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10.34% Almighty Video Game Developer / Chapter 2: -Story Word Count-

Capítulo 2: -Story Word Count-

This for the word count but I actually put the story ideas I have in mind, and so if you guys liked one just comment it down and I will try my best to write it as my next fanfic.

Or maybe you commission me :p


Multiverse Internet Cafe(Rewritten)

This book was rewritten by me a year ago? maybe?

Please Enjoy


The sun was at its peak today, almost frying the people walking on the streets, a young man carrying a bag could be seen walking on the streets alone, this man's name is Ryuuji Tanaka.

Tanaka is 23 years old, he had a well built tall body, he had short, fluffy, black hair, he left and right side of his bangs are swept toward his ears, though the middle is left to reach down between his eyes, he had black eyes that could be described as the abyss it self, he looked fairly handsome.

He was also a Reincarnator who came from Earth, and with some fate, he was born in this world, a very different world from his past, he was born in a normal family? well, his family was very mysterious and his parents won't reveal anything.

He was working as a game designer from a certain company and after 3 years of hard work, well, not really hard work but more of learning, he also underwent many jobs and left them after seeing that he had nothing to learn anymore, he was practically the golden boy who traveled around the world to learn.

And now with this intense heat and his sight was getting hazy and he was sweating buckets, he was also very thirsty and tired.

His walking was already unstable, he wiped the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief and after a few more twists and turns he finally stopped in a two-story big house.

"Finally!" he yelled, he dropped down the things he was carrying and grabbed a key from his pocket, he hurriedly unlocked the door and entered inside.

It was dark inside, and nothing could be seen inside, "Truck-kun, open the lights!" he yelled happily.

*Beep! *Beep!

The lights automatically turned on by their own but it's not that bright but it was a little bit dim, and then showed everything that was inside.

Multiple rows of black computers could be seen neatly displayed and they looked very high-tech, "This is my final dream! I finally got to open my own Internet café!" he said, a little bit emotional.

He went towards one of the computers and gently caressed its keyboard.

*Tick! *Tick!

The sound of the keyboard that was passing by his fingers sounded like beautiful music to his ears, he then turned his head and looked at the counter which was a restaurant counter, there was a long table next to the chef's kitchen, and seats next to it.

There was also a Collection of Alcohol and other beverages, he went inside the chef's kitchen and saw many utensils used for cooking and an electric stove, "Perfect," he said, he had a hobby of cooking and so when he thought of the layout of this shop he added these things.

He then checked the bathroom, it was a unisex bathroom so anyone could use it, it was very clean inside and looked very tidy, the floor and walls are made out of tiles and the light was very bright, enough for everyone to see clearly inside.

He went outside again and still felt quite hot, "Truck-kun, open the AC" Tanaka commanded.

*Beep! *Beep!

The AC opened automatically, if you are wondering who is Truck-kun, he was originally Siri, an A.I but Tanaka tweaked with it a little bit and was able to change how it operates, other than him, no one will be able to control Truck-kun.

After 5 minutes, the place became cool and fresh, Tanaka then went upstairs, this is the employee's room, there are a total of 7 rooms, but since he was the only one in this place, it was wasted, but maybe soon he will be able to find some employees.

He went back outside and picked up his things and stored them in one of the rooms, he went down again and looked at his shop again, he felt the best achievement he got.

Though the location of the internet cafe isn't good for business he doesn't care, he is not here for profits but for his dreams.

It has always been his dream to open an Internet cafe and with hard work, he was finally able to open it. He nodded for the last time before closing the lights and going upstairs. He plans to rest for today and do some maintenance tomorrow.

After changing his sweat-drenched clothes he immediately went to sleep.


A loud bell sound woke him up from his sleep and he slowly opened his eyes, his sight was blurry at first and he could see a box in front of him, he stood up from his bed and rubbed his eyes.

"What is this?" he tried to touch the box but surprisingly his hands went through it.

"Huh?" Tanaka was confused, his eyes were still blurry but slowly he was able to see the box in front of him, no, to be precise, a floating box.

[Multiverse Internet Café System is Online]

"Huh?" Tanaka still couldn't believe what he was seeing, so he swiped his hands on the floating box and his hand went past through it, he tried many things like smashing the pillow, trying to hug it, smashing it with a lamp, but nothing worked, 'How to remove this?' he thought,

Just then the floating box disappeared, "Ehm…" Tanaka ignored this supernatural occurrence and went down to his shop.

"Truck-kun, open the lights," he said and yawned, he moved towards the kitchen counter and started cooking his breakfast. He didn't need to worry about the smoke filling the shop because there was proper ventilation around the restaurant side and even the smell won't reach the computer side.

After he finished cooking a simple egg and bacon combo, he sat on the table and started eating, just then he noticed something was different from the computer side, there was a stack of cabins neatly organized together, there were about 50 of them.

He was confused, why did his shop expand? Forget about that, first, is what happened here? Where did these cabins come from? He stood up and walked towards the computer area.

"Huh? Where did my computers go?" Tanaka asked in shock.


Another sound resounded on his head, the floating box reappeared in front of him.

[Hello host, We will now introduce you the Multi-World Internet Café System, The system has chosen you and your shop as the special shop, your door is now connected to many different types of worlds from different types of universe, you don't have to worry about them wrecking your shop as the system installed an automatic super security system that will punish every trouble makers]

"System? You mean those systems?" Tanaka still couldn't believe it.


"Awesome!" Tanaka exclaimed, as a reincarnator, this was one of the must though it only appeared when he was already about 25 years old, "Anyway, what happened to my computers?" Tanaka asked.

[Don't worry host, your computer has been upgraded to the Latest High-Tech Virtual Cabin, your games have been automatically turned into a VR game, the Virtual Fulldive Cabin is also has many functions such as Virtual Movie, Virtual Anime, Virtual Manga, Virtual Novel, and Virtual Hen-Beep!]

"Wow! I am amazed, but… My computers don't have anything yet" Tanaka remembered, since this world was different from his past, from anime to games, the masterpieces from his past life are gone, heck even Barney is not here.

Anyways, he actually planned to create games on his own and put it on his shop. Of course, those games that he will create are from his past life, but it will take a long time because he can't make games appear out of thin air.


[The system will assist the host in creating a game that the host wanted]

"Well, that is great, I didn't really want to copy those games from, my past life, since they are really not suited for the tastes of the people in this world" Tanaka commented.


[The system has added a new function to the main door of the internet cafe, The GOD bell has been installed, it now has a function that could appear in different universe]

"Like the one from Nekoya?" Tanaka asked.


Tanaka didn't say anything anymore and just turned his attention to the new Vr cabins that has been given by the system, it looked more like a bed with a head gear attached into a high tech machine, its appearance was closer to Soul Translator from SAO.

"Are these safe?" Tanaka asked.

[Everything is 1000% safe host]

"That is good, could you explain me the the function of these Vr machines?" Tanaka asked.


[Full Dive Machine]

[Description: Stimulates the brain of the wearer and let their consciousness enter the virtual world through a link, realism is 101% and all senses are working the same as a real body, though there will be a restriction of power in the rules of the game they will play]

"This thing is too advanced! as expected of the system, anyway, can I make a game now?" Tanaka asked, he wasn't really interested with the machine stuffs and his passion was more in games, it has been his dream to be a game developer since he was in his past life.

His memories maybe fuzzy when he tried to recall back his past memories, he still remembers somethings, for example, his dream goal.

Tanaka unknowingly smiled as he remembered at young age, he was already into so to the games, play morning till night, he enjoyed playing so much that he forgot to eat, it has always been his hobby in this world and the past.

Though his parents didn't like it and he ran away from home without thinking about their feelings, well, Tanaka was kind of immature at that time, but he really loved games and he wont give it up even if he became the enemy of the world.

His goal right now was to create a game that will turn the whole world upside down, "Wait, no, since the system said it was connected to the multiverse, then a game that will turn the whole multiverse upside down!" Tanaka said as he clenched his fist.

An excitement rushed towards his whole body, he then turned his attention to the floating panel in front of him.

[Virtual World Engine]

[A feature created by the system for the host to create a Virtual game the game has many stages and every time the host create a new game, a stage will be added]

[Do you want to use VWE?(Y/N)]

"Yes" Tanaka immediately said, the next moment he felt his body getting light and his surroundings started to digitalize, and the next moment, everything around Tanaka turned into white space.

[Welcome to Virtual World Engine]

The system voice resounded on his ears, "explain" Tanaka expressionlessly said.


[This is the virtual game space of the host and has a limited space of a basketball court, could be up[graded through completing missions or purchasing, everything could be moved at your own will, the host could use System points to purchase ready made items for the game or you could create your own though it will be time consuming, in this world, the host could build the game he wanted in every way]

"So, its like the game developer or game engine?" Tanaka asked.


"Then how do I earn the system points?" Tanaka asked.

[By completing missions given by the system or the host doing a recharge using real money]

"So its like top-up, what is the currency exchange rate?" Tanaka asked.

[1 System point is equal to 10,000 Yen or 100 USD]

"Hmm, its so expensive, but I understand, then how about the missions?" Tanaka nodded and then asked.


[You have received a mission]

[Description: Create an RPG game that will pass the System Evaluation]

[Requirements: Minimum System requirements is 7/10 rating]

[Rewards: 1000 System Points and unlock Low Level Artificial Intelligence]

"An RPG game huh?" Tanaka gazed at the floating panel in front of him.

"What game should I make?" Tanaka asked himself as he tried to take some references from his past life.

There are many types of RPG from Tanaka's past life and many of them were very popular, such as Diablo, Elder Scrolls and more, in actuality, creating a RPG game with a small space like what was given to him was impossible.

RPG games are much more fitted to an open world games, because the core gameplay of RPG games were adventure, grinding, story plot and well, more grinding, but Tanaka wanted to create the best game out there, he won't do it like diablo which is a hack and slash game.

He wanted it to be like dark souls, "Yes, Dark souls" Tanaka remembered, though the Dark Souls have a huge world, he could do something about it, maybe something like a dragon nest gameplay where loading screens are the ones you see every time you enter a dungeon.

"Wait a minute, system, said that the space was only as big as a basketball court right?" Tanaka asked.

[Yes host]

"Then, is there a limit towards the sky and the ground?" Tanaka asked.

[There is none host, you could dig up to hell or to heaven if you want to]

"Yes! a loophole!" Tanaka exclaimed from happiness, "Well, then... shall I make it like Aincrad?" Tanaka pondered, Aincrad was the best design for virtual games, it has the core gameplay of a RPG game, it basically holds the whole gameplay of RPG.

"Well, lets go with that design for now, I could change it anytime" Tanaka said then he focused his attention to the space in front of him, it was really the size of a basketball court, even though the space was pure white, there was a blue line indicating his territory.

"Since Dark Souls is a dark game, it needed to be in a dark place" Tanaka said then pointed his hand on the ground, "Dig 300 feet to the ground" Tanaka commanded.


The whole space started rumbling and in the next moment, the space in front of Tanaka started getting dig down by an unknown force, it only took a few moments for it to reach the 300 feet that Tanaka assigned.

"Now to start designing the map" Tanaka waved his hand a floating panel appeared in front of him, a digital pen appeared on his hand, "This is really neat, makes thing easier" Tanaka smiled, he then started drawing on the floating panel in front of him.

What he drew was the lay out of the first floor of the game, even though he copied the dark souls, he still changed somethings, since it was like a dungeon, Tanaka made the first floor a huge battle arena, the requirement to pass the floor was to defeat the first boss, which is also the first monster.

Yup, a boss monster, and there is no other way to pass other than defeating it.

It doesn't move yet though, once Tanaka got the rewards from getting the ratings of the system, he will add the low level intelligence into the boss monster, anyway when the player defeated this boss monster, a portal will open on its body and will open the second floor, of course, there are rewards defeating the monsters but Tanaka doesn't know what to reward yet.

Well, that was for later, Tanaka focused all of his attention into fully building the first game, but since it was his first time creating a game, he spent more time on it than he had thought, he pulled a week of all nighter without him noticing.

Thankfully, in this space, he didn't feel any tiredness nor even the needing for other necessities, anyway, Tanaka was very satisfied with the first game he made, he went a little board and made 50 floors of levels in the game.

"Well, I did went overboard but this area is only the beginners area, so it will help the players getting used to the game" Tanaka said.

The said beginners area had a total of 6 bosses, first boss is in the 1st floor, the second was on the tenth, 3rd of the twentieth, and so on, Tanaka nodded contently.

"System, evaluate the game I created" Tanaka said.


A loading screen popped out in front of Tanaka and it moved at a snail pace, he was very bored waiting so he left the space and decided to eat, he then looked at the time, "Eh? only an hour has passed?" Tanaka asked in surprise.

[Time flows faster in the World Engine]

"Well, aint that cool, anyway, using my brain for a long time made me hungry, I'm going to make myself some food" Tanaka rubbed his stomach as he made his way towards the restaurant counter.

Tanaka made a simple curry but if he had a system that could show his stats, his cooking skill will be rated as an EX, "Studying at Totsuki is a worth while time" Tanaka hummed as he cooked, he had many experience in life, even though he was just 25 years old, his life was eventful, probably as much as veterans who went to wars many times.

He attended Totsuki Culinary Shool one time, he stayed there for 2 years before he dropped out since he really had nothing to learn at that place anymore, in other words, Tanaka attended many schools but never really graduated.

He also had some fun memories in Totsuki, especially their foodgasm reactions, if he remembered correctly, he was at the same era as the golden age, or the north polar dormitory golden age, though those guys were not able to beat him no matter what they did.

Tanaka finished cooking but he noticed that he made too much, he sighed and decided to eat the leftovers later for dinner, even though he was good at cooking, he often becomes lazy, you may call that a slump or something.

As Tanaka finished eating, he noticed that the loading bar in front of him finally reached 98%, he was very excited, there is no way for a game like this to be rated below 8, Tanaka confidently said to himself.


[Evaluation has been finished, please first name your first game]

"Eh? w-well, show me the evaluation first!" Tanaka said.

[Please name your game first]

"What the! uhm.. just name it pugpugi or whatever!" Tanaka hurriedly said.

[Warning! name of the game will also be evaluated, if the name is not satisfactory this may affect your evaluation]

"Ahem, lets calm down first" Tanaka said to himself, he was too excited that he became negligent with naming his game, yes, that's how it was, "Anyway, since it was referenced after Dark souls, I will name it Black Souls" Tanaka said.

"If you guys are here wondering why I won't name it after the game, its because I don't want to get sued by time and space lawyers, those are scary beings, Tanaka wasn't sure if they really exist but its much better to be safe than sorry" Tanaka explained to the readers.

"Now, lets put a tape on that wall" Tanaka said as he taped something in front of him.

Anyway, Black souls may sounds racist but racism doesn't exist in this world, which is a good thing, ah, peace.

[Black Souls confirmed, evaluation is now completed, overall evaluation is 8/10]


[You have completed a mission, all rewards could be claimed, do you wish to claim?(Y/N)]

"Claim the rewards" Tanaka happily said.


[You have received x1000 system points]

[You have received Low Level Artificial Intelligence]

[You may now use it by going into the AI tab of the World Engine]

Tanaka immediately reentered the world engine when he saw he got his rewards, and unsurprisingly, there was a new tab on the world editor settings which is the AI system tab, Tanaka didn't wait anymore and immediately added it to his boss monsters, well, almost all of them were boss monsters but anyway, once Tanaka finished adding the AI to the monsters, now the game is considered fully finished.

Tanaka exited the world engine space and washed the dishes, he was humming a song while doing it, "Ah! how am I going to advertise my game and my shop? my shop is even in located in an unpopular street a little far away from the city" Tanaka suddenly realized.

Actually, he chose this place wanting to be away from the just your typical usual rich guy lifestyle he had in the city, he didn't really like that lifestyle, so he bought this abandoned shop from the far city wanting to have the peaceful life of being a game developer and also managing his computer shop.

"Well, what do you think system?" Tanaka asked, he then looked at the advanced VR machines in front of him, Vr games are too advanced for this era right now, showing this to the world will cause a surprise to the world.

[Vr machines can not be sold to others and the private property of the host]

"Well, that's my answer, I don't really want these things to be out either since those greedy bastards will do everything they could to take these things, but the system, what I want to share is the game, is that possible?" Tanaka asked the system.

[Affirmative: the system can make a physical chip for the host, the host just have to pay 300 system points]

"300 points? per piece?" Tanaka asked in shock.

[Negative, the chip is easy to manufacture as long as they have the permission of the host]

"Well, I guess that works too" Tanaka sighed then took out his phone, it has many cracks and looked very old, Tanaka browsed through his contracts until finally stopping into a name, he immediately called it.

*Ring! *Ring!


"Tanaka-Kun! I'm glad you called but what is it? I'm kinda busy right now so..." a voice came from the other side.

"Kayaba-san, have you finished the gear project?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes, we have already finished it after you left the project" Kayaba confirmed.

"Then that means you're team is now proceeding to stage two, the game development?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes, well, we are still on the planning stage, if you are here it could have been done much faster" Kayaba answered.

"Well, I have a proposal," Tanaka said.

"Ho? feel free, you are still the chief of this project even if you left, the team just recognized me as the leader, for now, so please do tell, everyone is also listening," Kayaba said.

"That is good, I already finished creating a game," Tanaka said.

There was a silence from the other side and they were all dumbstruck for a few minutes, "Hey, Kayaba let me talk with Tanaka-sensei for a sec" a voice said then took the phone from Kayaba, he had a slight Asian accent on his voice.

"Hello, Sensei, it's Ye Xiu," Ye Xiu said, his voice sounded very calm but a hint of excitement could be noticed by Tanaka.

"Oh Ye Xiu, the chief game designer right?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes, I would like to ask what kind of game have you created?" Ye Xiu asked.

"Well, it's an RPG game though not an open world yet, but let's say it's under beta testing for now and only about 100 players could play," Tanaka said.

"Is it possible for us to see it?" Ye Xiu asked.

"Yes, I have the chip in hand, I will deliver it later to you guys so you could test play it, it's 100% safe don't worry, well, if Kayaba f*cked up his design with the nerve gear then it will be all his fault," Tanaka said with a chuckle.

"Haha, yes, if something did happen, I and Tanaka-kun will take the blame," Kayaba said.

"Haha, you cheeky old man, you still haven't changed anyway, I will send the chip later, feel free to check it out, though a warning, you cant check its database, well, you won't be able to crack it is what I'm saying" Tanaka said.

"Is that a challenge senpai?" a female voice said,

"Is that Sakura Futaba?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes senpai, but that is not important, is what you said a challenge?" Futaba said she was a genius programmer/hacker of the team.

"Well, why not?" Tanaka shrugged.

"Then the usual bet!" Futaba said.

"Well, sure, also put that kid Juninchiro Kagami was his name, was it? anyway, anyone is free to crack my game if they could, the winner will be my assistant and will be part of my next project, work hard okay!" Tanaka said.

"Yes!" everyone in the team replied.

"Well then, that will be all for now, Kayaba, I will let you study my game but I don't want you to use it to that plan of yours, so you can still continue your ongoing project, well, if you see my game maybe you will change your mind, anyway, see you guys later," Tanaka said.

"Sure" Kayaba replied with a calm smile.

"Okay, bye"


The call ended.

After Tanaka ended the call, he looked around his shop once again, it was very clean and organized, he could not help but nod in appreciation, but its still empty, cant change that fact.

"Oh, I remember, system, you said that the door is connected to the multiverse right?" Tanaka asked.


"Great, then can I travel there too?" Tanaka asked excitedly.


"Then let's go! I will promote it to them myself!" Tanaka said excitedly and made his way towards the door.

[Confirmed, New Mission has been updated]

[Mission: Promote your VR games]

[Mission Reward: 100 system points for every person that visits the shop from the other side]

"Perfect," Tanaka nodded but before he goes, he took the chip from the system and paid a hefty amount of system points, then went into a delivery service courier and sent it to Kayaba.

Tanaka then went back to his shop and changed his clothes into a proper one and finally carried some backpack with provisions and stepped in front of the door.

"System, I'm ready," Tanaka said.

[Confirmed, host may now open the door]

Tanaka nodded and opened the door.

*Ring! *Ring!

The bell rang as Tanaka opened the door and in the next moment, he found himself in a different world.


NewWorld Corporation, the company of Kayaba Akihiko, their main purpose was to create Virtual Reality and make it 100% real and they succeeded in producing the NerveGear with the efforts of everyone but one person who stood out from their team and that was Tanaka.

He was talented, knowledgeable, and also the co-founder of the NewWorld Corporation, it was his contribution that led to 90% of the Nervegear project, but he left before they even got to finish the Nervegear, and so he lost wasn't one of the people listed down as the ones who developed the Nervegear.

But the team didn't like it, but they couldn't go against it either because of the rules, but after he disappeared for about a few months, he comes back saying he created a VR gave suited for the Nervegear.

"He is too willful! he only does what he wants every time! he disappears then comes at times like this like nothing happened when he left!" Chiaki Honomori yelled.

"Geez, calm down Chiaki, it's not like Tanaka-sensei abandoned the project or something," Kagami Junichirou said.

"Shut up! the honor of developing Nervegear was supposed to belong to Tanaka-senpai but those idiot directors" Chiaki clenched her fist.

"Rest it down Chiaki, you already know that Tanaka-senpai isn't the one to like basking in glory or honor" Ye Xiu entered the room with a mug of coffee in his hand.

"We know you like him but try to understand senpai more okay?" Ye Xiu added

"But- okay" Chiaki wanted to say more but didn't say anything anymore and just sat on her chair grumpily.


The door of the office opened and Kayaba entered the room with an envelope in his hand, "I got the game" Kayaba said as he showed the envelope to everyone.

Everyone immediately perked their heads up and stared at the envelope in Kayaba's hand, "Let's go with the procedures first, Futaba, Kagami, and Chiaki, try to crack it, I know your bets with him and he is not a guy to go back on his words so try your best" Kayaba said with a smile.

"Yes!" the 3 hackers replied and immediately took the envelope from Kayaba and started cracking it.

These three were the most talented hackers in Japan and were recruited by Tanaka, though their levels are not that high, they have been taught by Tanaka and could already go toe to toe against international level hackers.

But even after spending about 3 hours trying to crack the chip, they failed, "What is this? I have never seen these kinds of codes before!" Futaba exclaimed from shock.

"It's so complex, I don't understand a thing about it," Chiaki said.

"..." Kagami didn't say anything and just kept staring at the codes in front of him.

"Well, that is enough for now, get a rest and let the others who have been waiting for a while now," Kayaba said as he pointed at the 3 players who were already feeling itchy waiting for their turn.

They were Ye Xiu, Keima Katsuragi, and a little girl named Risa Shiramane who was a professional player even at a young age.

"Can we play too!?" Chiaki asked.

"Yes! we want to play too!" Futaba added.

"Well, it's fine, Kagami, go get a nerve gear for everyone here, everyone will play it together, and knowing some of Tanaka's game design, it's much better for us to play together," Kayaba said.

"Eh? you have seen Tanaka-sensei's game design before Kayaba-sensei?" Risa asked.

"Well, only me and Ye Xiu had seen it before, I won't tell you about it but you will know about it when we play," Kayaba said avoiding everyone's gaze.

Ye Xiu who was at the side covered his face but his body was shivering, not from excitement but fear, 'You cannot call that a game but a torture' he thought as he remembered the game design that they have accidentally seen before.

It didn't take long for Kagami to return carrying a box full of headgear which was enough for everyone in the team, they all sat in the most comfortable positions and then Kayaba installed the game on a server and everyone started the game at the same time.

"Link Start!"

Everyone said then their consciousness was immediately sucked into a virtual dimension, everyone curiously looked around as they found themselves in a dark castle or something like that, there were floating panels in front of them.

[Solo or Party (Please Choose, Maximum Party of 4)]

"Okay, Kayaba-senpai and I am going to form a party, you guys form a party yourselves, I recommend it," Ye Xiu said and formed a party with Kayaba.

After everyone formed their party they started the game.


Ye Xiu opened his eyes curiously looking around the hall he was in, it was a dark castle hall with torches used as its light source, Ye Xiu looked at Kayaba and nodded, they didn't play the game immediately but instead checked the game.

Kayaba bent down and feel up the texture of the ground, it was the same as real-life but his senses in the game are much boosted and he could feel the dirt on his fingers, meanwhile, Ye Xiu went closer to the torch and as he got closer, he could feel the heat of the torch.

This made Ye Xiu dumbfounded, it felt extremely real, this is almost impossible! even with their technology of nerve gear, this was only possible if the game was extremely compatible with the nerve gear!

"As expected of Tanaka-sensei" Ye Xiu praised, He knew how difficult it was to program senses, and perfectly imitate it at that, Tanaka could even boost their senses and this was a very big step for the field of technology and humanity.

To simply put, this was comparable to a training device as anyone who plays this game will stimulate their brain to a high degree and also boost their brain activity, this is like drinking coffee to wake up 50% of your brain and keep it fully functioning.

They checked around for a long time looking for some kind of glitch or bugs after searching for a while, those don't exist at all, "As expected of Senpai, he could create such a perfect game!" Ye Xiu praised once again.

Ye Xiu then looked at Kayaba who nodded at him, "Okay, let's start" Ye Xiu then looked at the door in front of them, it was a suspicious wooden door and seemed very old, Ye Xiu checked his gears and he only has nothing but an old rusty sword on his hand.

His avatar also seemed to be like a rotten body, but thankfully, he could move just fine, as one of the professional game testers of the company, Ye Xiu was also an expert when it comes to games, he had the skills and also the knowledge for games.

Ye Xiu swung the rusty iron sword on his hand a few times adapting to the game, even though his avatar was almost all bones, it was much powerful than his real body, if they compare their stats then Ye Xiu was like a level one and his avatar was about level 10.

It didn't take long for Ye Xiu to get used to it and finally entered the door along with Kayaba.

The moment they entered the door, they found themselves standing in an arena but there was no audience, no signs of life and the arena was in ruins, but one thing that got their attention was a sitting black gigantic figure in the middle of the arena.

"Wait... don't tell me!" something immediately clicked inside Ye Xiu's mind.


[Quest: Defeat the Asylum Demon]

[Rewards depends on how fast you defeat the Asylum Demon]

[Good Luck Player]

"D-damn!" Ye Xiu cursed as he looked at the figure in the middle finally moving.


The whole arena shook as the Asylum demon finally stood up and flapped its wings, its gaze landed on Ye Xiu who was already on a normal stance of sword-wielding, The Asylum Demon wields a Demon's Great Hammer, an intimidating weapon molded from stone archtrees. The demon has an almost draconic appearance, with spotted blue-green scales all over its body and a pair of stubby wings on its back.

"Well, then, please take care of it Ye Xiu" Kayaba gave him a salute and immediately ran away as fast as he could.

"What the!?" Ye Xiu wanted to say something but the Asylum Demon charged towards him, carrying its large hammer, it struck it down towards Ye Xiu.


The Asylum Demon smashed its hammer down kicking up dust everywhere, as the dust cleared up, Ye Xiu's figure could be seen below, he narrowly deflected the hammer by a little, it took 80% of his health.

"What the heck is that damage!" Ye Xiu immediately ran away, if him not being able to deflect that attack at the last moment, he could have already died, and one thing is that, the attack only scratched him!

But even when Ye Xiu has a fast speed, he was not faster than the Asylum Demon, it immediately reached him in a few moments, Ye Xiu immediately rolled to the ground avoiding the attack swiping attack of the Asylum Demon.

Ye Xiu used this chance and attacked its leg only for a -1 damage to appear, it has a total of 150,000 health points, "Tanaka-sensei!" Ye Xiu yelled from frustration as he ran away, this game is impossible to clear! it's just the first monster!

Ye Xiu ran towards the large pillars to avoid being chased by the Asylum demon but it swung its hammer once again, and Ye Xiu slid down to the ground.

*Boom! *Boom! *Boom!

The hammer of the Asylum demon crashed with the large pillars around the arena destroying it, Ye Xiu watched as the tall large pillars fall towards the Asylum and bonking towards its body,

Damages over thousands appeared on the Asylum Demon's head and it was roaring from pain, Ye Xiu's eyes shone as he saw this, the first level is not about showing how skillful you are but how you adapt to the game as same as reality and not like every other game!

Ye Xiu immediately ran towards the other gigantic pillars and lured the Asylum Demon towards the other huge pillars and used its wide range attack to make it knock out the huge pillars and fall on itself.

It didn't take long for the Asylum Demon's Health to fall below 10% and the moment its health fell 10%, its body was emitting smoke and it started flapping its wings wildly, it stopped chasing after Ye Xiu temporarily.

[Warning: Asylum Demon is entering berserk mode]

"F*ck" Kayaba who was hiding cursed.

As the NewWorld company was being tortu- *Ahem, I mean, testing the Black Souls game, Tanaka was looking around the forest at lost on where he was, even though he had a mini-map given by the system and the system giving him directions, Tanaka still got lost.

`"Where am I? I know my sense of direction is much better than Zoro, well, in terms of getting lost" Tanaka scratched the back of his head from frustration, he had been walking around for a while now and there were still no signs of humans or anything around him.

Just as Tanaka was about to continue moving, he noticed movement from near bushes, he turned towards the movement and after waiting for a moment, a figure emerged out from the bushes, a muscular man of average height with lightly tanned skin and carrying a bottle of booze.

His other remarkable feature is his cropped green hair, and three swords hanging by his waist, they both stared at each other, "Oh, someone is also here? do you know the way to the shore?" Zoro asked.

"Umm... I'm lost too" Tanaka replied as he scratched the back of his head, he was very surprised to see Zoro in this place, does that mean he was at the one-piece universe right now? he thought that it will only be an alternate universe but to think it was an anime world, the system is really full of surprises.

"Oh... you are lost too huh? well then see you later" Zoro said as he turned around 2 times then walked to the other side, it was where Tanaka came from earlier, "Hey, let's go together, it's much better to have a companion to look around," Tanaka said, maybe he will meet the straw hat pirates from following him. then he will have his first customers, isn't that great!

"Oh, that's a great idea, sure, my name is Roronoa Zoro" Zoro introduced himself.

"Ryuuyji Tanaka, nice to meet you" Tanaka smiled.

"Let's go then" Tanaka and Zoro started moving in both different directions, Zoro noticed this and immediately followed after Tanaka, he thought Tanaka will be reliable when it comes to this, oh how wrong he was.

3 hours later, Tanaka and Zoro were standing on top of a mountain overlooking the whole island they were in, 'To think that we're so lost that we had no choice but to climb a mountain' Tanaka thought as he looked around the island, at least, they didn't get lost on their way towards the mountain.

"Hey, Zoro, there is a ship there, is that yours?" Tanaka pretended now to know, anyway, the moment he saw the layout of the island, he immediately knew they were in the little garden like he saw in the anime.

Two groves of gigantic hills made of skulls of some kind of monster which is the house of the two giants, right now, Tanaka could see the two giants were fighting each other, and some he could also see a small guy meddling with their affairs, oh, wait, they just finished fighting each other.

"Are those guys your friends?" Tanaka asked, he didn't act like he knows all of them, after all, he was not from this world, he will not meddle with this world affairs as much as possible, he came here to recruit customers for his computer shop and the straw hat pirates were potential customers.

"Yes, let's go there" Zoro nodded and turned around and left, Tanaka immediately pulled him back and pulled him in the right direction, it seemed like the system had enough of two people getting lost again took control of Tanaka's body by asking his permission, it will bring him towards the straw hats.

Though he could not move his body, Tanaka could still talk and think properly, it felt like he was watching a movie and could interact with the others, "Wait, that sounds like a good game" Tanaka thought, but anyway, Tanaka and Zoro finally reached the grove where the ship was and met two more people.

It was Nami and Ussop.

"Oy, Zoro, you are back! and you found your way back!? what!?" Ussop exclaimed loudly as if he had heard and said the most impossible thing in his life.

"Eh?" Nami also came down from the ship.

"Yeah, I got his help, I met him in the forest" Zoro pointed at Tanaka.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Ryuuji Tanaka, an internet cafe owner," Tanaka said then realized what he just said, 'Sh*t, I spent so much time rehearsing my introduction that I spurted it out of habit.

"Internet cafe? what is that? You're a weird guy" Usopp said with a chuckle.

"Haha, yeah," Tanaka scratched the back of his head, even though Usopp said that Nami was looking at him suspiciously, she was looking at him from head to toe, well, Tanaka looked at his body but there is nothing strange.

"I'm hungry! I want to eat meat!" a loud voice came from behind them, everyone turned around and saw Luffy who was with Sanji running towards them, and there were also two giants behind them.

"Luffy!" Nami ignored Tanaka and ran after Luffy, she then started reprimanding him for the commotion he did, but Luffy didn't even bother listening and made Sanji make cook food.

"Ah, let's have a party! we have new friends!" Luffy said as he pointed at Dorry and Broggy, both were widely smiling as they introduced themselves.

Tanaka looked at them could not help but in awe, he had met few dragons in his world but they were a little small compared to the giants in front of him, well, considering Whitebeard and Big Mom's height, people in this world are really tall.

Just as he was thinking, Luffy was looking around and saw Tanaka, "Eh? Who are you?" Luffy asked.

"He is the guy I met, his name is Tanaka," Zoro introduced.

"Oh! nice to meet you! my name is Monkey D. Luffy, the man who is going to be a pirate king!" Luffy announced loudly.

Tanaka looked at him, and felt, yeah, they are not anime characters but true people, he finally realized it now, "Ryuuji Tanaka, that is a high goal you have and it will be going to be hard, but I know you and your crew are going to reach it one day, I can see it, there will be a lot of challenge on the way just don't give up" Tanaka said with a smile.

"Shishishi, I like you, Tanaka, join my crew," Luffy said as he extended his hand towards Tanaka.


"Join your crew? aren't you a bit sudden inviting me?" Tanaka asked as he looked at Luffy a little funny, no person would suddenly invite a stranger... well, there is actually Roger who invited Rayleigh out of nowhere in the anime.

Tanaka also remembered correctly that Luffy also invited Brook to his crew the moment they met, "Now let me rephrase that, why are you inviting me to your crew?" Tanaka asked.

"Hmm? I don't know but you look an interesting guy" Luffy replied after thinking for a while.

"Well, sorry to break it but I can't definitely join you" Mark replied.

"Eh why?" Luffy asked dejectedly.

"Because I still have a shop to tend to, I only came here today to promote and advertise it" Tanaka explained.

"A shop? in this out of nowhere place?" Nami asked in doubt.

"Ah, it's not in here, but in a different place" Tanaka didn't know how to explain, should he say it was in another dimension? or in another universe? well, looking at the people in front of him, even if he explained the principles of it to them they won't understand it, maybe if Nico Robin is here then maybe she will understand Tanaka.

"Then why are you here?" Usopp asked.

"Like I said, to advertise my shop," Tanaka said.

"Well, I understand that but why here though?" Usopp asked.

"I... I actually don't know, When I came to be I'm already here" Mark shrugged, he was saying the truth, he just entered the door and swoosh, he was in the one-piece world, its fun though,.

"Then where is your shop?" Zoro asked.

"We can bring you there Tanaka, so come with us we are about to leave anyway," Luffy said.

"Huh? where are you going?" Tanaka acted like he didn't know.

"To Alabasta," Luffy said.

"Whoa, cool then, I will come with you, I can return to my shop anytime anyway" Tanaka nodded.

"Eh? how do you do that?" Usopp asked.

"Simple, but before that, is it fine to add another door to your ship?" Tanaka turned to Luffy asking for permission.

"A door? sure why not?" Luffy was very confused at first, the others were also confused by what Tanaka meant, a door? what for? is he going to make his own room? they then saw Tanaka who got permission from Luffy walked towards the ship.

The ship was a few meters away from shore so if one wanted to climb the ship, they needed to jump high or do it like Luffy but Tanaka didn't have something like that, from everyone's eyes, Tanaka was but a normal human and was probably the same strength as Usopp.


Tanaka who was just standing near the shore suddenly disappeared and turned into a blur, and as if everyone blinked at the same time, the next thing they knew, Tanaka was already standing on the ship looking around.

"What the?" Sanji and Zoro were the ones to react first in shock, as the members with the strongest strength in the crew, took pride in their strength, but they were unable to see Tanaka move at all! if they were fighting him in that one moment, they would have already been defeated! without even knowing what happened.

"Shishishi" Luffy laughed and jumped towards the ship, everyone looked at each other and nodded as they followed and entered the ship.

Tanaka looked around and he was sure this ship was Going Merry as he saw the sheep head on the front of the ship, Tanaka sat on the ground and patted the ship, "Nice to meet you, I'm Tanaka, I'll be seeing you a lot from now on maybe" Mark gave a kind smile as he looked at Going Merry.

Seemingly as if welcoming Tanaka at its arms, Tanaka felt a warm feeling around his body as if he was being hugged by a mother, Tanaka stayed like that for a few moments as the others watched him.

They didn't think that Tanaka was crazy or he was just having a disease but it was very heartwarming to look at, his sincere words and his eyes as if he was not looking at a thing but a living being.

Tanaka stood up and came on top of the sheep head of Going Merry, "I'm not Doraemon so I can't pull out a door from my pocket but the system, do your job and put the door here" Tanaka said in a low voice that the others didn't hear him, he then extended his hand forward.

[Request Granted]


The space in front of Tanaka suddenly started to distort surprising everyone but it didn't last long as a door appeared in front of Tanaka, it was a wooden door with a golden bell on top.

"It's done" Tanaka clapped his hands as he nodded at how his door looked like, it was pretty beautiful to look at, he then turned to the others, "Let's go in, I will explain once we come inside, there are lots of meat inside!" Tanaka said then entered the door.

"MEAT!" Luffy heard the magic word and immediately followed after Tanaka.

"Oi wait Luffy!" Usopp was also interested and entered inside.

*Cling! Cling!

The bell rang as Tanaka entered, everyone looked at each other shock and surprise could be seen on their faces, this guy Tanaka was too mysterious, and since their captain entered the door, they can't really just leave him behind.

'Why does it feel like Tanaka knew how to bait Luffy in?' Zoro wondered, he now started to get suspicious of Tanaka, Sanji who was also smoking started to look at Tanaka with suspicion.

"There are pictures of Beautiful swordswomen who love our booze!" Tanaka came out again and yelled.

"Booze? where!?"


Zoro and Sanji heard their priorities and immediately threw what they were thinking of and entered the door both trying to push other off, Nami sighed as she looked at everyone scurrying around, just as she was about to go to her room to rest, she saw a coin lying on the ground.



Tanaka and Strawhat crew entered inside the door and what greeted them was a huge room, something that was very unbelievable for them who had mythical things such as the devil fruit.

"Eh? that is cool!!"

Luffy was the first to exclaim in amazement as he looked around the store, He immediately rushed towards the door and look behind the door, there was nothing there, "Amazing!" he exclaimed before running back inside.

The others also turned to look behind the door but there was really nothing, Ussopp even tried to open the door from the back and he was still able to enter the store.

"How does this work!?"

Nami could not help but ask.

"Its a magical door, I don't know how to explain it but yeah, just think of it as something magical"

Tanaka who returned from the kitchen carrying different plates replied, the others nodded, if it was magic then it's magic, it's much easier to accept things in their world after all.

"Come take a seat"

Tanaka called them towards the table where he put all of the plates, everyone nodded and sat around the table.

"What is this place, Tanaka?"

Usopp asked as he curiously looked around, he was even more curious about the machine-like things which were the VR machine provided by the system.

Tanaka thought about it a little while before giving an answer.

"It's a game shop"

"A game shop? what are you a kid?"

Nami mocked him a little bit, but Tanaka didn't mind and continued to explain.

"My games are for all ages even if you are an old granny or a young boy you can play it, and my game is not simple, in this game, it can also be considered training, right now, no one has been able to clear it yet"

Tanaka made the system tell him if someone cleared the game he created and for now, no one was able to clear it yet, no one was able to pass the 1st floor either, it was such a simple game, how can they not clear that?.

"Ho? that sounds like a challenge?"

Zoro smiled as what Tanaka said piqued his curiosity.

"Yes, it was actually a challenge, the ones who will be able to clear the game will receive one of these prizes"

Tanaka said then pointed on the board not too far away, there the [listed prize] was written and there are hundreds of them, though there were no overpowered ones, it was enough for others to drool in it.

"A- a premium sake? how delicious is that?"

Zoro could not help but drool as he saw the list of sake that sounded very delicious.

"A medical book from another world, I want that!"

"A sexy magazine with hundred pages... and a cooking book from another world? ahh, I don't know which to choose!"

"1 million prize money!"

"Mechanical hidden bow? what is that but it sounds interesting"

"Ultra Gigantic Delicious Meat! I want to eat that!!"

Everyone in the crew had their own priorities as they eyed the prizes, Tanaka could not smile to himself as his idea worked, there is nothing more better than giving a bait to hungry customers.

"I want to play Tanaka!"

"I also want to play!

"Okay, okay, all you have to do is lie down towards those VR Machines, then clear the game, I will teach you"

Tanaka showed them how the game worked and what they had to do in great detail, these were his first customers, of course, they don't have to pay for the food he had served them but playing needed to be paid.

Nami painfully paid for their time, which was 100 belly for 1 hour, she paid 3 hours for each of them, after they started playing Tanaka smiled and decided to watch from the sidelines.

[Zoro POV]

It was a new experience, something I never knew had existed before, but it was like how I met Luffy before, it was not that shocking anymore, I have been always ready for surprises ever since I entered the Grand Line.

"Now, then time to get the Premium Sake"

I could not help but drool as I think of it, I was skeptical at first but Tanaka allowed me have to taste it, and it was a truly unforgettable taste, I licked the corner of my lips as I proceeded forward.

Tanaka had already taught me the rules of this game, first is that I won't be able to use my strength from my real body, second is I could use my sword skills here but they might be weaker than normal.

With that in mind, after I picked up three old-looking katana's from the armory that I found, I proceeded towards the huge door in front of me.


I felt the whole place shook a little bit as I opened the door, everything felt real, this is an amazing game.

On the other side of the door, I found a huge arena, it was very large but it was in ruins, I looked around me to find there was a humongous figure standing not too far away in the middle.

I immediately took a stance as I saw that figure, I could feel an ominous aura, I got ready as I looked at it, and as if it felt my presence.

It started moving, the whole arena shook that I also lost my balance and fell to the ground but the shaking did not stop, the figure that I could only call a monster stood up and glared at me.


It roared as it picked up the huge war hammer beside it, and with a stomp of its feet, it launched itself towards the air and was moving towards me.

I immediately stood up and immediately jumped towards the side avoiding its attack that wanted to crush me.


It landed on the ground kicking up a lot of dust that covered my sight, but I saw a movement behind the dust and immediately crossed the swords in front of me.



Zoro was sent flying away as he tried to block the attack of the monster, like a kite that lost its spring, he spun mid-air and crashed into the wall with a loud boom!

I who was watching outside could not help but whistle as I saw how Zoro confronted the monster, I looked at Luffy and the others, and yep, they were struggling to even scratch the monster, I saw that only Nami seemed to not have engaged the monster yet and was observing from the sidelines.

Surprisingly, this woman knows how to use her brain, which is good, since, at this level, there is no way for the players to defeat the monster through brute force, except if you are a master at controlling your body and movement like Rayleigh or someone proficient at combat not just relying on their power.

There is a reason why I, Tanaka did this, games are known to be easy and family-friendly, but that was for enjoyment for normal people, a true enjoyment of gamers is the difficulty, the endless grind, and the battle.

And my customers are also really not normal, if I think about it, there is a high chance that people from dragon ball, naruto, or an even more chaotic world will come here, and sweet games are really not their thing.

And according to the system, these things could make players stronger, I could not help but remember a novel I have read once with the same plot, Is it considered stealing? meh, this is another world so I guess not.

The straw hat crew fighting the first monster became boring since all they have been doing was die a lot of times and still haven't learned, especially Luffy who was jumping around like a monkey trying to defeat it.

"How are my coworkers doing?"

I thought then I decided to enter the game world through admin mode, I waved my hand and I was already teleported in a dark room, in front of me were different screens, it was like I was staying in a CCTV monitor room.

I sat on the only seat in the room and looked at the screens one by one, in this place I could see everyone, literally everyone's progress, I saw Ye Xiu fighting while Kayaba was hiding, though what surprised me the most is that the Health of the monster is already in 60%.

But that was not the most shocking, it was a group of unusual people, I had a good impression of these 3 since they were under me for a while, they were Futaba, Chiaki, and Risa, these 3 girls almost killed the Asylum Demon in their 7th try but they failed since they miscalculated one pillar that didn't hit the Asylum Demon.

There were only 12 pillars in the arena, you will use it to make the Asylum Demon crash towards it and each one could deal a certain amount of damage to the Asylum Demon, but one thing is that if you miss one pillar it was impossible to clear the level,.

It needed precise calculation and timing to hit each pillar, but if I was the one there, I could kill the Asylum Demon with 3 pillars but anyway, among the group, they were the ones that have proceeded so far, it was already their 23rd try.

And it was also the perfect timing since they already chipped 70% of the Asylum Demon Health and will die soon, I then watched the carefully, these three didn't really go along well when I was with them but seeing them working together this time, I guess they have good teamwork.

Risa moved agilely in the arena while being chased by the Asylum Demon while Futaba and Chiaki were in charge of supporting her on the sidelines, they brought the Asylum Demon towards one of the pillars.

"Wait on my signal!"

Futaba yelled as she saw the Asylum Demon getting closer to the pillar, but she needed to time it right, she had found out that the damage varies in where the pillar hits, and the largest damage was the head.

Risa nodded as she continued running towards the pillar, she didn't look behind her and waited for Futaba's signal, Chiaki who was by the side looked at her surroundings, she was in charge to give Futaba the signal of her side, the moment she saw the Asylum Demon enter the range she raised her hand.


Futaba yelled loudly in which Risa moved and slashed the bottom of the pillar with her short sword, the last supporting block was destroyed and the pillar started falling towards her, she didn't dodge immediately because if she dodge now the Asylum Demon will follow her and the pillar may miss.

Risa waited until the pillar was about to squash her but she moved fast and jumped towards the side where Chiaki was waiting for her with her hand extended, she caught Chiaki's hand and she was immediately pulled back from getting squashed by the pillar.

*Boom! *Roar!

The Asylum Demon roared as it got squashed by the pillar, the 3 girls got ready waiting for the Asylum Demon to stand up but it didn't get up anymore, that was when they finally noticed that its HP Bar bottomed out indicating it has finally died.

Seeing that, their tense bodies relaxed, even though they are not tired physically, they were very tired mentally, they slumped to the ground trying to catch their breath even though they don't need air to breathe.

"Finally done! it's so difficult, is the other levels going to be like these too?"

Chiaki groaned as she laid on the ground, she didn't feel like moving anymore.

"From what I found from the data earlier there are about 100 floors?"

Futaba replied doubting what she said just not but she was sure there were 100 floors in this game and maybe it gets very difficult as they proceed.

"Huh, look something is glowing there"

Risa suddenly pointed at a large metal door, they all turned their heads and looked at the light then they saw it formed a figure, when they saw who it was, they immediately stood up and looked at him warily.

With a smile on my face, I looked at these 3 girls, "Congratulations for clearing the first level"


"T-Tanaka senpai!"

The three exclaimed as they saw Tanaka, he didn't look like what he looked in real life but the three had been together with him for a long time and they recognized him immediately.

Tanaka had long braided brown hair, his eyes were closed but they resembled a fox, he had a very handsome face and he was wearing Chinese Traditional Clothes with Golden Dragons embroidered on the sides, he had a fan on his hands that he used to cover the half of his face.

"You three have grown up"

Tanaka smiled as he looked at them, these 3 were like his little sisters when he was working on the new world company, though they only spent two years together, their relationship became close that Tanaka treated them like they were his own siblings.


The three of them immediately charged towards Tanaka with their weapons aimed at him, Risa who was the fastest immediately reached him and slashed her short sword forward, Tanaka who had his eyes closed and a smile on his face as he calmly dodged the attack with a side step.

"My, quite a unique way to say hi"

Tanaka said as he spun his body narrowly avoiding the stab that was sent by Chiaki that was aiming for his stomach, after he dodged, he folded the paper fan on his hand and slapped it towards the head of Risa who was about to attack him once again.


Risa squealed cutely as she was hit on the head, it didn't hurt but she didn't like being hit on the head, with a cute angry face, she turned her body and sent a kick towards Tanaka but she immediately stopped when she saw Chiaki being pushed towards her.

Both of them fell to the ground, but Tanaka did not try to tease them as one sneaky girl managed to get behind him and stab her sword towards him, but just as it was about a few inches away from hitting Tanaka.

He moved his fan and flicked it away with a simple move of his wrist, it didn't get blown away but it was enough for it not to hit him anymore, he then extended his foot forward tripping Futaba who tried to sneak attack him.


Futaba immediately lost her balance and fell to the ground.

"Hmm, you guys really have grown bigger"

Tanaka commented as he looked at the buts facing towards him, though their character was an undead, it was mirrored to their real-life body so it was very close, only the appearance have changed.

"Don't look at our butts, you pervert!"

The three immediately stood up as they heard Tanaka, they glared at him hatefully, Tanaka scratched the back of his head and just cleared his throat.

"Ahem, anyway, congratulations on clearing the first floor, or also known as the tutorial"

The three were dumbfounded when they heard that the first level was only a tutorial, that hard-ass level that needed precise mechanics and skills.

"You are kidding right?"

Futaba could not help but ask.

"Of course... Not! what I want to create is a real game, not a walk-in-the-park game, if games are easy then would you even bother remembering it? I want my games to be remembered, and this is just the start, well then, once again I congratulate you 3 once again for the first group to clear this game, good luck in the second level."


"Wait no! I still want to ask someth-"

Chiaki wanted to ask why Tanaka left but before she could finish her sentence, she was teleported into the second level where she found herself standing in the middle of a lively town.

She clenched her fist from anger, she felt sad and depressed, Futagga and Risa patted her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

"You don't have to worry Chiaki, we just have to clear the 100 floors then we can ask anything we want to him," Futaba said.

"That is right, once we clear this game, we will become his assistant then we can ask him many questions" Risa nodded.

"Thank you, yeah, let's clear this game first" Chiaki took a deep breath and nodded.

"Let's look around first, so we can know what is this place" the three of them ventured to the second level.

[Tanaka POV]

Seeing that they have the motivation to play this game, I felt happy, I am a man of my words so if they really clear this game then they will become my assistant, that is if they could clear it, anyway.

Knowing that a group had already cleared the first level, I felt reassured, I was actually quite not sure about the level of difficulty of the game but seeing someone clear it then all is fine.

I then turned my attention towards the straw hat crew and saw they were still struggling but I see some progress.

Even though Luffy may seem dumb, his battle instincts were top-notched, unknowingly, he was using the pillars to defeat the Asylum Demon, and also, for some reason, Luffy was using a katana but the way he uses it well.. you already know it.

Zoro also had some progress, unlike the first where he used his brute strength to defeat the Asylum Demon this time, not only did he incorporate the pillar strategy but he also deals damage in the time when the Asylum Demon was stunned when hit by the pillar, it may not deal much damage but he attacks the weak spots of the Asylum Demon in which made it weak.

It was also the same for Sanji, as for Nami, well, she is still hiding but anyway, 3 hours will be up soon and they have to log out, knowing their personality, they would probably be hungry after this so I decided to go to the kitchen and make them some food.

But just as I was about to enter the kitchen, I heard the bell on the door ring and a person entered inside.


Naruto: The Strongest Martial Artist

An idea that came to me after reading a lot of naruto fanfics that are almost all the same in story.


*Clap! *Clap!

A kid was praying with his hands together somewhere in front of a shrine; after a while, he bowed and left the shrine.

This kid was thin and frail, with short black hair and dead fish-like black eyes, and he was dressed in beggar's clothes, or clothes he had picked up from a nearby trash can..

"It's been two days, huh?"

Tanaka sighed and looked around him, unable to take his gaze away from the white blue sky. He's not really dreaming; after all, no one can be inside a realistic dream for two days unless they're in a coma or...dead.

But Tanaka remembers how he died in his previous life; yes, Tanaka was a guy who reincarnated to another world, and he wasn't just reincarnated to another world; he was reincarnated in Naruto Verse, just like the fanfics he had read.

He then turned his head towards the mountain not far away, where he could see four faces carved on the mountain, seeing those faces, Tanaka already knew where he was, unfortunately for him, he didn't have any background, heck, the body he has doesn't even have any memories, it was just blank, there is no history nor shit.

He went into deep thinking for a moment before shaking his head; he didn't have time to ponder about his situation right now because his stomach was complaining about not eating for two days.

Tanaka looked around, he was now in the midst of Konoha's streets, where he could see a lot of people walking around and some ninjas jumping on the roofs, but he ignored it as a sudden lovely smell assailed his nostrils.

"It smells delicious"

Tanaka took a look around and followed the scent. He finally identified the source of the fragrance after a few seconds of strolling.

It was a modest shop a little isolated from the other buildings, but what caught his eye about it was the name.

[Ichiraku Ramen]

It's the iconic place of Naruto Verse!

Tanaka wanted to admire the setting, but his stomach grumbled even louder when he smelled the excellent ramen being given to one of the clients. Tanaka inhaled deeply before entering.


A voice greeted Tanaka right away, and the person who greeted him was a middle-aged man dressed in traditional Japanese chef attire. He smiled as he greeted Tanaka.

"Can I get a ramen please"

"Oh, you are a new face, what ramen do you want?"

"I'm new here so I will leave it to you"

"Alright, I will make sure you will love it"

Tanaka turned his head to the side to see the customers and was surprised to see who it was, he hadn't noticed it earlier due to the curtains that were covering them but this is really a surprise.

Tanaka immediately recognized them as the protagonist's parents, Kushina and Minato, because one has golden hair and appears to be in his teens, and the other has red hair.

'So Obito hasn't yet attacked? Or perhaps he is still young? '

Tanaka wondered, suspecting that the timeline isn't as simple as he thought.

Teuchi appeared with a ramen in his hand and handed it to Tanaka just as he was thinking about it.

Tanaka, who was hungry, immediately pushed his thoughts out of his mind and focused on the ramen in front of him; just smelling it made his mouth water!

Tanaka picked up a chopstick and began eating immediately, despite the fact that it was hot; he was like a barbarian who had finally eaten food after many days of fasting; this surprised the three people in the shop, who couldn't help but stare at him.

And they couldn't help but frown when they saw his appearance: ragged clothes, a thin and frail body, his skin practically sticking to his bones; it was the first time they had seen such a poor child.

"Hey kid, where are you from?"

Teuchi couldn't help but ask, and Tanaka, who was eating, wanted to respond but had food in his mouth, which made him choke when he tried to speak.

Teuchi became panicked and brought water to Tanaka, which he drank all at once before Tanaka could survive.

'That was embarrassing. I could be the first reincarnator to die two days after reincarnating from choking on his food.'

He thought before turning to Teuchi.

"Thank you"

"No problem, so where are you from?"

"I'm from this world"

Tanaka smiled cheekily.

"Really, where are you from?"

Teuchi inquired again, and Kushina and Minato seemed concerned and curious about him.

"I- I don't know, I don't remember anything, all I know is that I woke up naked in a forest and made my way here."

"Did you lose your memories?"

This time, Kushina was the one who asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't really know, I can't remember anything"

Tanaka shook his head with a downcast expression.

'Playing around with role playing games actually paid off!'

Tanaka couldn't help but be pleased with his own acting abilities; he was telling the truth, but to make it more convincing, being sad is also a part of it; after all, you wouldn't expect a guy who has lost all of his memories to be happy, would you?

"I see, do you still remember your name?"

Minato inquired if he could find any information about the child in the hokage office.

"Unfortunately no, but I made myself a name though!"

Tanaka showed a proud expression as he said that.

"Really? What is it?"

Kushina inquired with a smile as she noticed the child's happiness; to be honest, she felt sad for this little child; from his appearance, he appeared to be only about 4 years old, and this had happened to him; Kushina has a soft spot for children.

"I named myself Tanaka"

"Eh? Why Tanaka?"

"I don't know it just felt right"

Tanaka replied before continuing to eat, and the three adults looked at each other helplessly, unsure what to do.


Tanaka suddenly jolted up.

"What is the problem?"

The three adults were surprised.

"I don't have any money to pay for the food, ummm... how about I wash your dishes in exchange for payment?""

Tanaka suddenly said,

Teuchi couldn't think of anything to say, so he shook his head and said to Tanaka.

"You don't have to, this one is in the house"

"Teuchi-san, we can pay for him"

Minato and Kushina spoke because they didn't want to disrupt Teuchi's business; this was also one of Minato's responsibilities as the current Hokage.

"Its okay"

Teuchi waved his hand but a sudden answer surprised the three of them.


"What do you mean?"

Teuchi asked.

"I will do the dishes; I don't want others to help me or feel sorry for me when I have the ability to do it, so please."

Tanaka bowed, he had already finished eating the ramen.


The three were speechless, but they could sense Tanaka's sincerity; they understood what he meant when he said, "Why ask for help when you can do something about it?"


Teuchi responded after a few moments of thought, "It's just washing dishes, right?"

"Thank you for hiring me!"

Tanaka replied with a smile.



A few weeks have passed since then.

"Tanaka! Can you serve this!"


Tanaka brought the bowl of ramen from the kitchen to the front where customers were waiting.

"Here is your order, Kushina-san"

Tanaka served the bowl of ramen with a smile.

"Awww, You are so cute Tanaka-chan"

Tanaka just smiled and didn't mind, he is now working in the Ichiraku Ramen, at the time, he didn't have anywhere to live so he somewhat tricked Teuchi into hiring him, well, forced him actually.

Fortunately, Teuchi was only confused at first but agreed to hire Tanaka; even though Tanaka would not receive a standard worker salary, he was fine with it because he was given a free roof over his head as well as free food.

Kushina actually wanted to adopt Tanaka, but he refused because it would be freeloading, and he also wanted to avoid the gaze of Danzo and the Third Hokage, well, he actually has nothing to hide of, but it appears that Minato is trying to find his background to help him find his family, but no results have been found.

Tanaka didn't mind because this body he had taken might not have existed before. While Tanaka was reminiscing about the past few weeks, Teuchi returned with a bowl of ramen.

"Tanaka, you may go rest, I'll take it from here"


Tanaka nodded before taking off the apron he was wearing.

"Then I'll be going out for a while"

"Ehh…. Don't you want to spend some more time with big sister Kushina? "

"You can always come here, Kushina Nee-chan, but I have something else to do, so maybe next time."

Tanaka smiled as he walked out of the shop, despite Kushina's pouting face. Tanaka didn't aimlessly wander around the streets, instead making his way to a nearby forest with great familiarity. It didn't take long for him to arrive at an empty training ground, which he decided to call zeggs.

"Time for another training"

Tanaka began stretching his body, and unlike when he first arrived here, when he was thin and frail, Tanaka has finally regained his muscles and baby fats, he no longer looks like a skeleton, and he has regained his handsome face.

Tanaka was actually quite surprised seeing his face; if Tanaka could recall his past life, he would undoubtedly say that he looks like Zhong Li from Genshin, except that he is younger and lacks the long hair, and that his eyes and hair were black, but this was the closest appearance Tanaka could recall.

Anyway, enough about his appearance for now; after Tanaka finished stretching, he began physical training, as he has done since he had a stable life in this world; after all, Naruto Verse is a dangerous world.

But, if you're wondering why Tanaka is training his body rather than his chakra, read on. That's because Tanaka is odd; ever since his previous life, he's been obsessed with learning various types of Martial Arts, from real-life martial arts to fake ones, and even movies and animes.

Tanaka had attempted to learn them all, though not all were viable due to physical limitations, but in this world, a civilian can be said to be much stronger than world champions from his previous world.

Let's just say that the people of Naruto Verse have far superior genes than Tanaka's previous life, so he became enthralled and began training again.

Tanaka ran around the area for an hour before he was covered in sweat. After he finished running, he rested for a few minutes before beginning to do push ups and other exercises.

He spent another hour on this, and when he was finished, he was out of breath, but Tanaka didn't mind because he sat on the ground in a lotus position before his breathing pattern began to change.

He took a deep breath and when he exhaled, mist could be seen coming out of his nostrils; he did this for 10 minutes before stopping and standing up.

"Fuu, as expected from this world, chi, no, chakra is denser."

Tanaka couldn't help but be pleased with the quick results he was seeing; this much progress in just a few weeks? This alone is a miracle!

"Now, time to start"

Tanaka's eyes flashed with determination before his body took a stance resembling that of a praying mantis.

"Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist: Fist of flowing water, Crushed rock"

Tanaka's extremities were surrounded by a blue aura, and he remained in this position for a while before the wind blew and leaves from the trees began to fall. Some of these leaves fell towards Tanaka, and when the leaf was close enough, he clicked his wrist.


The leaf was blown away, but Tanaka wasn't finished yet; more leaves began to fall towards him, and while remaining in position, Tanaka continued to attack the falling leaves, making sure that none of them touched his body; his hand movement is quick, but not lightning fast.

Tanaka collapsed on the ground after finally blowing the final leaf.

"Guh! It's too heavy for my body to bear."

Tanaka groaned as he felt his entire body ache as if he were having cramps, but despite this, he smiled.

"But I know now that it actually works, hehe"

Tanaka couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry, Might Guy, but I'm going to become the world's strongest martial artist; f*ck those ninjutsu, genjutsu nonsense; I'm going to show them how powerful martial arts is!"

Chapter 2

Tanaka finally felt his body had recovered and sat up after a few more minutes of resting. He then took out a small scroll from his pocket and took it out.

Tanaka was overjoyed when Kushina gave him this scroll a week ago because it was a storage scroll that made it easier for him to carry things.

"It's time to finish this thing."

Tanaka pulled out something from the scroll and, with a puff of smoke, an unfinished guitar emerged from the scroll.

"Hehe, I finally got the strings yesterday; now it's time to set you up."

Tanaka couldn't help but smile. After all, he has been dissatisfied with this world because it is devoid of any form of entertainment, and everyone is focused on training hard and becoming a respectable ninja in the future.

What do you mean? Tanaka was already working just like a slave in his previous life, so why is he now working here as well? Can't he take 5 minutes out of his day to enjoy some alone time?

And so, for the past few days, he has been working on this guitar; aside from Martial Arts, Tanaka also had a music hobby that he enjoyed; listening to one soothed his soul.

Music is also not very popular in the ninja world; as he previously stated, everyone is so focused on becoming stronger and always training that Tanaka couldn't even talk to his peers; there are a few kids who play around, but it's all too childish.

Tanaka had never rant for so long before, which just goes to show how bad things are in this world. It's understandable given the frequent wars, but Tanaka knew the 2nd Shinobi War was coming up soon, which made him sigh.

"Anyway, one more string and I'll be able to play again."

Tanaka was completely focused on the guitar in front of him, and he was already tuning the last string.

"Haha! It's finished!"

Tanaka couldn't help but cheer, raising his guitar in delight.

"Now, let's try"


"Sheeeesh, I must be a genius to make one from scratch."

Tanaka laughed once more.

"What song should I play now?"

Tanaka muttered to himself as he sat beneath a tree, his aura shifting from childish to mature as he prepared to play the guitar.

"Ah, yes, that song is also good."

Tanaka recalls a song he enjoyed listening to in his previous life and plans to try out the guitar performance.

"Rush E" (ahem, no, Dream Lantern"

Tanaka cleared his throat, but just as he was about to start playing the guitar, he heard rustling sounds from the trees above him, and when he looked up, he saw two newcomers.

"Tanaka-chan, you were here as usual!"

Kushina jumped down and squishily hugged Tanaka, a crushing hug that nearly caused his soul to leave his body.

Tanaka turned to Minato, asking for help.

Minato leapt from the tree, a helpless smile on his face, unable to do anything.

"Kushina-nee, I give, I give!"

Tanaka can only tap his hands in frustration.

Tanaka was finally able to breathe after narrowly avoiding death; he had never felt so fortunate in his life!

"So Tanaka-chan, what are you doing?"

Kushina couldn't help but inquire when she noticed the guitar beside Tanaka; it was the first time she had seen such an item, and she examined it with interest.

Tanaka finally remembered the guitar and proudly presented it to the two people standing in front of him.

"This is called a guitar!"

"Guitar? Is that a weapon? "

Minato curiously asked.

"No, this is difficult to explain, so I'll just show you how it works; please sit down and listen."

Tanaka straightened up and sat cross-legged, eager to show them the music.

Minato and Kushina exchanged puzzled looks, but they went ahead and sat in front of Tanaka.

Tanaka took a deep breath and strummed his guitar as he started singing.

[Yumetouru/Dream Lantern Acoustic]

"Ah, if only our voices could speak at night.

could ever reach the very edge of this world and time instead of fading into air and dust.

Then what will the words ever be?

Farthest words from "probably"

Let's make a promise that will never fade.

Let's say it together in a count of three, ohOoh-oh-oh "


One day we'll reach to emotions unexplored, unprecedented

We'll high-five love we've yet to discover and give a kiss to time

The five dimensions keeps on teasing me

But I will keep on looking at you, dear

Let's make a sign for when we say "Nice to meet you" again

I'm on my way to you, chasing after your name

Tanaka's singing voice is quite childish, but he gives the song his all. Tanaka had excellent vocal control and sang so well that Kushina and Minato were completely absorbed in his performance.

They were also captivated by the song's lyrics, which were so beautiful and fleeting that they could easily understand them.

Tanaka's voice began to fall as the song ended, and he looked at the two people in front of him, both of whom were tearing up.

"It was a great Tanaka!"

Kushina appeared to become emotional as she jumped to Tanaka and hugged him, Tanaka was now, Kushina appeared to be from the human species that liked to hug kids, or was it just that her maternal instinct is already high despite not having a child yet? Nobody knows.

"So did you like it?"

Tanaka asked.

"Yep, it was great Tanaka, I really liked it."

Kushina said, rubbing her cheeks against his cheeks.

"Glad you guys liked it."

Tanaka replied while being treated like a plush toy, and then turned to Minato.

"Minato-san, can you spar with me? I want to try my Taijutsu"

Minato was taken aback by Tanaka's request to spar with a teen-ager like Minato, especially since he was the hokage!


Minato didn't know how to respond to Tanaka because he didn't want to hurt a child.

"Don't worry, Minato-san; you can only defend, not attack."

Tanaka replied seeing his worry.

'So a punching bag?'

Minato could only agree helplessly.

After Kushina had had her fill of hugging Tanaka, he began his'spar' with Minato, who was standing 10 meters away from him.

Tanaka wanted to spar with Minato for a reason: he wanted to see how effective the martial arts he had learned in his previous life would be against a ninja. Are they going to be ineffective? Tanaka was curious about the answer.

"Let's start."

Minato stated that he didn't mind being Tanaka's punching bag because the child's punches didn't hurt all that much, but what he was more interested in was what Tanaka was planning, because Minato knew this kid wouldn't do something for no reason at all.

Tanaka, on the other hand, nodded before taking a position.

Knuckle up, cover your face, and be light on your feet.


Minato was intrigued by this because it was the first time he had seen this type of stance.

* Swoopsh!

Tanaka charged forward, swaying left and right as he approached Minato and threw his first punch, a right jab.

Minato easily avoided the punch, but he was caught off guard by a left hook from the other side. He was still able to avoid the punch by jumping backwards, but Tanaka jumped forward to stick close to Minato before sending an uppercut.

Minato tilted his head backwards, avoiding the uppercut.

"What a pace!"

Minato couldn't help but exclaim. He was amazed by what he was seeing right now. This chain of attacks had a rhythm that made him unable to take a breather. If it weren't for their differences in strength, Minato was certain he could only block and not dodge these attacks.

But, in his opinion, this is a powerful taijutsu; it was simple and fierce; the only disadvantage appears to be that Tanaka is limited to using his arms.

Tanaka jumped back when he realized that all of his attacks had failed to hit Minato.

He then stopped his boxing stance and turned into a different one.

Tanaka lowered his hands and bent his knees slightly, which raised Minato's brow because it appeared Tanaka was too open, but the next movement changed his mind.


* Swoopsh!

Tanaka reached under him and raised his leg for a kick, which Minato avoided by backing away slightly, but Tanaka then brought his leg down like an axe and grazed some of Minato's hair.

Tanaka wasn't done yet, as he immediately stepped forward and spun his body before doing a spin kick that Minato could only block with his hands, and Minato didn't budge from that attack due to Minato's powerful body.

Tanaka then twisted his body again in mid-air and delivered another kick aimed at Minato's abdomen, which Minato avoided by tilting his body sideways.

Tanaka landed on the ground and immediately rolled forward; Minato sensed that something had changed with Tanaka.

Tanaka took a large stride forward and immediately reached Minato, grasping his clothes while his other leg blocked Minat's back leg, then pushing him back.


Minato was about to lose his balance when he flipped his body and jumped in mid-air, but Tanaka grabbed him by the leg and pulled him down.


Tanaka pushed Minato to the ground before rushing behind him, wrapping his arms around him and locking both of his hands.

Tanaka leaned back and lifted Minato; despite their height difference, Tanaka was able to successfully flip Minato using his skill. Minato saw the world around him spinning, but he immediately reacted and broke free from Tanaka's grasp.

Then Minato immediately jumped back to gain some distance. He couldn't help but take a deep breath. Even though he was not allowed to attack, Minato had been suppressed so many times by Tanaka that it made it difficult for him to even break away.

"What do you think, Minato-san?"

Tanaka stood up and wiped the dirt off his clothes.


He didn't know what to say.

"Hehe, but I'm not finished yet; what I just showed you were the basics of the basics; are you still good?"

Minato took another deep breath before nodding, his interest in this type of Taijutsu growing.

Tanaka smiled before taking a stance.

Tanaka took another boxing stance, this time hopping left and right. He didn't rush towards Minato, but instead moved slowly towards him.

Minato didn't know why he was approaching slowly, but the next thing he knew, he was tilting his head in haste.


He narrowly avoided a whip like punch that was aimed at his face.


Minato couldn't help but exclaim.

It wasn't that fast, but for a four-year-old kid to be able to punch at that speed was already impressive.'

He looked at Tanaka and saw him still hoping towards him slowly, Minato wanted to back away to show the weakness of this taijutsu but in the next moment, Tanaka took one big stride and punched forward.


The punching speed was faster than before, and this time, Minato was a little too late to dodge the punch and it grazed a little of his hair. Minato couldn't help but be shocked. He then heard Tanaka's voice.

"Hmm, this is useless. I guess I'll use another"

Tanaka changed his stance, he stopped hopping and lowered his guard, his body relaxing.

"Let's try this, though I won't be able to exert much force."

[Full Contract Karate]

Tanaka charged towards Minato and punched forward.

"Basic Punch"

It was a fast punch that Minato blocked with his arms but in the next moment.


A punch landed on his abdomen, and Minato felt the pack of the punch, which felt exactly like an adult punch! This punch was even more powerful than the previous whip-like punch!

Because of the punch, Minato lost his balance. Minato knew that what would follow was a series of attacks, so he raised his arms, ready for the fury of attacks, but nothing came, leaving him perplexed.

He lowered his arms and turned to face Tanaka, who was now on the ground.

"What happened?"


Chapter 1-

To train is not to reach your limit but to break your limit again and again.

You did not become this strong, just to be this strong.

Those words were the words said by those monsters who tortures an 12 year old kid in a form of what they call strict teaching.

Just because of a wish that he asked to a god, he was sent to that hell hole.

And finally, after 3,000 years of suffering, Ryuuji Tanaka, has finally graduated from this hell and is going to start his real journey.

"Hope we never see each other again! You f*ckers!"

After giving out a curse with a smile to the shadow figures looking at him as he crossed the gate.

After he said that he was devoured by light and disappeared.


When Tanaka opened his eyes, he found himself looking at an unfamiliar ceiling, Tanaka did not move and only stared, then a sound escaped from his mouth that can be barely heard.

"My body hurts as f*ck!"

Tanaka didn't know what is happening but he was feeling his whole body was aching, Tanaka struggled to look at his body and saw that he was thin and all bones, his muscles were aching from no nutrition and his mouth was dry due to dehydration.

Knowing his circumstance, Tanaka knew what to do, he immediately took a deep breath and then his breathing pattern started to change, and slowly, his body started to calm down and the pain was beginning to diminish, but even with all the pain gone and Tanaka could somehow move his body a little bit, his appearance didn't change.

He looked like a malnourished kid who hadn't eaten for centuries and still somehow survived.

"I'll do the breathing for a bit more"

You may be wondering why Tanaka is just breathing but was recovering, this was actually one of the things he learned in that hell hole, even though, they teach like shit, their teachings are very real, what he was doing right now is called Breath of Life, a powerful breathing technique made by a man who calls himself the creator of all breathing techniques.

This breathing technique is very powerful as a single breath extends his lifespan for 1 second and gives his body a lot of vitality, this also enhances his body overtime, Tanaka circulated this breathing for another 2 hours before he finally had an energy to move around for a bit

"I need water"

Tanaka used his little bit of strength to stand up and looked around the room, it was a standard Japanese traditional house with Tatami mats and a sliding wooden door, there are also some furniture inside but the water Tanaka was looking for is not there.

"Maybe in the kitchen?"

Tanaka closed his eyes and a few minutes later, he opened his eyes once again.

"The body is too weak that I can't even use a simple technique"

Sighing, Tanaka decided to look for the kitchen himself, the house was fairly average in size, it was also complete with its own separate living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and also a backyard.

Tanaka easily found the kitchen and thankfully, he found one on a some kind of vase that was tightly sealed, Tanaka didn't even care if it was dirty or not, as he was very thirsty, he submerged his head on the water and started drinking greedily, he stayed like that for 30 seconds before raising his head once again.

"Whooo! I feel refreshed!"

Tanaka couldn't help but exclaim, his skeleton like body started regaining some muscles and he doesn't look that bad anymore, but he was still thin as hell.

"I need food, is there anything to eat here"

Tanaka started rummaging around the kitchen and found nothing, it was empty as hell, he then started looking around the whole house and also found nothing, not even some kind of money.

"Damn, what am I going to eat then? I also don't even know where I am right now"

Tanaka scratched the back of his head and looked around again until his eyes landed outside the window and there he saw a huge mountain and on that mountain was a face that was carved on it.

"I think I now know where I am"

Tanaka immediately knew where he was, because only a single anime has an ugly face carved on a mountain, and it was well known anime which is Naruto Anime, but seeing that there was only a single face carved on that mountain, Tanaka knew that he was sent much earlier than the main plot of the story.

Though he was not sure of the proper date since he knows no shit about things right now, and he has a greater problem.


Tanaka's stomach roared louder than Godzilla's roar, sighing, Tanaka looked around the cabinets and found some clothes and changed his smelly clothes before going out, since he didn't have any money nor things to eat, he could only hunt outside the forests.

Thankfully, he easily found the forest and after an hour of searching, he found a wild boar on its own. Without hesitation, Tanaka charged forward with his feeble body and the wild boar immediately noticed him.

The wild boar was an aggressive animal and the moment it saw Tanaka, it immediately charged towards him, Tanaka didn't panic and calmly charged and the moment they met, the wild boar leapt intending to crush his head but Tanaka bent his body under it and the moment the wild boar stomach was open.

"Moonlit Sword Style: Swordless: Barehand Slice"

Tanaka flicked his arm but it was slow, so slow that even a mosquito can easily dodge it but the Wild Boar was invulnerable mid air and it also exposed its weakness.

The Wild Boar flew past Tanaka and crashed on the ground, not getting up anymore, Tanaka stretched his neck creating a cracking sound.

"Food secured"

Tanaka picked the wild boar and carried it on his back before making his way back to the village. He carrying a boar didn't really get any attention but a 3 year old carrying it is something new in the village and all eyes were on him.

After all, a kid was carrying something double his weight and he was carrying it like it was nothing, this caused him to get the attention of some people but they didn't do anything and just watched him.

But Tanaka ignored all of the looks and found a shop selling meat.

"What's up kid? Are you here to sell that Boar Meat?"

The store owner greeted him with an interested look.

"Yes, I would like to sell the half of it while can you please butcher the other half for me"

Tanaka acted like an innocent kid.

"Of course, come bring it inside"

The butcher invited Tanaka in and there, he butchered the wild boar, Tanaka only took about 20 kilogram(44 pounds) of meat and the rest were sold for 5,800 ryo, Tanaka thanked the owner before making his way to some other shops that sells vegetable and seasonings,

All in all, Tanaka was left with only 3,800 ryo remaining by the time he got home, Tanaka didn't do anything anymore and made his way to the kitchen, thankfully, the utensils were still useful and the stone stove was still working properly.

Tanaka started fire and immediately started cooking, due to the wild boar meat being tough, it's time cooking was double that so by the time the food was ready, it was already night time, Tanaka immediately started eating appeasing his rumbling stomach.

He ate all 20 kilogram of meat and still didn't feel full but it was enough for him, it also gave him enough energy to go on for few days.

"I'll go hunt more tomorrow, since I still have money, I don't have to sell it anymore and can just eat it for myself, also maybe start storing meat of my own, I might need to make a refrigerator though"

Tanaka started planning to make his life comfortable right now, as for going around the village and investigating everything? Naa, Tanaka didn't really care about that, for now, the most important thing is to stabilize his life here.

Though he was interested in his background in this world, it seems like he got uchiha or something because he was the only person living in this house and there were no relatives around when he woke up, not even his family.

"But a 3 year old huh? Not a bad age to start"

Tanaka felt being a 3 year old is not a bad start to start since his body has a lot of potential.

"And wait, since this is naruto world, I might have a chakra right?"

Tanaka sat up from his bed and started feeling energy inside his body, somewhere around between his stomach and chest, he found a small flame burning like a candle.

Tanaka immediately stopped when he saw this.

"I guess I'll give up ninjutsu then"

Tanaka fell to his bed and immediately fell asleep.


A week has passed since then, Tanaka's lifestyle didn't really change that much, other than earning money and hunting and improving his daily life, Tanaka didn't do anything else that will catch a lot of attention towards him.

Well, that was what he thought, right now, standing in front of him was a legendary character that was very popular because of how powerful he was and beside him was his granddaughter who was the same age as him.

Yes, this man in front of him was Senju Hashirama and the little girl beside him was his granddaughter Senju Tsunade.

"Forgive me for not being able to properly receive you hokage-sama"

Tanaka greeted like a normal kid with a smile on his face but his smile was a little stiff as he really doesn't know what is going on here, like why did a big shot character suddenly visited him.

"No, its my fault, I'm sorry for coming abruptly Tanaka"

Hashirama smiled.

"I see, may I ask what the lord hokage visited me here for?"

Tanaka asked in curiousness.

"Ah yes, actually, our village has decided to establish a ninja academy and I am going house to house to invite all young ones who are 5 years old to join in"

"I understand, but I am still 3 years old"

"Well, there is no rush, it will actually take 2 years for the school to start running so I actually just came here to let you know"

"Thank you very much for using your precious time to visit me for this matter"

"It was no problem, oh, and also this is my granddaughter, Tsunade, I hope you get along with her"

"Its nice to meet you Tsunade-sama"

"Its nice to meet you too"

After that there was silence but Tanaka saw Hashirama looking around as if reminiscing of something before he decided to go back and leave with Tsunade, after saying goodbye to them, Tanaka was left behind but his mind was occupied.

Somehow he felt that Hashirama knew something about his family but didn't say anything.

'Hmm, my family background is much mysterious than I thought, unfortunately there is no records around the house about the family as if everything about them is wiped out'

Tanaka thought but knowing he can't find answers without any clue he gave up, anyway, he has 2 years until the start of the academy, after that, he will spend about 7 years? He was actually quite not sure but anyway once he graduates he will be a shinobi.

"Well, I can spend those 2 years training myself and making my life comfortable, maybe start some business or something?"

Tanaka looked at the time and it was already lunch time.

"Well, I will go hunt after lunch"

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