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92.3% Overlord - Undead Guardian. / Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Alfheim

Capítulo 10: Chapter 9: Alfheim

Chapter: 9 Alfheim

Amidst the heart of an intricate and dense forest, a symphony of nature's creatures danced in harmonious unity. Majestic deer and an array of wondrous animals coexisted their presence infusing the surroundings with an aura of tranquility.

This enchanting landscape was none other than Alfheim, the realm of the elves, where the delicate balance between nature and its denizens thrived. The air itself seemed to carry an ethereal quality, interwoven with the gentle melodies of rustling leaves and distant whispers of wind.

However, the idyllic scene was suddenly disrupted by the abrupt emergence of a lone figure. This enigmatic presence navigated the wilderness with urgency, each stride a testament to the urgency that propelled them forward.

The figure, distinctly a scaled humanoid, possessed an aura of mystique. A striking contrast emerged as their dark scales shimmered, their every movement an embodiment of grace and purpose.

A hair hued in shades of purple, adorned with a pointy horn, framing features that bore the mark of chaos. Encased within a poorly created shirt.

The forest bore witness to this sprint. As the echoes of their footsteps reverberated through the forest.

"Fuc- why is there a freaking troll in here!?"

I said breathing heavily running for my life, it seems that pain and stamina also exist in this virtual world, maybe because of the cohen family technological advance.

Who'd have thought they'd revolutionize everything, including gaming?

I huffed and puffed, desperately trying to catch my breath, all the while unsheathing my sword like my life depended on it. Which, well, it kind of did at this point.




Facing the spawn point prompt, I took a thoughtful moment before making my choice. Alfheim, the serene realm of the elves, seemed like the perfect place to begin my journey. My plan was clear: start small, take on slimes, and grind my way up.

With my decision made, I was transported to an intriguing location. The surroundings painted a picture of both grandeur and decay.

A marble structure, once majestic, now stood in ruin, adorned with pillars that seemed to whisper tales of forgotten times. The ground, paved with intricate stones, formed an oval pattern that drew my attention to its center.

Nature's embrace awaited just beyond the marble's confines. Tall grasses swayed gently, leading to a dense forest in the distance.

The air was alive with the fluttering of butterflies, their colorful dance a stark contrast against the backdrop of green. A soft symphony of rustling leaves accompanied the caress of the wind.

Then, as if the world itself knew my next step, a prompt materialized before me, inviting me to shape my destiny.

"[Choose your Job Class!]"

This was it, the moment to define my path within YGGDRASIL, my heart raced with anticipation.

[Warrior Class:

Swordmaster: Skilled in the art of swordsplay and have a high amount of agility making them agile, and swiftly maneuver in striking enemies.

Berserker: Known to be ferocious on fighting and fuelled by rage, this class use their barehanded tactics on ripping off who stand in their path.

Paladin: Paladins are righteous warriors combined with martial prowess with divine magic, allowing to heal your teammates with holy prowess.

Knight: Knights are the champions of protection, they are clad in heavy armor and shield their allies from harm.

Gladiator: Gladiators are known for mastering various weapons and fighting styles, they are agile and versatile.

Bard: Excels in music to boost the mood of teammates while also making a harem of monsters.

Warlord: Excels in tactical and is commader on battlefield, they help raise morale of their teammate and plan they're wait out.

Ranged Class:

Archer: Skilled in precission and ability to strike enemies from distance.

Gunslinger: wielded firearms, they are adept in using guns of various type.

Thief: Are versatile in close ranged combat and archery.

Mage Class:

Elementalist: Are master of different elements such as earth, water, fire wind. They can unleash devastating spells that uses the power of nature.

Necromancer: Necromancing is a forbidden art that is raising the dead and command them to their bidding.

Summoner: Can call forth entities from other planes to aid them in battle.

Warlock/Witch: They curse their enemies and drain their life force and practice forbidden spells.

After carefully considering my options, I settled on the Gladiator class. It seemed like the perfect fit for my versatile playstyle. As a master of all weapons, I would have the flexibility to switch between different arms as needed, gaining an upper hand in combat. Moreover, the Gladiator class would grant me access to a wider range of equipment, allowing me to maximize my potential by utilizing gear that's not limited to my class.

What appealed to me most was the ability to excel in both ranged and close combat. This would provide a tactical advantage, enabling me to engage enemies from various distances without compromising my effectiveness. With my decision made, a radiant golden light enveloped me, signaling my successful class selection.

"Congratulations! You have successfully chosen your class!"

Your attributes received a boost:

+5 HP

-3 MP

+5 Physical Atk.

+5 Agility

You have obtained:

- Sandals (+1 Physical Def, Agility)

- Worn-out Shirt (+1 Physical Def)

- Leather Jeans (+1 Physical Def)

- Dull Short Sword (+3 Phy Atk.)

- +500 Gold

You have learned two titles:

1. Beta Tester

2. The Beginner

With my newfound equipment, a different set of clothing materialized before me, replacing my naked attire. I quickly equipped the new gear and stowed the gold in my inventory for safekeeping.

A fresh quest prompt appeared before me,

[Quest: Who am I? What am I?

You have successfully begun your journey. You shall rule the world and make your name known!

Choose your name:

+25 XP]

Realizing the gravity of this moment that my chosen name will be the permanent one and will be called in the new world, I pondered my decision carefully. The name had to reflect my character, covered in dark scales, a being of shadow and enigma. Thus, I chose the name Tenebris, a fitting Latin term for darkness.

[Quest Completed:

+25 XP]

With my identity sealed, I was now ready to venture beyond my starting point. The desire for action and progress propelled me forward.

I set my sights on a nearby village, determined to embark on quests and forge my path on finding a village. With brisk determination, I dashed into the depths of the dense forest, my heart brimming with anticipation.

After an hour of running through the dense forest, I found myself entering a swampy region within the woods. The continuous running had taken a toll on my hunger and thirst levels, each bar now depleted by half.

As the in-game clock struck 4:30 pm, I realized that not only had time passed within the virtual world, but also in reality.

With the sun hanging high in the virtual sky, I weighed my options. The impending dusk urged me to press on, motivated by the desire to secure a safe resting spot within a village before nightfall. This precaution would ensure that I wouldn't be caught off guard by potential threats upon logging back into the game.

Continuing my quest to find a village, my persistence paid off as I stumbled upon a small settlement. Nestled near a serene lake, the village appeared quaint and inviting. However, my arrival did not go unnoticed. Positioned at the entrance were two scaled creatures, serving as guards to the village. Their imposing presence suggested that this settlement might not be as peaceful as it initially seemed.

As I approached the entrance, my heart raced.

"A-A dragon?" the lizardman guard exclaimed, its voice a mixture of awe and reverence. The creature before me, a scaly lizardman, trembled slightly as it gazed upon my dark-scaled form. Its companion, another lizardman guard, stood by its side, its demeanor equally filled with awe.

I blinked in surprise, taken aback by their reaction. I had anticipated caution or even the worst possible scenario I would be chased and killed but their almost worshipful demeanor caught me off guard. I cleared my throat, trying to find my words. "I am Tenebris, a dragon of the Dark Dragonoid race," I managed to say, my tone a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. "I seek refuge and perhaps some guidance within your village."

The first guard's eyes widened even further, as if struggling to comprehend my presence. "A dragon, here?" it whispered, as if in disbelief.

The second guard's gaze was almost reverent as it spoke. "We have heard tales of the dragons, revered as gods among our people. To think that one stands before us is an honor beyond words."

I raised a scaled eyebrow, trying to process their words. "Wait, you... revere dragons as gods?" I asked incredulously.

The first guard nodded rapidly, his expression filled with genuine awe. "Indeed, noble one. Your kind has been spoken of in our most ancient legends. To see you in person is a sign, a blessing."

The second guard bowed its head, its voice a hushed whisper. "We are unworthy of your presence, Great One."

Before I could respond, the first guard quickly turned to his companion. "We must inform Chief Grop! He must know of this!"

The second guard nodded fervently, and with a swift motion, it darted away towards a larger hut at the center of the village. The first guard turned back to me, his eyes still wide with awe. "Please, noble one, wait here. Chief Grop will want to speak with you."

Left alone at the entrance of the village, I was left to ponder the turn of events.

As I waited for the chief's arrival, I couldn't help but wonder what will happen after the chief arrive.

After a few moments of anticipation, the lizardman guard returned, accompanied by a figure that was clearly of higher rank. Chief Grop, as I assumed he was, approached with measured steps. He was larger than the other lizardmen, his scales a deep shade of green that seemed to shimmer in the light. His eyes widened as he took in my form, and he bowed deeply.

"Great Dragonoid," Chief Grop deeply bowed and spoke intoned with respect. "We are honored by your presence. To what do we owe this visit?"

I inclined my head slightly in acknowledgement, still taken aback by the reverence I was receiving, using this moment I might get a chance of getting a quest, so I acted with confidence. "Chief Grop, I am Tenebris, a traveler seeking refuge and a chance to aid your village."

Chief Grop nodded, his expression a mix of gratitude and curiosity. "You arrive in a time of need, noble one. Our village has been plagued by a group of ruthless bandits, demanding resources and protection. We have managed to repel them so far, but our strength wanes with each passing day."

"I've heard of your troubles," I replied "I am willing to offer my assistance in dealing with these bandits."

The chief's eyes gleamed with hope. "Your offer is a blessing, Great Dragonoid. If you are willing to help us, we shall do everything in our power to aid you in return."

As the chief spoke, a shimmering light appeared before me, forming a holographic projection. A prompt materialized within it.

[Quest: Guardians of the Grove]

Description: Aid the lizardmen of the village in repelling the bandits and securing the safety of their land. Be their guardian in their time of need.


- Chief's Gratitude

- Lizardmen's Trust

- Unique Skill: Draconic Blessing

- 5000 Gold

- 500 experience points

- Leather Boots

- Leather Helmet

- Leather Jeans

Accept? [Yes/No]

I stared at the holographic prompt, I smiled.

'Draconic Blessing?'

A surge of determination course through me.

'Time for some Exp' I thought with a smile I clicked yes and the holographic prompt vanished, and Chief Grop's eyes shone with appreciation. "You honor us, Great Dragonoid. The village shall rally behind you. Together, we shall drive these bandits from our land."

However, as the chief's gaze lingered on my dark-scaled form, I couldn't help but notice a flicker of fear in his eyes. His respect seemed to be tinged with a certain caution, as if he saw me as a harbinger of chaos rather than a savior. It was a subtle shift, but one that didn't escape my notice.

As we exchanged words, I couldn't help but wonder how my appearance, so starkly different from the lizardmen, was being perceived by them. Were they truly welcoming me as a savior, or was there an underlying unease that I had yet to fully comprehend?

With Chief Grop's words of gratitude still and information of bandits whereabouts, I set out on the quest to rid the village bandits. Armed with my sword I ventured into the dense forest that surrounded the village.

I tracked the bandits through the dense forest, my sword ready and my senses alert.

They lurked in the shadows, their grotesque forms darting among the trees as they ambushed unsuspecting travelers.

Noticing a small figure a 6 goblin ambushed me 'It seems to be that the bandits are goblins'

But I was no ordinary traveler, Engaging the goblin bandits in combat, I showcased the skills of a someone who have defeated many players in a medieval intense game.

I strike to the side and my strikes is precise, each swing of my sword a testament to my mastery over close combat. The goblins fought back with a ferocity that belied their size, but I was relentless. With each defeated enemy, my confidence grew. I parried their attacks, dodged their strikes, and countered.

My health bar dwindled, and I could feel the strain on my body, but I pressed forward. The goblins fell one by one, their menacing presence reduced to lifeless forms on the forest floor. As the last goblin let out a final shriek, I stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, victorious but weary.

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

Breathing heavily, I checked my status.


Level: 3

Exp: 21/300

HP: 14/19

MP: 5/5

Phy. Atk: 12

Phy. Def: 10

Agility: 18

Mag. Atk: 3

Mag. Def: 5

Resist: 5

Special: 3

Total Stats: 70

I catch my breath and a rustling in the underbrush caught my attention. I tensed, my hand gripping the hilt of my sword as I prepared for another battle.

But what emerged from the shadows was not another goblin. It was something far larger, far more dangerous.. a troll. Towering over me, its grotesque form cast a menacing shadow. Its eyes gleamed with a low intelligence, and its hulking frame exuded an aura of power.

As the troll emerged from the shadows, its menacing form casting an imposing silhouette, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. The enormity of the challenge ahead was clear – a level 12 troll against a level 3 status.

Without a second thought, I turned and ran, my heart pounding in my chest as I raced through the dense forest.

"Fuc- why is there a freaking troll in here!?"

The troll's guttural roars echoed behind me, its heavy footsteps shaking the ground with each thunderous stride. My lungs burned as I sprinted, my mind racing for a strategy, a way to turn the tide of this battle. I needed time, distance, anything to gain an advantage over this seemingly unbeatable foe.

Through the thick foliage and overgrowth, I spotted a clearing up ahead. It was a temporary respite, a chance to catch my breath and plan my next move. As I burst into the open space, I skidded to a halt, turning to face the approaching troll.

The creature towered over me, its grotesque features twisted into a malevolent grin. It was a daunting sight, but in that moment, a fire ignited within me. I couldn't let fear dictate my actions and I would not back down from a challenge.

With a defiant roar, I readied my sword, my muscles tensed and adrenaline coursing through my veins. The troll lunged, its massive fist hurtling toward me. I narrowly dodged the blow, my agility and instincts working in tandem. As I evaded the attack, I slashed at the troll's exposed side, my sword biting into its flesh.

The troll howled in pain, its roar reverberating through the clearing. It retaliated with a series of powerful strikes, each blow testing my reflexes and resolve. I parried its attacks, using my agility to my advantage as I danced around the creature. My strikes were precise, aimed at exploiting weak points and chipping away at its formidable health.

The battle raged on, a whirlwind of steel and fury. My health bar dwindled dangerously, and exhaustion threatened to overtake me. But I refused to yield. With a final surge of determination, I delivered a crushing blow to the troll's knee, sending it crashing to the ground.

Breathing heavily, I stood over the fallen creature, my chest heaving and sweat dripping down my brow. The troll let out a defeated groan, its malevolence fading into a mere echo of its former self. As I caught my breath and surveyed the aftermath of the battle, a prompt materialized before me.

[Quest Complete!: Guardians of the Grove]

Description: Aid the lizardmen of the village in repelling the bandits and securing the safety of their land. Be their guardian in their time of need.

You have obtained:

- Unique Skill: Draconic Blessing

- 5000 Gold

- 500 experience points

- Leather Boots

- Leather Helmet

- Leather Jeans

[Your relationship with Chief Grop has improved!]

[You have gained the Lizardmen Trust!]

You have earned a title:

The Guardian of The Grove

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

Author Note:

[Draconic Blessing]

Type: Unique Skill

Mana Cost: 23 MP

Cooldown: 200 seconds

Effect: Channel the immense power of the dragons, transforming into a formidable avatar of draconic might for a brief period.

- Doubles Physical Attack for 45 seconds

- Doubles Magic Attack for 45 seconds

- Immunity to Fire, Ice, and Lightning damage for 45 seconds

- Increases movement speed by 50% for 45 seconds

Unlock Conditions: Be the first one to know the Grove Village and complete the quest "Guardians of the Grove" and earn the trust of the Lizardmen Chief.

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