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54.54% The True Dragon (TenSura – Hiatus) / Chapter 9: Milim Nava, Niece? [BEING REWRITTEN]

Capítulo 9: Milim Nava, Niece? [BEING REWRITTEN]

Three months after the decimation of the orc lord, Rimuru was currently looking at the town and how just three months ago it was just a village. In those three months there were bathrooms, food stalls, roads and a lot more.

Still looking at the town from the hill next to a lone tree, he wanted to make the town thrive and make it greater than what it is right now.

'Chimon changed the first rule I made which was that we couldn't injure humans. He changed it into so that if the human wants to kill you, we either take them in and question them, or we just straight up kill them.'

'I didn't object because I know this world isn't all good and because I know that even in this world, there will always be people killing each other.' thought Rimuru as he sighed.

With Souei appearing from the shadow of the tree, he says "Rimuru-sama, there are 700-pegasus mounted knights heading here."

Getting that information dumped on him, he stood up and started walking to the town and saw little specks in the air coming towards them.

(In Dwargon - A Couple Hours Ago)

"The orc lord has been defeated, and the war has ended."

The someone says, "There has been a report that the 95,000+ orcs survived and are unscathed. It also seems they evolved into high orcs. And on top of it, they're stronger than your average high orcs."

Shocked, a noble who was listening says "That can't be! There's no way that many orcs evolved just because they fought in a war!"

'With there being the seven superior majins fighting, the war seems to have come to an end. But the question is, are the majins serving that reproted slime?'

'The slime is aomeone who rules majins and it can make monsters evolve...If this is not settled, this nation may fall.' thought Gazel with a troubled tone.

"I will see this slime with my own eyes and see if they're worthy of being alive." said King Gazel as he looked into the eyes of everyone present.

(Back To Rimuru)

Seeing the pegasus army flying closer to the town, he brought some people just in case things went down. Those people were Benimaru, Shion, Souei, Hakurou and Kaijin.

Still looking up at the incoming pegasus army, they saw the hero king of the dwarves, Gazel Dwargo.

"What shall we do?" asked Benimaru since everyone there was either a calamity threat or a disaster threat. It was also because they could wipe out the army with some difficulties since Gazel was there.

Looking at Benimaru, Rimuru says "I'd rather avoid a fight if necessary."

"We could just blow them all away if need be though?" Shion said as she looked at the army.

Ignoring what Shion had just said, Rimuru says "If it does come down to a fight, evacuate the townsfolk just in case our attacks reach them."

With the pegasus army coming closer to the ground and with Gazel on the ground, he got off his pegasus.

And when Kaijin saw Gazel, he ran up to him, knelt down and said "It's a pleasure to see you again, King Gazel."

Turning around to face the kneeling Kaijin, he answers him with a smile. "It has been awhile, Kaijin."

Looking back up from the ground, Kaijin says quietly. "Yes it has."

Diverting his attention from Kaijin, he looks at the monsters and saw a kijin holding a slime. So, he says "You are the slime I presume?"

Confirming he wanted to see him, Rimuru jumped off Shion and transformed into his human form. "I'll introduce myself, I'm Rimuru. I am a slime, but I'd prefer you not to call me that."

"I'm also the Chancellor Of The Jura Forest Alliance, so I'll get straight to the point. Why have you unknowingly come to my home?" questioned Rimuru as he looked into the eyes of Gazel.

Staring back and not backing down, Gazel says "I've come to see who you truly are, Rimuru. Of course, we will be doing that with our swords."

"And since you say you're the Chancellor Of The Jura Forest, I must teach you where you stand."

"Then if that sword behind you is only for decoration, I say take it out and show me you're not all talk."

Thinking if he should accept Gazels proposal to have a duel, he finally says "All right, I accept your challenge." as they both unsheathed their swords.

"If you can defend against any chain of attacks, you win. However you should not underestimate me just because I'm a king."

Feeling magicules condensing in a single place, he looks to his right and saw Treyni appear from leaves.

Happy with her entrance, she says "I will serve as witness to this duel."

Surprised by how a dryad appeared, he quietly says "I now have a vague understanding of the circumstances now."

Seeing that the two weren't going to talk anymore, she raises her hand in the air and says "Begin!" as she brough down her hand.

Hearing her signal that it had started, Rimuru stayed still and observed what Gazel was going to do. He also wanted to do minimal damage to Gazel.

Coming up with a plan while [Thought Acceleration] was active, he charges at Gazel and swung ten times in two seconds.

Only blocking two out of the ten strikes, Gazel swung at Rimuru's neck but he quickly dodged it by ducking.

Backing away and seeing that his attack didn't connect, he started getting more serious.

'I have better swordsmanship, but it seems he has more speed and strength...'

Wanting to voice his thoughts, he says "Your swordsmanship is commendable and your strength and speed are troublesome."

With the both of them running at each other, they swung forward and connected swords with Gazel being pushed back.

Surprised since Rimuru actually pushed him back, he backed away and got in a stance which seemed familiar to Rimuru.

"Get ready Rimuru."

"Haze: Thunder of Heaven and Earth." said Gazel as he vanished from where he was, attacking under Rimuru with him blocking it.

Now knowing what this attack was going to be, Rimuru looked up and threw away his sword, catching the attack with his hand.

Stopping and registering that his attack was over, he laughs and says "You blocked my strikes twice! But what's more impressive is that you caught my sword with your hand!"

Seeing that Gazel had stopped attacking, Treyni says "The winner of this duel which was proposed by King Gazel is Rimuru Tempest."

With Rimuru and Gazel sheathing their swords, Gazel started explaining that he now understood Rimuru because he crossed swords with him.

"You're not evil. And you being able to block haze is impressive since not anyone can block my stikes twice in a row."

Explaining why he came here, Gazel says "It was to confirm whether or not you were a friend or foe."

"Say, do you want to make a treaty with me, Rimuru? It would be ideal to have another nation support you." Gazel asked as he drank some more.

Agreeing with the conditions but changing some stuff since Chimon had declined some, they shook hands.

As explained before, Rimuru can make decisions but they have to be approved by Chimon through [Great Sage].

He doesn't really care about what decisions Rimuru makes, but if it has something to do with his subordinates lives, he'll change it.

(Rimuru POV - Two Days Later)

In these two days, Gazel came back with a certain someone. And that certain someone was Vesta; the one who poured beer when I was in my slime form.

'By the way...How long was he in there for?'

Well, let's not talk about that since it seems he's fine right now.

When he saw me standing in front of him, he slammed his face into the dirt and apologized for what he did.

Of course, I would only accept his apology if he also apologized to Kaijin since he was the original victim back in Dwargon.

Now that Vesta was all mine since it seems Gazel wanted to make him repent for what he did to us, I assigned Vesta to be with Gabiru and his brothers. And with Vesta being inside Veldora's cave, Gabiru and his brothers made him a secluded working space.

It was also because I wanted Vesta to contribute in making my full potions without them needing me to make it.

Seeing that Vesta was actually trying to redeem himself, I did a quick nod and continued watching since I wanted to know if they would really succeed.

(End Of POV - Somewhere In Clayman's Territory)

With Milim remembering the annihilation of the orc lord three months ago, she decided she wanted to check if the dragon was still alive.

So telling Carrion, Frey, and Clayman that they couldn't interfere with what she was currently going to do, they all agreed.

With all three saying, "Of course."

Happy with their responses, she says "Then we have an agreement! So you better not try and do anything funny!"

Seeing that they all were silent, she jumped out the window and flew up with immense speeds; creating a quiet whistle.

Now that she was gone, Clayman started doing something unknown to Carrion and Frey as they started talking to each other.

(With Rimuru)

While pacing back and forth, Rimuru sensed large amounts of magic power coming to him at incredible speeds.

Looking back at the town, Rimuru started heading to a more secluded area since they seemed to be interested in only him right now.

Looking up in the sky and seeing a lump of pink energy coming towards him, it crashed into the ground; amassing a large cloud of dust.

With the large clump of dust clearing up, a pink haired young girl with pigtails and explicit clothing was revealed.

"Greetings! I am the one and only dragonoid, also known as the Destroyer. The demon lord Milim Nava!"

The first thing Rimuru was currently surprised about was that this young loli looking girl had a title like Destroyer; and the second was that she was a demon lord.

With the loli named Milim Nava walking up to him, she said, "I heard there was a dragon living here, but I just couldn't find him."

"Then seeing you were the strongest person here right now, I wanted to introduce myself and ask you something."

Getting surprised by Milim again, Rimuru asks, "You searched the town that quick?"

Hearing that Rimuru was surprised she surveyed the town, she pointed to her eye and started talking about her [Milim Eye].

Done explaining the use of her [Milim Eye], she then asks, "Anyway, I'm looking for the dragon who killed the orc lord."

"Do you by chance have any idea where they are? I want to introduce myself to them since it seems they're special."

With Shion coming out of nowhere, she attacked Milim with her odachi but she had easily blocked the attack by grabbing it.

Seeing that a fight was about to go out between the two, Rimuru says "I'll fight you instead."

"Very well, it might even be interesting!"

Happy and dejected she actually agreed to that run of the mill thing he said, he started thinking of a way to defeat her.

"I'll attack first since you're far more stronger than me. Are you okay with that?"

"That's all right!"

'Hey, [Great Sage]. How more stronger is she?'


{Her magicules exceed yours by more than five times and if we were to estimate her strength, she would be as strong or even stronger than Veldora.}

'What! She's as strong or even stronger than Veldora?!'


'Well, I have to pull something out my ass to try and defeat her since she's a demon lord..."

Sliding his left foot back and bringing his right hand facing the sky; he created a yellow jelly-like substance. With whatever he made now done, he ran up to Milim and forcefully slid it in her mouth.

With both her and Rimuru not moving, silence was all there was for about a second as her face lit up.

"What is this sweet and yummy taste?!"

Smugly smiling since his plan had worked, he turned back to Milim and gave an even bigger smug.

"If you're willing to admit defeat. I'd be willing to give you more of this sweet honey." said Rimuru as he took out a jar of honey, showing it to her.

'It was a good thing the injured been I helped in the forest gave me this honey. Well, I should use her name; which is Apito.'

Hearing Rimuru's offer that if she admitted defeat she would get more honey, she instead chose another option.

"I won't admit defeat, so...How about we call it a draw between the two of us! I'll even add that I won't mess with you guys again!"

Changing his smug smile to a sly one, he says, "All right, I guess I'll accept your terms."

Bringing the jar of honey closer to her face, she quickly snatched it from his hands as she then opened it.

(Some Time Later)

Sitting at the entrance of the town on a small stone wall, Rimuru thought, 'I hope she leaves before anything gets out of hand.'

Looking at Milim happily eating the honey, she asks "Do you have any plans on becoming a demon lord?"

Leaning back a little and looking into the sky, he says "I don't see the point in wanting to become a demon lord, you get more busy."

"Does something good happen when you become a demon lord?" questioned Rimuru as he looked at Milim.

Humming, she says, "You get to fight strong people."

"I'm not really interested in fighting people."

Gaining a grin, she says "You get to boss majin and humans around whenever you want!"

"I basically already do that since I run this town. Also, aren't you bored of ordering majin and humans around?"

Not getting a response, he got off the stone wall and started walking to where the town square was at.

Though unbeknownst to Rimuru, all he needs is 100,000 souls to evolve into a true demon lord. When evolving into a true demon lord, he could get new skills.

With Chimon knowing this, sometime in the future he is going to tell Rimuru about this when he thinks it is necessary.

The now teary eyed Milim stood up, hugged Rimuru by the stomach and said "You're having more fun than me!"

"Hey, get off me!"

"Take me to your village and I'll let go."

"Fine. Then you should address me as Rimuru-san."

Still hanging onto Rimuru with all her strength, she says "No, you should be saying my name with respect instead." with a pout.

"Then how about this. I'll call you Milim, and you'll call me Rimuru."

In a sheepish voice, she says "All right...but only you can say my name like that."

With Milim still hanging onto Rimuru's stomach, he says, "I guess we're friends now."

[Work In Progress Down Below!]

With Gabiru appearing he says "Oh, so who's this little runt". He immediately gets punched in the face by Milim who made sure not to kill him.

Walking up to his unconscious body, Milim says in a threatening tone "Who are you calling a little runt". In her regular voice she says "Listen up! I'm in a very good mood right now. That's why I'm letting you off the hook".

Gabiru wakes up and says "I saw my father waving across the river waving at me". Rimuru says in a little voice "He's alive". Gabiru looks at Milim and says "Then who's this litt-".

Gabiru stopped talking becasue he got Milims menacing gaze thrown at him. "I mean... This young lady right here".

Rimuru answers "This is Milim. Shes a Demon Lord". Surprised, Gabiru screams "A Demon Lord!".

After scolding Milim that she couldn't do that anymore Rimuru tells everyone that shes a guest, but Milim later states that she going to live there.

Rimuru quietly says "Friends with a Demon Lord, eh". Milim hears him and says "You're right. Calling us friends is a little weird, let me think... Rather than friends... We're besties!".

After that Rimuru suggests that they should go to the hot springs. They are just relaxing while talking to each other.




Chimon came back from his exploration somewhere. He then went to where Rimuru was hanging out at because of the amount of magicules there.

Heading to the hot springs and entering the female side he sees Rimuru, Shion, Shuna and a pink haired loli swimming in the water.

Curious about who that is he asks "Who's that". She seems similar to a description he read not too long ago. She also has that similar energy of the one in the cave.

"Her, shes Milim Nava". Milim turns around and says "Are you the one who killed the Orc Lord all by yourself".

Chimon nods his head in confirmation. Rimuru wanted to see him be in shock knowing that this loli is a Demon Lord.

After knowing everything here was good Chimon walked out with Milim following after him fully clothed

-Milims thoughts-

After coming here it was so much fun. I made a bestie and his name is Rimuru. He also gave me honey which is so good.

We talked about him possibly becoming a Demon Lord, but then he was having more fun than I was. I also decided that I was going to live here from now on, until I change my mind. When we were talking this Dragonwet insulted me so I punched him. Though not enough to kill him since he's Rimuru's subordinate. Is he Rimuru's subordinate though, he does have the same type of magicules that Rimuru has.

Rimuru scolded me to not to do that anymore, but if Rimuru doesn't see it happen then that means I'm all good.

I announced that I was going to live here. Rimuru said that being friends were weird, so now we are besties.

Rimuru said that the was a place that could make my body relax. When I was in the water it felt nice and refreshing. While we were talking I sensed a huge amount of magicules, but was too preoccupied to notice.

It came closer and closer to where we were at. Seeing as how Rimuru didn't seem bothered I ignored it too. When they were in talking distance, I asked if they were the one who killed the Orc Lord.

He has a ton of magicules and the only ones who could keep up are the True Dragons, Adult Ramiris, Guy and me.

The True Dragons would run out of magicules facing him with Ramiris being the same. Guy and me can keep up because of our [Magicule breeder reacter].

When he was leaving I decided to follow him because he's interesting. Now that I think about it he does give off a feeling of a superior Dragon.

-POV end-

Chimon and Milim are walking around the town. Milim is eating a lot of food given to her.

The information of Rimuru killing the Orc Lord is fake. Souei was the one who spread out the information, and when there were spies there he knocked them out. The only information that was put out was that Rimuru had killed the Orc Lord.

While they were together they talked to each other. Milim was the one mostly talking. They talked about how strong they were and a lot more. A question Milim asked was their race. Milim answered with being a Dragonoid and Chimon said a superior Dragon. Chimon will eventually tell Milim the truth.

"So you're superior to a normal Dragon. I've got an idea, since I don't really see the True Dragons that much you're gonna be my uncle". Chimon thinks about that statement and says "How is that gonna work. I'm 3 months old and you're over 2,000 years old".

"That doesn't matter now you're my uncle now since you're a Dragon". Thinking if he should just say he was a True Dragon was tempting. 'Milim Nava, niece huh'.

Making Rimuru pick her up he goes off and searches for monsters to use [Gluttony] for their skills.

chianlao chianlao

Sorry for the wait, I didn't really want to write but also forgot to write. There might be a 10th chapter soon but its gonna take awhile. There might be some mess ups in the chapter.

Next chapter


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