as he starts smacking me on the back. The girls, Scathach and Áine joined us.

"Fuahahah! Welcome back, Danu!"

"…It's been quite some time, Nuada, I trust you all been well?"

"That, we have!"

Nuada starts nodding his head rapidly, as crowds of people also joined us. I could see Padraig look at me while making weird gestures.

"It's really her, the Goddess Danu!"

"Ohh!! Please let me kiss your feet!"

"Oi, dude what the hell?"

"It's been so long!!!"

The beings around us started to chatter amongst themselves very excited to see the Primordial Goddess again.

"Let's excuse ourselves back to the castle. We shall rejoin the festival shortly."

Hearing this, the crowd agreed and party a way for us to leave from, instead of flying or teleporting we slowly walked back to the castle. Followed by the other gods.

"Huhuhu, much quieter here."

Oberon was still quite relaxed while here, Titania was already rubbing her forehead annoyed by his antics.

Everyone was sitting around the table with the exception of me and my group as we stood at the back, well they did. I was at the front since if they were going to sign the documents, I'll need to do it too.

At the head of the table was the current King, Nuada, and at the other end, Goddess Danu. Everyone else were sitting in their seats with more chairs for the other Gods or mythological beings.

"Jin! While you were away, we signed the contract, if you kindly sign as well!"

Nuada says, I nod and flash step beside him, I look over the document and confirmed that it was properly signed. I also summon a pen and sign it.

"That should be it… So, what about that alliance between the three of you guys?"


Nuada pulled out his own document and slammed it on the table making a small shockwave, everyone looked at him like he was a weirdo. It did not have the intended effect he wanted. He embarrassingly coughs into his fist.

"Oya, oya? Is this the document for our alliance? Will Áine be signing it? Scathach too?"

Oberon looks at everyone, as well as Scathach and Áine who had joined me at the table, Valerie awkwardly stood at the back by herself. I touch the document he slammed on the table and made copies; I made them fly towards everyone so they could read over it.

I flash step back to Valerie as I felt bad for her being alone. We stand there silently waiting for them to finish reading them.

"Hmm-hmm, not bad, it's just like the document Jin-kun gave to us ~ with the additional support from the Three Great powers, and probably future factions and pantheons around the globe… It's pretty beneficial for all of us."

Oberon concluded, the other gods and mythical beings nodding along as they agreed with him.

"Ahem! So, shall we sign this if we're all in agreeance?"

They all agreed, Nuada had the original copy so he gave it to Lugh as he took the pen from his King and signed it. Lugh passed it on to Titania as she signed it, Oberon cheering her on from the side.

Titania gave it to Áine, then to Scathach, to King Darragh, Queen Mia and finally Goddess Danu, however, she didn't sign it right away.

"Goddess Danu, may we know why you… Have avoided us for such a long time?"

"…I do not remember the reason as to why, it has been a very long time."

She lied, I could tell, she just lied there… But she was good, she continued.

"However, I only came here today because of Jin, that is the only reason… If someone else were in search of me. I would have hidden from them."


Everyone turned to look at me, Scathach, Áine, and Oberon grinning at me. The rest had a curious glint in their eyes. Even if you look at me like that, I wouldn't bloody know why she agreed to come.

Ask the wind or some shit, since we're… Allies now I won't just probe her brain to find out. I'll wait till she tells me herself.

[Won't she tell you if you ask? I mean she did take an 'interest' in you.]

…Who knows? Maybe?

Goddess Danu said nothing else as she also signed the treaty between them. I walk over and sign it myself while creating a copy.

"I'll show this to the Three Great Powers leaders when I meet them again. I'll probably need to do this for more mythologies."

"Hmmm, where will you go after today, Jin?"

Lugh asks me as the rest become curious.

"After today? I'll probably go back to the Underworld. A Rating Game between Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory is happening on the 20th of August. I'll be checking on in both peerages. After that, I'll check on my lovers back home."

"I'll then go to Kyoto to form an alliance, after that, I'll go to Greece to meet the Greek Gods. I obviously will have other minor things in between them, but that's the shortened version."

"Is that so? I wish you luck then, Jin! But!!!!!! We shall go back and enjoy this festival! It is the final day after all!!"

King Nuada— In a very enthusiastic voice said so, everyone chuckled at him but did agree, so we all left.

On this day, 'An Comhaontas Gaelach' or 'The Gaelic Alliance' was signed, and oversaw by me.

Pull ~ Pull ~ Grip ~ Grip ~


[Bwahahaha, Mister Popular is struggling over here.]

The festival was still in full swing, even more so when the Gods joined back… But I was in a little… Dilemma? Trouble? Áine and Goddess Danu had latched themselves onto me. Ophis, Lianne, and Shaula had joined us too.

So, right now I was mostly surrounded by women. Valerie, Ophis, Lianne, Shaula, Goddess Danu, Áine, and Scathach. Many jealous glares were being directed at me. Now, why was Danu clinging to me? Fuck if I know.

But I did feel some tension between Áine and Danu, while it wasn't hostile, but there was 'something'.

"So, why are you two so competitive with each other?"

"Hmph! Hear this, Jin! I am the Goddess of Summer, Wealth, and Sovereignty and sometimes Goddess of Love and Fertility! But you got so buddy-buddy with Miss Nature here when you only met for a mere two hours!"

"...Jin and I are intertwined by fate, Áine, time means nothing to us. I am sure, he is the man that will change this world."

Where in the world is this coming from? While Áine was still a bit childish about it, Danu was being slightly more mature, but she still looked annoyed by her fellow Goddess. So, wait. I'm a means to an end for Danu? That's a bit disheartening.

"So, I'm a tool? Ouch."

I look at Danu sarcastically, a look of panic appears on her as she shakes her head.

"N-No… That isn't what I meant by that, Jin. Forgive me if it came out that way…"

"Jin, my request is last, do not forget."

Interrupting us, Scathach tells me simply, I nod back at her. Does she still want to fight me? I can't use the shadows or Lianne… Guess I'll be moving this time around. It's a spar/duel so I can't… Kill her…. Hmm? She hasn't once said she wanted to be killed, strange, probably different here then.

"G-Goddess Danu! This is free for you!!!"

We were currently in a restaurant, we had ordered some food, and the ones in there were staring at us— Well me specifically since I came in with just women. Danu was getting free stuff; the restaurant served all kinds of meals at affordable prices so we chose to go here. Scathach recommended it.

"Excuse me…"

Goddess Danu got up and went to the bathroom, she was in there for a full two minutes, once she left she was swarmed… During that time our food arrived.

"She's going to need some help, gimme a minute."

I got up from my seat and made my way towards her, she wouldn't hurt innocent bystanders even if they were swarming her.

"Alright folks, shows over— Can't you see Danu is a bit overwhelmed here?"

The crowd looks at me, then at Danu, they then started to apologize and go back to their own tables.

"You alright? Let's go back."

She didn't answer me back but simply and quietly grabbed my arm.

"Uwooooooo!!! It's Goddess Danu!! Jin you mad lad!! You actually got her!!!"

We were in Padraig's bakery shop and he immediately screamed when we walked in. He bear hugged me, then started to shake the Goddess's hand, Danu happily doing so.

"Did it?"

The girls look at me confused, I explained to them what Padraig and I spoke about a few days ago. They had amused smirks plastered on their faces.


"Yeah, uh hey Paddy, I'll buy four of everything."

Ophis was looking at the bread around us, all of them freshly baked. He stops shaking Danu's hand and looks at me dumbfounded, he starts to look around before looking back at me.

"You're serious?"


"Right away, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Almost comically, he started to run around putting four of everything into bags, all in all it took him about fifteen minutes. He was exhausted by the end of it.



It was nighttime and the festival was still in full swing, the creatures of the night joined us, many were stunned to see Goddess Danu, so she had a line of hands waiting to shake her hand. Scathach became her personal bodyguard so I was off doing my own thing.

I wasn't too far away so I could keep an eye on everyone.

"Sir Jin!"

"Hmm? Oh, if it isn't Princess Siobhan, I'm glad you could make it."

Both King and Queen were here. I didn't get a chance to speak to them earlier, everyone else was having fun during the festival, especially Siobhan as I saw her running around with her parents in tow.

I was sitting around a bench with Valerie, Ophis, Lianne, and Shaula. We had been going around all day so now we decided to relax a little bit, I doubt we'll be sleeping at all.

"Mmm! It's fun here, even more than last year! Goddess Danu is so beautiful… You manage to find her, huh?"

"Yep, but she let me find her, sounded like she wanted to meet me, so I was lucky in that regard."

While excited, Siobhan let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes. She is a Princess, but she's still twelve and they have a limit on how long they can stay up…. The same with Ophis, as she had been laying her head on my lap for the past few minutes, fast asleep.

The Dragon God of Infinity who likes silence, sweets, and sleep. Sometimes acts like a child, a very powerful one.

"Feeling sleepy? Why not turn in for the night."

She furiously shook her head as Queen Isabella picked her up, she had no energy to protest and just let herself be.

"Dear me, let's turn it for the night, shall we darling?"

"That we shall. It's nice seeing you again Jin, quite soon in fact."

I got up and shook hands with King Darragh.

"Likewise, King Darragh, I hope you had a good time, and good night to you."

"To you Jin, and your lovers too."

With that they left, off to the same hotel we stayed at.

It was around four in the morning, the festivities have all but finished, a few drunk vampires were rushing to go home, a few banshees desperately fleeing, it was over. I had stayed in the plaza looking over it all.

Ophis had gone back into the necklace as she wanted to sleep, Lianne and Shaula did the same thing. I was just left with Valerie, Scathach, Áine, and Goddess Danu.

It was early in the morning, so the shops were still closed, so I summoned some coffee for all of us, we were on the same bench and were relaxing there.

"What will you do after this, Áine? Danu? Scathach?"

I asked the three of them their plans, Áine will surely not just stalk me out of this country, right? I mean that would be a problem…

"I'll continue wandering, but please give me your number!"

Sounds reasonable enough, I nod and summon a piece of paper with my number on it. She happily takes it.

"…I will go back to my own world, I own a small flower shop around the country… So I do interact with humans…. Jin, I have a phone too… May I have your number?"

The Goddess owns a flower business around the country? I mean, she can make them healthy, well, forever, right? Not a bad profession to have while maintaining a cover-up for yourself. I do the same thing and she accepts it happily.

"Apart from our duel that will soon come, none. I will spend my days in the Land of Shadows, perhaps coming out from time to time. Hmm, I can contact you for future sparring sessions, Jin, your number."

"….You have a phone?"

She glared at me…. I mean it's a legitimate question, if you spent most of your time in there, I would assume you wouldn't have a phone…

"Yes, I do. I may spend most of my time in the Land of Shadows, but I still keep up with the times, young Red Dragon Emperor."

"Okay, okay, I get it. Look, we can spar or have that duel at a different time. How about, before my summer holidays ends? I still have some things to do."

"…Very well, I see no problems with that."

Happy with my reply she goes back to drinking her coffee…. Hmm, what about the others…? Do they use modern phones? I mean they can reach me via magic circles— Well the ones with the treaty signed.

We spent the rest of the time relaxing and unwinding while chatting about the future of the supernatural world, nothing too intense, just light-hearted idle chatter….

"Hmm, this is goodbye, for now, Jin."

We were back outside the old world that Danu created, she was looking around it with a nostalgic look.

"Yes, but if you need help feel free to contact me."

"Yes, we will."

The Gods of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Titania, Oberon, Queen Mia, Aoife, Áine, Scathach, and Goddess Danu were out here. King Darragh, Queen Isabella, and Princess Siobhan left earlier.

They still had some things to deal with back home, but I did promise Princess Siobhan to visit them, another thing to do…

"Well then, goodbye for now."

Valerie and I teleported back to the Underworld.


Gremory Territory

I had teleported back into the living room of the Gremory home—


Smack! Hug! Thud!


As soon as I turned around, the door opened and Akeno stepped through the door with everyone else—they were a bit surprised to see me, but she immediately tackled me, followed by Shirone, Kuroka, and Asia.

Azazel was cackling at me, as Kiba and Gasper stare on in…. Jealousy… Really guys? I could see that Rias wanted to do the same, but was holding back.

"I uh… I'm back?"


Check the chapter comments to see images of certain characters.

Fictitiouz Fictitiouz

Long delay, sorry, I'll be gone again on the 20th, busy week sorry I couldn't upload more.

Everything should go back to normal next week, hopefully.

I tried to write a lot about Irish mythology, mixing some of my own things, so they won't be ACCURATE to the real stuff, so it's a lot of original content, I didn't want to just create fights and conflict in all of them, hence the situation in the last group of Gods.

The next Chapter should have Underworld stuff and Kyoto. Jin moving forward with Yasaka and Ophis.

After that, Greece, maybe 2 parts? 3? not sure yet. To finish off Volume 3, Sona vs Rias Rating Game.

Updated: Harem Chapter

Support me if you want:

https://w treon. com/fictitiouz

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Total chapter word count: 45k

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