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17.64% RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System / Chapter 17: Return to Remnant and rewards

Capítulo 17: Return to Remnant and rewards

The trip over to the Takagi Estate didn't take very long. They pulled up to the large complex after ramming through an entire horde while Neo sat on top of the bus and shot fire dust shotgun shells into the crowd as they passed.

Finally hopping off, they're surrounded by adults wielding melee weapons and fire hoses that look at their guns and in Neo's case, mechashift weapon warily.

"Last stop! Takagi Estate! All passengers disembark now" Neo hopped off the bus and watched the group get out.

They were almost stopped by the adults but Saya's Mother arrives and embraces her daughter. Saya, now incredibly relieved starts to cry in happiness into her Mother's chest. They all start to walk in but stop once they notice Neo and Neopolitan hadn't entered with them.

"It's about our time to go. It was fun, really. Fighting the undead.. Seeing naked women.. But now we gotta get back home. Quest's done" Neo nodded and everyone but their group looked confused.

"Thank you.. for getting us this far" Saeko bowed and Shizuka pulled them into a hug.

"I know I got invited to your chat but.. but.. will I ever see you again?" Shizuka looked sad as she asked.

~System, can she travel to Remnant?~ Neo raised a brow.

[Ding! Chatroom members can unlock the Travel feature in future quests!] The system informed her and she nodded.

"Yeah.. but later, okay? In the future you can come to our world" Neo pat her back with a small smile.

"Really!? Oh thank you!" She seemed especially pleased with that.

"Alright so I feel like I ought to warn you guys and give you something. Rei has the shotty, Saya has the sniper rifle and Alice's Dad has the assault rifle. Saeko is still using a Bokken so.." She pulled up her system and made a purchase.

[Ding! Flawless Steel Katana bought! 4500 shop points remaining]

Neo handed Saeko the new katana she pulled from her inventory. Saeko looked especially pleased as she licked her lips.

"Thank you.. Let me know if you need any assistance in the future through Shizuka-sensei, okay?" Neo nodded once and ignored the shocked look of the adults around them.

"Also there'll be an EMP going off later on so.. good luck with that? Alright, see you later Shizuka, Saeko!" Neo and Neopolitan waved and disappeared in a flash of light.

"What the hell!?" Some of the adults yelled in alarm.

"Ahh! She's a goddess! Girls, we must spread the word. A goddess had come and saved us!" Miki shouted to the group of girls behind her fanatically before they cupped their hands in prayer to Neo.

"Daddy they're weird.." Alice tugged her Father's pant leg and whispered.

"Yeah.. but weird may be the new normal? Come on, Alice. Let's go inside the nice people's place" He picked Alice up and walked inside along with several confused Adults, grateful teens and new cultists.

-Remnant, Junior's bar-

Reappearing right back where they were, Neo and Neopolitan high-fived.

"We fuckin' did it, OG. Oh! Let's check that quest completion!" Neo almost gasped as they got the next notification.

[Ding! Side Quest completed! Dispensing rewards!

Neo: -Lightning Magic manipulation! (Description: Gain the ability to utilize mana in the atmosphere and turn it into powerful lightning magic. Train hard and create powerful lightning spells!)

-Evolved Proxy race change! (Description: Evolve into the superior Proxy race created by the future humans of 'Ergo Proxy'. Evolved Proxies are said to be immune to the harmful Ultraviolet rays that were lethal to all Proxies. Gain a Proxy form that increases speed, strength, charm and perception of danger nearby!)

-50,000 shop points!

Neopolitan: -Eyes of illusions! (Description: Gain the power to put anyone who makes eye contact with you in a powerful illusion technique! Illusion technique allows for time perception manipulation and allows the user to create any illusion they wish for up to 15 seconds!)

-Evolved Succubus race change! (Description: Evolve into the superior demon species of Succubi. Gain illusion magic boost, succubus wings, charm boost and agility boost. Evolved Succubi do not need to sustain themselves on the lust of mortals but feel the lust of those around them!)

-50,000 shop points!

Shizuka: -Healing magic adept! (Description: Gain access to healing magic that can even purge curses and infections in still living beings!)

-Martial arts style: Yujiro Hanma! (Description: Allows the user to replicate the style of the strongest creature on Earth, Yujiro Hanma!)

-Body strengthening pill: Advanced (Description: Shed your impurities and grow your muscles in density, not mass. Gain a true fighter's physique!)

Roman returned to the room he left Neopolitan and Neo in with a cocktail in hand, stumbling on a scene he couldn't describe. There he was, witnessing them both doing the weirdest dance he had ever seen. Neo was cheering on top of that. Though it was stylish, he never thought Neopolitan would dance like that.

They were both doing the 'Bully Macguire' dance on top of the table. Though Neopolitan was just copying Neo, since they both got some rather excellent rewards.

"So.. what happened to make you two so happy?" He asked, still sort of weirded out as Neo kept cheering.

"Fuck yeah! Oh hey Roman! We just got a pretty significant power boost so we're celebrating!" Neo continued the dance with her counterpart.

"Ah.. okay?" Roman didn't even want to ask at that point so he just kept ordering cocktails and watched the two celebrate in the strangest way.

~Well.. I don't exactly mind seeing the joy on Neoplitan's face.. Good, you made a decent friend this time~ Roman pulled the brim of his bowler hat down and smiled.

-Beacon, weeks later-

When Neo returned to Beacon, team JNPR and RWBY were shocked. Somehow she looked even better? There was a slight glow to her eyes that was hard to notice unless you stared at them. Something which only Blake, Pyrrha and Neopolitan did. Her skin was criminally soft but somehow far tougher than it was before. Her hair was far smoother and silkier than before as well.

Neopolitan had the more drastic change. Overall she looked the same but she looked more like a four foot-nine temptress. But she oozed danger as well. Her skin was even smoother and softer than Neo's. Her hair longer and silkier as well. On top of that she looked as developed as Neo was.

Though team JNPR and RWBY had no idea what Neo did to look this way other than Blake and Pyrrha. Both of whom were jealous of Neopolitan for snatching the spot quickly. Though Neo assured them that world was too extreme for them to start off in due to explaining the zombie apocalypse.

They were all in combat class now. Neo was squared up against Cardin, who was looking down on her, figuratively and literally. He held his mace on his shoulder and sneered at her.

"I'm fighting this tiny chick? Please.." He pridefully turned his chin up.

~Oh what was that? 'Beat me with nut-shots only'? Gladly!~ Neo smiled and casually twirled her weapon in scythe form.

"Begin!" Glynda shouted as she eyed Neo, getting a sense of foreboding from her.

"Haah!" Cardin rushed in and swung a powerful overhanded strike at her.

Neo sidestepped it and planted her two feet on his mace, looking at him with a smug grin plastered on her face.

"Oooh that was strong.. Do it again, you Ape" Neo taunted him as he forcefully raised her with his Mace before she flipped behind him and donkey-kicked him in the back of the nuts.

He hoarsely grunted at the sudden and strong kick to his family jewels and turned around to strike her. He missed yet again as she ducked and planted the tip of her boot back into his balls, not putting much strength into it yet but making him yelp all the same as he clutched his groin.

"Why're you looking at the floor? You drop a coin or something?" Neo put on a convincing 'innocently thinking' face and asked.

"Piss off!!" Cardin swung his mace at the floor and made fire dust explode during the impact, covering a small area in smoke. Thinking he got her, he almost relaxed.

But then Neo punted him straight in the baby factory once again, making him fly upward from the force before Neo jumped after him, putting him in a hold with her knee positioned right under his juice crew.

"Wa..Wait.. please no.. What did I ever do to you!?" Cardin yelled in panic before he plummeted balls-first into Neo's knee, making an extremely feminine squeal that had Yang in tears laughing.

Cardin's aura and spirit were broken and Neo was announced the winner. She took a bow and proceeded back up to the changing room. Goodwitch then advised them about the Vytal festival in a few months, which Neo already knew about.

"Neo you gotta teach me that grab.." Yang caught her breath and asked her with admiration.

"Sure! Just use it responsibly" Neo gave her a thumbs up and a wink.

"Me too! Teach me too, Stylish Leader!" Nora shook her shoulders with a big smile.

"NO! No.." Ren seemed terrified at such a move being in Nora's arsenal.

"Awwwww! C'mon Renny! I'll use it responsibly.." Nora pleaded with him but he didn't budge.

"Er.. so Neo why do that to Cardin?" Pyrrha asked with a slight hint of concern.

"He's a racist dick for one?" Neo got up as Lunch began.

"And I don't really tolerate bullies.." Neo folded her hands behind her neck and started walking.

"Good enough for me" Blake knew what kind of person Cardin was and knew he deserved it. She saw him mock and insult the Faunus students during the second day onwards so it wasn't too surprising she got a great amount of amusement from watching him take a bunch of hits to his manhood.

-Beacon, Lunch period-

Neo was stuffing her face full of pizza with a manic expression as Nora was telling the teams about her dream. Ren interrupting every time she exaggerated. Though Yang, Ruby and Ren were listening, Pyrrha and Blake were shocked seeing Neo like this. She had this expression of utter joy as she saw the pizza in the cafeteria and almost blitzed the line of students just to get it.

"Wow you.. sure do love that pizza..?" Blake asked with a strange fascination at watcher her go.

"Must have been really hungry, huh?" Pyrrha giggled as she wiped the tomato sauce from the corner of her partner's mouth.

"Oh.. Whoopsie? Sorry I just.. Well it reminds me of home. I didn't realize how badly I missed my home food until I saw it" Neo wiped her mouth and cleared her throat.

"If you don't mind, tell us about your home. Your likes and dislikes.. All that. I don't know a whole lot about you yet" Pyrrha leaned towards her with an interested gaze.

Blake stopped eating and also paid attention. Along with Ruby, Yang, Ren, Nora and even Weiss, who was studying while she ate.

"Oh, sure! Well I love pizza. I used to have a good friend who worked at a pizza place. I'd visit him and eat there with him on his lunch breaks. On top of that I guess if you really wanna know some basic stuff about me.. Hm.. I'm not a picky eater but I do have my favorites. I like to see new movies with friends. I'm a huge nerd and played a role playing game where you played a character in a big campaign. I like.. uh.. Mistralian animated shows. I miss the library of music I used to have.. Listening to music helps me get motivated. Working out, Writing ideas, Drawing crappy images.." Neo muttered the last thing.

"Haha! So you're a bit of a nerd huh? And a foodie?" Yang teased.

"Hey now don't try and make me 'Yangry' you wouldn't like me when I'm 'Yangry'.." Neo both referenced and punned.

There was a collective groan at the table shared by all but Yang and Neo. Neo saw Yang cackle in amusement and grew her own smile.

"Another thing to know about me is that I genuinely do like seeing my friends happy. Even if I have to do a pun or make cringey jokes. On top of that, I like making references to shows and stuff. Even if no one around me gets it" Neo finished her food and sighed in contentment.

Then she heard laughter. Obnoxious asshole laughter and got up as soon as she heard a girl's voice.

"Please.. stop" The bunny Faunus girl pleaded with the group of laughing boys.

"I told you it was real. Hahaha!" Cardin kept pulling but heard the laughter of his friends die down for some reason.

"What?" He looked at their now fearful faces as they grabbed their groins.

"Hey Cardin! What's that you've been saying over here? I keep hearing 'PLEASE KICK ME IN THE BALLS!' mixed with laughter. That you?" She put her hand on his shoulder amicably and he froze in fear, letting the girl's ear go.

"N..No.." He stuttered, trying to push down his fear.

"Oh I'm sure I heard it though. I think all of you said it?" Neo sized them all up and Cardin stood up fast, having built up some courage.

"Screw you, you tiny bitch! All we're doing is having some fun" Cardin grimaced and glared at Neo.

"Cardin let's just go, man. It's not worth it" Dove tried to pull him away but was shoved back.

"I'M in charge here, don't order me around" Cardin snarled back at his teammate before he felt a crushing strength grab his shoulder and bring him to his knees, seeing Neo look down at him with an almost pitying look.

"Do you feel in charge here..?" He didn't respond, seeing Neo's slightly glowing eyes intimidated him and made him lose composure.

"Great. All settled then" Neo put her hand on the girl's back and led her away from their table.

"I know you could probably whoop their asses but they annoyed me" Neo looked up at her.

"Thank you.. No one outside my team has ever really defended me like that. I'm Velvet Scarlatina" She gratefully thanked with a small bow.

"I'm Neo Jasmine. I should be getting back to lunch though. See you around?" Neo waved and Velvet smiled and returned it before Neo re-took her seat.

"Wow.." Ruby said in awe as she watched CRDL pick themselves up quietly.

"I wanted to see you break his legs.." Nora pouted.

"If I did that, I'd be in trouble, Nora" Neo half laughed at the image of her breaking Cardin's legs.

"You did good.." Blake looked at her gratefully with a small blush.

"Yeah.. as expected of my partner" Pyrrha smiled.

"Please! I'll get embarrassed at this rate" Neo slightly turned her face away and scratched her cheek.

Yang just grinned at her reaction while Weiss nodded in approval.

~I think I might actually fall for her at this rate..~ Blake buried her face in her book to hide her expression.

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