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55.55% Reincarnated as Superman in the world of the Boys / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Capítulo 10: Chapter 10

A.N for those of you who asked in the comments where did I find out the civilian names of the supe rejects, I didn't, In fact, after scouring the internet, I could not find any civilian name besides the one of the narrator, so I decided to make up some names and give it to them since it felt weird only referring to them by their codenames. Now we return to your unregularly scheduled fanfic.

***Clark pov***

I was now getting ready for my date with Annie, I was informed of the development with Viktoria Neuman, and while it was good news, it meant something else, that I had to tell Annie the truth about her powers.

I mean, of course, I could keep it close to my chest, but I really liked her, and if she would find that out from the media instead of me, that would not be very preferable if I still wanted her to like me.

I had put on my black T-shirt, blue jeans, brown leather jacket, and to complete the look, a pair of black sneakers with a white sole.

I was looking at myself in the mirror, then I put on my cosmetic glasses, and went out of my apartment.

I had gone inside my car and drove off, this time, however, I did not drive to Vought tower, since we could talk, we scheduled a different meeting place, It was in times square where Annie was waiting for me.

She was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a blue shirt, a pink jacket, and white sneakers. As soon as she saw me approaching, she smiled and walked towards my car.

I smiled at her as she opened the door and went inside, and then she gave me a hug and said, "hi."

"Hi, how was your day?" I asked as she strapped on the seat belt, she started to answer, "it was ok, several things happened in the tower today."

"Wow, anything interesting?"

She smiled and said, "sorry, not really allowed to talk about it, and what about you? Anything interesting?"

"You could say that," I said as we started to drive off to our destination.

Annie gave me a look, and then asked, "I'm guessing you're not too much at liberty to say?"

I simply nodded my head, then she changed the subject, "by the way, I saw that piece you recently published, about the Aquaman?" she finished clarifying.

I raised a brow and asked, "oh yeah? And what did you think of it?"

"It was interesting, never knew the sea had this many secrets that even The Deep was not aware of, although I am not that surprised." She said the last part with disdain.

I guess I couldn't blame her, after all, The Deep did for her to give him a blowjob, but I had heard from Arthur That the Deep was now going through therapy and being slowly integrated into this world's new Atlantean society, so maybe he would redeem himself.

We soon had reached it, the bowling alley, the same one that Hughie and Annie had gone to on their first real date in the original timeline, but now I had taken her there.

We had taken a lane and I started to play, of course, I had to toss the bowl really slowly, since I didn't want to reveal myself and destroy the place.

I had looked at the lines, and on purpose, I missed my first shot, I made a show of being frustrated, then I turn to a smirking Annie, who said, "I thought you said you've done this before?"

I give sheepish smile and then say, "I did, but it was a really long time ago, I guess I'm a little rusty."

"uh-huh." She said, unconvinced, and then my second chance came, and this time, I managed to knock over only half of the pins, again, intentional.

She smiled as she said, "step aside while I show you how to really do this." As she took a bowling ball, positioned herself Infront of the lane, and started to move.

Soon enough she scored a strike, I clapped of course, and then I decided it was time to take off my jacket, when she saw what I was doing, I quickly said, "I don't want to have my movements restricted now, do I?" and as I took it off and revealed my biceps, her face had blushed.

I smirked as I took another ball, this time, I aimed it to hit only half of them on my first try as much as I wanted to win, I still needed to conceal myself.

As I turned around, I heard a couple next to us laugh, I immediately recognized their voice, and as I turned around, I saw Hughie and Robin in the lane next to us, they were laughing and having a good time, then I noticed something, both of then were wearing a T-shirt with a Superman symbol on it, my symbol.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and then I turned around and saw Annie looking at me, and then she asked, "Hey, is everything ok?"

I nodded my head and said, "yeah, yeah, just got distracted that's all."

She then turned her head, and saw the shirts on Hughie and Robin, and then said, "ow, I've seen them before, just about every kiosk in New York is selling them now."

I was a bit surprised, and then asked, "really? And the police are ok with it?"

"well, they can't really stop them, since Superman is not really signed on any merchandise, in fact, he is the only supe that is not reaping any benefits as far as I know."

Then I went and took another ball while asking, "and what is your impression of him?"

I then score another half-point, and then she answers, "who? Superman? That's kind of hard to tell, honestly, I haven't met the guy, so I can't really judge him, but so far, he seems like he actually doing good, and he even helps with preventing collateral damage other supes usually make, but again, I haven't met him yet so…"

I nodded my head, as I made myself miss my second chance, then I turned around towards her while she asked, "and what do you think of Superman?"

I answer, "I honestly think it's kind of refreshing that there is a supe that is a freelancer like him around, although I can't really tell you what I think since much like you, I haven't really met the guy, so I reserve all judgment until we know better about him."

She nodded in agreement and went to score another strike.

Then it was my turn, and I saw it was my last, so I went, and scored a strike as well, which surprised Annie, and as I turned around I said, "I guess I needed a little practice."

She gave me a look, and then asked, "you didn't pretend to play badly just for me now? Did ya?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't have these for nothing." As I pointed at my glasses, she seemed to accept that.

We then went on to have something to it, and while there, a couple got next to us, and I soon noticed that it was Hughie and Robin, Annie seemed to notice them, and then Hughie said, "I-I'm sorry, but… you're starlight… right?" she nodded her head, gave a small smile and said, "yes, that's me."

Robin then excitedly tapped Hughie on the shoulder, who then said, "relax! I'm going to ask her!"

Then he turned his attention back to Annie and said, "I'm sorry, my girlfriend and I are just big fans of yours, will it be ok if we asked for a selfie? It's totally fine if you can't and are too busy…"

She shook her head and said smiling, "no, it's totally fine, I would be glad too."

I then said, "If you want, I can take the picture for you."

"really? Oh thanks, man, that would be great." He then hands me both of their phones, and I take pictures of them with Annie, after we are done, he comes to me to take back their phones, and then he takes a good long look at my face, before saying, "do I know you? You seem…. Familiar."

I scratch the back of my head and say, "I don't think so, I just have one of those faces."

He takes one more look, then shrugs and says, "yeah, that might be it, then he takes the phones and say, "anyways thanks man." I smile as I say, "you're welcome." And they proceed to walk away from us.

Then, as I sit back at the table with Annie, I ask, "do you get that a lot?"

She nods her head and then says, "yeah, but you get used to it and compare to other creeps I had to deal with, they are nothing, adorable even."

I nod my head and then we proceed to eat.

In the end, we were walking to my car, we were holding hands and laughing, then before we entered, she turned to me and said, "I had a really great time with you tonight."

I smile and say, "I had a great time as well." And then she leaned in closer and planted a kiss on my lips.

It was a really good kiss, one of the best I have ever received, but then I reminded myself of what was needed to be done, so I broke myself out of the kiss and said, "Annie… there is something I need to tell you…"

At her questioning look, I started to say, "I started to work on this piece regarding Supes, when an anonymous source had told me something…" and then I proceeded to tell her, and then I said, "I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I honestly didn't know how to do so."

Then her expression was that of betrayal, and she asked, "is that why you went out with me? To get information for your fake news?"

"what? No, Annie, I went out with you because I felt that you were someone I could get along with, I genuinely like you."

But it was too late, as she started to back away from me and said, "get away from me, you liar!" and she started to make her way back to the seven's tower by foot.

Even though I knew what will most likely happen next, I was still kind of bombed-out, so I went to my car and drove it back to the New York Times.

It took me about 30 minutes to get There, after arriving, I went straight with the flash drive that I had ready beforehand, and went to Morgan's office.

As I entered, I handed it to him, as he took it, he asked me, "what is it?"

I smiled and said, "this is the final nail in the coffin of Vought."

He plugged it in, and after he saw it, his eyebrows rose, and he said, "Kent if this is true, the world is going to change. Are you ready for what is about to come?"

I nodded my head and said, "yes sir."

"ok then son, let's do it."

***Annie pov***

I called my mom after I had left Clark, I knew he was lying, I mean he had to, but I had to make sure that it was true.

Then she answered, "Annie! So good to hear from you!"

"Hey mom, listen, I need to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me."

"Sure Annie, but what brought this on?"

I don't answer, instead, I ask her right away, "why did dad leave us?"

The line is quiet for a moment, and then I ask, "mom?"

She then answers, "he was a weak man, who could not stay there for his family."

She said, but I could tell she was lying, and then I asked her, "What's Compound V mom?"

The line is quiet before she answers, "ah compound V? I don't know sweetheart, should I?"

Again, I can tell she is lying, so I ask with rage and tears threatening to burst out of my eyes, and I ask her, "how old was I? hum? How old was I when you let Vought pump me full of drugs?"

"Annie honestly, I don't know what you're talking ab-" but I cut her off by continuing asking.

"How old, when you let them turn me Into a freak?"

She then burst out saying, "you are not a freak! Never say that!"

I breathe heavily now, and then I say, "so it's true…"

I can hear her from the line and I say, "we… are done… don't you dare talk to me ever again."

"Annie please-" but I hang up the call, I then start to breathe heavily, and soon I start crying my eyes out, devastated from this revelation that my whole life was a lie.

I was brought out of my self-sorrow when I here a massive engine ride next to me, and I see a strange four-wheel vehicle colored in black chasing an armored truck, then I get a message saying, 'bank transport been hijacked, a strange black vehicle is now in pursuit.' And I am about to whip my tears when I see a blue blur rushing behind them.

'well, it seemed I am not the only freak in this world.' I think to myself as I am making my way to the seven's tower, a feeling of disgust welling up in my stomach.

**Lois pov***

I was in the bullpen late at night, trying to get a lead about this new supe the one named superman, I went through all of my sources, and none of them could say anything, well, I wasn't a Pulitzer winning journalist yet, but I had my work ahead of me.

Then I heard a knock on my window, which of course startled me, since we were on the top floor, I turn my head, and I see none other than the man I had thought of before, the Superman.

I get up from my seat, walk closely towards the window, and slowly open it, he is there, smiling arms crossed and he says, "Miss Lane, I was told you've been looking for me."

I nod my head and say, "Y-yes, B-but I thought that you didn't do interviews."

He seems to think about how to answer, and then says, "well, I thought I would make an exception with you miss lane, but… how about we'll do this somewhere else?"

He then extends his hand towards me, and I take it, but then, I am pulled towards him, and we start to fly off to the night's sky.

Soon enough, we land on a different rooftop, he sets me down, and says, "sorry if the flight was unpleasant."

I straightened my dress and said, "no it was fine, now, how about we start that interview?"

And then we start talking, he tells me his story, how he is the last living member of his now long-extinct race, named Kryptonians, and then I say, "what? Like Homelander?"

He grimness at that, but then say, "well, we might have similar abilities and origins, but we are not of the same species, but I can tell you this, I am not the same as him." He says that with such conviction, that oi can't help but feel that there is a hidden meaning to his words, then I ask him, "so… the 'S' on your chest, I know it is for superman, but I can't help but feel that it has a different meaning to you."

He gives me this bright smile of his, and then says, "actually, it is not an 'S', on my homeworld it means Hope, it is also the sigil of my house."

"your house?" I can't help but ask.

He smiles and says, "yes, the house of El, krypton's most respected scientific family."

"so that would make you…?"

"Kal, Kal-El." And then he start to proceed and tell me all these things about him, and I can't help but be enchanted by him.

Then towards the end of it, I ask him, "so… Superman, what are you here for?"

He looks at me, straightened his posture, and then says, "I am here to help guide the people of earth to a better tomorrow, I stand for truth, justice, the American way, and a better tomorrow."

"How… patriotic." I say but internally think, 'corny.'

And after that, he smiles at me and says, "well, I'll admit it might be a bit corny, but it's what I stand for, and have no regrets about it."

I can't help but smile at that, and then ask, "well then, tell me, is there a Mrs. Superman?"

He laughs at that and says, "that, is something I am not willing to share Miss Lane."

I smile at that and think, 'well… it wasn't a no.' and then I say, "I think I have everything I need for my piece on you."

"Well then." He says as he extends his hand once again and I take it, and he asks, "shall we?" as we fly back to the New York Times.

***Butcher pov, next morning***

I was now in my apartment and I watched the TV, that is when I saw the news flash that said, "research shows Supes are not born but are made." And then another one with the picture of Homelander saying, "Homelander tries to kill Baltimore's mayor and son to hide Compound V." and then another one with the picture of Clark that says, "superman- Supe, or alien?" and I can't help but smile as I think to myself, 'you crazy son of a bitch finally went for it didn't you?' and presume to it my cereal smiling to myself.

***Clark pov***

I had woken up and saw the TV, and I was actually happy, after my night with Lois, I was kind of expecting this kind of reaction, but I now wanted to go to the fortress to check up on the guys and their progress.

Flash has been adjusting well to his powers, and Kingdome had now been a little more relaxed and was less edgy.

Then I had heard a knocking on the door, I used my X-ray to see who was it, and was surprised to see that it was Annie, I quickly covered my supersuit with a regular one, and went to open it, and then said, "Annie… I wasn't expecting to see you." 'This soon.' I added mentally.

"Hey Clark, can we talk, or now is not a good time?"

I was about to answer when my super-hearing had picked up the unmistakable of something coming towards me at supersonic speed.

I look out my window and see that it is Homelander, and he is definitely unhinged and angry at me, his eyes lit up, and I barely have the time to grab Annie and shield her, while yelling, "get down!" as he starts to blast my building with heat vision, making it collapse.

***Annie pov***

I slowly wake up in a daze from the hit, I look at the rubble beside me, and I see that I am in a small pocket of air, then, I notice something else that makes my eyes go wide.

I see Clark, hunched above me, holding back the rubble from collapsing on top of us, and he is not even breaking a sweat, so then I ask, "how are you…?

He looks at me relieved that I'm ok and says, "I think I should explain a few things..."

A.N hey there everyone, I am back with another chapter.

So, we finally reach closer to the moment you've all been waiting for.

Now tell me if you want the story to stop beyond that point, or do you want to me expand the story further, either way, share your thoughts in the comments section, and be sure to review this story and share any ideas you might have for its continuation.

Until next time, you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!

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