As they neared the armies, Ren took a quick glance at the beating ball of flesh at the center of the room, which was protected by an animated ooze with a humanoid figure. It looked like a Colossus, except it had armor made of the same substance as its flesh.
ǁ T H E H E A R T
O F J I B B L I N P L I P ‖
"The beginning of the monster known as Jibblinplip."
The ever-beating Heart of the Continental Ooze and the most protected body part of Jibblinplip.
The Heart constantly chasmed, beating nonstop, while its core rested inside its protected space. In this plane, the core is immortal, and the only way to kill it is by banishing it to the plane of its origins.
‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖
HP: 500 000
MP: 1 000 000
STRG: 10 000
DEF: 20 000
MDF: 15 000 +1000 [Domain Bonus]
INT: 10 000 +2000 [Domain Bonus]
AGL: 10
LCK: 400 + 100 [Domain Bonus]
‖ D A M A G E
R E S I S T A N C E S ‖
- Tyrants and Hellions
by 2CGaming