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30% A Multiversal Adventure(Fanfic) / Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Capítulo 3: Chapter 2

Walking along a pile of debris, I soon stopped and crouched as I observed the headless body of a person with strange metallic gear on their lower legs and strapped with blades as well as two powerful piston hooks on either side of the contraption.

"Let me guess… AOT?" I mused.

["Yes, Host."]

I nodded and then turned the body as I began to strip the unknown man from his clothes and put them on while having Allie changing the colors to straight black with silver accents and a cloak with a simple hood that covered my face.

I then also bought the knowledge on how to properly utilize the ODM gear to its peak performance after spending close to 50 SP in total and earning a headache.

I then used a black mask with a skeleton's teeth and jaw as I let my hair hand loose as I wanted to make a legend in this world.

Cracking my neck, I also upgraded the gear with a temporary enchantment to never run out and made another on the blades which cost me another 20SP.

Afterwhich, I closed my eyes and quickly assimilated the knowledge at lightning fast speeds.

A full couple of minutes later, I opened my eyes and propelled forward at insane speeds as my enhanced body was already flexible to begin with.

As I skidded last the sides of ruined buildings and debris, I then flew into the air and for those split seconds, I saw all that I needed to know.

The first wall had been opened and Titans were flooding in.

Steeling my resolve with a challenging smile, I then pushed the upper limits of my gear and with a silent sounding flyby, three titans fell without their necks as I wasted no time and swerved between countless Titans as I single handed my took down one after another and another in swift succession.

This continued for half an hour until I no longer saw any more in the immediate proximity.

Standing at the top of a tower at the town square, a passing breeze rolled by as the humans I had saved had gathered down below had regrouped while the military police escorted them away.

I didn't need my enhanced hearing to know that a majority of these people were talking about me.

The crest for the scouts remained engraved on my back in silver and black.

Soon, Allie informed me of reinforcements and I fled in the direction of the Titians.


Sitting at a porch at my new home I had bought with exchanged currency, I heard the unrestrained chatter of the 'Silver Scout' that had annihilated close to a confirmed 37 Titans by themselves.

As I was expecting this laid back lifestyle when I decided to stick around, I hid my equipment in my inventory as it took a beating despite the enchantments from the system.

However, I was almost done perfecting the ODM system to be more practical and compact while outfitting my arms, legs, heels and back with a multi-dimensional pulley system that uses four alien energy cores into a compact and infinite supply of energy that feeds the ODM gear from ever running out of steam.

As for the blades themselves, I simply switched to adamantium and all was well with further enhancing them with dozens of enchantments after I picked up alchemy half a year ago in Supergirl's world.

While I wanted to wage a one-woman-army on the Titians, it was still much too soon.

I didn't like the idea of letting humans die but, I also wanted the protagonist and his team to grow.

I was already helping by going out at night to exterminate more Titans but those damn things are never ending.

No one ever catches me as I leave the scene faster than anyone in this kingdom at current.

It has been a week since my debut and I can tell that I was already sending ripples when I saw a concept sketch of a hooded and grizzly looking man wearing a darkened scout uniform along with information and a decent pay reward for those that help with their capture.

As I sat back on my chair, I was contemplating on what I wanted to do.

Thinking for a bit, I then decided to simply go see the main protagonists themselves.

Getting up, I walked back into my house and at the first sign of the sun setting, I disappeared into the night.


Landing on a treetop, I was overlooking an orphanage where the main protagonists were currently at.

Thanks Allie.

["Its my pleasure , Host."]

I then observed a bit longer and then moved to the nearby rooftop as I stood while the full moon rose overhead behind me.

To my surprise, Erin woke up and rubbed his eyes as I then thought that I would mess with him.

His sleepy eyes landed on my figure and when he rubbed, he was astonished that it wasn't a dream.

Deciding to humor the kid, I then reached into my coat and took out a single wooden box as I tossed it to the grass in the yard and disappeared into the night.

What was in that box, only Erin would know and I'm sure he'll be grateful for it as it held a precious meaning for him.


3 years soon passed. I was sitting on top of a dissolving titian corpse while looking ahead as the sun will rise in a couple of hours.

I was just about to return back to my house when I instinctively tilted my upper body and did a reverse somersault as I landed in a firm combat stance while my hands clenched on the hilt of my swords while still in their holsters.

"… you're under arrest 'Silver Scout'." Well I'll be, it's the one and only badass Captain Levi. "Stand down or this ends with you face-down on the floor."

I raised my brows as I didn't take the emo as the talkative kind.

Without much hesitation, he sprung straight to me but I flicked my fingers and thin silver clean adantanium threats spread out as I then basically flickered to his right and aimed a fist instead of actively trying to kill him.

Expectedly, he managed to dodge on instinct alone and we then exchanged two attacks simultaneously while both our bodies were enhanced but I clearly had superior reflexes and strength.

After that, I disappeared before he could return the attack and by then, I was gone.


It's been a few years now.

Resting atop a ruined house, I sat in the shade of a chimney as I observed the new scouts who were on their way to exterminate the Titans that had repopulated the town due to my inactivity.

While I got some heat for it, I purposely chose to ease off on my expeditions as I wanted the protagonists to feel the true brunt of this world.

I even saw a few key Titians that had wandered in from the outside as well as the abnormal one that just looked wrong.

While those Titans roamed about, the scouts soon arrived and just like in canon, Erin ends up as a Titian and goes on a rampage.

While for me, I had decided to save the less fortunate scouts that were wiped out or killed during this time like in the show.

Afterwhich, I made my entrance and saved the dozen of them while I stopped at the top of another rooftop and starred in the direction of Erin in his full on titan shifter mode.

However, I made a judgment call and withdrew my blades as they shone even bright in the daylight.

The other scouts saw this and I didn't have to look to practically feel their sighs of relief as my infamy and reputation had preceded me.

I then flickered into thin air but was going so fast that those kids could barely keep up.

I then slaughtered 6 Titans in a single stroke while latching into the side of another building as I then watched from a few dozen meters away as Erin fought the abnormal titan.

The aftermath was just as it went in the show with the surviving half that separated from the entirety of the group were golden dup inside a building, Erin saved them and it went as canon…

For the most part. That is, until I arrived at the opening and made my way to the center of the group that had both awestruck expressions and one or two that mostly held fear.

Without explaining, I then dropped a knife onto the ground and in a flash, a dozen of newly refilled gas canisters and blades appeared.

Picking up the knife, I then set it away as this was just for jokes as I wanted to copy Minato and at least give the people of this world a base line on my abilities and launched two steel cables from my back as I then flickered and disappeared from the building while catching up to Erin.

Not a few dozen seconds later, I found him as he was losing steam and collapsed while Mikasa was still stunned by what she was seeing.

I suddenly appeared over his body with my blade drawn and holding it at the back of his neck.


I effortlessly blocked two blades from my right as Mikasa held a cold and crazed look as she didn't know me well but knew that I killed Titans since the breach without exception.

"… he smells like them." I spoke first while not minding the pressure that Mikasa was straining as Levi was twice as stronger than her. "Will you stand in my way, girl."

I didn't turn to her but her resolute gaze from my body won Erin showed everything, she withdrew her blades and knelt until her head was touching the floor.

"Please… don't kill him. He's… " She then paused and spoke clearly. "He is all that I have left."

"Even if he is a Titian?" I spoke with indifference to get my point across. "I have sworn to kill every last one of those Titian bastards… but I also swore to never harm an innocent without reason."

I withdrew my blades and turned around as my back was to her while I reached into my cloak and stealthily took out a modified choker from my inventory that I built and latched it around Erin's neck.

I then turned and walked to Mikasa as I knelt and lifted her head gently as I then handed her a sleek and black bracelet like the one I gave to Kara but this one was more unique.

"… if he steps out of line, use this and he will be knocked unconscious." I said while handing her the bracket with a small helix shaped pendant the size of a dime latched onto it. "If you can not get him under control and if he takes the life of an innocent… I will find him… and I will kill him… is that understood?"

She hastily nodded and I then stood up while turning and flickering away into thin air as the rest of their squad then caught up.


It had been a few days since the last meeting with the female lead.

I watched all that happened from a distance and then when the time came for Erin to make a second appearance or rather, half an appearance, the choker around his neck expanded and transformed to fit his Titan form.

This didn't go unnoticed and was more or less was still ignored as he was viewed as a threat.

The following days came and went with rumors of a boy who could transform into a Titian began to circulate.

In the following week, the plan was set in motion to finally plug the hole in the outer wall using Erin as their main attacking force.

Not long after the expedition began, the events following the Titian shifters and the gang took place.

I did not intervene too much this time as this part needed to happen so I stayed hidden.

At the end, no one died but many were seriously injured or scarred and would most likely retire.

In the meantime, a few days had passed and the group then arrived to start the plan.

But due to my intervention, the second wall wasn't breached as the second the colossal Titan appeared for the second time, I abruptly flickered a hundred feet before it's face and coldly glared at it from under my hood as I then silently latched to its face and despite the sudden blast of smoldering hot steam, I managed to rip its eyes with my blades that were already enchanted with a burning effect that couldn't be seen, but severely felt permanently as his eyes even in his human form were ruined.

The massive Titian stumbled back as it reached to wipe its burning eyes and even then, I latched onto the main wall and crouched horizontally as I set my swords away and cracked the stone as I shot forward like a speeding bullet using my cables to go even faster while latching into its legs as I piled the same move Levi did with the beast titian and cut its ankle tendons as the result ended with the massive titan collapsing backwards.

Once the dust and debris had all settled, everyone stared as I stood at its nose and pointed my sword at its right eye which was red and it could barely make out my figure.

Everyone present that witnessed what I pulled off was in shock but more than that, I instantly flipped sideways and cleanly sliced off the sudden appearance of the armored Titans arm in a single stroke.

It's shock was only brief as it then dug its mouth into the massive Titians neck after the massive Titian turned due to its presence and the two took off.

I stood still as the massive column of smoke began to shroud the area.

By the time it cleared, I disappeared as that was more than enough to show my appearance for the last time in this universe as I was already planning to move on after this arc.


Things went relatively the same as last time when I packed up shop and left for another world.

While I was wondering about which world to go to next, I realized that I had all the time in the world as I was also only growing ever stronger each passing day whenever I felt like just being OP as heck.

With that in mind, I thought of the next world I wanted to go to and decided that it will be one where bloody knuckle fighting is king.

With a flash, I soon stood on a vacant road in the outskirts of a town late at night.

While I started walking, I kept my usual dark clothes minus the RE-ODM gear I safely put away into my inventory.

As I walked along, I soon entered the city and passed by a high school.

The sun was already starting to peak its head and I already saw kids passing through the gate.

Not long after that, the gate closed and walking from further down the road, was none other than the protagonist of this world.

Baki. Or the series rather than the world's crazy timeline.

Other than just his name and remembering the crazy and insane fights this guy had, I was more amazed by how insane he looks in real life.

Compact muscles, focus unlike anything I had ever seen. And above all else, his laid back demeanor was just a front and his true strength was almost limitless.

While I had been casually leaning along the shade of the wall, he soon walked me by before stopping and raising his eyes sideways as he held that same trademark smirk that he usually did in numerous situations.

"… eh, I just got up and wanted a peaceful rest at school." I heard him as I knew I was physically stronger than him granted my insane shopping spree after I gained SP like hotcakes after killing all those Titians.

But this guy, he made me want to die brawling despite me not being a ruthless fighter.

"… you?" I lifted my hood and kept my mask on as his eyes then widened as I met his gaze. "Are you sure you're even qualified to be a high school student with that insane body of yours?"

He shrugged casually and then turned to face me. He was looking slightly up as I was already tall to begin with.

"You don't say." He replied casually and then moved to punch my face. "Hmm?"

I saw his hand coming at me very slowly but I didn't move and only watched as he suddenly passed out and I caught him while setting him on the side of the wall.

"Damn kid, you're this young and already show more promise than 90% of men on this planet." That last bit was just me trying to play a part as I knew he was only unconscious for a few seconds and was already awake and listening. "Don't pick fights you know you can't win, kid. But… good job on trying to get in a jab despite knowing you'll lose. You show promise kid, don't forget to follow your heart and squeeze every last bit of that limitless potential you have to not only achieve your goals, but have some fun along the way. Teenagers don't seem to be understanding that these days."

I then began walking away while putting my hood back on and in my holographic screen in the corner of my eye, I saw my own POV and how just a split-second before I knocked him out with a punch to his chin, he managed to tap where my liver was at and passed out.

I smiled as that attack should have messed me up but my body was already at a crazy level for hits like that to hurt me.

As I was walking along the sidewalk, I arrived at a coffee shop and walked inside to order a cup of coffee and a scone.

While taking my seat and starting to enjoy my early breakfast, I had to pause as I felt a predatory gaze on my head as I was certain this amount of pressure was enough to kill a lesser human man.

Lifting my head to my right, a flash of red flowing locks caught my eyes before I raised my hand and the floor trembled that carried the explosive shockwave from the unbelievable disaster that was Hanma.

The main antagonist and debatably the strongest fighter and monster in this world.

"What's the big idea? Can't I just eat my meal in peace?" I said casually as I was internally amazed and shocked how strong this guy was.

I could even see my veins slightly bulging as his entire arm and upper torso were flexing like mad. His face was worse as a maniacal grin split his large face wide.

"You. Are very strong." He then spun in the blink of an eye and I raised my left arm to counter his leg that came crashing down as the tile floor cracked underneath me but I was unaffected. "Monstrously strong. Hehehahaha!"

He laughed and then went crazy in trying to pretty much kill me with all he's got.

I countered everything he threw my way as I could see nearly an entire minute into the future thanks to my advanced Haki I bought for 1.400SP.

I sat satisfied on the only chair left unbroken as half the shop was already destroyed while I remained with my legs crossed as I watched the now crouched red head after I retaliated and struck him in the solar plexus with a Haki-charged strike.

He was strong and even willed his own internal organs to move yet, I only spread my hand and literally knocked the ever living shit out of him as his vitality was directly wiped by 70% only temporarily.

While he was down, he raised his face as I then quickly and effortlessly tapped his forehead and got up as I then grabbed myself my another cup of coffee after everyone had fled to safety.

Walking out and leaving behind the frozen 'strongest man in the world' behind, I soon stopped and realized that I wouldn't find any joy in bullying the weak.

Walking into an alleyway, I then disappeared with a flash and wound up in another reality.


Appearing in the world of Darling In The Franxx, I whispered underneath my helmet as I made my way to the facility in the distance as after fixing and enhancing my suit of armor, I felt more free and calm about the overall worlds beyond my scope.

As for finding my killer, I already had a few ideas on where to start. But, that was for later. As right now, I was just messing around and visiting my favorite worlds just to see what's up.

While I was still walking, a sudden rumble echoed and a loud sound shook the ground as a massive humanoid machine suddenly arrived.

"Heh… that's pretty cool." I was lost in thought when it's fist shot directly at me and with a flicker, I soon appeared behind its head as I then realized what had happened was a reflexive response from back in the AOT world. "Shit, my bad, my guy."

I playfully said and retrieved my steel cables into my modified spartan armor as I had gone long enough without it on. While sliding down onto the floor, I was just then about to leave when the sound of a hatch opening caught my attention.

From inside, I saw a pair of kids that weren't in the original show. But, given that their mech was not overly expensive or luxurious like the original cast of characters was, I surmised this colony was one of the earlier ones that had yet to be affected or rather, wiped out.

"W-Who or… what are you!?" A boy with brown hair and matching eyes said as his partner, a girl with black hair and gray eyes stayed by his side as they both wore matching white colored suits.

Seeing them scared and being so young, I felt irritated by the adults of this word but knew that they weren't particularly at fault as there was some shady shit going on behind the scenes.

So, to get their trust for now, I raised my hands and held my helmet as a locking mechanism soon detached and air spilled out as I then removed my helmet.

With a flick of my hair, I opened my eyes and smiled as the boy and girl both instantly blushed while suddenly growing ecstatic as they suddenly shouted at the same time.

"An adult!" Yup, this was my plan.

"Wel kiddos. My name is Spartan -087. You can call me Kelly. I'm here after returning from a covert mission in space and got lost in a wormhole on my way back. Suffice to say… what the heck happened in the time that I was gone?" I said while looking around the horizon and then saw the two kids look at each other as the boy then asked what year I thought it was. "Hmm? Isn't it 2018?"

The two kids suddenly had shock all over their faces as it had apparently been dozens of years since then.

But I didn't tell them the truth and came up with this convenient lie.

Overall, I came to learn the boy's name was Romney and his partner was Herina. They both were around 14 years old and by the looks of it, very young according to the timeline.

Well, as far as timelines go. I put my helmet back on and latched onto their mechas shoulder while we went back and I looked at the hangar bay as soon as we entered, I jumped and spun into a perfect spin while landing in a Superman pose on the floor.


I raised my head to suddenly find a dozen armed spec-ops guards with full body suits aiming their rifles at me.

Yes, rifles. Raising my hands slowly, I then heard the outcry of the two young pilots I somehow managed to befriend and after they asked for me to show my face, I remained silent before slowly moving my hands to my head and taking it off.

"… either take those guns off my face or face the music, guys?" I said with a not so peppy tone as I was serious as my gaze alone already had my enhanced UNSC visual hud and analytic systems in place. "So be it."


Steel thin cables shot from my arms and legs as I instantaneously moved and in the next five seconds, I stood directly behind the frozen soldiers as they collapsed to the floor as if puppets cut from their strings.

"Told ya." I stood back while holding my hand over my waist. "Hey, are you just going to keep peeping at me or is someone going to tell me what the hell happened to Earth while I was gone?"

I said to no one in particular but after ten minutes of silence, the elevator at the bottom hangar floor opened and three adults with masks covering their heads walked out.

The one in the front was a man followed by two women. They each wore robes but with a strange golden cross along with a veiled mask as the two women had cyan colored robes.

They then walked over and stopped a dozen feet away from me.

"… state your purpose, outsider." The man spoke and I gave him my full attention while falling into a disciplined military salute.

"Spartan-087! Here to report back from a 5-year mission to connect with our sister planet on Mars and have just returned to fulfill operation: Nightshade! Sir!" I said and the two women turned to each other while the man then walked forward and stopped right over me.

"What country do you serve?" He said and this was when I knew that he messed up but played along anyway.

"I was under the enlistment of the UNSC under a classified Program… further details require top clearance authority. Which I am only 37% sure you or anyone here does not have." I stated boldly and then instantly hacked the systems of the facility and used my new addition of hybrid nano-machines to attaché to the Mecca and soon, I then turned and smiled as I then lifted my helmet onto my head and turned as an earthquake rocked the facility.

Not long after, I instantly saw the loading bar with all the data from my micro-drones which hacked the hard-data in lock-and-key underneath at the heart of the facility.

Once I had it, I flashed a smile and disappeared from that world for good as I only wanted to study how far the technology of a fantasy world worked well in real life.


Snow_Lux Snow_Lux

*Update was about some [Minor fixes] but not all*

Have a nice day.

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