Neveah gritted her teeth, she was just a moment away from tossing aside her caution and ripping off the clammy hands that were on hers, clean off the shoulders of the buff man,
But Neveah did not even get to settle on a decision when another voice spoke up.
"Get your hands off of her!" The familiar voice interrupted in a furious snarl.
Neveah's eyes widened in surprise as she glanced over her shoulder. Her eyes settled on a familiar face.
Kaz stood at the entrance of the shed, his bow poised with an arrow already locked in and ready to take a shot, the target, no one else but the buff man who held Neveah.
Neveah blinked in astonishment, before she could even fully comprehend what exactly Kaz was doing here, Kaz had let loose of the arrow and it went whooshing right past Neveah's cheek, lodging itself through the throat of the buff man.
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