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98.33% An Archer's Promise / Chapter 59: Chapter 59: So, as I pray...

Capítulo 59: Chapter 59: So, as I pray...

Beta read by Shigiya and Fluffy Slayer

Very late, chapter ended up being longer than I had planned.

Next update is Broly.

Big thanks to Gamecrusher55 for helping me with Fate lore and basically being an amazing guide with the small details and overall nasuverse lore. You can find him and Fabled Life on Fanfiction if y'all need help or advice for possible fate stories you want to write in the future.





This was quite the predicament. 

A scenario he seldom encountered despite having served the Counter Force for an uncountable number of years. 

The earliest memories of his job were entwined with the death of countless souls, all succumbing at his hands, whether they be innocent or guilty — Yet as long as the primary threat was eliminated, the methods no longer mattered. The adage of sacrificing the few for the many became his guiding principle. A creed he inherited from his late adoptive father, a philosophy that prioritized the greater good over a few lives.

His former self would've vehemently rejected such a belief, driven solely by the imperative to save everyone, even at the cost of his life. Tasked with the constant duty of eliminating threats, the absence of satisfaction or joy only served to increase his regrets. Remorse continued to weigh him down like an anchor at sea, showing no signs of abating until it eventually engulfed him to the point of numbness. These factors, among many others, would have inevitably broken him. 

Yet when faced with the option to take another path that involved less bloodshed, he treaded on unfamiliar ground… a path that promised to be far more troublesome, inviting one trouble after the other without making it any easier for himself — but he did not regret it. He complained constantly but wouldn't have changed much if he had to redo it all over again, though perhaps he'd make sure to destroy the shard at the first given opportunity. 

Even without Alaya's support, he believed he had the capability of destroying this kingdom if given the opportunity. A few Broken Phantasm would suffice in finishing the job, even if the end result drained and overworked his Magical Circuits to the point of risking death. At least he would have gotten the job done, even though the price he paid was the death of all denizens in the area. 

'Despite my wishes, I haven't given up on that plan yet. If all else fails then I'll continue to assume my role as a Counter Guardian.' 

He hadn't forgotten his promise to Rin, who was the main factor in pushing him to this course of action. But even Emiya knew that life wasn't so kind. He did not tell the girl that he'd stop, not that he even could in the first place, but just try… try his best to stop himself from breaking again. To keep his drive to save people going without getting overtaken by bitter anger and regret of the ideals that he followed. 

Yet no matter how much he tried to convince himself, the man said that nothing would change regardless of how hard he tried. Maybe not in a year, or a decade or even a century… but one day he knew he'd end up back where he started. Once again filled with anger and regret, willing to go to any length to undo his past actions while still committing atrocities in the process. For it wasn't wrong to help people, but living the life of a bound killing machine would break him once again. 

He would mechanically execute the duties of his role as a Counter Guardian, piling more weapons and bodies until he was back where he first started. 

'In the end, this freedom is nothing but a clever lie by Alaya to chain me to her will. Whether I am alive or not, my circumstances have never changed.' 

Such thoughts continued to occupy his mind as he stood within the throne room once again, having done so upon his first arrival to Feoh. But unlike last time, the surroundings had changed drastically, no longer was he surrounded by multiple scrutinizing glares from the few who hated him. Those who saw him as an enemy and killer of their closest 'ally' per say. Or murderer and destroyer, true words that he never tried to deny.

All of the seven seats were now filled, each Princess Knight present along with an extra eighth seat prepared for Olga. Given the stare she was getting from Alicia, it was safe to assume this was not a unanimous decision for her to be here. Not that the Dark Elf cared as she sat with her hand supporting her head, sending a focused yet curious look at him. Most likely very curious about the information he was about to share, which also played a factor in her fall. 

Alicia, the blonde who hadn't spoken to him since that incident — not that he wasn't going to complain about. Even after he and Celestine gave Claudia a small explanation of what happened so far with Vault's betrayal, the latter did not come to that man's defense. Refusing to defend the man even as he faced accusations and insults. 

"A… Beast?" 

Olga repeated those words, the same happening with everyone else in the room. 

Strangely, Emiya found no solace or joy in the prospect of revealing the truth of his mission to them. It wasn't because he doubted that they would believe him; he did not care if they accepted his words as truths or falsehoods. Rather, he feared what little he was going to get out of this matter, knowingly putting his trust into Celestine did not put him at ease. 

He did not feel assured.

Too risky, far too risky for his liking. 

He was never in a position that required him to actively seek the aid of others. Nevertheless, he was compelled to act, for the existence lurking within the city was growing stronger each passing day. It was an entity capable of killing every single mortal on this planet. As for her motives concerning humanity, he did not have an answer for that— Sodom was shrouded in secrecy, her motives unknowable to even the most astute. And to be frank, each beast had their own agendas.

The only thing that he could confirm was that they were a threat. 

"Are we dealing with another sort of demon? The same one that was able to burn your arm to a crisp, I presume." Olga asked, having seen with her own eyes the devastation such an entity could unleash upon the land. One that had nearly claimed his life right then and there if it weren't for Ajax's shield. Even then, the Noble Phantasm, potent enough to stop a spear throw from Hector — an instrument purported to pierce through anything—found itself thwarted, barely withstanding the assault of a severely weakened avatar.

Granted, even with his expertise in shield tracing, his imitation still pales in comparison to the original, both in quality and duration. 

"Your arm!?" Celestine and weirdly enough, Prim both shouted in unison. The Goddess Reborn's eyes snapping towards the pink haired princess Knight as the latter instantly averted her gaze in embarrassment. 

"You actually got hurt? And that badly? I won't lie, but even I am shocked to hear that," Maia remarked. Among all the Princess Knights, she understood best how challenging it was to harm this man, let alone injure him. Her first duel against him ended spectacularly in failure; Being sent flying into the air just from a single strike. Yet, even after that encounter, she recalled the day they were ambushed by the army of demons and lycans after descending the snowy mountains into Luu-Luu's territory. It was said to be strewn with thousands of finely crafted blades, but she did not witness such a spectacle. 

"Wait… this woman didn't try to take advantage of your state to manipulate you into helping her did she!?" She shouted, jabbing her finger accusingly at Olga, whom she was still unable to completely trust — holding as much distrust as Alicia. While the other Princess Knights did not voice their opinions about the dark queen, only she and Alicia refused to conceal their skepticism. 

Before Emiya could answer, Olga beat him to it, rolling her eyes at the accusation and giving a dry response in return. 

"Oh, please, as if a missing arm will make this man any less dangerous than he already is for me to risk such a tactic. Not like he didn't get it soon after, when we stumbled upon two of his close allies during our trip back. I am positive that he would be more than happy to explain to you all what they did to quicken his recovery. It was quite the… intimate process..." The frown on her face matched the Counter Guardian's, not backing away in the least from the man's glare. 

The Princess Knights exchanged puzzled glances, prompting Archer to clear his throat in order to regain their attention. 

"Don't try to distract everyone from the main issue, Olga." Emiya interjected firmly. One topic he was loath to broach was that story in particular. It didn't take much to figure out the kind of reaction it would get from these people, especially Maia, if he divulged what was necessary to fix his arm. The fact that Olga somehow managed to stumble upon the scene made him wonder whether Chloe had witnessed it as well. 

"Hey, for someone who is a prisoner, you sure like to run your mouth a lot don't you?" Luu-Luu's tone cut through the atmosphere, arrogantly sneering at the Dark Elf with a rarely seen scornful glare. "I don't know what Celestine sees in you that's valuable enough to keep you alive rather than hang your pretty little neck and let the crows eat your corpse, but don't think that this means you can just act however you want, bitch." 

Tension rose as Luu-Luu  hurled those words, with Chloe, who stood behind her Queen, surprisingly hadn't gone berserk so far — a feat that impressed Archer. Undoubtedly, her Queen must have given the girl a warning to stay calm, having already expected such a reception from the other Princess Knights.

Regardless, such a subject only served to pull away their attention from more important affairs. 

Olga returned her attention to Archer. "Humph, I'll let you have it for now. I am more curious about this 'Beast' that you're so worried about, and how exactly it helped those bands of worthless mercs to bypass my defenses." Despite her saying that, Archer saw the change in the expression of those around. "What kind of demon is this 'Beast'?" 

Now came the intricate challenge, "They aren't demons in the conventional sense, they are something else entirely to what you and Celestine are familiar with. To sum it all up, they are an existence that could be considered walking calamities with a consciousness of their own, operating on a tier entirely their own. To draw a comparison between them and the demons I've encountered here would be nothing short of a joke on every level."

Unlike with the old man, who possessed a clearer understanding of a Beast after confronting the original one, Archer found it more challenging to explain the very nature of the Beast to his current audience. While he could easily convey the details to someone with the old man's background, he took a moment to consider how to impart a similarly weighty explanation to this group. He was keen to avoid any misunderstandings or the potential underestimation of a Beast, particularly by someone like Celestine.

"To put it bluntly, Beasts are akin to god-like entities. Each one representing a cardinal sin, embodying the darkest aspects of humanity," he continued, striving to provide them with an understanding that matched the gravity of his previous explanation. "Don't misunderstand, they aren't gods, but a separate existence entirely that possesses a similar level of power. Flattening mountains, exterminating tens of thousands with a single strike, nearly impossible to kill and countless other abilities that affect the very reality around us." 

The more he spoke, the more drastic the expression on the Princess Knights became. Celestine and Maia turning paler, a gloomy aura fell upon Olga's face but for the others — they just seemed even more flabbergasted and annoyed than before. 

"Is… is this a joke?" Alicia whispered, her frustration at this absolute nonsense that this man was spouting finally broke through her self-imposed silence. "There exists no entity other than gods who can hold such power! It's blasphemous enough to suggest such a thing with Celestine-sama in the room." Her face burned red as she faced Archer, trying her best to push down the memory wherein she nearly forced herself on the man as much as possible.

"Did you say something, Onee-sama?" Prim turned around, facing the blonde who surprisingly hadn't spoken much since the beginning. 

"N-Nothing, Prim." 

Alicia, despite her efforts, couldn't muster the strength to face Prim after what happened. Shame and humiliation churned within her, making even the act of looking at the pink haired Princess Knight nearly impossible. The blonde felt as though her mere presence tainted Prim, the overwhelming shame almost causing her to vomit on a few occasions.

"An entity similar to a god… but is not a god? Do you mean a powerful mage, a mutated demon or even a Demi human?" No matter how much she looked at it, Luu-Luu just couldn't find herself getting an accurate description of what Archer said. Having been around beings like Celestine and her own patron god, there wasn't anything that could reach their level of power other than entities like dragons or even those freakish mage prodigies born every other century. 

But to rival an actual god? 

That was something that was hard to believe. 

"Haa, I was afraid it would come to this. Trying to describe the nature of a Beast is not something that can be easily explained with just words… Not like I can really blame you. But no, they aren't the kind of deity you are thinking about, not even close." Archer scratched the back of his head and let out a sigh, though an idea flashed before his mind, one that could potentially work. "I know, you've seen the outcome of my Magecraft near your kingdom's border to Ken, right?" 

The halfling smashed her fist against the chair, nearly cracking the sturdy oak chair, while a giant grin stretched across her face. "Are you kidding!? Like anyone could forget a giant freaking sword that was bigger than a mountain! Speaking of the blade… CAN I HAVE ANOTHER LOOK AT IT PLEASE!?!?" 

Luu-Luu disappeared in a flash, reappearing next to him with her arms ready to grab onto his leg, ready to grovel without a shred of concern for her image or dignity in front of her fellow Princess Knights.

Not that he was going to let it happen. 



Her body soared backwards, crashing through the marble seat and colliding with the stone walls. Prim let out a startled cry of surprise as she deftly evaded a piece of concrete poised to descend upon her head. The ensuing silence in the hall felt eerie while they all stared at the man that they believed was responsible. Archer, foot still elevated, wore an inquisitive expression. ' I… I didn't hit her…' He ruminated, for a brief moment having seen the trace of a golden wisp of energy that struck the halfling right before he could do anything.

He glanced at the person seated on the main throne, the latter looking at the area where Luu-Luu got struck with an unreadable expression. 

No, it's not his main problem right now. Better to look past this for now.

"Setting aside this little circus act on Luu-Luu's part. For those unfamiliar with what just occurred, a brief explanation is in order. The part where she and I referenced a sword of mountainous proportions is something I'm sure you all are familiar with. Despite being what I term a hollow construct — that creation had almost ended my life due to the staggering amount of energy required for me to create it." The Princess Knights nodded, recalling the reports and some even having seen the aftermath. Olga still had shivers from the image burned into her brain, the colossal blade looming over its surroundings, emanating a power greater than anything she had seen in the past, surpassing even the likes of the Goddess Reborn. 

"A power you have not shown since then. It would have been easy for you to kill me along with the Kuroinu if you had just dropped the blade on top of my castle." Olga said, attempting to steady her racing heartbeat as she recalled the anomaly that was this particular person. A god he was not, but she still refused to see him as a human. "Should I believe it was you taking pity on me or a stroke of luck that you called forth such a creation?" 

"Humph, don't flatter yourself, Olga. I have far less strenuous methods to destroy your castle." Archer scoffed at the haughty former queen's remarks before looking back at Celestine. "Despite that show of power, let me tell you it wouldn't have made much of a difference if I were to use it against a Beast. At best, it would have probably left a small cut on her, before quickly disappearing within seconds. ." 

It didn't matter how big that weapon was, for at the end of the day, Ig Alima was a Divine Construct that his Unlimited Blades Works would never be able to replicate nor harness a sliver of its true potential. Their very essence transcended human comprehension.Even when presented with a near endless source of Magical Energy, he could only conjure forth a mere hollow blade or a severely degraded version if he dared to attempt another… less demanding weapon. The blade that had awed these people was nothing more than a fabrication, deserving to be labeled as nothing but a counterfeit creation, crafted solely to mimic the appearance of the true Noble Phantasm.


Disbelief once again filled their faces as his words finally carried enough weight behind them. 

"A-A scratch? That's all that monstrous weapon would have done against this Beast!?" For the first time, Claudia exclaimed with a loud voice. "You can't be serious!" 

Archer chuckled, but it was a hollow and humorless one, "I wish I was kidding, but unfortunately that is indeed the case. Even then, the cut is just me vastly overestimating my own attack, in reality, it most likely wouldn't have pierced the skin. I'm already lucky enough to be alive after my first interaction with it." Even if it wasn't the real deal, he'd never underestimate it. 

"What is such an entity even doing here? Why involve themselves with the Kuroinu to defeat Olga?" Kaguya decided to chime in as well, having been silent the entire time. "While I agree to acknowledge Archer's words of this creature's might, its actions have benefited us with the fall of Olga Discordia and her influence over the demon creatures — an ending that was a bit too forgiving in my opinion." 

"I am right here," the Dark Queen clenched her fists while glaring at the priestess. 

Kaguya's lips twitched upwards for a brief moment. "I know, but let's not stray from the topic at hand. This entity has powers similar to a god, why haven't we heard of its existence before now? Even Celestine-sama and Olga Discordia who have lived for many years appear to be ignorant of it. I find it to be very suspicious. Please don't mistake my words for an attack on your credibility, but rather as an attempt on my part to gain a better understanding and to clear my confusion." 

"Because it is not from this world." Archer said without hesitation, his tone clear and powerful enough that it rang all across the room. He immediately raised his tone again as the Princess Knights were about to rain multiple questions on him or call him crazy. "You have not heard about them because they did not exist here in the past, your world's magic, people and environment did not reach a stage where it would even give birth to such an entity or anything similar… At least, I hope so. As for how this Beast got here in the first place… I believe our priestess might be familiar with it." 

All eyes turned towards Kaguya, who found herself taken aback by the underlying implications of his words. She shot him a narrowed stare, demanding clarification. "What are you trying to say, Archer?" 

His smirk only served to further irk her. 

"Simple, the Beast was drawn here by a group through some twisted ritual. From what I gathered, this group of people utilized vile methods such as human sacrifices, defiling people and more to attract its attention — The Cult of the Insect God." 

Only three people showed any changes in expression. Celestine and Kaguya from having known about such a group and finally Luu-Luu, the halfling having finally freed herself from the wall, looking more dirty than hurt, as she let out a snarl when she was reminded of the mess that the cult has caused in her kingdom and the attempt on her life.

Safe to say, his words weren't taken well by the priestess.

"How dare you utter such words!" Kaguya shouted, feeling both betrayed and appalled at what he was suggesting. "Do not associate my god and our believers with the likes of those… those disgusting monsters! Shamuhaza's cult is not associated with us and their rituals are looked down upon!" 

"Yet you knew about their existence and practice but never tried to hunt them down?" He asked, more out of curiosity rather than an accusation.

"Because we had a bigger threat on our doorstep!" Her finger went to point at Olga. "For if she was left unchecked then our kingdom would have been doomed! Those demons under her command rapedevery woman they came across and slaughtering innocents by the thousands was not something that could be ignored! You cannot blame us for not having the time or resources to allocate towards other matters when she was still a very present threat." 

"I can and will do so." His sharp words cut through her shout. "If you had told me this when I first arrived in Eostia, then I would have believed you. But after witnessing everything that has transpired so far, I can judge with certainty that you are all at fault for the woeful mismanagement of this situation. I am even more astonished at how the Seven kingdoms are still standing. Despite their  beautiful exterior, the festering decay within threatens to bring them crashing down at any moment." 

He knew everything he'd seen so far was most likely just the tip of the iceberg. Ken alone was enough to make him sigh, and Feoh's deteriorating state made him want to massage his temples daily. He could only imagine the extent of the dysfunction and corruption plaguing the inner workings of the other kingdoms he had yet to visit. While Luu-Luu's kingdom looked well managed for the most part on his first tour, he was sure that he would find something amiss in the shadows. 


"Such gall!" 


"You don't know what you're talking about!" 

"We had to make countless sacrifices just to stay alive!" 

One by one, each Princess Knights shouted a different thing. Some sounded less angered and more gentle while Alicia and Claudia's retorts rang out with amplified intensity. His accusation had left enough of an impact for the previously quiet Alicia to momentarily revert to her previous self.

But he wasn't going to budge on his statement. "There is plenty I want to criticize about the way you have all managed your kingdoms — especially you, Alicia." He directed his gaze at her, causing the woman to avert her eyes and retreat into her quiet demeanor. "You… Do you even have any idea what this place looks like outside the castle?"  

"..." She didn't see anything, but he knew it wasn't out of guilt.

"As much as I would relish listing off everything wrong with the way you manage your kingdoms, I'll return to what I wanted to add to Kaguya's statement. it turns out that not only were the Kuroinu planning on taking over your kingdom to create a sex empire, but on top of that, this insignificant group that you've deemed  a minor threat had actually ended up attracting someone ten times worse than Olga — a real threat to humanity." He observed the turbulent emotions swimming within Kaguya's eyes; Despite her stoic demeanor, it was difficult concealing the rage within them. "This same Beast was also the one responsible for manipulating the higher-ups of the mercenary group, infecting their minds and corrupting their judgment to turn them into monsters." 

"Wait…" Maia interjected, a horrified expression on her face. "You said that this Beast was the one responsible for making the Kuroinu turn against us. If this creature wasn't here, then would they have…" 

'Hard to say', Archer mused. This matter was shrouded in uncertainty and his  honest opinion would have added flame to the fire. In truth, he couldn't say with certainty that Vault's ambition of enslaving every woman in the seven kingdoms was set in stone  before Sodom's Beast arrival. Neither could he conclude that it resulted from the latter's meddling. The concept itself did not sound like something a sane person would come up with, but then again… it didn't take a Beast's influence for people to come up with such ideas.

It was a notion that made little sense. Yet perhaps the years of war between Olga and Celestine had pushed Vault past the point of no return, turning the man into an insane fool. A statement he could never verify. 

"It most likely enhanced the already festering dark thoughts within them. With or without the Beast's influence, Vault's betrayal would have inevitably occurred — it was just a matter of time." Ultimately, he chose the option that would facilitate their comprehension of the weight of the current reality. "However, it did help Kin in infiltrating the castle and gaining control over the army of demons within. The Beast holds the capability to corrupt those around it, to taint their mind and alter their judgment. In the end, it is not your ally in any way, it's more likely to kill every human in the world to make room for a 'better' version of humanity, crafted in its own twisted image." 

Especially considering that the people of this world were vastly different from those in his own reality. He couldn't predict how such a change could impact the Beast's actions.

"Wait," Claudia interjected once more. "Before we proceed, you mentioned how you couldn't even hurt this Beast at your best. Then why are you seeking it in the first place?." 

She raised a valid point and Archer couldn't help but acknowledge that Claudia seemed to be the only Princess Knight truly attentive to the crucial details. "Because, despite everything that I just said, the Beast has been severely weakened from attempting to enter this reality. So for the time being, it's vulnerable enough for me to have a chance at taking it out. However, if it's given enough time to recover, I'll be utterly powerless to do anything." 

"And those hooligans I faced before. They used a weapon powerful enough to engulf its surroundings in a sea of flames. They wielded powers akin to the Princess Knights and even had the audacity to denounce Celestine as a fake goddess." 

Alicia could not believe her ears, "Such a thing happened here in this city!?" Why hadn't she been informed? Looking at the Goddess Reborn and Maia, it became obvious that they knew about this incident as well. 'Why didn't Beardsley inform me about this!? He hasn't even sent so much as a message since my last time speaking with him!'

Ignoring Alicia's outburst, Archer hummed in agreement with the brunette. "Hn, pawns or playthings manipulated by the Beast and granted a fraction of its power. Likely  minor enhancements conducted as an experiment to assess how much it could  push a Princess Knight like you to the limit. This, at least, leads me to believe that it's still in a severely weakened state and incapable of acting on its own. Because if the situation was reversed, then we wouldn't be standing here alive and free. That's why I need Celestine's help to find it as soon as possible before things get progressively worse."

"But a creature from another world… I… it's a hard matter to believe." Claudia continued, crossing her arms while not immediately denying his words. "What do you think about this, Celestine?" 

While the others continued to mewl on his words, Celestine in particular was lost in her thoughts. A chill ran down her spine as she recalled a particular moment from one of her visions. The sound of people shouting, cursing Shirou's name in the midst of a decimated town. Clothed in rags, with his hands and feet bound by chains as he was marched towards the gallows, with rocks being thrown at him along the way. 

Yet in the middle of all of that, she distinctly recalled meeting a little girl. Her features were mostly hidden but the undeniable beauty hidden underneath was open for her to see. A voice that effortlessly combined sweetness with an eerie chill, both captivating and unsettling. Giving her the sense that she was facing an entity so strange and foreign that even her senses were confused. 

"Celestine?" Claudia rested her armored hand upon the voluptuous Goddess's shoulders, causing her to shiver for a moment and come back to her senses. 

But rather than answering her friend, she instead fixed her gaze on  Archer's eyes. One matter weighed heavily on her mind, more so than the Beast. "Shirou… why are you going to such lengths for us?" That creature, whether it was indeed the Beast he was referring to, was undeniably dangerous, far more so than anything Olga presented in the past. If a single encounter had already endangered his life  and left him severely wounded, according to Olga — then why persist in pursuing it?

Ah, of course, what was she thinking… This was Shirou after all. He wanted to be a hero to sav—

"Because that is my job." His answer felt no different to a cold bucket of water being poured down her head. The casual way he answered it, finally made her understand the true meaning behind those words. 

"It's that being's fault again," she whispered, nails digging within her palm as she recalled a particular event in Shirou's past. That fateful night when he made a contract with that detestable entity, one that transformed him into a slave. "You're going to keep suffering because of its meddling…" 



Why did it persist in tormenting him to such a degree? Even though she had agreed to help him, albeit under a particular condition of hers, all of this came before she understood what he was truly after. And now, she found herself caring less about the people within these walls. 

Whenever she looked at them, whenever they cheered for her, prayed to her for prosperity, health and protection — all the Goddess Reborn could hear was the phantom shouts and howls filled with hatred that those humans had hurled at Shirou. Wearing the same clothes, looking at her with the same eyes that Shirou saw whenever he saved them. Wouldn't these same people do the same with her and even him? 

To repeat history once more. 

Why was she helping these people again?

Why did she sacrifice so much for the humans who wanted to kill her Shirou? 

The same feeling of love she once held for them now felt different. Their gratitude sounded hollow and empty, their tears made her question their sincerity and at one point she could no longer differentiate them from the same people who had taken Shirou's life — a thought that she had dismissed before, but now began to resurface. 

Was their salvation worth more than Shirou's life?

Before she would have shared a similar opinion to the redheaded boy, that both sides could be saved. To spend as much effort on both sides and prevent harm from befalling upon them. She momentarily looked at the Princess Knights around her, including Claudia. 

'Will you even feel sad if they all just perished?' A voice inside her mind whispered, a sweet voice that sounded like a person standing right next to her. Breath tickling her neck as the sultry tone continued to speak with amusement. 'At the end of the day, they are all the same, aren't they?'

No, they couldn't be the same, these were her allies and friends who went above and beyond to help her. 

'These same people tried to kill him on multiple occasions, now they want to steal him away from you. Are they truly your allies?' 


At this point, the sole sound she could hear was her own heartbeat. Drumming loudly as her surroundings grew hazy, the same shouts, insults, sounds cheering as the trapdoor at the gallows opened and the slack rope went taut — even now they looked at him with suspicion. 

Images flashed through her mind, depicting  these very same people standing among the crowd, sharing the same sentiment as the masses. It was sickening, revolting enough that the rhythm of her heartbeat grew louder. Then she pictured Shirou no longer by her side, once again being pulled away by one of these girls. It felt cold, isolating and enough to make her lightheaded. 

She… she truly was having a hard time to muster the same emotions her past self felt about these humans anymore. 

They were all so…

What felt like hours passed within a split second inside her mind, "Shirou, what if… what if I tried to stop you from going after this Beast?" 

Gasps echoed around her, with many unable to believe what their Goddess had just said with little hesitation. Her statement not only confirmed the reality of Archer's claim regarding the existence of the Beast but also suggested that she was opposed to his efforts to eradicate it.

Archer on the other hand just frowned, still annoyed that she was insisting on calling him by that name, but more so reacting to what she had just said. It did not sound like a claim or a promise, but rather an uncertain question. 

"Then I will be left with no choice but to resort to any and all methods necessary to ensure that the target has been eliminated." Despite having promised Rin to try his best, Emiya held no qualms about taking on his role as a Counter Guardian if pushed to the brink. 

Regardless of the decisions he made or the understanding he gained along the course of his journey, that aspect of him would never change. His duty remained steadfast and unyielding. 

"I'll remove this threat to humanity even if I have to turn a kingdom or two to ashes." 

Celestine realized, as long as Shirou remained under that entity's control then he'd never truly be happy or find freedom. Even after death… as long as humanity existed then he'd be forced to suffer forever. 

At this moment, Celestine felt…



"Hah," Archer muttered to himself as he found solace outside the garden, his gaze captivated by the stars above. Reflecting on the meeting, he conceded that it hadn't gone as disastrously as he initially anticipated. Expecting the customary barrage of threats and hostility from Alicia, he was pleasantly surprised by Claudia's maturity. Her penchant for thoughtful consideration before delivering judgment resonated with him deeply. He understood her initial skepticism; he was, after all, an outsider who had caused turmoil upon arriving in Eostia. 

To her, he embodied the catalyst of chaos, defeating Vault, the Kuroinu, and the Dark Queen in the span of a single day. Now, with said Queen of the Dark Elves and a tiefling by his side, he sought an audience with the Goddess Reborn, citing the meddling of an entity from another world conjured forth by the Insect God Cult. 

"I'm surprised she hasn't suggested a psych evaluation," he joked to the silent night, chuckling as he leaned against a bench. The chilly breeze whisked the leaves around him, while the moon's soft glow bathed the scene in its ethereal light, casting shimmering reflections upon the pond's surface.

"What is Celestine thinking?" Archer found the Goddess Reborn's recent conduct unusually perplexing — at least more so than anything she'd shown previously. Despite her initial agreement to aid him, her demeanor now seemed fraught with hesitation and reluctance. The same woman who spoke of protecting her people and displaying readiness for self-sacrifice now urged him to refrain from getting involved. It was confusing and almost threw him off. 

Regardless, he gave her a clear-cut answer to her illogical question, an answer he intended to follow through if all else failed. If these people persisted in their blindness and foolishness, he wouldn't hesitate to embrace the mindset of a seasoned Counter Guardian and burn the kingdom to the ground in order to fulfill his duty. While he hoped to avoid such drastic measures, it nevertheless remains a last resort if all else fails. Yet, the potential aftermath weighed heavily upon him; the prospect of regret and the weight of sacrificing lives like Maia and Brin would undoubtedly haunt him, further tarnishing his soul. 

"Hm?" His ears perked at the faint flutter of tiny wings behind him. In the next moment, a pair of delicate soft hands covered his eyes, accompanied by a sweet giggle that the young girl struggled but failed to suppress. 

"Guess who?"

For a fleeting moment, Archer felt a hint of the stress in his mind dissipate. A gentle smile graced his face as he decided to play along with the young girl.

"Hmm, judging by the size of the hand and its rough skin, I'd say you're the giant hammer-wielding brat, Luu-Luu." The person behind him gasped before playfully hitting his shoulders, a chuckle escaping her lips. 

"Don't mistake me for a brute like her, Archer! You knew it was me the whole time, didn't you, you meanie?" Removing her hand, the young tiefling's face appeared upside down before him, suspended either by her wings or some magic. 

At this close distance, Archer had a better opportunity to examine the details of her face, and a peculiar detail caught his attention. With no distractions around, he noticed that Radomira had indeed grown taller to some extent. Even her clothes didn't seem to fit her as snugly as before, along with the little girl having less baby fat around her cheeks. Moreover, her hair now reached down to her shoulders, prompting questions about whether tieflings were prone to unexpected growth spurts such as this.

He'd have to ask Olga for more information. 

"Archer? So you finally decided to address me by my proper name rather than embarrassing me in front of everyone with either Mama or Papa." The girl froze as she realized her slip-up,  her expression morphing into a pout as she caught sight of Archer's smirk. 

"A-Ah, I-I meant Pap—"

"—Nope, you called me by my name, and I quite liked it compared to what it used to be. Keep calling me that from now on." he teased, his hand playfully ruffling her head, messing up the Tiefling's hair as she grew further frustrated by his actions. 

"Stop iiiiit! It took Brynn ages just to properly comb it!" The small girl struggled under his hand, acting her age more so than before. A good thing Brynn was around, the former Knight had taken quite a liking to Radomira despite the latter's nature and Brynn's training to kill such creatures on sight. He remembered asking the woman how she felt to be around the tiefling and whether or not she could handle it.

The response she gave him made him torn between whether to sigh or be amused. "I am a traitor according to some, a deserter that abandoned her comrades and a heathen. In the eyes of the church and from everything I've learned, my existence alone is much worse than a demon like her." An interesting response by the brunette in Archer's opinion, and it reassured him further that Radomira was in good hands.

"Did your talk not go well? You seemed kinda sad back there." She asked curiously. 

"It was okay, though there were parts that I would have liked to discuss more, overall I believe they understood me." He never told her about the Beast, never finding a real reason to do so. Not to mention, the girl had suffered enough already and deserved some peace. "This is as good a time as any to speak to you about what happened this morning. Those people who attacked Claudia, did you recognize any of them? Were they part of the group who was involved with slave trading?" 

At that, the little girl shook her head after thinking about it carefully. No matter how much she thought about it, that was the first time she saw those people. 

"I'm scared," She whispered, tugging her knees closer to her chest. 

"You're afraid they'll come back and take you away?" She answered with a nod, a sentiment he could empathize with deeply. "Unlikely to happen. While I can't claim to be invincible, nor be by your side at all times to protect you from harm — at the very least I can promise you that I'll try my best." 

It wasn't much, Archer acknowledged. He could have easily reassured her that nothing would harm her as long as she remained by his side, but that just wasn't the truth. 

"I'm afraid you'll leave me, like everyone else." 

Those words brought a frown onto Archer's expression. Did her parents abandon her or was she forcefully taken away? As far as he knew, Radomira was captured when she roamed the land all by herself. "I don't want to end up alone again." 

"Olga, Maia and Brynn are still here. They can take care of you if something were to happen to me." 

Radomira once again shook her head. 

"No, I want to stay with you, it doesn't feel safe here. Olga is nice, Maia is weird and Brynn gets worried too easily — but I don't feel safe with them. I feel like… I feel like if I go to sleep without you around then I'll wake up back inside the cage." 

"Nothing of that sort will happen while I'm around, but one day you'll have to learn to manage without me, Radomira. You can't spend your entire life sheltered from challenges, especially in the seven kingdoms as a Tiefling. Olga mentioned that your kind possesses remarkable talent in magic, and sooner or later you'll grow capable enough to no longer rely on me anymore." He noted her recent progress, how she had already mastered flight in a matter of days. With a bit of guidance he was certain she would become a formidable mage. 

"A mage… I don't want to become one." Radomira said, to which he hummed in amusement. 

"Then what do you want to become?" 

"A swordswoman!" Her jovial answer reached his ears, the young girl's eyes shining as she gave him that answer. "One who can summon swords and beat people by punching them in the face! Also use a bow and arrow to crush entire armies with ease! Even the strongest mages can't do anything like that!" 

Worrisome, Archer was certain he hadn't been with the girl long enough to have her see him fight that much, other than his little duel with Alicia. "Where did you hear about me using a bow to destroy an army? Pretty sure I never even used a bow the entire time you were with me."

"Ah, it's Brynn who told me stories about your adventures and how you crushed millions of demons with a single spear that can multiply into an infinite amount of spears! Then crush a mountain with just a snap of your fingers! Oh, oh! And she told me that one time when you forced an entire battalion of Knights to kneel before you with a single glare. I want to be like that!" The more they conversed, the stronger Archer's desire grew to find Brynn and slap her upside the head a couple of times for filling Radomira's head with such preposterous stories! 

So over-exaggerated that he felt embarrassed to hear them being spoken with such sincerity by this innocent child. Looking at him with such undeserved reverence that it only fueled his resolve to teach Brynn a lesson, one that seemed all the more necessary now. 

"Even the others were amazed!" 

His head turned around with dread forming within his soul. "Others?" 

"Yeah, Brynn told me she wanted to spread the tales of your adventures to everyone and held a storytelling day at the orphanage near the castle. Though some of the kids refused to believe it, they are jealous idiots that can't accept the truth, so don't mind them. Not like they'll be able to become an amazing hero like you in the first place, so I won't let them come anywhere near you!" 

Right, why wait for tomorrow… he feared it might get worse if he didn't address this matter now. "Radomira, can you kindly go find Brynn and bring that woman to me?" He said with a smile, trying not to reveal the annoyance on his face. 

"Ah? Sure! But…" The girl hesitated, leaning more against him and closing her eyes. "I'm feeling a bit tired. I'll sleep here for a bit and look for Brynn later. Or we can wait for her to show up here, you'll probably hear her frantically running around and calling my name." 

This girl… she seemed to have gained a taste of causing unwanted stress to the poor former knight. Hopefully, this wouldn't grow into something troublesome in the future, he just chalked it up to a young kid like her being mischievous. 

"I'll make you a new dish, it's called pizza and it's made with dough, cheese, tomato sauce, and lots of different toppings." He did notice Radomira seemed to have gained a taste of cheese recently, having caught her snacking on them at night.

Her eyebrows twitched, opening one of her eyes and looking at him suspiciously. 

Archer sighed, understanding the girl's unspoken request through mere observation. "Yes, it does have meat in it as well."


With a new source of motivation, Radomira sprang to her feet at lightning speed and swiftly flew towards the castle while waving at him. "I also want to eat that ice cream thing you made for me yesterday!" 

Hm, Tiefling or human, in the end, Radomira was still a child and tasty food still held an enormous influence over her actions. Perhaps it would be a good idea to teach Brynn how to cook some of these dishes to make it more bearable for Radomira when he wouldn't be here anymore. Maia wasn't an option as he feared the redhead would add an entire bottle of rum by accident. 

Though… he heard from Maia that Claudia has a knack for cooking and it seemed like Radomira had taken a liking to the Princess Knight. So he pondered about possibly talking to her in the future about such a matter. 




"The Tiefling is very different from what I had in mind, I wasn't expecting someone more… grown up. But unmistakably she's the one with the unique scent." 


Archer's body reacted purely on instinct, jumping a couple of meters away as a feminine voice echoed from the side that sent a terrible chill down his spine. He hadn't sensed the presence of this person, as if she had materialized out of thin air like a ghost. 

There, next to the wall of flowers stood a young child-like figure around the same age as Radomira. Blonde hair, red scales around her neck and an enormous draconic tail half the size of her body hanging behind. Her body was surrounded by a red dress while she plucked a red rose before taking a whiff of its fragrance.

"Passable, but not really the same as her natural scent. Perhaps I can have my servants mix them for a new type of perfume, umu, this King feels that to be an excellent idea as usual." She turned her face around, grinning with a sharp-toothed grin and crimson eyes looking at him with amusement. But her face, Emiya struggled to keep his eyes from widening as a single word escaped his mouth.


The girl tilted her head, "Artoria?" 

No, it couldn't be her, aside from the face everything else was different. Other than that, why was she here? Did his earlier taunt work that effectively against this Beast!?

"Shocked to see me, Guardian? Have you been stricken by the beauty of my face or are you frozen with fear to stand in the presence of a being like me? I want to say both, though it's unfortunate we couldn't meet today as allies… You are slowly becoming an annoyance. I would have brought you a bouquet of tansy or poppy flowers, though I doubt you would have understood my gesture." 

At this moment, Archer no longer thought about running away, for she wouldn't let that happen even if he tried. 

Holding back was not an option, he needed to put all his cards on the table just to survive. 

"I am the bone of my sword." 

Holding back against a Beast was no different to suicide. 

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood." 

His ace in the hole, a power he'd hoped never to reveal if he could help it. This ability laid bareEMIYA's true nature to the world for within the confines of his Unlimited Blades Works lay a reflection of his very soul.

"Hoh? Interesting… intriguing even." Draco's smirk grew larger, seeing the large amount of Magical Energy gathering around the man before her. "Already going all out from the beginning with multiple arias, should I feel flattered?" 

"I have created over a thousand blades." 

Fissures formed on the ground with blue illusory fire erupting from them.

He didn't get the opportunity to use it last time, even when Celestine flooded him with energy, his primary focus was on maximizing his output, deploying this spell wouldn't have been enough. And prior to that, Gae Bolg alone had proven more than adequate in dispatching all those demons. If she hadn't attacked him last time, then he would have employed it immediately.

"Unknown to death." 

Admittedly, this presented the perfect opportunity to observe how his Reality Marble interacted with this world. Without the myriad restrictions of his past world and the abundance of Mana here… maintaining it would technically be much easier. 

"Nor known to life.

Draco tossed the red rose to the ground, not showing any signs of trying to stop Emiya. "Fine, I'll allow it. Entertain me, show me what a Guardian is truly capable of, I've been feeling very bored these last few days after all — perhaps you'll be enough to satiate me for now."

"Have withstood the pain to create many weapons." 

"Yet those hands will never hold anything."

"So as I pray," his hand stretched forward, the cold gray eyes staring at amused crimson.

"Unlimited Blades Works!" 

At the end of his aria, a blinding light swiftly spreads throughout the garden, consuming the surroundings in the blink of an eye.


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, and my other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters, Steel Eyed Faker soon to be 3 chapters, Hound having 2 and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

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