That night seemed to be pretty long, like it would never end. Yu Yan couldn't sleep at all, the memories of Zhong kept haunting her.
He probably was saved by Yang Li and must have been taken far away from eastern territory. She sighed deeply in relief because now all she had to do was escape from there.
"Should I make use of this time or later?" She murmured, getting up abruptly. She was thinking about whether to sneak out of the palace since now Yuxan is busy handling the issues.
Feeling weakness in her body, Yu Yan steps down off the bed . Her room was definitely burnt and now it must be in ruins...
"I guess my drawn portrait of Xing also got burnt! Ah, that was only a picture of Xing."
She in a depressed voice complained, grabbing one silk cloak and wrapping around her shoulders as she walked out of the Yuxan's chamber.
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