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27.77% Young Justice: UnReal / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3

||Lor-Zod POV||

After God Thanos snapped me to where ever he sent me, I suddenly found myself being held by a beautiful woman.

She was looking at me Love and Intense Care. I could tell what those emotions were because I've seen them on someone before.

My Late Mother.

'I guess she's my current mother now huh.'

I thought, as I took in the environment around me.

It looked like it was a large room, geared towards looking more professional and work related than the homely or personal feeling you would expect.

I also saw another man in the room, he was standing by the side of the bed, right beside my mother. He was tall and looked strong, he also had a serious vibe around him.


Isn't that General Zod?!!

No way, that's definitely him! Why is he here?! Shouldn't he be in the phantom Zone? Trapped?!

Wait, if he's here, then...

I immediately turned to my mother and scanned her face properly. I immediately realized she looked like Faora-Ul, the right hand and trusted follower of Zod.

Fuck, That means Zod is my father! Damn it, Why would you do this to me, God? I thought you had my back?

Does this mean I was born in the Phantom Zone?

No, no, no, no! This is all turning out wrong! I was supposed to be born on Earth as Superman's son since that would explain how I'm Kryptonian.

Even if I wasn't born as his son, I'm supposed to be on earth. Not where ever this is!

Calm down Dave, calm down. It's not the end of the world. It's not as bad as you think it is.

Just because I'm the son of Superman's enemy, that doesn't automatically make me his enemy too. I'm sure Superman would be able to understand long as he gets past his prejudice for Zod.

Batman though....he'll still think of me as an enemy. I would have to prove to him that I'm not an enemy and even then he wouldn't trust me at all.


All this could have been avoided if you simply didn't reincarnate me as the child of Zod, God!

'Whatever, I'll just have to live with it.'

After having an internal crisis and coming to terms with my situation, I was about to turn to check the other side of the room when I noticed something different about my self.

Everything was bigger around me and my body felt hard to move. But I could tell It was getting easier and easier to move them.

'Huh, must be the perks of being a Perfect Kryptonian.'

The reason I say that is because, Babies can't move their body properly when they're born. They probably won't be able to move until the next day.

And I don't know if it's because babies have better eyesight than adults or because in my previous life, my eye had been exposed to a lot of light and stuff so it got worse over time but my current eyesight is far better than what I remember.

In fact, it's like a completely new eyeball had been exchanged with my old one.

Well, considering the fact that I was just reborn, it does count as having a new eyeball.

Suddenly I heard another voice talking. It seemed masculine and deep. Very deep.

It was definitely Zod.

He was talking to my mother and I could see she was worried, very worried. I tried to listen in to the conversation but I didn't understand what they were talking about.

They were speaking a completely different language and I couldn't understand a thing they were saying.

Although, I couldn't understand what they were saying but from the way they were speaking, and the look she was giving Zod, I could tell she was in love and this only made my guess on Zod being my father, stronger.


'I'm so fucked aren't I?'


All of a sudden, my field of vision started shifting, i was no longer watching my mother but now my father.

Wait, Father?!

'No way am I calling this cruel man, my father! This guy would kill millions all for a stupid Planet that brainwashed him to the core!'

'But if I'm already calling him father, it just means I'll eventually accept it. Since there's no helping it, why not just accept it.'

'Although, I'm accepting him as my father, in no way does that mean I'm accepting his views. He may be loyal to krypton but I'm not gonna give up my life for a planet that's already destroyed or about to be.'

'If I were to die due to being loyal to a dead planet then I would be a disgrace to all reincarnators. No way, would I accept that.'

All of a sudden, a giant finger appeared in my vision, it was huge and looked like it was about to press down on me till it stopped just where I could reach it.

Looking at it, I realized what Zod was trying to do. He was simply trying to communicate with me, to show some love to his child.

'THE General Zod, showing love? I thought that was impossible! I thought the only thing he had on his mind was Krypton, Krypton, and krypton. Yes, important things must be said thrice.'

'Maybe...I've judged him a little too harsh. It was stupid of me to assume he would be exactly like how he was portrayed in the comics. Although, I have no doubt that he still retains some Behavior or characteristic from his comic counterpart.'

I held my little hands up and grabbed his fingers. To show some love to him too, I pulled his fingers towards me and I could tell he was surprised.

As for what he was surprised about, it was probably my strength. The way his eyes widened at the moment I pulled proves that.

'Well, I'm doing things a baby shouldn't be able to do. So I don't blame him.

I thought as I resumed back to looking around the place. Last time I only got the area my mother was and I was able to get a lot of information about the room from just that. Lets see how much information if I see the whole room.

I turned towards the side I couldn't see due to me being surprised when I felt my new body. When I turned towards that place I saw... it just

'Blood? Is that blood?'

I looked closer and I was shocked! It indeed was blood.

'Did something happen before I was born?' 

Something definitely happened. What ever it was, I can tell it didn't end well. At least my parents are ok and they don't look hurt.

Huh....would you look at that, I'm already starting to see them as my parents despite meeting them for the first time. Is there something happening to me that I'm not aware of or do all babies go through this when they're born.

*sigh* I might as well get used to it. I'll eventually start calling them my parents and start loving them so there's no use fighting myself over it.

I moved on from the blood on the ground and kept looking at the whole room. I was able to already turn my neck around so that was a plus for me.

The room was really cool, it looked like it had everything you would need for childbirth but how is that possible? I thought Krypton abandoned natural reproduction so how is it that they have what is needed for a safe delivery?

Weird. now that I think about it, how did mother give birth to me? Somebody's gotta have had to help her. It's definitely not Zod as I don't think he knows anything regarding what to do regarding childbirth.

'There's something I'm missing here and I got a feeling it has to do with the blood on the floor.'

I thought while turning towards the blood on the ground.

'Was someone kill-'

I was thinking until I was interrupted by a hand snatching me away from Zod's hands.


I was surprised by the unexpected action. I panicked for a second until I realized it was just my mother when she came into my field of vision.

'Jesus, mother. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?'

I thought while berating her inside my mind. She suddenly started rocking me back and forth to put me to sleep.

'Nope, that's not gonna change the fact that you almost- '

I was saying until i realized my Vision was darkening.

'No! No way am I about to fall asleep all because someone's rocking me. That won't work on me!'

I shouted in my mind. Unfortunately, that did nothing but cause me to get more tired, thereby accelerating the darkening of my vision.

'*Sigh* damn Baby body. I wasn't even thinking for twenty minutes and yet that's enough to put you to sleep. *sigh* i guess that's to be expected from babies. Any regular baby would have been asleep already.'

I kept thinking until almost all my vision darkened.

'Oh well, I'll continue thinking about my plans when I wake up. Hopefully, I'll be able to get them all planned out before falling asleep again.'

I thought before finally succumbing to sleep. Hopefully, when I wake up I'll have a different roof over my head.

[POV change [3rd POV]]

After Dave, now named as Lor-Zod, finally fell asleep, his mother kept rocking him for a few seconds before eventually stopping. She kept watching him for a few more seconds till she realized how sweaty she was due to giving birth to her new baby.

She looked towards Zod who was also looking at his child until he realized that he was wife was looking at him and wanted to ask something from him.

"What is it Faora?"

"Don't you think it's time we leave here? We've been here for a few hours now and people could start to get suspicious if we're gone for too long."

Faora said while using a completely different reason to hide the true reason why she wanted to leave the room. Of course, she wouldn't tell her husband the true reason.

she reeks enough already and reminding him would only make her more embarrassed than she already is.

"Hmm. Your right, then lets head out when your ready. I'll be outside the room waiting."

Zod said while heading towards the door. He figured she'd want her privacy to dress herself up and prepare all she needs to make sure she's ready to leave.

Faora gave him a nod and started getting up but not before placing her child beside her gently so she doesn't wake him up.

She got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom in the room. After ten minutes of shower and getting herself clean, she got out of the shower and headed for where her skin suit and armor are.

After wearing her skin suit and then her armor, she took her baby carefully from the bed and left the room.

Once out, she saw her husband by the side of the door, waiting for her. She looked around for the dead body of the doctor but couldn't find anything except traces of blood.

It seems while dressing and cleaning herself up, her husband had taken the dead body of the doctor and incinerated it.

Probably not to leave any evidence of what could have occurred here. But if that was so, why didn't he get rid of the blood around, that is still as much evidence as the body.

She was about to ask when her husband answered her question before she even got to ask them.

It seems he was already expecting her to ask.

"I left the blood because there would be no trace of it anymore after this place is destroyed. The fire and explosion caused would have been more than enough to get rid of any traces of it. Both in the room and here."

"The explosion too would also destroy the room since the room is a dead giveaway to what happened."

"Then wouldn't the explosion cause people to be suspicious and curious as to what caused it?"

Faora asked. Such a thing is common sense, even if every evidence is destroyed, the explosion would be more than enough to draw peoples attention.

"No worries, I also prepared for that too. I've installed Noise blocker and sound disrupter's to make sure no sound gets out. I've also installed other things to make sure the impact or after effect of the explosion isn't felt by others"

Faora nodded at his explanation and was satisfied with it. If that happens, then nobody would know what ever happened here. No witness to inform anyone or evidence to give them away.

Everything's been accounted for. Even where she was for the Nine months of her pregnancy was accounted for.

Nobody would suspect a thing.

"Then let's be going"

Zod said as he started heading for the exit out of the underground with Faora following close to him.

After Five minutes of walk and silence, they finally reached the exit which was a Teleportation Pad to their Mansion. Once they leave here, the teleportation pad will also be destroyed by the explosion.

Meaning nobody will ever be able to come here as the only means to arrive here has been destroyed.

The Teleportation Pad in their mansion could be a giveaway but that too has been accounted for.

All they have to do is change where the teleportation pad in their mansion leads to and that's it. It would be like nothing ever happened and Zod suddenly having a baby wouldn't be strange at all.

After all, All someone needs to do is go to the Genesis Chambers and ask the Aquabots. With the Aquabots reprogrammed, being caught is just impossible.

Well planned General, Well planned.

After stepping on the Teleportation Pad, they were immediately transported to their mansion.

They stepped out and Zod brought out a Fuse, the device that controls when the Explosion sets off.

He looked at his Wife and they both nodded at each other. He immediately tapped the button on the Fuse and waited for a few minutes for the Explosion to thoroughly destroy everything in it.

During the few minutes they waited, not a single tremor or sound was felt or heard. Courtesy to the devices already installed.

Once a few minutes passed, Zod destroyed the Fuse as that and their Teleportation Pad were the only things that could possibly be used as Evidence against them.

Zod immediately Incinerated the remains of the fuse and heading for where the controls to their Teleportation Pad were.

After Changing the place where the teleportation pads leads to, Zod turned to his wife who was smiling at her son and enjoying just how adorable he was.

"Your free to do what you want after this. I can tell you want to take care of our child so your free to do so."

Faora turned her attention to her husband and nodded at him. She immediately turned away and headed for her room.

She's decided to watch her adorable son's face until he wakes up so she can then feed him.

Zod just watched her as she left and shakes his head. He turned back to the controls and continued typing to make sure no one was able to notice that the teleportation's pad location was changed recently.

Honestly, Zod was being Paranoid. So what if the location where the teleportation pad leads to was changed recently? Everyone does that and it wouldn't be strange if the location was changed as everybody's gotta go to a different place at some point in time.

Zod knew he was being paranoid but he had to be. This was his family's life he was trying to protect. He'd rather be paranoid and go through all this extra effort than to not go through it and regret it later on due to a small detail he missed all because he wasn't careful enough.

So although stressful, it'll be worth it in the end.


Third chapter....done. I'm really surprised.

Like really surprised.

This is my third chapter....

I honestly didn't expect to go this far, I thought I would have ended the story at the first chapter but...

I'm still going.

This is really amazing for me and the word count makes it even better.

Two thousand, Seven hundred and seventeen and that's not even counting what I'm writing about how I feel about this chapter.

This is even longer than the first chapter and second chapter.

Second chapter was way shorter than the first and first was the longest...until now.

With my thoughts on the chapter, this chapter already surpasses Two thousand eight hundred.


Anyways, starting from Next chapter, there's gonna be a time skip. I know y'all wanna get to the Young Justice part of the story and I too wanna get there but I first gotta show you all this.

It's the only way to show when MC goes through a drastic character change, it doesn't look like It was made up to make him look cool.

It's gotta be understandable why he suddenly changed.

From next chapter, there's gonna be a 4 year time skip in every chapter until I say otherwise.

The reason there's a time skip is so we can get to the Young Justice Part of the story way faster. If we keep going like this then by the time we reach Young justice, it'll already be Chapter 30, lol.

And I don't think I can have that kind of patience and I'm sure you guys can't too.

So, that's the reason for the time skips.

See Y'all next chapter! Don't forget to comment too!!

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