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71.01% The Spider. / Chapter 49: Chapter 49: The Annoying Glider

Capítulo 49: Chapter 49: The Annoying Glider


It had been two months since Valentine's Day. I had finally managed to put Tandy out of my mind. I wasn't able to talk to her, apparently the Ancient One was putting her through the ringer, barely a moment to speak.

But luckily for me the past week had been filled with more than enough work to keep me distracted.

The first thing I had to take care of was Tyrone's funeral arrangements. I payed for him to be cremated and placed in a biodegradable urn. I had Sexy scower the public records for his closest relative, only they too were dead.

I tracked down their graves and buried Tyrone between his parents. I don't know if he would want that or hate that...I didn't know anything about the guy but...I hope I made the right call.

After Tyrone's burial I decided to investigate the monsters who did this to him in the first place. Roxxon.

It took me two weeks to even trace Tyrone's final steps to his last location. A warehouse in the Bronx, but when I entered I found it completely bare, no sign of Roxxon anywhere.

In fact, after Valentine's day Roxxon had become quite. Only their fossil fuel management branches remain open, their weapons research and development sectors moved out of New York and set up elsewhere. It was almost like they did it because they expected someone to come snooping about.

They were clever to say the least. I didn't get a single sherd of evidence on them, not a paper trail to follow, not a corrupt high ranking member to blackmail, nothing. After the third week I ran into a dead end, no leads, nothing.

I had failed Tyrone's memory, I had failed to bring the people who turned him into a monster into justice. I had to forgive myself for this sin...but I did not forget. One day, Roxxon will pay for its crimes.

I locked myself in my lab, fully focused on work….I needed to distract myself. I had plenty of time to spend in the lab, finally making some practical progress on the unstable molecule front.

I managed to create a few prototypes for my project, so at least they worked. But I kept my old costume still, I won't change it until I finished making the Vibranium infused costume that I had planned. Which was taking a lot of time to put together.

I attended school, more because Richard forced me too rather than my own desire. I was actually questioning just skipping ahead, I had the grades, I could just join a college starting next year, but again, Richard insisted I gain friends.

Which really wasn't going anywhere. MJ and Mark were still going out, so she and him continued to be focused on their music. MJ and officially become the band's lead singer, that girl's vocals were something else.

Liz, Flash and Harry were back to being BFF's, guess him almost dying made her forget how much of a jerk he was.

So that left me alone...which wasn't half bad. I just went in, did my work, and went out. And the moment I was out those doors, I was free.

And freedom was good.

I was currently in Johnny's lab with my car placed on his workshop. He wasn't using it currently, his attention more focused on research rather than any practical discoveries. So I decided now would be the perfect time to upgrade my car.

The first thing I did was put in a defence system. I find myself having to fly into dangerous situations time and time again, and having shields would be useful.

I decided the best thing to do was design a forefield or something around the car, a way to make sure nothing harmful got too close. It took some working, but I managed to create a device that would emit low intensity muon particles,the same thing the repulsor technology used.

The device did in fact look like a repulsor, circular with a black finish. It would emit a large force around fiv feet in length around its surface. It was a little rudimentary, just pure force being pushed out to form a shield, but I currently don't have the technology to make anything better.

I installed on on each door, two below my headlights, one on the hood of the car and three on the back bumper. It wasn't perfect, but it was something.

And then I began working installing cloaking tech into the car, like the retro reflective panels the helicarrier used. It took some work, but I did have two months to work on the car. Johnny lended a hand now and then, so did Reed, though the latter did it begrudgingly.

Currently I was working on the thrusters installed in it, they weren't fast enough for my taste. It took me 16 hours to reach South Africa, I needed to be faster.

I was working on the energy output and laying down new wiring in the back when suddenly Johnny came running into the lab and yelled, "you have to see this!"

I rolled out from under the car and look up at him, "what?"

"Come on!" he urged, "you have to see this to believe it!" His urging looks made me worry, what could be so urgent?

I got up and followed behind him to the lounge. We weren't alone as Sue and Reed were already there, all eyes glued to the TV.

"If you're just going us the Latverian ruler, Victor Von Doom has signed a peace treaty with the United Nations to establish trade between his nation and the world. The various crimes Doom has been convicted of has been pardoned, SHIELD has written a detailed report on this issue, serving to remove all guilt. As some of you may recall the dictator last year attacked the Baxter Foundation, home to the Fantastic Four, this was explained as a case of mild insanity, caused when the FF trapped him inside another world for seven to eight months. We aren't aware if there will be any legal charges brought up against the FF, now that Doom is no longer considered a criminal, that is yet to me seen."

"What?" my voice cold, neither harsh nor soft.

Sue and Reed turned to me, worried looks matching their faces.

"How? How could they do this?" I growled.

"It seems Victor had something SHIELD wanted. Supposedly he agreed to help them with a project...something which I refused to do," Reed supplied.

"So they turned to a mad man?!"

"Peter," Sue was on her feet immediately, "I promise, we won't let him harm you ever again, do you understand?"

I couldn't do it...I was just too angry right now. I turned and left without looking at them. I locked myself in Johnny's lab, immediately thinking of all the ways Doom could try and fuck with us, all the ways he could win. I needed to be ready...all of us needed to be ready.

I needed to use the arcane texts I had, magic, yes, that's his strongest weapon. I need to learn what he knows, the wall carvings and tomes Doom himself carved into the walls of his Negative Zone home. I had been putting these off for sometime now, but if he's coming back, I'm taking on every advantage I could.

I need to set up a plan of attack, he had magic and science on his side and an entire conroy's worth of ammunition and wealth on his side. I had...well, I had Tony Stark of speedial. I need to come up with an effective battle strategy, but Doom's too smart to be tricked and far above my capabilities.

I turned to my car, I needed every advantage I could Maybe it was time I stopped thinking they were both different things.

"Sexy, can you access Johnny's terminal?" I asked allowed.

"His passwords is 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers', what do you think?" she asked, already integrated into his lab's systems.

"Good. I want you to set up a new project, call it 'The Technomage', list the details as efforts to combine science and magic, using science to identify and control the properties of magic."


"Oh...and list a new project under Technomage, code name: Spider-tank," I looked at my car. If Doom was coming for us, it's time I get ready for war. I only had one problem, storage, but I also learnt how to make my own bag of infinite space before leaving Earth 982.

I got to work. I had to redesign the entire system, working the weapons into it...and, if I'm going to using a pocket dimension of infinite storage...I might as well use it on everything, covering more space and putting in more weapons...yeah...that sounds like a good idea.

I pulled up the specs for my car and began altering it. There was only one problem with my idea, and that was surface space. The weapons can be stored anywhere, making them any size, but they would have to occupy a limited amount of surface space on my car.

So I began to make plans. The first thing I did was designed weapons. I have never done so before, I found it to be a slippery slope. Peter Parker's intelligence and my creativity were an impressive combination, it allowed me to make creative inventions, but put that focus on weapons...and I'm somewhat afraid of what I can form.

I figured it should be simple, something powerful, yet simple in design. So I chose the first thing that came to my mind, repulsor cannons. And since size wasn't an issue, I could make them as powerful as I wanted.

That night:

Blood Toxicity: 21%

I sighed, I thought about using Franklin's blood to boost myself the moment I heard Doom might be after me. But...I still wasn't full recovered for it. I returned back to my work, but before I knew it, it was dark outside, and I was exhausted.

I decided to call it then and there and left the lab, my car had been taken apart and was lying broken on Johnny's floor, I had made some progress, but not enough.

I moved to the lounge to grab something to eat before I head home, and I was surprised to find everyone gathered around the dining room table, with a new member joining us.

The woman looked to be around early twenties, maybe older. She wore a grey pant suit, and had a briefcase open next to her, so maybe a lawyer? She had reddish brown hair tied up in a bun, smooth legs and half rimmed glasses.

She was pretty enough, judging from the way Johnny stared her it seems someone had a little crush.

"Hey," I said gaining they're attention, "what's going on here?"

"Ah. Mr. Parker, just the man I was looking for," the lawyer lady turned around and got off her seta, approaching me for a handshake, "Jennifer Walters, I'm your attorney."

I blinked, Jennifer Walters...holy shit! This is She-Hulk?! Fuck! I blinked, "ah...can I help you?"

"Peter," Sue spoke, "she's here to help us out with Doom."

Now I was confused, "Doom? What did he do?"

"Well, after the announcement out of the UN this afternoon I figured it would be smart to have a lawyer, in case those talks of him suing us for throwing him into the Negative Zone ever came true," Sue expliend, "so I called Ms. Walters here to try explain if we are in any real danger or not."

"Yeah! If anyone can help us it's Jen!" Johnny grinned.

I raised an eyebrow, "down boy, you have a girlfriend."

"Shut up!" Johnny glared and hissed.

Jennifer gave a small smirk, "he isn't wrong Mr. Storm, I'm far too old for you."

Johnny sighed, "will you both please stop?"

I turned to Jennifer, "so what's the deal Ms. Walters? Does Doom have a case against us?"

She groaned, "well, from what I can," we breathed a sigh of relief, "while under normal circumstances Doom could be able to sue you, these are not that. He attacked you, and from what I understand his tampering with your…'portal', caused the dimensional opening in the first place, yes?"

Reed nodded, "yes. We had to stop him, the portal was the only way to do that."

"Hm...well then that could hurt you Mr. Richards," Jennifer stated sadly.

"Wait, what?!" Johnny cried out, "what did you mean?!"

"While Doom can't sue the Baxter Foundation as a whole, he can go after Reed alone," Jen said adjusting her spaces, "you see, Mr. Richart's actions can be considered attempted murder. Sending Mr. Doom through this portal was an over use of force."

"But he was just protecting himself!" Sue argued.

"A lawyer can make a case that Richard could have simply pushed Doom aside or anything else. When you attempt to kill a man, instead of simply protecting yourself, that's attempted murder."

Reed looked shell shocked, Johnny and Sue were stunned. I didn't know what to say, unless...yes...I did. "What if he wasn't the one to push him into the portal?" I asked.

Jean looked at me curiously "what do you mean?"

"There were two people there that day, Reed and Spider-man," Sue and Reed grew wide eyed, Johnny still didn't understand the implications of what I was saying, "Reed just punched Doom, he didn't actually push him in. The person who did that, was Spider-man. So, legally speaking Reed did defend himself, Spider-man was the one who performed attempted murder."

"Peter-" Sue began, but stopped at my glare.

"Is this true?" Jen asked Reed, glaring at him.

The man looked at me in disbelief, he couldn't understand. Slowly he nodded, "'s true."

"Do you have proof?" she asked.

"Wait! This isn't fair!" Johnny cried out, now finally realising what I was trying to do, "you can't blame this on Spider-man! He was just trying to protect us!"

"It's either that of Reed gets sent to prison Johnny," I shot him down before turning to Jennifer, "there are security tapes of that night I'm sure...will that be enough?"

Jennifer sighed and nodded, " should be enough. realise that by doing this, you're labeling him a wanted criminal."

I shrugged, walking past them to the fridge to grab a tub of chocolate chip ice cream, "he's already a criminal. He's a vigilante who works outside the law, unlike Glider…, in reality he's always been wanted, it's just people accepted him. Do it, it's better a criminal than Reed."

Jennifer nodded, "yes, I suppose you're right," she packed up her files and put them away, "Sue, I'll need the tapes of that day delivered to my firm. Doom hasn't yet pressed charges, but if he does, I'll need them to prove Reed's innocence."

"R-right," Sue nodded, "I'll send them over as soon as I can."

"Good," she nodded to us, "I'll see you all soon."

"Jennifer," I called out munching on a scoop of ice cream, "you should really talk to Bruce. He misses his family. Rightnow the closest thing he has to a friend is Stark, and that's a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone."

Jenn's eyes widened, "h-how did you know?"

"I'm a big fan of his work. I read all his papers and published articles," I shrugged, "I researched on your cousin a lot, he's kind of like my science idol, right after Reed of course," Isn't a wink at the guy.

"And you knew I was related to Bruce through...a Google search?" Jennifer asked in disbelief.

I shrugged, "I'm pretty smart. In case you didn't figure that out from my job," I pointed around, "anyway, I'm serious, he's like super lonely, could use some friendly faceses..."

She looked at me, narrowed eyes analysing me for any sign of lies, but there were none. She nodded, "I will….goodbye...Peter." She turned and left.

Almost immediately Johnny turned to me, "what was that?"

"I know her cousin," I replied with a shrug, "they don't talk much, thought I should do something to fix that."

"I think what he meant is why you just served yourself up like a fish on a plate Peter!" Sue hissed.

I shrugged, "no I didn't. I served up Spiderman, totally different."

"Peter listen-"

"-No you listen," I slammed the cup on the table gaining their attention, "Spider-man is just a mask, nothing else. Okay? But Reed doesn't hide behind a mask, he's exposed like a nerve, so he can be locked up. He has a home address a social security number, he's a citizen of the United States. But Spider-man? He's nobody. Just a man in a mask.

"Plus with my title as an Avenger and the man who saved the President of the United States, do you really think people are going to be in that big of a hurry to serve me up? No, if Doom does sue the Spider, he'll have to come here and catch me himself, because the police aren't organized enough for that and I doubt Fury is going to help take down one of his own. Especially when he himself had me trained to avoid capture.

"So that leaves Doom with one option. To come here and take me down himself. And if he does that," I release my stingers, "I'll be ready for him."

The FF were silent, looking at me, I could tell what they were thinking, my amateurish power at telepathy able to do at least that.

"Why is-such a fool," Sue smoltered.

"Damn-cool," Johnny was impressed.

And Reed...Reed was racked with guilt and just below that, hate, "I'm useless..just useless."

I sighed, "anyway...I'm going home for tonight. Call me if something happens," I left, heading for my lab where I kept my web swinging equipment. Without a car, I'm going to have to web swing my way home.

As I put on my costume and opened up my window, my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller, it was Matt, curious I picked it up, "hello, you've reached the sexy Spider-man, if you're horny or have horns, I can help. But only if you have a nice ass, or else forget."

"I don't mean to toot my own horn but Foggy claims the suit makes me look like a high paid stripper who like cosplaying," Matt snorted on the other end.

"Hey Devil, what can I do you for?" I asked as I leapt out into the air, landing on the building wall and closing the window behind me.

"I tracked a drug den just North of the Bronx, they sell to mostly rich kids and prep students, but they're slowly building up the revenu to grow bigger in size. They just bought five crates of automatic assault rifles and are planning to move in on the Irish. You in?"

I smirked, "yeah, I mean, I kind of had plans with a large cheese pizza, but for you, anything. Give me a location."

"Right, see you soon," Matt cut the call, five seconds later I got a text with the exact location of where to meet him. And I kicked off the building and swung away.

I reached the warehouse Matt sent me in around ten minutes. I found him spying on the gangsters bellow through the skylight on the roof. I landed behind him and quite joined him.

"How many?" I asked.

"Around fifty," he whispered, "they have...around twenty guns, I can't tell how much ammo, maybe three clips each. But the rest are also armed, handguns, knives...I think one of them is carrying a bowling bowl in his bag."

I blinked, I looked down and sure enough I spotted a guy near the back with a large bag and it was shining down, like it was being weighed down by something heavy. "That's...weird right?"

"Very. So what's the plan?"

"Hm...well we can't go in head on. I mean I could, but it would be too messy."

"And you'll be riddled with bullets...unless your suit is bullet proof as well."

I smirked, "working on it. Anyway," I looked around and noticed the alarm system and fire extinguishers present all around. I also noticed that most of the light inside came from just five large overhead tubes on the ceiling.

I smirked, "got it"I looked around, twenty fire extinguishers, took out twenty spider shurikens from my utility belt and passed another five to Matt, "can you tell where the light fixtures are?"

He was silent for a moment before slowly nodding, "they're large, they make a lot of sound...relatively speaking. Shouldn't be a problem."

"Great. I'll puncture the extinguishers and you take out the lights, they won't risk shooting each other in the dark. Oh, and Sexy, when we begin, turn on the sprinklers."

"Understood Spider," my AI responded promptly. Matt opened the skylight and carefully landed down on the overhead rafters. He then lowered himself onto the largest pile of boxes in the room and gave me a thumbs up.

I readied my aim and threw the shurikens, two at a time. I threw them as hard as I could, they flew fast and true, flying with such precision that they punctured the metal casing of the fire extinguisher on impact.


"Oye! What's going on?!" the gangster began to yell as parts of warehouse began to go up in smoke, blocking their field of vision.


One by one the lights went out, Matt's aim never missed. Man it's scary that a blind guy could do that.


The fire alarms went off, immediately the sprinklers went off. I tapped the side of my helmet, activating my night vision and jumping down.

"What the hell is going on?! Someone get the damn lights!"

I moved to the exits and sealed them shut with webbing. I then began to stalk our prey, Mat and I using the darkness to our advantage.

They didn't even see us coming. Matt and I snuck behind the ones separated from the rest of the group. I walked up behind a man in a black hoodie with a gun locked and loaded. He was on alert, I walked up behind him, grabbed his head and smashed it sideways into a wall, knocking him out.

"I heard something!" someone cried out. I jumped up and landed on the wall. I then looked down and watched as three men found their unconscious friend, "we got someone down over here!"

I grinned as they left him, walking around, looking for me. I looked over and saw Matt take down two gunmen at once. I couldn't help grin in excitement, this was exactly like the Batman Arkham games! Hehe!

I moved, I snuck behind another one and knocked him out. And when an alley of his check upon him I grabbed him with my webs and lifted him into the air, leaving him hanging upside down before knocking him out.

Slowly I moved, more and more fell in the darkness, now they began to grow wise, they realised something was happening. The smoke of the fire extinguishers were spreading, the darkness scared them, the sprinklers blocked their line of sight.

Soon only half of the original fifty remain so they grew smart, huddling up close together, having each other's back.

Matt and I got together, "do you have a plan?" he asked.

I looked around night vision wasn't as clear as I would like it, I will have to change that. But...wait...the water, the sprinklers have been on for so long the entire surface of the warehouse was drenched. And I had the power to form electrical blast….hehe.

I nodded, "yeah, here's what we do-"


The far wall of the warehouse exploded open as a figure in black and green came flying in on a glider. Glider flew around the warehouse, agining all the attention, a bomb in each hand, "what do we have here?! You guys have permits for those guns?!"

"This dumb mother fucker," I gaped at his stupidity.

Immediately he noticed me and Daredevil, "Spidey? You're here too?!" Matt face palmed himself, I was too shocked to reply.

"It's Spider-man! And the Devil!" one of the gangster cried out. The hole Harry blew into the warehouse had caused a small fire to start around the opening, lighting up the previously darkened warehouse. Meaning they could see us both clear as day.

"Waste them all!" they all took aim at us with their gun.

"I got this!" Harry moved between us and the guns and threw his pumpkin bombs at them.

"No! You idiot!" I cried out as I jumped over him and threw two web lines out, catching the bombs and swirling them upwards.


They exploded near the ceiling causing the roof to break open and come falling down. Matt and Harry moved, avoiding the falling debris, and the criminals also survived, now all rushing to the exit.

"It's locked!" they cried out, realising my webs were covering it all.

Harry then came flying behind them hovering before them with another bomb in his hand, "give it up, it's over!" Harry cried out. I growled at him, that freaking lunatic!

"Fire!" the criminals cried out, Harry moved away, getting ready to through the bomb, not if I had anything to say about it.

I came swinging in, kicking the bomb out of his hand, "hey!" he cried out, but I ignored him. I landed before the criminals, immediately they all began aiming at me.

I crossed my arms forward before throwing them outwards, immediately forming a giant circle of magical energy before me, "shield of Sharum!"

Ting ting ting!

The bullets began bouncing off the shield. I grunted, holding the shield up. One by one they began to run out of bullets, forcing them to stop to change clips.

I dropped the shield and charged electricity into my arms, drawing as much energy as I could into the electrical discharge and slamming my hands into the soaking wet floor, "light up!"

The electric energy raced out of my hands, I had very limited control over them, but I could point them in the right direction, causing the blue energy to come flying out and hit the soaking wet gangster before me, showing them to make them drop their weapons and hit the floor.

I stopped the flow of energy and panted, that took a lot out of me. Matt immediately jumped in, beating up the partially paralyzed me. One managed to get to his feet, but Harry quickly flew in and hit him with one end of hsi glider, knocking him back down.

Matt finished up the rest of them quickly, without giving them enough time to grab their guns, the men didn't stand a chance. And after I recovered enough strength, I was able to tie them down with my webbing.

And there we stood, the three of us over fifty beaten and unconscious gangsters.

"That-was-awesome!" HArry cried out as he landed the glider before us and jumped off, the way you just electrocuted them! Oh my god! How did you do that?! Do you liek have Electro's powers or something?! And how the hell did you stop all their bullets?! That was so freaking cool!"

"Stop," Matt spoke softly, cutting Harry off, "we need to leave, the police are approaching."

"Ah...oh, right, but ah, well you guys should go, I can handle them," Harry said giving a thumbs up.

I narrowed my eyes at him, his attitude, his joking pissed me off. Not because it was my thing, oh no, it's because he's a fucking moron. And I think it's time we have a talk, hero to wannabe.

"No," I spoke, gaining their attention, "let the police handle this, you and I need to talk."

Glider blinked, "what? But why?"

"Because I said so," I shot a web line and went up the skylight.

I listened and I could hear the two down below talk, "am I in trouble?" Glider asked.

"I'll tell you one thing," Matt snorted, "I've never seen him sound that serious."

I waited on the roof and Matt and Harry soon followed. I looked at him and growled, "what the hell were you thinking?!"

Glider was taken back, "w-what?"

"You tried to blow them up?! Are you fucking stupid or just crazy?!" I asked.

"I-I mean, I just-"

"Just what?!" I snapped, "thought you could use a fucking bomb to stop criminals with guns?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Is your first reaction to any problem to blow it up?!"

"I...I just wanted to help," Harry looked down in shame.

Matt sighed, he walked up and placed a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder, "I know you do kid need to be careful. Spider is right, we had the situation handled, but by coming in guns risked all of our lives."

"And that's not including the fact you tried to blow them all up!" I snapped.

"B-but they're just criminals," Harry argued.

"It doesn't matter," Matt told him, "we aren't the law, we aren't above it. And while we aren't allowed to enforce it...we do so only because we try to make a difference, no matter how small it may be. We don't kill, unless we can help it. Because the ones those people need to answer too?" he looked down, Harry followed his eyes seeing the police booking all the criminals, "are the people. Not us."

"Don't waste your time Devil," I snorted, "he won't understand any of that. He's just a spoilt trigger happy brat. He won't have to worry about cleaning up after himself or consequences because Oscorp will always be there to clean up after him."

And almost as if to respond to my statement an Oscorp clean up van can rolling in, the people began to assess the damage, I used me advanced hearing, apparently since the warehouse was owned by gangster they didn't have to pay for it's restoration like they normally would have too.

"Hey! You don't know shit about me okay!" Harry cried out, "you don't what the fuck I've been through!"

I raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Oh, I think I do..." I was about to reveal his identity but decided against t. I knew it wasn't a good idea, no...I'll keep that secret for myself, a trump card of sorts.

"Kid," Matt said quitle, "you have potential, I'll admit, unlike Spider and can work with law enforcement. That automatically makes you a better hero, but if you act like're more likely to destroy the city than save it."

"You can say that again," I snorted.

"W-what can I do?" Harry asked, "how do I get better?" And that surprised me, I honestly didn't think he cared, but the emotions I detected from him, anger, hate, sadness, hope...he hated himself, but he actually wants to be a

"You can start by learning some tactics," Mat suggested, "before you burst onto a scene, think. Today, instead of coming in guns blazing, you should have waited an observed. And if Spider and I needed help, only then should you have stepped in."

"Okay...yeah, I see," Harry nodded slowly.

"Good...tell me, do you know self defence?" Matt asked.

"Ah yeah, my d-boss, Mr. Osborn, insists I learn a few of them. He has me training with three different people. I know karate, judo and taekwondo."

"Hm. And how much fighting experience do you have?"

"I-I have been in a few brawls."

"So none," Matt humned, "that's fine...focus on fighting for now. Don't rely on your weapons, rely on your fist, precise in what you need to achieve. An explosion is useful, but in some situations you need a scalpel, not a butcher knife."

"Right," Harry nodded, "please, if you have anything else, I'm more than willing to hear you out."

"Well...I don't really have much," Matt turned to me, "care to help him out Spider?"

I snorted, "why? So that he can become an even more dangerou threat to himself and the city?"

"Spider that isn't fair," Matt sighed.

"No, he's right," Harry spoke up, surprising me with that action, "I am a threat...and I am a moron...but I don't want to just sit back useless," he spat, "I have these skills, I have this chance to make a difference and I want to. My friend...well, at least he was my friend, I don't think he likes me very much these days...his uncle has a saying that he used to repeat to him all the time, he said it to me. With great power comes great responsibility. I know I'm a threat but...I won't stop..I will fight for this city with everything I have. I promise."

I was stunned still for a moment. I had actually gasped quietly when he repeated my own moto to me. I remember he and Peter were told that by Ben so much when they were still friends...I didn't think he would remember.

It's been two months since Harry started taking the Green Fields serum and...and he hasn't once shown any sign of mental instability. He was trying to be a hero...maybe...maybe until he snaps and become the Goblin...I should let him at least try.

I sighed, "get rid of the damn bombs," Harry and Matt looked surprised, "Devil was right, they aren't something you need when fighting crime. Use it only for the big guys, nothing else. And even then, use it only when people aren't nearby, they aren't a toy, they are weapons."

Harry nodded, "right. But, what do I use instead? I mean, you have your webs, the Devil has his clubs. Until I can fight properly I'm kind of useless."

I humned, "well...use the tools you have at your disposal," I took out my shuriken, "anything you can get your hands on can be a weapon. Use a baseball bat if you have to. Hm...wait, I think I can actually do you one better."

I held up my SA and began running through the Oscorp serves, displaying a new weapons project they announced for the military. It was announced around a year ago, but it never got off.

"Here," I displayed the image of the weapons, a pair of thick gauntlets and a staff, "electrical discharge gloves and a riot control staff. Should be more than enough to paralyze and stun a normal human being."

Harry looked surprised, "woah, I didn't even know they had these."

"You have an entire company backing you up, use their resources Glider," I closed the SA and walked out the roof's edge, "and I swear to God, if you ever act like an idiot like you did today...I'll make sure to take you down, hard. Do we understand each other?"

Glider nodded, "yes sir."

"Good," I shot a web line and swung away. I went a block away before turning around and watching him and Matt talk some more. Soon Harry got on his glider and flew away while Matt made his way over to me.

"Why were you so hostile?" he asked.

"You remember him mentioning a friend that wasn't a friend?" I asked.


"That was me," I whispered.

"You know who he is? Who he really is?" Matt asked surprised.

I nodded, "yeah...I know him...I know how he acts...he's arrogant and stupid. But...maybe he can change...but until he proves that, I don't care who the fuck is backing him up I will bring him down."

"I see….is he dangerous?" Matt asked, an edge to his question.

I looked at him, "he has the potential to be the strongest enemy I will ever face."

Matt said nothing, we spent five minutes in silence, just watching the police arrest the criminals we captured. After that there was another siren that called our attention. Overall, it was an ordinary night for us.

At around one in the morning I made my way home. It was a long night and I was frankly exhausted. I swung into Queens in the middle of the night and managed to make it into my bedroom without much sound thanks to practise.

I slipped out of my costume and turned my red backpack into its disguised black form, shoving it under my bed. I sighed, seeping into my bed, wearing only my boxer shorts for comfort. As I curled underneath a blanket and relaxed my head on my soft pillow, I found myself slowly going to sleep.

Bang bang bang!

And then some mother fucker began slamning on my front door!

They weren't very loud, at least from the first floor. No one else could probably hear it, but I could thanks to my enhanced hearing. At first I just chose to ignore it, figured they would leave, who the hell knocks on someone's door at on in the night?!

But then the knocks kept coming, more and more frantic. I focused on my hearing and I could just about make out a woman's voice crying out, "help! Please! Dr. Parker!"

Immediately my eyes shot open and leaped out of the bed. Richard, did he do something? Did something happen? I didn't even bother dressing up as I ran out of my room and leaped down the stairs in one jump.

I dashed to the front door, the knocking now obvious to anyone, I grabbed the door and opened it quickly, and standing on the other side was a girl.

She gasped, our eyes met for a moment and immediately I felt my heart skip a beat at her beauty. Short blonde hair in a bob cut with a black band on her head and piercing blue eyes. She had a green hoodie on with black jeans and purple shoes.

She was beautiful to say the least, like an angel, soft delicate features with plump pink lips and soft hair than reflected light off of it. And her eyes...they looked like water, pure and absolute.

Those eyes slowly widened, she gasped, "you have to help! There's-there's," her eyes immediately went down, lower, past my face, down my chest and stopping at my boxers. Immediately the girl's face turned red in embarrassment.

"Y-yo-you're naked," she stammered out.

I blinked, "ah...yes...I am..."

"Oh...okay….wow," she stammered, her eyes continuing to roam around my body, "you ah-you work out?"

"Ah...yeah," I started to feel embarrassed, "can I help you? Why exactly were you knocking on my door at 1 in the morning?"

Immediately fear came back into her eyes, "r-right! Listen, do you know a doctor Richard Parker?! I have to talk with him, now!"

"Why exactly do you want to talk to my dad?" I asked as I reached behind the door and grabbed one of Ben's old coats to cover myself.

"Ah, well," she murmured, "I kind of need his help know..." he blinked again, "god those are tight..."

I sighed and snapped my fingers twice gaining her attention, "hey, my eyes are up her blondie."

Immediately she blushed, "so-sorry...wait, did you say your dad?! You're Richard Parker's son?"

I nodded slowly, "yeah, I am. What happened? Why do you need to talk to my dad?"

"M-my boss, Dr. Curt Connors is an old associate of your dad's! He said if anything happened to him I should contact Doctor Parker!"

My eyes widened, Curt Connors...the Lizard, like the Amazing Spider-man movie, which means….immediately something in my head clicked.

She continued, "where's your dad?! I have to talk to him! Doctor C tried to replicate some formula your dad and him worked on in college, but something went wrong! When I came to his office at midnight to check up on him the entire lab was trashed! Some went horribly wrong! You have to help me!"

"What's your name?" it might be foolish to ask, but I had to know, I just had to.

"My name is Gwen Stacy," she said, "and you have to help me!"

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