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42.85% Self Insert of The Dead (HoTD) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – The Lucky Pervert Should Not Be the One Being Peeked On

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3 – The Lucky Pervert Should Not Be the One Being Peeked On

Predictably, after Ms. Marikawa finally vacated the bath, the girls decided it was only right for them to hog it for as long as they pleased, which ended up with me deciding that Hirano may as well take his turn in peace before I got to finally wash the grime of the day (the disturbingly reddish grime) away and sink into the warm, soothing water for a few minutes of blissful, uninterrupted-


Can't you even let me bathe in peace, Lee?

'Hey, sorry, but… I thought we should talk? It's the first time we've had the chance to without there being either mortal danger or the girls around, which is just another way to spell "mortal danger," really.'

Fine… What do you want?

'My family, friends, and not-crazy life, mostly.'


'And for you not to be in denial.'


'Your own family. They—'

I don't want to talk about it.

'Takashi, we don't know if they—'

Right. We don't know. We don't know because that 'prophet' or 'precog' of yours never bothered writing about what happened to them, and we can't rush to them because there are far too many important things to do. So what use is there in thinking about my father being on a business trip and away from anybody who would've cared to shelter him? What use is there in thinking about my mother being trapped in an elementary school, either already turned because she didn't know what to do with a sick child who turned into a zombie, or because she's too noble to abandon them and fought to the end, or—

'They could be alive. You've no way of knowing—'

They could. They could also be dead. I've got no way of knowing.

'Takashi… I'm sorry, man. I really am. But you can't keep this bottled up. I can feel it niggling at you, taking chunks out of your sanity every time you try not to think about it—"

Well then, I guess you'll have a body to pilot on your own—

'Don't even joke about that! There's… Even if we weren't turning into one another, I'd rather be the one to fade—'

Don't. We don't know what's keeping you in here. For all we know, you're a ghost and will pass away as soon as you accept it.

'… How very shounen of you, to accept having a ghost inside your head rather than letting him pass away.'

And why does an American keep bringing up manga things? Don't you have superheroes and… and Star Wars or Trekking or whatever?

'If we ever meet an American nerd, let me speak, all right? It's less likely to end up in violence.'


'I mean, they could be fans of J.J. Abrams, and then all bets are off.'

… I refuse to make sense of whatever it is you're saying.

'Probably for the best.'

I sink back into the bathtub, the water level rising as I lean back and let the heat seep into tired muscles that feel more toned than they did yesterday. It may be true, an effect of whatever it is Busujima… Saeko thinks is going on with Lee and I, or it may just be a placebo. I don't really understand what ki's supposed to do, but I doubt it's something as straightforward as quickly piling on muscle. Neither Saeko nor Rei look all that buff.

No, in fact they look quite… soft.

'It's affecting us.'

Yeah. I know.

'I think it's affecting everybody. Whether they use ki or not, it's… everywhere. And if ki's real, then every living thing has it, so they keep breathing whatever this taint is, and it messes up with their heads, bringing out the worst in them.'

Like it does with us, but slower, more… insidious.

'Insidious enough that a USA president would think it's a good idea to launch a preemptive nuclear strike.'

A chill goes down my back at Lee's words. Because it makes sense. If whatever's prodding at our minds and making us act even hornier than a pair of teenagers should be is doing the same thing to… to somebody who lusts for power and control… It would make them go crazy in a matter of days. It would make Shidou go from a corrupt asshole to killing a student in…

Oh gods.

'Well, yeah. We cannot be sure this isn't their fault, either.'

Lee, I don't care what bullshit powers you think we're developing, I'm not about to punch a god in the face.

'Not with that attitude.'

Also, the door's opening. One of us forgot to lock it, and I'm not taking responsibility.

'You were piloting the body! Can't blame me for being lost in thought when all I am is thought!'

"Occupied!" I yell, ignoring Lee's baseless defense.

'Fuck you.'

"I know," Saya's voice answers as she comes into the room, wearing a very loose, white, spaghetti-strap top that clings to her tightly enough it's clear she isn't wearing a bra, and powder blue short shorts with a low waistline that—I mean, what the fuck?!

"Saya!" I exclaim while my hands splash bathwater out of the tub in their hurried dash to cover my more vulnerable parts as she closes the wooden blue door behind her and comes closer.

"Keep it down, will you? The last thing we need is for Rei to burst in," the pink-haired girl huffs as she stands right over me, her crossed arms pushing her bust up in a very eye-catching—fuck.

"What the Hell are you doing in here?"

At that, she stares down at me in a way that really suits her and slowly arches an eyebrow over the red rim of her glasses. Then she very pointedly looks from my eyes to the place... my hands are… guarding…

'Holy shit. Can't say I expected this.'

She's always been… proactive.

'Well, far be it from me to stand between a man and his victorious childhood friend.'

I could use some support, actually.

'Yeah, no. She's in love with you; it would be a dick move to try and maneuver around that.'

Heh. 'Dick move.'

'Oh dear God, I've infected you…'

"Well?" Saya finally says.

"Well, what?" I immediately answer.

'Don't. Not that fucking "dense harem protagonist" bullshit. You'll make her cry.'

"Are you really—" Saya starts to say, the irate tone one I'm intimately familiar with.

"I'm sorry," I immediately tell her. Because Lee's right, and the last thing I want to do is hurt her… even if I don't know how to manage that.

'You'll do just fine. She likes you for a reason.'

"For what?" she asks. Because, of course, a vague apology was never enough with her.

So I close my eyes and take a deep breath that has the water level rise slightly up my chest.

"For trying to dodge the subject. It can't be easy for you, and I'm sorry my first reaction was so cowardly."

She stares at me, silent and long enough that I notice her glasses slowly get fogged up until she furrows her brow and takes them off, gently settling them down on the washbasin countertop.

Then she kneels beside the tub, right by my head, and rests her chin on her folded arms over the tub's edge.

"You're really changing, aren't you?" she asks.

"I… I think so. Even if the personalities didn't bleed over… there are so many memories, you know? I finally understand English, and that was always my worst subject, and it's kinda like... like just the language means I can look at the world differently? Like… I'm no good at this, have never been, but… they've got words for things we use whole sentences for, and vice versa, and it's weird I'm bringing this up when Lee's whole life was so different, but it just sticks out so much…"

"There've been some studies done on bilingual speakers. There are some differences in neuroplasticity and density of different areas of the brain."

"… Does that mean learning another language makes you a different person?"

"Gods, I wish… Can you imagine? Just send criminals to language school and—never mind. No, that's not what it means, but it's not that weird you'd focus on that rather than on more personal changes like… I don't know. Can you tell me an example?" Her head is now slightly tilted to the side, some of her innate curiosity shining through.

And I… I could never resist that look on her.

So I close my eyes and let the first memory of Lee I can reach emerge and—

I'm taking notes in physics class. I can barely force myself to because physics should be cool. It should tell us about space, and how a star's born, and how everything that surrounds us is, at some level, glorious science, an ordered world just waiting for the clever monkeys to decipher its cheat codes and do the kind of amazing stuff science fiction's about.

But Mr. Johnson (heh) is allergic to fun and wonder, and I'm pretty sure he'd be a fairy-killer in Changeling (the old one, the one so many people seem to hate). So we're just copying down equations—which, sure, they're what will be on the test, but equations mean things, are more than random sequences of fill-in-the-blanks, and I'm sure half the class wouldn't struggle so hard if he deigned to explain more of—

Sarah just kicked my shin.

'Focus,' she mouths at me, and I roll my eyes and pretend to fall asleep, which makes her stifle a giggle that I know would make my heart race. Even if we've known each other forever, even if I know that giggle well enough that I can hear it just by looking at her, at brown eyes over a smatter of freckles, even if…

Damn. I'll miss her.

There's… loss in there. It's muted by time and distance, overpowered by the greater loss of the present, but… It's still there.

"He had a childhood friend. The nagging kind, always trying to make him focus in class, scolding him when he didn't do his homework… and he was crushing on her but never told her. Because her father had to move away because of work, and he didn't want to pile on her drama. He always regretted it, not telling her, and… it's a different kind of pain from that of being rejected. I think it's worse."

She closes her eyes, and when she opens them, they look straight at me, amber that sometimes shifts to crimson between long eyelashes that—

"I love you," she says. And her face's in pain.


"I've loved you since puberty hit me like a runaway truck, since I first saw you looking at Rei like a lost puppy and I felt my heart clench. I've loved you, dense moron that you are, for years, and you never spared a glance at me."

"That's—that's not true! You're my childhood friend; I've never not looked at you!"

"That's not true. At least, not like you think it is because I made it so obvious—"

"You never said anything!"

"You were in love with another girl!"

"That's not a hard limit!"

"… What?"

Once again, I look at a very confused Saya. Because she always tries to pretend she knows everything, that, if she doesn't, she'll learn, but when it comes to… to people?

I always tried to explain. And I'm definitely not good at it.

"I… we're in a very weird situation, and I know what you came here to do, but… I don't want to do that with you if… You're my friend, but also a very attractive girl, and I tried not to think about that because it felt wrong to look at you that way, but… Damn it, Saya, you know how I felt about Rei, what happened between us—do you think I wanted to risk a repeat with you?"

She's blinking fast enough I don't know if she's confused or clearing her eyes, and—

And she's leaning over the bathtub's edge, her right hand tugging on my hair to force me to face her, and her lips on my own, her skin beaded either with sweat or with the bath's moisture, and it's my second kiss and—

"I love you," she whispers against me, and then dives back before I can answer her, her lips moving and demanding I move as her mouth opens and her pointed tongue traces the line between my lips until I finally take the hint and open them, letting my own tongue out to meet hers, chasing her into her mouth as I grab her cheeks and hold her in front of me as I twist my body in the tub so I don't sprain my neck while trying to keep up with Saya's demanding movements.

Her eyes are closed, no longer in pain, and there's a strangled sound that comes from her that I can't identify, and then…

Then there's the Heat.

Because we think it's not only about lust, but about… possessiveness. The need to keep our loved ones closer and secure, to have them be ours, and… And Saya counts. Saya definitely counts, even if I always looked at Rei.

Because there's no doubt she can bring out the lust in me, as some shameful nights taught me, but the other part? The possessiveness? If someone hurt Saya, I would tear their spine off—

And the Heat roars.

It pulses in my chest before rushing up my throat, turning my tongue into a molten spear that heats up Saya's tongue as that strangled sound becomes a moan, and her hand grips my hair tight enough it hurts, but not enough I want her to let go.

I pull away, and it's the hardest thing I've ever done.

And then I look into her eyes, the amber now turned pink in the low light of this angle as she looks at me with wide eyes that are more uncertain than anything else.

I want to tell her… a lot of things. Too many things.

But then I open my mouth.

"Mine," is the only thing that comes out. And it's not a gentle whisper, not a reassurance of affection.

It's a growl.

And she grins.

"I think I know what the Heat does to me," she tells me in a tone that would make me hard if I wasn't already. She still makes me throb.

"It makes me want to grab your waist, pull you over the tub's edge and—" I say, wanting to stop at every word, wanting to be gentle and not managing it.

And she lies a finger on my lips before standing up, her grin widening as my eyes roam over her body.

She definitely isn't wearing a bra. And there's a wet spot on the front of her shorts.

"You said Rei was jealous and possessive, and so she enjoyed being seen as you took her. You said Busu—Saeko needed to fight, and so she went at you like… that." She glides the backs of her hands along her sides, looking down at me, the right corner of her mouth raising as she sees me watch with rapt attention. "I'm prideful. I'm not even ashamed to admit it, not now, not with this… thing running inside my head and making my pride feel so good. No, Takashi, I like being like this, being so far above you, having you worship me."

I look up from where her hands are resting on her hips for a moment, my expression shifting to confusion before she sneers.

… I think I'm in trouble.

"Don't pretend you don't, Takashi. You're drooling over my body, your… your cock's standing up, harder than when Saeko was riding you, harder than when you fingered Rei and almost creamed your pants. You want me. Need me. You—" she takes the sides of her top and pulls it up in a single motion, the fabric futilely sticking to wet skin all along the way until her breasts are shown to me, and I— "want these. Don't, you, Takashi? Don't you want to grope them, and suck and bite them? Don't you want to run your cock between them? Don't you want to shower my beautiful face with your thick seed?"

My throat is dry, and I grab the edge of the tub before I—

Her foot is on my chest, pressing down, and I sink until the water almost reaches my nose.

She smiles all the way.

And my fists tighten as hard I can make them, my nails digging into my palms as I resist the urge to grab her ankle and pull her inside with me before I bend her over, half her body falling outside the tub as I rail her and make her scream my name—

"None of that," she chides me right before her wet foot raises, pointed down, dripping a thin stream of water over my bare, wet chest, and I—

She kisses me.

It burns.

I feel the Heat rising, meeting her touch in a wave that makes me forget all about the warm water surrounding my body, that makes me forget about white porcelain on my back, that makes me forget about everything but Saya, and her body, and—

She's grabbing me.

Her hand tightens around the base of my shaft, her thumb closing the circle, and I finally notice her breasts pressing against my chest, the wonderfully soft flesh ample enough to cover far more of my skin than I would've guessed.

"Tell me I make you feel good," she whispers. "Tell me I make you feel like no one ever has."

I cup her cheek as gently as I can with my right hand, holding her in place above me, keeping her eyes fixed on my own as I see the crimson that sometimes lurks behind the amber.

And then I grasp her right breast, touching a naked woman's chest for the first time in my life, and she bites her lip and tries not to whimper.

"You are you, Saya. Of course no one could ever make me feel like you do," I tell her.

I don't know where the words come from, just that they do. That they are true.

What I don't tell her is that no one will ever make me feel like Rei either. Or like Saeko. That each of them is unique and precious in their own way. That they are mine and not interchangeable with any other woman in the world. That they are not to be compared, but appreciated. Treasured.

I think I could've refrained at any other time. Be happy and satisfied with even a fraction of what Saya's offering me. But… But the Heat is rushing through me, pounding in my veins in a way that's not like the roar from before, but steadier. That it's a drumbeat pushing me forward, driving me to the next step.

And it makes me want to take her, to utterly and completely make her my own until no one else could ever dream of staking their claim, but… but I can hold back. Can let her own Heat play whatever game she needs.


So, when her eyes soften for a moment at my words, only for the grin to come back, wider than before…

I let her.

But only because the Heat knows what comes next.

"That's right. That's just right, Takashi, no one will ever make you feel like I do. And you'll worship me and show me just how much—oh? You like that, don't you?"

She's pumping up and down my length, her cheeks reddening as I keep massaging her breast, my thumb tweaking her nipple even if she tries to pretend it doesn't affect her.

"Of course you do," she continues, the line cut short by a ragged breath. "Of course you like—love what I do to you. Of course you think my breasts are incredible, that you could touch them forever and enjoy every second."

I nod, my eyes never leaving hers.

"Yes, yes, you… would like to fuck them, wouldn't you? Would like to straddle my body and drive your cock between them, your glans peeking out to reach my mouth with every thrust…"

My fingers tighten on her flesh, and she throws her head back in a moan that makes me want to—

She tightens her own grasp, and I shift beneath her touch.

"Stand up," she mutters.

I do.

She doesn't let go, her hand on my cock as I use the tub's sides to raise my body, still standing in warm water.

"You don't deserve it, you know? After ignoring me for so long, you should be happy with just my hand making you cum inside the bathtub, to have your semen dilute on warm water and cover your body. To have this be as shameful for you as it should have been not to chase after me since the first time I gave you a hint."

She's looking up at me, her head beneath my cock, her hand still on it.

By sheer impulse, I try to thrust through her tight grasp, but she follows the movement of my hips perfectly, denying me of all friction as the smirk comes back.

"But I want to show you… I want to show you that, even on my knees, even beneath you, I still am above you. I still dominate you in every way that matters. That I'm not yours: you are mine."

A shiver runs up my spine, and then she leans forward and takes my entire glans inside her mouth.

She stops there, her hand softly gliding up and down across wet skin, and then I see her other hand reach across her body to grasp the breast I just let go of, her fingers trying to match the spots of red skin where I grasped maybe too tightly even if she didn't complain. No, far from it.

And then her tongue swirls around me, and I clench my eyes shut, my fists almost creaking as I once more dig my nails on my palms as I resist the urge to grab her head and fuck her mouth, her throat, her—

She stops, her lips leaving my cock, and then she speaks, her breath sending more shivers up my spine.

"I could cum just by watching you writhe…"

She dives back in, and I moan.

She doesn't stop, not this time. No, she picks up speed, her bobbing head making her lips meet her moving fist, and my shaft feels harder than it ever has, so much so that I feel her tongue move over my veins rather than flattening them, and I feel the Heat pool where we touch, her mouth feeling like a furnace that burns me in just the right way.

My breathing is an animalistic pant, my pulse a steady, deafening pounding in my ears, and my vision is a dark tunnel, the only colors those of Saya's studiously sucking on my cock as she mauls her breast, her eyes darting up to mine every time she goes down, a smile on the corner of her lips every time she catches me biting my lip not to growl at her, her back shivering every time she looks at my trembling fists and she guesses what I'm holding myself back from.

She plays with fire, and she loves it.

"You are close, aren't you?" she asks, her lips right at the head of my cock, her hand a blur on it. "You're so close to letting out everything you still have inside of these big balls of yours… And you want it so bad, to have me choke on all of it… Tell me, Takashi, how bad do you want me?"

"I'm holding myself back from raping you until you can't walk," a part of me answers.

And I'm horrified at the words, the awful, terrible—

She's laughing.

"Of course! Of course you want to take my perfect body! Of course you want to give me everything you have! Tell me more! Tell me what you'd do to me!"

"I'd grab your ass, that ass you always stick out whenever you pick something from your desk, always waving it at me, and I'll hold you up against the wall and stick my cock inside you—"

"This cock?" she asks, holding it steady before she kisses the tip, and I clench my toes. "You'd get this hard, big thing inside my tight pussy? The tightest pussy you'll ever taste?"

"I'd stuff you full with it. Pack your womb with my cum. Over, and over, and over."

She closes her eyes and moans, her lips vibrating against my cockhead before her hand blurs.

"Yes. Yes, you would… If I let you. If I allow you to cum any other way than pitifully on your bathwater. You deserve it, Takashi. You deserve it for ignoring me."

I get the urge once again to grab her head, and I, somehow, manage to hold it back.

And then she smiles. Not a grin, but a smile, a soft thing that makes something in my chest melt at seeing her looking up at me like that, not even caring what she's doing to my cock as long as I can look at Saya be so unreservedly, unambiguously, happy.

"But I love you. And I'm so perfect that I'll allow the one I love not to be shamed, no matter how much he deserves it."

And then she dives back down, her mouth surrounding me not in molten Heat, but in gentle warmth, her tongue caressing me in a wet embrace, and her hand…

She pumps once. Twice.

And I cum.

It's a rush of Heat, but also something else as I feel Saya's loving touch turn raw lust into the softest part of what dwells inside me, as I feel myself wanting not to take and conquer, but to hold and protect, and I—

"Gah! Too much!" she backs away, but I keep cumming, and Saya, surprised and shocked as she still is, keeps jerking me off as I splatter her breasts and face, as I mark her, as I have her be mine.

I almost lose my balance, my vision fading for a moment before I find myself lying back, my head on cold, wet, white tiles, my member softening in her grasp as her hand shakes in what I hope is her own orgasm, unlikely as it would be.

She looks up at me, eyes glassy and mouth surprised, and I can feel the moment the Heat shifts inside her, the moment all the energy I just passed to her becomes hers. Her eyes widen, and a soft, silly smile blooms in a face that's still prideful, but not overwhelmingly so.

I shudder as she leans forward and… licks me clean.

"There," she whispers right against my cock, "we wouldn't want to dirty the bath, would we?"

She leans away, smiling up at me once more, and I slowly slide down the wall until I'm kneeling in the still warm water.

Saya stands and takes off her shorts and panties, giggling at the way my eyes widen at her completely naked body, but then she steps aside and grabs the shower beside the bathtub, quickly washing away any traces of my seed on her skin.

"We'll talk later," she whispers, grabbing her clothes and a towel before sauntering across the bathroom while swaying her hips in a way that I won't believe it's not meant to have me stare at her ass all the way.

And then she opens the door and freezes when she comes face to face with a Rei who's blushing crimson.

'Yep. Proto-yandere. I keep telling you.'

Lee… I'll forgive you this once if you deal with her.

'You just told Saya how good I am at dealing with childhood crushes, bud. You're on your own.'

Like I'm much better.

'I think Saya would agree you're learning just fine.'

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