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48.93% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 23: Aftermath

Capítulo 23: Aftermath

Casterly Rock, the Westerlands

"Read this." Tywin said as he tossed a rolled parchment to Kevan.

Kevan reached the roll and asked, "What is this?"

"It contains my spies reports of the recent events in King's Landing. Read it and tell me what you think." Tywin said as he poured himself some wine.

Kevan started to read the report. As he proceeded through it his eyebrows rose and rose until he finally exclaimed, "By the Seven. He killed them all."

"It was more of a massacre. Like a battle between sheep and wolves. You can guess the result." Tywin said dismissively.

"But still making an enemy of the Faith. It will create problems down the line. The Starks did really cross the line." Kevan said.

"You are thinking in the wrong direction Kevan. While what you said is true, it does not matter. The primary issue here is how the Faith suddenly became so bold to challenge and capture a prominent Lord like Eddard Stark. Giving too much power to religion is suicidal even if they take it themselves. The Faith should not be given enough power that they cause problem to the Crown." Tywin said boring into Kevan.

Feeling intimidated Kevan said, "I apologize, brother I did not think it that way. But the sudden uprising of the Faith after the time of Maegor Targaryen and their quick and brutal annihilation is surprising. The Starks really surprised me. You think someone is using the Faith as a puppet?"

"Now you are in my line of thinking. The Faith is not bold enough to do something of this scale without outside support. Especially with the current High Septon. Somebody influenced him to do this." Tywin said.

"Who do suspect?" Kevan asked.

"Can't say for sure. The whole place is filled of schemers. But whoever caused this did not think clearly." Tywin said with a surprise mocking smile.

"Really? What do you mean? I mean clearly this has caused a rift between the Faith and the Northern Realms." Kevan asked.

"You are not really thinking hard enough brother. If it was any House south of the Neck that was attacking the Faith, it could have been a problem for them. Hate to say this but other than the North and to an extent Dorne, the Faith has some amount of power in every Kingdom. So, if it was any other House they could have been condemned by the Faith and it would create unwanted problems for them." Tywin said.

"And with the Northern Houses not following the Faith except House Manderly and Whitehill, they will not suffer any consequences." Kevan concluded. "How did Robert Baratheon react when his friend was taken?"

"From what Pycelle says he was angry. So angry that he lifted his hammer again." Tywin said.

"Understandable." Kevan mused. "And then…"

"Cersei and surprising Jon Arryn dissuaded him and went negotiate." Tywin said.

"Smart of her. No need to create unwanted risks for Joffrey. After all the King is the Defender of Faith." Kevan spoke. "But Jon Arryn's stance is surprising."

"He is a peace loving fool. But doing a commendable job considering what Robert Baratheon is." Tywin said. "But the negotiations failed. That was the moment the new Warden of North stepped into King's Landing to offer his fealty to Robert as he has now come of age."

"And knowing what he did to those ironborn cunts he must not have taken kindly to those who harmed his family. And Robert must have allowed him." Kevan finished.

"Yes. But I need to know more what is happening in the Palace. Pycelle is not enough. And Cersei is not reliable." Tywin said.

"What do you want me to do?" Kevan asked.

"Send your son Lancel to King's Landing. I will arrange for him to be Robert's squire." Tywin ordered.

With a sigh Kevan agreed. Then he asked, "I heard you are rebuilding our fleet."

"The dwarf is doing a surprisingly good job at Lannisport. I decided that it is time we use the money." Tywin said. What he did not say was he had done what no Lannister had done in recent times. He was now a customer of the Iron Bank.


Sunspear, Dorne

"He is such a beautiful child." He heard his wife Mellario cooing as she kept baby Leon on her lap. Arianne was sitting near her watching their interaction. Doran was happy to see his family there. Only Quentyn was not there. He also tried to find happiness in his new grandson but he could not. In his eyes, the child was a thorn in his quest for revenge against all those who wronged his sister. He had tried to get rid of the unborn child during his daughter's pregnancy but he failed. His daughter had been alert and had even taken the help of her cousins. Then his wife came.

It had been a surprise to everyone when a few weeks ago Mellario suddenly returned. Especially Arianne. He supposed it was because Arianne needed her mother's support during pregnancy. Initially Doran was also happy. But the first time she spoke to him alone after returning back made him realize that things were going to be difficult for him. She had told him loud and clear that he had already used their son as a pawn in his games. She had expressly told him to keep Arianne out of it. Since then, Mellario had been keeping a keen eye on him and Arianne.

Doran had wisely kept quiet during that time. But he was not going to back down. He had invested quite a lot of time and resources in his quest and nobody will stop him even if it is his wife. While sex and even a child before marriage was not a big concern in Dorne, Arianne was not just any simple highborn. She was the next ruling princess of Dorne and if everything went right the next Queen of Westeros. Doran was willing to wait till that.

And then, baby Leon was born. One look at the child and anybody could easily guess who the child was. Already the child had won a place in everyone's heart. Even Oberyn who was now bragging to everyone how he was going to teach the boy to fight. Doran kept the child at a distance. Since the child had to go it was wise not to form a bond with him.

He was shaken from his thoughts by the arrival of Maester Caleotte. "My Prince. You have a guest at your Solar."

"Please take me there Maester." Doran requested him which Caleotte proceeded to do.

Doran had been expecting this guest for many days. Since the day when news about the demise of Lord Ulric Dayne reached his ears. Lord Dayne had finally succumbed to his illness. Since then he had been expecting the Darkstar to arrive and now he had arrived.

Caleotte led him into the solar and went outside while Areo remained outside the door. Inside sat Gerold 'Darkstar' Dayne.

"I expected you a few days prior." Doran said after the usual pleasantries.

"I had to settle down a few affairs." Gerold replied.

Doran searched Gerold's face and asked, "Why the long face? I thought you must be happy now you are the Regent of Starfall. And now you could bring back young Edric here to be fostered at Sunspear."

"I am afraid that is impossible." Gerold said with a scowl.

Doran suddenly had a bad feeling and asked with dread. "What do you mean?"

"I was delayed because I was looking through Uncle Ulric's letters and documents. And I found that Edric will be fostered by the Starks." Said the Darkstar.

"You can still ask them to return him back." Doran said patiently.

"You do not understand." Gerold gave Doran a rolled up document. "It is an agreement which gives the Starks the power to foster Edric till he attains majority. Witnessed by Lord Beric Dondarrion, Lord Anders Yronwood and Lady Allyria Dayne."

Doran carefully read through the agreement and confirmed what the Darkstar was saying. 'This is bad' he thought. 'Seems that Lord Ulric was one step ahead of me.' He thought. 'Why can't he understand that I am doing this for the good of Dorne? For justice for our people.'

"And that is not all." Gerold screamed. "They took Dawn and asked the damned Starks to give it to the worthy Dayne."

Doran heard him at the same time started to think this over. 'Ulric had done a good job before his unfortunate demise. I cannot force the Starks to bring young Edric back to Starfall because of Ulric's agreement. Moreover Edric is with his cousin. And due to my decision of keeping a distance from the Iron Throne, I cannot also ask for the crown's intervention. And let us not forget the fact that Robert Baratheon is good friends with the Starks. So it will be a futile attempt.'

'And Darkstar is not a predictable or useful ally to have.' Doran thought as formulated how to best deal with him. "I understand your frustration. You had always wanted to wield Dawn as it should have been. But now it is difficult. I will try to help you. I will request Lord Stark to return it back."

"I don't think it will do any good. That brat never liked me." Gerold ranted. "And we even had a fight when he came to Starfall."

'And in which he thrashed you.' Doran thought but did not voice it.

"If you fail to convince him then I will take care of this matter myself." The Darkstar said standing up.

"Have patience Sir Gerold. I am sure everything will be well and good. And in the meantime I want you to slowly increase your army." Doran told him.

"Why?" Darkstar asked with a smirk.

"I feel like a war is coming." Doran said calmly already thinking. 'Now that Edric Dayne is out of my hands I must make sure that he never returns back to Dorne.'

"I like a war." Gerold said with shrug and smile.

Further discussions were interrupted by the doors opening and Lady Mellario came in. She looked at Gerold and Doran. Doran introduced them both to each other. Gerold left sensing he was not welcome anymore.

As soon as they were alone Doran asked, "Is there anything I can do for you my love?"

"Yes Doran. Now that Arianne has given birth to a beautiful child what are you going to about her?" She asked.

"Ahh. Leon Sand. Even if he is of my blood he is a bastard…" Doran began.

"Please don't call him that. I cannot understand how you Westerosi call your own blood bastards. It is such a shameful word." Mellario asked.

"Since the child is born out of a wedlock he will carry the taint." Doran explained.

"That is why I came here to talk to you. Since both Arianne is of age why don't we marry her to Lord Aryan? I was thinking about it. Even Oberyn thinks it is a good idea." Mellario explained.

Doran did not like the direction in which this conversation was going. He decided to end it. "NO. She will not marry him."

"But why? There is nothing to lose and everything to gain from this alliance." Mellario argued.

"My reasons are my own. Let us not speak more on this." Doran said sternly.

Mellario remained silent for some time, then rose from her seat and said. "We are not finished Doran. We will speak of this later. If I find that you are making my daughter a pawn in your stupid plans for revenge you will find me a formidable opponent."

She then went out angrily.

Doran wondered. 'I was happy she returned back. Now I wonder if it is a good thing that she is here."


Highgarden, The Reach

"This is a disaster. How dare those heathen savages attack the High Septon and his followers. The poor High Septon has been completely crippled. And now the Faith is asking our help to take revenge as they should." Mace Tyrell ranted. His face was flushed and his chins were shaking.

Willas sat on a nearby chair listening to his father rant. Things had not been pleasant in the Reach as of late. Ever since that the violent confrontation between the High Septon and the Starks in King's Landing the Faith was in uproar. As the Reach was the centre of the Faith, its effect was more prominent here. There was pressure on the Lords to do something.

"We cannot blame the Starks for what they did Father. The Faith should not have taken Lord Eddard hostage." Willas tried to say but to no avail. Mace continued his rant. Willas stayed silent knowing it was futile to try getting his point.

Suddenly, the door to the solar opened followed by the tapping noise of his grandmother's walking stick. Wilas sighed in relief. She would know how to deal with Father. Soon Olenna Tyrell, supported by Margaery and followed by their mother Alerie came in.

Willas immediately got up to greet them. They sat down. Alerie had the newest member of the family on her lap. Baby Daena Tyrell, only two month's old sat on her mother's lap looking at each of them curiously. Of all the Tyrell children, only Daena inherited the purple eyes from their mother's side. These days his mother was very happy. Having a child to take care of seemed to have lifted her spirits.

"You look angry Mace. Is there something wrong?" Olenna asked already aware of the situation.

Mace Tyrell predictably exploded again. Olenna seemed to enjoy the tirade and Wilas could see the distaste towards Mace in her eyes. She seemed to take a delight in watching Mace making a fool of himself. Sometimes Willas wondered if she truly loved her son.

"Please calm down Mace. Look now, you have made little Daena upset." Alerie said scolding her husband as she fussed on the baby.

"Give him to me mother. I will take care of my little sister." Margaery said taking hold of Daena from Alerie and started to sing to her.

Olenna watched the scene with warmth in her eyes then turned to Mace and said, "Why don't you go to your brother? He wanted to talk to you about the new tourney."

"Yes, you are right mother. He must need my advice." Mace said puffing up as he went out.

"Finally, I thought he would never go. The oaf never shuts up." Olenna said sighing.

"Mother, what are you saying? He is your son." Alerie said feebly defending her husband.

"Sometimes I wonder if he hit his head somewhere when he slipped down my legs." Olenna spoke.

Willas choked on his drink while Alerie and Margery winced.

Smirking at their reaction Olenna said, "I love my son dearly. But his stupidity will perhaps bring the Reach to ruin. Is the Faith still troubling us?"

"Very much so." Wilas said showing her a bunch of parchments. "These are not so subtle requests and reminders to do something against the Northern Realms. There are also many missives from other Lords regarding the same issue."

"I am still not clear what happened. Why is the Faith suddenly so ardent on taking action against the Northern Realms?" Alerie asked.

Willas told her about the events of King's Landing.

"So the High Septon decided to take Lord Eddard Stark captive to force the Faith of the Seven in the Northern Realms." Alerie concluded.

"And it spectacularly backfired on them." Olenna said drinking wine.

"Surely they could have negotiated for a peaceful solution…" Alerie asked.

Margaery interrupted her, "I thought King Robert was Lord Eddard's best friend. Surely he could have done something."

"My dear girl let me explain this to you all. No Lord even the King is bold enough for a direct conflict with the Faith. After all the King is the Defender of the Faith." Olenna was explaining. "But from what I heard, Robert Baratheon was willing for a conflict that he had taken his hammer again. The Hand and the Queen dissuaded him from that. Smart of Cersei I must say. If Robert had done as he wanted it could have led to an uprising creating problems for the monarch."

"Still, the negotiations failed." Alerie said.

"I will say this whatever happened was for the best and was resolved in a better way." Olenna said.

"What do you mean grandmother?" Willas asked.

"First, unlike the other Kingdoms the North does not have to face any repercussions for their actions after all almost all of Northerners follow the Old Religion and even the youngster of House Manderly and Whitehill are now worshipping the Old Gods according to my spies. Second, from what I heard, even after the massacre of the Faith Militants, he does not have that bad a name in King's Landing. He exposed the corruption of the High Septon and distributed the money he found there among the poor. Somehow the Septas who remained are also against the High Septon. Thirdly, I don't think Robert Baratheon is going to do anything against the Starks." Olenna said.

"That is well and good. But what should we do about the Faith pressuring us here?" Willas asked.

"Hmm… We cannot do anything here actually to force the Northern Realms to anything. Granted we have the largest army in all the seven Kingdoms but still, there is nothing we can do." Olenna started to think then suddenly smiled. "But I have a way. Weren't you invited to Winterfell to see a healer about your leg?"

Startled by the sudden conversation on the topic Willas said, "Ahh. Yes. I forgot about that."

"Very good. Why don't you go to Winterfell? We will spread the word that you are going as an emissary of the Faith. By the time you comeback perhaps this issue will have cooled down." Olenna suggested.

"This is a good idea." Willas agreed.

"Can I go too grandmother? I have never been north of King's Landing." Margaery asked.

"Hmm. Very well. Take your mother with you too." Olenna agreed. "Since Loras has gone to King's Landing with Renly, I suppose Garlan and his wife Lady Leonette can accompany you too."

"Are you sure so many of us going there is fine. I mean, we are going into unknown territory." Willas asked.

"We have to show that the Tyrells are taking this matter very seriously. That is why I am suggesting a large party. As for you concerns for the safety of our family, you need not worry. The Starks are not Lannisters. So you will be fine." Olenna said allaying Willas's concerns.

"Thank you mother. It will be good to see new places. Perhaps I can visit my sister Lynesse too." Alerie said. But suddenly her face wilted. "But Mace will not allow me."

'That is true. Mace is a very controlling husband and keep his wife in confines of the castle. If i was in her place I would have quickly put him in place.' Olenna thought. "Leave that oaf to me." Olenna said finally.


King's Landing, The Crownlands

The Hand had finally called for a Small Council after the events of the past days.

Robert Baratheon was very angry that day but cooled down very quickly. He had even visited the Great Sept of Baelor and had taken a grim satisfaction in seeing the corpses. Petyr had made sure to accompany the King. On seeing the now limbless High Septon, Robert suddenly flew into a rage. Petyr had secretly offered the King to have the High Septon disposed of to which the King readily agreed. Not only was he able to gain the Kings favor, he was also able to able to tie up his loose ends.

'But this was not how it was supposed to happen.' Petyr thought as we walked to attend the meeting. Eddard Stark was to die. Relations between the Northern Realms and the South was to be worsened. A rift shoud have been formed and Petyr would step in mending the relations and thus elevating himself. And he would get back his Cat.

'But everything had gone down the drain from then.' He thought bitterly. While he knew Robert Baratheon would not go against the Faith even if he wanted to, since he was supposed to be the defender of the Faith. The others were able to discourage the King from killing the Faith Militants himself. Every other Lord in Westeros would think twice before dealing with the Faith. But he did not expect Aryan Stark to arrive at that exact moment. Nor he did he expect the Bloody Wolf to live up to his title again. Not only did he deal with the Faith quite efficiently, he was also able to redirect all the fault towards the High Septon. Since the Northerners did not follow the Seven he was not going to face any problems.

So yes. Most of Petyr's plans had failed. But he had salvaged whatever remained through which he was able to regain the King's favour. By then he reached the doors of the room. He brought the usual smile to his face as he stepped in. All the Small Council members had returned. Even Renly had been called back.

As soon as he took his seat Robert Baratheon came and sat down.

"Brother. It is good to see you." Renly said greeting him.

But contrary to everyone's expectation Robert thundered at his favorite brother, "You little shit. I am not glad to meet you. I made you the Master of Laws here to teach you some responsibility but you spend your time with the Tyrells. If you were here and had taken your charge seriously, my friend would not have to suffer at the hands of those religious cunts."

Renly cowered in fear but still managed to say, "I am sorry brother. But it is resolved now, isn't it?"

"No thanks to you Renly. The Starks had to rescue themselves as we stood helpless." Stannis said grinding his teeth.

"I suggest for a more competent Master of Laws unlike the current one who runs away at trouble. I know Ser Adam Marbrand. A true Knight in every word." Cersei chimed.

Robert ignored her, instead continued at Renly, "From now on, until I say so, you will not leave King's Landing. You will do your duties here dutifully. Understood?"

"But I have an important tourney to attend in the Reach in a few weeks." Renly tried feebly.

Robert threw the glass he had in his hand at Renly, shouting, "Fuck the tourney! You will find that there is more to your favorite brother than you know Renly. Now get out of my sight."

Renly quickly scampered away, his face red in embarrassment. The Queen who was scowling since Robert ignored her suggestion now wore a smirk on her face. Petyr could not fault her. After all what happened to Renly was entertaining.

Jon Arryn immediately took charge and asked Varys, "Lord Varys what do you know about the reaction of the Faith regarding recent events?"

"Well Lord Hand while the recent events were quite surprising, I must say it has gained quite interesting consequences." Varys began.

"Cut the shit Eunuch. Get to the point." Robert shouted impatiently.

Varys did not show any displeasure instead continued. "I was able to know from my sources that the High Septon was right. While the Faith of Seven is rapidly becoming non-existent in the Northern Realms, it is also gradually spreading through the Riverlands and the Vale. The concern of the Faith is valid to a certain extent."

"But that does not give them any right to do what they did." Stannis said.

"Yes Lord Stannis. From what I heard from my birds most people in King's Landing hated the High Septon. He was quite corrupt." Varys said.

"And why are we hearing about this only now?" Jon Arryn asked.

Lazily Cersei answered, "Because of an incompetent Master of Laws."

"Along with the Septas, too, speaking in favorr of Lord Aryan and public distribution of the High Septon's hidden money I must say the people's opinion of the Starks has just gone up." Varys said.

"We must have taken the money for the Royal Treasury. Aryan Stark did not have any rights to give away that much to the poor." Cersei said.

"I agree, my Queen. With that amount of money, which I was able to roughly calculate is more than a million, it surely could have been helpful in removing our debt." Petyr decided to add his suggestion. The Royal Treasury was now only a million dragon in debt now. But Petyr knew that it would change. Both the King and Queen could easily spend the money and the Kingdom will be back to a high amount of debt. He knew how to do that.

"Your Grace, that money was fleeced from the poor devoted people by those corrupt Septons. So, in my opinion that money rightfully belongs to them." Ser Barristan Selmy spoke.

"I am not asking your opinion Sir." Cersei started.

"Ser Barristan is a member of the Small Council. His advise is valuable and considered unlike some." Robert said eyeing Jaime. Cersei flushed an angry shade of red.

"Regardless, that money is gone. We cannot get it back without making ourselves look like tyrants." Jon Arryn said.

"My little birds tell me that the Fatih is putting a lot of pressure on the Lords of the Reach. As you know the Faith holds some power in the Reach, more than anywhere there has been demands to take action against those 'tree worshipping savages' in their words. The Tyrells had sent a party consisting of their own family to the North to discuss with the Starks." Varys spoke.

"I doubt it will make any difference." Jaime scoffed.

"But why the whole Tyrell family?" Cersei asked.

"I have heard that Willas Tyrell is going for treating his damaged leg." Varys said.

They continued to discuss more on that when Robert got bored and asked, "Anything else Varys?"

"I have one important information from Dorne, Your Grace." Varys said.

Now, that got everyone's attention. Dorne was a sensitive topic.

Sensing everyone's anticipation Varys began. "Princess Arianne Martell has given birth to a child, Leon Sand."

"The sluts in Dorne spread their legs to everyone." Cersei scoffed.

"The child's father is Lord Aryan Stark, Your Grace." Varys added.

Now many looked surprised or concerned. But Robert suddenly started to laugh. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"And another news is that Prince Doran's estranged wife has returned back a few weeks ago." Varys finished.

The meeting was finished soon as everyone started to disperse. But Petyr was thinking. 'Why do I get the feeling that Dorne is going to get interesting soon?'.


The Riverlands

The Riverlands had always been an unstable region. It did not have any natural defences like other Kingdoms so the Riverlands was always a battleground. Even before Aegon's conquest it was ruled by hundreds of River Kings who were constantly warring with each other. They were easily conquered by House Hoare. After nearly a century under the tyranny of the Hoare's, Aegon came for his conquest. It was House Tully who welcomes the Targaryens and led the Riverlands against the Harren's. And eventually, Aegon made the Noble House Tully, the Lord Paramount's of the Riverlands.

For three hundred years under the Targaryens the Tully's ruled comfortably. But now, after the rebellion, the Riverlands was becoming more and more unstable. Bandits and brigands were becoming more daring. There was power struggle between House Frey and House Mallister for being the second most powerful house in the Riverlands. Then there was the long standing dispute between the Blackwoods and the Brackens. House Darry who were Targaryen supporters still scorned their Paramounts. There was also the threat of Tywin Lannister to the west. All in all there was no harmony in the Riverlands. Lord Hoster Tully was well aware of all these problems but he was helpless. He had tried hard to restore order in the Riverlands but failed. He wished his heir Edmure would help him and be more responsible. But he was rather interested in drinking and chasing wenches. The only thing that made his old heart relieved was his daughters' marriage alliances with the Northern Realms and the Vale. He was sure it was those relations that had secured the Tully's power. In order to deal with the bandit problem.

And that was how Brynden Tully found himself on the banks of the Blue Fork just near the Kingsroad busy fighting a bandit. Finally seeing he slit the bandit's throat. His men were also putting down the other bandits. His eyes roamed looking for his squire Jon, the dragon hidden amongst wolves. Brynden could now see the family resemblance. Jon shared Rhaegar's build and melancholy.

He had taken Jon from Moat Cailin to the Vale for a couple of months. Brynden was sure Jon was destined for something greater. So he started to train Jon to take leadership and command in battles. Also the occasional skirmishes with the mountain tribes gave him experience. When Hoster called Brynden to the Riverlands he took Jon with him. Hoster was wroth about Jon's presence, no doubt Cat must have written to him. But Brynden took a firm stance on the matter. So Hoster had to agree though very reluctantly. And they had been here since then. Jon had proven himself to be a good warrior and Brynden was sure that Jon would one day be a legendary swordsman.

"That was the last of them Ser Brynden." Reported one of his men jolting him from his thoughts.

Brynden nodded gruffly. Another of his men came running and spoke, "We found some prisoners Ser. Looks like a merchant family."

Brynden instructed Jon, "Go and free the prisoners and bring them here."

Acknowledging the command of his mentor Jon went inside. Brynden waited for his squire and after some time Jon came out followed by the prisoner.

His man was right. It was a family of five. An old looking couple, their two daughter and a very young son.

"Many thanks Ser. If you did had not come they would have killed me and my wife and daughters would have suffered an even worse fate." The man came running to him and said.

Brynden agreed with him. Bandits were known for having their fun before killing. They could have raped the women and perhaps even the little boy if they were depraved ones. He told the merchant, "I was just doing my duty as a Knight."

"If every other Knight did their duty perhaps this place could have been safer." The merchant said.

Brynded heard the underlying sarcasm. He then asked, "You do not look like riverlanders. Neither are you smallfolk. Where are you from?"

"I am a cloth merchant from King's Landing Ser. I am on my way to the Northern Realms for better opportunities." The merchant said.

"You are leaving King's Landing for the North?" Jon asked suddenly.

It was the merchant's wife who answered. "Yes. We are tired of the Faith. They force alms from us. Then there are the Gold Cloaks who give us other troubles. That is not counting the high taxes inside the walls. Besides, the recent showdown between Lord Stark and the Faith convinced us to relocate."

Now that piqued Brynden's attention. He could see the feeling reflected in Jon's eyes. They had been away from castles for weeks. So they were not aware of the recent events. So he asked, "We did not hear about that. What happened?"

"You didn't hear? The whole realm is talking about it." The merchant asked surprised, then proceeded to tell them the incident.

Brynden looked surprised and mentally praised Aryan for his deeds. Jon looked worried. 'Understandable since his relatives were involved.' Brynden thought.

"The Faith had the nerve to do that in presence of the King?" One of his men asked amongst themselves.

"He must have been drunk or fucking a whore at that time." Another of him men answered.

While Brynden agreed with them, he still said, "That is enough. Do not speak ill of the King unless you want to spend your lives in the black cells."

His men started to ask the merchant for more information. Brynden was thinking something else. 'The Faith has power in the Riverlands. It could perhaps cause revolts. From what I know the Septons here are good ones. But still, it's better to be prepared.'

He addressed the merchant. "You can come with us till Riverrun. Then quickly get to the Twins and cross it. The roads are not safe here. You will be safer in the North." He admitted 'Hate to say it but the Northern Roads are safe compared to ours.'

Then looking at his men he said. "Get ready men. We need to get back to Riverrun. We may be needed." His men obeyed him and went to work.

Looking at Jon he spoke. "Don't worry boy. Your people are very hardy. I don't think they were harmed. Your cousin knows what he is doing. We will go to Riverrun and see if Hoster knows anything."

"Thank you Ser Brynden. Perhaps we can visit the Moat." Jon asked.

"We will think about that once I am more aware of the situation." Brynden finished.


The Narrow Sea

The surprise revelation from few days before has still not settled down. It could be seen on Eddard Stark's face as he paced across the cabin in front of Aryan. Eddard was agitated and he had reason every to be.

Queen Rhaella's sudden reappearance had shaken him. Lord Velaryon had simply left after leaving the former Queen with them.

(Flashback Begins)

"Your Grace. I must say, even though we were enemies, I am delighted to see you alive. I was very sad to hear about your demise." Eddard said.

"You are kind Lord Eddard. I appreciate your concern." Rhaella said in a kind tone. "I am glad to finally meet the Lord Winterfell and Warden of the North."

"It is nice to meet you Queen Rhaella." Aryan said with a courtesy.

"I have heard quite a lot about you Lord Aryan." Rhaella smiled. Her eyes then gained a look of guilt. "I am very sorry for what happened to your father Brandon and grandfather. I was away at Dragonstone. If I had been in King's Landing perhaps I…"

"You could have done nothing Your Grace." Aryan finished for her with a strained smile. "You cannot reason with a mad man. Still, thank you."

"I still remember when Elia immediately sent Ashara away for her safety when they learnt that Ashara was pregnant with you." Rhaella said changing the subject seeing the uncomfortable topic.

She then started to reminisce her old memories for some time about her family and old days as a Queen.

Finally after Eddard asked, "Pardon me Your Grace. We were told that you died in Dragonstone after giving birth to your daughter when Stannis invaded it. How are you still alive?"

"I was almost dead. Thank the gods that Stannis had no Maester with him and was rushing to find my children. They left me to ne buried in the crypts of Dragonstone. But thankfully Lord Velaryon's Maester checked me and when they found, I was still alive they smuggled me into their castle and nursed me back to health." She said.

"I find that hard to believe Your Grace. How could no one know about you? I am sure that almost all the castle in Westeros has spies in it." Aryan asked sceptically.

"To tell the truth they took me to a secret Targaryen house in Volantis after I regained some health. I stayed there for many years in grief. But now, I am back." Rhaella finished.

"Why did you return now?" Eddard asked.

"I spent all these in Essos trying to get any news about my son Viserys and daughter Daenarys. But I did not get to know anything. Nor did I have any resources. So I have decided to stay with my only living blood relative." Rhaella said.

"I don't know whether it is safe for you to stay at the Wall with Maester Aemon Your Grace. Besides women are not allowed at the Wall. Brave Danny Flint is proof of that." Eddard said.

Rhaella smiled again. "No, my Lord. I am speaking about my grandson. Rhaegar and Lyanna's son Aegon who goes by the name of Jon Snow."

Aryan narrowed his eyes while Eddard was stunned. Eddard then said, "You are mistaken. Jon is my son not Rhaegar's."

"Please, Lord Eddard. I am very much aware of what happened. Rhaegar had written me a letter before he went to battle. I was also aware that Lyanna was with a child before he left her. And then, you returned with a child from where she was staying and her bones. You may have convinced the rest of the world that he is your bastard but since I am aware of the situation, I know the truth. So I beg of you to allow me to live with my only grandson." Rhaella said tiredly.

Ned then looked at Aryan who nodded back. Aryan had briefly scanned the former Queen's mind. But he did not have to worry. Rhaella was more interested in seeing and spending her time with her grandchild than anything else.

Eddard suddenly asked, "I cannot help but ask, you just mentioned Jon as your only grandson. Why is that? Didn't Princess Elia also had a son with Rhaegar?"

"No, Lord Eddard. The Maesters had said another child birth after Rhaenys would prove fatal for Elia. That is why Rhaegar was keen on getting an heir for his damned prophecy. We got a newborn baby with Valerian features from Dragonstone to convince Aerys. Otherwise Elia's life could have been in danger." Rhaella explained.

Eddard looked stunned at that. "So the Mountain did not kill Elia's son." He looked at Aryan who did not seem to share his surprise. Rhaella also noticed that.

"You are not surprised nephew?" He asked, while Rhaella raised her eyebrows.

Aryan stayed silent for sometime contemplating on what to say. Then answered. "I have been following the war for sometime Uncle. I had known of this for quite sometime. Just like that my mother did not jump to death. Somebody pushed her to death. Also, the whole rebellion was instigated by someone."

"What?" Eddard exclaimed at that. "Ashara was killed. Who told you that? And what are you saying about the rebellion?"

Aryan answered calmly. "I know of this from very reliable sources Uncle. I will tell you later about it. And about the rebellion, yes, it was instigated by someone."

"Someone was actively against our family. You think that it was a plot against the Targaryens. I had known Rhaegar was planning a meeting with likeminded Lords to overthrow Aerys." Rhaella asked with sad eyes.

"I do not know about that." Aryan answered truthfully.

"It must by Varys. The rot in the Kingdom began from the day he arrived. It was him who whispered into Aerys's ears and slowly drove him mad." Rhaella said.

"Like I said, I am not aware of who was responsible. But rest assured that I am looking into it. The Starks lost very much in the rebellion. And I would be damned if I did not seek vengeance against the responsible ones." Aryan swore.

"You have given me much to think about Lord Stark. Perhaps I should retire." Rhaella said.

"Of course Your Grace." Aryan said. "Do you think Rhaegar would have been a good King if he succeeded in overthrowing Aerys?"

"You give Rhaegar too much credit young Lord. He was also a victim of Targaryen madness. But he hid it well." Rhaella said sadly as she went out.

(Flashback Ends)

"I must ask you nephew, the things you said, like Ashara's death and the whole rebellion thing, who told you all that?" Ned asked.

"The same person who showed me about the Others." Aryan answered.

"You mean Bloodraven?" Ned asked as he sat down in front of Aryan.

"Yes, uncle." He said. Seeing the unconvinced look on Ned's face Aryan explained how Bloodraven showed him the visions. "I know aunt Lyanna definitely sent back a letter back to grandfather. But somehow it did not reach us. I am actively looking into it. We have an unknown enemy, uncle. Please do not share this information with any others."

"I am proud of you Aryan. I could not have known or done anything if I had been in your place. Just promise me one thing." Ned said.

"I am listening." Aryan prompted.

"When you find the one who was responsible for the rebellion I want to be the one to deal with that person." Ned asked in a determined voice.

"Of course uncle. My spies are already looking into it." Aryan agreed.

"Good. Now what are we going to do about Queen Rhaella? It is dangerous to house her. Somebody could find her." Ned said. "I spend some time with her daily. She wants to know about her Jon. Perhaps we could tell her about her children."

"We have some dye I brought from Essos. We need to change her hair color first. You could house her at the Moat. I think she can teach better than Septa Mordane. Learning from a former Queen is in all ways better than that shrivelled Septa. I don't understand how you can still keep her in your home." Aryan said. 'I need to cast a notice-me-not charm on her so that no one identifies her.'

"Catelyn will be a problem. She likes Septa Mordane." Ned said.

"I think it would be good to let her know about this truth. Queen Rhaella would be better with a woman who knows about her. And I can dispose of that idiotic Septa if you can't handle confrontation with your wife." Aryan advised.

"I think you are right. Later I need to tell her about Jon too. This could be good start. And don't do anything yet please, I will deal with it." Ned said.

"We would reach home in sometime. It had been two days since we were in the Bay of Ice." Aryan said.

"I missed home, Cat and the children." Ned said. "Speaking of that, it is time you married nephew. You are now the Warden of the North and of marriageable age."

"Yes. About that, I found someone." Aryan replied.

"Is this someone, Lady Gabriella Rogare?" Ned asked with a smile.

"Yes, uncle." Aryan agreed.

"And from what Marwyn and Wyman says she is very beautiful." Ned said.

"She is, uncle. Besides such an alliance would help us in establishing our presence into Essos." Aryan said.

"Do as you wish nephew. But be careful. Our Lords may complain about this." Ned warned.

"I have a plan about that Uncle. I also think to betroth Robb with Lord Manderly's daughter. What do you say? I will announce it in the spring festival as soon as we arrive." Aryan asked.

Ned contemplated on that for some time and said. "It is a good idea. The Manderly's are loyal."

"So it is decided." Aryan said. "We are going to be busy soon, uncle. The spring festival and then our journey beyond the Wall. So I advise you enjoy some time with your family. I will need you when we go there."

Getting up from his chair Ned nodded his head and walked towards the door.

"Uncle." Aryan called back.

"Yes Aryan." Ned turned back.

"Next time you see Queen Rhaella tell her that her children are currently safe in Pentos." Aryan said.

"Really? Are you sure?" Ned asked.

"Yes. I am. And don't give her any assurance that we will help her to get them back. Already we are taking a great risk by bringing her to the Northern Realms. No need to bring unwanted attention towards us." Aryan said.

"She will be happy to hear this." Ned said and he went out.

Aryan locked the door and took his communication mirror and spoke. "Jaqen."

Soon Jaqen's face appeared. Aryan gave him a single command. "I need to know to more about Varys and his dealing. Put more men into it."

Jaqen nodded and the screen went blank.

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