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91.66% An Archer's Promise / Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Chocolate

Capítulo 55: Chapter 55: Chocolate

Beta read by Shigiya and Fluffy Slayer.





"The idea of other worlds or realities is not an unheard-of concept, nor is it an impossibility for the average human. It's a thought that often rummages in their mind, revealing their subconscious desire for it to be real. Not that it stops others with differing beliefs and knowledge to sincerely believe in it. For those living in the world of the Supernatural, it is very much a reality and is known as the Reverse side of the World — where everything resides closer to nature and the origin. Some would call it a paradise, others not so much, I know a certain someone who considered it a weapon, and so on. Of course that is just one of many." 

Basking in the absence of light, the lone girl with blood-red eyes and horns spoke calmly with a bored tone as she gazed at the half-dead woman next to her. Describing her as "alive" was quite a stretch. Her body bore numerous bite marks and her disfigured face revealed a mouth missing several teeth. Naked, just like most women she'd seen down the basement, and a rather… gaping hole that left some parts of her permanently stretched. One had to wonder if she was thrown inside the pen of aroused horses or something. With not a trace of fear, empathy, or even amusement, it continued to speak with no regard towards the soft cries coming from the person before her along with the incomprehensible words that pleaded for a merciful death. 

"Who knew that beyond that small blue jewel, a world such as this would exist? Where I awaited to be welcomed by an existence similar to an Ultimate One, instead I was pushed back by a weakened Will who's still meddling with me with a Guardian roaming the area." 

In the end, she spoke to no one in particular, half-mindedly gazing at the walls and windows of the mansion. The ostentatious display of her kidnapper's wealth and fortune filled the place, but to her discerning eye, it fell short. 'A bit lacking, insufficient gold, and the decorations, in general, lack the finesse and beauty it could have possessed.' 

Another scream echoed in the halls, the source coming from the doors behind her as several maids flinched but kept their eyes facing down. Faces pale, hands shaking and eyes watering… all indications of absolute terror coursing through them, A sight she took in from her surroundings. People who were far too lost in their fear to even register a single one of the words she spoke let alone her speech. Except, someone was listening to her, but not out of choice in the end. 

"Umu, I am pleased," for all the pain this pathetic human maid before her found herself in, at least she had the courtesy to listen to a King's story. "I am a merciful and generous entity, I don't leave those who favor me empty-handed. Even if your circumstances are a bit unique I'll still grant you whatever you desire. So tell me, what does your heart desire at this very moment? Pleasure? Wealth? Conquest? Or even… revenge?" 

The only sound that escaped from the woman's blood and bile-filled mouth was a feeble whimper. One that the blonde understood immediately, prompting a brief moment of contemplation before shrugging and releasing a sigh. "What a boring request, but then again, I don't think you're able to comprehend or even grasp who you're speaking to at this very moment. Ignorance is not a sin, but it still does annoy me to some degree. Hah… as a benevolent and forgiving king, I shall ignore this slight and grant you your wish." 

None of the maids around her paid any heed to the two. A few were on the verge of fainting, assuming that the girl had lost her sanity or succumbed to delusions to escape her situation. Given her young age, some couldn't help but feel pity for her, as she had attracted the interest of the monster. She was adorable, sure to become a beauty in the future with hair as radiant as gold and eyes as deep and lustrous as rubies, seemingly illuminated even in the darkness. 

The moment she was brought in, the girl displayed remarkable composure. She didn't make a scene, shed tears, or even attempt to escape at any point. Instead, she observed her surroundings with a keen interest, and without hesitation, demanded luxurious accommodations and a bountiful feast — behaving in a manner befitting a young lady from an influential family. Unfortunately, that image died quickly after looking at the state of her clothes — nothing but torn rags — likely yet another fallen noble family, devoured by the cruel pit of vipers that was Feoh. 

They felt sympathy for her, but they also wanted to stay alive. Keeping the Pantielle heir satiated was primordial so that his lust and hunger wouldn't one day be directed toward them. 

As they remained consumed by their thoughts and anxieties, the newest arrival placed her finger upon the maid's forehead. "Before you draw your last breath, this king will give you its name, be honored. My name is Draco. The Beast of Sodom." A few moments of eerie silence followed before the light within her eyes vanished as her body became noticeably thinner. With a quick lick of her finger, Draco closed her eyes as the cries on the other side had come to a halt. Many shook as they knew what this meant.

She soon recalled some information she had gleaned from the mage who had previously held onto the gem. "Never imagined this world to name their kingdoms after runes. And this is the kingdom of wealth on top of that, funny how the name suits it in the end. Makes me wonder if it was done intentionally." Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and even their own versions of gods — it was similar yet so very different at the same time. Perhaps someone from that world ventured here centuries ago and established the current system and nomenclature? It was a query with no answer unfortunately, and random speculations offered little significance, most of which held no bearing to her. After all, she was but a mere peasant, far removed from any knowledge concerning the origin of the kingdoms. 

Still plentiful enough for her to gain a general understanding of this new world. "Still hungry…"

While she continued to ponder, the other door swung open as the naked body of a redheaded girl was unceremoniously thrown out in a crumpled heap. A collective gasp escaped the onlookers as they beheld her appearance, her once long and luscious red hair was cut… or rather ripped off her head from the root. She was a servant who was hired for her likeness to a certain Princess Knight. 

"Bring out the next one, quickly! I'm getting bored." Michelle's shrill voice pierced the air, causing the women outside to scramble and hasten their preparations for Draco. The attendants swiftly lifted her, ensuring the final touches were completed, including brushing her hair and cleaning her hands of any traces of blood and impurities. The latter fully enjoyed their ministrations, not minding the stench coming from the room and the annoying voice of two squealing pigs fighting for scraps from said heir. "Make it quick! MAKE IT QUICK! MAKE IT QUICK!!" 

With everything finally prepared and Draco looking as presentable as could be, she was escorted into the room. Her expression was the same as ever, a stoic countenance that bordered on indifference as she gazed at the sweaty and naked… man thing before her. No, calling him a pig would be more accurate with all that bloated flesh hanging low enough to hide his genitalia… for whatever it's worth. 





Michelle never felt this frustrated in his life.

Maia was the same as always, although recently, she seemed to have grown considerably more vicious. He reminisced about the first day he met the woman, back when she had been appointed as a commander for the Kuroinu army and they held a party in her honor. Everyone was there, including the low-born Vault, the annoying cheater Beardsley, the infuriating Kin who always looked at him with that stupid smug face, and the rather uninterestingGrave Levantine. 

On any other occasion, he would just grab the best-looking girl, secure a private room, and have the finest culinary dishes delivered to him. It was a cycle he had repeated countless times for such events. His father had often encouraged him to engage with the other families, but Michelle simply sneered at the notion. He found them tedious, so why would he squander his time on them? 

It was then, in the middle of the event, he found himself holding his breath when the honored person appeared in public. She walked confidently next to Vault as he introduced her to everyone present. Maia was a striking departure from the women he was accustomed to. Her appearance commanded attention to a remarkable degree,  and she exuded an air of raw sensuality and brash confidence that grabbed his attention instantly.

Clad in revealing attire that showcased her chest, it aroused him to an unimaginable degree. His mouth salivated at the sight of her cream-colored skin and fiery crimson  hair, and every facet of her being just made him want to run up to her and ravish her right then and there. He remembered walking up to her with a heavy purse filled with hundreds of gold coins, ready to give to her so that she would accompany him to his room. 

Yet to his utter shock, she slapped the bag straight out of his hand with a face twisted in disgust and punched him before walking away. He was shocked just like everyone in the room, why would anyone disagree with such an amazing opportunity? Shy… yes, she must have been shy back then, just like his father explained to him — women liked to play such games with people they liked. 

So that meant she liked him! His hands went over the light bruise on his cheeks, where the phantom touch of her hands remained ever so noticeable — it was an amazing feeling. 

Yet, no matter how hard he tried in the following days to get close to her, she always rejected him harshly. Regardless of the amount of gold he displayed, the numerous slaves he offered, or the dozens of grand banquets he arranged in her honor, she never graced a single one with her presence. Instead, she ruthlessly shot down any such gifts and always avoided his touch. 

This only made him want her that much more. It finally dawned on him soon after that her rejection was rooted in her love of that stupid Vault! That insufferable peasant, masquerading as someone of equal importance to a noble, who was wasting everyone's time dealing with small monsters that the Knights could easily take care of. He asked his father to execute the man publicly for stealing Maia from him, but that old fool always spouted nonsense about how he couldn't do it. 

Useless, stupid useless people. 

When Maia returned to Ken after so long and visited Feoh, he was ecstatic. After being told by Princess Prim that Maia had been feeling lonely as of late, Michelle immediately knew that she must have missed him all this time. Now with Vault gone, nothing was stopping her from becoming his and no one else's. 

Yet ultimately, she simply slapped him again when he exclaimed how they could finally be together before walking away. His mood took a further downturn when rumors started to swirl around about her apparently being in a secret relationship with someone!

"That bitch! That mean, idiot, bitch! She cheated on me and then pretended I didn't exist!" His fists came crashing onto the table, nearly splitting it in half. "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! Maia you stupid bitch! I did so much for you, yet you go and sleep with someone else!? Stupid, useless street rat!" 

His anger remained unyielding, persisting despite the number of maids he fucked, or the amount of food he ate, the feeling just refused to dissipate. "I'll get her, she'll love me and no one else soon. Me! ME! MEMEMEME!" On the corner of his bedside table, he glanced at a small box filled with two vials. A gift from Beardsley who acquired what he called a true love potion that would work on anyone. A priceless gift that he was going to use on Maia and have her finally stop ignoring her feelings for him and accept his love. As punishment, he imagined making her walk around the kingdom nude with a leash attached to her neck.

"M-Master, she's here." The servants entered to bring in the next toy for him to relieve some of his still-persisting anger. The previous two toys didn't even last long enough for him to finish, leaving him frustrated more than anything. 

"Oh," that bundle of negative emotions was swiftly replaced with slight astonishment as he saw who was the next person in line. "It's you." 

It was the young girl he had inadvertently crossed paths with near a disgusting peasant food stall on the streets . Her vibrant blonde hair had captivated his interest, becoming the very reason why he had her taken. Her previous dirty garbs were gone, replaced by a beautiful white satin dress that complimented her figure, and her face was now much cleaner. 

On that fateful day, he happened to cross paths with a young girl on the streets. Her presence stood out like a beam of sunlight in a dimly lit room. It was the vibrant, golden cascade of her hair that initially seized his attention, far more vibrant than even Alicia Arcturus. The young girl, with her previous tattered and soiled garments, had seemed like any other street urchin that looked just as ugly as those old crows. Yet, that one glimpse of her radiant hair sparked a weird feeling within him that he couldn't ignore — one that reminded him of the day he first saw Maia. 

Her features were not completely human, to say the least, probably a random demi-human who had ended up in Feoh by chance. Though he still found them a bit repulsive, he could easily fix it by ripping them off her body, and make her look beautiful and normal. 

The transformation was swift and remarkable. Her previous dirty rags were discarded, and in their place, she was adorned in a magnificent white satin dress that delicately enveloped her petite figure. The dress's intricate design and flowing fabric highlighted her newfound beauty. Regardless of how useless they were, the maids had, at least this time, excelled in their task with her. 

"Hehehehe, you look very pretty. Want to play a game with me?" Michelle said, licking his lips and feeling his heart race at the thought of ripping her clothes off and ravaging the little pure flower until he loses interest. "If you don't struggle, then I won't have to resort to breaking your leg—huh?" 

To his surprise, she walked past him without any regard or reaction. Something he wasn't used to as the others would generally start begging and crying for mercy. 

"Finally, a feast fit for a king, I can practically smell the exquisite wine already!" She sauntered over to the table casually as if she owned the place, snatching up a golden cup filled with wine and a silver plate bearing a whole roasted boar. Then with a nonchalant expression, she kicked the balcony door open. "There! A far more pleasant view and some fresh air for once. Oh, and it seems this world also has a similar taste in furniture, color me surprised." 

As she sprawled on his cherished velvet triclinium, she took a sip and munched on the boar's leg… was that a crunch he heard? Michelle just stood there the entire time, his state of mind a mix of shock and bewilderment at this girl's demeanor. It was not the fear or dread he had anticipated. In fact, she exhibited no reaction whatsoever to his appearance. 

"You there, you bloated swine!! Bring me some form of entertainment. Perhaps a play? The scenery is pleasant but I'll grow bored soon. Also, your presence annoys me, so be a dutiful slave and remove yourself from my sight. I have no desire for you to taint my meal." She snapped her fingers, issuing her command with a tone that left him feeling utterly insignificant, as if she saw him as nothing more than a common peasant… AND SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO INSULT HIM!?

"W-who do you think you're talking to, you insolent wench!?" Michelle bellowed, his face exploding with rage as he stomped on the floor in defiance, causing the fat on his bloated body to wriggle. That was his food, his chair, and his domain. Yet this nobody, who he had generously bothered to give the time of day, dared to treat him as a lowly servant? 

"Is this truly the pinnacle of human achievement in this world? Calling this their peak… it's grossly disappointing." Draco remarked, gazing over the city below. Her eyes peered beyond the opulent upper districts, into the slums below before taking another bite of her meal. "If only I had my full form rather than this…such a hassle." 

Fuming at being ignored, Michelle stomped forward and kicked the table away, sending the food scattering across the floor. A faint, nearly imperceptible frown crept across Draco's face as she looked at her ruined meal. She then shifted her gaze to the petulant man-child beside her throwing a temper tantrum. 

"Stop ignoring me when I'm talking to you! Fucking wench! Just because you're a kid doesn't mean I won't smash your face into the floor and skin you alive! I'll make you choke on my cock till you suffocate!" His gritted teeth nearly chipped as she, once again, showed no reaction, her eyes conveying the feeling as she was looking at discarded trash. That was the final straw that broke his patience. Initially, he was going to be gentle with her, but now, Michelle was determined to fuck her till her mind was reduced to that of a vegetable. Just as his hands reached for her arm, ready to drag her from HIS chair and toss her onto the bed… a brilliant crimson light flickered for a split second. 


With a puzzled gasp, an icy chill washed over his hands as he felt a sharp, tingling sensation coursing through his flesh.  It was akin to a swarm  of tiny ants creeping throughout his body. Instinctively, he attempted to clench his hand and retract it, only to discover that he was incapable of moving a single muscle. The man's gaze dropped swiftly, drawn by  the sound of something falling, as a warm splatter landed on his face and feet. "A-A-Ah-Ah… heur—!?" 

His hand was gone, having been brutally crushed by something. Now in its place was a minced lump of flesh dangling with nothing but a few strands of veins and skin holding it together. "AAAAAAAAARGH!!!!" 

With a loud shriek, Michelle felt terror and horror engulf his mind as he desperately tried to escape but found himself utterly immobilized once more. As if an invisible, malevolent force held him firmly in its grasp, while those irate  crimson eyes bore down upon him with an even more sinister presence than before. Now... now, he no longer felt like he was facing an arrogant little girl with a doll-like face, but instead an enigmatic, monstrous entity. "M-MOMMY! HELP! MOMMY!! MO—MPH!!!" 

A large crimson tail coiled tightly around his mouth, threatening to snap his neck clean off. His face turned blue from the tight grip and his scream halted midway, with Draco clicking her tongue in annoyance. "You're far beyond  just an eyesore, so positively repugnant that it's not even remotely funny. Never has anyone ever talked to me with that tone, let alone threatened to rape me till I die. I would commend your bravery but it's clear that rather than bravery you're just a fool."

With a loud bang, the tail forced Michelle down to his knees with his face nearly planted into the blood-soaked floor. "You wasted good food and ruined my mood, normally I would kill you with a single tap… but fortunately for you, you'll be more useful to me alive than dead~!"

His body trembled as the voice sounded increasingly demonic. He struggled to shout and alert his father and the guards outside to rush in and kill this monster. However the tail further shoved his mouth to the floor, smearing his face with a mixture of his own blood and food. 

"Since you made such a mess, I want you to clean it up, you pig. Make sure to lick every drop. I abhor seeing my Castle being treated as a pigsty." Tears streamed down his face from the pain, fear and humiliation as the tail slowly applied more pressure upon his skull. 

"Y-You'll pay for th—Mmmph!" He was swiftly silenced by the pain of his nose slowly getting macerated from the pressure. Forcing him to breathe in the contents of the floor as he struggled for air. Bile rose from his throat as he contemplated the sickening prospect of having to eat this concoction of dirty food laced with his blood. 

"You like playing with toys right? Good! So does this king, you'll be my personal jester and toy henceforth. I'll show you what it means to dive into the abyss of corruption and lust, and be consumed by desire~ Fufu… Hahahahahaha!!" 

Just what kind of monster did he bring into his house!?


-Feoh, Main Castle-

In the dimly lit room assigned to him within the confines of the castle, Archer sat at an impeccably furnished desk, sharing a meal with his persistent shadow, Radomira. Despite his initial attempts to send her away with Olga, it ended up failing miserably, as she somehow managed to doggedly track him throughout the day no matter where he went, like a bloodhound on the hunt. Whether it be above the castle, within the dungeon, or even in a random room within the structure, the girl always made a beeline directly towards him. 

This, of course, baffled the Counter Guardian while providing endless amusement to the former Dark Queen, who seemed to have taken up a hobby of relishing in his constant suffering at Radomira's hands. "Seeing you suffer is just as pleasurable as witnessing a disgusting human getting crushed… if not more." 

Was that a compliment? He couldn't tell with this woman. At least Chloe was easy to figure out. 

At first, he believed that there must have been some mark, tracking spell, or even a scent that the little Tiefling must have left. To his disbelief, no such trackings were placed on him as he checked his body for the hundredth time. Even if he tried to mask his scent trail to no success, in the end, Archer just chalked it up to some form of magic or pure instincts no matter how absurd it sounded.

Radomira, her eyes dancing with mischief, fixed her gaze on Archer with a playful glimmer of curiosity. Her lips curled into an innocent smile, and then, unexpectedly, she blurted out, "Papa?"

Archer, caught off guard while mid-bite almost choked on his food. Suppressing a series of coughs, he responded with a heavy glare that seemed to have no effect on the tenacious girl. If anything, she relished his reactions.

"No, it's Archer," he retorted, a note of annoyance in his voice.

Undeterred, Radomira continued her quest to give him a new title. "Dad?" she ventured.

Raising an eyebrow, Archer's annoyance grew. He contemplated whether ignoring her would make any difference. "You're way off," he stated, his irritation evident. "We don't even look the same, and I'm sure you know the difference between our species. We aren't related."

Radomira responded with a small smile, clearly enjoying the little game she was playing.  The sparkle in her eyes betrayed an unwavering resolve, a stark contrast to the traumatized expression she had worn before. Her present self exuded a vitality and vibrancy unmatched by anything else. 

"Father?" she tried again.

Archer's lips twitched as he considered her latest attempt. "How does saving you once make me related to you?" he asked with a blend of confusion and helplessness. It was evident that they bore no familial link, and she was certainly old enough to understand that. The girl perfectly knew such an obvious point and was just messing with him for the fun of it. 

"Daddy?" she insisted.

Convinced that he was fighting a losing battle, Archer leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Do you not understand the language I'm speaking," he inquired, "or are you intentionally trying to drive me insane? Because it's working."

"—cher!" A distant voice, muffled enough to easily go unnoticed, echoed from the outside — though everyone in the room, for the most part, chose to disregard it.

Radomira couldn't help but laugh at Archer's response. Her giggles bubbled up as she cheerfully rocked her dangling feet back and forward. Taking another bite from her food, her moment of distraction caused some sauce to drip from her lips to her newly made clothes. She froze, looking down and then back at him with large tearful eyes that he couldn't look away from 

"Come on now, I'm not your servant," Archer said, a hint of exasperation in his tone. Leaning forward, he adopted a stern voice. "You're certainly old enough to take care of yourself first instead of being lazy.." Despite his words, his hands already held onto a towel that gently cleaned her face. 

With a mischievous gleam in her eyes, Radomira exclaimed, "Mama!"

Speechless and exasperated, Archer contemplated the terrible ordeal he had gotten himself into. This girl had all the makings of being the greatest headache he'd encountered since meeting a certain redheaded buffoon. 

"Did you cheat on Maia-sama, Master?" His eyes twitched, recalling the second person who followed him like a shadow everywhere he went. 

"She's not my kid. Also, I told you to stop calling me that, Brynn." What bothered him wasn't just her refusal to part from his side, but also the way she adorned herself in a fresh set of leather 'armor' that bore a striking resemblance to his, complete with matching color schemes. The primary disparity lay in the absence of any coverage for her cleavage and thighs,leaving  her toned legs and modest chest on display for anyone to peek. And the design only served to make them pop out more. He didn't know how to feel about that, but at least it was better than her previous armor, which were nothing more than pieces of metal taped to her privates. Held together by nothing but friction, sticky skin along with hopes and prayers — that last part being in the literal sense.

He honestly needed to discover the individual responsible for designing those things that seemed to be worn by every female knight in Eostia.

 "And what are you doing here?" 

"Protecting you?" Her answer was met with a dry stare that only served to make her blush with a hint of embarrassment.

"I believe I am the last person in this room that needs any protection. I wouldn't be surprised if, in a matter of hours, I'll have to bring out my weapons to either help you or this little brat here." He pointed at Radomira, the latter now fully engrossed in her meal. "My reception hasn't been the best, so hidden plots to take me down or paint me as the biggest villain in existence are bound to happen. Doesn't help that I've given them all the ammunition on a silver platter with me killing the Kuroinu. This coupled with the fact I brought the Dark Queen here alive, I wouldn't blame them if they are suspicious of me." 

Brynn nodded, absentmindedly playing with her food as her mind pondered over what he said. She hesitated before opening her mouth again, "Why did you kill the Kuroinu, Archer-sama? When you came here, you mentioned having a duty to fulfill… I never imagined this to be what you meant." 

"With good reason. If you had been even the least bit suspicious, look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn't try to kill me at any cost? In fact, you did try to kill me at least twice." A slight blush appeared on her face as she looked away, unable to refute his words. "Don't wait for me to ask for forgiveness or anything remotely akin to that, I would have done it regardless if given a second chance." 


For all this time, she held on to the belief that he had succumbed to Olga's influence, which had driven him to commit such a grievous atrocity. They weren't just a band of mercenaries, but also a major pillar of support for the kingdoms. Yes, she knew there were more than a few bad apples amongst them, wretched criminals who had eluded justice by joining the Kuroinu. "But still… why couldn't you have just worked with me and Maia-sama to expose the wrongdoers among them? At least then… at least then we could have convinced everyone that you weren't our enemy." 

He divulged Vault's sinister 'cuntry' plan, an insidious scheme designed to enslave every woman, reducing them to nothing more than playthings and commodities, destined to be sold off to the highest bidder. That revelation struck her to her very core, a notion so unbelievable that even she, who had grown to trust him, found it unfathomable.

The wooden planks of the windows shook as someone tried to kick them open but to no avail. 

"Just the way you're reacting now, Brynn, it's obvious you're having a hard time believing me. And let's not be delusional here, no one would have believed us, let alone accept that Vault is a traitor. Now, picture me trying to reveal this to everyone else? I'd have my head plastered on wanted posters within seconds, and I'd be chased by a rabid Alicia across all of Eostia. It would have taken too long, and by the time the truth came out, Vault would have already triumphed over Olga and seized control of her castle, along with the powerful artifacts she left behind. Swiftly eliminating them and bearing the consequences was the best course of action. Unfortunately, I failed to take into account another issue that arose, and now I'm forced to actually face Celestine and the others after finishing my original task. Tsk, walking into the viper's den of this Kingdom and expecting them not to strike is foolish… but I find myself with no other choice." Archer concluded, his tone steady and resolute, unaware of the despondent look in Brynn's eyes. 

It pained her to hear him speak like that of them, how by his tone he was so certain that everyone was going to be against him. A part of her wanted to slap him and shout that she and Maia were his allies and wouldn't have turned their back on him so easily — especially not her. 

He didn't trust any of them. 

'Why would he?' A small voice whispered within her mind. 'Throughout this entire journey, you've been nothing but a constant nuisance and even a hindrance to him . A weakling who was unable to assist him or Maia-sama when it mattered… nearly ending up as another breeding vessel for the demons if it weren't for his intervention. What have you really done to earn his trust? Nothing.'

"I'm sorry, Archer-sama." She unconsciously blurted an apology to the confused white-haired bowman. 

"Don't be. Whether you're a retired Knight or not, your duty remains the same. I won't fault you if one day you decide to come for my head. So don't worry about it, I will understand." 

There he goes again, not even showing any anger or surprise at the possibility that she would betray him one day. Treating it as a certainty rather than a possibility. Brynn could do nothing but squeeze the fork in her hand, bending the metal with a new sense of determination rising within her heart. 

'I promise such a thing won't ever happen, and I'll prove you wrong.' For once, her goal shifted from aspiring to reach his level of swordsmanship to a newfound determination to prove that there were people he could rely on to stand by his side. Though they were few in number, they existed, and his victory over the Kuroinu did not diminish their significance.

"Give me Bak——upid—my—abies!" Another shout from the outside was quickly followed by several kicks to the wooden window planks. Brynn sweated uncomfortably, knowing perfectly well what was going on but refraining from any action as per Archer's instruction to disregard the 'brat'. 

"I won't leave you," Radomira said, earning an amused look by Archer at her serious face now that she stopped acting like a brat for a second. He lightly chopped her head, making the girl yelp as she now glared back at him for not taking her seriously. 

Throughout their time together, neither Olga, Chloe nor Archer had ever inquired about her capture or sought any information regarding her past. They hadn't even asked about the status of her parents, with the assumption being that they had either perished or been captured as well. But since Radomira mentioned that she was all alone, then the latter option seemed very unlikely. 

"We just met, and you're too young to be saying such things. Besides, I brought you here to meet someone who can help you settle in when I'll eventually be gone." At the corner of his eyes, he spotted the girl become all pale as her hands held onto his clothes tightly. Trauma was a tricky issue to tackle, coupled with the attachment to the ones who saved her and the fact they were now in the same kingdom occupied by some unsavory people similar to the Mortadella brothers. This time, his hands came to rest upon her head, his tone becoming far more gentle that it caught Brynn by surprise. "Don't worry, I'm here, right? I won't be leaving the next day or anything drastic like that, you'll have enough time to get used to your new environment." 

"... I don't like this place or the people here." She whispered, leaning her head more towards his touch. She closed her eyes and relished the feeling as a warm feeling filled her heart. The image of Archer's sword cutting down the crazed people at the auction is still fresh on her mind. Becoming forever engraved in her mind as she had been convinced that it was the end for her. In her mind, that gruesome spectacle transformed into a scene straight out of a dream,a vision she was in no hurry to let slip away. "I can come with you." 

Archer chuckled, finding it difficult to convey to the young girl that returning to Alaya's domain with him would require the power of true magic itself coupled with a few miracles. All of this hinged on the possibility of being summoned back by the Counter Force,or in the grim scenario of failing the mission and getting eliminated. 

"Then you'll have to be capable enough to fend for yourself, I can't protect you forever." If Feoh didn't work in the end, he did prepare a secondary plan that involved him dropping her off to Grace, Anna, and Alice. Bianca was there as well, and all four were more than capable of taking care of a child despite some of their flaws. Still leagues above leaving the little thing following him around and meeting an early demise. "I don't know about the physiology of a Tiefling or how your kind lives. So you'll have to figure that out with the person I have in mind who can help you with the research."

"Promise?" Radomira asked, "Promise me that you won't leave me like Mama and Papa." She raised her hand and extended her pinky finger. "Chloe told me if one breaks their promise they get stabbed in the throat ten times by a dagger and burn on a stake." 


That damn idiotic dark elf. It seemed that she was basically begging for a stern discipline by his hands. Putting that aside for now, he raised his own arm and locked her pinky finger with his, making the girl's face brighten up considerably. "I've made a lot of promises lately, many of which I'm not even sure I can keep," he admitted with a hint of self-doubt. "But, I'll make sure to uphold yours."

For all intents and purposes, once she got acclimatized to her new surroundings, it was only a matter of time before she moved on from him and lived her own life away from him. 


He turned his attention back to Brynn, the latter staring at him so intensely that it almost made him uncomfortable. Archer's eyebrows furrowed, his patience wearing thin from the constant staring. "What is it now?" he asked, frustration lacing his tone.

Couldn't he have some peace to enjoy his meal?

"Seeing you smile and laugh when it doesn't involve being your usual self, it's a fascinating sight. It's unfortunate that Maia-sama isn't here to witness this rare phenomenon." 

"Hey, just because I don't smile and laugh like everyone else, doesn't make me some unfeeling machine." He didn't miss the irony of his words and his past actions. 

"No, you either smile mockingly, when you're being sarcastic or just find someone suffering amusingly. The same goes for laughing, you never did either of those whilst sounding so… gentle?" Seriously, it was almost envious to see him treat Radomira like that regularly while she probably only got to experience it once! It's so unfair! "Hah, never mind, by the way master, who is this person you're referring to? The one that can help Radomira."

Instead of answering, the man walked over to the barred window where the kicking started to get louder and louder. With a simple push, he opened the windows, allowing the sunlight to bathe the room. However, it also revealed the silhouette of a swinging rope attached to the ankle of a certain halfling, her face flushed, either due to blood pooling from gravity or sheer rage as she glared daggers at Archer. "I've been dangling, FOR SEVEN HOURS!!! I HAD TO USE THE BATHROOM A WHILE AGO, YOU ASSHAT!" 

Has it been that long? Time sure did slip by fast as usual, it wouldn't hurt if he Projected a watch to keep pace. 

"Because you've been trying to break into my room twenty times. So whatever happens afterwards is your fault." Now in a living body, he needed sleep just as much as any other person. Staying awake for a few days wasn't a problem for him but it was something he preferred to avoid in order to stay at peak physique in case he encountered his target. So constantly hearing this small bundle of energy grunting and cursing as she tried to climb up the wall outside his window, all the while attempting to unlock the lock by smashing it with her giant hammer, only to crash through the ceiling due to the weight of her weapon was making him reach his boiling point. Not to mention the many more different tactics she used just to try getting his weapons which he hadn't even Traced yet! The last straw was when she snuck into his room in the middle of the night while butt naked, just so she could seduce him with her body!

"Who's this?" The little girl near him asked.

"A persistent brat." 

"Hey! We haven't seen each other after so long and that's how you treat me, jackass? I defended your sorry ass and even vouched for you, helped you make that gal's arm, and offered emotional support! The least you can do is lend me Kanshou and Bakuya for a bit." She said, having returned to her previous greedy self as soon as she thought of the two majestic swords. "Who's the brat? She looks new around here." 

… all this time, had she truly never noticed Radomira once? Just how deep was her tunnel vision?

"You're so…forget it." Trying to reason with her for any longer than necessary was just inviting trouble. "This is Radomira, a Tiefling I found in a village near the border of Feoh. She was kidnapped and sold as a slave by the pig brothers, I need your help to look after her in the future."  

Luu-Luu's confused expression quickly transformed into one of surprise. She then shifted her body to generate enough momentum to swing closer to the window and get a close look at Radomira's face. "Well, would you look at that, a real fucking Tiefling!" She shouted loud enough to cause his ears to ring. "You're a pretty one aren't ya, let me have a better—puh!" 

Her creepy behavior started to scare Radomira which earned Luu-Luu a kick to the face for the tenth time in a day. "Stop acting like a creep and just answer my question. Can you handle her and keep a stable roof over her head… or do I need to search for someone else." He put enough emphasis behind his words for Luu-Luu to understand the underlying question. 

Eostia was a realm that didn't extend a warm welcome to any species other than humans and light elves. There was a reason why the surrounding kingdoms consisted of beastmen and a diverse array of races, some coexisting  harmoniously while others adhered to a formula comparable to the light elves with their  exclusive kingdom of theirs. In addition, other landmasses beyond the sea shared similar qualities. Yet, only a handful would accept a demon let alone a Tiefling, a race renowned for their frightening prowess towards magic. Loved by magic, akin to the elves, and then more, As such calling them feared would be an overstatement. Still, people were willing to go to great lengths to acquire a young Tiefling, exploiting them as tools for their personal agendas. 

"That's not an easy task you're giving me, Archer." 

"That's not a no." Luu-Luu, for all her childish antics, managed to build a functional kingdom of non-humans and humans. Becoming the official forge of Eostia, a respected and feared kingdom with which few members of the aristocratic houses dared to meddle. Dwarves by nature were  notorious for being exceedingly resistant to bribery or corruption. They held little regard for riches and wealth, wanting nothing more than to further their crafts, to a similar degree as a Magus striving to reach the root. With Luu-Luu coming forward and assuming a position of power, becoming the main financial force behind every forge, any other third party trying to garner favors to a dwarven blacksmith would find themselves at a loss.

It took him a few days after leaving to find out about the whole system she built around her. Whether it was intentional or not, he did not care. 

"I won't take her as a disciple if that's what you want me to do. You are powerful enough to teach her a few spells, and I've seen your aptitude for blacksmithing firsthand." She said while crossing her hands. He would have agreed with her only if Radomira possessed Magic Circuits. Even if she did, all he could possibly teach her were Reinforcement, Projection, and Structural Analysis. During his time as a Counter Guardian and even before that, he'd seen countless magi develop their craft from nothing to a force of nature. Many failed at the end either due to their own hubris or by their own blade. 

In the end, not that he could practice or even attempt any of those spells. His overspecialization restricted that aspect to such a degree that it would require decades if not centuries for the slightest bit of progress. He never bothered learning anything else aside from perfecting what he already had beyond its limit. 

In the end, the only spell Emiya could use was Unlimited Blades Works and nothing else. 

He just… nothing would come with him imparting anything upon the girl. That was why Luu-Luu was better in every way possible as both a teacher and guardian to Radomira. 

"My case is a bit complicated." He answered. "It's better to close off a path early to avoid a disaster." 

"Well, I don't mind keeping this twerp around in the future. But I won't work for free, you already cashed in your favor with the creation of that arm." Finally, it was time for the negotiations, and he was already well aware of what she was about to ask. 

So before she could utter a word, blue motes of light coalesced around his palm, Radomira's eyes widened with wonder as she reached out to touch the small particles. The gathering light transformed into a beautiful white blade, and Kanshou gleamed as the sunlight kissed its surface, rendering it almost ethereal in the eyes of Luu-Luu and Radomira. One looked on in sheer awe while the other watched with intense desire. With a reverse grip, he presented the blade to the captivated halfling as if dangling a piece of meat to a famished lion — though in her case it felt more like a chipmunk. 

Especially with her tail wagging with excitement.

"I'll lend you the blade for a bit." 

"I ACCE—MPHM!" As soon as he spoke his deal, Archer waited to instantly get an answer of approval. However she abruptly silenced herself  by clamping her hands over her mouth. "I-I mean… THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH, YOU TWO FACE CHEAT!" 

Hoh, at least she was smart enough to realize that. 

"Then state your terms." No matter what, he refused to give a Noble Phantasm to her of all people. Not that it was possible to make a replica of his blades with just smithing alone, he didn't want to take any unnecessary risks with this world's magic. 

"You give it to me and I'll make her my successor." 

It didn't even take a second for him to answer that demand.


"Ah… I'll buy it from you?" She made another attempt, still determined to acquire those blades he was unwilling to part with. So, another idea sprang to mind, even if it might cause her to go into a frenzy,, at least it would serve as a distraction long enough to negotiate. So, he quickly dismissed the blade, prompting both Radomira and Luu-Luu to whine childishly in disappointment.

But that reaction only lasted a couple of seconds before another weapon took form and this one shocked the Princess Knight more than anything she'd seen in the past. 

"M-My hammer? You stole her!?" Anger erupted across her face as she flailed her arms, trying to swing over and deliver a few kicks. Only for Radomira to easily push her back with a swift kick, causing Luu-Luu to let out a pained reaction while Radomira giggled at the spectacle. 

Archer smirked before another hammer manifested behind him, both hammers identical in every respect. This left Luu-Luu completely speechless as she started to question if this was some kind of trick. Seeing her doubt, Archer tossed one of the hammers her way, which she easily caught and examined closely. Then he passed the second one, the combined weight of both weapons, which could  have dislocated the arms or inflicted serious harm on a normal human, notably a child, seemingly posed no problem for Luu-Luu and her dwarf enhanced physique. Examining both weapons closely, she looked back at Archer with hardened eyes. "Explanation now, that's no storage spell." 

Hook, line and sinker.

"Humph, that's the deal. Accept it and I'll answer any questions you have about this spell and I'll even give you more demonstration with it." He knew he won, but just to push her desperation further, Archer dematerialized both hammers right before her eyes with a snap of his fingers. "I ask again, do we have a deal?" 

"Yes, whatever, I'll even accept becoming your wife and bearing your firstborn at this rate!" Her words forced him to facepalm while ignoring the 'eep' of surprise from the now blushing Brynn and annoyed pout from Radomira.

The women in this world sure had a few loose screws. 

"Not what I was going for, so I'll ignore it." Maybe all the blood going to her head made Luu-Luu spout more nonsense than usual. He looked down at Radomira, the girl having gotten bored, and started to throw small pebbles toward the Princess Knight. "She may not look like it, but she's probably the only one here competent enough to look after you."

"...she looks like someone I should be looking after instead." 

Luu-Luu overheard her comment and became infuriated. "Hey, brat! That's not how you talk to your elders. Show some respect and apologize to me! You have no idea just how important I am in all of Eostia," declared the child-like Halfling with pride, while she dangled from her feet with most of her naked body exposed to the public. 

"Stop shouting, I look older than you, kid." 

"Kid!? If I weren't tied up then I'd tan your ass till it turns red! Ouch! Stop throwing rocks at me, brat!" These two continued to have their back and forth till he started getting both physically and mentally tired from all the screaming. With a swift motion, he cut the rope and caused Luu-Luu to fall to the moat below.

"This isn't oveeeeeeerrr, ASSSSSHOOOLLLE!!!" These were her last words before Archer closed the windows just in time for a loud splashing sound to occur outside. 

"Will she be okay?" Radomira and Brynn asked in unison, the former now a bit worried that the rude girl got hurt, a worry that the bowman removed with his following words. 

"Don't worry, she can take a lot more punishment than that and stubborn idiots tend to be harder to kill. She'll be fine." After all, he had personal experience trying to take the life of one with no success. 



Someone knocked on the door, curious, Brynn went over and opened it and found a woman clad in a miko outfit waiting outside. 

"Good morning, Archer-sama and you as well, Brynn-sama. I've been sent to invite you over to the garden outside, Kaguya-sama has requested your presence if you have the time to spare." 

Kaguya… that name brought forth the memories of Olga explaining to him how their cult worshiped an Insect God. He cringed recalling the small details of how said entity lived inside her butt. Not the worst thing he saw or heard, but still it left a bad taste in his mouth. Yet this was the perfect opportunity for him to get a lead on the main group responsible for attracting the attention of a literal Beast. The last thing he wanted was for another Beast to notice this world and force him to surrender since fighting both at the same time would be pure madness.

'I really hate bugs.' 

"I do have time to spare. Stay here for now Radomira. Brynn, make sure she's safe until Maia returns from her duties or after I come back." The redhead has also been trying to get closer and more friendly with the Tiefling after her first failure.

"Understood, Archer-sama!" 


-Alicia's quarters-

"Is this the final batch, Beardsley?" 

Sitting in her personal office, Alicia with a quill in her hand had been signing documents one after the other for the past hour. Despite her enhanced physique, her hands throbbed with fatigue, and her mind reeled from the hours of paperwork. She couldn't see herself going on for another five minutes before losing her sanity and breaking this table in half. 

"You've been working hard, Alicia." Next to her, an old man with gray hair and mustache spoke after collecting each and every one of the already signed documents before giving them a thorough check one last time. 

"What are they about again?" She asked him, the man responsible for handling such affairs in her stead whenever she went out to perform her duty as a Princess Knight and train the new generation of Knights.

"Oh, it's nothing you should be worried about, just your usual budget-related requests and construction of the cathedral." He answered to which Alicia nodded her head. For years, Beardsley had taken over most of the internal affairs dealing with managing Feoh with Prim helping along whenever she could. Thanks to these two, her role in the office mostly boiled down to signing any official documents presented to her while Beardsley handled the smaller details. If it weren't for him, then Alicia feared that she'd be incapable of juggling both her duties as a Princess Knight and ruler. "You've been looking a bit more tired than usual lately."

She couldn't help but sigh at his words. "You have no idea."

"I guess it has to do with this new guest of ours. I admit, having the Dark Queen so close by and free to roam is dangerous. I don't know what Celestine-sama is thinking. Olga Discordia should be hanged immediately for all the crimes she committed." The blonde agreed with his words but didn't bother explaining that her state was mostly linked to a certain white-haired man than Olga. 

"Tell me, Beardsley. Do you think I'm a bad sister to Prim?" She asked out of nowhere, catching him by surprise. "Cousin we may be, I tried my best to keep her safe and free from any outside conflicts. Those men at the slums who she wastes her time helping always look at her with those disgusting eyes and would take advantage of her if I wasn't there." 

"You are a wonderful sister, Alicia. The bond between both of you is stronger than that of an average sibling even." 

"Then why don't I feel that way?" She said, her previous conversation with Prim coming back to haunt her. "Lately… it feels like me and Prim are butting heads more often than not and she's slowly drifting away from me." 

Beardsley put the documents away, planning to deliver them to the bishop as soon as possible. "Prim is a grown woman who seeks more freedom and be more independent. You were the same, Alicia, always going against my wishes in your teenage years." The Princess Knight at least had the decency to blush out of embarrassment at the memories of the past. 

"I'm afraid of setting her free, she's not a fighter like me and the rest of the Princess Knights. Even Claudia with her talismans is a force to be reckoned with, that lowborn is a former mercenary and even Luu-Luu causes more destruction than an Orc with that hammer of hers. Prim… can do neither of those and people will take advantage of that." That was her biggest fear and the fact that she recently nearly died just after letting her roam free reinforced that. 

Beardsley chuckled, "Oh Alicia, you worry too much. But I understand why you may feel this way after the incident. How about this, I'll figure out a way to reason with her and ensure she comes to her senses." A creepy smile emerged on his face, which Alicia didn't notice, as she was too lost in her thoughts. While his current situation was less than ideal with Vault's death — that didn't mean he couldn't create any new opportunities by himself. "I have also known her just as long as you and consider her as my own daughter. Surely, she'll be willing to listen to this old man."

The aphrodisiac components he bought from the brothers were special, to say the least. Just the potency of a single droplet surpassed anything he'd seen before. Probably due to its origin, the liquid never diminished in quality even if left open for days. He gave several pieces to Michelle in order to test the effects further with one of his women, whom his father assigned to send him the information. Of course, the patriarch requested a form of compensation for testing such a 'dangerous' product — an amount that Alicia's treasury coffers could easily handle. Apparently, when taken beyond a certain dosage, the affected one becomes so consumed by their lust that no such memories remain the next day. 

He was worried that there was a chance that the girls could turn into a vegetable state of mind, but no such result came forth. Truly, these were miracle drugs! Unfortunately, the pig brothers went silent these last few days so he couldn't buy more of them. 

Testing them on Alicia so early on was dangerous with how frequently she had meetings with both the Goddess Reborn and the other Princess Knights. But Prim was another case, her recent behavior and scarce appearance was a perfect opportunity as no one would suspect if she went quiet for a day or two and he could just convince Alicia to leave her alone for a bit. 

'Good thing I prepared a gift for her, consuming just one of them should be enough.' 

His heart quickened at the image of holding the naked Princess on her bed and having his way with her. Such a sinful body she possessed at such a young age… He felt himself harden at imagining the sound of her moans. After that… getting both girls would be the equivalent of heaven. Then the other Princess Knights, Olga, and finally the Goddess Reborn herself. He'd have all of Eostia by the palm of his hands, accomplishing what Vault failed to do. 

'Ah, it's late, the Pantielles should have another report ready for me. I should make haste and stop by their mansion as well.'

"I'll be leaving for now, Alicia. Take some time off, it's not good to work under so much stress, I even prepared a special surprise for you." 

"A surprise?" Her head turned around with curiosity filling her eyes. 

Beardsley chuckled, "Not for now, I'll show it to you soon. Alright, take care." Waving his hands, the old man exited the office and departed the castle, accompanied by a group of soldiers. Alicia, looking at him through the window, let out a sigh, she couldn't imagine this Kingdom running so smoothly without Beardsley's help. Yet those peasants had the audacity to dirty all of their hard work with their filth just because they envied the nobility. Pettiness and grudges are all born from a lack of understanding of all the sacrifices her group had to make to create this small haven. 

"Hm, where did I put that file?" Wanting to tidy up her desk, she first went through clearing up her desk and found a few missing documents. "Probably in Beardsley's office, I should check it out." 

It made sense, he handled all of the paperwork after all. So opening the door connected to her study, she arrived in a smaller room that resembled a library more than anything else with a table in the middle. He certainly liked to read a lot, a trait that Prim also shared, and regularly came by to borrow some pieces of literature. "Ah, there they are… eh?" 

As she picked up the piece of paper and a couple of scrolls, Alicia noticed a box placed beneath them… a box of purple-colored chocolate? "That can't be right, he isn't a fan of sweets and much less chocolate." She mused. Alicia had always strived to choose the best birthday gifts for him, and as a result, she had developed a good understanding of that man's taste.. 

"Wait… is this the surprise he talked about earlier?" That made sense, Prim loved such treats and so did she much as she tried to hide it from the outside world. Her aunt used to make them back when she was just a little girl and she loved them. "They even smell nice." A sweet and floral scent graced her nose, almost warming her body up in a soothing way. 


No… It was unbecoming of her such thoughts, he said she'd get the surprise soon, and taking them now would ruin it. "But someone already ate half of it." With the box half empty, she started to really get confused. Had Beardsley developed a sweet tooth by some miracle? Well, maybe it was some special healing herbs-infused treat for all she knew, given she felt more comfortable just from taking a single sniff. 

The temptation was killing her!

"Mmmmn~ I shcan't eash it… huh?" Her mind soon caught up, as she discovered her traitorous hand had already taken a piece and put it inside her mouth. The sudden hit of sweetness took her by surprise, she moaned as a cool sensation spread around her body. Her headache disappeared as any aches around her body slowly started to disappear. "It really is just some medicine!" 

Perhaps he wanted to test it first before getting her and Prim their own boxes. So… he wouldn't mind if she took a second piece, right? 

"Hmmm~ it gets better with each bite." Beardsley was a generous man, almost like a father figure, so of course he'd be more than happy if she took a third piece. 

They were quite small, so three wouldn't suffice and she barely got to chew. So a fourth one wouldn't hurt. 

Ah, Claudia-sama did mention that she looked too skinny lately and needed to regain some muscles, according to her healer sugar helped a lot for those who trained intensely. So a fifth piece touched her tongue and melted within seconds. 

A sixth…

Not that Beardsley would ever finish the entire box, so it'd be a waste to let them spoil on his desk and Claudia-sama always said that one should never waste food. So this could be seen as her doing him a service.


Oh, this one tasted a bit bitter. Better check the other ones in case they turned bad, wouldn't want that elderly man to get sick on her watch. 




"WAH!!!" Like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, the blonde Princess Knight leaped in shock. Glaring behind her , she spotted one of her personal Knights entering the room with an uncertain expression. "WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING SNEAKING UP INSIDE SOMEONE'S STUDY WITHOUT KNOCKING!? I'LL THROW YOU INTO THE DUNGEON FOR THIS TRANSGRESSION!!!"

"S-Sorry!" The girl bowed deeply. "I-I tried knocking but no one was answering and the door was left open. I-I'll take any punishment you g-give me!" 

Seeing her kneeling down and shaking like that, Alicia's anger died down as the soothing sensation from the pieces took effect. 

"Forget it, Sara. Now tell me, what's the matter?" Truthfully, she wanted to take some time off as Beardsley suggested, and sleep. Hopefully, Claudia would return soon so they could handle matters concerning Olga and this Archer. The Goddess remained asleep for a good while, according to Kaguya, she just used a large portion of her powers and needed a few more hours of rest. 

"U-Um, we spotted Archer heading towards the garden and Kaguya-sama is also there." 

"Kaguya?" She remembered telling her subordinates to inform her in case he appeared so that she could confront him one-on-one. Her previous tactic did not work, so now she understood that swallowing her pride was the best course of action and took the slow approach instead. "Alright, you can go now." 

As soon as she said that, the Knight ran off to avoid another outburst. 

Grabbing her rapier, Alicia marched towards the garden with large strides, trying to plan how she would confront Archer. An official duel with a prize? No, too quick, it would be better if she found a way to have him request the duel instead. That could work, last time in every scenario she got caught off guard and lost. 

Or maybe, she could use wordplay to extract as much information as she could before that. Lure him into a false perception of safety and then have him lower his guard. 

Indeed, either route worked… for some reason, her heart wouldn't stop beating like a drum at the thought of facing him again. 


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, and my other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters, Steel Eyed Faker soon to be 3 chapters, Hound having 1 and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

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