[BONUS] for reaching 1500 GT!
Thank you everyone 🙏
Bonus Chapters left = still 7 🤣
Sorry for the delay, just having some family problems 🙏
Ren let out a low whistled at the Old Hag's ATP. He would like to store all her spells and skills if only they didn't require thousands of MP to cast.
ǁ T H E O L D H A G
H A R U S P O L L A C H ‖
Location: The Great Valley
"The Progenitors of Witchcrafts"
When the world was young, and Giants and Gods ruled the world, the Magic were slaves to these beings. Seceding from their compatriots, the giantess believed that Magic is sacred and only they should use it.
To this day, The Hag Giants and their descendants are known as the progenitors of witchcraft.
Haruspollach is the descendant of The Hag Giant. Dangerously aggressive against authority in any form, this Hag wields formidable 'old magic' that defies reason or explanation.
Total Bestiary Kill
- By 2C Gaming