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66.66% Can the Heroines hear my thoughts? / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Did the Protagonist need to go to the toilet?

Capítulo 2: Chapter 1: Did the Protagonist need to go to the toilet?

It was currently nighttime in the city, a typical time for young adolescents to either be in bed or sneaking out to go to the Bar to have fun.

(Author: I know teens aren't allowed to go to bars but just take it as it's a common thing in this world, and besides. it's a goddamn Chinese Urban Manhua everyone here is retarted as sh*t]

And currently Inside one of the Cities Bar, or more specifically called, [Candy Bar].

(Author: This is the Original name! Don't blame this Innocent Potato!)

A girl with a pure and gorgeous face along with a dress that was incompatible with the noisy, chaotic, and smokey environment of the bar was on the stage having just finished singing a song with great skill.

The crowd whistled and cheered both for her beauty and talent as they shouted for her to sing another one.

And over at the Bar, a young man who you'd think was a little bit young to be acting as a bartender was busying himself with cleaning a bottle of Alcohol.

While doing this he sometimes threw glances at the girl on the stage, and upon noticing the movements below the stage the corners of the young man slowly turned into a small grin as he muttered the words 'finally' with a barely audible voice.

Seeing as this was an establishment made to serve Alcoholic drinks, some who had drunk too much naturally could not control themselves in front of such a gorgeous girl so sometimes troublesome situations like this could not be helped.

"Hey little sister, come down and have a rest and drink with your big brother here." beckoned the muscular man with a bald head that came upon the stage.

"Ah? n-no, I...I don't drink." The purple-haired beauty spoke as she waved her hand nervously

"No? It doesn't matter, this brother here wants to talk to you!" The man grinned pervertedly as he went and grabbed her hand.

"p-please, let go of me...!" The girl struggled as she quickly stepped back.

Seeing this scene, those down below were quickly in distress, yet… having realized who the bald man was quickly extinguished any sort of thoughts of helping the poor girl as he was not someone they could afford to offend.

At this time, the bald man was chasing the girl left and right, not letting her go as the girl was feeling more and more helpless about the situation.

"Why don't you give a little face to this big brother here? Believe it or not but you won't leave this bar unless you're with me!" He said as he once again caught her hand.

"Please let go!" the girl cried out as her eyes started to become moist.

Hearing this the bald man grinned as he intentionally let go but held on to the strap of her dress causing it to break because of the weight.

"Whoa! I can see It! I Can Almost See It!" The group who was with the Bald man shouted out as they gazed at the fallen girl with perverted gazes.

"p-please I... I really can't drink!" The girl was on the verge of tears as some hot-blooded young men below wanted to go up and protect their goddess.

But just seeing the Intimidating look the bald man had caused them to freeze and not dare to step up.

The man's grin continued to widen, suddenly the man filled a cup with alcohol as he went and Spilled the cup of alcohol aimed at her face.

"Ahh!" The girl reflexively tried to shield herself not noticing the silhouette of a person dashing towards them and just as the alcohol was about to reach its target-



A few moments passed as the girl very carefully opened her eyes, feeling puzzled as she didn't feel any type of liquid hitting her.

And she quickly found the reason why as in front of her stood a young man wearing what seemed to be clothes worn normally by bartenders or waiters shielding her...

Everyone at the bar was either surprised or dumbfounded wondering how the young man suddenly got there.

"Hey isn't that the bartender?"

"Bartender? him? Isn't he a bit young?"

"No, he's right, I went and ordered a drink earlier and he was the one who made it, and man was that Martini good."

"Really? I had a whisky made by him and I thought I was drinking some expensive high-class alcohol."

And just a few tables away a certain person had a surprised face that quickly turned into a frown as he very quickly got up from his table and started heading towards the stage with a sense of urgency in his steps.

Back to the stage, the young man did not pay any heed to the murmurs around him as he lightly wagged his sleeves trying to get the spilled alcohol off him.

"Apologies sir. but if you are going to display this type of behavior in our establishment then I will, unfortunately, have to ask you to leave."

The young tried to speak politely as possible, trying to defuse the situation.

The bald man was brought out of his surprised as he heard the young man talk but was quickly enraged when he heard the rest of his words.

"Hah!? What the Hell did you just say!? Liked I'd care about any word you've just said. She will accompany me whether she likes it or not so F*ck Off!" The man shouted angrily as he went and shoved the young man away.

The young bartender neither got angry by the push nor minded it as he once again tried to talk to the man calmly.

"Sir, I have to ask you to calm down or I will be forced to call the Authorities." Instead of being afraid after hearing he was gonna call the Authorities like a normal person.

The man seemed to be even more agitated than before.

"Authorities!? Do you want to Die!" The bald man said fiercely while clenching his fist.

"You dare call the Authorities on me!?" The veins in his head appeared as he entered a sloppy stance that showed he was about to throw a punch.

Seeing this, the young bartender sighed silently as he tried to maintain a forced smile.

[*sigh*, of course, you'd act like this.] he thought silently as it was not the first time he's encountered people like this… this world is one of 'those' after all.

[But seriously what in the world happened to the protagonist? Hello, your Heroine is clearly in trouble here!]

"Did he go to the toilet or something?" The young man muttered silently not noticing the strange expression the girl behind him had.

[Ah what the hell.]

The young man shook his head.

[deal with this first, thinking later.]

Just as he was prepared to avoid the bald man's punch, he suddenly noticed a strange glint approaching them at high speeds.

Upon a closer look, he realized that it was actually a bottle of alcohol that was heading straight for the bald man and without having enough time to react.


The bottle of alcohol shattered directly at the Bald man's forehead causing it to bleed.

"ARGHH!!??" the bald man screamed in pain. "Damn it, which bastard actually dared to hit me!?"

The bald man shouted as the young bartender also looked around to see who threw it and after noticing a man wearing a tracksuit and… are those flip-flops?

[Okay aside from the ridiculous get-up, why do I have the strange sense of deja vu right now?]

He squinted his eyes at the man trying to figure out why he's feeling a sense of familiarity… but suddenly.

{dammit! Why did such a nosy person like you have to appear at this time?!}

The man silently thought in his heart, feeling annoyed while the subject of his thoughts, although not shown directly on his face, was currently dumbfounded by the situation.

{If you didn't interfere after the Alcohol was spilled on her I would have appeared and given her my shirt to cover up, it would have been perfect!}

The young bartender felt more and more dumbfounded as he wasn't mistaking it… he really is hearing a voice in his head, and the owner of it seemed to be coming from this man in front of him.

"Tch!" the man clicked his tongue but quickly adopted an arrogant look as he stared at the bald man with narrowed eyes.

"Big brother this girl clearly doesn't want to accompany you, isn't it embarrassing to force someone just because you were rejected?"

The man had an arrogant look as the bald man glared hard at him while holding his bleeding head.

"You bastard! What's it to you if I force her to do something, she should be thankful that I even took notice of her!"

The bald man was furious as his companions below, seeing him getting injured all quickly took their weapons and went up the stage.

[The heck? Where the hell did they get those from???] The bartender felt stupefied seeing the weapons as he threw a glance at the security guards only to feel even more stupefied once he saw them hiding behind the entrance as if this was of no concern to them at all.


The bartender cracked his knuckles as he tried hard to stop the twitching in his eyes.

[Those useless sons of-]

Before he could continue with his thoughts his attention was taken by the man after he started speaking once more.

"What's it to me?" The man sneered. "Of course, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I sat by and let my girlfriend suffer!"



The girl had an Incredulous look hearing what the man said, feeling a gaze on her, she slightly looked up to see the young man who helped shield her earlier giving her a look with a raised brow.

Feeling flustered, she quickly brought her hands up and shook them furiously along with her head.

'I haven't even gone on my first date yet and now you're telling me I've got a Boyfriend?!'

Although maybe she wouldn't have been so negative about what he said since maybe he was just trying to help out but after hearing the voices, She knew this man also had other intentions when helping her.

And the other voice is…


[No wonder this felt familiar! This was the classic saving the damsel in distress!]

[Although I knew this was gonna happen why did this guy appear instead of Leo? Although they both have brown hair that's as far as the similarities go.]

The young bartender thought to himself as he wondered what happened to the original plot.

[And this guy was clearly waiting for the situation to escalate further whereas in the original plot the protagonist would already be in my position to shield her from the alcohol.]



The girl felt dizzy listening to the monologue of the other voice as she once again had an Incredulous look.

[Other than that, in the Original, Leo was still quite weak and had to resort to trickery to get out of the situation, and this dude just chugged a bottle at him.]

"Tch! So you're his boyfriend huh? I would have given you the option to lend her to me for a night but after what you did don't even think about getting out of here alive!" The baldy roared.

The man merely sneered in response. "With just you? I'm afraid you can't see past heaven and earth!"

{damn ants you actually dare to challenge me? Even if your number's doubled I still wouldn't need to break a sweat beating all of you up!}


"You think you're some kind of Master!?"

"Look at this guy pretending to be tough!"

The baldies' companions all sneered and constantly ridiculed him as they started circling the three of them.

Seeing this the man turned and looked at the girl behind him and smiled confidently.

"Don't worry I'll deal with them soon so just stay back and sit tight." He said warmly.

After that, he glanced at the bartender and sneered.

{Hmph! If you had the guts to interfere then surely you wouldn't need any of my help!}

He was still annoyed that he had to share the spotlight with another person, but soon enough with his superb fighting skills honed through constant battle overseas, all the attention and the girl will surely be on him!

{Dare to try and Interfere with me! Chen feng! the Dragon king's affair of getting a beauty? Hmph, will see how you handle them by yourself!}

The man revealed to be named Chen feng thought as he turned back and glared at the baldy and his companions.

The girl hearing this turned to look at the bartender with a worried look, it seems this man had no intention of helping him whatsoever and instead was more focused on getting revenge.

Seeing the bartender holding his mouth and his trembling shoulders the girl once again felt stupid.

Is… Is he laughing?

And sure enough with her thoughts.


[Hahahaha!! Is- hahaha! Is this guy serious?]

He struggled hard not to let out a laugh by covering his mouth because of how ridiculous yet strangely entertaining this man's thought was.

[And dragon king? Really? Of all the things you could be called, that's what you went for? Pft- HAHAHA! also what's with that generic name? Chen feng? That's like half of all Chinese Protagonist's names, Hahahaha!]

The girl's lips were twitching as she so badly wanted to yell at him that that's not the point right now!

But after hearing his thoughts she suddenly realized something, could the bartender also hear the man's thoughts? Then what about the other way around?

She held many questions inside her head but seeing their situation, she quickly shook her head to get rid of those distracting thoughts and instead gave the young bartender a look full of worry.

It was because of her that he was involved for trying to help.

If the bartender could hear her thoughts right then and there, he would surely be gobsmacked at how she can still worry about other people at this point.

It was clear that they were after you girl! If we really lose then something even worse than getting beaten up will happen to you!

As for the other man, she didn't even spare him a glance or an ounce of worry after hearing his thoughts, the girl knew that this person was clearly a bad, petty, and manipulative man.

So she focused all her gaze on the bartender instead.

Perhaps feeling the gaze on him he turned to see that the girl was staring at him for some reason.

[Why the hell is she staring at me for? Although the original protagonist is gone this Dragon king in a tracksuit and flip flops must be his substitute]

[although I don't know how much this change will affect the plot. He should still be one you should be gazing at you know?]

The bartender tried to signal the girl with his eyes to look at the other guy and not him.

In response, the girl, hearing his thoughts and seeing what he was doing just gave him a strange look instead.

[What's with that look? Is there something on my face?]

The bartender tilted his head until he suddenly ducked down narrowly avoiding a baseball bat to the head.

[A**hole can't you see I'm busy here?]

The bartender quickly whipped his leg back aiming at the guy's foot to lose his balance.


"Tch! Dammit, get them!" The bald shouted out as his companions all charged with their weapons drawn.

"Hmph! You think this is enough?"

"Stop pretendi-"


The thug was not able to finish what he was about to say after he was blown away with a single punch.


The thug went flying out of the stage and collided with a table, seeing the spectacle caused the baldy and the others to momentarily stop their advance towards him as they stood there in shock.

"Like I said… did you think this was enough?" The man taunted.

The baldy seeing this gritted his teeth.

"Heh! Although I admit your strength is surprising with your build, but do you think just because you can send one weakling flying you think you can beat us all!"

"Get him! What are you doing! If any of you backs out then I'll show you that I can also send someone flying with one punch!"

With his threatening glare, the ones who were hesitating had no choice but to charge in.




And so, just like the first one, many of them were all knocked out of the stage with either a punch or a kick, causing even the baldy to hesitate to attack.

"Damn did you see that!? those guys were all beaten up with just one hit"

Hearing this, the man felt smug.

{Hmph! How is it? Surely with that display of strength everyone's attention must be on me right?}

He thought as he could already imagine the girl giving him starry eyes like all the rest of the beauties he's encountered overseas.


"Ah! Watch out!" the girl shouted in distress which caused him to be confused since no one was currently trying to attack him.

Of course, what the almighty dragon king didn't know was that she wasn't even looking at him in the first place.

Instead, the reason for her distress was for the bartender who was silently watching the great show in front of him as he could only lament on how he couldn't enjoy it with the popcorn he had prepared as he had to step in.

[Honestly, if I knew this dude would have appeared I wouldn't have stepped in! I would be at my bar eating popcorn right now!]

The bartender lamented while tilting his body to the side to dodge the man charging at him with a stool as he lightly extended his legs, tripping the man down.


"Argh! My Knee!"

"Oh calm down, it's not like it was shot by an arrow." The bartender mused as he gave the man a kick to the head to knock him out.



Seeing as he was alright caused the girl to release a breath of relief, and also pouted her lips upon hearing what he thought.

'Here I was being worried about you and all you can think of is leaving me to eat popcorn? Hmph!'

The bartender turned to look at the girl wondering what she was shouting about only to see her giving him a pouting face.

In response to this, he once again tilted his head in confusion.

[Girl I don't think this is the right time to act like a tsun-tsun you know.]

'This also isn't the right time to think about eating popcorn!' She wanted to retort back to this but knew that it really wasn't the right time to be arguing.


Chen feng upon seeing this unconsciously cracked his knuckles.

{Tch! Damn bastard, it's because of you that She's not paying attention to me!}

Chen feng thought angrily as he thought it wouldn't have become like this if only the nosy bastard didn't intervene!

Upon hearing this, the young bartender turned to meet the man's glare with a wronged look.

[Oi! You're the one who was scheming in the back why the heck are you blaming me for!]


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