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97.1% The Spider. / Chapter 67: Chapter 67: Embers

Capítulo 67: Chapter 67: Embers

It was Sunday, which frankly is the best day of the week. It was a quiet day, Wanda and I were on the couch, reading books on magic that we found in the library upstairs. Jean was humming as she flipped through channels, bored out of her mind. And Felicia...well.

"THIS IS SO BORING!" she cried out loudly.

I sighed, lowering my book and looking over to my Kitten. She was sitting down on the floor to one corner with her legs crossed attempting to meditate. Attempting being the operating word.

"You know, you could be using this time to actually learn some magic," Wanda said with a snort, not bothering to look up from her own book.

"Yeah, but...grah! Come on! Even you must be feeling a little sick of this place by now!" Felicia grumbled, "I mean, it's been what? A month since we came here? Since then we haven't gone out once!"

I smiled, "well...I am an international felon, you are wanted by HYDRA and SHIELD for your relationship to me and Wanda here is a former HYDRA asset. I don't really think we can afford to go out on our own."

"Then why can't we like, find a spell or something get disguises for ourselves?" Felicia pouted, crossing her hands, "there's only so much magic and threesomes one girl can take before she's driven up the walls Tiger."

"Reall? From the way you three still go at it, I thought you were just getting into your nightly threesomes," Wanda said dryly, flipping a page.

I coughed into my hand, "I-I didn't know you could hear us."

"Blame Red," Wanda smirked, "she's the screamer."

"Yeah she is," Felicia grinned as we all looked at Jean, who pretended to ignore us, though the blush she had said otherwise.

"Anyway, she's not wrong," Wanda said, snapping her book shut, "we could do with a break now and again."

I nodded, "agreed. We could use the UMF suits if you want. The disguises aren't perfect, but-"

"-No way," Felicia cut in, "no offence to you, but those latex masks are hard to breath Tiger! Plus, it's a disaster on our hair! I honestly don't' know how you can deal with it! It's so...stuffy."

I shrugged, "you get used to it with practise."

"We could find use a spell, like Felicia said," Jean turned to us, "maybe something light based? A basic illusion should be enough and easy to keep up."

"Do any of you know any?" Felicia asked with new vigor.

Immediately they all turned to me. I raised an eyebrow, "why are you all looking at me?"

"Because, sadly, out of all of us you are the most accomplished," Wanda snorted.

I sighed, "thank you Wanda, your gentle words are truly inspiring. And no, I was mostly focused on conjuration of weapons and accessing extra dimensional energies. Illusion magic isn't my forte."

"Well, we do have a whole library full of magic books upstairs," Jean said with a shrug, "we could just take a look."

Felicia grinned as she jumped on her feet, "well then what are we waiting for? Let's go already!"

Jean and I shared a look and smiled, Felicia was never going to change. We got up and went with her to the library. I turned to Wanda and waited. The woman rolled her eyes, grumbled about hyperactive women under her breath, but got up as well.

The library was on the second floor of the sanctum, Wanda stayed on the floor, her room to one corner, while the library come relic room was spread out before us. It shared similarities with the Sanctum in New York in the way it was designed with the seal of the London Sanctum placed as a skylight on the far wall of the room.

"So, where do we begin?" Felicia asked, looking around the place.

"These aren't arranged according to any pattern I can find," said Wanda, the only person in this house who spent more time here than I did in my lab, "from what I can tell the previous owner of the Sanctum had their own form of catalogue."

I nodded, "I expect as much. We should probably split up and look around then." The others agreed and did so. I went to the shelves on the right and began looking through them all, one by one.

The books were old, and some I knew were older than countries. These were rare, almost impossible to find copies. Some were just banned from polite society while others could be used to invoke demons, which in in of itself is a scary ass thought.

I traced my fingers across each book's spine, reading their covers as fast as I could when my eyes landed upon a title which caught my eye.

The Legend of Sir Percy and his many conquests during the reign of King Arthur.

Well...what's this? Sir Percy...the man for whom the Ebony Blade was forged for by Merlin himself. The man who, according to legend, never lost a battle with said blade. Was this a coincidence or….no...I didn't believe in coincidences, and with frankly good reason. They just didn't happen.

"I found it!" Jean called out loudly, getting everyone's attention. I turned back to the book and took it out, might as well not look a gift horse in the mouth.

I walked over to the others, who were now gathered around the main table in the library pouring over the large tome. Wanda took the lead with Jean helping her find the spell required.

"It seems like an easy enough spell," Wanda hummed, "we could do it easily. Even Felicia, with her horrible control." I looked down at the book in my hands, curiosity getting the best of me as I opened it up and began reading through it.

"Hey! Watch it voure, I can still kick your ass hand to hand and you know it," Kitten warned, puffing her cheeks.

"Peter, what do you have there?" Jean asked, looking at me with curious eyes.

I looked up from the book I was reading, "it's...a record of the life of a Knight from King Arthur's court. A guy named Percy...he's...well….frankly by these records he's frankly down right amazing."

"Why are you interested in him?" Wanda asked, her attention now fixed on me as well.

"Well, it's because I have his sword," I mentally activated my suit and creating my bag of storage. I then reached inside and after digging about for a while pulled out the black blade that could cut through magic itself.

Felicia whistled as her eyes winded, "that looks much do you think it would go for."

My eyebrow twitched, "it's a priceless relic Felicia."

"Oh, he called you Felicia, you're in trouble now," Wanda smiled.

"You used that during the battle with Kaecilius," Jean noted, "it allowed you to deflect those mirror dimension structures he used."

I nodded, "exactly. It has this sort of...numbing effect on magic. And for the life of me I haven't been able to find out the enchantments used on it. Science didn't help me….I'm wondering if history might."

"Well then while we research this, why don't you go ahead and read that," Felicia said with a shrug.

I blinked, "are you sure? Won't you need my help?"

"I'm sure," Felicia smiled, "you have that look in your eyes Peter. I've been with you long enough to know that you're basically useless at this point unless you get your fix."

I smiled, "thanks Kitten." The others chuckled as well and agreed to let me be. I took the book and sat down away from the girls, letting the Ebony blade rest on the table before me. I opened the book and began going through it.

It took a while, but eventually I found a passage regarding the blade Percy wielded. An account of a battle where the author was able to be an eyewitness to how Sir Percy wielded it in combat.

'Seeing him fight was akin to seeing a God of War descend upon this plane. The man slaughtered the barbarians with grace and precious, and leading his many attacks was the Ebony Blade itself. Legend has it that Sir Percy gained the blade from Merlin himself, that he forged it from a fallen star. With it in hand it seemed Sir Percy would never lose. I saw him being impaled several times by a spear, only for the man to keep going. I later learned it held some arcane charm in it that made its wielder unable to fall to enemy fighters.

'I can't begin to fathom the skill Sir Percy poses to wield the weapon, not how easily the weapon seemed to react to his orders. The Holy Knight never lost as he cleaved a path through the grounds of Camelot, helping us citizens escape from Mordred's forces. He was only halted when the dark king himself stepped down to face the Knight.

'Mordred the Cruel, for that be the traitor's rightful name, fought Sir Percy to a stand still. I remember being just a little boy, being hidden behind my mother's skirts when I saw Mordred knock Sir Percy aside, the Ebony Blade thrown out of his hand. I feared death would finally greet this unstoppable juggernaut, when instead, as if by magic, the blade flew back into the Knight's hand.

'Looking back now, yes, I do suspect it was magic. Another of the Warlock Merlin's many many enchantments on the blade. I cannot find any more information on the blade and it's capabilities, hence why not matter how through this biography of the great knight Sir Percy is, it will forever remain incomplete.'

I groaned and put down the book. I picked up the Ebony Blade, gazing into its pitch black blade. I'll admit, I was impressed, this thing seemed to be powerful beyond what I originally suspected.


I slowly pressed a single stinger up against the blade and attempted to cut it. To my shock, the blade didn't bend, it resisted my blade of proto-adamantium. It was as if both metals were at a stand still, one unable to cut the other.

I put my stinger away and placed the blade on the table, "what are you?" And then, I felt something.

My mind began to rumble.

"ARGH!" I held onto my head for a long time, feeling a brains splitting headache cut into my body. I began ventilating, dropping out of my chair and on the ground as the pain seemed to divert my attention.

"Peter!" Felicia cried out as they ran to my side. I looked up as she and the others came to my side, holding me up as I felt my head break down.

"What's wrong with him?!" Felicia turned to Jean.

Jean closed her eyes and tried to reach out, only to cry out in pain, "I can't get to him! Something's blocking his mind!"

The Infinity core on my chest began glowing bright, a deafening screech came out in constant waves.

"Sexy! Turn it off!" I cried out.

"I can't seem to be able to sir! The Infinity stone is reacting to your mind! It's reacting to an unimaginable amount of theta waves right out of your skull!"

The pain was like last time, but worse. Much much worse. I could feel my brain scream at me to do something, I struggled through the pain and activated Web Vision, praying it could help me understand what I was dealing with.

I looked within myself with the enhanced sight and saw...everything. My core was tied out to strands that seemed to stretch out to Infinity, the Web of life. I also so various other strains mixed in with my core golden red ones.

Blue, Magneto's powers, a sharp metallic blue mixed with rusted brown, Logan's powers. A tinge of green, Jessica Drew. And placed right above my heart was the bright yellow of the Mind stone. And then finally, I could see what looked to be a glowing bright gold crown made out of strings around my brain, Franklin Richards' power.

However, it was different from the rest. The other strings were tightly wrapped and spun into a meaningful web around me. But the crown? It was busting all around the place, untethered, violent.

I needed to contain it, to control it. I opened my eyes and looked up at the panicked faces of the girls, "m-mindscape. N-need to access mind-argh!"

The pain was too much, I couldn't take it.

"What's he saying?!" Felicia cried out, "Jean, what does he want?"

"Mindscape? Mindscape?" Jean repeated, confused.

However, it was Wanda who figured it out. "His powers. The ones he tried to adapt, they are activating. He needs to access his mindscape to bring it under control."

"How do we do that?" Felicia asked.

"We need to get him to sleep, or rest, somthing," Jean said with a frown.

Suddenly, Felicia's eyes snapped up, "the meditation room! Those dried herbs! They have narcotic properties! Get them!"

"On it!" Jean reached out with her hand and summoned the incense telepathically. Seeing a bag of them come towards us, I reached out and plucked it out of the air.

I opened the plastic bag and grabbed the dried brown herbs and stuffed them into my mouth, chewing and swallow them before I dropped down on my back and blinked out, exhausted.

"Peter?" Jean called out, "Peter?! Peter..." slowly, her voice began to trail away into the distance.

I slowly was pushed into my mental landscape, forced to see just what had become of my distorted city that held all my memories in the form of buildings and houses i had visited in real life.

The City of New York was now smashed in with several other places, including Kamar Taj which now looked like it had just collided with my main city of memories.

I turned to the Dark Tower in my mind and saw it was whole, so far so good. But then, the sky began to turn gold, and I saw the city began to shake.

I felt the pain hit me even here as suddenly a large lightning bolt came crashing down from the yellow skies and hit my memory roads with a loud bagn that was blinding to the sight, yet also soundless.

I watched as slowly my entire mental mindscape became a farm of lighting bolts, striking the ground with loud flashes and an increasing frequency.

I held my arms up to protect myself, but I couldn't do anything to stop it. The thunder just kept coming. I watched them come down hard, and then one almost clipped me as it came down a few feel before me.

I cursed, watching it impact the top of memory version of the Baxter building. I looked to the building, praying it was undamaged and sighed in relief to see it was soo. But as I looked around the impact of the lighting strike, I noticed something...odd.

The lighting had left behind a sort of residue. But, instead of scorch marks and soot, it left what looked to be a set of yellow circuits that grew on the surface of the building before slowly fading away.

I looked around and sure enough every impact that lightning bolt made resulted in the circuits being formed. I gasped, realizing just what was going on.

The lighting, it was trying to imprint into my mind. All the other powers, for the most part, were physical, with the exception of Magneto's powers. But Franklin's powers were leaps and bounds ahead of Erik's, hence, it wasn't being properly adapted!

The strings were lost, because they didn't have anything to properly attach themselves on! They need… I turned to the Dark Tower, they would need something like that. I grinned, perfect.

I flew towards the Dark Tower and stopped, turning around and facing my memory city. I threw my hands out and closed my eyes. I had barely done any form of mental manipulation, though it is a practised skill in Kamar Taj to gain better focus and regulate bodily functions. But there's always a first time for everything.

I focused and drew my mind outwards. Throwing out feelers for the lighting. Once I began to find a pattern which wasn't hard as they often targeted the same spot, I opened my eyes and threw out mental web lines at the powerful would-be anchors.

The webs moved like water, wrapping around the lighting bolts as they came down. It took a great deal of mental fortitude to hold them together, I pulled and held on for dear life. But...they were too strong.


The webbing snapped, loudly, sending me flying back.


The lightning became more agitated now that they were closed together. I couldn't do it. I-I wasn't strong enough. I watched them bring down hell upon my memories, I growled, I wasn't giving up, I can't!

I summoned the mental webbing once more and threw them out. I wrapped around the lightning and ignoring the paradoxical idea of touching lightning, I pulled. I pulled with all my might and once more.



I feel to the ground, my mind began to hurt more and more. The pain was becoming unbearable, almost making me wish I could end it all. But then, suddenly, I felt something….different. Something..pleasant. It made me forget about the pain, it made me….warm.

I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my neck from the back. "Peter, I here," I heard Jean's voice. I turned to the side and watched in awe as I saw her appear behind me.

"Jean? H-how?" I couldn't believe my eyes.

Jean smiled as she helped me back on my feet, holding my hand, "we told you didn't we? We would never leave you again Peter. We're in this together."

"We?" I asked, just then feeling two more hands touch my back. I turned and saw Wanda and Felicia there as well, floating right behind me, next to the Dark Tower. "Kitten? Wanda?"

"We're here Tiger," Felicia smiled, "just tell us what to do."

"And you better hurry up Peter," Wanda replied looking out at my mindscape, "because it isn't looking good."

I turned and sure enough she was right. The lightning began to growing more rapid in it's hits, more powerful, more dangerous.

"Peter, what's the plan?" Jean asked, smiling at me with all the reassurance she could muster.

"We need to pull it towards that tower," I said, pointing to the Dark Tower behind us, "it should be able to handle and compile the energy being given off."

Wanda whistled as she looked at the Dark Tower, "that's some tower you have in your head Peter. What sorts of secrets are you keeping in there?"

"The kind that need to be kept," I replied, "are you all ready."

"Ready," Felicia and Jean replied with Wanda nodding.

I took a deep breath, "alright then. Third time's the charm," I sent out the mental webbing, now much larger in amount, and coiled them around the lightning streams. "Argh," I grunted and I held onto them, holding them as best I could.

"We got it Peter," Felicia said as she and Wanda took some of the webbing on my left white Jean took half of the ones in my right.

"On the count of three, pull!" I called out, "one, two, three, pull!"

"ARGH!" we all cried out as as one, we pulled on the webbing. The lightning began to move.

"This is so freaking hard! Why is your brain so fucked up?!" Felicia cried out.

"You think this is bad?! You should see my heart!" I laughed. We all stood our ground, each of us pulling as best we could. And slowly, the lightning began to be reigned in.

As the bolts grew closer and closer, the suspended line of plasma energy seemed to take on a life of it's on, seeking out each other, forming a network, arcing together, like webs.

I knew I couldn't stop, I had no choice. I had to absorb the energy into me, they were trying to encode onto something, they had to encode onto me.

And then, they began shaking violently.


A few of them thrashed out, trying to break free. Wanda tried holding on, but found it difficult as she was being pulled along for a ride.

"I got you!" I called out, sending another mental webbing to hold onto her ankle and pull her back.

"S-sorry, I don't understand how this can be so powerful," Wanda hissed.

"It's fine," I hissed, "just stay close, I'll make sure nothing happens. Don't' want you dying on my now Witchy."

Wanda smirked, "you really are terrible at nicknames Spider."




"ARGH!" we all screamed in pain as we felt as slowly we were surrounded by a hurricane of lighting bolts, all dancing around us, forming a cage of sorts before slowly closing in.

We all let go of the webs as we realised they aren't needed anymore. They lightning began to close in around us, the closer they got, the more pain we felt.

"P-Peter, what's going on?" Jean asked as we were all being pushed into a small group, huddled together.

"I-I don't know, this should work, it should be working, why-why is it so painful-argh!" I cried out as the lighting began to hurt my brain. I could almost feel it trying to break my mind open, break free.

I looked around, the girls were standing around me, trying to protect me from the pain. But I knew if they stayed...they wouldn't survive. I knew what I had to do.

I reached out and grabbed Felicia and Wanda by the shoulder. Wanda turned, "what are you-" and then stopped as I used all the mental focus I could conjure to banish them both out of my mind. Freeing them from this pain.

"Peter!" Jean cried out, "what did you do?!"

"They're back in their bodies," I told her, "I couldn't let them get hurt. I'm sorry Jean, but I won't let anyone get hurt because of me. Please, just go, don't make me push you away."

Jean looked at me with horror in her eyes, "Peter...why won't you ever let anyone save you? You always care for others, always are willing to die for their sake...but are unwilling to others do the same for you. Please Peter, just this once, let me save you."

"If you stay you will get hurt Jean!" I cried out.

"I don't care!" she yelled, charging at me and jumping into my arms, pulling me tightly, "I'm not letting go Peter, not now, not ever! We'll get through this, together!"

"Jean, please!" I couldn't pull her off, I couldn't push her away. She was too powerful for me, I knew as much. "I don't' want to hurt you," I whispered, tears running down my face at the idea of hurting her because of my actions.

"Oh Peter," Jean whispered as the cage of lightning began closing in on us, the pain I felt growing each second, "you could never hurt me."

The lightning circuits joined together, I felt my body began to grow almost volcanic as the energy seemed into me. Slowly those yellow circuits I saw before began surrounding me, growing wilder and wilder.

They were unstable, unfocused. They were growing more and more violent. I held Jean to my chest as tightly as I could with one thought running through my head, 'please let her live, please let her live.'

And then, I felt it. The warmth returned, only this time, it began to grow and grow, until I heard the majestic cry of a bird off in the distance.

And then, there was an explosion that ripped through the lightning circuits, blasting it all away. A ring of fire surrounded me as a glowing figure appeared before me, descending down in an aura of red flame.

She looked powerful, bathed in a dress of flames, like the living embodiment of the concept of fire. Her hair wild and alive, her eyes glowing brightly. Her body was burning, but she didn't look hurt.

"J-Jean?" I whispered.

"P-Peter, what's happening to me?" she whispered, looking at her hands, looking around us at the ring of fire keeping the lightning away, "i-is this me? Am I doing this?"

"Yes Jean.. you are," I got to my feet, approaching her carefully, "are you okay? Are you still in control?"

Jean narrowed her eyes, "of course I am, why wouldn't I?"

I back off, quickly, "because you look like your on fire. Not that I didn't think you were hot before, but now...well, you're smoking."

The joke seemed to make her smile, "oh Peter," she flew down, I pulled her into my arms and held her tight. Surprisingly, her flames didn't hurt me. I felt...warm. She put her hands around my neck and kissed me with a fiery passion I could feel till my bones.

Slowly, I felt the fire around us begin to control the lightning. I felt the energy seep around me be directed towards the Dark Tower. I felt the Tower become the anchor for the strings of powers inside my body, and now focused, the lightning struck proper causing a great big explosion.

Jean pulled away and smiled, "I told you, I'm never leaving you, ever."

And then, nothing. Everything turned stark white.

Some time later:

I woke up and found myself back in the physical realm. My headache was gone, and my body felt...well, for the most part, back to normal, even the Mind stone had stopped glowing.

I looked around and found myself in Jean's and Felicia's room with Jean resting right next to me. I turned to her and reached out, touching her neck I felt her temperature was normal enough. But that wasn't what I was worried about.

The Phoenix. There was no doubt in mind about what I saw. Jean...her true powers were awakening and the thought of her going insane with powers….frightened me. Not for my life, no, but for her's.

Jean Grey was famous for two things, how she died and staying dead. Sure there were other versions of her and maybe down the line Marvel would bring her back. But for the most part, she stayed dead. And that was something I would never accept.

She gave her life….for mine. She gave up everything for me. Her friends, family, her home. She chose to be with me...because she loved me. And damn me to hell, what kind of man would I be if I didn't do the same?

I immediately closed my eyes and used Web Vision to look at her. I looked at her aura and found it to be the same...mostly. But underneath her normal fisage was a spark...a small spark, an ember of power that glowed like a flame in a snowstorm. Powerful and bright.

She was on the would be my duty to ensure she didn't die on it. Jean would not fall to the Dark Phoenix, Hope would be raised with a mother. I would make sure of it...even if it cost me my life.

With my analysis of Jean done I turned to myself, finding that I now the golden strings around my head were knotted and held together tightly.

With a sigh of relief I planted a kiss on Jean's asleep lips and stood back up. My leg wobbled from the sudden rush, but I slowly managed to make my way over to my lab, hoping science would help solve what I knew magic could not.

"Peter?" I turned to see Wand and Felicia sitting on the couch, nursing what looked to be ice packs on their heads.

I smiled, "hey."

"Peter!" Kitten cried out as she jumped off the couch and ran into my arms, wrapping them tightly as she teared up, "I thought I lost you both back there."

I hugged her and held her tight, "I'm sorry Kitten, I'm sorry for worrying you."

"What happened back there?" Wanda asked as she walked over, ice pack still pressed against her head, "why did you push us out?"

"You wouldn't have been able to handle it," I replied, pulling away from Felicia, "I couldn't let you get hurt. I'm sorry."

"What about Jean?" Felicia asked.

"Jean is a much more powerful psychic than I am," I replied, "she handled, to be honest, she didn't exactly let me kick her out."

"What happened back there?" Wanda asked, "one minute you were fine and the next..."

I sighed, "those powers I acquired from Franklin finally kicked in. And to be fair...I had never expected something like this."

"Too powerful?" Wanda wagered.

I nodded, "exactly."

"Are you okay now?" Felicia asked.

"That's what I'm going down to my lab to find out," I told them both, "but someone should probably keep and eye on Jean...just in case."

Felicia nodded, "I'll stay, Wanda, go with him, you know more about this psychic stuff than me anyway."

Wanda nodded, "right. Come on Spider, I want to see what this all is about." I sighed as I nodded. I promised Felicia to call her if anything happened and went down to my lab with Wanda.

"Sexy," I grunted, throwing the doors to the lab open, "scan me please?"

"Right away Peter," the AI replied as my clothes transformed into my suit, scanning my entire body with its internal mechanics.

I pulled myself up to the operating table in the middle and layed down, panting and staring off at the ceiling lights above.

"You need something? Water?" Wanda asked as she stood besides me.

"No, thanks," I smiled, "well Sexy? How am I?"

"It would seem that your mind is producing some sort of theta wave burst. It seems to be interacting with your body in an odd way Peter, I can't really….I can't understand what's happening."

I hummed, looking down at my hands I felt energy seemingly pour out. It wasn't hard to pick out, considering the energy resembled my own life force whenever I used magic to summon weapons, but this felt off.

I closed my eyes and let Web Vision take over. I saw the strands of energy coming out of my mind pour over my body. I could feel it, and now that I could see the energy, I think I could control it.

Acting out of instinct I pulled on the mental energy flowing out of my mind and found it shifting. It slowly began to cover my body, creating a second layer of sorts, the threads winding together, forming something bigger.

I opened my eyes and saw with my real vision a form of red energy covering my hand, seeming to be twice the size of my regular hand.

"Holy shit," Wanda's eyes were wide as saucers as she looked at my hands in wonder.

"Sexy, explain?" I begged.

"It seems to be some sort of solid theta wave structure, though my internal scanners can't seem to pick on how this is even possible."

'Solid Theta waves? Woah,' "Psionic energy," I spoke up, "I think I inherited a sliver of Franklin's powers to form a second skin of psionic energy," I frowned, flicking my hand and causing the red armour around my hand shimmer.

I focused on changing it and found the energy accepted my request instantly, transforming it's top into a long spike, five feet in length. I jerked my hand back and the spike turned into a flacid whip.

"Kincky," Wanda smirked, "does it move like a real whip too?"

I swung my wrist forward, the whip like extension came bursting out, wrapped around the room's door handle.

I was shocked to say the least, "holy...shit….this is fucking awesome!" I threw my hands up in excitement only to have the whip pull on the door handle, the metal object exploding out of the the frame and fly right at me.

Wanda snapped her fingers as suddenly the door stopped in mid air, she turned to me with an amused look, "you're going to have to be a bit more careful there Spider."

I nodded, "yeah, thanks for that." I turned to my hand and closed my eyes, slowly letting the energy around my hand disperse.

The red energy vanished, leaving my hand bare. I had to admit, this was amazing. Franklin had some amazing powers, time traveling, reality bending powers. While I am disappointed I didn't any of those, I'm glad I got something decent like psionic armour.

"So, everything good?" Wanda asked, looking at me with what I smelt was...worry?

I smiled, "you worried about me now Witchy?"

She smirked, "still a shitty nickname Spider. But I'm serious, you good?"

I nodded, "yes, for the most part. I seem to have a handle on the new powers well enough. I doubt I'll be having another outburst like that again...I hope."

"Yeah, let's hope...if you can, could you power it up one more time, I want to take another look at it," Wanda asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

I held out my hand, focused, and allowed my mind to form the psionic second armoured layer around my hand, creating a vaguely shaped arm that was around four sizes bigger than my normal arm.

"Amazing," Wanda whispered as she reached out and touched the arm, getting a feel for it as she caressed the arm, tapping her fingers on the structure which gave off a hollow sound, "it feels so real."

"Can you try and feel it with your mind?" I asked.

Wanda nodded, "I can try," she closed her eyes and focused, a few seconds later she opened them up, "amazing….I feel it, it's there. Almost like it's an extension of your own mind."

"Can you interact with it?" I asked.

"I don't' think I's too Plus to be fair, Jean's the real psychic, I'm just...well, a collection of oddities," Wanda hummed, "what else can you do with it? Or is the psionic energy locked into one particular form?"

I shrugged, "who knows? Let's see…." I looked at the red glowing energy and tried to focus, gathering it in the palm of my hand with the mental image of a spherical structure dominating my mind.

And slowly, the psionic energy moved. It moved from around my arm and gathered to the palm of my hand, forming the exact same sphere I hand imagined. I closed my hand around it and grip it tightly, the feeling...solid, like I was touching something made out of fiberglass.

"What else can you make?" Wanda asked curiously.

I didn't reply, instead focusing on the sphere, transforming it into a various structures I pictured in my head, a dagger without a hilt, a crescent shaped moon, a small hammer and even a red version of Mjolner.

"Amazing," Wanda whispered, "what do you think are its limits?"

"Honestly Wanda? I think it can make anything I imagine, only issue being how much concentration I would need to form it," I replied.

"Is it a struggle to hold different shapes?"

"No...but I do feel a small strain, similar to my use of magical spells."

"I see...hmm, very interesting… we should research this later, but for now let's go back upstairs. I'm sure Jean will wake up soon and Felicia will be worried."

I nodded and got up, following right behind her. As I did I wondered to myself just what the nature of my new abilities truly was. Was it similar to energy constructs used by Green Lanterns of the DC universe?

Yes...possibly. Energy constructs, or atleast a form of them. I would need to fully understand my power, and while it might take some time, it'll be something I need. Because like it or not, I'll need this power….for when Thanos finally arrives.

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Estado de energía semanal

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