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9.52% I'm a Kaiju? / Chapter 3: Act 3

Capítulo 3: Act 3

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Bold - Kaiju/Weapons/ Events/ Right Head.

Normal- Middle head.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Left head

Watching King Kong leave, the trio waited until he was completely gone. The moment they couldn't see him, all three released their breath.

"OMG! That was so scary, that was so scary."

"Damn monkey went beast mode!"

"Remind me not tick the monkey off."

The three tried to calm their nerves, the skull crawlers had given them a chance to prove that they were friendly, and honestly, it made them realize that they only survived because of brute strength. They didn't know how many times they had come close to death.

Hearing the squeak of the baby rex made the three snap out of their inner thoughts. "Hey guys, I just realized something..."


"The timeline we're in... Kong is 400 ft taller and not to mention the ships."

Cody's eyes widen at what Ning was implying, and none of it was good for them.

"That means we're close to the King of Monster's timeline or the Kong vs Godzilla timeline."

"The Worst scenario is that Ghidorah is about to set loose and we have barely any time to prepare, but that's not even counting the unknown timelines and APEX."

"The advantage we have is we're stronger, but we don't know how to fight or use our power."

"We can't also forget this timeline might be a deviant. It might follow the king of monsters timeline and then switch to the Heisei era timeline."

"Don't forget the rest of the Kaijus."

"We're not getting any break, are we?"



Deep in the forest, everything was quiet, all was in order, not a single speck of disturbance. One small animal was eating the foliage before hearing a twig snap.

The silence only added to the tension before a young T-Rex burst out of the cover, rushing to its prey.

Said prey was running as fast as it could, but the T-Rex was faster and quickly bite its neck.

It can only squeal in pain before having its neck twisted as the last thing it heard was its killer roaring to the sky.

Slenra POV

She roared in victory for a successful hunt. Since her gamble in following her father. They taught her how to hunt for herself. If she failed, that was when her father would hunt for her.

She didn't understand why they would call her Slenra when her parents only called her hatchling, but she put it up to one of her fathers' unique quirks.

She felt the earth tremble, the flying creatures, birds fly away for safety. She can say the same for those who dwell on land and water.

Slenra didn't run, nor did she show a hint of fear as the rumble got closer and stronger.

When it stopped, only then did she turn. Behind her was her father in all their glory. They stood tall and proud. She even realized that her father had grown in the days they had spent together.

Though there was one thing that troubled her. She had never seen them eat, drink or even sleep. If they did, it was the leftovers. She had once tried not to eat much, and that only earned her their ire.

It scared her, a feeling of dread before washing away by their voice. However, her worry only grew. Were they sick? She had seen some of her kin starved to death because their body didn't feel the hunger.

Not once she saw them grow weak. So they must eat something she didn't see.

"Slenra! Slenra! Where are you?"

"Oi watch where you're walking, the trees are blocking our view."

"I know, that's why I'm dragging my legs. Oh, there she is."

She made a squeak to let them where she is, proudly standing over her earned meal.

Gestroyah POV

It's been six days since they arrived and honestly, they were getting a picture of how Kaiju perceived time.

There's one word that came into mind, SLOW. TOO SLOW, to the point 8 hours of sleep, is equivalent to only 8 seconds in their perspective. EIGHT seconds! That's not even a nap!

Honestly, if it wasn't feeding Slenra or training to control their powers as a distraction, they'll go insane with the lack of entertainment! Maybe that's why most Kaiju are asleep or cranky.

Meeting Kong was a blessing. They kept their word on keeping the skull crawlers at bay, but it was exhausting. They won't deny that the skull crawlers made suitable targets, and thanks to them Gestroyah learned a few tricks and how their powers worked.

The most interesting event that happened was Slenra's interaction with Kong. The great ape had taken a liking to her, to where he allowed them to make a home for themselves.

They even once caught Kong playing with her, pretending to be overpowered by the little Rex.

Odin had taken up himself to keep teasing the poor ape every time they met.

They figured out how to evolve with less radiation, but the drawback was that they go into hibernation. They also kept their ears up in case Godzilla marches to Skull Island. Kong had even started teaching them how to fight. Kaiju style, it was cute when they saw Slenra picking a fight with her reflection.

Then they noticed something was wrong with Slenra. She was displaying unique Kaiju abilities...

First, it was camouflage, next she gained the ability to command lesser kaiju. Though command was an understatement, it was more like she brainwashed anything weaker than her finally she has a sonar. They still didn't know what other abilities Slenra will develop during her growth.

The only explanation they could come up with was that Slenra was turning into a kaiju because of them being near her constantly. Turns out whenever they were awake, they were releasing massive amounts of radiation. But instead of killing their surroundings like Godzilla, his radiation was changing nature itself. They had to leave Slenra because of that. Poor thing mistook their action as a sign of disgust because she was weak. They even turned a damn plant into a freaking Kaiju.

They snapped out of their memory lane They shook their heads as Slenra called them. "Nicely done, kid. That's the fastest hunt in your record." Ning look for any predators.

Slenra stood proudly. Odin quickly pokes with their tail. "Don't get cocky kid, you might lose one day." He said. Slenra squeaked before eating her meal.

"Slenra, that wasn't nice." Cody said. "Ah, let her have it, Cody." Odin said.

"We should head to Kong, I have a feeling something is going to happen today." After Slenra had her fill, she quickly climb on top of them, giving out a squeak as they walked to the great ape's dwelling.

During their walk, they had come across the Iwi tribesmen. At first, they were afraid of them believing to be demons, but when Kong showed them a friendly gesture, the tribesmen gave them the benefit of the doubt. Someone cut his musings short when Slenra squeak excitedly and found a young human girl waving her hand at them.

Jia was another one that wormed their way into Kong's heart. Then again, Kong has a soft spot for those who don't cause trouble intentionally.

Slenra had come across the human when they went to visit Kong. In their first meeting, Jia was afraid while Slenra, the ever-curious T-Rex, pestered the poor girl. After that, the two kept finding each other by accident until their friendship bloomed.

They watched as one tribesman beckon the girl to head back. As they walked through the trees and mountains. Gestroyah couldn't shake the awful feeling they were having.

Deciding to stop and take a moment to calm his nerves, Slenra had taken her interest in the bizarre firefly and chased after it.

The three heads let the hatchling have her fun. After all, they can kill anything that would dare to harm her.

Slenra POV

She watched as the creature escaped her, however Slenra would not let it escape. As the adopted child of an alpha, it would disgrace her line, unable to catch something so weak.

And so she chased it with vigor, all her attempts failed, this was her toughest opponent, its agility and speed surpassed hers. Unforgivable, she is the queen and she will defeat this mighty creature.

The T-Rex had become reckless, and after one wrong move, it sent her tumbling down. She shook her dizziness and found the insect showing her its bum. With a roar, she rushes after it. She will not forget this humiliation, she will have her vengeance!

The chase was on once more, but the creature continues to humiliate her. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING!? How can something so small, so weak, humiliate her like this!?

She chased to the cave and saw no light except her prey. The deeper she went, the more darkness surrounds her. Now trapped with the only source of light being her prey, Slenra roared for help, but no one heard her.

Seeing her prey on the move, she followed quietly while putting her feud with it on hold.

Then Light appeared, Slenra made a mad dash and soon found herself in front of an enormous creature. It was a bizarre thing; it was tall as her father's; it had a beak and mandible, but where are its eyes? Her nemesis took her attention when it passed her before leading her to a path to the surface.

With careful planning, she escaped the hole. She glanced back at the creature of stone before leaving. A small pebble fell on top of it. At first, nothing happened until a small crack appeared, and then it became bigger. Soon the dirt and cement that covered it came off, revealing what is underneath.

Gestoroyah P.O.V.

The earthshaker was looking for their daughter. They followed her scent until they came into a small cave. They called, but no answer came.

Since they didn't know how deep the cave is, they can't risk destroying it.

Then they heard her from behind with the firefly guiding her towards them.

"Psst... is Slenra like Spyro?" Cody muttered.

"Then the firefly over there better be Sparx." Odin eyed the firefly with interest.

"Seriously, you two? Is there anything you won't name after video games and movies?"

"Says the guy who keeps singing anime song."

"... Touche."

Finally, Slenra was close, and all three made the best impression they can give. The Batman glare. Slenra cowed.

"Slenra, what it did I say about going too far?" Ning frowned.

"N-not to keep going." Slenra answered.

"Yes, yes... did she just talk?" Ning turned to his 'brothers.'

"Holy crap, I got used to her squeaks I didn't think she could." Cody said.

"Well, I mean, we just talked with Kong. We can assume that we're talking with Kaiju language." Odin said.

Ning then regains his composure and leaned towards the poor rex who was whimpering.

"Slenra, do you have any idea what could have happened if you went too far?"

Slenra nodded in fear. This was it. Her father was angry and they would leave her for dead.

"Good, then don't you ever do that again." He said. "Now let's go."

Slenra nodded before she saw Odin leaning towards her. "You're not hurt, are you?" He asked. Slenra shook her head.

"Thank goodness, Slenra, please be careful, we can't be there for you always. So it's up to you to stay safe." Cody said. "Oh, and who's your friend?"

"I am Sparx, oh great ones." The firefly spoke.

Hearing the name made the three freeze before Cody, and Odin laughed. Ning merely chuckled. From the smell, they can tell it's a female.

"Fucki'n called it mate."

"Okay, enough guys. Sorry, Sparx, your name just reminded us of someone." Ning said.

"I understand, great ones."

"Why do you call us great ones?" Cody asked.

"Are you not one of them? The ones who roamed this world before the great calamity?"

The great calamity? Did it mean the end of the Jurassic Era? Or something else that they didn't know.

"Okay, but can you stop calling us that, Sparx? I'm Ning, the one on the right is Odin, the one on the left is Cody."

"Hi Sparx," Cody said.

"Sup, chump." Odin said.

Sparx gave a bow. "It is a great honor, my lords." She said. Ning then points to Slenra. "This is Slenra."

"Ah, the skirt chaser."

Once more they laughed, shaking the ground from their voice. "Oh my god, I can't stop laughing."

"She's also our daughter."

"It is an honor, my lady. Apologies for my rudeness." The insect bowed.

"That was fast." All three heads thought.

"The honor is mine. You were an excellent opponent, Sparx." Slenra said.

"As you were, my lady."

An explosion where the cave was spotted interrupted the friendly atmosphere. Gestroyah turned on what could have caused the explosion, and the screams of the animals reached their ears.

Out of the smoke came something that made Gestroyah panic. Just looking at it made them quiver in fear, its glare made them feel insignificant.

It stood 320 meters tall with a length of 380 meters. A bipedal creature with an exoskeleton-like armored skin. Possessing two small half-skulls on its shoulders and a long black forked tail. It has red eyes, a skeletal face, and long spikes on the top of the head.

Then it roars to the heavens, its voice adapted from a big cat's growls and roars.

The shockwave of the roar caused far more damage than Gestroyah's own. Trees went flying, the ground becoming hills, hills reduced to dust.

Slenra hid behind her father, while Sparx sat on top of her. Trying not to be blown away. Gestroyah can only watch in horror as they realized who this was.

"Slenra run to Kong. We'll hold it off." Ning ordered.

Slenra looked at them as if they were insane. Frankly, she was right, but this was way over Kong's power.

"But, father..."

"Do what he told you, to do, kid!" Odin roared. "We can handle this, but you'll get in our way. Sparx keep an eye on her and whatever you do, don't come near here understand!?"

Slenra turned to the demon flying in the sky, slowly heading towards them. She nodded and ran with Sparx still cling on.

Gestroyah then turns back to the Kaiju. They noticed it wasn't looking at them, but at Slenra. Its eyes glowed, and the heads acted quickly.

Their breath attack clashed with it before grazing its cheek. It then glared towards them. Despite their overwhelming fear, the three glared right back, and this time they roared. But it didn't shake the land, instead it destroyed, furthering the damage of the once beautiful place.

All three smirked when its surprised look appeared, its attention now on them. "Guys, its been fun." Cody said. "Aye, mate, though it's a shame that we got the abrupt end of the stick." Odin said.

"If we ever survive this, how about we treat ourself with a whale?" Ning said.

"No, take backs."


"Alright mate, ya got yourself a deal."

"Good, now eyes on the prize."

All three heads turned back to the enemy who was taking its time on making its way to them.

This was their greatest and maybe last battle, and they'll be damned if they just sit back and watch. Slowly, the three marched their way to their doom.

Slenra Pov

Slenra who was running to Kong was worried. What was that? It was something out of this world. They spot Kong, who was making a beeline towards them. When they told him of what happened, Kong had gained a worried look.

Then they felt the land shake with Gestroyah's roar echoing throughout the land. This roar wasn't an intimidation tactic, but a declaration of war. But it wasn't for Kong.

Slenra realized why she was afraid of the demon. It wasn't just a predator or an alpha. It was an APEX. A monster that devours other monsters.

Unknown kaiju POV.

Who was this creature that defies him? He applauded their bravery, for there is rarely anyone who dares to challenge him. Yet he loathed it as well. Can it not see its majesty, its superiority.

When they roared, it was shocking. It encountered no one that can rival its roar. It can see their potential, a potential it was about to end.

It caused great pain for it. To extinguish such an intriguing specimen.

Gestroyah Pov

The three continued to glare at their greatest enemy. This was the monster that made the King of monsters kneel in one blow, the one who nearly killed the king, the one who surpass the king. Now they were going to fight it. It was foolishness, but if they ran this island, this world is doomed.

They were now close, and the feeling of dread only grew further. They won't win, they won't survive. All they will do was delay the inevitable. But they didn't care. If they were going to die, then they'll make it work for the victory. They already died once anyway.

Now that they were closer, the monster gave the impression of the grim reaper. They tensed their muscles and stood proudly.

The beast looked down on them as they looked up. It was like watching a god looking at a devil. Taking a deep to calm their nerves, all three went to a battle stance. The kaiju lands softly on the ground while posing. It then takes a battle stance.

Tension was high in the air. Dust and fire danced around them. Both monsters waiting and planning their moves. A small cackle of the flames was the signal.

"Bring it on..."



The two charged at each other while letting out their battle cry.

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