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×Chapter 7× Well Deserved Power Boost.


*7:37 Tuesday*

Haile started to squirm awake but he still had his eyes closed he reached to see if ophis was still in the bed with him but felt it was empty, he open his eyes in curiosity wondering where she went to.

He got up out the bed and look around the room, he walk into hallway and went out to the living room.

He relaxed as he saw her at the tables stuffing her face full of food, he walk up to the table and sat down.

Ophis stopped for a minute to glanced at him then resumed eating.

Haile smile."Can I have some?."He ask her, even though it's his own food he thought it would be impolite to just take it up from her plates.

She stop again and looked back at him then the food in rotation then after a moment of deliberation she push one of the many plates towards him.

."Thanks little sister."He said smiling to himself, but shook his head at what he said.

He sat down and enjoyed the food in a peaceful silence that ophis seems to like, even he had to add though, having her as his company even in this silence was satisfying to him, as the silence itself was not awkward.

After they both finished eating, he left ophis at the table to go clean the dishes, afterwards they went to bathe again similarly like yesterday they were both naked in the bathtub again, which was ophis idea.

."You know ophis, I don't think we should be in this position, aren't you pretending to be my sister, what sister would sit on her brother's lap naked, especially if he has a python as dangerous as mine."Haile said smiling to her but then thought.'Well maybe that one country back in other world, they sure knew how to lives there life.'

."After all one can't sit on fire and expect not to get a burnt ass hahaha."He said laughing at his own joke, but he was serious, his python had it's own mind, it was something no man had ever gained full control over, sometimes it even rises up without stimulations.

Ophis squirmed on his lap."Not real, doesn't matter."She said, a slight stiff smile on her face that Haile didn't see as her back was turn to him.

Haile shrugged his shoulders, the more contact he makes with her the more she will find it hard to leave him in the future so it was only in his benefit.

Soon they finished bathing, dried and got dressed, this time clothes for outside, ophis had on her clothes from before and Haile the same color pant but a black t-shirt this time.

."Alright how about the dimensional gap, I think I should spend the whole day in training as I have some where to be tomorrow."Haile said to ophis who just nodded her head but then froze.

."To where."She turn to him and asked.

Haile look at her confused."To where, what?."

."Where will you be tomorrow."Ophis ask rephrasing her sentence.

Haile smile at her and said."I'm just going to devil school, the heir of the grimory and sitri clans will be there."He decided to tell her this as it will do nothing to his plans.

."Why?."She tilted her head questioning his decision in wanted to go to school with devils, there is nothing to be gained from them that he can't gain from her so she was curious.

Haile look at her then out into the distance (which is just a wall)trying to act cool."*Sigh* Ophis I also have grand goals and ambitions you know, my only goal is not just to defeat great red for you, as you may or maybe not have figured out by now, I'm a God, I guess you can say I'm a fallen God cursed to become human, but soon I will regain that which I've lost and raise once again but this time I will raise to even higher height The Supreme height."Coming to here he let a bit of his commanding presence pour out and with it some of his energy creating a grand aura of purple with a golden outline, a heavy pressure filling the room.

Ophis just look on blankly and turned around."Show-off."She said opening the crack to the dimensional gap and walking through it.

Haile just stood there frozen then sighed as he deflated."I should've known better than to try and impress a Dragon God with my miserly power, I must've looked stupid."But he was not discouraged, this was far from enough to make him embarrassed, he had done some things in the past that just thinking about it makes him want to dig his own grave just so he could hid in it.

He walked through the crack behind ophis, this time he knows what to expect so he created the energy wings in advance.


*Dimensional gap*

He arrived in the dimensional gap for the second time now, everytime he comes here it feels strange like this space has no real space or time but still it does, it's confusing.

Probably ophis is the one protecting him from this dimensional gap environment or maybe it was his Divine energy or both, but it's extra protection so it doesn't matter.

He sees ophis in the distance again as before but she was looking off into the distance then she turn to him with a slight smirk which gave him a little surprised.

."What made you so happy all of a sudden ophis."He asked her seeing her smile, even in the original the number of times she smile can be counted with one finger.

She look at him still smiling albeit stiffly as she's not used to it."You'll get to see something interesting soon, vali would be "jealous"."She said while "walking" to him, with the smile disappearing from her face, she stopped by him and look back in the same direction.

."Interesting, like what?."Haile said, though from her expression and from the fact that very few things could make her say its interesting, also being in the dimensional gap and mentioning the name vali, he has an idea for what she could mean.

The only thing..


And as he thought, it's him, The Red Dragon God Emperor also know as great red, the most powerful being in the entire universe.

Haile was a little stunned seeing him even though he had speculated.

Great red came through some kind of large dimensional riff he probably created to move around anywhere in the dimensional gap.

Great red was as big as an island covered in red scales as seen by his name and radiated a truly Godly power, he was in awe.

Ophis just glanced over at Haile and frowned at his expression but didn't say anything in the end.

Haile was feeling his battle intent surging, he just wants to fight this monstrosity, his greatest desire is to be the strongest, this thing before him was the strongest being in the universe.

If he can defeat him he will have his goal achieved but then sighed as he unclenched his fist and cleared his mind, he knows his own limits.

Soon within seconds great red had gone through another riff and disappeared leaving the two there in a moment of silence.

."So ready for training?."He ask, he could try to take out his battle intent on the other Dragon God beside his but he didn't have his hopes up.

."Yes, match my power."Ophis said vanishing and appearing a little bit back.""Infinity Dragon Blast"."She said same as before but this time she only use a finger to summon her magic circle, a purple-black black magic circle appeared on her finger tips blast off a beam of light at Haile.


He was caught little off guard but he managed to react in time but only enough to barely dodge to the side but even so his shirt was cut open.

He look down at the shirt and held his chest as he looked at her."Are you trying to kill me now."He said smiling with sweat dripping from his face, that was a close call.

Ophis didn't answer she just prepared another blast at her finger tips""Infinity Dragon blast"".


This time Haile was prepared and summoned his own magic circle on his fist, this time it was golden in Color.""Supreme God General Fist.""This is the result of tampering with the magic circle that ophis taught him, it is now wasting less and using less energy to do more damage, he is also most used to using his fist to fight so here we are.



The two blast connected sending forth shock waves in the gap, they push each other back and forth but it was clear that Haile was losing the battle of energy blast with ophis as he was struggling and getting pushed back while ophis looked as calm and cool as ever probably even more relaxed than usual.


Haile clenched his teeth and shouted out pushing his body to it's absolute limits, by a miracle he starts pushing it back little by little as his eyes flash in gold.

Feeling the force pushing back on her finger ophis let slip a small smile nodding her head, then she push her finger forward ever so slightly, like try to paint a delicate piece of art.

But to Haile all he felt was a world of weight on his shoulders adding to the pressure instantly causing his arm to give out.


He was hit square in the chest by the blast Knocking the wind out him causing him to fly back coughing blood out his mouth.

Ophis seeing this instantly made her energy to disappear before it caused more damage and flash to Haile's falling body.

She catch his body in mid air and held him up in her arms, from what she could feel, it seems he was only knocked unconscious not in a coma, he also has four broken ribs, a caved in chest plate, spinal bruising, broken arm in three places, torn muscles in his arm, five broken fingers, collapsed veins and a punctured lung.

Luckily for him he has a Dragon God by his side or he'd be dead or crippled, ophis looked at him with a complicated emotion in her eyes different from her usual dull look.

She move closer to his face and kissed his forehead sending her energy into his body trying to heal his injuries.

His body glowed with her energy and started to repair it from the inside out starting from the bones to the nerves, then the muscles and so on.

Soon his body was fully healed up looking brand new or even better than before, his body was much more tone than before.

Ophis looked at his body for a bit then before looking away at his face, he seem to be starting to wake up.

."Ahhggg, did I fall asleep on the tracks again, was I hit by a train, my body feels sore all over."Haile open his eyes groaning, trying to get out of ophis arms but his body was in pain.

Ophis see him wake up smile a bit but made it go away."Sorry."She said for some reason feeling down, she didn't even know why she is apologizing.

."Nah don't worry to much about it, it was my fault for getting arrogant, I thought that if I just pushed a little harder I would be able to win but look what that did, almost killed myself haha ahh."He said with a laugh but winced in pain soon after, in his mind he had completely different thoughts.'I can definitely use this situation to my advantage, maybe she's feeling guilty but who knows but it doesn't matter what do I have to lose.'

Ophis just stop talking, staying still looking at him."Does it hurt alot big brother."She said to him in a soft voice.

He shook his head but then said.", No it's just extremely sore, Let go home first, I wanna soak in the bathtub."He said motioning with his head to leave.

She nodded and a crack appeared infront of her and she walk through with him in hand.

*Haile's House*~~~~~

Ophis appeared infront of the house holding Haile in her arms, it would be a weird sight to see for an outside point of view as the small "little girl" carrying a grown boy in her arms like a baby an effortlessly at that.

They went inside the house and straight to the bathroom, soon they were once again in the bath tub.

."Ahh, now this feels good, *sighhhhh*."Haile exclaim lying down in the tub laying his head on the edge with ophis on his lap.

She turn to him and began washing his body delicately like he is a child, he personally doesn't mind but he should still ask."So why."

."You're in pain."She said blankly continuing to wash him.

He shrugged his shoulders, he decided to peek at his statistics now that he is relaxing, the first small spar with ophis gave a great increase to his power so he expect great things from it, especially his Divine energy refinement.



TITLE:Supreme General, Traverser

RACE:Human(God 98%)



CLASS:Mid, Ultimate Class

COMBAT STRENGTH: High, Satan Class


ABILITIES:Refine, Absorb energy, Infinity(Form 100%*abilities:full exhausted energy regenerates in 20 minutes)

MAGIC SPELLS:Concentration magic, Supreme General God Fist.

He was beginning to feel excited but was distracted by something, in abilities, something new was there, infinity, wasn't that ophis power.

Maybe it was when she heal him with her power.

Haile suddenly had a look of realization.'It was when she healed me my absorb ability must have absorbed some of the energy and gave me the infinity element from her energy, I totally forgot about that.'

He nodded his head finally feeling a sense of satisfaction, but this is truly a well deserved power boost.....

.'It's like I sued her for pain and suffering hahah.'

infinityGod infinityGod

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