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92.35% A Gamer Into Trails / Chapter 278: Chapter 276: Blizzard

Capítulo 278: Chapter 276: Blizzard

As always, Giliath demands your power stones!


Liberl. Rolent.


Outskirts. The Bright House.

Thick and dark gray clouds hung far above, moving fiercely in an endless loop. Countless snowflakes were flying downward at a rapid pace, swerving diagonally due to the high winds.

Several inches of snow could be seen as an active snowstorm pelted the grass. The once lush green grass could now be seen tucked away, buried by snow. All of the trees surrounding the single open field painted a beautiful, wintry landscape. The sole two-story house continued to stand its ground against the ongoing blizzard. It wasn't the first time it saw such snow, nor would it be its last time.

Even the clean-cut stump in the open field that Cassius often used to chop wood only had the axe's handle still visible. The rest was hidden away by the snow.

Closer to the house on the second floor, one of the rooms currently had its curtains open. An upright, spunky brown-haired girl whose hair was currently tied into twintails could be seen leaning her elbow against the windowsill of her bedroom. A relaxed, mellow look in her eyes as she let out a sigh, watching the snow fall onto the ground before her. If this girl wasn't already dead set on the path she just started to take, she would have enrolled into a nearby high school the following year after this one.

This girl was, of course, Estelle Bright, one of the two protagonists of the sky arc. A black-haired amber-eyed boy could be seen not too far away in her bedroom, currently holding an open book in his hand, reading away as the snow continued to fall. Just like Estelle, this boy was soon to turn fourteen years of age, and was the other protagonist of the sky arc, Joshua Bright. It had just turned S1200, but the two were set to take the Bracer Exam in the coming two years once S1202, which would kick off the sky games.

It was well into the winter now. Not too long ago, both Estelle and Joshua were still at Grancel City, the capital of Liberl. They were undergoing bracer training under the guidance of another senior bracer, who went by the name Scherazard Harvey, or more commonly known as the Silver Streak. They had started to get along with another person aspiring to become a bracer, the sole daughter of one of Erebonia's Great Houses, Angelica Rogner. Unlike Angelica who decided to remain in the capital with Scherazard, however, Estelle and Joshua returned to Rolent back to their home to continue going about their lives.

Every so often, Estelle and Joshua would pop into Rolent to acquire supplies, but aside from that, Estelle mostly focused on strengthening her skills in using a Pole, just like how her father, Cassius did, while Joshua became more laid back, and pursued studying and reading. That didn't stop Estelle from dragging Joshua to partake in outdoor activities. But currently, she couldn't even do that. The ongoing blizzard prevented Estelle from going outside to play.

"Sheesh. This snowstorm really isn't letting up, huh? I'm glad Dad was able to leave before this thing hit. You think he made it to Leiston safely?", Estelle asked with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"I'm sure he did, Estelle. I didn't think they would take a private airship there. It does make sense considering who was with Dad, though. I didn't think I'd get to see Her Highness again like this.", Joshua said, taking a pause in his reading to look at Estelle.

"Right? It was really nice to see Kloe again! She looked really pretty in that dress of hers. If I didn't see that rapier at her waist I wouldn't think she would have any interest in going to a military facility. It's almost as if Dad is acting as her personal escort, hehe.", Estelle said revealing a playful smile.

"Well, you are right in a way. It is true Dad is retired from the Royal Army, but its not like his connections up and vanished into thin air. It was enjoyable to spend the coming of the new year with Dad's acquaintances.", Joshua said with a nod of his head.

"Oh yeah, the scruffy General and that pretty blonde. What were their names again?", Estelle wondered, already forgetting who it was that came with Cassius to celebrate the new years at their home. It was only a day, but she had already forgotten them. Joshua couldn't help but smack his head with his hand the moment Estelle asked that.

"And this is why I fear you will fail your Bracer Exam, Estelle. How could you forget someone you just met last night?", Joshua retorted Estelle. Estelle grinned hearing that.

"Oh I'm just kidding, Joshua. Of course I know who they are. I think Dad is training that Colonel to become his successor too.", Estelle responded.

"It does appear to be that way. Colonel Alan Richard. Also a practitioner of the Eight Leaves One Blade School of swordsmanship. I recall that school has eight forms one could practice. Colonel Richard practices the Fifth Form, Morning Moon.", Joshua explained.

"The fifth form huh? I know Dad used that school to create his own pole arts, since he mostly attacks with a pole like I do. I think he called his style Void.", Estelle said.

"I remember him saying that. I don't know if Dad is personally training Colonel Richard but I do know he is now training Her Highness, as well as one of her personal bodyguards, Julia. As to whether they are practicing the Eight Leaves One Blade, I don't know. I'm surprised you didn't go with them.", Joshua said as he raised his eyebrows.

"I initially had interest since Dad could watch over me as he trained with Kloe, but Kloe had such a serious look in her eyes. If I went, I probably would have only distracted her. Seems there was a bit of a scuffle back at the castle thanks to that prince.", Estelle responded, looking back at Joshua.

"Oh yeah, there was that, wasn't there? It hasn't reached public news yet but Dad really shouldn't go spouting military secrets. Something about His Highness disappearing after receiving a large sword wound on his chest. I'm sure the royal family was freaking out about it.", Joshua replied with a worried look in his eyes.

"I mean, what's the point of worrying about it? He turned out fine didn't he? After all, I haven't seen Dad's eyes turn that wide since that boy was declared the Crown Prince some years back, hehe. It's almost every person's dream, isn't it? A prince and a princess being able to marry.", Estelle responded back with a smile.

"That's just fantasy talk--is what I would say, but you don't know how many implications are currently being caused by what was announced by that news, Estelle. It could very well tip the balance we currently share among the three leading countries. I wouldn't be surprised if Calvard declared war in the coming years.", Joshua said with a stern look in his eyes. Seeing that caught Estelle off guard.

"It's...not that bad, is it?", Estelle asked with worry.

"Chances are high, unfortunately. It's even possible Dad might return to the military because of His Highness's actions. It does wonder if there is a hidden implication as to why Her Highness is training with him. I don't think it's just because she wants to protect herself.", Joshua wondered to himself why Kloe went to Leiston with Cassius. What he didn't know was that Kloe started her training the moment Naoto "vanished" from the public eye again. It's not like those who were in the castle at the time remained oblivious to it. Kloe and the others were notified of Naoto's plan, so instead of lazing around in the castle, Kloe took it upon herself to train alongside Julia until the two enrolled in Jenis next May.

So far, Kloe's training has been progressing well.

"I think you're worrying too much, Joshua. Still, it does make things a bit lonely with Dad mostly out of the picture. And besides, I want to try playing with that violet-haired cutie again! She was such a blast to hang around. I know she said she was currently staying at the castle, but Kloe said she currently isn't there. I wonder where she is?", Estelle said, wondering to herself. Back during the martial arts tournament and when Naoto was making his Enigma II, Estelle, Kloe and the violet-haired girl did tag along and play for a little bit, even though the time spent was short. Back then, a fourth girl was with them, who went by the name Tita Russell.

Joshua suddenly came to a halt the moment Estelle brought that girl up.

"You aren't referring to who I think you're referring to, are you, Estelle?", Joshua asked Estelle.

"Hehe, you're sounding as if you know the person who I'm referring to. I think she introduced herself as Renne?", Estelle said, trying to recall the short time spent with the violet-haired girl back at the capital.

"It is her...", Joshua uttered, recalling the same violet-haired girl aboard the large red airship the two used to be a part of until Joshua came to the Bright House. Estelle wasn't expecting Joshua to react like this.

"You know her, don't you?", Estelle decided to ask. "Now that I think about it, I never did ask you how you got to Dad's place in the first place. You reacted the moment I mentioned Renne's name. I know we met back in the capital, but your eyes are saying something else.", Estelle said, squinting her eyes at Joshua.

"You never bothered to ask about it, so I never brought it up. Considering we have some free time on our hands until our bracer exam in two years time, I could tell you, but it's not something I'd consider worth talking about...", Joshua said with an indifferent tone. What he was referring to was the tragedy that befell Hamel. He was a part of it, and was picked up by Ouroboros after the events took place. It wasn't until Cassius got into a skirmish with Joshusa did he find his new place here, at the Bright House. Joshua had only asked for his own death then, but instead, Cassius went another direction, and directly adopted Joshua into the family.

"Is it sensitive or something?", Estelle wondered why Joshua never wanted to talk about his upbringing.

"Something like that. At the very least, I can say it is connected to the person you are wanting to meet again. It is unfortunate, but even I don't know her current whereabouts---?", Joshua tried to say. Yet unexpected to the two as they were conversing like this, they heard a buzzer come down from the first floor. Estelle blinked her eyes, not expecting their doorbell to suddenly ring like this.

"A guest? But I thought it was currently blizzarding outside...?", Estelle asked, only to turn her head back to her window. To her surprise, the blizzard had subsided, and the dark gray clouds were scattering. Most of it remained, but it was scattered enough to where sunlight was starting to pierce them, letting its rays strike the pure white snow. It was beginning to create a thin layer of water, allowing the ice-crystals to glisten.

"Oh! Looks like it was just a short blizzard. The sun is already starting to clear it. Coming!", Estelle shouted, quickly getting off her chair and exiting her bedroom. Joshua looked on at Estelle's retreating figure.

"Guests, huh? Not everyone just wanders out here for no reason...I wonder who it is?", Joshua also wondered. He placed a bookmark on the page he was currently on and folded the book, before coming down from the chair he was seated at as well. He then started walking, chasing after Estelle who rushed down to the first floor of their house.

It didn't take long before Estelle to open the door. She was immediately greeted by a cold blast of wintry air.

"Brrr. I know we just had a storm and all, but it's still pretty cold out. Who is it?", Estelle decided to ask as she let her eyes wander. She couldn't help but blink her eyes the moment she spotted four figures standing in front of her doorstep.

"Hello again, Estelle. It is very nice to see you again.", A very familiar violet-haired girl called out to her, sporting a white-purple one piece dress with frills around its hem. She did a curtsy as she greeted Estelle.

"It is you, Renne! So you finally made it out here huh? Come and give your big sis a hug.", Estelle said, letting her smile blossom the moment she saw Renne standing in front of her doorstep, ignoring the cold air currently striking the atmosphere outside. Cold breaths of air escaped from her lips as Estelle lunged at Renne, and gave her a big hug.

"Since when did you become my older sister?", Renne retorted, but she still accepted Estelle's welcome hug.

"Just now! Or do you not like it?", Estelle asked.

"Hmm, it does have a nice ring to it, but sadly I'll have to decline. I already have a big brother you know.", Renne said. Hearing Renne's response like that, Estelle's body tensed up, acting as if a bucket of ice-cold water got doused over her body. Renne even saw Estelle's body turn completely white, fading from color as if all life was drained from her body.

"So I was too late...", Estelle softly uttered, causing Renne to circle her eyes in a nonchalant manner. The disappearing color only lasted for a moment before fire appeared in Estelle's eyes. "But that doesn't matter! It doesn't matter if you have a big brother or not. I can still be your big sister!", Estelle said, urging Renne again.

"Well, if you're going by that logic, I technically have a big sister already too.", Renne retorted again. As Renne said that, space began to distort and a visible defeat sign appeared out of nowhere, striking right through Estelle's chest, and her body slumped downward as a defeated look appeared in her eyes.

"Wow, you really went in for the double-kill.", Another familiar voice sounded as a white-haired girl approached Renne's side. The two weren't alone either, a plum-haired girl and an olive-green haired girl walked up to the doorstep alongside with the white-haired girl.

"I take it you know this person, Renne?", Musse asked, observing Estelle for the first time.

"Uh-huh. This is Estelle Bright. We were in town again and I figured we'd drop by and say hi before we make our way back to the capital.", Renne said, introducing Estelle to the three girls beside her.

"So you've brought some new friends with you this time, huh Renne? And I see a familiar face again.", Estelle said, quickly recovering from Renne's earlier retorting. Her eyes landed on the plum-haired girl.

"It's nice to see you again, Estelle.", Emma said, greeting Estelle with a smile.

"Likewise.", Estelle happily responded, nodding her head.

Estelle was already acquainted with Emma and Renne, but she hadn't seen the white-haired and olive green-haired girl beside the two. It was her first time meeting Fie and Musse.

"I'm Fie. Don't mind me, I'm just along for the ride.", Fie casually introduced herself to Estelle.

"And you can call me Musse Egret, or that's what my friends call me anyways. It's ever so wonderful to meet you, miss daughter of the Divine Blade.", Musse said with a heartfelt smile.

"You know my Dad huh? Well, it's nice to meet you two. It's super-duper cold out right now so come on in you girls. It's now past noon, I was going to heat up some of our leftover stew for lunch. You are all welcome to join in.", Estelle said, urging the four girls.

"Hehe, well aren't you a polite one. Sorry for intruding right after the holiday ended. I was curious about who Renne's friend was all the way out here in southeast Liberl. My curiosity has been satisfied for the moment.", Musse replied with a giggle.

"Nonsense! You girls could even stay the night if you want.", Estelle responded as the four entered the Bright House, letting the cold air leave them. The door closed shortly after.

"We really aren't tight on time, so we could definitely relax here for a bit, if you don't mind Estelle.", Renne said. Yet before Estelle could speak to Renne on that matter, everyone heard some feet shuffling from further inside, toward the staircase. The five girls saw the black-haired amber-eyed boy descend the stairs. The moment these girls entered his view, he couldn't help but blink his eyes, not expecting such a large group to enter his house. Yet the familiar violet-haired girl before him immediately entered a dash, and gave him a hug.

"Big brother Joshua! So you were here.", Renne happily chirped. Joshua reached out his hand, and ruffled Renne's hair.

"So I am. It really is you, Renne. I thought you were still at the castle back at the capital.", Joshua said, welcoming Renne in. His eyes then wandered to the three other girls. Like Estelle, he was already familiar with Emma, but he hadn't met Fie or Musse yet. 

"I didn't think you'd call anyone else Big Brother, Renne. I only thought His Highness was your big brother.", Musse replied with a teasing tone.

"Nuh-uh. You see, Renne has three Big Brothers! Big Brother Naoto is one. Big Brother Joshua is the second, and Big Brother Loewe is the third!", Renne replied back, catching Musse off guard again.

"Three...?", Musse uttered softly to herself.

"Renne...", Joshua also uttered, not expecting Renne to utter Loewe's name. He remained silent as a serious look appeared in his eyes. Sensing this sudden shift, Estelle could only blink her eyes at Joshua.

'Just who is this Loewe person? Joshua has such sadness in his eyes...', Estelle wondered to herself. As Estelle thought that to herself, Emma's gaze shifted elsewhere, outside a nearby window. Her eyes landed on a tree not too far in the distance. A swift shadow descended into it, and quickly obscured themselves from view, hiding away.

A fierce-looking sword could be seen equipped at the silver-haired man's waist. His face was currently hidden away by a demon-like mask. He didn't expect to be spotted so quickly after hiding away inside a nearby snow-covered tree as he observed the Bright House from afar. Still, he knew who the plum-haired girl was, as he had come across her on the Glorious before.

"It would seem witches aren't to be underestimated. I am glad she isn't an enemy. Still, this is where your current position wound up, No. XV. I did receive communication from The Faceless that the plan is currently underway and that No. XV will be heading beneath the lake waters at the capital. I guess one can't cut old ties that easily...", The masked person said, kneeling down a large branch, ignoring the cold sensation spreading to his knee. He then turned silent, and continued observing the house, not moving from his current position...

As the masked person thought that, he knew it wasn't time yet to encounter the black-haired boy. His eyes only landed for a brief moment on them, but quickly shifted back to only observing Renne.

In the far distance obscure from view thanks to the snow and some magic, he saw a large figure currently twisted and distorted, a large humanoid doll standing tens of feet into the air.

"Should I join them?", The masked person thought to himself, wondering if he should join Renne for the exploration of the large and wide Sealed Ground beneath Grancel Castle.

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