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90.29% Bleach: Threads of Fate / Chapter 121: [Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 121: Minor Inconsistencies

Capítulo 121: [Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 121: Minor Inconsistencies

It had been a full forty-eight hours since the group's tense encounter with one of the Bounts. In the aftermath, a fragile calm had settled over the city, with the Bounts halting their relentless attacks on unsuspecting humans. This respite came as a result of an unlikely alliance formed between the group and Ryō Utagawa, one of the Bounts.

During this time, however, Uryū remained elusive, having not been seen or heard from since the confrontation. His absence left the group on edge, their worry growing with each passing hour. Orihime, Chad, and Ichigo searched tirelessly for any sign of their missing friend, their anxiety mounting as the hours stretched into days.

# August 18th - Soul Society, Seireitei – 1st Division Barracks | Captain's Assembling Hall #

As the group anxiously searched for Uryū, Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi returned to the Soul Society to report to the captains about the current situation in the world of the living and the threat posed by the Bounts.

Arriving at the Seireitei, Nemu was met with a flurry of activity as she made her way to the captain's meeting. The streets were bustling with Shinigami going about their duties, but an air of tension hung over the usually tranquil city.

Entering the meeting chamber, Nemu bowed respectfully to the assembled captains before delivering her report. 

"Captain-Commander," Nemu began, her voice crisp and composed, "I have returned from the world of the living to deliver my report."

Yamamoto Genryusai, the venerable Captain-Commander, regarded her with a steely gaze. "Speak, Lieutenant Kurotsuchi."

"During the encounter with the Bount Ryō Utagawa," Nemu explained, "He revealed crucial information. Firstly, he disclosed the number of remaining Bounts. There are still ten Bounts in existence, each possessing unique powers." Her eyes scanning the faces of the captains for any reaction. "Aside from this, Utagawa disclosed the reason behind the Bounts' actions," Nemu continued, her voice unwavering. "They have been absorbing the souls of living humans to increase their powers.

A murmur spread through the room at this revelation. The captains exchanged concerned glances, their expressions grave.

Captain Unohana Retsu raised an eyebrow. "And do you have any idea why they need this power?

Nemu hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Utagawa hinted at a larger purpose, one that involves reshaping the spiritual landscape. However, he did not elaborate further."

Nemu took a deep breath before delivering the next piece of information. "Before I returned to Soul Society, Kisuke Urahara informed of his past research on the Bounts. He discovered a something peculiar in their spiritual energy residues."

Jūshirō Ukitake, leaning forward, prompted her to continue. "And what did he find?"

"There's a substance," Nemu explained, "which, in small amounts, poses no immediate danger. However, in large quantities, it has the potential to affect the very fabric of space.

Nemu took a moment to gather her thoughts. "Urahara theorized that in large quantities, this substance could create a sort of tunnel, connecting two mutually exclusive spaces, such as the World of the Living and the Hueco Mundo."

Silence fell over the room as the captains absorbed this information. The implications were staggering.

"So," Yamamoto spoke after a moment, his voice resonating with authority, "the Bounts not only pose a threat to the living world but to the balance of all realms."

"Yes and It appears that one of the Bounts, Yoshino Sōma, may have turned against her own kind."

A ripple of surprise and suspicion spread among the captains at this revelation.

Nemu continued, her voice steady despite the uncertainty in her words. "Furthermore, the quincy Uryū Ishida has gone missing after encountering Yoshino Sōma. Despite her apparent defection, Uryū's disappearance casts doubt on whether we can fully trust Yoshino's intentions."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as the captains processed this new information.

Yamamoto's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he considered the implications of Yoshino's betrayal and the Quincy's disappearance. "Is there any other information you have gathered, Lieutenant Kurotsuchi?" he asked.

Nemu hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, Captain-Commander. There is one more thing," she said, her voice steady. "It concerns a Shinigami named Maki Ichinose."

The mention of Ichinose's name sparked curiosity among the captains, and Yamamoto's expression became even more serious. "Continue," he commanded.

"He's been cooperating with the Bounts," Nemu revealed, her tone tinged with uncertainty. "But his motives remain unclear to me. It seems he's working closely with them, though to what end, I cannot say."

Yamamoto's brow furrowed as he mulled over this new development. "We cannot ignore this." he declared, his voice firm.

Just as the tension in the room seemed to thicken with each revelation, Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi interjected with his characteristic curiosity and skepticism. "It seems rather convenient that this Bount, Ryō Utagawa, freely divulged such crucial information to you."

"It was not simply a matter of cooperation. The Bount was cornered by the two substitute shinigami Yato Yasakani and Ichigo Kurosaki, along with their friends. Utagawa confessed his intentions to betray their leader, Jin Kariya, prompting a temporary alliance between us."

"Temporary alliance or not," Mayuri interjected, his tone laced with skepticism, "we must consider the possibility that this could all be an elaborate ruse orchestrated by the Bounts."

Nemu nodded, acknowledging the validity of Mayuri's concern. "Indeed. Yato Yasakani shares your suspicion. Yato Yasakani believes that the gathering might not solely be for the purpose of defeating Kariya, but rather to lure us into a trap, so he requested assistance from the Gotei 13. He believes that with our combined strength, we stand a better chance of uncovering Kariya's true intentions and thwarting any potential trap."

Yamamoto's gaze shifted to Hitsugaya, the young captain known for his keen intellect and resourcefulness. "Captain Hitsugaya, I want you to conduct a thorough investigation into Maki Ichinose's background and activities. We need to understand his motives and potential threat."

Hitsugaya nodded in acknowledgment, already mentally planning the investigation. "Understood, Captain-Commander. I'll get started right away."

Before Hitsugaya could leave, however, Captain Zaraki Kenpachi spoke up, his voice tinged with boredom. "There's no need for that."

All eyes turned to Zaraki, surprised by his interruption. Yamamoto raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

"I already know who Ichinose is." Zaraki continued, his tone casual.

Yamamoto regarded Zaraki with a mixture of surprise and interest. "Explain, Captain Zaraki."

"Ichinose used to be a member of my division," he began, his voice laced with indifference. "He was there long before I became captain. He had these ideals," Zaraki continued, his tone dismissive. "Thought he was some kind of hero, fighting for justice and all that nonsense." Zaraki continued, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "He didn't like the old Kenpachi. When I took over as captain, he thought things would change. Thought I'd suddenly start caring about justice and all that garbage."

A few captains exchanged knowing glances, understanding the irony of Zaraki's statement.

"Then, a few years back, he decided to challenge me, thinking he could take me down and bring back the 'good old days' or something." He chuckled darkly. "Didn't even make it to the fight. I beat him before he could even draw his sword." Zaraki shrugged. "After that he disappeared. Didn't see him around anymore. Didn't care what happened to him either."

The Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13, remain in contemplative silence as the captains filed out of the meeting chamber. His mind churned with the weight of responsibility that rested upon his shoulders.

The fragile peace that had settled over the Seireitei after the chaos caused by Aizen's betrayal was once again threatened. With the absence of the Central 46, it fell upon Yamamoto to make decisions of paramount importance.

Yamamoto understood the delicate balance of power within the Soul Society. Sending members of the Gotei 13 to aid the substitutes shinigamis in the world of the living would weaken their military strength, leaving the Soul Society vulnerable to attack. And with the true intentions of Aizen still shrouded in mystery, he could not risk such a move.

As he pondered his next course of action, Yamamoto's thoughts turned to the captains under his command.

# World of the Living, Karakura Town – Minamikawase | YatoYasakani's residence #

Meanwhile, in the world of the living, at Yato Yasakani's residence, Rukia Kuchiki found herself alone in the spacious living room. Yato had left earlier for his part time job, leaving Rukia to her own devices.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Rukia had decided to try her hand at playing Yato's video game console. She had seen him play it many times and even tried to play with him a few times so she thought it would be a fun way to pass the time.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the TV, Rukia held the controller in her hands, her brow furrowed in concentration as she navigated the game's menu.

With a determined frown, Rukia pressed buttons and moved the joystick with varying degrees of success. Her character on the screen moved erratically, often resulting in comical deaths or failed attempts at completing objectives. But Rukia remained undeterred, her competitive spirit driving her to persevere.

As Rukia delved deeper into the game, her focus intensified. She maneuvered her character through treacherous obstacles, narrowly avoiding traps and enemies with swift reflexes.

With each passing level, Rukia's confidence grew. She began to master the game's mechanics, executing complex maneuvers with precision and skill. Her determination to succeed burned brightly, driving her forward with unwavering resolve.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of trials and tribulations, Rukia found herself on the brink of victory. Her character stood poised at the final checkpoint, the end goal tantalizingly within reach.

A triumphant grin spread across Rukia's face as she prepared to make the final leap to victory. She tensed, her finger hovering over the controller, ready to execute the perfect maneuver.

But just as Rukia was about to make her move, the shrill sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, shattering her concentration.

Startled, Rukia's hand twitched involuntarily, causing her character to stumble and fall into a bottomless pit on the screen.

With a groan of frustration, Rukia watched helplessly as her character plummeted to its doom, a comical expression frozen on its pixelated face.

Turning away from the TV screen, Rukia's expression morphed into one of bemused annoyance as she glanced toward the doorway, where the persistent ringing of the doorbell continued.

For a moment, she debated whether to ignore the interruption and continue playing or to answer the door. But ultimately, duty won out over leisure, and with a resigned sigh, Rukia set aside the controller and rose to her feet.

With purposeful strides, Rukia made her way to the front door, her annoyance at the interruption evident in her expression. She pulled open the door, ready to scold whoever was on the other side for interrupting her game.

But as the door swung open, Rukia's irritation melted away, replaced by surprise and concern. Standing on the doorstep was Tatsuki Arisawa, her usually confident demeanor replaced by an expression of deep worry.

Rukia's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she took in Tatsuki's appearance. Something was clearly wrong, and Rukia's concern grew as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"Tatsuki? What's wrong?" Rukia asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Tatsuki's eyes met Rukia's, and her expression softened slightly at the sight of her friend. "Rukia," she began, her voice tight with emotion, "Is Yato here? I need to talk to him."

"He's not here. He's at that part-time job," Rukia replied. "But you can wait for him here if you'd like. Come in."

As Tatsuki stepped into the house, Rukia led her into the living room, where Yato's gaming console lay forgotten on the floor. Tatsuki's eyes briefly flickered to the TV screen, but she quickly refocused on her purpose.

Rukia watched as Tatsuki took a seat on the couch, her posture tense with anticipation. Whatever news she had to share was clearly weighing heavily on her mind.

"He'll be back soon," Rukia assured Tatsuki, taking a seat beside her. "What's going on? Why do you need to talk to Yato?"

Tatsuki took a deep breath, her hands clenched tightly in her lap. She met Rukia's gaze, her expression haunted by a turmoil of emotions. "It's... it's about my powers," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Rukia's brow furrowed in concern. "Your powers?"

Tatsuki hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I've been feeling... uneasy lately," she admitted, her voice tinged with apprehension. "I'm worried that at some point, my powers will... Force me to do something I'll regret."

"What do you mean?" Rukia asked gently, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Tatsuki's shoulder.

"I've had... moments," Tatsuki continued, her voice wavering slightly. "Times when I've felt like I was losing control. Like something dark was stirring inside me, waiting for the right moment to take over."

Rukia listened in stunned silence as Tatsuki recounted her experiences.

Tatsuki continued, her words spilling out in a rush. "There have been two occasions where I... I almost lost control," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. "And during the fight with that Bount... if the rest of you hadn't shown up when you did, I don't know what would have happened."

"Is that why you wanted to talk to Yato?" Rukia deduced.

"Yeah... He told me we both had the same kind of power... Or at least the source... I don't know... Maybe he knows something..." She rubbed her face. "I don't know what to do, Rukia," Tatsuki admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "I'm scared that one day, I won't be able to control myself, and I'll end up hurting someone... or worse."

Rukia's eyes widened in shock at Tatsuki's revelation. She had sensed Tatsuki's inner struggle during their battle with the Bount, but she had never realized the extent of it.

"Tatsuki," Rukia said softly, her voice filled with compassion, "I had no idea. I'm so sorry you're going through this."

Tatsuki shook her head, a determined glint in her eyes. "I don't want your pity, Rukia. I just... I needed to tell someone. I can't keep pretending like everything's okay when it's not."

"Did you tell Inoue about this?" Rukia asked, her curiosity piqued.

Tatsuki's expression darkened slightly, a hint of guilt flashing in her eyes. "No, I didn't," she admitted reluctantly. "I didn't want to worry her. She's been through so much already, and I didn't want to burden her with something like this."

Rukia nodded understandingly, recognizing Tatsuki's concern for her friend's well-being. "I understand, Tatsuki. But you shouldn't have to bear this alone. Inoue cares about you, and she would want to help you through this."

Tatsuki sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping in resignation. "Yeah, I know. I'll talk to her about it when I get the chance."

There was a moment of silence as the gravity of Tatsuki's situation hung heavy in the air. Rukia searched for something to say, some words of comfort or reassurance to offer her friend.

Suddenly, an idea struck her. "Hey, why don't we try to take your mind off things for a while?" Rukia suggested, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes.

Tatsuki looked up, surprised by Rukia's suggestion. "What do you mean?"

Rukia's lips curved into a small smile. "Yato has this video game console with him," she explained. "We could play some games together. It might help distract you for a bit."

Tatsuki hesitated for a moment, considering Rukia's proposal. The idea of playing video games with her friend was certainly appealing, and it might provide a much-needed distraction from the weight of her worries.

"Yeah, okay," Tatsuki agreed, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Let's give it a shot."

Rukia's smile widened at Tatsuki's acceptance. "Great! Yato has some really fun games. He's especially into fighting games, but he has a variety of others too."

As Rukia reached for the controller and powered up the console, Tatsuki couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation bubbling within her. Despite the heaviness of her thoughts, the prospect of spending time with Rukia and engaging in some friendly competition was oddly uplifting.

Rukia scrolled through the list of games, her eyes scanning the titles until one in particular caught Tatsuki's attention.

"Hey, is that Tekken 3? Let's play that one!" Tatsuki exclaimed.

Rukia grinned, impressed. "Really? Alright, Tekken 3 it is."

As the game loaded, Tatsuki couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Tekken had always been one of her favorite games, and she was eager to show Rukia her skills.

"Okay, who are you going to pick?" Rukia asked, holding out one of the controllers.

Tatsuki scanned the character select screen, her eyes landing on her old favorite. "I'm going with Hwoarang," she declared confidently, selecting the fiery Taekwondo fighter.

Rukia chuckled. "Alright, then I'll go with Xiaoyu."

With the characters selected, the game began, and Tatsuki and Rukia quickly fell into a rhythm of intense battles and fierce competition.

Despite Rukia's skill in many areas, Tekken wasn't her strong suit. Tatsuki found herself winning match after match, her reflexes sharp and her moves precise.

Rukia couldn't help but marvel at Tatsuki's prowess in the game. She had always known Tatsuki to be a formidable fighter, but her skills in Tekken were truly impressive.

As they played, laughter filled the room, and the tension that had weighed heavily on Tatsuki's shoulders seemed to melt away, if only for a moment. For a brief time, they were simply two friends enjoying each other's company and engaging in friendly competition.

But as the game progressed, Rukia couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu that washed over her. There was something oddly familiar about the way Tatsuki played, a sense of familiarity that tugged at the corners of her mind.

Suddenly, a memory flashed through Rukia's mind, vivid and clear as day when she had played Tekken with Yato.

She remembered how Yato had always been the better player, effortlessly defeating her time and time again. But then, one day, she had managed to win a match against him, much to his surprise and her own.

"You would make a good opponent for Yato in this game." Rukia commented with a smile.

"So he's good at this game?" Tatsuki asked, slightly surprised. "Ichigo hasn't been a challenge for me in this game for years... will I finally have a worthy opponent?" She said in a joking tone.

Rukia smiled at Tatsuki's response. "You know, speaking of Yato... I remember one time when I actually managed to beat him at Tekken."

Tatsuki's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You beat him?"

Rukia nodded, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Yep. Before being taken to the Soul Society, I played this game with Yato a few times, and he always won. There were times when I noticed he wasn't even playing seriously, and yet I still lost." Suddenly she spoke with pride. "But then, one day, I chose this character called Eddy, even though I had no idea what I was doing."

# Urahara Shop #

Meanwhile, at the Urahara Shop, the afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting long shadows across the cluttered shelves and mysterious artifacts that lined the walls. Inside, Kisuke Urahara sat behind the counter, his trademark hat perched atop his head as he flipped through some papers with a look of intense concentration.

Yoruichi Shihouin lounged nearby, her golden eyes flickering with curiosity as she watched Urahara's focused expression. She had been observing him for a while, intrigued by whatever had captured his attention so completely.

"Kisuke, what are you reading?" Yoruichi finally asked, unable to contain her curiosity any longer.

Urahara glanced up, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Oh, just some light reading," he replied casually, though there was a hint of mischief in his tone.

Yoruichi arched an eyebrow, unconvinced by Urahara's vague answer. "Light reading, huh? Is it about the Bounts?"

Urahara chuckled softly, setting the book down on the counter with a thoughtful expression. "No, actually, it's about someone else entirely."

Yoruichi's curiosity was piqued. "Oh? And who might that be?"

Urahara's lips curved into a cryptic smile as he leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers beneath his chin. "Yasakani-san."

Yoruichi's interest was immediately piqued at the mention of Yato's last name. She leaned in closer, her eyes narrowing in concentration. "Yasakani? You mean Yato?"

Urahara nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, exactly. I've been doing some digging into his background, trying to uncover any clues that might shed light on his mysterious abilities."

Yoruichi's curiosity grew even stronger, and she leaned forward, eager to hear what Urahara had discovered. "And did you find anything interesting?"

Urahara nodded, his gaze steady as he met Yoruichi's eyes. "Indeed, I did. It seems that Yato Yasakani is not quite as ordinary as he appears."

Yoruichi's eyes widened in surprise, and she leaned back, waiting for Urahara to continue.

"After some extensive research," Urahara began, his tone measured, "I managed to trace Yato's lineage back several generations. And what I discovered was rather intriguing."

Yoruichi's curiosity was palpable as she waited for Urahara to reveal his findings.

"It turns out," Urahara continued, "that Yato is the only child of a couple named Sora Yasakani and Takashi Yasakani."

"I already knew that. His parents died in a car accident when Yato was 10 years old, and since then, he has spent most of his time in hospitals and orphanages." Yoruichi explained.

Urahara nodded, his expression serious. "But that's not the most interesting part. What struck me as odd is that both Sora and Takashi Yasakani seem to have been entirely ordinary humans, with no discernible spiritual sensitivity whatsoever."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed in thought as she processed this information. "So, Yato's parents were just regular humans?"

Urahara nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Indeed. It's highly unusual for a child born to non-spiritually sensitive parents to possess such remarkable abilities."

The shopkeeper leaned forward, his hands resting on the counter as he continued. "So, naturally, I became even more curious. I delved deeper into their background, searching for any clues that might explain Yato's extraordinary powers."

Yoruichi listened intently, hanging on Urahara's every word. "And what did you find?"

Urahara's eyes gleamed with excitement as he revealed his discovery. "It seems that Sora and Takashi Yasakani were actually Yato's adoptive parents."

Yoruichi's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Adoptive parents?"

Urahara shrugged, a small smirk playing on his lips. "That's where it gets interesting. It appears that Sora Yasakani was unable to have children of her own, so they decided to adopt. But here's the catch... there's no record of Yato before he was adopted."

"So, there's no information about Yato's past before he was adopted?"

"Exactly," Urahara confirmed. "It's as if he didn't exist before Sora and Takashi took him in. No birth records, no family history... nothing. Did you uncover anything else during your investigation?"

Yoruichi's brow furrowed in thought as she recounted her findings. "Well, the only other strange thing I noticed was that Yato seems to have had some memory issues."

Urahara's eyes widened in interest. "Memory issues? Do you think it could be some form of amnesia?"

Yoruichi shook her head slowly. "I'm not sure. It didn't seem like typical amnesia. It was more like... selective memories, if that makes sense."

"Selective memories? Can you elaborate?"

Yoruichi paused, trying to find the right words to describe what she had observed. "It's hard to explain... It's like he has memories, but they're... inconsistent. Like someone's been constantly using a Kikanshinki on him, replacing his memories with different ones."

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