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65.97% Start of an Uzumaki Clan - Multiverse / Chapter 62: Crazy Mutt - 62

Capítulo 62: Crazy Mutt - 62

┏ Asura/Naruto POV ┓

Borgin answered, "Those are magical beast eggs, which are illegal to buy and sell. Wizards and Witches are forbidden to keep dangerous creatures with magic blood. That one is an egg of a Diricawl, and they are known to possess invisible magic and teleportation magic. They are hard to catch since they disappear when they sense danger."

I nodded my head and asked "Do you have Dragon eggs?"

Borgin shook his head, crushing my hopes of having a dragon as a pet.

"They are rare. I rarely get them, and whenever I do, they always sell out on the same day. However, there is an auction that happens occasionally, and only the dark families know when it happens. Fortunately, I got some connection with Malfoy, Nott, and Parkinson's, so I knew whenever the auction happened. In return, I ask no questions, and they got a discount." Borgin said.

I signed, and seeing me sigh, he asked "Are you interested in a specific creature, me Lord? I can see if I have any in the back. That egg is just kept there for decoration since it can't hatch anymore."

Finally, thinking for a while, I said, "Not currently. I will let you know, but if you do, in case you get a chance to possess a Dragon Egg, do not sell it."

He nodded his head. After finally arriving, it looks like a room with all the furniture placed.

"This is my bunker/private room where I can relax. Me Lord, have everything here. All you need to ask for is a specific book, and you will get it if I have it anywhere in my shop." Borgin proudly said, showing me the room.

I nodded my head and told him to leave.

As he was about to leave, he stopped and asked by turning around, "Lord? What can I call you?"

I replied "Asura, Asura Uzumaki."

"Thank you, Lord Uz-Zuma-k" He said as he butchered my name.

"Just call me Lord Asura," I replied, seeing him having difficulty pronouncing my last name.

"Forgive me, Lord Asura, excuse me." He said before he left.

Some might ask why I changed my name. I changed it because I didn't want to be connected to Naruto in other worlds, and also, I don't want to be called by a name which is a type of ramen. Sure, Naruto can also mean Maelstrom, but I wanted to take a name which symbolised me and my roots.

My mother was Indian, and there was a demon king called Asura in her language. Also, demons are called Asura's in my mother tongue. So I took the name Asura, a mix of Naruto World and My World, if that makes sense.

First things first, I walked around and placed many seals for personal and safety purposes.

"Come out, Kuroi" I called Shikamaru out.

Shikamaru came out of my shadow on his knees.

"Relax, now tell me your thoughts about the current situation. I have already used Kotoamatsukami to make you not think about the person you have met" I used Kotoamatsukami because I didn't want him to think about Death because she might find information about him.

I do not know why she didn't look over Shika when we visited the realm of death, but I will take precautions in case I need to go against her in the future.

I know her feelings are not love. It is purely based on interests. I am the first soul she has seen in the whole omniverse that her father hasn't touched. So might have gotten interested in me… or too interested in me.

"Well, Naruto or… Asura, I think this entire situation is crazy… I don't know what to think." Shikamaru said.

Then I informed him of my deal with death and further information on what Mother Magic had told me.

"I think you should find someone who can attest to you… Borgin is okay temporarily. I think you should find a permanent backer or an investor from one of the 28 Scared Wizarding Families." Shika suggested.

I nodded my head and thought what he said sounded true.

"Send your shadow to find information about the wizarding families. I am more interested in shady and important news… And find me a beautiful woman." I said.

While Gamer Mind helps me when the craving gets too much, I still have light cravings, which irritates me.

Shikamaru nodded and sent out many shadows.

"Shikamaru, I suggest you find any information about Shadow magic here or anywhere since I got the information that you have an affinity towards Shadow magic." I recommended to Shikamaru that after remembering what Mara mentioned, Shikamaru has initiate talent in Shadow Realm.

Finding myself a nice couch, I sat down and called "Give me a book on the Basics of Magic and Blood Magic."

Like this, I have spent all day reading. I have also summoned {Wood Clones} after reading the basics to read advanced magic books.

"Lumos" I cast a spell.

A small ball of light appeared on my index finger.

'Not strong enough' I thought.

Unlike Chakra, which I have complete control over, Mana is not like that.

The more I practice, the easier it gets to cast spells and the stronger the spells get.

My reading was interrupted by Shikamaru, who gave me a report on what he found in a day.

"Interesting," I said aloud, looking at the scroll I was given.

Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban with no trail. He is the last member of a Black family where all the others either were married to other families or disowned.

Malfoy got a lot of shady things. Currently, he seems to be trying to sell dark artefacts and a specific book from Dark Lord.

Barty Crouch Jr. is roaming around, and his dear daddy is covering for him in the Wizengamot, a wizarding British high court of law and parliament.

Cyrus Greengrass, the Lord of Ancient and Noble House Greengrass, is looking for a cure for his youngest daughter Astoria, who has been diagnosed with blood malediction.

There are seven Ancient and Noble Houses; Black, Malfoy, Greengrass, Longbottom, Diggory, Monroe and finally Potter. Currently, there are only six since Voldemort slaughtered the Monroe family in a single attack.

The Ancient Families can use 'Most Ancient Blade', which produces an incandescent sword around a caster wand, which can be used as a stunner. Yeah, I know it's not that great, I think the Ministry of Magic doesn't want the families to be strong.

Interestingly, the Malfoy Family paid to become an Ancient Family. They were only a 'Noble' Family when they first moved to Britain from France. Later they 'became' Ancient with connection and money.

I burned the scroll after I read. There were other things, but they were not important currently.

'My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined' I thought while looking at the picture book of Magical Creatures.

The Elves are fuc'king disgusting looking. All my excitement to meet them went down the drain. My last hope is the Queen of Elves, Mother Magic mentioned.

I signed as I sat down.

"Borgin" I called out.

Within a minute, he rushed in front of me on his knees.

"Yes, my Lord." He said while bowing his head.

He saw some of my powers when he gave me lunch and dinner, so his fear and respect grew tremendously.

"Find me the best wand maker" I told him.

I noticed that while wandless magic is convenient, I have felt some kind of blockage stopping me from pushing further, and also, I want to test how strong my spell gets with the help of a wand.

"Yes, my Lord" He nodded.

"I planned to take a trip tonight… I will be back by either morning or late evening." I mentioned I was going out, so he didn't have to search.

I planned to deal with a crazy mutt and gain myself a stronghold.

Borgin nodded his head and left.

⪼ Late at night ⪻

Naruto, now Asura, was running on water towards an island, with storms surrounding the island.

In Front of Asura was a fortress on an island in the middle of the North Sea.

The fortress with creatures that smelled like death flying around is known as Azkaban, a prison for convicted criminals of the Wizarding World.

The creatures that were gliding around, which looked like wraith-like Dark creatures, are called Dementors. They feed on human happiness and could also suck their soul. They can only be killed by {Patronus Charm}, which releases a guardian, a projection of positive force filled with -hope, happiness, the desire to survive or anything positive.

From what I have read, they were born from an experiment by a dark wizard known as Ekrizdis, who liked to lure Wizards and muggle sailors into his base, Azkaban, and experimented with them.

Seeing a Dementor coming toward me, I readied myself for a confrontation. But, unexpectedly, when one came near me, it bowed its head and waited.

'I see, Death's Blessing is making these creatures submissive, as they are born from negative energy and death.'

I summoned my chain and wrapped it around to absorb it.



[Positive Energy + Negative Energy = You can now absorb and control positive and negative energy; when used on a person, you can affect their emotion.

⇝ You can turn invisible and hide from non-magicians.

⇝ You can now create Dementor from negative energy

⇝ Creatures from both Light and Dark enjoy in your presence.

Dementor's Kiss: Latch someone's mouth from any part of your body and suck their soul away, causing it to cease to exist.]


I got some wonderful things. For example, I have a way to deal with those pesky gods if my attacks fail and if I can hold them since I don't have any abilities which have the properties to say a god.

Slowly, more Dementors started coming near me, so I protected a thought which said 'mind your own business'. The Dementors began going back to doing what they do.

I sensed two Wizards at the entrance, and I came near them and cast {Sharingan: Genjutsu} to control them.

Unexpectedly, I was obstructed by a massive blockade, and when I tore through, their minds broke and turned into a vegetative state.

'It seems they have quite strong Occlumency Shields, and when I tore through, I broke their minds. It seems my Genjutsu to control minds would not work properly on wizards until I learn Mind Arts.' I thought.

I have read a tiny bit about Occlumency in one of the books. I became so interested in magical creatures and charms that I kept them aside to read them later.

What is done is done. I used {Yamanaka Techniques} to heal their minds and left them unconscious next to a Dementor, in the case when they woke up, they could blame it on the Dementor next to them.

Walking towards the cell where Sirius stays, I noticed many of the criminal minds were already broken by Dementors.

After the location, I saw a dishevelled middle-aged man who kept murmuring, "I am sorry, James" or "I will kill you wormtail".

Conveniently, next to his cell was Bellatrix Lestrange née Black. Who is famous for being the right-handed person of Voldemort.

Deciding to deal with her later, I became intangible and went inside Sirius's cell.

He didn't even notice me walk inside, so I came closer and called "Sirius Black."

Sirius didn't respond, but I gave up after calling him many times. Finally, summoning my chains, pushed him to the wall, bringing him back to me.

"W-who are y-you?" He asked, looking at me.

I was hit with a disgusting smell from his mouth. Taking a napkin from the inventory, I put it on my nose. I missed talking to people in the Shinobi world. No matter how unhygienic they were, I never smelled bad breath from people. Even Borgin from the shop smells like shit.

I cast a barrier surrounding me in a ball with Dark Energy.

Sirius got scared looking at my Dark Chakra/Energy.

"V-Voldemort?" He questioned.

Suddenly I heard a yell in the next cell, "LORD? DARK LORD?"

I simply cast a silencing barrier on the cell and asked him "My name is not of your concern."

Sirius then asked, "S-so what do you w-want?"

"I want you to name me the next Lord of the Black House." I asked him.

"Haha… I was disowned. Even if I could, what would I?" He countered.

While he got some screw losses in his head, Sirius is not stupid. He would never announce a random stranger who looked like a dark wizard.

"Even if I say I can give you the location of Peter Pettigrew and bring you out of prison?" I questioned.

There was silence. Sirius was complimenting what I had said.

"Even if I could, as I said, I am disowned, so how could I?" He decided to ask me a question to buy more time for him to think.

"While your mother said she disowned you, she was neither the Lady of the House nor your father, the Lord of the House agreed. So you are the last Black member directly related to the previous Lord Black."

His eyes widened, and he turned furious. "Then how could a Lord of Ancient and Noble House get sent to Azkaban without trial?"

I simply replied "Lucius Malfoy wanted his son to be the heir of both Malfoy and Black, as he was the son of a Black Family mother and Malfoy father. So he paid Fudge to give you a Dementor's kiss, but because of Dumbledore's intervention, you were sent here instead of getting a Dementor's kiss."

I have heard Dumbledore fought against Fudge to get him free, but without any evidence, Fudge only sent Sirius to Azkaban. Dumbles even said he would provide a memory, but corrupted magic politics rejected him.

Sadly, unlike everyone who believes Dumbledore is the Leader of the Light, they were wrong. In reality, he has no support from the light families, and many who trusted him are either dead or silenced by Voldemort in the beginning and Malfoy after paying.

Potters are dead, leaving an orphan, Longbottoms are in a mental asylum, leaving an old grandma who hated the Black Family, and Weasley, who are a joke in the community.

Dumbledore is slowly losing his power, and political power.

Deciding to make it easier "Your godson Harry is left in the house with his relatives, where he gets tortured every day. Don't you want to help?"

"Okay!" Sirius quickly responded.

"But swear on magic that what you are saying is true… and swear that you will not harm anyone" He quickly corrected himself.

Narrowing my eyes "Okay I will swear on what I told the truth, but I will not swear that I won't harm anyone. In return, I will swear not to harm Harry personally…. Do not test me Black! Or I will kill you" I said while releasing some of my Killing Intent.

After seeing him on the ground nodding, I looked into his eyes and cast {Sharingan: Genjutsu} to make an illusion of me swearing "I Asura Uzumaki, swear on my magic that what I have said to Sirius till now is correct, and I will not kill Harry James Potter… so mote it."

I didn't just use Genjutsu on him to make him give up his lordship because I don't know it will count since the speaker is 'under the influence.'

I can harm Harry indirectly, and my name is not even Asura. My given name is Naruto, and my soul is not from this world, so Mother Magic can't do anything. However, I am sure she did bend some rules to help me.

Even if I am wrong, it's not a problem since losing magic is not a worse thing since I can gain it in multiple ways. Since I didn't make an unbreakable vow.

Sirius got off the ground and said "I, Sirius Black III, renounce my lordship to Asura Uzumaki, making him the heir to the Ancient and Most Noble Black House…. So mote it!"

All I need to do is go to the goblins, do a naming ritual and turn my name to Asura Uzumaki, further cutting all ties to Naruto Uzumaki.

As he finished, I stabbed him in the chest. He looked at me with his eyes widened and asked "*cough* w-why?"

"You thought you tricked me? I know that the ring for Black Lordship will only accept a person with black blood and a pureblood." I said.

Sirius started laughing crazily, and soon the eyes in his eyes disappeared.

I started absorbing all his blood and soul and sensed something change in me again.

I also noticed that my cravings weren't gone, since my chains simply devoured the blood, turned into energy, and assimilated into me.


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