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100% Fairy Tail: A New Dawn / Chapter 13: The Blademaster of Caelum

Capítulo 13: The Blademaster of Caelum

"Well...this is certainly VIP treatment that I'm receiving isn't it?" I joked to the quite nervous receptionist who had eventually returned some time later with a woman who was considerably calmer than the receptionist was, my Wizard Saint emblem slipping back inside the confines of my clothes once it was returned to me.

"Yes, it is, isn't it? Though it's not quite surprising given who our apparent guest this evening is." The new woman responded with a low chuckle paired with a faint smile.

"If you wouldn't mind, please follow me." She requested before turning to walk down one of the many hallways of the Colosseum.

I just mentally shrugged and did as asked, my feet carrying me behind her but not before I silently waved to the receptionist as a sign of thanks and farewell.

Not long after we distanced ourselves from the main lobby and those who were there, the woman spoke up again.

"I must say, as the President of the Randall Colosseum, I'm quite surprised to have you as a combatant here, Holy Saint Atro. Even if you have never shown your presence here in Caelum, word certainly spreads about the achievement being the youngest ever Mage to claim the title of Wizard Saint."


This woman is the President of the Colosseum?

I looked back at her to inspect her with far more scrutiny than when I did the first time. Even if we were walking side by side, I could still make out her pinkish-red eyes and her shoulder-length white hair, coupled with her all-too-fair pale skin.

I didn't really think on it too much, since people in this world had unique features like blue and pink hair or just had wild hairstyles, but the woman I was looking at seemed to almost be an albino if I had to put a description to her looks. Not to mention she was quite young for a President. Maybe in her mid 30s or so?

"Oh really? I hope that my age when I was inducted isn't an issue?" I asked her with a polite smile, knowing where this was possibly headed.

To put it simple, following my appointment as a Wizard saint over two years ago, there were those who expressed doubt about my appointment within the Wizard Saints right off the bat within the Magic Council, the most vocal apparently being some of the Magic Council members like Michello, Org, Hogg, and Leiji, not that I cared about the ramblings of those fools in the first place.

Because whether they liked it or not, I proved my strength and was acknowledged by a God of Ishgar that they appointed, so they can bite me for all I cared.

The public populace, while a bit skeptical, were more accepting of the fact, especially those who don't practice magic, though there were naysayers all the same. Of course, when you travel around a good part of Ishgar helping the locals and destroying dark guilds, you make a name for yourself, considering that I'm one of the more active Wizard Saints like Warren and Draculos, the former traveling to prevent desertification of Ishgar's lands and the latter upholding the relative peace between the continent's individual kingdoms.

Regardless to say, I don't care about opinions about my status for the simple reason that I know that I am strong and my claim as a Wizard Saint is uncontested.

But I can't help but wonder what were the thoughts of the president of one of Caelum's greatest cultural locations, especially in light of the fact of what said location is known for.

"Not at all. After all, while you are quite young, you seen to have a keen mind on you, and even if many may think that 13 was too young an age to appoint you as a Wizard Saint, the title isn't given for no reason. In fact I'm quite honored to have you as a guest." The President answered as our footsteps echoed within the hallway, the cheering of spectators dull within the background.

I glanced at her again from the corner of my eyes after hearing her answer, pleasantly pleased by her response.

Well she wasn't really wrong, there really was a particular reason why I was allowed to be a Wizard Saint, outside of Draculos' recommendation.

Even with my Second Origin, which made me powerful enough to inflict visible damage upon Draculos, I would have still been little match against opponents who truly possessed overwhelming strength. In fact in pure combat ability and strength alone, I wouldn't have been deserving of the title of Wizard Saint at that age, nor was I able to perform a role like Warrod Sequen and use my Magic to upkeep Ishgar's lands.

No...the reason I was chosen to be a Wizard Saint was because of a single yet critical factor.

My potential.

While I don't want to brag, I knew that I was one of the strongest Mages of my current generation within Ishgar because I had the potential to be.

It could be luck, divine intervention, or Truth itself for all I knew, but I possessed an abnormal amount of Magic Power for someone my age with an arguably more unique innate Magic, and yet unlike Ultear, I wasn't affected by the amount of power I possessed. On top of that, that abnormal amount continued to grow as I continued to train, especially under someone like my Master. So if I was able to reach the level of strength I had by 13 to be appointed as a Wizard Saint, how would my progress be once I was of age?

And suffice to say, even if my training was tame in comparison to the Hell Year, even nearing 16 years old, I was still getting more powerful.

"In that case, thank you. I'm honored to be here as well...that said, where are we going exactly?" I asked her as we began to walk up a flight of stairs somewhere.

"Well, we are currently headed up to the VIP box right now."


Did she really say a VIP box?

"I'm sorry, did you say a VIP box?"

"Why yes I did. I knew you meant it as a joke earlier, but we do in fact offer VIP treatment here only for the most special of combatants and guests. So I suppose you really are receiving VIP treatment right now, aren't you?" She asked me with a light titter escaping her lips and I couldn't help but to let a small laugh escape my lips, mostly because of the convenient absurdity of it all.

"I guess I am, aren't I?"

And just like that, it seems that the ice was completely broken, allowing me to easily continue the conversation.

"Excuse me,"

"It's just Clara."

"Thank you. President Clara-"

"Just Clara." She interrupted me again and I just turned my head to look at her.


"That's right, just Clara."

"Are you sure? This is a bit too informal, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh no, not at all. Feel free to call me Clara, dear."

"Alright then. Clara..."

The albino turned her head to look at me in turn while we smoothly ascended the steps, before she seemed to nod her head in silent approval and answered me with a smile.


I think I've underestimated her. She's definitely the type to march at her own beat and make everyone else follow.

"While I definitely appreciate it, can I ask why exactly we're headed to the VIP box? Just because I'm a Wizard Saint, that doesn't mean you have to give me preferential treatment or anything of the sort."

"Well, I'm glad you have such an outlook, Master Atro-"

"Ah, just Atro please."

"Very well, Atro. As I was saying, while I appreciate an outlook from a young man such as you, it's because you're a Wizard Saint that preferential treatment is needed, but not for the reason that you might think."

Though based on the look of confusion on my face, she just let out another small titter.

"Oh I see now. Atro, do you know who is the current reigning champion of the Randall Colosseum?"

After trying to think about it for a brief moment, I really don't know who the champion of the Colosseum here even was.

"Not really. I only briefly looked into its history but not much else, so I'm not sure who the champion is."

"Well, I suppose that will make the surprise all the more greater for the both of you."


Before I could even begin to ask what she meant, the two of us arrived at a door at the top of the stairs.

"Here, we are. Let's step inside shall we?" Clara asked me before opening the door and silently gesturing for me to come in, which I did, my feet taking me inside this VIP box.

And well...

It was certainly deserving of being called as such.

It was essentially a sophisticated and elegant lounge, a bar at the right corner of the side of the room I was standing at, and some recreational equipment to my left such as a billiard table and some dart boards.

Across from me was a massive window pane that gave me a few of what seemed to be the inside of the Colosseum though I couldn't see the actual battleground from where I was standing by the door. But it was clear that that was where the occupants would spectate from considering the string of various chairs that ran alongside the window.

And decorating the entire lounge was a complete set of mahogany furniture...really expensive mahogany furniture. Be it the tables, chairs, stools, the cabinets, everything was mahogany.

But it was what was by the window pane that had truly drawn my attention.

Or rather, who.

A woman with hair that was a deep midnight blue that framed her face and tied into a high ponytail at the back of her head, and eyes that were a beautiful ruby red. Even from where I was standing I could tell that she wasn't even wearing any sort of makeup, yet she was still absolutely stunning in my eyes.

She was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt which left her shoulders exposed paired a pair of white pants that hugged her legs and ended beneath a pair of black boots, all while a black belt was fastened around her waist. All in all, it was a simple outfit, but it was an outfit that screamed onee-san...

But above all else, I could tell that she was strong.

Before I could say any sort of greeting, the woman had walked up to me, leaning in close to look at me with slightly narrowed eyes, as if she was scrutinizing something.

The next thing I knew, she was reaching up and cupping my face, tilting my head from side to side, continuing whatever the hell it was she was doing. And when she turned my head towards where Clara was standing, I gave her a stare that conveyed my thoughts rather easily.

'What the heck is this?! Help me!'

And in response, she returned a look that silently conveyed her answer.

'I'm sorry...'

These people are so weird!

Thankfully, it seemed the woman was finally done and then released my head, allowing me to finally regain control of my head.

"You're perfect!" She yelled towards me, flashing me a rather happy grin before reaching out to grab my by the shoulders.

"Please, be my model!"



While I just stared at this woman in mostly confusion, because I still didn't know what was happening, Clara planted her face into her palm.

"Can you please show some manners? I understand that as a fashion designer, you're in the lookout for possible new talents, but this young man is here to be your next opponent. You may be familiar with his identity. This is Holy Saint Atro."

The woman had been showing a sheepish expression upon being called out, but upon hearing who I was, she looked back towards me in surprise her mouth slightly agape before she spoke.

"You're Holy Saint Atro? Oh goodness, I didn't expect to see you here in Caelum of all days. I've heard rumors about you while you were in the other kingdoms, but you really are as pretty as the rumors say."


Apparently, the rumors about me being the 'prettiest male youth Mage' in Ishgar started during my travels didn't they?

And to make it worse, Yukino and Wendy thought I was pretty as well...Carla tried to argue otherwise, but I think even she had to call it quits in the end.

To this day, I still have mixed feelings, but honestly decided to own it.

But ignoring that seems that this person is my opponent.

"In any case, it'd be rude for me as the Champion of the Imperial Colosseum of Randall to formally greet you."

Wait...what did she say?

Before I could say anything though, she placed her hands on her hips before fully facing me.

"Holy Saint Atro!"

She definitely said Champion right?

"Welcome to the Imperial Colosseum of Randall. I am Estella Alba, the Champion of this Colosseum, and the 17th Blademaster of Caelum."


As in that Blademaster..?

It has to be...after all, there is only one person in Ishgar who possesses that moniker.

"As a fellow Wizard Saint, I look forward to doing battle with you!"

The 6th Wizard Saint, and the strongest female of Ishgar.

I looked over to Clara who watched with a smile on her face.

Was this what she meant by the both of us getting a surprise? It had to be.

Holy shit...

In any case though, I don't want to be that person but...

"Ahem...barring that rather awkward encounter with my face being grabbed and inspected out of the blue..."

And whatever cool moment Estella had been trying to build up seemed to have gone down the drain as she tried to look away and innocently whistle while Clara let out a small giggle.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Alba-"

"Just Estella, please."


I looked from Estella to Clara who was just looked at me with an amused smile...

"Estella's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I look forward to our match as well."

Estella looked at me with a bit of an odd look on her face.

"You're...15 years old right? Since it's been about two years since you became a Wizard Saint?"

An odd change of topic, but I can work with this.

"Yes, I am."

"Huh...has anyone ever told you that you speak very formally for someone your age?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but upon thinking about it...huh...

", I don't think anyone has..."

"You need to loosen up and speak like a teenager your age, you know? Otherwise, you might start sounding like an old man before you even hit your thirties." Estella said with a laugh, not that it did anything to quell my twitching eyebrow, even if she meant well.

"I'll keep that in mind." I simply replied before feeling Clara patting me on the shoulder, prompting me to turn my head to face her.

"I'm afraid I have to go, but please feel free to enjoy the VIP box and spectate this evening's matches. If you need anything to drink, everything by that bar is completely complimentary."

"Oh, thank you."

And with a smile before waving to Estella, Clara turned to leave the lounge, the door closing behind her and leaving me alone with the 6th Wizard Saint.

"Well, come on then."

I looked back over to Estella to see her patting a cushion next to her on the couch she was sitting in.

"Feel free to take a seat, kiddo. Go ahead and get something to drink if you're thirsty though."

I wasn't really feeling parched, so I went ahead and walked over to the couch to sit down next to Estella, the view of the Colosseum made fully available to me as I watched the contestants below fighting in silence, flashes of magic flying across the field as they did so.

Even from where I was, I could tell that all the fighters down there were skilled. Maybe not S-Class or anything from what I can tell, but skilled all the same to give even some of Fiore's Mages a run for their money.

And to think that is merely the tip of the iceberg in regards to Caelum's collective magical strength.

After watching fighters come and go, battles lost and won in silence, Estella eventually broke said silence.

"I don't think I ever get used to it."


I turned my head to look at Estella as she stared down there with a small smile on her face.

"The sight of battles in the Colosseum. There's just always something amazing about seeing experienced Mages fighting it out to prove themselves in combat and seeking to make a name for themselves, month after month, and year after year. You know, when I was young enough to understand what a fight was, my family would always be down at those stands to watch all the battles that went on down there, and I would always cheer until I could barely speak the next day because of how excited I was. It was sort of a tradition of mine to just have a sore throat every month from cheering."

We saw as the fire Mage down below had dealt the final blow to send his opponent flying back and impacting the ground before being unable to get back up and recover, the cacophony of cheering erupting from the crowd, the noise echoing up to where the two of us had been watching the spectacle.

"And to think that the little girl who used to cheer her heart out would become the reason for those same cheers today. Even now, I'll always be amazed by the journey that I took to reach the pinnacle of might in Caelum as one of its three Colosseum Champions."

I honestly didn't expect to hear this, that's for sure. To think that before being a Wizard Saint, she just wanted to prove her strength to others and be renowned to them...for some reason, that reminds me of some other troublemakers in Fiore who enjoy fights.

"What about your journey to become a Blademaster or the leader of this kingdom's Twelve Heavenly Guardians? How would you compare the achievement of being either of those to the achievement of being a Colosseum Champion? And on that note, what exactly makes you the 17th Blademaster?" I asked her out of curiosity more than anything else since I admittedly didn't do as much research about all this when coming here with Yukino and Wendy.

"Let's about I answer your questions in reverse? You see, the title of the Blademaster isn't a moniker that's owned by a singular Mage, as you know by now. It's a title that's bestowed by the three sovereigns collectively to whomever proved themselves by displaying a mastery of martial prowess when they are given any weapon, more specifically bladed weapons. Blunt weapons also count, but the title remains what it is for historical reasons."

I guess that made sense.

You can't really call yourself a Blademaster if you're not able to proficiently use a variety of bladed weaponry, and blunt ones apparently, since the title is a bit misleading, albeit justified.

"But how are they chosen by the three sovereigns though? And for what reason is it historical?" I couldn't help but asked her, since I'm curiously about the weight behind that title.

"Well that's easy. As with all the Twelve Heavenly Guardians, the Blademaster is one of the twelve titles held by those who fill the spots passed from successor to successor." it's a military title that's inherited, probably starting when Caelum was founded, since she's just the 17th. But I guess she'll explain the 'how' in a bit.

"And as for being chosen, my cute future model-"

Patience Atro...and when the hell did I agree to be your model?

"The title of Blademaster is bestowed by the sovereigns, but they don't actually choose the candidate in person though. It's the previous Blademaster who chooses their successor from within Caelum's military, the Kingsglaive, to apprentice under them, much like with the other Guardians."

The Kingsglaive? Huh...hopefully I don't see large yellow bipedal birds running around while I'm here because that name rings a bell...

That aside, an apprenticeship? I couldn't help but to feel some déjà vu and think on my time as a student under Draculos back then...I should get him a gift while I'm here.

"So Atro, since you're a growing young man, I'm gonna pick your brain for a moment. Rather than the successor being chosen by our three lords and ladies, what criteria, singular or multiple, do you think needs to be fulfilled to be chosen as a successor to the Blademaster specifically? Don't worry about getting it wrong."

And faced with Estella's expectant look...I could only try to answer it.

So I opened my mouth and hope that I don't get sent to an early grave.

"How old are you Estella?"

"Oh? Ooh..I see where you're going with this. I'm 31."


"And how long ago were you anointed as a Wizard Saint?"

"Oh, about five years ago."

So at minimum, she's held that title for five years, so around 26 years old...and there's no doubt in my mind she's had to also train for many years to be worthy of becoming the newest Blademaster...

"Is one of the criteria to be of a young age?"

"It sure is, that's one of the criteria. Good job little Atty!"


"So to follow up on that, why do you think a young age matters?" Estella asked me, and this answer came to me quicker, albeit with some reservations.

"Because they don't have a foundation that comes with experience?"

"Hmm...I can see what you mean, but not quite there yet. After all, although a bit extreme of an example, look at you. You became a Wizard Saint just barely into your teenage years, so you built up a very strong foundation to develop yourself in a way that earned you a spot with us."

Estella snapped her finger as if coming to a decision.

"I'll give you a hint. This ties to a preconception about Mages as a whole, although not as common as it is today compared to back then, that would made the Blademaster such a revered title during the founding of Caelum's Twelve Guardians."

Well the Blademaster is known for their ability to proficiently use any weapons, and a common assumption about Mages is that...

Ah. Now I get why a young age mattered now for a Blademaster.

"The reason why the next Blademaster is chosen at a young age is because of their physical state right? Because even with the existence of magic that can be used to enhance one's physical abilities, at some point, age will take its toll on the body, one way or another."

And with that answer, Estella nodded her head.

"That's right! Especially considering that much of the magic back then was arguably more dangerous on the battlefield, since plenty were what's considered Ancient Magic today, so it made the Blademaster an even more terrifying entity to face since they were in what one might consider their prime as far as physical abilities went paired with S-Class Magic Power. "

When she puts it like that, it makes a lot of sense. Historically, there has been many accounts of Mages easily being killed in battle because most of them just lacked in physical performance due to focusing on their mind and magic more than anything, which is still a thing today, even if it's not as prominent. So for a Blademaster, a Mage who specializes in close quarters combat, to roam the battlefield, it might have seemed like easy pickings for others at first until it turned into a nightmare for them.

"Of course, it was just as common for the earliest ones to die on the battlefield, hence why the successors are always chosen at a young age and trained to become the next in line. At this point though, in a time of peace, it's more a tradition than circumstance for the next Blademaster to take their predecessor's spot, otherwise I probably wouldn't have been the Blademaster for a good amount of years."

Well, that's another interesting tidbit of information, but it begs the questions though.

"What about your personal magic? You know, before you became the Blademaster? Wouldn't it possibly be incompatible with the role that you took on?"

"Well, I can't spoil that now, can I? After all, we're going to fight soon, but good try!"

Damn it, she caught me.

Okay, to be fair, I wasn't exactly being the definition of subtle when I asked that.

"But you're not wrong, so I'll throw you a small bone. Let's just say that there is a certain type of Magic passed down from each Blademaster to the next that made the title as famous or infamous as it is, and it works amazingly as a supplement to almost any magic."

That's a bone she definitely threw me. Just from her wording alone, a few things can be possibly implied.

Firstly, that it was a near perfect supplement for a typical Caster Magic user or even a Holder Magic user.

Second, it might just be a form of Ancient Spell or Lost Magic dating back to the first Blademaster's time, or even before that.

Thirdly, this is possibly a tradition within the other Twelve Heavenly Guardians, meaning that Caelum's military power is in possession of possibly around twelve Ancient Spells and/or Lost Magic if this is true.

Honestly, the thought of that alone is terrifying, and I had to stop myself from nearly swearing aloud to myself because I'm pretty certain that's not the case.

"Anyway, there's a whole lot that goes into choosing a Twelve Guardian's successor, so don't think on it too much. Besides, we're starting to get off topic weren't we?" Estella asked me and it took me a moment to realize what she meant.

"Oh, right..."

I had asked how she would compare the achievement of being the Blademaster or the leader of this kingdom's Twelve Heavenly Guardians to being a Colosseum Champion, but we got off track talking about how she was the 17th in line.

"To answer your main question, being the leader of the Twelve Heavenly Guardians is sort of tied in with being the Blademaster. Like I said, there's a lot behind it, and we'd have to talk about it for a whole day. But honestly? Being a Colosseum Champion is just more personal to me, a dream since I had as a little kid. Sure, I won't downplay my achievement of being arguably the most powerful Mage in this Kingdom, and I'm proud that, but I dreamed of being a champion for far longer, and being chosen to be the Blademaster was just a more happenstance deal that I never really expected but ultimately went along with."

Well, when she puts it like that, I guess a childhood dream is just more impactful than anything else. But she seemed to brush aside her achievement of being the next Blademaster, which honestly confused me for all her knowledge and willingness to discuss it, but I refrained from calling attention to it.

"I'm curious though, are any of the Twelve Heavenly Guardians a Champion of the other two Colosseums?"

"Not really. We all may be S-Class Mages, but that doesn't mean that all of us are the strongest twelve mages in Caelum...well myself excluded. Just like anywhere else in Ishgar, there's probably an S-Class Mage or Guild Master here who is more powerful than a Heavenly Guardian, and even the other two Champions can take on a Heavenly Guardian as well. Besides, we have our own paths of life as well. I just happened to dedicate mine to also being the Champion of Randall and a fashion designer."

Again, that's also fair. They're probably similar to the Wizard Saints in that regard, given that comparison, although on a relatively smaller and narrower scale.

"Okay, one last question I promise."

And arguably my most important one.

"Why you keep asking me to be your model? I didn't even agree to be one."

I should have kept my mouth shut.

"What do you mean? You are going to be my model, you didn't say no."

The way that she said that so innocently while tilting her head caused a vein to throb, I think.

What is she, some oblivious anime high-school girl, because I know I didn't even agree in the first place.



"Estella..." I spoke slowly as if I'm trying to make a point.

"I have to clarify that interacting with the public as a renowned figure isn't really my cup of tea, which is why I don't advertise who I am, so being a model wouldn't really be doing me any favors. But more importantly, when did I agree to even be your model in the first place?"

"Whaaaat? You mean, you won't be my model?'re so pretty! You'd make such an amazing model for my clothing line!"

Before I could even get a word in, I felt my shoulders instantly being grabbed out of seemingly nowhere and watched as Estella got up close face-to-face with me, an unknowing glint in her eyes.

Uncomfortably close.

"Name your price."


"No." I replied and then tried to pull away, but to no avail.

"Do you want Jewels? Cool clothing?"

"Estella...I said no."

"Women!? Men!?"

"Estella, I said no!"

At this point, my hand was on her face to push her away from me while she was trying to pull herself closer to me.

Holy crap, she has an iron grip on my shoulders.

"Atro, you punk, you're probably a eunuch, aren't you?! Because neither men nor women attract you!"

At some point in the future, I would look back to this point in my life and remember that for all intents and purposes, I was only a 15 year old teenager.

A teenager who had a lot of pride in himself to not let that slide because he allowed himself to get riled up by a woman who just knew how to instigate conflict by making a remark she knew was false but required a denial all the same just because of a remark that I needed to loosen up.

Oh right...and I also learned that that all the Wizard Saints were freaking weird.

"For your information, I am not a eunuch, and I like women, you insane woman! Now let go!"

"No! Not until you agree to be my model!"

"For Truth's sake, I said no!"

"Atty please?!"

"Why is my nickname Atty?! And I said no, damn it!"

"Then name your price!!"

"Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?!"

"The only words I'll understand is your price!"

I could feel my arm holding her face and the arm anchoring myself to the couch arm giving way and shaking as we continued to struggle like this, and that meant I was facing a losing battle that I needed to turn around and quick.

"You want a price? Fine! A book of Ancient or Lost Magic!"


Wait...what did she say?

I felt my arms slacken in shock as Estella pulled me up close to her, her red eyes shooting lasers at me at this point.

"Say that again?"

"I said deal. You don't understand Atro. You are pretty. Really really pretty. And I'm not above taking advantage of that for my clothing line, even if I have to...'borrow'...a book for an indefinite amount. So if you want a book that the Kingsglaive holds, then you've got it."

O shame, where is thy blush?

Because I heard the quotation marks around the 'borrow' bit. I definitely did.

"...Is there anyway I can negotiate for two-"


"Tch, shit." was what left my mouth out of reflex.

Well then...she shut that down very hard.

I'm almost sorry for what I'm about to do next.

I reached into my pocket to pulled out a wallet and opened it up to show my secret weapons in this case.

Sorry girls...

"What about for them?"

Inside was a photo of myself patting Yukino and Wendy's heads while Carla seemed to be scolding us for something, albeit with a smile since there was a mess of food around and on us from a cooking incident gone wrong since we were in a baking class at some point in our travels.

"...They're so cute..."

Indeed they are.

"Is it worth two books if you add them into the fold?"

"Hrrk...I'll be honest, Atro...if they were books I owned, I'd do nothing more than to hand them over, especially for these little adorable're not a human trafficker are you?"

The shameless audacity I swear.

"Are you trying to pick a fight?"

"Just kidding, geez. At least I got you to act like a teenager, so a win to me."

Huh...maybe she did...

"As I was saying. If they were my books, I really wouldn't mind, since you're a good kid, something I can easily tell without even knowing you for that long. But two books on magic from centuries ago being gone at once is far more suspicious than just one, especially since they're part of this kingdom's history, even before we became Caelum."

As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. For one book, the shock factor aside, she could possibly pull some strings and get away with a slap on the wrist at worst, but two books are really pushing it to the point where her logical side kicked in.

"That being said..."


"I might be able to do something if you answer me honestly. Why a book on Lost Magic in the first place? Even you know that it's an outrageous price, but I wanted to be courteous."

Oh, well...I guess that's not hard to answer. It's not like had any malicious intent for it.

"Well...these three little ones here are all like my little sisters in a sense considering that I'm filling in as their guardian to boot. But I have another younger sister, two years younger than me, who is related to me by adoption, even if she doesn't know that she and I now share the same surname her late mother gave me...our late mother..."

I started to explain, a hint of sadness from Layla's passing creeping up in my heart, but I shook it off, knowing that she wouldn't let me think like that, even from the afterlife.

"To make a long story short, since our mother's passing, I've had to leave her alone, even though I hated doing so. But I'd send her letters and such when I can, and with her birthday in four months, I want to send her something that will help prepare her for the world that awaits her. She...she will meet many people, some of whom will be friends who she'll stick with through thick and thin, while the others will be enemies that she will struggle with. And even though I have faith that she will overcome the challenges that come her way without my interventions, as her older brother, I want to make sure she can go that distance and not face unnecessary pains."

And that was the honest truth. While I obviously adore Yukino, Wendy, and Carla, there's also a small bitter part of me that feels like I ended up leaving Lucy behind to the metaphorical wolves, even if the rest of me understands why things turned out how they did. So I'd always send her stuff for her birthday as well as exchange letters whenever I had the chance, allowing her to get to talk to the others through letters in an attempt to not make her feel alone.

Could I have just made my way to the Heartfilia estate without Jude noticing and visit Lucy in secret?

Yes. Without a doubt, I know I could easily pull that off.

But there's that irrational part of me, maybe the part of me that reminds me of how young I really am with no prior memories of my life, that's afraid to go there and learn that Lucy may just pretending to be happy talking to me.

I honestly can't say for certain.

However, through it all, I know that I love Lucy very dearly, and knowing what may possibly lie ahead of her, is it wrong for me to want to prepare her?

"You know, Atro, you're too mature for your own good." Estella sighed and reached out to ruffle my head, albeit in a warm manner that I couldn't help but to accept once I saw this change in her personality.

"I guess when it's an older sibling looking out for their younger, I can't help but to be involved. But I want you to hear me out for a moment." She said to me before pulling her hand away to cross her arms as she looked upwards towards the ceiling as if contemplating something.

"Do you know what my reaction was two years ago when I heard that a thirteen-year-old boy had become the newest Wizard Saint? I thought to myself this: 'What kind of hell did this boy subject himself to in order to be acknowledged as one of Ishgar's strongest? What made him want to seek out this strength and this title at such a young age?'"

I remained silent as she talked, honestly at a loss for words as she continued to talk to me, revealing to me more about herself that I thought I'd learn about her.

"Sure, being a Wizard Saint is an honor, but they don't just hand out the title like candy if someone wants to retire or end up dying. The recipient would also need to understand the weight and truth behind being a Saint. You already know what I mean right?"

I nodded in response to her question.

"That we're just figureheads to display the might of Ishgar's strongest Mages to put up a face to display a semblance of security and safety in the kingdoms, but that doesn't mean that it's necessarily true."

"That's right. Atro, answer truthfully, where would you rank yourself among the Mages of Ishgar in terms of combat ability and your future potential?"

That's a question I honestly still ask myself to this day, considering the strength of Mages, both Legal and Dark Mages as well as any reputable Independent Mages. But if I had to say...

"I'm not sure as far as a number goes, but I'm aware that there are many people out there, recognized and in the shadows, who are still far superior than myself in combat and magic power."

"And yet out of those recognized Mages, you were still chosen. The damn Magic Council still chose a teenager to be a Wizard Saint. And what do you do? Go gallivanting through Ishgar helping the common folk, taking out Dark Guilds and the like. As if you didn't even have a home to return to, something that you all but confirmed to me whether you knew it or not."

I didn't say anything, or rather, I couldn't say anything as she then smiled at me.

"But then you came to Caelum, and what did I see, but the Holy Saint himself traveling and smiling with two adorable girls and a little kitty cat in the bazaar and exclaiming about a large shaved ice. And I was so relieved."

I blinked in surprise, her words ringing in my head. She was there? Where was she even at? How did she even know?

But more importantly, why was she relieved?

" already knew? About all of us?"

"That's right. Of course, I didn't tell anyone, so that's why Clara didn't know that I was already waiting for you to begin with. But when there are enough oral accounts, at some point, things will eventually click in place regarding who you are."

"So the modeling-"

"Oh no, that was real. I still do want you as a model as well as your little munchkins and I'll definitely throw in that book."

"But why? Why the whole song and dance routine that we did?" I asked her, now understanding that she wasn't being weirdly fanatical about getting me to be a model, since even our yelling and nonsense didn't even have that much heat behind them, but I still couldn't understand.

"Why do all this in the first place? Why were you relieved?"

Estella looked at me for a moment before placing her hands on my face again like the first time we met as she smiled still, but this time, I saw a great sadness in her if she was looking not at me, but at something, or someone, else.

Was it possible that I missed that look when we first met?

"Who knows? Maybe I was worried that in pursuit of strength, you were maybe losing some of your humanity and I wanted to poke and prod you so you can show a reaction and act like the 15-year old child you are. That could be a reason right? After all, I doubt you'd ever openly swear at anyone unless they poked your buttons, am I right?" She asked me with a smile that didn't fully reach her eyes, though the two of us knowing that she was right regardless.

I do feel a ease I guess, as if that outburst of annoyance relieved me of something that was always there.

Of course, she wasn't telling me the whole truth. That much I know. But I also know that it'd be rude for me to pry, especially with how she looked just then.

"I guess. But you still didn't have to provoke me like that you know." I couldn't help but remark.

"Oh I know. But it was still fun." She responded with a smile that was more genuine before giving me cheeks a pat before pulling her hand away.

"Anyway, I'll get you a book and throw in a little extra something if you can get those little ones of yours to model some of my clothes. Of course, that'll have to be after our match. And if I were you, I wouldn't hold anything back." She said, abruptly ending our topic there and I took the out that it was meant to be.

"Can holding back be an optional choice?"

"Not at all."


"Fine, but I better see this magic passed down from each Blademaster to the next."

"Well, be on your guard then, otherwise this battle will be over before it even begins." Estella taunted with a small competitive smile.


Oh well. I guess I've hid it for long enough.

After all, what better way is there to debut a Lost Magic other than to use it against a fellow Wizard Saint?

{A/N: As always, check out the Creator's Thoughts}

LuxAtro LuxAtro

Hoo boy, so this is the largest chapter yet with about 7.2k words.

So this wasn't the fight you all were expecting, but I still wanted to do some additional worldbuilding on a bit of Caelum's history in a sense and also introduce to you the type of person Estella is. I admit there's a lot of expositions and talking, but I wanted to do a dialogue this chapter to learn more about the world that I built so we're not always just doing canon material related stuff.

Also, thoughts on Estella and Atro's interaction? I have had a few people point out Atro's formal behavior when talking to adults, and I wanted this to break the mold and kinda break in with sort of an anime vibe, with Estella provoking him into responding to her provocations and acting out like well...a teenager. After all, we don't really know what Atro's mental age really is like, and with a lack of memory from his last life it's also affected by him being so young, so he's still figuring out what sort of person he really is, or who he wants to be.

But who expected it to lead into a mystery about why Estella acted that way? Why do you think she doing this? Well there's a reason that will be revealed at some point in the future, and it deals with Estella herself.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope for your continued support! Next chapter will most likely be the fight for sure after a very small timeskip.

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