"What? Who's responsible for this?" Bi Yu immediately whirled around, upset, but she didn't wait for a reply before running down the stairs, taking multiple steps at a time. Her staff made horrified gasps as they watched her clear the optical illusion like it was nothing.
Bi Yu sprinted for her gardens, while Ming Yan and the rest of her servants tried to keep up.
She wasn't the fittest woman (that honour went to her best friend Yue Niang), and her blood circulation was so poor that she needed to wear sweaters for three seasons, but her body did its best to obey her mind. Her heart raced to keep up, but it nearly stuttered to a stop as she gazed upon her beloved garden.
Or more accurately, the wreckage of her beloved garden.
"Oh my god!" Bi Yu let out an unholy scream, before choking in shock at the sight of torn cabbages and half-bitten carrots. Everyone in earshot flinched.
2nd chapter! That puppy is a metaphor for Jingwei's entire existence. And Sun Haowei is going to have stair trouble.