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I felt the sudden change I felt calmer.

I looked at the posture that tochimaru took so instead of copying him I put my fist in front of me to start tensing my muscles to the point that I felt the pain running through my body I just sighed to see him.

He started to widen his eyes when he saw my posture and saw how my muscles bulged.

Hanzo: 'I manage to understand his clan's tasting just by looking at him.:- He thought about it as a big smile formed on his face.

I just pushed my weight forward to move in a burst of speed, although he is not as fast as tochimaru the surprise served me well so that I failed to dodge him completely.

When my fist hit the ground with my increased strength and the reinforcement of the cata I did not cause the explosion of air as did tochimaru when my fist hit the ground I destroyed all the sand and with him already having torn muscles it was difficult for him to protect himself.

Richard: "onigami style: Wārudoburēkā (world breaker)."- I shouted it with all my strength so that he flew against the wall.

He spit out a mouthful of blood so that he sits on the floor.

For him to meditate to feel an energy cover his body to heal himself.

[onigami style has leveled up]

[onigami style has leveled up]

[onigami style has leveled up]

[onigami style level up]

'why did this onigami style is increasing."- I asked impressed.

[because you are using an energy and you are understanding the technique the skill increases in level because of the knowledge gained].

'interesting.'- I thought about it to just sigh to place my fist in front while tensing my body.

Hanzo: "he will throw another punch, although he is a beginner as he expects from an onigami the techniques are only made for their bodies."- He said it laughing with excitement.

'onigami style: Wārudoburēkā (world breaker)."- I shouted it loudly while my posture softened a little to move in a speed punch for him to move just time for him to dodge the blow, I hit the wall that this burst into pieces and sent to fly all the wall that apparently is reinforced with concrete and I feel some of my muscles tear.

John: "Richard."- He said it with a repaired fury arriving at the arena.

Hanzo: "Calm down you brat, I'm watching my future grandson discover his legacy."- He said it stopping John.

John: "what do you mean by legacy is a six year old boy shouldn't be strong enough to hurt one of you."

Hanzo: "you are wrong about something he is an onigami in his blood runs the ability to destroy entire armies machines of mass destruction."- He said it with emotion.

While he escapes I continue to use the first tasting making it increase slowly.


[you have earned the title son of war]

[son of war]

(when you are overwhelmed you are filled with the pleasure of fighting giving you greater control in combat and a greater chance of knowing his moves).

With that I avoid a shuriken he throws at me unnoticed I just shook my head while on my face a smile began to form.

John: "that's Richard why's he smiling?"

Hanzo: "he is like that it is in his blood to love the battlefield every move he learns fast his own legacy that look shows that demeanor pride."- He said it as he sees how I dodge his attack to hit his chest throwing him flying against the wall he used his feet touching the wall to propel himself against me.

Tochimaru: "onigami style: Kami no suteppu (divine steps)."- He said it to leave in a blur of speed arriving in front of me to throw a kick with force to sink my feet against the ground.

[onigami style has been leveled up]

[onigami style has leveled up]

[onigami style has leveled up]

[onigami style has leveled up]

[onigami style has leveled up]

[onigami style has leveled up]

[onigami style has leveled up] [onigami style has leveled up]

I kept listening as the onigami style increased.

Richard: 'At the rate we're going I'll be able to use the second tasting soon.'- I thought excitedly.

I caught his foot to whip it against the ground causing his body to impact against the floor to hear his bones creak in pain.

I threw him against the other wall.

Richard: "give up."

Tochimaru: "You think you will beat me beast I am the true descendant of the Onigami clan not you I must follow the legacy of my clan and become the head of the Kosaka clan."& He said it with force.

Richard: "that's a lie you were never an onigami"- I said it to tighten my muscles.

"onigami style: Wārudoburēkā (world breaker)."- as I give an axe kick on his shoulder dislocating and shattering his shoulder completely.

He just gave a cry of pain making everything shudder as shigure watches with clenched hands as I smash tochimaru.

Hanzo notices that and just denies with disappointment.

"give up."- I said it with force.

Tochimaru: "I won't give up."- He said it so I just kicked the side of his head breaking the cracking the wall.

He just looked at the wall and then he saw me he no longer saw the boy he was facing he saw in front of him a monster with big horns with a height of three meters the muscular body and his red eyes glowing with ferocity.

He urinated at that moment.

Tochimaru: "I-I surrender."- He said it trembling.

Richard: "Say it loudly."- I shouted it.

Tochimaru. "I tochimaru I surrender."- He shouted it with all his strength.

I lower my fist to start walking away.

Amarok relaxed.

[your threat level: -E]

I just sigh to hear how it unsheathes something I circle on the ground avoiding the attack, but not completely because it cut my back, although it is not deep.

I stretch my hand appearing my other arms to catch hell Frost to throw a slash that cut his tantō and leaving a deep cut in his chest so that he falls to the ground badly wounded.

I just sigh to fall to the ground as my arms tremble from overexertion.

I feel myself sigh heavily.

[you have leveled up]

[you have leveled up]

[you've leveled up]

[you have leveled up]

[you have gained 600 points]

Richard: 'helpi send 1,000 points in my Ps.'- I thought about it.


[ entering increased Ps points ]

I just sighed to stop and stand in front of the elders.

Hanzo: "onigami asura I declare you the winner."- He said it with a big smile.

[secret mission uncovered]

[recover your legacy]

(win the fight and recover a forgotten treasure of your clan).


Gain of 5000 points.

Increase of one square for passive skill.

Recovery of the family legacy.

A gacha ticket.

Commitment to shigure.

Richard: 'Now that's a prize.'- I thought to myself in surprise.

It was seen as he fell in front of me Hanzo with a big smile while carrying shigure who looks at me blankly.

I knew she hated me.

Hanzo: "boy you have two choices."- He said it smiling.

Hanzo: "would you like to know what they are."

I just nodded waiting for the options.

Hanzo: "the first one is to stay and be the leader of the kosaka clan or learn from your legacy."- He said it smiling because he already knew the answer.

Richard: "you already know the answer I want my legacy."- I said it seriously.

He just laughed to pull out a scroll and throw it at me.

I just started walking towards John to get to him.

John: "how will I explain to ariza the cut you have on your back or that favorite shirt that one of them has."- He said it looking at me.

Richard: "let's get out of here i've had enough of that ninja stuff for a long time."

Hanzo: "where do you think you are going."

Richard: "To the bullet train to continue our journey."

Hanzo: "You're forgetting your fiancée."- He said it pulling Shigure.

Shigure stared at her grandfather in surprise.

Hanzo: "shigure I know you don't like him, but that boy is your soul mate I can see that he can understand you and won't see you as a mere tool."- He said it caressing her head.

Hanzo moved at a monstrous speed to come back with many things that he threw at me to catch things.

He handed her a katana along with a scroll for her to keep to look at her grandfather.

Hanzo: "and shigure don't think about killing him or otherwise you will be banished."- He said it seriously.

Making her flinch at her grandfather's tone.

We just started walking towards the exit of the clan to see Amarok rubbing with me just caress his nose.

Richard: "you are a little traitor for not helping me."- I said it so he lowered his ears and looked at me with teary eyes.

Richard: "that look you can't fool me with those teary ones and wagging your tail pitifully."- I said.

To pull out a piece of metal and throw it to him to eat for him to lick my face just place shigure's stuff on his neck to climb on top of him for john to do the same.

She hugs Hanzo to jump on top of Amarok.

We started our journey back to the village to make it on time for our trip to the bullet train we bought another ticket for her to get on.

John sat alone while I sat with Shigure.

Richard: "seriously john."- I said seriously pointing at shigure.

John: "she is your fiancée I already have the problem of explaining to Ariza that you got engaged on the trip."- He said it to start reading his book that has the title how to keep your wife's love when you get in trouble.

I just sighed to see her and she didn't take her eyes off me.

Richard: "kosaka I know you hate me because I'm keeping you from everything you love."

She just looks at me while her gaze is sharp.

Richard: "I know you are upset, but if you want you can come back you are part of your clan I am not."

Shigure: "kill... to... tochimaru"- She said it in a cold way.

Richard: "he's not dead, I only broke his muscles and bones, he will never be able to do anything bad."

Shigure: "you are...bad."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "I didn't just do what I had to do to survive."- I said it calmly.

Richard: "and before you answer me what would you have done if you have your father's life in your hands and he can't lose because both of you will die."

She looked at me to lower her gaze without understanding.

Richard: "Don't worry, you don't have to understand everything, life will always give you difficult questions to complicate your life so that you can entertain yourself."- I said smiling.

She looked at me so her eyes widen while my hand caresses her hair.


[the title you have won is eccentric beauty magnet]

[eccentric beauties magnet]

(you have the rare ability to attract beautiful women, but they are so or more eccentric that your charisma increases 100% in front of eccentric women)

Richard: 'ok that's the first title that is based on attracting women which is good because apparently my looks are not very attractive to women.'- I thought so looking at the title.

Shigure looked at me to just relax she was still looking at me suspiciously, but she looked more relaxed.

I just stroked her head at first she looked at me for a moment so she stopped looking at me and continued stroking her head she just relaxed during the ride she started to relax more.

Richard: "aren't you sad to be away from your clan."

She denied.

Shigure: ""- She said it calmly to see the scenery we passed by the bullet train.

Richard: "I understand."- I said it while I continue caressing her I stop when john calls me.

I feel something pull my hand to see her place my hand on her head.

I just understood to continue stroking her head.

John: "I see you managed to strike up something with her."- He said it while he continued reading his book.

John: "in a few minutes we will arrive to the city we are going to see something important so go down in a little while and put the katana away."

Shigure saw the kata next to her to hug her tightly.

Shigure: "Father."

I understood.

Richard: "I won't be able to put the katana away, apparently it's a memento of her deceased father, so we'll have to manage as best we can."

John just sighed to put the book away when the stop was heard.

He signaled for us to get down which we did we went down to see the city which looks much better than the town where the Shigure clan kidnapped us.

We started walking towards an address on the phone john many people were looking at us in particular my shigure noticed it.

A boy about 8 years old threw a stone at me which I just avoided.

Boy: "monster, why don't you go back from where you came from."- shouted it with pain and anger in my tone.

Richard: "Don't worry, I'll be gone soon."- I said it calmly.

Shigure: "hate."- She said it strangely.

Richard: "Yes, they hate me for being a person with quirk."- I said it calmly.

Shigure: "quirk."

Richard: "yes people who can fly generate ice out of thin air have great strength without training."

Shigure: "onigami clan."- She said it pointing at my horns.

Richard: "you are saying that all my clan has horns."

She nodded.

John: "another thing to note richard's horns is not because of a quirk it's genetic."- he said this to pull out a small notebook.

Richard: "what else do you have written down."

John: "you talk in your sleep your skin has been turning a normal shade by average human standards your sclera has turned black your eyes are currently a golden red which is a strange touch, your hair is bulletproof and your lungs look like they can spit fire."- He said this while reading his notebook.

Shigure just nodded.

Shigure: "onigami clan."- She said it as if confirming.

John: "what did she say."- He asked in surprise.

Richard: "she is confirming that this is the onigami clan."- I said it to keep avoiding stones until a stone hit my forehead making me bleed.

The boy stopped when he saw that my blood is red.

Boy: "y-your blood is red."- He said in surprise.

The adults looked at the child.

Adult: "what's up with that kid."

Child: "the blood of monsters is black."- He said it scared.

They looked at me.

Richard: "what's wrong they never saw someone with quirk."- I said it raising my hands while fury that moves a little bad that carries hell Frost on his back.

They started to walk away.

To start we approached Shidare Industries which I started to look for information of it to see it is one of the biggest candy producing industries of all Japan that has been producing candy since 1967 and with their improvements or bringing out a new candy they were always in the lead.

We arrived at the door to get inside and were greeted by the receptionist she flashed a polite smile to guide us to where the main office was he just signaled for us to sit down I sat down for him to open the door and see a little girl with light lilac hair and lilac eyes with snow white skin and the size of an average 6 year old girl come out.

She stopped when she hit john.

"Sorry, sir."- The girl said it politely.

John: "don't worry about it little girl. it's okay."

She just nodded.

I continued stroking shigure's head while i let her fall asleep on my lap i signaled fury to come closer and took out the japanese cheesecake that the purple haired girl kept looking at to come closer.

John: "I came in to start the conversation with the CE of the industry."

?? : "What is that?"

I looked at her for a moment to answer.

Richard: "Japanese cheesecake you want."- I asked quietly.

She nodded with excitement.

I cut a piece of the cake to give her some and she started to eat it quickly.

Richard: "Don't eat it all at once, enjoy it."- I said calmly.

I saw shigure waking up to see me just cut another piece to serve her what she ate to see her eyes sparkle with excitement.

I put the cake aside for shigure and the purple haired girl to start serving themselves and I dedicated myself to repairing and recovering the damaged parts of furia with the spare parts that I compressed.

The purple-haired girl asked me a few questions and I took a piece of it to keep it because I wanted to take some for myself.

I found out that her name is hotaru shidare or in accidenta seria shidare hotaru.

She has a slight addiction to sweets and another addiction to having her head stroked because she stood on my other side for me to stroke her head and shigure stood with my other hand for me to stroke them.

Five hours later.

After all the setbacks I managed to completely repair fury

Hotaru: "I'm sorry for not reaching an agreement."

John: "I ask you to think about it, it could benefit me as much as it would benefit you."- He said it seriously.

hotaru: "i don't think your company has anything that interests me. it's good that you have so many technological advances, but you're asking for a lot of resources for your agreement."

John: "it's 25% is all I'm asking for, it's not much with the profits you'll make, it would only be a small loss."

Hotaru: "I don't think we'll get anywhere."- He said it seriously.

I listened to all the talk while they went out the door.

Hotaru: "If you don't mind I have to see my daughter that she doesn't get in trouble eating candy."

John: "I understand I have to see Richard that he doesn't build a war machine."- He said it to turn to look at me and see that I have shidare sleeping on my shoulder she is hugging me with some strength.

Mr. Hotaru looked at me for a moment and then approached me only to ignore me to take out the last piece of cheesecake I have left to prepare to eat.

So far....


Read 13 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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new characters will be introduced from starting this chapter....and I'm hoping that you'll will like how the story is going.....

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