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76.11% Messing With The Anime Multiverse / Chapter 45: Meeting The Ultimate Slime

Capítulo 45: Meeting The Ultimate Slime

Shizue Pov-

"You two can eat whatever you want. I'll pay." Taking a seat at the nearest table, I looked at the two kids in front of me.

After asking Mikasa and Tatsuya to follow me, we headed toward the nearest restaurant. It was a fairly good place, considering that Blumund isn't as developed as the Kingdom of Ingrassia. There were many round tables placed around in an orderly manner along with the chairs.

Both of them were now sitting in front of me.

"Are you sure it's alright? She eats a lot." Tatsuya commented while pointing towards Mikasa, only to get an elbow from the latter.

'How cute.' I thought as a smile appeared on my face, although not visible thanks to my Mask. "It's alright, there's no need to be polite."

"Well, since you say so." Mikasa said, looking at the menu. And indeed, she wasn't polite at all. My pockets were already starting to hurt a little. After a couple of minutes, the food we ordered arrived.

"So, Shizu-san. What do you want from us?" Tatsuya asked.

"First of all, let me reintroduce myself." I removed my mask, putting it on the table. "My real name is Shizue Izawa. Yes, I am an otherworlder. It's been a long time since I arrived in this world."

They were both surprised by my claims before Mikasa asked. "What do you want from us then?" Her voice was muffled thanks to her eating and speaking at the same time. You'll choke at this rate.

"I will be direct. Why did you lie and say that you two arrived at this world yesterday?"

"That wasn't a lie." Tatsuya said, confused.

"Then how did you learn this world's language?" Residents might not know, but the languages between our two worlds are different. And it's not something one could learn in a day if they don't have a skill related to it.

"We knew it the moment we arrived." Tatsuya replied without any delay.

"Then who summoned you two?" I asked again.

"We just appeared outta nowhere. It was really surprising at first when the buildings and cars just disappeared. All of a sudden, we were in the middle of nowhere." Mikasa explained.

'So they're like Hinata? And from her words, it seems like they are from modern Japan as well.' I concluded. They did remind me of my two students a lot, Yuuki and Hinata. Specially Mikasa's appetite, which resembled Hinata a lot. Oh, my poor wallet.

After talking for about half an hour, I figured out some things about the two of them while telling them about this world. They have skills but are afraid of revealing them, which is understandable. I asked them about their reason to visit the Jura Forest, but my questions were to no avail.

'I'll look after them until we're back from the Great Jura Forest.' I thought, cheering for myself.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the Kingdom of Ingrassia? Yuuki-kun can take care of you guys until you're used to this world." It was my second time asking this question.

"It's alright." Tatsuya replied.

"Do you have a place to stay?" I asked.

They both shook their heads before Mikasa replied. "We were about to look for one."

"Look for one? Aren't you guys broke? The currency here is different from our original world."

"We stole some money after arriving at this place." Mikasa replied, showing a pouch full of coins.

'That's not something you should say out loud. To be able to steal from someone so effortlessly, I guess they are pretty strong. Or maybe they were just lucky?' I thought, picking up my mask again.

"Just stay at the place I am staying right now. It's free for me since I am a member of the Free Guild." I said before they both nodded.

"Shizu-san, can I wear your mask for a bit?" Mikasa asked.

"Sure." I said, giving it to her. It wasn't a problem if I don't wear it while I am not using Ifrit's power.

Noticing that there was some food on Mikasa's cheek, I took a napkin before cleaning it. 'Kids these days.' Internally shaking my head, I started walking out of the restaurant after paying the bill.

"Woah. It just sticks to my face even without doing anything." Mikasa exclaimed, wearing my mask.

The inn provided by the Guild was in a remote area, so it was very quiet on the streets.

"Hey, let me wear that." Tatsuya said, looking at my mask. Mikasa removed the mask before handing it over to Tatsuya. Looking at them made me wonder how Yuuki and Hinata were doing right now?

'Must be troublesome when they're in such high positions.' I thought, proud of my students.

Tatsuya grabbed my mask before his eyes widened in surprise. "Huh? What the actual fuck." He exclaimed. Suddenly, his left eye turned golden as a clock appeared inside it.

"What's that?" I muttered, completely shocked as a giant clock manifested behind Tatsuya. It had Roman Numbers with all of the clock hands resting on the number 'XII'.

Unlike me, Mikasa didn't have much of a reaction when this happened, indicating that she was familiar with this clock thing. 'Maybe that's his skill?' I thought, calming down.

My mask, which was in Tatsuya's hand started crumbling into dust, only leaving a small piece behind.

'This is bad.' Without the mask, I won't be able to suppress Ifrit anymore. At this rate, it'll be dangerous.


Tatsuya Pov-

'What the hell just happened?' I thought, looking at the last piece of Shizu's mask remaining in my right hand. My questions were answered as a red hologram appeared in front of me.

[This mask is paradoxically cycled between its users (Chronoa/Chloe -> Shizu -> Rimuru -> Chronoa/Chloe) during these countless time loops, with its true origin unknown.

Since the mask is the crucial object that cycled countless times in Chronoa/Chloe's time loop, the power of the "time" element accumulated on it is immeasurable. It's so much that it could deflect a direct hit from the Black Primordial, Noir, and had his arm blown off by the recoil]

[The power of 'time' stored within it tried to resist the host. Only for it to be destroyed while a portion of it was absorbed by Zafkiel, raising the host's affinity with the Angel]

[Normally, the host could've absorbed that power with your authority but due to the lack of control over it, this is what happened]

"So that's what happened." Mikasa muttered, looking at the hologram.

Looking at Shizu's confused face, I said. "This is my unique skill. It's called Zafkiel."

Mikasa looked at me from the corner of her eyes. 'Was that the best you could come up with?' was what her eyes were saying.

"... I see." Shizu replied after taking a big pause. Well, that's understandable.

'Fourth Bullet Dale.' I thought, looking at the broken piece of mask. The Fourth Bullet allows me to reverse time on the target, which in this case was the perfect solution.

The broken piece was covered in a shadow before it started to repair itself. In a few seconds, it was as good as new.

'Did this thing lose its abilities?' I thought.

[No, host. The abilities are still there]

"Sorry about the fuss." I said, giving the mask back to Shizu, deactivating Zafkiel. Repairing the mask was kind of costly if I am being honest, it took five years' worth of time. No wonder Kurumi was always devouring humans here and there, this kind of consumption is indeed unreasonable.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mikasa asked, tilting her head.

"What?" I asked, confused. Mikasa didn't say anything, texting me in a private message instead.

[The Divine Prophet- Your left eye is still golden with a clock inside it. Tatsuya's photo.JPG*]

My mouth twitched as I tried to turn my eye back to normal, but it was futile.

'Is this the result of raising my affinity with Zafkiel?'

[Yes, host.]

I sighed, covering my left eye with bangs.

'Maybe I should cover both my eyes and hold a stopwatch in my right hand. That'll certainly be fun.' I thought, wondering how far have I fallen.

I could've created contact lenses using the Creation of All Things or even alter Zafkiel itself, but this will do for now.

After that, we made our way toward Shizu's place before settling down. Her influence must be quite good since she was able to arrange rooms for us after only saying a few words. It was already late when we arrived at the inn, so all three of us went to our rooms.




"Hey." Mikasa said, lying on my chest while I caressed her hair. We all got our separate rooms, so there was only a single bed in my room.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Since you destroyed the mask, do you think you'll get a stalker now?" She said.

What's up with her? I was confused before something clicked in. Diablo, or the black primordial, started following Rimuru because Shizu's mask cracked in Rimuru's presence.

The last thing I want is an overly obsessed Demon following me around. No, that's not the problem as long as the Demon is a female. I wouldn't have minded if it was Testarossa, but definitely not Diablo.

"I hope not." I said, my mouth twitching.

"How about a deal?" Mikasa said.

"What's the deal?" I asked as Mikasa moved, leaning towards my ear, whispering something.

"Let me go on the previous bet and I'll..." And the offer was rather tempting.

"That's very difficult for me to choose."

Although I am not into BDSM, that shit's mad hot. But on the other hand, I get to see her dressed as an edgelord for an entire month. Is this a man's dilemma, but it's a happy one.

"Give me a few days to think about it." I said. It's been a while since I thought about something so carefully. Even the destruction of Area Seven was easier to plan.

And so, three days passed.

During the three days we stayed with her, Shizu explained everything she knew about this world and even told us about who summoned her, not to mention that she even started cooking for us. We were just one step away from declaring her as our mother at this point.

'I think we should save her.' I thought, wondering. Our Medical Ninjutsu doesn't work on people from this world for some reason. I guessed that it'll be the same for us. Rimuru's full potion that could generate limbs will probably have zero effect on us. So the only way we could save her was by using Zafkiel.

Saving her would definitely be beneficial for us. We'll get Rimuru's favour, and that's a big plus. Mikasa was more focused on Hinata's favour for reasons I wish I didn't know.

We met up with everyone before setting off to the Great Jura Forest. And the journey was very, very tiring.

We planned on leaving this world after meeting Rimuru because there's a place where we're even more interested in going. Kurumi's world.

We always wanted to see what the world was like back in the day since all we know about it was knowledge from sacred texts(manga) and visions(anime). History wasn't passed down in our original world as it was deemed useless, so we knew nothing about the 21st century before getting our hands on manga.

While I was having a debate on whether or not to save Shizu, Ellen and her party were looking at the map while sweating profoundly.

'So we're lost again?' I thought, wondering how can they be so bad with directions while being adventurers. I was wondering if we should ask the green-haired man standing at the edge of the road while looking at the three swords on his waist for directions.

"Are they lost again? Geez, those guys can't even walk a straight path without me." The green-haired man muttered before he started running in out opposite direction.

Yup, let's not ask him.

After wasting another day, we ran into some giant ants, which was a good sign.

These ants were C+ Rank monsters, so there's no way in hell that the idiot trio can defeat them. So now, we were running away from a bunch of ants.

"I wonder if they're eatable?" Mikasa muttered. Ellen and Cabal were shouting so loudly that no one except me heard what Mikasa said.


I wasn't even able to comprehend how she reached that point.

"Shizu-san." Ellen stopped running after Shizu turned to face those giant ants on her own.

Shizu pulled her sword out as flames appeared around it. She raised her arms, palms facing the group of giant ants.

A large number of flames shot at the group of ants from Shizu's palms.


And the flames exploded.

'That must be her extra skill, Explosive Flames.' I thought, looking at Shizu smoothly dealing with the ants as if they were some cannon fodder. Well, they were, technically.

She gave a cool pose after pulling her sword from the ant's skull.

"Shizu-san, it's not over yet." Ellen shouted as Shizu turned around, only to find that a giant ant was about to attack her.

And as expected, she stumbled for a bit before falling to her knee, she would've fallen to the ground if not for her sword.

Enhancing my speed with chakra, I appeared right next to Shizu before punching the ant hard enough to create a shockwave while carefully guiding her mask to fall near a certain slime that was enjoying the show along with us.

'Disgusting.' I thought, looking at the green blood and bits of brains on my fist before cleaning it off.

Mikasa and Ellen helped Shizu, who was lying on the ground to get up.

"Are you guys all right?" We all heard a voice before turning towards the cloud of dust.

Both Gido and Cabal picked their weapons up after hearing that voice.

After the dust settled down, a blue slime appeared in front of us with a diameter of about 40 centimetres. Shizu's mask was resting on the right side of his body.

For some reason, I felt like I was being watched from all directions, as if something was trying to gauge my abilities, but was unable to. It was nothing but an instinctive feeling.

'That must be Great Sage, huh?' I thought.

"A slime?" Ellen, Cabal and Gido said at the same time, lowering their weapons.

"Is there anything wrong with being a slime?" Rimuru replied.

Shizu thanked me while taking her mask back from Rimuru, thanking him as well. And from there on, things went the same as canon. Rimuru invited us all to his village, saying that it'll be good to take a rest, to which everyone agreed.

'It's kind of shabby.' I thought, looking at the small buildings here and there. It was hard to believe that this place will become the most developed country in the world within two years.




I'll start writing the DxD and a proper Naruto fic I talked about from tomorrow. Cause why not? They'll be released when I am done with a certain amount of chapters or they'll end up with a terrible schedule like this one. I'll try to write as much as I can before my exams start. xD

A life and death question- Who wants a female waifu Rimuru? Who was born as a female even in her original world?

Random Numbers Recommendations- Part 1-363808, Part 2-368321, Part 3-369979.

Author Spit Facts- It hurts when you realise that a Doujin has a better plot than your fanfic💀

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