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14.89% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 7: Gearing up for war

Capítulo 7: Gearing up for war

Winterfell, The North

Aryan was walking through the roads of Wintertown with an eight year old Jon, Ser Rodrick Cassel, his steward/assassin/spymaster Jaqen and an old man named Loren following him. He took pride on seeing that Wintertown was slowly expanding in a planned way. With a population of almost a quarter million, it was on its way to become a city soon. The residential areas were on one side while the shops and industries were on the other side of the Wintertown. The farms were at the outskirts of the Wintertown along the banks of White Knife river. The Winterfell castle was surrounded from all sides by Wintertown. Public toilets were built throughout the place and strict cleanliness was enforced. As most of the people were aware of the shitty conditions of Kingslanding they also cooperated. Many wells were also dug throughout the Wintertown. Due to the presence of volcanic lava beneath the whole place, the wells provided hot water always. A five thousand member Winterguards were appointed at Wintertown to maintain law and order. They were given dark blue cloaks. For easier administration he had appointed a sixty years old man named Loren as Mayor. The man had enough education and was loyal to the North which were enough reasons for Aryan to give him the post. The Mayor was also given a Mansion near the castle and few personal guards for which he was thankful. The Post was not hereditary and would change if the current mayor was not good enough. The Mayor's job was to govern the Wintertown, settle petty disputes and collect income. He was directly answerable to the Lord of Winterfell.

"So anything that regards my attention Mayor." asked Aryan.

"No my lord, everything seems to be fine. People are happy. Though there was an incident few weeks ago. A few septons came for preaching about the faith of seven which I allowed. But then they started to refer to old gods as pagans and were urging people to cut the Weirwood trees. People were getting agitated. So inorder to prevent any problems I had to throw them out." Loren said.

"Good work Mayor. In future don't allow any more followers of faith. If they can't coexist then there is no reason for them to exist here. The Old Gods are the religion of the North and nobody can change it." Aryan told him. "Now what about the outer city walls. How long till they are completed?"

Now that Winterfell's coffers were brimming with revenue Aryan had commissioned a eighty feet high wall encompassing the whole Wintertown using black granites with enough space inside for future expansion.

The Mayor replied, "It is coming along slowly my lord. It will take three to four years to be completed."

"Hope no one attacks us till then," Aryan told him " And what about the boats system."

The man beamed and said, "The boat system through the White Knife is brilliant idea my lord. The merchants are especially pleased as it allows them faster transportantion of goods to White Harbour and also more secure. But these days there seems to be increased bandit attacks along the Kingsroad. The smallfolk seems to scared of that and many are these travelling in the boats."

Aryan looked at Ser Rodrick Cassel and said, " Increase the patrols along the Kingsroad. If any bandits are found kill them with extreme prejudice. Don't even give them a chance to opt for the black."

Ser Rodrick nodded and said, "At once my lord." He then called a nearby soldier and gave him the necessary instructions.

"If that's all Mayor you may go," Aryan dismissed him. The man bowed and went away. They continued their walk in silence observing their surroundings.

They passed though the Godswood of Wintertown. Unlike the Godswood within the castle the Weirwood trees here were relatively young. There were many people in Godswould praying. He had liked the old gods. Unlike the faith they did not demand money, rituals or anything. You just pray to them as required. He found his magics singing again. He had found that his magic grew most powerful at the presence of Weirwood trees. He decided to look into the matter soon.

As they walked through the smooth cobbled path of the Wintertown, people bowed with him with respect and gratitude in their eyes. He waved back at them. Most of the smallfolk needed food, work, shelter and protection. He was providing all that and so they were loyal to him.

Aryan suddenly asked Jon, "So do you miss Uncle Eddard."

Eddard Stark had moved out finally and Aryan was enjoying his new found freedom.

The boy smiled and said, "Yes I miss father, Robb and the others. But I feel more happy here."

'Of course he would' Aryan thought. Free from Lady Catelyn's looming presence was a welcome change for Jon. The old Jon always had a melancholic face. Now he used to smile more often.

"Any new information Jaqen on the skirmishes along the Western Coast." he asked his steward.

There has been many skirmishes along the Western Coast for past few moons. Unknown men in longships without andy sigils were reaving villages there. When Aryan heard about the first few attacks he directed the lords along the Western Coast to increase the patrols through the shores. His uncle had also deployed the already completed ships in sea. He had a gut feeling that it was more than some pirate attacks. While estabishing an extensive spy network would take time they had spies throughout Kingslanding, the Great Houses and Major Houses of Westeros.

"My sources have reported back. The skirmishes were by the Ironborn and not pirates like we thought earlier." Jaqen replied without any emotion as usual.

Rodrick cautioned, "The Ironborn are being active again my lord. They were testing the defences. It is not good. They will soon launch full scale attacks".

Aryan thought for sometime, "Ser Rodrick, what is the current military power of North."

After thinking for a moment Rodrick replied, "The North now has seventy-five thousand men strong military with fourty thousand additional levies which can be raised in two moons. That is more than double the men we had during the last war. Winterfell alone can raise eighteen thousand men."

By then they had reached an Inn called Wolves Den which was owned by the Starks. The main cook was a woman named Hilda who used to be a cook at the castle. As she was a good cook Aryan had implanted the method of some food items of his world like Treacle Tart, different types of Pies and Pizza etc in her mind, just like he had done with Vodka. She was making those food items here and the place was very popular. Like he expected Pizza was the most popular item there. The woman had now made several different types of Pizzas herself. Like the Vodka factory the Wolves Den was also protected by the wards to prevent the recipe from leaking out.

He ordered food for them. He used to occasionally come here, not only to enjoy the food but also for public appearance just like the politicians of his old world. Interacting with the smallfolk and if possible solving their problems has made him very popular among the people of the North.

As they were eating the food an acolyte of Marwin came and gave Aryan two messages saying, "These arrived just now my lord. Master Marwin says they are very urgent."

Already guessing the message he read the letters. Then looking at the others he said, "You were right Ser Rodrick, it seems that the Ironborns have attacked. They tried to attack along our Western Coast and were repelled back due to our advanced warnings. But the same could not be said about the other Kingdoms. Lannisport has been attacked and burnt. They are now attacking the Shield Islands. The King has called the banners for war against the Ironborns."

Ser Rodrick stood up and said, " I will write to other lords to rally their men, My Lord."

"Wait. I have a better idea. Already the other Kingdoms would be bringing their army against the Ironborn. So we don't need the our whole military. Tell the other Lords to bring only a third of their infantry. No need to show the rest of Westeros of our increased military power now. Let them think that our military is still lower than the others. It will help us in future. Inform them to rally at the Moat Cailin within a moon. Also inform Lord Manderly to ready the fleet. Time to test our naval power. And tell him to bring on the Marauder." Aryan said. The Marauder was a Stark warship built at the docks of Bravos half financed by the Ironbank as a commission for the Canal. Aryan had not yet seen the ship but from what Lord Manderly had said it was the biggest warship he had seen.

"My Lord, do you need to go in person. You are still young." asked Rodrick.

"I will take the Lord Paramount title within a few years Ser. A war experience will help me in my future. Besides, the North follows the strongest, and unlike the southeners I am not going to wait till I get older. Please see to it that my orders are followed." Aryan told him and dismissed him.

They then finished their walk and went back into the Castle.

Sitting in his solar Aryan was waiting for Marwin to arrive. The man was very loyal to him. As he had bound Marwin to him using secrecy and loyalty oaths Aryan had already told the man of his past life. This had too advantages. One, he did not have to behave as a child in front of Marwin. Marwin now treated him as an adult. Two, he did not have to make big lies about the source of his knowledge. He had already shared many medicinal potions and salves recipes with Marwin which could be made here. Using these new medicines they had now appointed two acolytes who were specialising in healing as the healers in Wintertown. The small folk were given free treatment and only a small fee was charged for the medicines.

In this world only glassmakers of Myr knew how to make glass and they tightly guarded that secret. While Aryan knew about the basics of glass making he did not know enough to make crystal clear glass.. He had already told Marwin about that. The Archmaster had already began his experimenting and was expecting a breakthrough soon.

There was a knock on the door and Marwin entered.

Without wasting any time Aryan said, "As you know the Ironborns have attacked and the King has called his banners. I will be going out soon. Tell me about the Ironborns."

Marwin replied, "Of course my Lord. The Iron Islands were settled by theFirst Men many thousands of years ago. Some even say that the ancestors of Ironborn came from the Sunset Sea. As they were isolated from the rest of Westeros, the ironborn did not take up the worship of the Old Gods of the forest, instead creating their own religion based around the Drowned God, a harsh deity said to dwell beneath the oceans. They believe the Drowned God made them to take what they wanted by right of strength, to rape, reave and carve out kingdoms. The followers believe that 'What is dead may never die'.

The Hoares ruled over the Riverlands as Kings of the Isles and the Rivers. After the War of Conquest, however, the ironborn were thrown back to their islands with Harren the Black and all his line extinguished during the Burning of Harrenhal. After that House Greyjoy became there Lord of the Islands with their motto 'We do not sow' (We reap). They were peaceful till now.

Also their culture in based in The Old Way.''

"The Old Way? Why do I have a feeling I won't like what you are going to say Marwin?'' asked Aryan.

Marwin replied with disgust, "The Old Way is still highly regarded on the Iron Islands and is a culture based on raiding. A man's worth is judged primarily on his skill as a raider. Men on the Iron Islands wear no tokens unless they have "paid the iron price," i.e. won by combat and taken from the corpses of they have slain.

During raids, the ironborn also take captives. Many of their captives would work as thralls, slaving away on the farms and mines of the Iron Islands since the true sons of the Iron Islands are meant for reaving and raping. Women were also taken captive to act as bed warmers; a man could have several salt wives' but only one true ironborn wife, his 'rock wife'."

Aryan listened attentively and then said, " So on whole we have to face an enemy whose culture glorifies raping and reaving. Their extinction could be a boon to the world and nobody would miss them."

"Are you going to exterminate them my lord?" Marwin asked.

" I can't say anything about that right now. You know in my old world I am used to leading people in battles. Killing also doesn't bother me. But in this world right now I am a twelve year old boy. I need to prove myself in front of the lords. I will see what I can do. But for now uncle Ned would be the commander of the Northern Army." Aryan replied. "Now that I am going away I need you to do something. To have complete access do my magic I need a wand. The wand contains two important parts the wood and the core. I have already found that the Weirwood tree can be used for wood. I want you to find about something that can be the core which is usually a magical creature's body part. Research on this and find possible avenues."

Marwin replied, "Of course my lord. May I ask you what are you going to do once you have the full access to magic. Magic is not looked upon kindly in Westeros. Even the Faith and Citadel are against magic. I even have suspicions that our order is responsible for the death of dragons."

With a smile Aryan told him, "I don't have any plans to make my magical abilities public. But once I have full access to my magic, you and I are going to travel over the whole Planetos in search of other forms magic."

Marwin looked excited on hearing that and left promptly.

A week had passed since they received the message and now Aryan was standing at the gate of Wintertown with his Army of six thousand men ready to depart to Moat Cailin. All of them armored with good quality steel. Even though he looked tall for his age due to his body transformation rituals which also gave him better endurance, agility and strength he was still dwarfed by the Smalljon Umber who had come ahead to Winterfell while his father the Greatjon with his Army would reach the Moat within a moon. The Stark ancestral greatsword Ice was at his back which he was going to give to his uncle Eddard.

As for himself he was a dual wielder. In the past life he had spent some time in Japan and had learned the Katana fighting from the Samurais. Impressed with his dedication they had also taught him how to make one. Following his instructions Mikken, the smith of the castle had made two katanas for him. He did not bother to enchant the weapons, as it was difficult to store magic in metals unlike valyrian steel. The Valyrian steel metal had fascinated him as not only it was undamagalble it could also store magic. He was already determined to obtain two valyrian steel katanas at any cost. He had spent most of the time the past week training with his katanas refreshing his muscle memory.

While saying his goodbye to Jon he said to him, "While I am gone, I need you to practice your swordfight and lessons. You will also help Jaqen and Loren in governance. It will help you in your future when I give you a suitable castle. Also like Uncle says there must always be a Stark at Winterfell. Now you are that Stark, Jon. Can you do that for me?"

The boy nodded resolutely, "I won't disappoint you cousin."

"Good then I will see you soon. Have fun too." Aryan told him.

And then they began their journey.

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