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93.61% Destiny Harem Remastered / Chapter 44: The Motivated Women

Capítulo 44: The Motivated Women

Day: Monday

Location: Erotica Tourist Plaza

Time: Morning

Today was starting off on an amazing start. Everything was done in a timely manner and I felt really refreshed. I walked down the street as if I was Tobey Maguire, getting ready to do that classic Tobey Dance until...

"Very well, let us see how powerful your abilities truly are!" An annoying and obnoxious voice said.

"I don't think that would be a good idea. Plus your delusions will not come to life. You're only wasting your time." A more robotic mannered voice said.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I sighed.

Ahead was Baylee and Alisha. Baylee, after seeing my display of abilities two years ago, always believed she could have special abilities as well. Whoever showed her that video of me training, didn't do the world a favor in fact they endangered it more by fueling her weebish actions.

"Fufufu! Is it that you're afraid of me? I'll hold back just for you then!" Baylee smirked. "Transformation! Kunoichi Mode!"

She tossed off her cloak she bought at a costume store and exposed her kunoichi outfit. Alisha blankly stared at Baylee, confused on why she's even doing this.

"My special weapon! Wyvern Blade Mark..2!" Baylee said then pulled out a katana.

"Is that a toy katana..?" Alisha asked.

"N-No it's very real!" Baylee said.

[Yep that's a toy. This is a when people take anime too far moment.]

"Show me your power!" Baylee said then ran towards Alisha.

Alisha dodged Baylee's attacks and jumped back. She grabbed her own wrist and I sensed actual spirit energy from Alisha. Alisha kept avoiding Baylee's attacks then Baylee twirled her weapon like I did during the tournament and ran forward and spun in a circle while swinging her toy weapon around.

Alisha dodged it and decided to play along with Baylee just to put an end to Baylee's delusions. Alisha blocked Baylee's attack with her arm.

"Nani?! Blocking the attack with you arm?" Baylee asked in shock.

"I've stabilized my aura so I can reinforce my defenses. This is called Perfect Defense. A technique not known to many people." Alisha said.

"Perfect Defense! Sugoooiiii!" Baylee said in amazement.

"The fuck is going on here? A theatrics scene?" A man asked.

"It looks like it. Seems like they are practicing for some movie." A woman said.

"Since you are using special moves, I'll use mine too!" Baylee said then jumped back. She tossed her katana in the air. "Time to get motivated!"

"Motivated?" Alisha asked.

"Not Devil May Cry.." I sighed.

Baylee caught her katana then got in her stance. "Judgement Cut!" She said then sheathed her toy katana.

Alisha held her hand out and acted like a barrier protected her. "Spirit Barrier. This blocks all incoming attacks, no matter the type of damage. Unfortunately this uses energy to use." She said then lowered her hand.

"She's- She's too strong!" Baylee said and looked surprised.

"This is actually some good acting." A man said as he recorded them.

"Yeah that sword toss into the catch and sheathe was amazing!" A woman said in awe.

"And now to end your delusion. Phantom Soul Ripper." Alisha said then ran to Baylee and flicked her forehead. "That's enough delusions for one day."

"Kuso..! That hurt..!" Baylee uttered and held her forehead.

Alisha smiled and heard the small audience clapping then looked behind her. She felt a little embarrassed but understood why there was a bit of a crowd. I sighed and scratched the back of my head then walked towards Alisha and Baylee.

"Shiro!~ Did you see me? I went toe to toe with Alisha!~ I would've bested her in battle if she didn't have her dumb perks!" Baylee said then pouted.

"Lightning from the Heavens, strike me down now.." I mumbled and rubbed the back of my head.

"Shiro. What's going on? I didn't sense anything off on the island." Alisha said as she looked at me.

"Yeah I didn't either, but I did cringe hard when watching your...ahem...performance." I said then crossed my arms.

"Mmm...the acts of a chunnibyou are cringy..but that's just a part of Baylee's charm. She's very innocent, not affected by the darkness of this world. She's free from the arms of the darkness." Alisha said then looked at Baylee.

Baylee noticed then smiled and held a peace sign towards us. Baylee was the innocent one out of Jessica and Aubrie. Hell she didn't even know how sex worked before hanging out with me. In a sense I did impurify her, but she's still pure at heart. Alisha was right about Baylee being free. She could always be herself no matter the setting.

I smiled and crossed my arms. "Do you two wanna go out somewhere?"

"Nope! Just kidding~ Where do you wanna take us?" Baylee asked.

[Archery Area: Compatibility Increase]

[Bowling Alley: Baylee Bond Percentage Increase]

[Hidden Grotto: Alisha Bond Percentage Increase]

"Hmmm...yeah let do that. Let's go to the Archery Area." I smiled.

"Yes! Finally a sport that I can easily beat Miss Spirit at!~" Baylee smiled. "Kyudo is a sport I'm very proficient at~"

"Why is she so hung on beating me in something..?" Alisha sighed.

"She's Motivated." I chuckled. "Come on let's go."

Day: Monday

Location: Archery Area

Time: Morning

We made it to the area and got our equipment then headed out to the shooting range. There were a few other people in the area as well having fun. I looked at the placement of the targets. The targets ranged from 10 yards away up to 35 yards away from our shooting position.

"Let's go to the 25 yard ones!~ I wanna prove to Alisha that I am the best of the best!~" Baylee said.

"Sigh." Alisha rolled her eyes.

We walked over to the 25 Yard Targets and decided to take turns on the target. Baylee insisted on going first. I input her name first then Alisha and last me.

She took position at the front and pulled an arrow out of the quiver and twirled it around her fingers. "Total Concentration. Wind Breathing." Baylee said then took a deep breath.

Alisha and I watched Baylee raise her bow and took aim, pulling the string with the arrow equipped.

'Tenth Form. Wind Breaker Shot!' Baylee said in her head then released the arrow and watched the arrow slap onto the target with power.

Alisha looked impressed and looked at the screen seeing a ten on the screen. "So she's not actually all talk. I'm...actually impressed."

Baylee exhaled and turned around to look at us then giggled, holding up her signature peace sign. "Try to top that!~"

Alisha watched Baylee step aside. She walked ahead and pulled an arrow out of her quiver then took aim at the target. She pulled the string of the bow then her eyes subtly shined as she released the arrow and watched it fly over to the target and slap onto the target. She looked at the screen and noticed it was a seven. Her left eye twitched slightly and she closed her eyes.

"This is a bit harder than I expected." Alisha sighed then walked back to her seat.

I walked up and closed my eyes. I took an arrow out of my quiver, keeping my eyes closed. Baylee noticed and watched in awe. I took aim at the target then shot the arrow with my eyes closed. Baylee watched the arrow in awe then watched my arrow split hers in half and hit the bullseye. I opened my eyes and smiled.

[Not bad. Not bad. I would've have expected any less.]

I nodded and looked at Baylee. She looked amazed and looked at me completely stunned at the fact that I split her arrow in half and hit the bullseye. "It's your turn Demon Slayer."

Baylee looked at me and smiled determined. "I won't lose to you!"

The three of us continued our little competition that went on. Alisha ended with the least points because of the lack of tens she had on the board. Baylee and I had a great competition, but in the end I became the winner because Baylee choked and got a 9 because she didn't put enough power in her shot.

"This guy got a PERFECT score. A perfect 1000." A woman said as she looked at our screen.

"That's Blade Master Shiro! He's like extremely good at sports from what I heard from some of the women on the island. He should partake in the archery competition that's happening in three days." The woman's friend said.

[Archery Competition huh..? Why do I feel like something is gonna happen on that day.]

Alisha also got the same uneasy feeling when she mentioned the Archery Competition that's happening in three days. She noticed Baylee sit beside her and looked at her.

"You were pretty good for your first time, Lisha~" Baylee smiled.

"Lisha?" Alisha crossed her arms.

"It's like a nickname for you. My friends call me Bay." Baylee smiled.

"Nickname. I find no use in a name like that but I guess I will allow you to call me such a name." Alisha said then smiled.

Baylee got a text message from Blanche then stood up quickly. "Oh crap I completely forgot I'm working Hotel Shift today! I have to go! I had a great time!~ Baiiii!~"

Baylee hurried off and returned her bow and quiver with the remaining arrows in them.

Alisha smiled and stood up then looked at me. "I should go too, I have a show to perform today so...I'll see you when I see you..~"

I looked at Alisha and smiled then watched her walk off.

[Date Successful]

[Alisha x Baylee Compatibility rose to 24%]

Day: Monday

Location: Courtyard

Time: Afternoon

There was a crowd surrounding Monika and Melissa asking for their autographs. They were pretty famous around America and Europe as well as Destiny Island. I wasn't surprised about the size of the crowd, but was surprised at Melissa's shyness. Once the crowd went away, all that nervousness and shyness vanished.

"Geez, I will never get used to that." Melissa sighed and cleared her throat.

"Me neither, but it's what's to be expected from fame. It's not all bad either. I kinda like the fame. I can use this money to support my parents and grandparents financially." Monika smiled.

"Yeah I guess that's a plus when getting rich and famous~" Melissa smiled.

[Compatibility Detected - Monika x Melissa: 60% Compatibility]

I made my way to the two women. "Hey ladies."

Melissa and Monika looked at me then smiled. They greeted me and I gave both of them a hug.

"So what's up?" Monika asked.

"Eh, nothing much. I was just in the area and noticed Melissa was pretty nervous around those fans." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I don't do well in large crowds nor paparazzi. It doesn't help when you have assholes online saying, 'Why is she still nervous around her fans or scared of the paparazzi? She should be used to this and prepared for it' or some bullshit like that." Melissa rolled her eyes then crossed her arms.

"Some people just act tough behind the screen, but will never show up in real life. Just gotta ignore those type of people." I smiled.

"Yeah." Melissa said then placed her hands behind her back then playfully bumped her shoulder into mine. "So~ Whatcha wanna do ~"

"I was hoping on taking you two out somewhere, maybe grab some lunch together or catch a movie or anything basically?~ Hang out at the mall even though we aren't teenagers anymore." I chuckled.

"That sounds like a wonderful plan~" Monika smiled.

"Well let's see.." I said then crossed my arms, looking at my choices.

[Paradise Diner: Compatibility Increase]

[Erotic Cinema: Compatibility Increase]

[Basketball Court: Compatibility Increase]

" two wanna see what the Sports Area has to offer?" I asked.

"Yeah~ Let's go!~" Melissa smiled and giggled.

"Sounds cool to me~" Monika smiled.

"Alright let's go." I nodded.

Day: Monday

Location: Basketball Court

Time: Afternoon

The three of us walked onto the court and Melissa expressed greatly that she wanted to learn to play a sport. Monika and I agreed to teach her in the short time frame they had before having to go back to work.

"Alright, so before we go to the great levels, we gotta teach you how to dribble~" Monika said then dribbled the ball. She showed off her dribbling skills that Chelsey taught her and Melissa looked impressed and smiled. She bounced the ball to me. "Now Shiro will show you the impossible shit that not even Chelsey can do~"

I dribbled then ball and Melissa watched in awe. I spun around then shot the ball and the ball curved into the hoop. "That was just something light."

"So cool, I remember you doing something like that two years ago~" Melissa giggled.

Monika grabbed the ball and bounced it to Melissa and she caught it. "You try dribbling now."

Melissa smiled and nodded then began to dribble. She was dribbling very high and smiled. "Like this?"

"You're dribbling too high." I chuckled. "Try dribbling the ball lower."

Melissa nodded and began to dribble lower and looked at the ball. She looked at us then back at the ball. "Is this good?"

"Mhm. That's good enough." I smiled. "Let's see you shoot the ball now."

"Okay~" Melissa said then shot the ball, completely air balling.

I snickered and jogged over to get the ball then picked it up. I walked back over to Melissa and showed her how to shoot the ball with the help of Monika coaching her as well. Monika shot the ball as a demonstration and Melissa nodded then shot the ball, hitting the rim, but it bounced off and hit the ground. I bounced the ball back to Melissa and she shot another shot then made it. She celebrated and hopped up in the air.

I smiled and watched Monika and Melissa high five each other. We continued to teach Melissa more things about basketball such as layups, stealing, defending, and the rules. She was quite the quick learner and it showed in how fast she understood how to play. Her jumper needed a lot of work, but for a beginner it was good enough.

Monika and Melissa played a one on one so Melissa could put what she learned to the test. They played up to ten. Monika went pretty easy on Melissa, but not too easy. I watched and kept the score. Melissa held her own and used the fundamentals and didn't play very flashy. Monika kept it fundamental as well. After the game, the score was 10 to 4.

We sat against the wall and Melissa giggled. We looked at her and wondered why she giggled.

"I've never been so tired before. That was a real work out." Melissa said and watched the other guys and girls play.

"You did good for your first time and guess what, you know how to play a sport..~ Now keep up your end of the deal..~" Monika smiled.

"Deal?" I asked.

"Well she told me if we taught her how to play, the three of us could-"

Melissa covered Monika's mouth mid sentence and blushed. "It's a secret for right now..! Besides we have to be at work by 3 PM today and it's already 2:43 so we need to get going and freshen up!" She uncovered Monika's mouth then stood up.

"Alright, but you have to tell him sooner or later." Monika said.

"I will..! Now let's go!" Melissa blushed even more then hurried off.

"See you later~" Monika smiled and followed Melissa.

[Monika x Melissa Compatibility rose to 70%]

I smiled and stood up and went back to the hotel to freshen up.

Day: Monday

Location: Hotel Lobby

Time: Afternoon

I noticed Ani and Krystal talking to each other then walked over to them. They looked over to me then we greeted each other and I sat with them.

"I was just telling Ani here about how fun the Cruise Ship can be~ She's never been and I had plans on taking her~" Krystal chuckled.

"Oh? I'll be happy to take you both there..~" I smiled.

"Y-You don't have to." Ani smiled and blushed.

"Come on, Baylee is covering your shift and you look like you could let loose for a little bit~" I smiled.

Ani looked at Baylee checking in a couple and looked back at me. "Well...when you put it like that then I guess it wouldn't hurt to go out and have some fun..~"

"Great~ You'll have a great time on the ship~" Krystal smiled.

Ani nodded and we stood up to get prepared to head out to the Cruise Ship.

Day: Monday

Location: Cruise Ship

Time: Afternoon

I walked on the cruise ship and spotted Ani, who was already here. I walked to her and she looked at me and smiled. I sat beside her and looked at the others having fun on the ship.

"We got here a bit early huh?~" Ani giggled.

"Yeah, Krystal told me she ran into some difficulties but she should be here in a bit." I said. I looked at her and she blushed a bit. I smiled and stood up. "Come on, let's go have some fun while we wait for Krystal. She should make it since the ship isn't setting sail for another ten minutes or so."

"Okay." Ani smiled and stood up then held my hand.

We decided to go on the long waterslide first to start off the date. We went on together since Ani feared something going south. We slid down the slide and she let out excited squeals. We landed in one of the other pools of the cruise ship and Ani laughed. We went to the other areas of the cruise ship and partook in more activities such as shuffleboarding and mini golfing.

Krystal made it on the ship and looked around for us. I called out her name after spotting her and she looked at me and Ani. She smiled at us and we made our way to Krystal. We all went into the main pool, which was large and played around in the water together.

We swam around, playing Marco Polo for a little bit before Krystal got out to take a smoke break while laying on a lounge chair. I took this chance to learn more about Ani and grow closer to her.

"So, how are you liking the Cruise Ship?~" I asked.

"It's really fun~ I'm glad we came out here because I would've missed out on some good fun like this~ There's more to do than I originally thought there'd be." Ani smiled and looked at the water.

"I can tell there is something on your mind. Wanna talk about it?" I said as I looked at her.

" isn't really an issue, it's more of embarrassment." Ani said shyly and softly chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Ani cleared her throat and looked at me. "Do you is important when it comes to...a romantic relationship?"

"To me, I think it is. Extremely important to me. It's how I grow closer to the women I like a date." I said and looked at the sky. "Why?"

"A-Ahhh abagaa Uhhh...It was just a silly question! Don't think too much about it!" Ani laughed nervously then looked away.

"I'm an empath, Ani. You can't really hide how you feel from me." I said and chuckled lightly as I looked at her. She looked at me blushing. She looked down at the water. "It's okay to be curious or to want to deepen a relationship by having sex. No one on the island is gonna shame you for it..~ Especially not me..~"

"It's just...I do wanna try it with you. Try to build something with you because I kinda like you. Since the first day you showed up at the was at first sight then you asked me on a date, helped me become more comfortable with myself...helped me appreciate what I have instead of being jealous of other're such a perfect guy and it seems so too good to be true.." Ani said as she twiddled her thumbs.

"Too good to be true..~ I beg to differ. You see we can build something together, are you motivated enough to try?" I asked.

Ani looked at me quickly. "W-What?"

"I'm saying, we can be something if you'd like. I like you as well. That date at the night club was the confirmation I needed." I smiled and looked at Ani.

[Ani's Bond Percentage rose to 54%]

Ani blushed and looked excited. "I-I'd love to be something with you~ It's all I've wanted since the day...we met..~"

I smiled and splashed water in her face and she flinched. "Good, so now you don't have to be shy whenever I'm around~"

"H-Hey!~" Ani said then splashed me back.

Krystal watched us and chuckled. She decided to relax for a bit longer before joining us once again.

We all got out of the pool and went around the ship to do more activities together such as go kart racing, laser tag, dancing, bumper cars, and enjoying a nice dinner together. The cruise ship made it back to the resort and we got out.

"Wooo~ I'm all tired out from those activities~ Probably the most fun I've had in a while~" Krystal smiled.

"Me too~ It's been a while since I let loose like that, thank you for this wonderful date~" Ani smiled.

"It's no issue, as long as you two had fun, I'm happy~" I smiled.

"I should get back to the hotel since I have plans with Monika soon~ I'll see you two later~" Krystal waved then walked off. "Love you Shiro~"

"See you Krys and love you too~" I smiled.

"I should head back to work, my shift starts in a bit so I'll catch you later..~" Ani smiled.

I nodded. "Good luck on your shift..~"

Ani got on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek. She blushed and pulled away. "Bye..~"

"Bye." I smiled and watched her walk off.

[Date Successful]

[Krystal x Ani Compatibility rose to 45%]

[Let's call it a night since I don't track anymore available women.]

I nodded and walked off back to the hotel to call it a night.

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