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Capítulo 2: Chapter 1: The Rescue

Time. A construct of reality that describes the movement of space within the universe. To some beings, time is nothing more than a clock that can be turned back whenever they want. Just thinking about someone possessing this power, if that isn't a god, then what is?

The Great Forest of Tob, 1000 y. Before Nazarick:

"Where am I?"

The last thing he remembered was being with his guardians in Nazarick, waiting for the end. His guardians thought he would die with them, but that was not possible.

The guardians didn't know that he would spawn in another realm when the current realm disintegrates. He wouldn't want them to know this before they died.

Suddenly he found himself in a completely new world, a primitive place that a god had never touched.

"I am alive, just as I expected. A shame, but I couldn't tell them the truth. This looks like a dense forest. Hopefully, nobody attacks me right now."

He had the feeling that something was wrong, that something was missing, that he felt weak, stripped of a good part of his powers.

-How can this happen? Huh, it seems my power will need time to transcend to this realm. For now, I can only use Tier Magic. Let's see what kind of world I ended up in.-

Though surrounded by forest, Momonga snapped his fingers and a map appeared in front of him. The map was a hologram representing several worlds, but he was not able to locate his world.

-This never happened to me. The red dot should point to my location, but nothing is there, according to the map, only a void. That is of concern. I am in an unknown world that is somehow linked to the World Tree Yggdrasil. Wait, let me find Yggdrasil first.-

He navigated the hologram with his fingers, and it took a while for him to locate Yggdrasil's location. He didn't like the outcome.

-WHAT! How can this world be connected to Yggdrasil if it is so distant? It could take a million years for my divine powers to arrive. Why can't this be fair? Still, my Tier Magic should be enough for me to survive, but I miss my unlimited powers, even when I had them minutes ago. It just doesn't feel alright. I'm feeling empty. I will have to research this further.-

In an instant, a loud noise was heard. It was unmistakably the roar of an unknown animal-one that must be extremely powerful to produce so much scream.

-This could be a very dangerous beast. I should be cautious. Maybe it detected my presence in his territory. If so, it is even more of a treat. Nobody should be able to locate me, it could be just a coincidence.-

These were heavy footsteps of that monstrosity, slow and heavy. Momonga saw the trees in front of him being pressed to the side until they fell off and lost their roots. Even now, the monster was not visible, but Momonga knew exactly what it was.

His passive skill allowed him to appraise any entity in his range, even when not visible, it would still show all the properties of the target.

-A War Troll, not very high level, heck, not even level 50. Let's see what he has to say.-

Just a few more steps and the Troll was in front of him, it was surprised when he saw Momonga and was currently in a state of shock. He never saw anything like this, made of bones, but still alive, it scared him to look into those red orbs that appear to be his eyes.

"W-Who are you, skeleton! What are you doing in my forest? That's my forest. I'm the king of the Tob forest, Zagu!"

Momonga wasn't in the mood for a long conversation. He just wanted to examine this world and its properties.

"You don't need to know my name, but you could call me Death if you want to fight me. I was transported to this world, and now I am in this forest. Believe me, I would have chosen a better place to go. If you do not want to create any problems, we can forget what happened here. I will leave in a short time, do not worry."

Momonga didn't have a problem fighting him. No, he would be willing to fight him. He still didn't know if his magic worked in this world. This was an important test. To reach his goal, he manipulated the war troll's emotions to make him more aggressive towards him. He just had to wait for him to catch the bait.

"You are in MY Forest. I am going to kill you skeleton, this MY land!"

The War Troll appeared to carry a big club, which he used to attack Momonga. He used both of his hands to thrust the weapon down at the skeleton, not expecting that it would be useless. It made an impact. The War Troll awaited to see a squished skeleton beneath his weapon, but not this.

"As I said, you would call me Death if you attacked me. Your pathetic life ends now." [Painful Death]

"W-Wahh… Impossibl… AAAHHHHhhh….."

The war troll felt any pain possible before he stood still and fell a few seconds later.

"Weak. Let's see, for what can his body be useful? It would be bad if other monsters noticed his absence. I'll turn him into a war troll zombie and leave him to keep his forest. So I can stay here unhindered, perfect."

The War Troll slowly stood back up, looked at Momonga, and went guarding the area. Momonga wanted to find a safe location first before anything else, so he flew into the air to find a good spot for himself.

-There seem to be mountains in front of me. I will go to check that out. Maybe I am going to build my new home there.-

In the distance were the mountains from right to left. Before the mountain wall, there was a smaller mountain in front of them, separated from them. Momonga thought it would be a perfect place to put a tower on it. The strategic position was even better. Only flying creatures could reach him there. The mountain was about 100 meters tall; it was made of rock, and its surface went 90 degrees up. For Momonga, it was a perfect opportunity to build a safe fortress for himself.

"Let us begin" [Create: Fortress]

Upon saying these words, the ground began to shake. At the top of the small mountain, a tower begins to rise from the ground. Its color was black, the design was made out of spikelike metal, forming the tower from the bottom to the top. It was a classical villain's castle, and at the bottom of the mountain a 3-meter tall entrance appeared, made out of black crystals that shined a purple and blue light.

"This will suffice for now"

As he approached the gates, they opened without any force, sensing their master wanted to enter his domain. The interior was also very impressive, the floor was made of many black plates, and the lighter dark walls were shining some sort of energy out of them. Every two meters, there was a pillar on both sides of the hallway. He had to walk 35 meters to arrive at a big room. In the middle was a portal that was connected with the tower at the top. On the sides were dark plated armors, which were a safety mechanism. If an enemy would enter, they would be activated and attack the enemy.

"Just how I wanted it, fitting of being my temporary home."

He approached the portal, intending to enter it. Upon arriving at the other side, he found himself in a big hall. It was the first floor, the entrance of the tower, and each floor was connected with a portal that could be switched to the specific floor:

1st Floor: Entrance

2nd Floor: Guarding Area

3rd Floor: Experimental Prison

4th Floor: Research Lab

5th Floor: Personal Chambers

6th Floor: Armory and Treasury

7th Floor: Throne Room

8th Floor: Unknown

Momonga made his way to the Throne Room. It was a majestic room, and in the middle of it was a black obsidian throne, befitting to be a chair for him.

"Now, let's see what this world has to offer."

In his right hand was the [Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown], one of Momonga's most powerful weapons. His left hand was simply resting on the throne, without any doubt.

Momonga: [Admin Mode: Spectator]

As he cast the spell, he appeared to leave his body, but what really was the case is that he entered an ethereal plane with his mind in which he could freely move around and not be detected by anyone who can't enter this dimension. It was a very good method for spying, but the body would be in a passive state and could not be controlled directly. There was also a method to ascent the body into this ethereal realm, but then he had to go back to his tower instead of just returning to his body. He would only do this if his body was in a safe place, and he could leave without having to fear for it. This ethereal realm was not its own realm. Generally speaking, it was in the same place as the physical realm, but invisible and invincible to creatures from physical space. In this spectator mode, he didn't have any restrictions and could do almost anything.

"I have to know the state of this world, yes, I will use some appraise spells for now." [Base Level Indicator] [Detect World Treat] [Appraise High-Level Beings] [Detect Realm Connection] [Detect Divine Power] [Appraise World Population] [Appraise World Civilization] [Detect Enemy: World Scale] [Discern Magic System]

Momonga received information after information. After all, knowledge was the key to everything, and to know all this would help Momonga understand and survive in this world.

Base Level Indicator: Lv 15

World Treats: Not Detected, Possibly Zero

Highest Level Being: Lv 100

Realm Connection: None

Divine Power: Not Detected, Possibly None

World Population: 534,768,012

World Civilization: Dragons- Humans: Early Medieval Period, Beastmen: Tribal Era

World Scale Enemy Detection: No current Hostile Entities

Magic Systems: Unknown Magic (Tier Magic)

-BASE LEVEL IS 15?! How can they be so weak? Maybe it is for the better, less dangerous enemies for me. Possibly no World Treats, don't like the sound of that. I suspected that someone would be level 100. These could pose the biggest threat to me, but not nearly enough to defeat me. But the most disturbing thing is that there is no different realm connected to this world. Why? That would mean no divine entity is possessing this world. This is getting better at every moment. There is no other deity here. I can do what the heck I want with no disturbing pests! Still, it concerns that there are no other realms connected, which means for one part that the dead souls stay in the mortal realm and can become undead at any moment. This world is really some shitty place. Who would want to live in this under-leveled place. Maybe that's why nobody is here because everyone is low level. No, that's not it, it's just that no other deity has discovered this place yet, and I will use that to my advantage. With my access to the Void as a Void God, it should be easy to connect it to this world. I would be able to feed on the dead souls, without any other realm, I should get all the souls of this world. But with just Tier Magic, it would be difficult to connect the Void to this world. This is just great. With my divine power, I could do this in no time, but NO, it had to take a million years to arrive here. The residents of this world call their magic Wild Magic, which uses the life essence of a creature, not an efficient way to utilize magic, but it has its perks. It could be useful for connecting the two realms. With my Tier Magic and this World's Wild Magic, I could force a connection and the capture of dead people's souls. I will have to research this further. I didn't make my home in the Void. It could break the world or someone would detect me entering it. For now, I will stay in the mortal realm.-

He wasn't satisfied yet. He wanted to investigate this world with his own eyes, not just with information. It was a good coincidence that he was in spectator mode. Now he could wander the world with no problems. From other perspectives, it would be called cheating, for Momonga, it was a higher level of spying, nothing more.

One of his objectives was to find a settlement and possibly question the inhabitants of information about the countries and the history of this land.

Momonga scouted the east and the west only to find nothing, but when he went south from the mountains, he found what he was looking for, a small remote village at the edge of the forest. But it wasn't under the best circumstances to visit it. Currently, there was a massacre happening in the village. A dragon was killing the villagers for an unknown reason. Momonga didn't know if this was good or bad luck. He could save the villagers and gain their trust, or lose it when they see him being more powerful than one of the strongest races in this world. But these were simple people. They would thank even the devil if he saved them, and exactly that he had decided. To gain their trust and a specimen of a local dragon were two plus points, in Momongas opinion.

"It looks more like a wyvern than a dragon. Well, it should suffice for my experiments, for the time being. Let me see, how should I approach this? Should I show my face, or maybe not? I don't like hiding it for some human's sake." He thought about it for a short time, but decided against it. "No, I will show them my power, but what will I call myself? Mmh, yes, Ainz Ooal Gown. I am Ainz Ooal Gown!" He was saying that loud, but because of him momentarily being in an ethereal realm, nobody heard him at that moment.

From the Villager's point of view, it was a complete disaster. They just wanted to have a happy life. How did they deserve such a horrible death, and it to be a dragon meant even a lesser chance of escape?

"No! Pleeease don't kill me pleaaaaase! Agggghhhhhh…"

The man was no more killed by the dragon without a hint of mercy. But what caught Momonga's attention were two siblings, desperate to survive. A brother and a sister, the older brother seemed to try to save his sister from the dragon's wrath, a true act of bravery. The two of them ran away, but the mythical creature soon caught up to them. They were facing the monster with no way out. They backed up until they came to a wall. It seems to them that their days have been counted.

Dain: "I am sorry, sister…. I have failed to protect you…. As a brother."

Dain was currently 14 years old, which was already adulthood in the medieval age. He wasn't of big stature; he had brown hair and blue eyes. His little sister, Lena, was only 11 years old. She's a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes, like her brother. In their life, Dain always had to protect his little sister and his mother, because his father tragically died when a beast attacked him in the woods. From then on, he accepted that it was his duty to protect his family. His little sister was always caring. She loved nature and the people in the village. She always begged not to kill the chicken or the pigs, and not to eat them, and even succeeded sometimes. When nobody was watching, she would sneak into the forest and pick flowers for the farm animals to eat. When somebody didn't deserve to die like this, it was decent to her.

Leena: "B-Brother…. You d-don't have to apologize. For that."

They hugged each other as if there was no tomorrow, if not for some occurrence to happen. If there was any god that could save them, if there was just someone, they would be glad.

"Close your eyes…I don't want my little sister t-to witness this."

"Do-Don't let go of me o-okay-...please stay with me!"

"It's alright, we will see each other soon, no need to worry… IF ANYONE IS HEARING ME…PLEASE, PLEASE SAVE MY SISTER…please…"

Their hopes went deeper with each second passing. The dragon which attacked the city was covered in red scales. It was the size of a house, and currently standing in front of two little humans. If the creature was sentient, it was not for sure, but it could very much be possible.

The dragon prepared itself to attack the siblings. Its roar could be heard very clearly. But suddenly it stopped as if it stopped moving.

The two siblings started to open their eyes slowly to see why they had such great luck to not be killed. And there it was, in front of them appeared a transparent being. It wasn't very clear what it was to the eye when it suddenly got color. It was as if it created a body out of nothing. First, a red orb, and then the whole body became physical. Now everything was clear to the eye. There it stood tall with a golden staff in the right hand that appeared to have its own mind and its majestic robes that seemed to suck the surrounding light. It had a dark halo above his head. Everything about this being was screaming unworldly. As if a god answered their call and descended to help them.

"You kill the weak and innocent. Let me show you your mistake. If you surrender, you will not die. But fight me at your peril, beast."

How could he say that? How could he say something like that to a dragon? Is he a fool or so strong that he can be open about his strength?

-It is really weak, but not complete garbage. I will save these people in exchange for…information, yes.-

The monster escaped from its shock. It realized the danger the monstrosity in front of him emitted, but he didn't know anything stronger than a dragon, so it must be just an illusion to fear him.

-Submission is not on the program for creatures at the top of the food chain, but thanks to him, I can show a bit of my power to the villagers. Perfect.-

"I warned you, and you did not listen. Face the consequences of rejecting my mercy."

The dragon wanted to use its mouth to bite Momonga's head off. The two children quickly closed their eyes again, not wanting to see it happen. But the sound never came. Again, there was only silence.

"[Soul Eat]"

The dragon was shaking, seeing his life force getting drained by the mysterious stranger. He knew the effects of such magic, as he had seen it from wild magic that uses souls to power a spell.

The energy of the dragon's soul flew into Momonga until his body was left soulless.


Dain couldn't believe it. He and his sister were saved, but by whom? A man so powerful to kill a dragon with a single spell. Just who or what was this person?

Momonga turned around intending to aid the kids that were almost killed. If not, he had saved them. But his skeletal appearance didn't help him in that regard. Instead, it shocked the two even more by seeing his skeletal face. There were dark, matter-like waves appearing and disappearing on his bones, showing the many stars of the universe for a moment. This was due to his Void Deity Status. It would modify his appearance slightly, giving him some universe-ghost effect on his body, but not permanent as it would disappear and appear at another place on his bones.

"Do not worry, children, I don't have the intention of hurting you. I have seen you in great despair and decided to aid this village with my protection."

They didn't dare to say a word; they knew sort of what Momonga was. He was an undead, a being that is supposed to hate the livings, not save them. But this one was different. Its voice was that of a king, majestic and not rotten like normal undead.

"I understand your concerns. It's because of my face that I scare you, but you don't have to be. I see that you are hurt. Here, take this."

Momonga stretched his hand into his inventory. For them, it seemed like his hand disappeared into a black portal and took something out of it. It was a small bottle decorated with a golden edge, and inside it was a strange liquid with the color red. It could be blood regarding his appearance.

He offered the healing potion to the brother of the two, but his little sister was worried about it.

"Noo! Don't drink it, brother! Maybe it's poison!"

She grabbed her brother back to her, intending to persuade him not to drink it.

Momonga: "It is not poison, this here is a healing potion, it is called the [Blood of the Gods] and will heal your injuries as if you never got hurt. This is a gift from me, you should accept it."

Hearing the words, the older sibling slowly took it from the skeletal hands, opened the bottle, and drank it carefully. Within seconds, he was surrounded by a green aura, and his external and internal injuries healed, with no scars from them. He and his sister were relieved that it was indeed a healing potion, but even now they thought, why would this being save them.

"You see, nothing bad has happened to you. And if something happens to you…take these."

Again, Momonga opened his inventory, but not with his hands. Out of it came two amulets, floating to the two siblings, waiting for them to grab them.

"With this amulet, I will know if you are in any danger, and it will also protect you from any illness or curse."

Dain was the first to take it. He inspected it, but never had he seen such an elegant made amulet. It had a round form. In the middle was a red ruby, seemingly glowing but not very strong. Its chain and itself were made of silver. It surely would cost some gold coins.

"If you wear this, nobody can steal this from you with evil intentions. It will stay with you for the rest of your life. Take good care of it, it is a gift from me, after all."

Both of them didn't know what to say while they were watching the amulet in their hands. But they had to know their savior's name.

Dain: "Wait! Please…tell us your name!"

Leena: "Yes…please, sir!

Momonga turned around, again facing the children, thinking how to proclaim his great alias.

"My Name…I am Ainz Ooal Gown, keep that name deep in your heart!"

Dain: "Ainz Ooal Gown… Thank you for saving us!"

They were not very knowledgeable in magic, but they knew that only the dragons could properly use wild magic, so who was he to claim that, he indeed has magic, so maybe he is a dragon, no, it was a big mystery that could only be lifted by asking the source directly.

Some time passed and Ainz left to visit the middle of the village, hoping to find a representative of this village. The two kids were following him with a one-meter distance to him, but that didn't disturb him. It is natural to distrust the undead.

They arrived at a small village square, nobody was outdoors, everyone was hiding, fearing the dragon or the newly arrived undead.

Ainz: "I wish to speak to the village chief, and you don't have to fear. The dragon is already dead. I have come to save this village from certain death. Why would I do this if I would harm you now? It would be useless, wouldn't it?"

It was true what he said, but he was still an undead, an evil creature. But to his surprise, the village chief did come out of his house, confronting him but with fear in his eyes. What would this being want from them? They didn't know the answer.

Village Chief: "I-I am the chief of this village. W-Who are you?" He was an old man, possibly reaching the limit of his life soon.

"I am a person that couldn't bear seeing innocents getting slaughtered by that beast. It is common sense to protect the weak, is it not? I am Ainz Ooal Gown. It is a pleasure to make acquaintances with you."

Surprising everyone, his voice was very noble, not what the villagers expected. It had majestic robes befitting of a king and a golden staff with seven divine orbs. They knew that this wasn't a normal undead; it was their savior.

"W-We are very thankful for your help, but we don't have any reward that could satisfy when I see your appearance." It would be obvious to be wealthy when one stands before him with such elegant clothes befitting of a king.

"Pay it no heed. I only want information from you, nothing more."

"Of course that we can offer, would you please follow me into my humble home?" The Chief made a gesture to point his hand to his home, showing that he wants to invite Momonga into his house.

"I would like to do so, Village Chief."

They walked into a house. It seemed bigger than the other. It had an upper floor. It was that what made it special. They could store any sort of way on the top and even sleep on it.

The Village Chief pulled the chair away from the table to let Ainz sit in it. "Please, take a seat." Ainz sat on the chair and the Chief sat on the opposite side of the wooden table. It wasn't of good quality, but he paid it no heed. As he looked around, the house was distant from having good decorations. It didn't even have any. It was a room, in a kitchen, a wooden table, and a smaller room in the back that seemed to have three beds. "Now, please ask away, but you should know I can't provide much. I am just a Village Chief."

Ainz: "That I know, but I will only ask of what you can know of, not very difficult questions." Ainz could just take the information out of the Chief's head, but he was not a fan of using his powers frequently. He also wanted to use his charisma from time to time. With it, he could even persuade a human to believe that he is not undead, but a dragon. It was possible, but it would give him no gain. "The first question is, in what country this village is in, and what other countries exist in these lands?"

"I don't understand the question. If you mean who rules us, it is the Dragon Lords and the Dragon Emperor. There is only he who rules over this world." He was indeed not lying, but it was unbelievable that there were no other nations, so Ainz got concerned over his statement.

-I suspected that the stronger races would dominate the planet, but for the dragons to completely rule the whole continent, now that is concerning.- "What other races exist in these lands, and how many if possible?"

Village Chief: "There are mostly beast-men that take a huge part of the population. The humans are used as slaves or treated as lesser. We had the luck to be able to live to this point without any problems. But if I may ask, from your name I can guess that you can use magic, but know to me only dragons can wield wild magic if it doesn't disturb you to explain it to me."

Tier Magic was unknown to these people, and to learn it would be impossible for them. The only magic in this world was wild magic, and could only be wielded by the dragon lords.

"I have my own magic. It isn't related to the wild magic of your world. It is understandable for you to question it. I can't tell you more about it, maybe another time."

Nothing made sense to the Village Chief. He got more questions than answers from it.

"I don't understand… You possess your own magic?... A-And what do you mean about our world…are you not from this world?..." It was clear that the Village Chief was processing all the information in his head, but with no success, it would be easier to just ask about all that he wasn't understanding and finding absurd.

"You are correct. I don't hail from your realm. I have come here from a different world. I know it is difficult for you to imagine, but it is simply the truth. I am from a world called Yggdrasil, again, more I will not tell."

Village Chief: "I can't say that I believe you, but if you proclaim this, you will be likely hunted by the Dragon Lords. It would hurt their pride to do otherwise."

"They are no problem to me. If they want to defeat me, they have to come to my tower first."

Village Chief: "W-We are talking about a Dragon Lord here, sir. They are the most powerful beings in this world. I thank you again for saving our village, but if they find out that someone like you is or was in our village, it would be the end of us."

"I understand your concerns, but you don't have to fear them anymore. This village and the forest to the north are now under my protection."

Village Chief: "I thank you very much for saying that, but even if you could defeat the dragon that attacked our village, we are still doubtful of your power. We are normal people. We only believe in what we see."

"So you want to see my power with your own eyes. I would normally not do that, but this will be an exception."

The clouds started to change. Above the village, a dark cloud appeared, and it started raining. Most of the villagers didn't believe their eyes. To control the weather was impossible. *Snap* They all focused back on Ainz as he snapped his fingers, and after that, the clouds disappeared again, leaving only the blue sky visible.

"I can control the weather with a snap of my fingers. Is this to prove to you that I wield magic, that I am not a liar or a fool, Village Chief?"

The Village Chief was shocked. He didn't believe him at first, but now he has no doubts. "Please forgive an old man for not trusting your word, oh Immortal Sorcerer! We can't offer anything for your protection, but please accept our deepest gratitude."

The old man was almost crying. The pressure and power the being before him emitted were too much for any human to handle.

"I do this for my safety too, you know. I live in the surroundings, and it would not be safe if there was trouble near me."

Village Chief: "If I can ask where you are living. We don't know of any buildings near us."

Ainz: "It is only because I trust the people of this village that I will tell you. What do you see when you look to the north."

Village Chief: "North is only the forest. Is that where you are living?"

"Further, do you know what is further?"

Village Chief: "You mean the mountains, but they are far away from our place. Is that where your home is?"

"Not exactly. You will find it at the edge of the mountain range. It is not possible to miss it."

Village Chief: "But isn't it dangerous to live in the forest? There are many beasts and then there is the King of the Forest, a War Troll that kills with no mercy, as I have heard."

"That was before I arrived, I promise that it is safe for you to travel the woods now, but only because I want it so, people not from your village would still get attacked by the creatures, I can't let any strangers near my home."

"I can't say it again, we are deeply in your debt, Ainz Ooal Gown. You gave us a second chance, protection against future attacks, and now you are giving us the freedom to wander the woods. This village will be happy to help you anytime. It is what we must do to pay back your mercy."

"You are too humble, Village Chief. If I need something from you, you will be the first to know. But now I have to leave. I have important matters to attend to."

Village Chief: "We wished you would stay longer, but we can't force you to stay. Please come visit soon again."

Ainz was already walking out the door, followed by the Village Chief. He still had an important question to ask. Ainz had already been a couple of meters away from his house, but had turned around to say goodbye.

Village Chief: "I would like to ask, how can we reach you? If we are in need to talk with you, how can we find your home in the forest?"

The forest was a dense labyrinth, with no guide to a location. It would be difficult to find anything there.

"Take this." A small black void appeared beside Ainz and out of it came a compass. It floated to the Chief who grabbed it with his hands, inspecting the black metallic tool. "This compass will guide you to me. Follow the arrow, and you will not get lost on your way."

It was a great gift. With this, they would have a way to their savior anytime.

Village Chief: "We will use it only in the most important situations. But what am I doing here? I don't want to keep you here forever. May the sun enlighten your way, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown."

"I will visit when I can. For now, stay healthy and out of danger. Goodbye Village Chief."

There it was, the same scenario happened as he arrived. His body seemed to lose matter. It was like his body was sucked into nothingness, beginning at his hands and ending at his red orb in his stomach. For some moments you could see his ghost-like appearance, but even that disappeared like it wasn't even there.

"That was painful, but now I know that I can create an avatar and control it even when my real body is in my tower, but isn't my body only another avatar, I can just create a body and live in that it didn't even have to be the original. Again, my godhood is approved, hahaha, even without unlimited powers. But these villagers are primitive even by medieval standards. They don't even know the name of their nation, or maybe there is no nation, and the supposed Dragon Emperor rules over this whole planet. But why did I give them some of my stuff? I mean I got enough, but I gave this old man a compass to my tower! I hope I don't regret this in the future." [Disable Admin Mode: Spectator]

Soon Ainz found himself back in his Throne Room as if he never moved his body. Happy with one of his goals fulfilled, he went to the next one. It was a problem that he had since he came to the new world, his powers. He needed them. There was a part of him that was stripped of him the moment he arrived.

"In normal circumstances, my powers would come in a million years, but I can speed the process up. This should be easy."

He vanished from the Throne Room and appeared on the 8th floor. This floor didn't have any single-use, so he decided to make one for it. It was a dark room. There was no wall, only the light ending and what appeared to be a wall of stars. The floor was made of black stone, visible to the eye. Ainz approached the middle of the room, where he wanted to place something very important.

"This place will be perfect. I will put it here." He was thinking about the [Beacon of Fortune], an artifact that would connect itself to the powers of Ainz and pull them faster to his location. "With this, my powers will arrive in 1000 years, not a million years anymore, an improvement, I suppose." But it has its drawbacks, for speeding up the process, it would also reveal its location because the blue beam that starts from his tower to the ends of the sky would be visible to anyone. "This is a risk I will take. It must be done. There is no other way."

Ainz moved his hands, pointing them to the middle of the room.

Ainz: [Place: Beacon of Fortune]

Suddenly, from out of nothing, a blue effect took over the wished location, and as soon as the light disappeared a strange object was not standing in the middle of the 8th floor. On each side were four spikelike metal objects, pointing towards another big metallic one in the middle.

"Activate Beacon."

As soon as he said the command. The four spikes started to shoot a blue beam to the middle one, and that one pointed it towards the ceiling, where it went through the sharp roof into the air. It had no end, that would seem so, but it would simply end very far away, not visible from any being on the planet.

The villagers heard a strange sound that came out of the forest. They all came out of their houses to see the origin of it. And what they say was astonishing. There in the air was a blue ray of light, constantly being there, but only for seconds. They feared it first, but remembered who lived in that forest.

But not only did the villagers see the anomaly, others saw it too, beings that felt the energy coming from it and wanted to steal its powers for themselves. But will they be able to defeat Momonga? Will they be able to claim the powers in the tower? This would be a problem for Momonga. If he doesn't make a name for himself, there will be no end to his challengers.

Solidex Solidex

Thanks for reading my story, and please leave a review, so that I can improve myself more.

I had to do a Carne Village reference; it is like a point in time that can't be changed in the multiverse, like that in Marvel Lokis death is permanent, so is it permanent that Momonga has to save a village when he arrives in the new world.

I'm sorry for all the Nazarick lovers, but I wanted a bit of space for Momonga in this story, no offense to the guardians, but they would just disturb me if I would put them in this story. A lonely Momonga surviving through the centuries is what I want. Ainz Ooal Gown will change the history of the world!

Remember, this chapter plays 1000 years before Nazarick?'s arrival. If you didn't know, now you know.

I know you thought about God of Life and Death Momonga, but I had to take his powers away to make a good story, where he has the potential to grow, and a goal. There will be some enemies, but I will not spoil too much.

You would think if he is this OP with Tier Magic, then how strong is he with his actual powers. Little Spoiler: Unlimited Power!

If you hate the new tower, don't, he will be there for a long time. It will be his symbol that everyone knows. It will be a tower for 1000 years. Some believe it exists, some will think that it is a mere legend. Ainz Ooal Gown will make history, that I promise.

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