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14.38% Winds of Change (DxD) / Chapter 23: Chapter 4 - Part 2 - Grand Chariot and a Mother's Concern

Capítulo 23: Chapter 4 - Part 2 - Grand Chariot and a Mother's Concern

The next day

Jin Skyward

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling, I didn't expect to see Cúntóir at all last night, but it was a nice change of pace. We mostly relaxed for the rest of my time there, I'm considering going there a lot more frequently as I quite liked relaxing there.

I even feel more refreshed right now… If that's even possible.

{We appreciate the change of scenery too, Jin}

[Hell yeah, Partner, we get to fly around here, it almost seems infinite.]

I chuckle inwardly. Glad you guys like it then. I finally turn to my sides and see the girls there… With the added two which was Grayfia, but it looks like she already went downstairs, and finally Shirone.

Kuroka mainly dragged her little sister with her last night, but Shirone easily adjusted and we all fell asleep quickly. I quickly slip away from them and go into the bathroom. Once there I decided to wash my face. I usually skip this part since I don't really need to do it, but I just felt like it today.

After splashing water on my face, I look back up at the mirror and see Cúntóir's reflection, I turn around and see she had… Summoned herself?

"Um… Didn't you say it wasn't necessary to do that?"

She didn't answer, but simply smiled and disappeared.


I was just confused by her actions. Guys?

{[Nope, clueless]}

I sigh again as I leave it at that. I leave the bathroom and go downstairs into the kitchen. I see Grayfia again making breakfast. I quickly joined her side and started helping her out.

"The typical morning, huh?"

"Indeed, it is…"

"I should just make some other maids to do the cooking, I wanted to flirt a bit with you in bed, Fia."

She turned to me with a small blush but also looked annoyed.

"Jin, please don't do that."

Oh? I know she likes being a maid but… I didn't think her reaction would be this strong. I sigh and stop what I was doing and look at her.

"Grayfia, I'm not saying I'm trying to replace you or anything, but I was thinking of just giving you some help? They'd be like the android fairies, but for cooking."

Grayfia also stops her motions as she thinks about what I said. She eventually nods to herself.

"If that's the case then I do not mind, however, please leave it until another time. I quite like being a maid— Your Maid."

"Fair enough."

She smiles and gives me a peck on the cheek. We got back to preparing breakfast with a little flirting and bantering.

A little while later everyone had come down for breakfast, as usual, everyone was still tired. Some ate their breakfast passively and half-heartedly, while Kuroka completely woke up and was happily gorging away on her food.

Seems like it would be the best time to say it.

"So, I'll be going to Grigori with Akeno today, anybody want to come?"

"Me! I want to check up on my team."

I asked the table and Reni raised her hand.

"In-nya and I will be going somewhere so we can't nya."

Kuroka says as Ingvild nodded along but was blushing a bit. Strange, these two are very close friends but haven't gone out with each other at all… I wonder what's up, In is blushing like she's about to die.

"Really? Have fun then you two."

"Oh, we will nyahahahah."

Kuroka grinned and laughed, Ingvild turning even redder.

"Let me say… We're going shopping!"

Kuroka gives me a wink in my direction.

Cliché…. Oh wait, is that why In's embarrassed? I look over at the girl and our eyes meet. She turns another shade of red which I thought was impossible. Kuroka turns to her younger sister as she sighs.

"I'll be dragging Shirone with me too."


Shirone thought about arguing, but she just sat down and accepted her fate. I placed a bag of sweets on her lap and gave her an apologetic smile. She gave me a thankful look and continued eating her breakfast.

"I will be supervising Millicas-sama again… My apologies Jin, I forgot to mention that Asteri-sama and Sirzechs-sama appreciate your offer and will add another favor for you."

"Can the Crimson-haired Satan afford so many favors? I might as well have him run naked down the Underworld."

I cock a brow and laugh. Grayfia gave me an unamused look that said 'don't you dare'.

"Yes, he can, it's also a combination of offering to help Millicas-sama and as well as Rias-sama's change as of late."

"Hey, I get more favors, I'm not complaining."

Makes sense. Beru, go into Ingvild's shadow and report anything suspicious back to me. Beru immediately disappeared into her shadow again. He said nothing happened during her trips when I recalled him back… I wonder what Raynare's group is doing… And what that Darcel guy is up to.

He clearly wants to fight me… I'll deal with him. Raynare's group doesn't seem all that powerful, it seems like their power is the same as canon, I can assume the same thing with Freed. All I need to do now is save Asia.

The future I'm looking at is the first one. Therefore, she will most likely accept Rias's offer to join her peerage. Whether that's right away or sometime after, I do not know, but it's Asia's decision so I won't stop her.

Everyone had left thirty minutes after breakfast. I was in the living room waiting for Akeno and Reni. Because I have chosen to wear the same outfit I wore to Kyoto and the Astaroth territory as my default clothes, I wonder what their reactions will be.

"Sorry for the wait!"

Reni had come back together with Akeno. She was wearing her usual magician's robes, while Akeno was wearing her… School uniform?


Akeno asked, looks like I was giving her a strange look.

"Er— Why are you wearing your school uniform?"

I ask her and she just laughs.

"Oh, that's why you were looking at me like that. My parents haven't seen me in my school uniform at all, so, I just wanted to surprise them."

"I see, that makes sense."

"You look good too, Jin. Is this your go-to outfit when going out in the supernatural?"

"Yeah, I thought it would be a bit more classy than just wearing hoodies and jeans with sneakers."

She latches onto my arm. Akeno walks over to my other side and hugs my arm too.

"Well, it fits you quite well, shall we get going?"

I never really cared on what they were, as long as it isn't… Well, them being outright naked, then I'm fine with whatever…

"Mmm, you both ready?"

They both nod, and I teleport us to Grigori.


I teleported us to the lobby area. We found a lot of Fallen Angels around us when we got there. There were a few glances at us, and some nods to both Reni and I. Some went out of their way to greet us; Reni and I also did the same.

"Reni, do you know where Baraqiel and Shuri live?"

"No, I knew where he was previously staying at, but as of now? No… I'm pretty sure only Tobi, Azazel, and the higher-ups know. Sorry, Jin."

"No, it's fine. Thank you."

I feel her tug on my sleeve.

"Jin, I'll stop by and check up on my team. Maybe go and ask Azazel about it?"

"Sure, be safe now and yeah I'll go do that."

We both give each other a quick kiss before parting ways. I watch as Reni's figure slowly disappears into the distance. I turn back to Akeno as she was still looking around the place, seems like it was still her first time here.


I tap her on the shoulder as she turns back to look at me.

"Let's go and ask Azazel where your parents are staying."

She nods and I lead us to his office. I could have teleported us but seeing as how curious Akeno is we'll walk this time. Akeno silently observed me as we walked, until she asked me a question.

"Why don't you know where they live?"

"Hmm? Well, I did know where Baraqiel use to stay, but since Shuri moved in with him, I never got a chance to ask where they moved to in Grigori."

I also became a bit busy after all that after all…

"I'm pretty sure Azazel, his cadre, and maybe Tobio knows where they are at."

"I see… Yeah, you have been busy."

Akeno hugs my arm again as we make our way there.

"Yo Jin!"

"Hey, Jin!

"Jin-Jin how ya been!"

As the two of us made our way towards Azazel's office, I was greeted by a number of fallen angels I've become friends with or have been acquainted with. A few of them gave Akeno weird looks. They probably mistook her for Shuri, which made me chuckle.

"Jin? What's wrong?"

Akeno noticed me holding back from laughing.

"Oh nothing, I could see that some of the fallen here were confused when they were looking at you, they probably thought that you were Shuri or something since you two look nearly identical, the exception is the eye color and personalities. But that's also a stretch, you two are not that far from being exact copies…"

"I wonder how Suzaku is like…"

I feel a pinch from Akeno as she pouted at me.


"You're really pursuing my cousin, aren't you?"

She squints her eyes at me.

{Caught red-handed there, Jin.}

[Caught in 4k Ultra-Wide HD.]

"Er— No comment, since, well you two look the same… Ish… And she's older I was just wondering, that's all…"

"You know what she looks like?"

She kept getting more and more suspicious of me.


Suddenly Ddraig's mark appeared on my right hand. I have a terrible feeling about this.

[That he does, little miss, your cousin sent this little bastard a selfie of herself doing a peace sign.]

As soon as Ddraig finished his sentence, he left— The mark disappeared. We had stopped walking and were staring at each other.

"Uh, I also didn't know why Akeno."

"Show me your phone, please."

I complied and took my phone out and gave it to her. Akeno silently read through the messages, occasionally nodding to herself.

"I see, I know you'll treat her right, like the rest of us, Jin."

She gave me my phone back and kisses me on the cheek…huh?

{Jin, did you honestly think Akeno might go off on you?}

W-Well… I mean she's a teenager, they're also not exactly known for their calm judgment you know.

{I see where you're coming from, however, you've influenced a lot of your mates, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that she also started to mature a lot faster than from what you knew.}

Yeah… That, makes sense. I honestly expected the cliché of her freaking out or being over the top about it. I mentally sighed in relief.

"Jin? Is something wrong?"

She sounded worried as she called out my name.

"No, no, I was just talking with Ddraig."

I throw my phone back into my [Inventory] and we start walking again. I offer her my arm and she happily accepts.

We encountered Penemue, Chief Secretary of the Fallen Angels, as we approached Azazel's room. She and I make eye contact and she glares at me.

Really? She's seriously not over that? This lady…

"Hey… Penemue, how ya been?"

She doesn't answer me but stares at Akeno, confusing the girl.


"H-Huh? I-I mean, I am Akeno, yes. I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Penemue shakes her head.

"No, you don't sweetie, I've just heard a lot of things from your father over the years and the last month from your mother, Shuri."

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Penemue, Chief Secretary of Grigori and the Fallen Angels. It's finally nice to see you in person."

She looks at me with an indifferent look.

"And I guess it's nice to see you again, Jin."

I roll my eyes and Akeno blushes.

"I hope my parents have only told you good things… Haha…"

Akeno scratches her cheek out of embarrassment. This makes Penemue laugh.

"I reassure you, Akeno-chan, it's been very good things… They did sprinkle in some embarrassing stories in between though."

She smiled at her, as Akeno became redder, which made Penemue laugh again.

"Penemue, do you know if Azazel is available right now?"

She turns her gaze to me and shakes her head.

"Azazel is out right now, he's en route to meet up with that old Norse God, Odin. They sometimes meet up in the human world, but I accompanied him once and they mostly talked about pervert topics."

She rubbed her forehead remembering the unpleasant memory.

"Never again."

She stated firmly as she frowned.

"I see, is this where your petty grudges come from?"

I grin at her as she rolls her eyes at me. I check my phone and see a text from Rossweisse a couple of hours ago. It just said 'Help me!!!' with crying emojis. Poor thing… I put my phone away after texting back 'Fight!'.

"You're just a perverted fiend. My maiden heart can't be swayed that easily, young man."

"Eh? W-What happened, Jin?"

Akeno seemed a little confused by our... Slightly tense friendship?

"She teases people. She teased me a few times and I teased her back twice. Now she holds a grudge because of that. I didn't think she would hold onto it for that long."


"Anyway, do you know where her parents are living at the moment? I haven't been there before and we're trying to find them."

"It's not hard to miss… Just take these directions…"

She proceeds to tell us the directions, also summoning a piece of paper and writing them down.

"It's probably the biggest place in Grigori right now— In terms of living space and not just a lab or something."

"Thanks, Penemue."

I pat her on the head as thanks, this makes her blush, and swats my hand away.

"Don't treat me like a child!"

She huffed and I apologized.

"Sorry, anyway, thanks again, we'll get going then."

"Thank you, Penemue-san."

Akeno gave a small bow as Penemue waved her off.

"Don't worry about it, Akeno-chan!"

She started to walk away as I stared at her. She turns back to me and glares at me before continuing on her way.

How am I supposed to get close to her? Haah… Women are complicated creatures. As soon as I pulled out the piece of paper, I began to follow the directions.

After a few minutes of walking, we reach a long hallway that seemed to be a different part of Grigori. Is this what she meant we won't miss it?

"It's a lot different from the other places and rooms of Grigori, I can tell you that much."

Akeno and I started walking down the hallway, but there were no windows, only walls.

It didn't take us long to get through it and on the other side was… A house. A traditional Japanese-style house. It had a quaint garden, a small tree with a miniature pond underneath it, and small bushes scattered around the place.

"Akeno… Does this…?"

"Mmm. It's like my old home."

She drew me towards the front door while looking nostalgically at the house. We arrived at the door and she knocked... Then she saw the doorbell beside it and blushed.

I chuckled as she cutely turned back to glare at me, she pressed the doorbell and it made a loud sound. We waited for them to answer, which didn't take long. The door opens revealing both Shuri and Baraqiel, the two were surprised that they saw us there.

"A-Akeno? Jin? I— Come in!"

She stutters a bit out of shock but she beckons us to come in and we do so.

"Sorry for the sudden visit, I should have told you."

I turn to Baraqiel as he shakes his head.

"It's fine, it was unexpected but a welcomed one."

He smiled as he saw his wife hugging Akeno.

"My baby!"

Shuri had bear-hugged Akeno and started giving her kisses, Akeno on the other hand was clearly embarrassed by the affection she was being shown.


Akeno was squirming in her mother's hug, but Shuri's grip was tight and Akeno didn't want to use force to get out, so she helplessly looked back at me. I just gave her a sympathetic smile and didn't do anything.


She's clearly happy but I can understand that it's embarrassing.

"Jin, why did you two suddenly visit? As I said earlier, we don't mind, but there has to be a reason, right?"

Baraqiel and I were standing side by side watching the scene in front of us unfold.

"Yeah, Akeno wanted to ask you for some advice, maybe even some training?"

I looked over and saw he was still confused so I continued.

"Recently, Kuroka's little sister Shirone started to use a transformation that boosts her powers. They're both Nekomata's but are also reincarnated devils, so they can still access their species heritage powers."

"Shirone dubbed her transformation [Nekomata Mode Level 2], she lets out her cat ears and grows an extra pair of tails. Akeno was wondering if she could do something similar, maybe with her Fallen Angel blood and Holy Lightning?"

I explained to him as he nodded along.

"I see… Yes, it may be possible for her… But that takes quite a bit of power to pull off, especially with my— Our Holy Lightning."

He was okay with the idea but was worried about her. That's natural, he's her father after all.

"No need to worry, Akeno right now is near the peak of High-class, she'll soon enter Ultimate-class. She has 3 pairs of wings in total, after all, she's technically a 6 winged fallen."

When I mentioned this Baraqiel's eyes widen in surprise.

"W-What? How did she get so strong in such a small amount of time?"

I grinned at him as he looked over at me.

"…Don't tell me it was you."

"Hehe, guilty as charged, sir."

He just sighed and shook his head.

"I won't ask how, since I trust it's a safe enough method? Then, if what you say is true, then she'll have no problems learning it."

"Alright, that's fine… Anyway, Akeno! Shuri!"

I call the mother and daughter duo, interrupting their bonding time.

"I have something to say. Akeno already knows about it since I mentioned it to her before. Suzaku Himejima and I have been in frequent contact the last few weeks; she wants to meet up with you all. She's found some time to free up her schedule at the end of the month, it looks like she'll be off for a few days."

"So, I'm here to ask you guys where you want the meet-up to take place? Suzaku said she doesn't mind either Grigori or my home in Kuoh. When you guys make a decision just tell me and I'll tell Suzaku."

Shuri stares blankly at me after my announcement. She lets go of Akeno and marches over to me. I could see Akeno wishing me luck as she mouthed the words 'I'm sorry'.

Baraqiel had also scooted away from me looking nervous. Shuri had finally reached me and stood in front of me.


I look at her confused, what's with this reaction?


She reaches out towards my face and pinches both sides of my cheeks.



"Are. You. Trying. To. Get. Suzaku. Too?"

Shuri said in a menacing tone.

"Ah donh nawh wuh hyur tblakin abhout." (I don't know what you're talking about)

This… Is quite uncomfortable and I can't speak properly… Shuri is really against me getting a harem…


{Good luck, Jin.}


Shuri asked as she stared daggers into me.


Akeno tried to call out to her mother only for her to look at Akeno and she recoiled back. The powers of a mother are terrifying… Even Baraqiel is useless here. I look Shuri in the eye and as seriously as I could speak, I tell her my intentions.



She loosened her pinching of my cheeks but still kept staring at me with a frown.

"Are you serious?"


She finally lets go of my cheeks. I again state firmly.

"What about Akeno? Or Kuroka-chan? And Lavinia-chan?"

She expressed sincere concern. It's understandable, she's a human female after all. However, even though she understood that harems were normal in the supernatural world, that doesn't mean she has to like or accept them. She wants the best for her daughter, Akeno. So, her belief that she needs to settle down with just one man is understandable.

"I love them too; I love them all equally. That will never change, not now— And not ever."

'Akeno, come here.'

I call over Akeno with telepathy. She's a bit surprised but walks over and stands by my side. Shuri looks over at her daughter still concerned. I take Akeno's hand with the ring and show her, Shuri's eyes widen.

"Wha— Is that…?"

"It's just a promise ring, but I do plan on proposing to Akeno eventually. I also gave one to Reni and Kuroka. I'm serious about them, Shuri."

She still doesn't look convinced.

"Your harem will keep growing, yes?"

"It seems like it."

Lying now won't exactly help me with trying to convince her.

"I've said this to them before but, I have no idea how many I'll have in the future and they only have my words for now, but I promise that I won't forget or abandon them."

"Those rings are a way to reaffirm that."

Shuri sighs and turns around with a bit of a huff.

"Fine. I'll trust your words, for now, Jin."

She turns around to glare at me.

"But I promise you if you ever make my baby girl cry or anyone of your lovers in the future… I'll bring down my motherly wrath on you."

"Duly noted."

With that, the tense atmosphere had disappeared.

"So, about the thing, I was saying before…"

I feel a firm hand on my shoulder.

"We'll discuss it as a family, please wait for our answer, Jin."

I couldn't read Baraqiel's expression but he seemed relieved about something.

"Alright. I'll wait for your response then. I'll go and check on the Slash/Dog team and Reni, you guys probably want some family time, right?"

I start to walk away and out the door.

"W-Wait, Jin!"

Akeno called out to me but was stopped by her mother.

"Akeno, dear he's right. We haven't seen each other for nearly a month. I need to talk to my baby."

She grabs her hand and pulls Akeno away.

"Take care now Jin, and make sure to come back for lunch!"

"Yes ma'am."

With that, I closed the door behind me and left the Himejima family to their own devices. I start to walk away from the house and into the long hallway and sigh. Tough woman to convince, but her worries are legitimate.

[You might come across those kinds of women again, Partner, better be ready.]

{Mmm, though, I don't think the devils will be too hard to convince. They're already open to harems after all.}

Haha, whatever... I'll deal with it when the time comes. Are mothers always that protective of their children…? I try to think back at my past but I can't remember… But, I get a pit in my stomach for some reason.


Once I got through the hallway, I locate Reni's aura along with the other members of Slash/Dog. Flash-stepping there, I didn't want to waste too much time. As I did that, a few of the fallen were surprised by the random gust of wind that blew past them.

When I reached the room that the team Slash/Dog was in, I pushed the door open and saw all of them sitting around a table. Kouki was asleep snoring away while the rest were talking. To my surprise, Vali was there…

But he was currently being hugged by Reni, and the guy looked uncomfortable as hell. When the door slammed open, they turned to look at who was there and saw me.


I give them a peace sign and walk over to them. Once Vali saw me he pushed himself off Reni looking mortified. Reni started to giggle and pat her side for me to sit down. I happily accepted the offer and sat down. Vali moves to an open chair and sits there sulking. He then started mumbling to himself.

"So, how ya'll been?"

Reni lays her head on my shoulder as I waited for their answer. I turn to Tobio.

"Also, how's it going with Sae, any development yet?"

He didn't answer me though but just blushed and glared at me. I just chuckled at his expense.

"Shigune and I have been practicing magic, even with Reni absent, we've been slowly going at it… We've made some progress."

Natsume explained sheepishly while Shigune nodded along.

"Jin… Do you have it yet…?"

Shigune looks unsure if she should ask that question or not.

"Not yet, but I can have it to you before the end of next week. Sorry for the delay, Shigune."

I had a request yesterday, and I have a few other things happening today, too. I felt terrible for not getting it done sooner.

"No! You're fine! I was just wondering that's all, I've been using fire magic to get some practice in using that weapon, so it's fine!"

She quickly backtracked and started to apologize in other ways.

"I gave those two some books I wrote after all!"

Reni proudly announces. I chuckle and pet her on the head.

"Well done, you've been a great help."


She looked quite happy with the praise I was giving her.

"But, if further assistance is needed, I'm always a text or call away."

They both smile and nod, but I'm sure the things Reni was teaching them were already a big help. I could see Vali getting annoyed at the corner of my vision, he really does hate that I'm with her surrogate sister, huh?


Natsume was looking at Reni's hand and her eyes were nearly bulging out of their sockets.

"R-R-Reni!! What is that?!?!"

Natsume points at her finger— Well her ring. All of their heads snap to what Natsume was pointing at. They also had similar reactions; Vali looked like he was ready to faint.

"Ehehe, it's just a promise ring!"

Reni proudly shows it off, and the other two girls on the team went to her and took a closer look at the ring.

"It's pretty…"

Shigune muttered and got a nod of approval from Natsume.

"How much did that cost you, Jin?"

Natsume asked as she looked and sounded concerned about the price.

"Hmm? I just made it, so it cost me zero I guess. I can probably do that as well, the actual rings for the future too, I made one for Kuroka and Akeno too, they complement their… Eyes."

The two nod as they look at the gem and Reni's eyes.

"Yeah, the gem really does look like Reni's eyes…"

"Mmm, did it take you long?"

"No, here let me show you."

This piqued everyone's interest— Well except for Reni. I point at the other two females.

"I'll make one for you two."

I open my right hand and create two silver rings, the gemstone for Natsume is brown citrine, while for Shigune— Her eyes are heterochromia meaning her left eye is blue and her right eye was grey. For her gemstone, the left half was blue topaz while the right half was grey labradorite. I also added the fifty percent increase in mana regeneration to them. I hand each girl their ring, both their eyes widening.

"Both rings will increase your mana regeneration by fifty percent. I have some ideas on what to do for them in the future, so I'll add them later on for you guys."

The two of them stare blankly at the rings, a blush slowly creeping up on their faces. Shigune was the first to crack as she took the ring and slipped it on her left hand's ring finger. Natsume soon joined her and slipped it on as well.

They stare at their rings in wonder and excitement. I could feel Vali staring at me. I turn to him.

"Hmm? Want one, Vaa-kun?"

I teased, making him even more annoyed. Reni giggled at him, making him calm down a bit. But he didn't say anything but started to mumble to himself again.

"That's incredible, Jin. You seem to be full of surprises every time we meet."

Tobio sounded genuinely surprised as he observed the rings from a distance. Kouki hadn't woken up despite all of the commotion. He lazily slept on the couch, lightly snoring.

"Hey man, I can make one for Sae and you can give it to her."

I grin at him, making him blush again.

"…Maybe in the future, so thank you in advance…."

He muttered, making all of us freeze and look at him.

"Tobio… You…"

This time it was Tobio's turn to stun me.

"What? Got a problem with that? Ugh… Anyway, Jin, I have a favor to ask you."

He shook his head and looked at me seriously.

"Oh? What's up Tobio?"

I wonder why he's so serious all of a sudden, we're friends so I don't mind helping him out if it's reasonable, otherwise, that's going into the request bin.

"Can we spar?"

I was expecting this somewhere down the line, but I didn't think it would be this soon. I kind of expected it to happen when I finally meet Sae or even Suzaku as those two are quite good friends after all.

I look at him and at Vali, confusing the two.

"Did you get infected by Vali?"

"Am I just some sort of battle maniac to you?!"

Vali finally snaps and shouts at me.

"Well, I mean… You did literally request to spar with me the first time we met, not to mention the times you incessantly ask me to fight you. Can you blame me?"

"I-I-I… That's! …Ugh…"

He couldn't come up with an excuse and just resigned himself.


I hear Tobio chuckled.

"No, I haven't, fortunately… I just want to have a sparring match with you. Will you please accept?"


Should I accept? While I certainly don't mind, I don't know his reasons for it. But if he requested it then I'd do it.

"Is this a request or are you asking because we're friends?"

I could feel Shigune and Natsume had just moved and stood behind me. I felt Natsume gripping my shoulders. …? I was a bit confused by her actions but didn't think too much into it.

"Both. Please. I need this in order to…."

He bowed and trails off, I think I know what he's trying to say.

"It has something to do with Sae, right?"

I asked but only got silence from Tobio making me sigh.

"Sure thing man. If it's for the both of your futures, then I don't mind. I gotta help a brother out every now and again."

I get up from my seat and pat him on the shoulder. He straightens up and suddenly hugs me.

"Thanks, Jin. Let's go to the nearest sparring room, everyone's free to watch."

Tobio announces and leaves first. Natsume goes over to Kouki's couch and kicks it; the guy falls down to the ground.

"What the fuck?!"

He looks at who kicked him off.

"My fucking god, it's always you, you stupid bird."

"Shut up, Jin and Tobio are going to spar, go to the nearest sparring room from here already."

Natsume explained to the angry male.

"Oh shit! Bro and Tobi are fighting? I need popcorn for this."

He immediately left the room, running as if his life depended on it.

"…This will be interesting…"

Vali commented, acting all cool-like, and left the room, probably going to join Tobio in the designated room. I was left there with the three girls. I feel Reni hug my arm again.

"Hmmm, I wonder what's got Tobi all riled up."

"Well, it's Sae obviously, but as specifically why? I do not know."

Reni nods beside me and let's go of my arm, confusing me.

"I'll go and talk with Vaa-kun, he looked like he's really interested in this…"

She gives me an apologetic smile and kisses me on the cheek. She then leaves to follow after Vali.


I feel someone tug on my arm again, I turn to see Natsume and Shigune beside me

"What's up?"

"I'm not good with emotional or mushy stuff… But… Thank you, Jin… For this…"

Natsume says while blushing hard.

"Y-Yeah, th-thank you, Jin. I'll treasure this gift."

They both smile at me and leave as well.

What in the world is happening…?

[Partner, why in the world are you feeling sad? Or is this anxiety?]

{You know Ddraig, you can be very insensitive from time to time.}

[H-Huh?! What the hell? What did I do?!]

{As I said, insensitive. Just shut up already and leave Jin alone.}


No, I'm fine, just feeling weird about it all. I sigh and leave the room too, I locate where Tobio was a walk towards that place.

When I entered the sparring room everyone was already there, thankfully only team Slash/Dog are going to be the spectators for this.

Cúntóir: Answer: Covering sparring room with aura sealing barrier.

I nod to the team as I walk past them and stand at the opposite end of Tobio.

Third Person Point of View

"So, what rules do you want, Tobio?"

Jin asks the leader of team Slash/Dog.

"The same ones as you and Vali had gone with. No killing, the match ends when someone surrenders or is rendered unconscious."

He stated seriously.

"Sure thing."

With Team Slash/Dog and Vali

"So, who do you guys think will win?"

Lavinia asked everyone there watching.

"We've known Tobi for a long time now, and we know what he's capable of and his feats… If I'm being biased, then I would say Tobi."

Natsume says while looking at the two fighters getting ready.

"Mmm, I'm inclined to agree with Natsu… We've only seen Jin fight twice, and those two times were with Vali-kun."

Shigune looks at Vali and bows.

"I'm not saying you're weak, Vali-kun, but being beaten so quickly doesn't really let us have a good feel for Jin's overall power."

"Tch, it's fine."

Vali scoffed but let it be.

"Yeah, but you got to take into account the type of person bro is."

Everyone looks at Kouki curiously and waited for him to continue.

"He's a giant mystery, what is he truly capable of? We've seen a lot of things he's done casually."

"Reviving Tobi's aunt, finishing requests the same day or a few days— He's quick about it, being entrusted by the factions to be a middleman which I might add might be a lot of a bigger deal than we think."

Kouki looks at the rings on Natsume and Shigune

"Byakusa told me about those rings, so that's another new thing he did. He can apparently create objects… As to what limit he can, we don't know. He's made the android fairy things as well."

"We've never seen him go all out if that's even possible."

Kouki sighs and rubs his head.

"So, while I— We know how strong Tobi is, bro is just a giant unknown factor."

"Jin will win."

The two girls were digesting what Kouki had said when Vali interrupted their thoughts.

"Tobio Ikuse is strong, but he won't win."

Vali frowns.

"Jin, will win. There's no doubt in my mind."

"Tell us your actual reasons, Vaa-kun."

Lavinia smiles at Vali. She wanted to know the real reason for his statement. Vali turns away and sighs.

"Like what Kouki said, he hasn't shown anything to us yet, he's just shown inhumane physical prowess and that's all, that snatch ability too is a stronger version of my Divide."


He turns to look at Jin

"The way he carries himself and his aura of confidence, it's like he's saying that he's unbeatable. While he's way too lazy and modest to ever say that, his body language doesn't lie, even if it's barely noticeable."

"Zero openings even now, and even back in the other room. It's like he's ready to retaliate at any serious signs of danger."

"But I've caught him off guard a few times already… I even threw a pillow at him."

Lavinia tilts her head confused.

"Like I said when it's serious. I really doubt he'd try dodging a pillow being thrown at him by his… L-L-Love— By you Lavinia."

Vali couldn't say the word lover as it irritated him too much, so he opted for her name instead.

"Hmmm, that does sound like him hehe."

Lavinia giggled to herself.

"Who do you think will win?"

Vali glances at Lavinia as he asked her the same question that everyone was asked.

"Jin, without a doubt in my mind. Like what everyone said, I've known Tobi a long time, but… I can't see him losing, not to Tobi, not to the Four Satans, and not even the Dragon God…"

Natsume snorts at her statement and starts laughing.

"As expected of a woman in love, you'll take your boyfriend's side no matter what, huh?"

"I won't deny that, that's also a factor."

Lavinia giggled.

With Tobio and Jin

"Ready when you are, Tobi."

Tobio only nods and summons Gin.

"Ready, buddy?"

He asked his Sacred Gear and got a bark of approval… He started to chant.

"Behowlest the slaying of thousands of mortals and principles—"

"Besingest the slaying of tens of thousand of goblins and evil omens—"

"Mine name, which reacheth unto the farthest abyss, tis the Imitation God beguiling the Polar Night and the Midnight Sun—"

"Thou shalt be exterminated by our own jet black demonic blade—"

"Thou art merely ephemeral, oh paranormal Creator God!!"

"Balance Break!"

After Tobio recites a curse-like chant, his entire body becomes covered in darkness taking form as a humanoid black beast that resembles a dog wielding a long and immensely sharp scythe.

So, he's using his Perfectus Tenebrae Lykaon et Fortis Densus Laelaps— His Abyss Side Balance Breaker, huh?

"Going all out from the start, Tobio?!"

Jin shouted to Tobi and he nods silently.

"Alright, I'll answer you in kind then."

Cúntóir: Answer: Will you remove your suppression seals?

No, we'll use that. We made it a few weeks back but didn't get a chance to use it.

Cúntóir: Answer: Very well.

Cúntóir: Answer: Summoning: [Grand Chariot].

Tobio waits for Jin to do something, he suddenly sees him summon something…

'A sword?'

Jin had summoned a black sword with a hand guard and chain-link tassel on the hilt.

"…What is that?"

Tobio couldn't help but ask as his curiosity peaked.

Jin smiled.

"A new Longinus I made."

Shocking everyone who heard him.


Jin stabs the sword into the ground.

"Grand Chariot!"

He shouts. When Jin did that, a giant blue humanoid-looking type beast appeared from the ground behind him. Azure flames also erupted around the beast and as well as Jin, while one of Jin's pupils turned into a shape of a blue star.

The beast then dives forward consuming Jin, making the girls gasp in shock. A few moments later the area around Jin bursts into a large blue light.

When the light disappeared, they saw Jin standing there covered in a form of black, full-body armor with a phantasmagoric defensive film in around his back.

"I found that thing somewhere, I won't divulge where though. But it isn't intelligent like the Two Heavenly Dragons, it's just a mindless beast, here to provide me power."

Jin lied about where he found it, in truth he just made it during the last two weeks of the last month. But he didn't have time to use it as he was busy with other things, requests, and spending time with his girls.

"This still functions like your usual Sacred Gear, it will answer to your desires and will, but it's convenient since it's not bounded to your soul. I plan on passing this down to someone in the future."

'Incredible, to be able to create a new Sacred Gear like that… Azazel isn't even near completion with his!'

Tobio became even tenser—

'I don't know Jin's strength… Add to that he has a powerful Sacred Gear and it has a Balance Breaker… I need to be careful.'

[Partner! What the hell, why not me?!]

{Fool, Vali is there, he doesn't know that Jin is the Red Dragon Emperor yet. Jin has stated that he'll reveal it to him during the peace conference.}

[Ugh… Right…]

Fwooshhh!!! Boooom!!!

The two fighters disappeared from their spots and clashed in the middle. Tobio was shocked.

'He blocked it?!'

His scythe he slashed at Jin was being stopped by his arm, the armor around Jin not even taking a scratch.

"Something, wrong, Tobi?"

Jin asked, but Tobio just clicked his tongue. The two disappeared again and clashed at different spots, creating small shockwaves. Tobio covered his scythe with dark flames and sent out darkness-covered flame slashes toward Jin.

'This isn't just your standard Grand Chariot you know; I modified it!'

The defensive film behind Jin transformed into boosters and he swiftly avoided the attack. Tobio became alarmed and checked his entire surrounding but didn't find Jin.

'Where did he?!—'

Smack! Crash!


Jin had appeared behind Tobio and punched him on his back, this sent Tobio flying to the ground with a loud and hard crash.

Tobio while bruised wasn't hurt too badly, he quickly got back up, and covered the whole ground in shadows. Multiple shadow dogs started to appear, with their own shadow swords, ready to pounce on Jin.

Jin was about to land when he punched the darkness 'breaking' it, making the shadow dogs that were summoned from it to disappear. Tobio was obviously shocked by this and was temporarily stunned in place.

Jin summons the same sword he used for Grand Chariot to use against Tobio's scythe. Tobio covers his sword in darkness flames again and dashed towards Jin, Jin responds in kind and covers his sword in azure flames. The two weapons meet and clash.

Swshing! Slash! Sfwwwp!

When the two clashed again their weapons made another round of shockwaves while sending out flames around them.

Ting! Ting! Ting!


Tobio shouted to himself, his darkness flames gaining a slight increase in strength.

'More then.'

Jin smiled and matched Tobio's increase.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The two disappeared and reappeared, destroying the space around them, but thanks to Cúntóir she was repairing the damage that was being made as they were destroyed. Jin eventually puts a bit more strength into his slash and knocks Tobio backwards.


Tobio slide backwards as he desperately stops himself from falling.


Jin stared at Tobio.

"Why do you feel so desperate during this sword battle, Tobio?"


Tobio was hesitant to answer but he knew Jin wouldn't stop until he did.

"I felt weak."


"I felt weak when I was fighting that prototype Divine Beast. If it wasn't for Lavinia… I don't know what would have happened to all of us. I'm confident in beating True Satan-class beings and some God-class beings… But that thing just defied logic."

Tobio gripped his scythe tighter.

"I've trained even more since then…! But! I feel like I'm in front of an unclimbable mountain."

He looked at Jin, as he truly felt that when he was facing him just now.

"I feel like I'm lacking something…"

"Yes, you are."

Tobio was shocked when Jin confirmed his suspicions.

"You will lose this match, Tobio, and when you do…"

Jin retracted the helmet around his head and grinned at Tobio.

"You'll confess to Sae; I'm not taking no as an answer this time."

Jin disappears and reappears in front of Tobio, the leader couldn't react in time as he was punched in the gut.


He let out a pained gasp.

"When you do… It'll give you newfound strength."

Tobio's eyes widen even during the pain he was feeling.

Fwshhh! Boom!!

Jin finished his punch and sends Tobio crashing into the sparring room wall. When the dust settled Tobio was forced out of his Balance Breaker as he sat there clutching his stomach.

Tobio starts to violently cough as the wind was knocked out of him. Jin flash steps to him and throws a healing slime on him, he then goes out of his 'Balance Breaker' form. Jin puts his hand out to Tobio and he accepts it as he sighs.

Cúntóir: Answer: Deactivating aura sealing barrier.

Jin Skyward

"It's my loss, Jin."

"Right… So, you're doing it, right?"

I didn't miss a beat as I really didn't want him to back out.


Tobio fell silent as he blushed….

"I was going to do it, regardless if you told me to or not… That's what I decided before this match started."

"Good! Good!"

I start patting his shoulder.

"Very good, Tobio Ikuse-kun. I wish you the best of luck."

Tobio just shook his head as we made our way back to his team. He had a satisfied smile on him though.

"How did you make that Sacred Gear?"

Vali asks me as soon as Tobio and I arrive by them.

"That's a trade secret."

I winked at him, annoying him even further.

"…And the creature that resides in it? Can you two speak with each other?"

"I don't know what creature it is; I just came across it and killed it, used it as an experiment, it's just a mindless beast going by its natural instinct of survival."

"As I said earlier, it's not bound to me so I can give it to anyone, but I have to give express permission otherwise it won't listen to its wielder, that's the caveat I put on it, but will still work like any normal Sacred Gear."

"So, it's not bounded to you? That's convenient…"

Vali was a bit shocked but was impressed by its flexibility.

"So, what are you calling it? Grand Chariot?"

"Yeah something like that, the new Longinus Sacred Gear is called [Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot], and what you saw earlier was it's 'Balance Breaker' form, more specifically it's its Crest Side Balance Breaker."

I summon the black sword again.

"To activate it, you need to just swing it downwards, you don't need a surface to do it. It was just convenient earlier."

I de-summon the sword and shrug.

"I don't know its full capabilities as that was the first time, I fully tested it out. It might evolve and gain more transformations, something that equals to [Juggernaut drive]?"

Well, it should be called [Breakdown the Beast]… [Juggernaut drive] is for the two Heavenly Dragons after all.

"So, it has a high potential? Do you plan on using it for yourself?"

"For now? I'll keep it, but I may just give it to one of my lovers down the line. As to who? I don't know, I'll need to see who it will fit perfectly with."

"Who knows? I or someone else might achieve another form of Balance Breaker with it? Like Tobio Ikuse-san here with his Abyss Side. So, they can achieve an X side or Abyss side, it'll depend on them."

Vali nods along with my explanation the same with the team.



I turn to Tobio who had called out for me.

"Can you help Sae?"

I smirk. Did something happen to her? I wasn't all too sure, maybe something did during those few years before canon started…

"Not that kind… Can you heal her?"

"Did something happen to her?"

He doesn't answer but just nods.

"It happened a few years back, she was initially fine, but her body has been deteriorating as of late."

He bows.


"Stop, stop, enough with the bowing, Jesus Christ. I'll help… So, when do you want me to?"

"In two or three weeks, Azazel has her in a room that will slow down her deterioration, I and only a few others can go in, but in two or three weeks it should be fine. I'll go and mention it to him when he's back."

"Sure thing man, I won't miss out on this confession after all."

I agree and try to ease the mood in the room. Tobio obviously gets flustered, and the group laughs at him.


Cúntóir: Answer: Two hours have nearly passed…

What? How the hell… I swear it only had been a few minutes…

"Anyway, I'll go and check on the Himejima's. I'll see you guys around."

I start to walk away and feel someone hug my arm.

"I'll go too."

Reni says and waves to her teammates.

"Be safe you two."

Tobio bids us well. I felt someone's intense gaze on me when I turn back, I see Natsume staring at me when she saw me looking at her, and she quickly averts her gaze.

I wonder what that was about? Is she interested in Grand Chariot? Or is it something else? Whatever I'll deal with it another time.

It didn't take long for Reni and I to arrive back at Baraqiel and Shuri's home. We were just standing out in the garden as Reni looked around as it was her first time here.

"Wow… I didn't know their home looked like this…"

"Yeah, it was quite a sight to see when I first got here too."

We make our way to the door and I press the doorbell.


When the door opened it was Akeno behind it, she smiled and hugged Reni and I.

"Welcome back, how did your trip go?"

"It was fine, I fought Tobio and some things are starting to progress for him."

Akeno nodded and brought us into the dining room.

"I'll go out back and keep practicing with dad."

She kisses me on the cheek as she goes out the back door. Looks like she's been practicing with Baraqiel this whole time, good on her. I feel Reni detach herself from me and trot over to Shuri who was cooking something.

"Shuri-san! It's been a while. Do you need some help?"

"Oh, Lavinia dear, welcome! And yes, that would be greatly appreciated."

She turns to me.

"And you, just sit there and wait."

"But I can—"

"No buts mister, I've heard from Akeno that you and your maid do most of the cooking, let some of them do it for you every now and again!"

Shuri didn't let me get a word in; Reni just gave me a sympathetic smile as she continued to help Shuri.

"Haah… Well if you say so…"

I resigned to my fate and went to sit on their sofa. I turn to my side and watch Akeno and Baraqiel training out back. The food was slowly cooking, and the smell was great, I was looking forward to eating lunch…

Akeno glowed for a moment and Baraqiel seemingly praised her as she smiled. Looks like it's going well. She then started to shape her Holy Lightning, getting nods of approval from him. Baraqiel did the same thing but had a bit of trouble.

Is he not used to it? Maybe he just mainly attacks with it and never shaped it before?' but he quickly got the hang of it 'Never mind, as expected of a veteran… Seems like Akeno got her learning ability and speed from her father. I smile and turn away; I'll leave them be. I take my phone out and wait till I'm called back.

A half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, is this how it is when I go around doing stuff? Only for two hours to suddenly pass? It feels weird but hey, what can you do? During that half an hour I got a few texts from a few girls. Mainly, Kuroka, Rossweisse, Suzaku, and surprisingly Natsume.

Rossweisse was complaining to me as usual about her work day, even more so today as she had to or is still accompanying Odin and Azazel. They had apparently hit up some strip clubs and went to rooms with some prostitutes, she obviously just stayed outside scaring off anyone who tried to get near her with a bit of magic.

I felt for the girl, she works a tough job and has a very… Free-spirited boss, add Azazel into the picture and that becomes a hell of a lot harder, those two are essentially lost, brothers. I just wished her luck and said I couldn't help her as I was…'busy' in Grigori.



Speak of the devil and they appear, it was Rossweisse again.

|Then come and spend some time with me in the future.|

That— That was unexpected, I couldn't help but grin, well I don't mind doing that…

|Sure thing, let's plan that out.|

Her reply came almost instantaneously.


|I mean…yes of course.|

She corrected herself… Cute.

I also informed Suzaku that I was in Grigori with Akeno and had asked the family about their thoughts, but said that they hadn't made a decision yet. She thanked me and said it was fine, she'll wait for their answer and my text.

Patient, kind, caring and elegant… She's like… I don't know how to describe her, but I do look forward to meeting her. A blend of Shuri and Akeno perhaps?

Cúntóir: Answer: The inheritor of the Vermillion Bird, Suzaku Himejima. She resembles her aunt Shuri quite a bit. She is also quite protective of her close relatives because of what happened to Shuri, this extends to Tobio Ikuse, that is why she is thankful for what you did.

[Oh? Doesn't that mean you already got good cookie points from her, partner?]

I'm mainly interested in meeting her for now, calm your self Ddraig…

[Heh, sure thing partner… You definitely JUST want to meet her.]


Kuroka had sent me a message earlier, saying that she and Ingvild were shopping for clothes and undergarments. I didn't really know how to respond, so I just wished them luck. She also sent me a selfie with a horrified Ingvild in the background— Both were in new, well I would assume new bra and panties, they were clearly in a changing room.

After a few minutes she sent a video, of her and Ingvild in the same changing room, she started to narrate herself and Ingvild, and when the latter found out she began to panic…



Kuroka had just sent me a video, I wonder what it's all about… I clicked it and it started to play.

"Nya nya, hi Jin! In-nya and I are still in the changing room, right nya?"

She had the phone pointing at her as she winked as she briefly pointed it towards her own chest. She then pointed it towards Ingvild who seemingly had finished changing.

"K-Kuroka?! W-What are you doing?!"

She began to panic and cover herself with her arms and hands.

"Nya? I'm taking a video for Jin, you know nya? A little bit of fan service?"

She aims the phone and Ingvild's chest.

"Look at those bazoonkas! They're probably big as mine!"

She turns the camera downwards

"And those thighs! Wooweee! You've had your head on them, right? You're a luck man, Jin nya."


Ingvild shouted as she tried to grab the phone away from her, only for Kuroka to dodge and start laughing.

"Nyahahaha, don't worry In, we're shopping for our own clothes and as well as to show off for him, so why the worry?"

When Kuroka said that Ingvild turned another shade of red.

"Ah— My bad, not the time yet, oops…"


Ingvild gave up and turned away, completely embarrassed.

"Nyahaha… Sorry Jin, but we're fine so don't worry about us."

That's where the video ended.

Flashback end.

So, she really does feel that way, huh? I mean I expected In to be like that since Reni mentioned it yesterday. But still… Shopping for undergarments… the lilac color of her bra and panties complimented her hair. Of course, Kuroka had really risky black lingerie too. I wonder where Shirone was...

Was it the wisest choice to pick Kuroka for that? She does have style… Albeit very… Risky and lewd, but still good style. At least they're getting along.

Finally, Natsume… I opened her message up once again. She wants to fight me in the future and talk about something. She left it at that, I just agreed as she did give me a weird look from earlier.

I wonder what it's about…?

{Perhaps she wants to use Grand Chariot?}

Not a bad idea, but… It doesn't really suit her? She started to learn wind magic I presume since Griffon uses wind magic naturally. She also has the light gun, if she combines wind magic with it, who knows what will happen?

[Maybe she wants to ask you to make her a custom Sacred Gear or something? Hell, maybe confess to you?!]

Confess to me? For what? I just gave those two presents… As far as they're concerned it's from a friend.

[You said it yourself, Partner. Women's hearts work in mysterious and strange ways. So, you never know.]


"Jin! Lunch is ready!"

I hear Shuri's voice resound from the kitchen. I see her open the backdoor and say the same thing to her husband and daughter. Reni comes over and pulls me up.

"Lunch ~"

I smile and nod, I put my phone away and let her lead me to the dining table.

"Phew, that was tiring…"

Akeno lets out a sigh as Shuri wipes some sweat off her forehead with a towel.

"You should keep a towel with you, sweetie."

She hands Baraqiel one too.

"You too, honey."

"Ahhh… Yeah, I'll do that, thank you."

He graciously accepts it and wipes his sweat away. We all get seated as Shuri starts equally putting our portions of food on our bowls and plates. This is… Udon with miso soup.

"Thank you, Shuri."

She smiles and nods. We call clap our hands and thanked her for the food and we began eating.

"It's been a while since I ate your food, Shuri. It's as great as ever."

I compliment her cooking.

"I helped too you know."

Reni huffed a bit as everyone chuckled at her.

"Of course, my wife's cooking is the best!"

Baraqiel boasted as he puffed his chest out. This made Shuri blush.

"Flattery will get you nowhere dear."

She giggled; she notices Akeno frowning.

"Akeno? Is something wrong?"

"No… It's good, mom, it's just that… I haven't gotten a chance to cook for Jin yet. Grayfia has, and now Reni today… I'll get it done…tomorrow night!"

"I'll get my contracts done early tomorrow…"

Akeno with her weird determination announces, Shuri giggles and wishes her luck.

"It's fine, Akeno. I'm in no rush."

I laugh and we continue to have our lunch while talking about our day so far.

After we had lunch Shuri and Akeno were washing the dishes, I had offered to do them but was shooed away by Shuri again, saying that it was her house and her rules.

I was sitting on a different sofa with Reni cuddled up beside me, while Baraqiel was still on the dining table drinking some tea.

"So, did you guys make a decision yet? If not, then that's fine, I was just curious."

Baraqiel stops drinking his tea and sighs.

"We have not yet, Jin. But we will get back to you in the future."

He then continues drinking his tea, both Shuri and Akeno nod along and that conversation ends there. Reni, Akeno, and I spend the next few hours in the Himejima home. The two girls getting advice from Shuri. I could also see her slowly relaxing about the harem thing... But I doubt it'll be that easy.

Baraqiel and I spoke about training and about the current state of the supernatural world, how I'm influencing it, and the looming threats that may arise. All in all, a semi-normal 'meet her parents again' scenario.

Japan, Kuoh


Jin Skyward

I yawned as I started my journey to school. Akeno, Ingvild, and Shirone had teleported directly into the ORC, In had more or less joined the club already so it was no problem for her to do that.

'Fucking human! Die!!!'

A random high-pitched voice resounded around the area.

Huh? I turn towards the voice and see a very… Small and angry chihuahua barking at me through some gates.

'Yeah! You see me bitch?! I am the king!'

It kept barking at me, increasing in intensity and frequency… Why is it always the small dogs that have the biggest tempers and egos? Jeez… A black cat came out of some bushes and hissed at the dog.

'Shut your trap, you miserable mutt!'

The black cat hissed again.

'Suck it cat turd! We dogs are the kings! We chihuahuas are gods! God backwards says dog after all! Hahahah!'

'Impudent, miserable, and deranged midget…how big can your ego be so big when you're so tiny? Even the fellow strays I've come across aren't as egotistical as you…'

The black cat shook its head apparently disappointed at the dog.

You know, this is the first time I've seen some of these guys talking to each other. I tend to ignore them since it's usually just random words being spat out.

[Should I give them a little scare, partner?]

Don't it's just a waste of time… I shook my head and kept walking. The two kept on barking and hissing at each other, I've already tuned out their conversation.

Haah… I hope Reni doesn't go through with her little tantrum statement from earlier. We had been clingy to me since early this morning, even only wanting me to carry her everywhere. She wanted the school year to end so I would be even freer.

But when I mentioned that I would have to go to college, she freaked out even more. So, she said she might just go and become a teacher in Kuoh Academy and then transfer to the college division after I graduate.

I told her that would just bring bigger trouble for the both of us, the whole student-teacher forbidden relationship thing, making her wail a bit. So, I was stuck consoling her right until I had to go. She was free again today so she was stuck at home all day.

Grayfia had left to watch over Millicas again, and as well as speak to Sirzechs about something, maybe she's asking to be let go of her duties as a [Queen]? Who knows…?

Kuroka mentioned something about hanging out in the ORC in her cat form for today, she wanted to see what her sister and I were up to. I was curious as to what will happen with Gasper today since he starts school today.

Will he be mistaken for a girl? There's a high chance of that. Will some guys turn gay? Maybe… At least it will be an interesting day ahead of me.

I eventually reach the school gates and go through them, as soon as I do I feel an arm go around my shoulder. I turn to look at who it was and see Eita, the whispers started almost instantaneously.

"Hey, Eita-kun, do you need something from me?"

I knew what he was here for, but you know… Go through the steps with these things…

"You know already, Jin. So, what's your decision?"

He had an expectant look; I was going to shatter that. I sigh.

"Well, I'll have to decline."

He deflates.

"But, if any clubs need an extra help for a match or something and if I'm free, feel free to ask me for help."

He brightened up.

"A compromise then? I'll talk to the coach about it and the other clubs!"

He happily taps my shoulder and runs away.

That's the best I can do, but I doubt they'll need my help. A few of our teams in this school are quite strong. Making it into spring and winter tournaments before… The whispers around me intensify as they heard my response to the oh-so-ever popular Eita.


Under the tree, Shirone was eating the sweets I had given her back at my home as I relaxed. It was a peaceful lunch… Well a few glances at us made it a bit awkward but it wasn't that annoying.

I was approached by other club leaders and representatives throughout the morning and earlier during lunch and they all asked the same thing. If I was serious about the help, and I answered them that I was, they were more or less happy with it, thankfully.

So, all I had to do now was join the Occult Research Club, and have Rias reveal the supernatural to me and I won't need to keep walking around the topic with them. I'll just need to get through all of Raynare's shenanigans and wait for the Riser arc…

I'll probably have to deal with other stuff in between, requests… Visiting the Fae in Ireland, Ophis and I are visiting the Dimensional Gap to meet up with Irene and whatever else that might happen…

Odin's next request too… I wonder when that guy will contact me again? Rose also wants to hang out…

[Jam packed month ahead of you, huh, Partner?]

Yeah… I wonder what other crap I'll come across during this month.

"Jin Skyward-senpai?"

A voice calls my name out and I'm brought out of my thoughts.


I look up and I see the most perverted girl in the school. Aika Kiryuu, she later becomes aware of the supernatural and becomes a magician. I wonder what she wants from me?

"Hello there…?"

"Aika— Aika Kiryuu, pervert extraordinaire. Nice to meet you, Jin-senpai."

She looks at Shirone

"And little Koneko-chan."

Shirone gives her a curt nod and continues eating her sweets while keeping an eye on the girl.

"Aika Kiryuu-san, how can I help you?"

"So, senpai, I heard rumors that you're in a relationship?"

She asks with a grin. Oh, it's about that…

"Yes, I am."

I confirm her suspicions.

"Oho? And who might it be? One of the beauties of the academy?"

She looks at Shirone—

"Or perhaps little Koneko-chan here? Or perhaps a forbidden relationship with a female teacher?!"

She does a little twirl confusing me.

"…Why do you want to know?"

It's certainly none of her business, are the people of this world that nosy? She snorts.

"The student body is interested in it, obviously! A new transfer student joins the new year and is already in a relationship! It's quite rare you know! Or is she perhaps fake? Is she even real?"

She grins at me again and tries to rile me up, but it really doesn't work… I won't give a name, but a picture is fine… I pull out my phone, scroll through the gallery and pull out a picture of Reni. I didn't even see her take these pictures during our date…how in the world…

She had taken a lot and sent me a couple of them, some of them I wasn't even looking at her. I was clearly talking to Cúntóir or Ddraig during them as I had a semi-blank look. I then show Aika the picture, and she clearly was surprised.

The one I chose was one that I was looking at the phone directly. I think she asked someone to take a picture of the both of us, it was a family and the mother was all too happy… If it was anyone else, they'd have been giving me death glares.

"Wow! She's like a supermodel, senpai. You're one lucky hunk!"

She nods sagely.

"How did you manage to get her? You're average!"

My mouth twitched again at being called average. Haah… What the hell is wrong with these people?

"Well, whatever. I'll go spread the word, worry not senpai, you won't be bothered again!"

She quickly runs away screaming something about it all being real.

"Maybe… Maybe that wasn't the right course of action…"

I could hear Shirone giggle beside me.

"You were just swept up in Aika's energy, Jin-senpai, don't mind."

"I guess I was…"

I pet her head and she eases into it.

"Anyway, how was Gaspers' Day?"



Third Person Point of View

1st year Floor

Shirone Classroom

"Alright, settle down! We have a new student joining us today!"

The male teacher tells his homeroom class to settle down, they did, and were surprised to hear a new student was joining them a week after school started.

"Come in!"

The teacher yells as the door slides open, Gasper walks into the middle, still embarrassed but pushing it down. As always, he was cross dressing and was immediately mistaken for a girl.

"Go on, introduce yourself."

"I-I… I am called Gasper Vladi… I like…uh computers... I'M A GUY!"

He blurts out.


The room became deathly silent when the new student announced that she— He was a guy.


A guy in the back yelled in despair.

"Something… Something is rising and it's not the shield hero!"

"Guys… I think… I think I'm gay…"


His seatmate looks at him with disappointment. Another one was sagely nodding.

"I, too, have found out I am gay. All hail Gasper!"


A small group of guys cheer while getting grossed out looks from the rest. The girls were all adoring Gaspers' look, they thought he looked cute.

"He's like a doll!"

"So cute!"

"C-Can I touch you?!"

A female student says with weird gasps in between, earning a few weird glances from the students and even the teacher. The teacher was rubbing his forehead.

"Alright, go take your seat beside Toujou-san."

Gasper nods and makes his way towards Koneko, getting a few disturbing glances at him, mainly towards his bottom half, this made the former Dhampir shiver.

"Welcome, Gaspy."

"Y-Yeah… Thanks Koneko-chan…"

The students around them were shocked.

"You two know each other?"

Someone asked and Koneko nodded.

"We're part of the same club…"

This earned another cheer from both guys and girls.

Flashback end

Jin Skyward

"Sounds rough for him…"

"Someone tried to lift up his skirt… I knocked them out… It was a guy too, a girl tried to… Touch him down there too. I had to knock her out as well…"

"…Isn't that flat-out sexual harassment?!"

As if on cue, I— We hear an all too familiar scream.


We see Gasper running away from a mob of guys and girls, as he desperately held onto his skirt that was loosely hanging on.

"Wait Gasper-kun we just want to talk!"

A girl shouts… Who was clearly drooling and swiping for the guy's skirt. Gasper runs towards the ORC building and dives into it. Once he did so, the group didn't follow him, they were quite hesitant.

Not too long after the door opens and Akeno comes out of it. She looks at the group and smiles.

"Will you please take it easy on our club member and junior. It's his first day after all."

As calmly and elegantly as she could, she asked the group.

"A-Akeno-sama! Of course!"

What looked like the leader of the girls responded.

"Of course, Nadeshiko-sama! Men! We retreat!"

The leader for the guy announces, and the rest followed with a 'Yeah!!' as both groups leave.

"Ufufufu, thank you ~ you'll see him again after school and in between classes ~"

Akeno sees both Shirone and I, she waves to us and goes back into the building.

"Akeno certainly knows how to quell the crowd of fans…"

"Mmm, she has… Prior experience… Jin-senpai, where's In-senpai?"

I didn't expect Shirone to ask me about Ingvild all of a sudden.

"Hmm? Oh, she's with her friends right now, they get along really well."

I smile remembering what she said about them not too long ago.

"How do you feel about it?"

Shirone asks, making me confused.

"How do I feel about it? I've mentioned it this before but… I won't keep my lovers on a leash, Shirone. They can do what they want, pursue their dreams, go to places they want, meet and befriend anyone they want. I'll fully support them."

If I did keep them on a leash, would that be even considered a relationship at that point? A toxic one maybe… Or just outright slavery and ownership. That didn't bode well with me.

"Relationships are built upon equal and mutual understanding, not just one-sided control."

Shirone had stopped eating and was staring at me.

"Also, Ingvild missed out one hundred years of her life while she slept, I'm not sure if she even finished her own schooling all those years ago…"

"So, I suggested she experience it again, with Akeno and I. She can make new friends here, as she already has with the girls she's spending time with."

Suddenly a black cat jumps down from the tree.


The black cat nods and meows at me.

"I guess you're taking your cat role seriously then."

I chuckle and start petting her as she lay on my lap. What I didn't expect to happen was that Shirone to scoot over closer to me. I reflectively started to pet her too. Kuroka opened her eyes and gave her little sister a grin, even in her cat form you could clearly see it. Shirone in turned lightly glared back at her sister while blushing.

I lightly chop them on the head

"No fighting."



[The battle of the cat girls has begun!]

{They're sisters, how would that even work?}

Yeah… A relaxing lunch…

After school

Well, the time has come. Time to join the club and get a 'reveal' even though I already know. Akeno gave me a wink as she and everyone else left for their clubs or home.

I waited for a little bit before leaving the room, I wanted to be the last. When I stepped out of the classroom, I see that Sona was waiting for me.

"Hmm? Oh, hey what's up, Sona?"

She gave me a strange look when I called out to her.

"What? Would you prefer So-tan?"

"No, thank you. Sona is fine. Are you going to join the Occult Research Club?"

"Yes, I am, Sona. I was about to make my way there… I'm probably getting a long-winded explanation from Rias about the whole supernatural and the three factions… Which I plan to tune out."

"If she tries to recruit you into her peerage?"

She cocks a brow.

"That will be impossible and I'll also decline, seeing how she's matured even more— Then she won't push me to join once I decline."

"Impossible? I know you're the Red Dragon Emperor… But that's not exactly out of the realm of possibility of joining a peerage…"

"I'm more than meets the eye, Sona."

I smile at her and begin to walk away.

"Anyway, nice talking to you Miss School President!"


I could feel her gaze on my back as I walk away.

I arrive outside the Occult Research Club building, and Akeno was waiting for me out there.

"Welcome, handsome ~"

She comes over to me and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Ready for the 'reveal'?"

She giggles while asking me.

"Yeah, let's get this done and over with… I want to taste your cooking for tonight after all."

We briefly kiss and go inside the building.

"Did In go home?"

We slowly went through the building— Taking our time since Akeno wanted some skinship between us.

"Mmm, no, she's out with her friends. She said she'll go home afterwards."

"I see…"

Thankfully I kept Beru in her shadow, he reported to him that nothing was out of the ordinary…making it quite suspicious. Makes me think about what Raynare's group is doing… I did skip that part when looking into the future…

We eventually reach the same room again and Akeno had let go of me a few seconds earlier.

"I've brought him back, President."

Akeno announces our arrival and Rias smiles at the both of us. Shirone gives me a nod, Gasper was there without the paper bag over his head. I look at him and ask.

"A new member?"

"Y-Yes, something like that, please Jin, take a seat."

Rias gestures to the seat where Shirone was sitting at. I nod and join her. I pull out a piece of candy and give it to her.

"Thank you… Senpai…"

Rias was surprised by our interaction but left it at that for now.

"So, have you made your decision, Jin?"

She asked in an almost excited tone. I chuckle at her excitement.

"Yes, yes, I have. I…"

I pause for dramatic effect; Rias had looked like she had slightly risen from her seat.

"I want to join the club."

As soon as those words left my mouth, Rias stands up and pumps her fist into the air. Her peerage was the most surprised as they all stared at her in shock, Akeno was just giggling beside her.


She regained her composure and blushed.


She fake coughed into her hand.

"Th-Then we welcome you, Jin!"

I smile at her and notice Kuroka wasn't here, she had probably gone home already…

"Now… I will ask you again, Jin. Do you believe in the supernatural?"

Her face becomes serious as she locks her gaze on me.

"My answer hasn't changed since last week, Rias. I believe in it; I just don't have proof."

A smile creeps up on her mouth… Here we go!

"What if I told you, it was real?"

She snaps her fingers and everyone gets up.


Yeesh, talk about being dramatic, is she worse than me? Haha… They all suddenly released their bat wings from behind them…

"Wow, I didn't know you guys did cosplay!"

I faked my surprise and look at them in fascination. She shakes her head.

"No, they're real."

She walks over to me and turns around to show me her wings coming from her back.

"Heeeeh, are you guys' bat people or something? Actually, can I touch them?"

Rias looked slightly disappointed at my reaction and blushes.

"G-Go ahead…"

I reach out and touch her wing, she was clearly holding back to moan or make a weird noise, I then ran my finger along her wings, making her shiver. I could see from the corner of my eye Akeno grinning as well as holding herself back from laughing… The same with Shirone.

"Th-That's enough!"

Rias couldn't take it anymore and stepped away.

"Sorry, I didn't think you were that uncomfortable… But jeez, the supernatural is real? Huh?"

"To answer your question from earlier, Jin-senpai. We're devils not bats."

"Devils, huh? Soooo all that wish-granting stuff for your soul kind of thing?"

Earning another chuckle from Kiba.

"That can happen if the wish is over the top then they'll lose their lives, but if it's normal… Then we can just set up something else…"

"I see, I see."

I nod sagely.

"Anyway, I will explain the supernatural to you in detail… Including the three factions and anything else I think is relevant."

I nod and half-heartedly listened in on her explanation, about it all… I've read and listened to it a lot of times already so I just tuned her out. She also went on to explain the evil piece system and reincarnated devils.

"So Jin! I would like to ask you to join my peerage!"

She excitedly says.

"Peerage, huh? So I can become a reincarnated devil?"


Rias practically had stars in her eyes waiting for me to decide.


I again pause for dramatic effect, even though I already have my answer.

"I'll have to decline, Rias."

Rias visibly deflates and slumps down. Akeno giggles beside her and Kiba awkwardly laughs.

"M-May I know why?"

"I'm lazy, the fact that I have to do contracts every day after school isn't exactly enticing…"

She blankly stares at me as everyone else starts to giggle around her. Her mouth starts to twitch at my absurd response.

"I see… Haah…"

"Don't worry though, I'll still join the club and keep your secrets. I mean… Who in their right mind would believe me? I'm new, and you're well known throughout the school, even Gasper with whatever happened today."


Gasper complains as he shivered at the thought of his Fan club.

"I mean, if I start spouting that the supernatural was real, people would just think I'm insane or crazy. I'd rather not take that chance and destroy my already nonexistent status."

Rias laughs at my reasoning but nods in the end.

"That is true…"

They finally retract their wings and sit back down.

"Then, once again, Jin, welcome to the Occult Research Club!"

She welcomes me again with a bright smile.

"…Yeah, thank you."

That smile suits her. I start to pet Shirone.

"But man, you really feel like a cat, huh, Koneko?"

Both Rias and Kiba freeze once I mention that. I see them and tilt my head.


"Koneko-chan is actually a Nekomata, so a type of cat girl…"

Kiba explains.

"Oh! No wonder…"

I pretend to be surprised. I start to scratch her chin as well, making Shirone purr.

"Yes, they're called Youkai and they have many variants, Koneko is just a type of Nekoshou…"

Rias looks at us intrigued by our friendliness.

"So, you reincarnated her as a devil, huh? At least she kept her cat ears and tail then!"

They laugh at my obsession with cat girls. I sigh, stop petting Shirone and get up.

"Since you guys have to do your contract things, I'll get going for today then. I'll stay tomorrow though."

"Are you sure? You can just stay here…"

Rias sounded disappointed. I grin at her making her confused.

"You want me to stay here with you, Rias?"

I nod.

"Your peerage will be out after all…"

Rias' eyes widen, and her face becomes the same crimson color as her hair.

"N-No! That— That isn't what I meant by that!"

She stuttered out, earning another round of laughter from her peerage.

"I'm just teasing you, Rias. I'll bring some food for tomorrow, so look forward to that."

I start to leave and wave to them.

"O-Okay! But you better stay tomorrow! That's a promise!"

"Yeah yeah!"

I finally leave through the door as I hear some voices talking behind me.

Skyward household


I got to my home without issues and flopped back onto the couch.


Reni calls out from upstairs.

"Yeah, I'm home!"

I hear footsteps approaching fast and Reni jumping on top of me as she hugs me.

"Welcome home."

"Yeah, I'm back."

I sit up and she sticks to me like a koala. I tell Reni about my day and how I just joined the ORC and they 'revealed' the supernatural to me.

"I bet you had fun, didn't you?"

"Yeah, it was amusing to see their reactions. But I could tell Akeno just wanted to roll her eyes all throughout all of it."

We both laugh at the thought of Akeno breaking character and going off on a tirade to them, saying that I already knew.

"How was your day?"

Reni snuggled more into me.

"I went back to Grigori since Natsume called for me and wanted to be taught more, Shigune was also there… They're getting better at it at a fast pace…"

"Natsume really is a natural at wind magic, she's learning a lot of spells at a fast pace and also mastering them at an even faster rate! I wonder what got her motivated…"

…Yeah… What did get her motivated? I'll find out soon, I guess…

"Shigune is really looking forward to that weapon, you know."

She looks at me expectantly.

"Ahaha… Yeah, I'll have it done soon."

"Mmm, Shigune's casting is even faster and she can shape her fire faster too, so as she said, she's getting practice in using a whip."

"Yeah, that's good, they both have some motivation…"

For the rest of our time, we just cuddled and flirted. We waited for everyone else to come home. It didn't take long for Ingvild to come back home; she was quite happy and told us of where she went. She's been cuddling with me more often now too. I guess it's not too far until then…

Later that night

I was chilling out in the back garden since I wanted a change of scenery, the nighttime breeze wasn't too cold so it was still fine to be outside. I asked some of the girls to join but they declined as they were talking about something.

I had created a little bench with a table, the back garden was mostly empty until tonight, so I made them to make it easier for me to relax.

Creak Close

I hear the door open and feel someone's presence slowly walking towards me. They soon sat down beside me and it was Kuroka.

"Hey there, Kuroka, I thought you were busy talking to the girls…"

"We were done nya…"

"How was your day?"

She leans up against me and I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer.

"Mmmm, it was boring… I watched Shirone through her classroom window, the only funny thing was the Gasper situation, I left around one in the afternoon nya."

"Graduate already… It's boring without you nya."

She complained cutely making me snort.

"I'll graduate eventually, so don't worry about that."

We both go silent and stare up into the night sky.

"Jin, can we talk about something…?"

She sounded worried, perhaps it has something to do with what Reni mentioned before?

"Sure, what's up? I've been seeing you take glances at me for a while now, I figured you would say something about it soon."

"Did Reni or Akeno say something to you?"

She didn't sound angry just a bit surprised.

"Yes, I won't lie, Reni mentioned something."


Kuroka wraps herself around my arm and hugs it tight.


She takes a deep breath and exhales, readying herself— Gathering enough courage to say it.

"I'm not a virgin."

She proceeds to tell me the exact same story that she told the other two. I silently listen and don't interrupt her.

"Do you hate me?"

That took a lot of courage from her. Like I said before some guys my age care about that stuff, I don't. It's irrelevant to me, all that matters is that we love each other and look towards the future together.

I could feel Kuroka shaking beside me, she tries to leave but I grab her back and pull her into a hug. I plop the cat girl onto my lap as I do so.

"Kuroka, I don't care about any of that. All I care about is what we do now and what we will do in the future."

I kiss the tip of her nose.

"Your past is just that, your past. Learn from it and don't make the same mistake… But I doubt you can re-lose your virginity."

I chuckle and so did she.

She visibly relaxes once she finds out what I thought.

"Haah… Thank goodness nya…"

She suddenly pulls down her obi, revealing her breasts to me, I was confused by this.

"Uh… What are you doing?"

"Since I got that out of the way, let's do it, right here, right now."

She grinned at me. I laugh at her and put her obi back on.

"We can do it another time, you've just got rid of a pretty big burden you were holding onto, right? Then you're most likely just running on adrenaline right now, let's calm down."

"Nyahahaha… You can easily see right through me…"

She kisses me on the cheek.

"I love you, Jin…"

"I love you too…"


We turn around when we hear the door opening.

"Ah! I knew you went out here! Liar! You said you were going to go to sleep!"


Kuroka stuck her tongue out at them as the girls surround us and tried to pull Kuroka off me.

"Nyaa!! Help Jin!!! Nyaaa!!!"

"Haha, just another typical day here."

I followed after the girls as they carried Kuroka inside.



Third Person Point of View


A short blond girl in a nun outfit quietly complained to herself.

"I should have complied along with Raynare-sama's orders…"

"Ow!— Excuse me— Ow! Sorry— Ow!"

The girl was being pushed around as she was quite small and not many people were paying attention to her. Small beads of tears started to form in her eyes.

"Be positive Asia… Only one or two more flights and you'll be in Japan…!"

She encouraged herself.


She slapped her cheeks

"Ow…maybe I shouldn't have done it that hard..."

Asia Argento… Was nearly in Japan.

Fictitiouz Fictitiouz

Hey sorry for the delay. When I found out my grandmother passed away I sort of lost motivation the following day. But I've slowly written this out for you guys. I'm still tired though.

I'll take two days off, but I might upload an extra chapter tomorrow. It's a spin-off/side chapter that's about Ophis. I don't know the word count though... or I'll upload it alongside Chapter 5, who knows?

The next chapter should have half the chapter as slice of life and the other half canon starting.

Current Chapter word count: 14k

Total chapter word count: 25k

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