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4.76% I'm a Kaiju? / Chapter 1: Act 1

Capítulo 1: Act 1

Chap 1: survive part 1

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Bold - Kaiju/Weapons/ Events/ Right Head.

Normal- Middle head.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Left head

++++ dark. Where is he? He couldn't move, scream or feel anything at all. How long was it since he woke up in this place?

Then something appeared in front. It was a message.

"Good day, Jackie," it said.

Jackie? Ah, he remembers now. Jackie, that was his name. Strange, he remembered he was doing something, but he couldn't figure it out. It's just the sensations of pleasure and pain. What was it?

You weren't supposed to die today, however some circumstances just can't be avoided. Then again, considering the stunt you pulled, I'd say it's quite an achievement. Banging your classmate, Her mom, and her sister non-stop is quite a feat.

As a result, your body couldn't keep up and suffered a heart attack.

Yes, he remembers now; he had just finished college along with his classmates. The eldest daughter invited him to a drink. They got drunk and got frisky. Then her sister joined in, followed by their mother, and then he felt pain in his chest before dying in the ambulance.

To fix this mistake, the administrator has given authority to reincarnate you to another universe of my choosing. As a bonus, you will a small part of the Gamer, how you use it is up to you.

Farewell and enjoy your next life.

He didn't understand everything was happening too fast for him. The only thing he understood was that he isn't meant to die, but it was his hubris that did.

A second chance? Well, that sounds wonderful, but what is this gamer all about?

Then there was light, followed by pain.


Wind, he can feel the wind hitting his face. What was going on? Why does he feel bigger, stronger, and is it him, or does his shoulder feel heavy? Who is yelling?


His eyes went wide open in shock before seeing a demonic dragon looking straight at him. Oh god, there are two of them.

So he did what anyone would do; scream.

"Shut the fuck up, mate! We got a bigger problem!" The dragon on the right yelled.

"Y-yeah, a big problem." The one on the left spoke.

Problem? What problem? What's going on!?

"Quit monologuing and start flapping those damn wings! We're gonna crash!"

Wings? What wings? Feeling something moving on his back, he turns. Strangely, he could turn his head all the to the back without breaking his neck.

Oh god, he has wings, more than that, are those scales on his back? He put his thoughts on hold upon remembering the dragon's word.


Looking back to his front, he saw they were approaching land too fast. Out of instinct, he flapped his wings.

"Flap! Flap! FLAP HARDER!!!" Both dragons yelled in terror. By some miracle, he flew, but before he could celebrate, he crashed into a mountain.

"Вloody hell mate, that is the worst landing ever! Where did you learn how to fly, e-bay!?"

"At least w-we're alive... ow my head..."

Jackie growled, well sue him for not being able to fly. He just got his wings what was suppose to happen?

"OI! ever heard of personal space? Move it." He growled.

"I don't think we're going to have any personal space." The left one said.

"What in the world are you talking about?"

"Bloody hell mate, are you blind or are you stupid? Don' tell me you haven't notice!"

"Look down, buddy."

Jackie followed and saw how their necks were attached to one body only. The worst part was that their body wasn't even human. It was reptilian.

He screamed in terror. Looking at the river stream for his reflection made him pale.


Oh boy, talk about a shitty way to get reincarnated. Of all the things he got reincarnated into. It had to be Destoroyah. Well, upon closer inspection, he only bears some resemblance to the oxygen destroyer.

He or is it they, now? Whatever, he was a hybrid kaiju. He had the body of Ghidorah, the face Destoroyah and... he didn't know whose skin it was. Scales? Was it scales?

"Horey shiet mate! We look like an abomination." The right one said.

"Tell me about it." The left one said. "So now what?"

"Let's start with our names. I'm Jackie."

"That's funny, my name is Jackie too."

"Wow, we all have the same name? What a twist."

What the hell? The middle one then thought of another way to figure out who's who.

"Wait, how about we say the name of our mom? What are the odds of us sharing the same mom?"

The other two heads played along.

"Martha..." All three said once more, gaining confused looks. It took them hours to find anything different from each other, from school, crush, and even embarrassing events, but all ended up the same.

Whatever idea they have conjured met with failure.

For crying out loud, even the way they died was the same.

"Hey uh guys... what if we all came from one Jackie?" The left one said.

"You're saying that we're some Identity disorder incarnate?"

"I think he means we're representing something from Jackie's mind."

"So I'm the cranky one, you're the chill one, and this one is what? His shattered childhood?"

"You realize you're just insulting yourself, right?"

"Let's just forget about this shit and focus on what we're going to do now."

"We also need a name, Jackie is out of the equation."

"How about we use Ghidorah's name as a reference? The right one can be Zwei, the middle is Ein, and I'm Drei."

"Oh no, there's no way we're using that. How about this? I'm Odin, the middle one is Ning, and timid over there is Cody." The right head growled.

"I kind of like that one."

The left head pouted. "Oh... can we at least use it like code names?"

"Well, I suppose we can."

"Yippee!" The now named Cody said while looking like it was doing a celebration dance.

"Great..." Odin growled in annoyance. "Alright, first things first, we need to find shelter, food, and water," Ning said. "We'll plan our next move later."

The two nodded. After hours of searching, they finally found a source of drinkable water. It was enough to last them a few months. Strangely, the three hadn't felt the urge to eat yet.

Finding shelter was harder, with their colossal size around 300 meters tall with a 350 wingspan. Each step they took shook the landscape, which spooked all the local animals.

"We've been walking for hours, there's no way we're finding any shelter," Ning said.

"Tell me about it..."

"Um... guys, do you hear that?"

The beast stops in its tracks, trying to hear what their third head spoke of. At first, they heard nothing until a quiet rumble.

It was like something was clawing its way out to the surface.

"Move, you bloody idiot!" Odin roared. Just as they did, something bursts out of the earth.

"Is that a MUTO!?"

"Whatever it is, we need to get away."

"And go where? We're too big, and we smell, it'll find us."

"Alright, keep on you're on toes."

Then they heard a ping before a screen made itself known to them.

Name: Gestroyah

Title: {locked}








"What the hell?"

The momentary distraction was enough for the MUTO to take advantage and tackle the titan down. Acting quickly, Odin quickly bites the enemy viciously.

Cody quickly backs up Odin and bites the other side. Ning then quickly kicks Kaiju off of them and get's up.

The MUTO roared with anger as it glares at them. Out of primal instinct, the trio let out their roar. However, what happened was not something they expected.

At first, both titans were confused about why they can't hear any sound. The MUTO was about to charge when it happened.

The first was the sound barrier-breaking, its shockwave was visible to the naked eye. Then the sound came. It was like a howl of hundreds of Kaiju roaring in unison, getting louder and louder until the earth beneath them shook. Trees uprooted, lands reshaped, anything around either died or torn to shreds from the shock before the sound even reached their ears.

For the MUTO it was terrifying, never had it heard anything like this, it was a cry of rage, agony, and despair.

However, it wasn't the only one. Its fellow titans had heard it. From the land, the sky, the sea, and the freezing tundra.

The trio, while taken aback by the feat, quickly schooled their features and glared. Spreading their four wings proudly, flaunting their power.

If they were a boss or a villain, they would have said, "You dare challenge me, mortal?" or "THIS IS POWER!"

However, despite the terrifying power, it did not deter the MUTO to perform its role, but the roar had served its purpose. Cautiously, weighing its actions as it circle around them.

Odin revealed its front teeth. Their menacing yellow eyes glaring straight into its soul. When it found an opening it pounced, but Cody had acted quickly, taking control of one of their two tails. The left head smacks it away from them while Ning quickly takes advantage, tearing some of its flesh before biting its neck.

The two heads followed suit, biting its arm to ensure it can't fight back.

Helpless, the creature can only scream in agony as the three heads bit harder and harder. The man-turned-kaiju quickly claws its body before grabbing it and began smashing the body repeatedly until it couldn't fight anymore.

For good measure, they stomped it for a few minutes before stopping. Their body was feeling weird, heat was rising, and something nasty was coming out of their throat. They tried to hold it back, but it was impossible.

The MUTO took this opportunity to attack. It chose poorly.

They opened their jaws in unison, and what came out from there was amazing, yet also terrifying. Odin was spouting out Ghidorah's gravity beam. While Ning started with flame and smoke, which turned into a nuclear purple spiral ray. Finally, Cody was spewing out Destoroyah's Oxygen destroyer beam.

Spending all the excess energy, the three panted as they gazed at the beaten titan.

"" It pleaded.

Hearing its plea, Odin growled. "Mercy? MERCY!? Would you have granted that if our position were switched!? Why the hell would we let a filthy vermin like you live?" He growled, scaring the MUTO, knowing its demise was coming.

Cody quickly intervened. "Odin, calm down, let it go. We won." Sadly, it only fueled Odin's rage.

"Bullshit! This bastard had his chance. Now he needs to pay." Odin was about to launch the finishing blow until Ning stopped him.

"ENOUGH! Odin, cool your jets! Just because you're right doesn't mean you should do it. Let me handle this." Ning ordered before glaring at the MUTO lying pathetically on the ground.

"Get up!" He ordered. The beast struggled but stood firm.

"One chance, you get one more chance. If you attack us again or even show yourself in front of us..." Out of instinct, flames sparked out of his maws. The MUTO nodded quickly.

Then something caught their nose, and all three turned to where the creature came. Eggs, hundreds of eggs.

Odin's anger quickly vanished, Cody flinched, but Ning was indifferent inside, though he was feeling guilty as well.

The MUTO was only protecting its nest from the potential threat. He can't blame it for acting out of fear.

Horrified, the MUTO is torn between fear and duty, as the creature had its eyes on its hatchlings. Then, to its surprise, the creature ignored it and left. They did not touch the eggs as they passed them.

When its mate returned, it could feel the fear in its voice.

"What happened!?" The mate asked.

Too tired and injured, it can only do one thing: it was to warn its mate.

"Beware, Beware of the earth shaker."


"Oh man, I thought you were going to squash those eggs." Cody said.

"I'm not a baby killer, Cody."

" Should have killed them all. They're parasites, remember? Eventually, we're going to face one of those again." Odin grumbled.

"When then that happens, we'll kill them." Ning said.

Survival of the fittest. Even though it was harsh, Ning had to choose between theirs or the MUTOs. This was the world of the Kaiju. Human morals and laws no longer apply. Only rule of the jungle.

If they want to live, then they need to do whatever it takes to survive this new life.

"Hey guys, that screen is up again."

The two heads looked forward and saw the screen again.

Congratulations on succeeding in your first Battle. Welcome to the Kaiju Verse. The Titans, the humans, The Divine, and the Demonic now know of your existence.

Beware, traveler, for your journey has yet to begin. Many challenges await and only time will tell whether you succeed or fail.

All three frowned and not liking the message one bit. The plan was to stay low and let them adjust and figure out their power.

"Bastard set us up!" Odin roared.

"Um... does that mean Godzilla is going to kill us?" Cody asked.

Ning was silent, something that unnerved the two. Despite having different personas they can feel what their other were thinking. Right now, Ning was afraid and confused. Then they saw him take a puff of air and exhaled.

"I don't know, but for the moment let's rest here and figure out how our powers work."

The two heads nodded. As the hybrid rested, the world, nature had for the first time screamed. The only good thing Ning can think of this event was that they found out their a chimera of three well known Kaiju.


Mothra had awakened. An abomination had arrived, something that has no place in order. Its existence was detrimental for Gaea's survival. Even now, as it slept, she can feel its power rising as it corrodes life itself, choking it, corrupting it into something twisted.

The Devil still slumbers in the icy grasp, the rest of the titans are still slumbering with only one awake, keeping the world in order.

For now, she will wait and plan how to deal with this threat. Yet the queen also hoped that maybe she could reason with it.


Godzilla had heard its roar, and it was nothing like it. It is a threat that he can't ignore, but as the king searched. Its presence was fading compared to when its roar was heard.

The king of monsters growled. A difficult opponent compared to her.

At least that last invader was easy to find. The only problem was catching her. This one was impossible to find, as if it was masking its scent.

The king continued its fruitless search for now but kept its guard up.


A new day came, and Gestroyah arose from their sleep. Ning and Odin cursing the sun while Cody asked for five more hours.

Odin had to spook his left head to get it moving.

"Oi, if we have Gamer Powers does that mean we can travel to other dimension?"

"That seems to be the common trend. Whatever sent us here said that we'll have a minor Gamer so there's a slim chance."

"What about our skills is it all predetermined, or do we get to choose?"

Ning hums, trying to remember how the GAMER works based on the stories he read. "What was it again? Skill?"

All three took a step back when a screen appears out of nowhere.

Odin whistled at the list while Cody was amazed. Ning had only one word to describe it. "Troublesome."



Adaptation and Evolution

Energy Manipulation



Oxygen Independency


Oxygen Destroyer

Energy Drain

"Bloody hell mate, we're freaking OP!" Odin yelled in excitement. "Um... Odin not to be rude, but I don't think we should get ahead of ourselves." Cody said. Ning nodded. "Some of these skills have conditions like Adaptation require us surviving whatever injures us, while Evolution consumes massive energy to stabilize our transformation. Even more on Materiokinesis."

Odin growled but agreed on what the two were saying. Then something came into his head.

"Is it just me or have we not eaten anything since yesterday?"

"I guess or maybe our biology requires us less food."

"Oh man, I'm gonna miss human food."

All three heads sighed. Their new life sucks. So what if you're an unstoppable force. If you can't enjoy the little things, then you might as well be dead.

"Well, this is our life now, might as well make the best of it and start with learning how our powers work in action." Ning said.

"Don't forget the timeline. For all we know, we might be in the dinosaur era..."

"Well at least we'll see how dinosaurs really look like."

That wasn't a bad idea. Who wouldn't take the chance to see a dinosaur up close and even touch them? And if there's a meteorite coming in, then they'll blast it to smithereens. They have to make sure to round up some humans.

"Whoa that was dark."

"That's a sick head you got there, mate."

"Ning you're not evil... are you?"

Ning blinked before shaking his head. Shit, their biology is already affecting them. If he is still a human, he would be disgusted by the idea of turning humans into cattle.

Yet he wasn't human anymore, and now the idea just brought amusement to him.

"Sorry guys, I guess I just didn't want to see an entire species extinct."

"We'll cross that bridge one day. For now, let's just follow your idea on learning how our powers work."

"Um... can we start with flying? I always wanted to fly." Cody shyly looked at the two. He was aware that he was lowest in the hierarchy, but if they learn how to fly, it lessens the burden of travel."

"Good idea. Oi, Ning, start flapping and don't crash this time!"

"Like I had plan that. We were falling from the sky, man." Ning said and started to flap his wings. However, his actions only destroyed the wonderful scenery of nature. Local animals and whatnot screamed, running away from the disaster.

All three blinked before Odin and Cody turned Ning. "Um... oopsies?" Ning said.

Flight attempt #1: Failed.

AN: Hi folks, Forcespeed4 here. This is my second fanfic, it's been inside my head for months. I had reading a lot of Godzilla fanfics and it got me thinking on trying this. The story I couldn't focus so I had to write this calm the urge down and the story's timeline will be on before the discovery of Skull Island.

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