It's morning. I slowly sit up on the bed. Calling this a bed is kinda stretching it. It's just a wooden frame with ropes tied around it. The ropes work as a bed. It's a new feeling.
The dragon corpse is hanging from the roof of the cave. I found some holes that were strong enough to hold the dragon. I took a bet and hung the dragon's body using the rope from my bed.
It took a fair bit but I had enough left to sleep on. I hung the dragon to drain the blood. Maybe it was useful but I would prefer it this way. I look to my side. There are no beds beside mine so Nora is sleeping next to me.
She didn't mind it so I had no problems either. She is still asleep. I guess I should let her sleep a little more.
I decapitated the dragon before hanging it. That way, the blood won't pool and will just drain. The body looks a lot skinnier now. It has lost a fair amount of blood. It'll be a bit lighter to carry. I untie the rope and bring the body down.
I want to make it a spectacle for the villagers. Would they quietly accept this or do something? And if they decide to act, what would they do?
I killed the thing that was terrorizing them. However, I have also taken away a token of power from them. It isn't all positive from their perspective.
Some might try to oppose me. Well, I can always get them to cooperate with me using a bit of force.
I am very simple man. I don't like scheming and such. I am direct, I want others to be direct as well.
Last night's meal was enjoyable. I am not feeling that hungry now. Maybe I can try to harness the power I got from eating the stone.
I sit down and close my eyes to meditate. A calm mind is a must if you want to achieve true vision.
I can feel a flow. It's flowing like a raging torrent. A red colored stream of mana, flowing through my body like fire. It kinda reminds me of that monkey.
I try to focus and go deeper. There's a purple torrent that's ominous. It's like poison. Maybe the snake. And finally I found the faintest of the torrents, an azure blue torrent.
I have three different colored torrents coursing through my body. The most apparent one is the red one. Maybe I have a higher affinity for that. Next is the poisonous torrent. The slowest and weakest would be the azure blue torrent.
Well, I now know that I have something. It's better than nothing. Let's try to use the red torrent.
I divert a bit of it towards my hand. It feels hot. It's literally burning me. But my skin isn't burning. It's more of a sensation. I can see a fire on my palm.
It's red. I mean really red. Still, I have fire at least. If I had checked last night, I would have had an easier time lighting a fire.
I put away the fire. I can now say that I am not totally powerless. However, it didn't feel like I was using any mana or <Spirit>. It felt like a part of my body.
I guess I have stopped being a human on a different level. I prepare myself to depart. Nora is waking up as well. Let's wait till she is ready.
After a while, we both are ready to depart. I pick up the dragon's corpse. The head is tied to its body. I am dragging it by its foot.
It feels a lot lighter than yesterday.
"Is the village nearby?"
"If we go straight, it will take 10 minutes on foot. It's rather close." (Nora)
Her complexion is much better compared to yesterday. I guess a bit of food can go a long way. She just has to eat good for a while. Her body will slowly recover from the malnutrition.
She might become a top beauty once she is finished developing. She has the potential after all.
"Who are you, really?" (Nora)
"I am just a humble human. My name is Clive Belmont and I am here to attend a wedding. I just got a bit lost. I wanted to ask for directions but your villagers presented me as an offering to that dragon."
"Still, even we are humans. We can't do things like killing a dragon without using magic or artifacts." (Nora)
"My weapon is a spirit weapon. However she seems to be not working. I had to make do with her incomplete form."
Our talk was short because the village was visible. The guards have noticed us approaching and they ran inside as fast as they could.
Maybe seeing a dragon shocked them. Anyway, we stop in front of the village entrance. I have no intentions of dragging a dead dragon corpse into a village.
Soon, every villager gathered at the entrance. Many have tried arming themselves but they look hilarious. Imagine a mob of people with domestic utensils as weapons.
The elder steps forward. He is utterly shocked.
"Here is the dragon you offered me to. I ate its tail. Here's the rest of the corpse."
I push the dragon to the side. It fell with a thud and dust blew. How can there be dust here? It's a grassland.
"How could you do that to our deity?"
The chief seems rather disappointed. I guess he is part of that faction. The "My village is poor and it has too many mouths to feed so we need to sacrifice one person a month to keep the village alive" faction.
"I kinda expected it. You people are just a bunch of self preserving, cold blooded killers. So, what will you do now?"
Everyone is quiet. Suddenly one of the guards pointed his gun at me.
"You have to die. You killed our deity. We cannot let you leave."
"I am rather merciful but even I am slightly angry. I hope you are prepared."
He is willing to pull the trigger. He is ready to kill me so he is most certainly ready to die. I will take his challenge and oblige him.
The fire from this morning, let's see how well it burns.
I hold out my hand pointing at him and flames started spewing out from my palm. It seems yellowish this time.
The flames soon covered that pitiful man. He started running around. The surrounding mob scattered around. He tried to run away but he only made things worse.
The houses he ran into, caught on fire. Everyone is screaming. It's chaotic. I have no problems watching this scene. How is Nora faring?
She seems to have a smile on her face.
"You don't seem scared or sad."
"I have no reason to be scared. Sadness is something I lost a long time ago." (Nora)
"I see. Should I just wipe this village out?"
"You can do whatever you want. Will you let me come with you?" (Nora)
"Happily. Traveling alone is boring. Cover your nose. I will use poison."
Poison should be acidic. This would further ignite the fire. The poison that came from my hand was deep purple in color.
The air around the village became poisonous. The people who were running around started falling like flies one after another. They were decomposing.
I covered Nora's eyes. That is too much gore.
The entire village, reduced to ashes. The people have been decomposed. The land has died.
"How many people lived in this village?"
"About five hundred." (Nora)
I have killed another 500 people. But at this point, it doesn't even faze me.
I burned down the dragon's corpse as well. Can't carry it.
"Now, we should leave. They said that this village is the end. So we should go the opposite direction."
"Yes. A little ahead is a small town. We can go there for the time being." (Nora)
We need to secure money for our travel. It seems that money is necessary no matter the world. However, I have become quite the splendid killer.
Another chapter because why not?