A faint, flickering light ebbed away slowly in the blurry darkness. Every inch of my body ached, especially my head. Slowly, I felt each cell of mine wake up from a long, long slumber.
With a sudden large inhale of air, my mind finally woke from what seemed to be an awful nightmare.
"Not a nightmare Host, this is the body of the soul we jumped to," an androgynous voice reverberated around my head, making the ache worse.
"Then, then," my hand reached out for the smooth metal that formed a table in front of me, whilst my stinging eyes searched the haunting sight around me, "this is all real? Am I alive?"
"Yes, the nightmare is your body's memories," System, yes, my System, explained.
"How do I know you?" Blinking away the tears gathering in the creases of my eyes, I tried to make sense of my existence.
So I am back, with a brand new arc.
Yes this is still Luna. Unfortunately, what she wanted came true. Luna is dead folks.
Want to know what happened between the end of Arc 3 and start of Arc 4? A bonus chapter from Lex's point of view can appear if you ask for a bonus chapter nicely... ;)
So this is a fun world we're diving into now is a fantasy/sci-fi version of Earth in the 3000's. The vault was inspired by vault tech... not gonna lie. The main species are humans and Fae Folk. I have worked hard on this lore and cannot wait for it to unravel for you further.