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80% An Archer's Promise / Chapter 48: Chapter 48: A brewing storm

Capítulo 48: Chapter 48: A brewing storm

Beta read by Shigiya and Fluffy Slayer





As a Princess Knights and co-leader of Feoh Alicia's responsibilities were manifold. From overseeing the Knights' training to managing the internal affairs within the kingdom, yet it was common for her to delegate the latter to Beardsley when her more pressing duties called. Today, however, was a special occasion. Beardsley summoned her to meet an Archbishop who had just arrived from Thorne to negotiate a land deal.

As she was eager to impress the Goddess Reborn currently residing in her Kingdom, the blonde Princess Knight took every precaution to ensure the meeting proceeded swiftly under her supervision. With Beardsley accompanying her, they rode through the eastern part of Feoh on horseback, surrounded by guards lining the now-crowded streets for her protection. 

"Alicia-sama, Feoh has prospered greatly during these last few years. Your praises have been sung by countless noblemen and merchants throughout the land, even as far as Thorne." The archbishop, Cecile Savant, declared in a loud voice, his pristine white robe barely concealing his deceitful intentions. As he spoke, he surreptitiously cast a glance at Alicia Arcturus, his mask of false flattery evermore evident. "A true paradise in the land of Eostia, I'm fortunate to have the opportunity to establish a cathedral here in the name of our Goddess Reborn Celestine Lucross."

"You praise me too much, Archbishop. My sister Prim and Beardsley here have been instrumental in our prosperity. And, of course, it was my parents who laid the foundation. I merely added the finishing touches" Alicia spoke humbly, her eyes sparkling with pride as the archbishop praised her kingdom. 

"Yes, indeed, our young princess has proven herself a capable leader. Facing the forces of the Dark Queen while still managing to keep a watchful eye on her kingdom is a testament to her perspicacity and resilience." Riding on the third horse, Beardsley offered a gentle grandfatherly smile, adding, "The Pantielle, Monleigh, Talvan, Branmond, and Davenmere noble families have all taken up residence here. It speaks volumes that even Marquis Davenmere, who once derided Ken as a corrupt cesspool of hooligans and dirty peasants, has come to see the value of Alicia-sama's rule. Not to mention Maia went so far as to banish the family from her lands."

Alicia snorted, disgusted by her fellow Princess Knight's rash actions, "Humph, as expected of Maia. She has no understanding of the concept of nobility, belittling those who have worked tirelessly to keep Eostia safe and prosperous." A dirty girl like her who grew up on the streets would never comprehend the blood, sweat, and tears that the noble families have put into creating a stable kingdom. It was absurd to entrust the responsibility of managing the land to someone without a proper upbringing or a noble background. Such people were only capable of causing pandemonium and pillaging. "Is this the area you wished to acquire Archbishop Cecile?"

As they left the bustling streets brimming with life and beauty, they arrived at a more impoverished part of the kingdom. Thousands of small wooden houses were packed tightly together, many of them in a state of neglect and disrepair coupled, and a foul scent filled the air, assaulting her nose — it was a stark contrast to what she had witnessed in the central part of Feoh.

Despite her attempts to remain impartial, she couldn't help but feel that this place was an eyesore in her kingdom.

"Yes, this area would be an excellent location for the Church to erect a grand cathedral in the name of the Goddess," Cecile said, a broad smile on his face. 

"But wait," Alicia interjected, noticing that people were still living inside the houses. "Building a cathedral here would require demolishing the entire area and displacing its residents."

"A-Ah, please don't worry, Alicia-sama," Beardsley said, hurrying forward. "The residents here have agreed to donate their land for the Goddess. In return, they will be provided with new accommodations on the other side of the kingdom. You needn't concern yourself with these trivial matters. I've already issued orders to start clearing out the area and the guards should be finished by tomorrow." 

"... I suppose you're right, as long as they have agreed to it" 

As they continued to discuss the details of the construction and development of the new building, an old man managed to slip through the guards and grabbed her foot, pleading for her attention.


"P-Princess! You mustn't let them take away my house! W-we can barely afford food le—ah!" 

"Don't touch me!" 

Alicia felt a surge of disgust and revulsion within her heart as the dirty old man, his hands blackened with filth and dirt, reached for her armor, staining it in the process. She instinctively kicked him away, her action fueled by a sense of violation at his intrusion into her personal space. 

"Guards! Take this fool away!" Beardsley barked, and the old man was forcibly removed, his pleas and screams falling on deaf ears. "P-Please forgive me, Alicia-sama! I should have brought more guards for this trip! That man is likely a beggar, a common nuisance on the streets of Feoh. They often cause chaos senselessly, stealing anything of value when given the chance!" 

"A thief?" Alicia's eyes blazed with anger. "The audacity of such people to still dare set foot in my kingdom is unforgivable.". She gritted her teeth, her tone harsh. "Have him arrested and brought before the court! I won't tolerate such scum walking in the streets." She saw them as parasites and scavengers who tried to profit from the hard work of her parents and herself. 

"I believe it's better I come back another time," Cecile said, turning to leave. But before he could take a step, Alicia's voice stopped him. 

"No need for that."  Alicia replied, her tone softening. "I'm giving you permission, consider the construction approved. You can talk further details with Beardsley here. I must take my leave now." 

Alicia couldn't bear the thought of staying in this place for another second after being touched by the dirty old man. She was grateful that she hadn't brought Prim along — these people would have preyed on her instead. 

Such reprehensible behavior shouldn't be tolerated in her family's kingdom.


She was a mess, just like back then. 

It wasn't supposed to be this bad. She had promised herself to become a better woman and cut down on her drinking. Staying sober for so long that the taste of alcohol had become alien to her. Even the sensation of intoxication and the resulting hangovers were becoming a distant memory. 

Maia had been making steady progress, especially after leaving her kingdom and traveling all the way to Feoh. She was so proud of her accomplishment that it made what just transpired all the more devastating. All of her hard-earned progress came crashing down in an instant, like a snapped twig. 

Now in her temporary room granted by Celestine — given that Alicia would never be so courteous as to offer a room for a dirty low born — Maia was surrounded by dozens of empty bottles of booze. Her red hair was a mess, with pale skin and sunken eyes along with her half-empty 14th bottle of rum.

"Maia-sama, this is not how a lady should behave," a gentle voice spoke by her side. Maia turned to see her loyal Knight, Brynn, vested in her new black and red gear, looking at her with evident concern and worry. "Master wouldn't be pleased if he saw you in such a state." She gently took the bottle away and started to clean up the room. 

'Humph, Archer?' Maia wondered if he had even thought about her once since leaving. The girl no longer knew what to think of him anymore. An amalgamation of chaotic thoughts swirled inside her head, tempting the redhead to drown herself in drinking. 

"Who hic cares about him… I don't!" 

Was this his goal from the beginning? Kill the Kuroinu and slaughter Vault? Maia couldn't shake the thought from her mind. She recalled their first meeting and subsequent dispute that ended on a sour note, as well as his arrival in Ken where he was thrown into a dungeon. Their second meeting, however, piqued her curiosity as she marveled at his impressive combat skills and magic. He did mention something about a job, a duty he was bound to fulfill in Eostia. 

After all this time, Maia came to the realization that he must have been plotting to exterminate the mercenary group from the very beginning. Yet she still couldn't couldn't come to terms with this reality. The notion that he had been deceiving her all this time caused her heart to ache.

'But… maybe he was forced to do so by the Dark Queen.' Maia thought, trying to come up with alternative explanations. The more she considered the options, the more this idea seemed plausible. 'Yes! That must be it! If he wanted to kill the Kuroinu from the beginning then why let me live? He had many opportunities to take my life, but didn't. We fucking slept together and he never tried to slit my throat!'

For Celstine's sake, he risked his life to save her and Brynn from the demon ambush! How could such a person ever work for Olga and her goons? It didn't make sense. She couldn't believe that he would willingly side with the likes of Olga. It had to be that bitch's fault! 

Nevertheless, it didn't change the fact that Vault died… 

Maia sighed, "Brynn, give me back my bottle."

"I can't allow this, Maia-sama. I'm worried about your health. It's been days since you've been holed up in your room without sunlight, you need to get some fresh air and not drink your sorrows away like a hermit." Brynn's voice conveyed her unwavering determination as she continued cleaning the room. 

This scenario felt oddly familiar to Maia, and it didn't help that this little Knight had decided to wear the new armor possessing the same color palette as a certain white-haired bastard's. 

'At least she looks good in it.'

"You know that I'm your superior, right?" To witness her once obedient knight become so defiant ever since that man entered their lives was a startling revelation for Maia. 

"And I am your Knight, it is our duty to keep the Princess Knights safe and sound."

"I thought you left the Knights?" 

"Hmm! Yes! P-Please don't change the subject, my lady." Wow, attempting to maintain a cool and collected demeanor, clearly mimicking Archer's mannerisms. It was rather adorable, although her small blush betrayed her efforts. "You need to go out and interact with others, it's been far too long since you've left this room!" 

Damn it, now Brynn was behaving like a mother, Or at least how Maia imagined a mother should act. It was a role she never experienced herself — Celestine and Claudia being the only ones who came close to being mother figures.

"Hah, you know there's nothing to do in the godforsaken Kingdom. And that blonde bitch outside? She probably relishes the fact that I'm hiding here." Feoh wasn't exactly a place known for its entertainment. The moment she attempted to leave the palace, a horde of stuck-up nobles and bootlickers would swarm around her, all the while talking shit behind her back. 

Especially that Michelle Pantielle, ugh. Just the thought of that pig made Maia's stomach churn with disgust. That thing was a walking man-baby, far too obsessed with her. It was no wonder, considering she was probably the only girl who had voluntarily talked with him during the time she was being promoted to a Princess Knight. Looking back, it was a decision Maia regretted, as she was far too intoxicated to see him as anything more than an easy target to manipulate into giving her coins by acting cute. 

Who would have thought that he would persistently come back day after day, attempting to court her? It reached the point that he even had his father force a fucking engagement of all things! The sheer ludicrousness of it all made Maia burst into a peal of uncontrollable laughter, telling the pig to fuck off and leave her alone. If it weren't for Alicia hounding her ass to maintain a respectable image in front of the upper-class entourage, then she would have kicked him out without a second thought. 

"That's not true, Maia-sama. While Alicia-sama may be a bit strict and strong-tempered, there are other Princess Knights whom you must've gotten along with." 

"Yeah right, Claudia has returned to her kingdom, and while Kaguya is a cool gal for making me a few mana talismans, I wouldn't exactly call her a friend. As for Celestine, she is—"



Taken aback by the sudden knock, Maia turned her attention to the door,  expecting it to be some of the castle's maids here to clean up the room or bring the meal she had ordered. However, she was surprised to see Brynn's startled expression, her eyes widening with fear as she made way for a familiar elf to enter the room. 

Dressed in her customary attire adorned with delicate white ribbons that barely concealed her curvaceous body, a captivating and alluring floral aroma enveloped the room as she walked inside. Reminiscent of a bouquet of fresh blooms caressing the air, it carried a soothing presence, causing an involuntary smile to form on the faces of those around her. She radiated a sense of tranquility and admiration, prompting a subtle warmth to creep upon Maia's cheeks. If Alicia embodied a tempest of fury while her cousin took on that of spring — then Celestine was the latter but in a higher plane of existence. Maia couldn't deny a hint of envy for the Goddess Reborn's exquisite figure, her gaze unconsciously drawn to the mesmerizing sway of her breasts with each graceful step… It was no wonder the Kuroinu men were struck with wet dreams of her whenever she graced the public eye.

Even after all these years, Celestine's presence still possessed the same captivating effect on her.

'What is she doing here?' Despite their amicable relationship, Maia couldn't fathom a specific motive for Celestine's sudden visit. Just yesterday, she had a brief conversation with Prim, who had mentioned her intention to come by. A girl who was always trailing behind her cousin Alicia like a devoted shadow. Maia couldn't help but wonder if the girl had influenced Celestine's decision. The thought of it made her stomach churn with apprehension, as Alicia's displeasure would be inevitable if she knew about the visit… Maia knew all too well the lengths the troublesome blond would go to place the blame squarely on her shoulders. 

Anyways, Celestine's appearance here was an entirely different matter. They rarely had the opportunity for a one-on-one conversation in the past now that she thought about it.

"Good morning, Maia, I hope you're feeling better now," Celestine spoke, her gaze shifting towards Brynn as a silent indication to leave them alone for now. The brunette obediently exited the room, bowing a couple of times before closing the door behind her. 

"My outward complexion should be enough to answer your question." She was such an angel, going out of her way to check up on her. Maia felt the urge to give the elf a tight hug but refrained from doing so, not wanting to taint her body with the stench of alcohol.

The Church might start a war for that. 

"Fufufu~♪, Maia, you're right," the woman chimed playfully as she waddled cutely around the room, right before sitting on the bed. She couldn't help but notice the way the ribbons of cloth stretched and pressed firmly against Celestine's body in her current position. It accentuated her curves, enhancing her already alluring figure. Maia couldn't help but turn away, facing the desk and the wall as a means of regaining her composure. It was no wonder Celestine was considered an icon of both beauty and allure, capable of stirring desire in both men and women alike — a literal walking aphrodisiac. The redhead didn't doubt that if she were a male at this moment, the temptation to pounce on Celestine and press her against the bed would have been overwhelming — even now her cheeks blushed slightly from gazing so intently at her. "Quite hard to believe what happened with Vault and the Kuroinu." 

"... Yeah," she muttered, at a loss for words. She cursed Brynn for having confiscated her booze.

"Do you hold me responsible?" Celestine asked, shocking Maia with her query.

"What? Why would I blame you for this? It's not like you knew this would happen… although a part of me wants to hold you accountable. But I won't. I know you would have done something if you knew. So don't bother apologizing, you already have enough shits on your end to deal with."

Celestine wore a sorrowful grin, feeling the urge to join Maia's side, embrace her and ask for forgiveness. If Maia were to learn that the deaths of the Kuroinu and Vault brought a certain sense of relief to the depths of the  Goddess Reborn's heart, she would surely despise her. "Your eyes are red, have you been crying?" 


Unquestionably, a lot. After confining herself in her room for so long, Maia had ample time to let her emotions run rampant. Obviously, she was heartbroken by the news, yet she didn't cry at all during the meeting when the scene of absolute destruction played out. She was rendered speechless by the sight, unable to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. But when alone, wept ceaselessly, shedding tears for hours until her reservoir of sorrow had run dry.

Celestine continued to speak, "I remember you grew up in the mercenary group. They must have held an immense presence in your life."

That was true, they were the closest thing to a family she had. 

"The Kuroinu practically raised me, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. The skills I have acquired in sword fighting, basic survival knowledge and so much more were imparted into me thanks to those associated with the group." The weight of these memories only deepened the turmoil within her. Archer's actions, regardless of any external influence or control, had resulted in the deaths of those who had nurtured and guided her.

'I just need to find him and force the answers out of him…' Goddess forbid he was still under Olga's control. 

"The death of Vault has affected us all. Alicia held him in the highest regard, viewing him as a skilled warrior worthy of admiration much like her own father. Claudia and Kaguya saw him as a symbol of hope, a savior who could potentially bring an end to  this long-standing war. And Prim, well, she saw an opportunity to use the Kuroinu to spread Eostia's name and prosperity across the other kingdoms." As Celestine noticed Maia's gloomy expression upon mentioning Vault's name, she panicked and quickly started apologizing. "A-Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to…"

"No, it's okay. I… I can handle it. Don't treat me like a fragile vase, I hate that." 

Vault… the man she once had a crush on, her first love. It would be foolish to assume that Maia wasn't deeply affected by his death. Her younger self would have been consumed by the thirst for revenge, ready to embark on a perilous journey to the Dark Lands alongside Alicia to hunt down and slayArcher. However, now she found herself wavering in her resolve. Prior to this chaotic mess, her feelings had undergone a change. 

She was no longer plagued by lovesickness towards the leader of the Kuroinu. Instead, her thoughts were consumed by someone else, and even now, she couldn't bring herself to harbor hatred toward him. 

It was impossible for her. 

"Speaking of the matter, it seems you are familiar with Shi— Archer, right?" Maia hadn't noticed the sudden drop in Celestine's tone, but there was a small subtle hint of jealousy lingering in the air. Emerald eyes that bore into Maia's, their intensity hinting at an unspoken purpose. "Would you be so kind as to share some of the history between you two with me?" 

Maia rubbed her chin thoughtfully, leaning back in her chair and finding balance on its two hind legs. "Well, our first meeting wasn't exactly a proud moment for me… hmm, I suppose I can share the details with you. Just promise me that you won't tell the others about this, especially Alicia. Kinda surprised that she hasn't stormed inside my room demanding answers about  how I knew Archer."

"Ah, actually… She was on the verge of doing that but Claudia intervened and instructed her to leave you alone and avoid causing any trouble, especially before she departed for Ansur."

No wonder her time here has been so peaceful! She made a mental note to express her gratitude to Claudia when they meet again. 

"Alright, as for how I met Archer, It all started during the time I was still in Ken and a group of demons just managed to infiltrate the area…" Bit by bit, she recounted the events from the past, each memory held dear and cherished. Describing how she stumbled upon him working as a chef of all things in an Inn, donning that silly apron of his. She went on to explain their subsequent encounters, including their first spar, which elicited a laugh from her. "We both shared a love for a good fight and that's what sealed the deal."


Celestine's hands clenched the bed's sheets with a jealous grip as she listened intently, her smile remaining unchanged despite the growing tension.

Maia continued to recount their journey together, delving into the details of the time they spent in each other's company. She didn't shy away from mentioning the small accident that occurred in the hot springs, a precious memory that would forever be engraved in her mind. 

Celestine observed the expression on Maia's face as she spoke. It was a smile that belonged to a lovestruck maiden, she spoke about Shirou as if she knew him! As if they were close… 

"After the ambush attack, Luu-Luu managed to find us and bring us back to her castle where we rested. I learned a lot about him that day, hehehe… Hmm~ yeah, a lot." 


When Maia finished talking, Celestine found herself holding her breath, anxiously awaiting her next words. But as Maia's words sank in, a profound sense of shock and disbelief washed over her. How could she not recognise the hidden meaning behind her words? It was as if a sword had been thrust into her chest, igniting a burning sensation of disbelief and heartache within her. 

'You… you're lying! That's impossible! He… he could never love someone like you!' was something she screamed in her mind, but she kept her composure and resisted lashing out. She believed she understood Shirou better than anyone, evident by the fact that Maia didn't even know his true name! Yet, despite her efforts to put out the flames, her negative emotions returned with a vengeance  upon learning that Maia had possibly slept with Shirou… 

No, it must have been a mistake.

"Y-You slept with him?" 

Her answer elicited a blush on Maia's face. "W-Well it was bound to happen!" 

No, it wasn't!

"We had g-good chemistry and the bastard w-was probably amazed by my body!" 

Shirou wouldn't care about such things!

Maia's face was starting to match the fiery hue of her hair, "H-Hey, it's kinda hot here right? I-I-I'll go to the garden to catch some fresh air. See ya!" Without waiting for a response, she hurriedly exited the room, eager to escape the embarrassing interrogation. Her mind was already in disarray and she had no desire to exacerbate the situation.


The door closed behind Maia, leaving Celestine all alone in the room. Her smile slowly fading as her previously lively emerald eyes turned hollow and bleak. Why hadn't she seen anything of what Maia mentioned inside Shirou's memories? 

She bit down on her lower lip, anger, and frustration seeping out of her as she tightened her grip on the bed's sheets. To such an extent that the fabric had begun tearing.. There was turmoil in her magic, stirred by the havoc of emotions coursing through her veins. 


Some of the windows shattered as an invisible force descended upon the room. 

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair.



Maia was being delusional, unaware of who is nor capable of comprehending his true nature. Yes, only she knew him best, the selfless hero who would go to any length to save the innocent. A  paragon who was unfairly casted into a callous world, doomed to be betrayed by the oblivious fools surrounding him. Only she possessed the insight to understand him and… liberate him. 

"Shirou is mine… I will protect him…" Celestine whispered, silently but just enough for the spirits to hear. As the seconds passed, she grew evermore resolved to venture into Olga's territory. To scour every inch of land for him, before anyone else could sink their thieving hands into him.

A hero needs a goddess to watch over them, and in Celestine's mind, there was no one else in the world qualified for this role except her. 

"Only me, no one else…" she said, a gentle smile crossing her lips as she embraced the notion wholeheartedly.

Celestine was determined to show him the depth of her love, to exemplify his ideals of saving everyone above all else. She was after all the rightful custodian of his essence.


All of a sudden, a burst of light engulfed her vision. An ancient and familiar energy emanated from within, reaching out to her with a sense of urgency. Instinctively, she extended her hand, her fingers trembling as she whispered in bewildered confusion.






"Phew, that was rough," Maia sighed, closing the door to her room. Her heart was still pounding from confessing to Celestine about her late-night shenanigans with the man who literally killed the Kuroinu and Vault! She could only imagine the shock and disappointment on the Goddess Reborn's face. 

It was as if someone had barged in to reveal that Vault fucked Olga, setting everyone off. However, she trusted Celestine to keep their conversation a secret. 

"Hah, I'll follow Brynn's advice and stop being such a lazy ass. Hm?" 

Out of the corner of her eye, Maia caught a glimpse of a figure making its way down the hallway to the right. A cascade of pink hair dancing in the wind before vanishing completely into the shadows. 

"Was that Prim?" Maia wondered aloud as she made her way toward the spot where she had seen the figure, tilting her head in confusion when she found it empty. "Perhaps I am really losing my mind… or  just drunk." 

Naturally, it made no sense for Prim to be here in the first place. Alicia was likely occupied with overseeing the kingdom's internal affairs or some bullshit like that with Prim by her side. 

"Well now, onto the garden. I think it was somewhere near the stables." 

After a few dead-ends and seeking directions from passing maids, Maia finally reached the Feoh Castle Garden. The sprawling landscape was adorned with thousands of daffodils, the very same flower depicted in the Arcturus family emblem. The centerpiece of the garden was a breathtaking fountain that seemed to be crafted entirely from solid gold, while the pathway leading through the garden was paved with flawless marble. 

The garden was seemingly as vast as the castle itself, showcasing a stunning array of rare and exotic flowers. Among them, a profusion of yellow, white, and pink blooms dominated the landscape. It was evident Alicia had a hand in curating such a vibrant and carefully selected collection of plants, perfectly matching her preference for specific colors and species. 

"Damn, this place is ten times fancier than my own castle… do we even have a garden?" Maia mused, stretching her arms and feeling a renewed sense of vitality. "A quick spar with Brynn will help me shake off this mess. I wonder where that girl went, probably training with her mechanical arm somewhere."

As she immersed herself in the enchanting ambiance, a sudden high-pitched nasal voice pierced the air from behind her. "Ah, she was right! M-Maia, you truly came back for me!" 


Her head robotically turned around, "Michelle?" 

An obese man stood before her, covered in so much sweat that she could smell the foul stench from a mile away. His ill-fitting clothes barely concealed his protruding belly and his narrowed, slit-like eyes leered at her body with unmistakable lust and desire. 

Fuck, was it too late to go back to Celestine?!


-Dark Lands-

"Are you certain you can manage all of that luggage?" Archer asked, now fully revitalized as if he experienced a full night's sleep. Both his arm and body were fully healed thanks to Grace and Anna's remarkable healing abilities. He patiently waited for them to finish packing, until they were standing in front of him. However, seeing the rather shy Dark Elf holding a bag almost twice her size was a hard pill to swallow. 

"Hehehe, I-It's not what you think, Archer-sama, this is quite light."

"Forgive me if I find it hard to believe your statement, especially after witnessing you store an entire cauldron filled with crystals and rocks… just why? And also just call me Archer." 

Anna, who was carrying an equally large bag, responded to his question this time. "The cauldron serves as a means to brew potions using the ingredients we scavenge. It proves quite useful when we find ourselves in the middle of nowhere. As for the crystals in question, they are natural minerals and ingredients imbued with the magic of the land. Crucial for our craft… also a few of them serve as natural sources of light when there's no fire available. As for our bags, don't worry, we had a skilled dwarf enchant them with magic that maintains a consistent weight, regardless of how many items we pack inside." 

"Yes, Anna handles the majority of our belongings while I carry the materials needed for potion making as well as all of our cooking utensils."


As Archer's admiration grew for their organized packing system, the desire to have a similar magical bag briefly flickered in his mind. However, that thought quickly faded when he realized he could just Project any simple object he wanted like that pan he created back in the forest. 

"Right, let's return to my camp. We need to pick up two more individuals before proceeding." He didn't expect his simple walk to turn up these two elves as well as the events that followed. He realized that the Black Key he had used on the dark elves' shadow would have lasted an hour at most given the shifting sunlight would have altered their shadows, thus freeing them from the effects by now. 

Was he afraid that they could have run away? 

Of course not, the first reason being that Olga needed his help to reach Celestine, and fleeing would be the epitome of foolishness. She couldn't be that big of an idiot… hopefully. Moreover, given his rejuvenated state, tracking down and apprehending those two would be a piece of cake. 

"You had a party with you?" Grace questioned, falling into step beside ARcher as they walked back. "I didn't know you brought your friends along." 

He chuckled at the last part. 

"I would not call it a party by any means, much less friends. One of them is eager to shove a dagger down my throat." 

"What!? How dare he! You shouldn't be traveling with such mercenaries in the first place, Archer!" She was beginning to worry about his safety, the mere thought of traveling alongside a potentially deadly enemy was nothing short of a nightmare. f. One couldn't find peace and rest while danger lurked so close at hand. 

"I agree with Grace. You shouldn't recklessly allow such sellswords in your proximity. You might get seriously hurt."

"Don't worry too much about it. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself and besides, those two aren't mercenaries. I'm certain you both will be surprised to see who it is, especially you, Grace. But I want you to stay behind me just as a precaution, and don't let your guard down around them. I guarantee that no harm shall come to either of you with me here."

Both girls exchanged confused and curious glances, wondering who these people were exactly to elicit such a warning. The Counter Guardian was particularly intrigued to see how Grace would react upon encountering Olga,  considering the Dark Queen's notorious reputation among the humans, beastmen, and even her own kind.  

As they forged ahead on their journey, his ears twitched, and a faint smirk graced the bowman's face as his gaze shifted toward the looming canopy of dead trees ahead. 

Stopping in his tracks, he signaled for the two girls to stop. 

"Eh, is something the matt—"


From the depths of the trees, a shadow surged forth, hurtling towards him at breakneck speed. Holding what appears to be a familiar sword whose blade glinted with an ominous light. A blade renowned for its ability to slice through anything in its path with a single stroke from its wielder's hand.

"Archer!?" Anna and Grace gasped in surprise as they witnessed the sudden ambush unfolding before their eyes.

'Not bad, she waited for me to get close enough and tried to go for my blind spot.' He acknowledged internally, recognizing the ambush tactic employed by his assailant, Reacting swiftly, he reinforced both his right arm and right leg, allowing him to effortlessly seize and immobilize the blade, a technique he remembered a former assassin used against Saber. 

"What!?" Chloe screamed in shock, her attempt to free the sword proving futile. However, her cry was abruptly cut short as she was overcome by a sudden gasp of pain. "Guh!" 

With a swift and calculated movement, his right leg shot up delivering a powerful strike directly to Chloe's abdomen. The impact sent her tumbling forward, her face landing against the barren soil as she gasped for air.

"If you intend to ambush someone, it would be wise not to employ such a straightforward assault that makes you easily detectable." He remarked dryly, addressing the fallen girl. EMIYA was far from an expert in hand-to-hand combat, possessing only average proficiency in the discipline. His skills were a patchwork amalgamation of various fighting styles, creating a unique and unorthodox approach. Good enough to use in dire situations to buy a few precious seconds before resorting to his signature technique; Tracing his swords to engage in combat. However, against a Servant, it was no different than surrendering and admitting defeat. 

Chloe's movements were noticeably slower and less skilled compared to them. Moreover, he had already observed her earlier on. 

"And to use my own sword against me, how shameful." He dismissed the Black Key right before the defeated Dark Elf's eyes. "Come now, do you want me to bind you like before and carry you all the way to Feoh?" The latter gritted her teeth and shot him a glare filled with pure hatred before begrudgingly rising from her feet and retreating back.

"Fuck you, human!" She shouted at him, frustrated with the ease at which he took her down. 

At least he found solace in the realization that Olga had not fled as he initially expected. 

After covering a few dozen meters, he finally arrived back at the spot where he had set up camp. The fire had died down completely by now, leaving no trace of even a single member. As he approached, he heard the two elves behind him gasp at the person standing beneath the tree.

Olga stood there still as regal as ever, radiating an air of regality and authority, as if she considered herself superior to all who stood before her.  Her eyes gleamed with a mixture of pride and arrogance. If he didn't know better, then Archer would have mistaken her for a powerful figure, possessing the commanding presence of a mighty ruler.

Though for some reason, she kept averting his gaze, revealing a faint blush dusting her cheeks. It was an intriguing contradiction to her otherwise regal demeanor.

Before Archer could utter a word, Grace and Anna instinctively stepped forward, positioning themselves as a protective barrier between him and Olga. "It's the Dark Queen! Both of you, flee as far as you can, I'll hold her back!" The blonde light elf shouted, showing a rare glimpse of fear and worry for the first time on her face. 

"A-Anna!? We can't leave you!" 

"Just go! I'll buy you some time." 


Olga observed the unfolding scene before her, devoid of amusement. The humiliation she had endured from watching these three in the throes of ecstasy still gnawed at her mind. And seeing the terror-stricken Grace regard her as if she was a bloodthirsty Orc bent on destruction worsened her mood. 

Grace was choked with emotion as she reluctantly agreed before grabbing Archer's hand, tears welled up in her eyes. "Let's go, we need to—"

"Calm down, both of you." He stepped forward and pulled Anna back from doing something stupid. "Remember the two that I was talking about? Well, that's them." 






The Dark Lands, spanning a vast expanse of territory, lacked the vitality typically associated with flourishing city-states. Aside from the existence of a few rare tribes of demihumans and demons in certain parts, the region was desolated. Despite holding as much land as all of the seven kingdoms combined, it barely had a tenth of its population. The inhospitable nature of the land, devoid of fertile soil and a reliable water supply, rendered it largely inhabitable for sustaining settlements or cultivating crops. 

Amidst the abundance of dead trees, he couldn't help but wonder how at some point the land could have been verdant and lush, brimming with a diverse array of life forms. 


With a steady hand, Archer drew back the bowstring, his focus honed on a wandering goblin in the distance. Releasing the tension, the arrow soared through the air with remarkable precision, finding its mark right in the center of the creature's head. A resounding thud echoed as it fell crumpled to the ground, motionless. The few remaining goblins shrieked in anger, their frantic search futile, as they met their demise mere moments later.

"You have a keen eye." Anna remarked, her voice filled with admiration from watching him dispatch that group of goblins with ease. "And your accuracy and range surpasses that of every bowman I have previously seen in my life —It seems you truly embody your namesake." She was still reeling from the shock of Archer's revelation. Not only has he slain the Kuroinu, but he had also taken Olga Discordia and her right-hand woman as captives! 

She couldn't help but wonder if she was entangled in a dream, a dream that began with joy but gradually twisted into something surreal and unbelievable. The unfolding events were of such magnitude that it felt impossible to grasp.  The man she perceived to be a charming mercenary, someone with whom she and Grace had formed a relationship with, had now revealed himself to be the one who achieved what was believed to be an unattainable feat for a century! 

Just who was he?

Where did he come from?

Why was he bringing Olga to Feoh instead of just killing her? 

And did they have time to engage in another round of sex before they departed?

A myriad of questions flooded her head, yet there seemed to be no one willing to provide her with answers. 

Archer nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, lowering his bow. "We're fortunate to have avoided any encounters with Orc or Lycan tribes thus far. However, our biggest concern right now is them." He gestured towards Olga, who maintained her stoic demeanor, accompanied by Chloe, whose mouth hung open in disbelief as she watched the goblin corpses in the distance. Grace on the other hand was glaring at Olga the entire time, her trembling hands clenched tightly in anger. 

Olga, seemingly weary of the situation, let out a sigh, "Enough with the silent stares, just speak your mind, child." 

"Do not call me that, you vile monster." Even Archer was taken aback by the intensity of vitriol in her tone. 

Chloe, having recovered from the impact of Archer's archery skills, locked eyes with Grace and returned her glare with equal intensity. 

"Shut your mouth, you traitor! If it weren't for that bastard, your throat would have met my blade right here and now. Now apologize to your Queen!" 

Grace scoffed, her voice filled with defiance. "Queen? This woman forfeited her title as Queen the moment she abandoned her duty to protect her people and treated us as mere cannon fodder and breeding stock against the Goddess Reborn." 

This elicited a reaction from Olga, "I never exploited my people in such a manner. This war was waged to save those taken by the humans and to eliminate all threats that endangered our race." Her actions were driven by a desire to shield the Dark Elves from slavery and to resist a world that sought to perpetuate their suffering. 

"Stop lying," Grace exclaimed, echoing through the surrounding wilderness and unsettling the wildlife. "You only did this to satisfy your own anger against the few humans who had wronged you and your ego. You've destroyed everything our people had strived for. Consider yourself fortunate that Archer didn't kill you."

Destroyed? The anger within Olga's continued to rise. Chloe, seething with fury, was ready to attack Grace, but Olga held her back and stepped forward to confront the other Dark Elf directly.

"If it weren't for me, there wouldn't be a single Dark Elf alive who wasn't already enslaved. Our kind was viewed as nothing more than living glory holes used for sexual pleasure, hunted down for our appearance and abilities. No one came to our aid as thousands of our brethren vanished each day — not even Celestine. I stood alone, defying the filthy humans and the Goddess Reborn, without asking for anything in return. I devoted my entire life to becoming the shield and sword for my people, their protector, and avenger. I have no interest in hearing the words of a traitor who allied herself with  humans and Light Elves, forsaking her own kind." 

Archer listened to their heated exchange from the side, his arms folded across his chest. His eyes shifted between the two, ready to intervene should the situation escalate into violence. As he listened to their arguments, he couldn't deny a certain curiosity about Olga's defenses. Did he consider her a monster? No, it would be more accurate to say that he didn't have much of an impression, to begin with. The closest words that came to mind when describing Olga were pity and resignation, for she was a fallen ruler without a crown. 

Nothing more, and nothing less.

Grace continued to stand her ground.

"Are you so consumed by your delusions that you fail to comprehend the perspectives of your people? You allied yourself with demons, and exploited them to pillage innocent villages that were unrelated to your cause. Allowing them to rape their women so as to breed even more demons! I witnessed firsthand how even young kids weren't spared from their clutches! Defiled to the point of becoming mere vegetables, devoid of any remaining trace of a  soul. Those disgusting parasites used them as trophies, parading their victims just for fun before turning them into food." Tears started to stream down Grace's face as she spoke with a trembling voice. "You have further isolated our race from the world, fueled hatred against us to the very core. You have starved us, executed those who dared to defy you, and forced us into this senseless war! You're no different than those who wronged us in the past, no… you're far worse." 

"... How dare you…" 

"You know why I escaped? You want to know why I 'abandoned' my own race? Do you know why thousands upon thousands of Dark Elves choose to escape the Dark Land every day instead of joining your side? It's because we would rather risk a life of slavery and torment than live under your tyrannical rule." 


"Having hundreds of thousands of innocent humans killed… "

"Good!" Chloe retorted, "the more humans die the better. They don't care about us so why should we? If given the chance they wouldn't hesitate to hunt and turn  us into their sex slaves!" She glanced at Archer with an accusatory glare. "I bet that's what you wanted to do as well, deceive us with promises of taking us to Celestine and then sell us off to the nearest slaver!" 

This time, Anna could not remain silent and stepped forward to defend him. 

"Shut your mouth, child. Archer is not a man who would betray us, unlike the others, he is a far better man than you believe." Her tone sent shivers down the spine of the half-elf, causing her to pause mid-sentence. "insulting your own savior, I expected no less from someone allied to the Dark Queen."

"Silence! Every one of you has forsaken my Queen, who once rescued you from the clutches of hell! Do you truly prefer to gamble with a life of enslavement and agony rather than flourish under her benevolent reign? How laughable! None of you know the true meaning of suffering, nor are you aware of the depravity these humans are capable of! They are worse than demons—"

"Enough!" Finally, Archer's patience reached its limits, prompting him to raise his voice to quell the tumult. Though his headache intensified, the exchange between these girls had yielded a valuable insight. "Perhaps you four are unaware, but we're still in the treacherous Dark Lands, where demons roam in countless numbers. The louder you become, the greater the risk of alerting these perilous creatures and inviting their pursuit. Should we aim to reach Feoh, or anywhere else for that matter, then it's imperative that you set aside your disagreements and maintain silence." 

Grace winced at the brusqueness of his words, yet Archer's conscience remained unruffled. They needed to learn that there was a time and place for such things, as this setting was far from ideal. Enduring emotional discomfort within the confines of safety far outweighed the perils of being ambushed by a bunch of Orcs while in the middle of an argument.

"Now come on, let's not waste any more daytime."

"Y-Yes, Archer, my apologies for that outburst…" Grace offered a sincere apology alongside Anna. Chloe just crossed her hands, not looking sorry at all. Meanwhile, Olga remained enveloped in a silent reverie, seemingly lost in her ruminations.

"Yes, now, let's move on." 

With that said, the group continued their journey.






Back in the crater where once stood the Castle of Discordia, a colossal wolf-like creature prowled. Previously a commander under Olga's reign, Howler returned to the site of the battle only to be confounded by the desolation that greeted him and his lycan brethren. 

Howler returned to meet the leader of the Kuroinu and witnessed Olga's demise. Though it was evident that something had gone awry. 

He looked to the east with narrowed eyes. His nose twitched a few more times to confirm his suspicions.

"It can't be… that's her scent. She's still alive." 

Maybe he could take matters into his paws, after all, the Mortadella brothers had liberated him from his curse spell — so Olga no longer had dominion over him.

Despite all his efforts, the humans proved to be unreliable and incapable of vanquishing her… now the burden of responsibility rests on his shoulders.


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, Harry Potter and my 3 other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post monthly commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

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