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88.75% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 69: World Of Pirates: Part 07

Capítulo 69: World Of Pirates: Part 07

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"Doing the right thing isn't always easy - in fact, sometimes is really hard - but just remember that doing the right things is always right."

- David Cottrel


Recap: Hector practiced magic and visited many islands together with his people. His decision to stay away from the plot is thrown out the window after he visits Wano. Now he will not hold back anymore


Little A.N.:


First, let me explain.

I don't think you guys know but I only write during the weekends. Saturday and Sunday. So, I write this chapter in like... Two days because I also can go out and whatnot.

Recently my schedule changed and I'm busy during the saturday and strangely free on monday...

Sucks, huh? 

Again, I could've cut the chapter a little. This one has 16k words by the way, but I don't like it.

I have a formula for my chapters, which I discovered later and naturally, but I like my chapters to always have some certain things.

First starting with a little introspection of the MC, the world and what are his thoughts on what is happening and what he is about to do. 1k words to create the mood... (This is what people complain of monologue btw. To people who binge read must be annoying, maybe... The repetition, I think)

Then the chapter, with comedy, interactions with beloved characters, relating the growth of powers and discoveries, starts of some minor plots to be explored in the future, a big something and development. And end in a good point to let you guys want more.

But at the same time satisfied.

That's the reason my chapters are big. There is a beginning, a development, and a conclusion of some sort. Always. Always. 

Whatever, enjoy the chapter.




Hector P.O.V.

Maybe I should've seen this coming... But I really didn't expect that Orochi would already be giving defective Smiles to the poor people here. I didn't even expect these shit fruits to be ready.

I came during the time skip so that I could avoid these sad storylines and plots.

The plan was simple. Come and do a quick grab of powers, genetic samples, materials, and technology, and go back. Leaving this world behind and taking some good memories with me...

I did a lot of my childish bucket list. Talked and fooled around with a lot of people. Flirted with my fictional crushes, heh... Even if I was not serious and it was just a good way as any to copy their powers, seeing their reactions was fun.

I don't plan on getting attached to this world.

And I didn't plan to change this world that much and solve all the problems.

In the Hero Academia world *Sigh*... In the Hero Academia world, I was weak.

I needed to use some underhand and opportunist tactics to have my kickstart. The fight of All Might and All For One and Kamino was the best chance... There's no way that I would appear there and not become a public enemy.

So I went big.

I killed the main villain without scruples (solving a lot of problems and saving a lot of lives by the way).

Made a cringe speech on TV to gain time to get used to my new powers... Pfft, idiots... Who let the villains monologue?

After getting used to my new powers, was super easy to defeat Midoriya and take [One For All]. That's it, in the first few hours on that world it's already Game Over.

Before that, I was assimilating Katakuri... Had Starkiller, Miles... I was strong, but not Invincible. After that... Pfft, not a chance.

And that's it, certain paths cross other people. I learned that. It's inevitable.

I was not a villain, but I needed to get stronger. If I didn't do that... Defeating Thor during the invasion would be a problem as an example.

I was not wrong.

I... was an invader... Went to that world and messed things up greatly to my own benefit. Disrupted the balance and everything.

Killed a loooot of people. Took a loooot of powers. Traumatized people, made people lose their jobs, kids didn't go to school for that month...

That was inevitable... So gave them a gift. A path to a better future. For their benefit and as compensation.

Thanks to me there's no war against All For One, and a lot of people survived. They will never know that I saved them, but it's okay.

I took what I wanted and repaid them. I can take the eternal blame for everything there... Unfortunately, I was not strong enough to do it in a better way.

Now... Here?

Here if I want I can be like a ghost and take what I want and change nothing.

That's how ridiculously overpowered I am compared to everyone here.

And I really want to impact this world the minimal.

But at the same time, I want to enjoy a little. Really touch this world instead of being a spectator. And for my people too... Making Saeko train with Mihawk, Cassandra travels by herself...

So I thought of making some positive changes... Saving Ace, controlling the course of the war so that fewer lives will be lost, Kill Blackbeard and impede him from releasing a lot of dangerous criminals in the world...

Just a little bit. Nothing that will make me entangled with the plot.

Let the plot to the people here, it's what I thought.

It's essential for their growth and that they could make a better world in the end.

I will not be here forever... If I mess things up, maybe I will make things worse and I will not even be here to see.

But enough is enough. There are things that even I can't ignore and stay still while saying things like "It's for the big picture."

Kill a useless World Noble and the leader of a nation and a Yonko are different.

"But fuck it..." I say out loud while walking on this shitty road in Wano.

At a distance, I can see the factories polluting the air and rivers. The dry land, a toxic river running close to me...

For the first time in this world, I'm letting my hearing loose to listen to the suffering of normal people.

"*sniff* Mommy... I'm hungry..." I hear the voice of a small kid

"Today was a good day... Only three died in the factory..." A tired and weak voice comments

"If you punch your belly, the pain goes away!" The voice of a kid advises other kids, being the leader of the small group

"We need to choose which meal we will keep..." Another voice, female this time

And it goes on. I also can hear people being beaten up, drawing their last breaths, being forced to sell themselves for food and other things.

"Tch. It should be a simple wish-fulfillment vacation..." I comment to myself while walking

"The fact that you can't ignore these things proves that you're a good person, Master." Cortana says in my mind

"..." I continue walking "They just destroyed my vibe. So I'm gonna teach them a lesson." I explain

"...I see." She says in a smug tone, meaning that she doesn't believe me.

Whatever, I'm not gonna delve into that again. It's hard to ignore these things when they are literally slapped on your face.

I continue to walk around, thinking about flaying Orochi and Kaido publicly when something catches my attention and I stop in the middle of the road.

"What's it?" Saeko asks me. She is walking some steps behind me, to my left.

She was also angry after I told her the specifics of the situation. Even if she is sadistic, she doesn't enjoy bullying the defenseless.

"Let's postpone the slaughter for three days..." I say, my eyes and ears focusing on the distance

"Why?" She frowns, don't like it I can tell. Can't wait to cut some assholes...

"There will be the perfect opportunity in three days... A festival. Everyone will be reunited." I explain "What coincidence... Maybe is destiny..." I say more to myself

The Fire Festival, the same one that will mark the date of the Onigashima Raid in canon will happen in three days.

All of the Kaido crew and Orochi people will be together... The symbolism is good too...

I explain this to Saeko.

"And will give the people here a chance to fight." I finish talking

"Are you gonna conscript the people here?" She tilts her head

"I'm not gonna force anyone... I value freedom, after all. But..." I pause and change the topic to explain "Do you know I'm Half-american and Half-brazilian right?"

She nods to the obvious.

"Brazil has a certain problem compared to the United States..." I pause "It didn't fought on the important moments."

Side-glancing at her confused face I delve deeper

"We rarely fought for anything... Our independence was declared relatively peaceful, with no war or anything. Slavery was abolished in a political move, etc, etc... But this is not as good as it appears." I sigh "Our history lacks blood. Weird, huh? The peaceful and blessed past creates a certain lack of patriotism and drive to fight for changes."

I think she understands where I'm getting it

"Hehe. I just remembered a meme about French people. The price of the gas goes up 0,01 cents and they are already burning the parliament." I laugh out loud "They have a huge history of Revolutions. See? A country built like that is strong."

"So you're gonna make them fight even if there's no need. So that they can participate in this important moment and grow strong." She says

"Yes... They will be hurt, some will die. But is for the best. Freeing the body is easy, Saeko. The tricky part is freeing the mind and heart... They have been whipped for too long. They need to let a battlecry and conquer their independence with blood and tears too"

"I will not be here in the future... Momonosuke will only arrive in two years and he is a brat. This battle needs to create a strong foundation now or... Problems will appear in a not far future." I say heavily

"Makes sense..." She nods.

I bet she can relate. In the past, I helped her free herself from modern moral constraints and accept the darkness inside. I didn't free her body, but mind and heart. After that, she is living much better.

Another example is abusive relationships... It's not only about taking the abuser away from the abused person. A certain change in mindset needs to come from the abused person too, even if the person is the victim... Sad.

"So in three days, huh?" She asks

"Yes. Now that I decided to help, I will go all out. It's not enough to simply get rid of all enemies. It would been easier... But the easy path is rarely the correct one." I say "There are people that deserve a shot at dealing with Kaido and Orochi more than me too..."

The people who deserve their revenge. Oden's people, the Whitebeard pirates... I will call them too. This timeframe will be enough to organize everything.

"I will also discreetly help so that no one will die during these three days from overwork or hunger" I say

Again, it's more complicated, but is the right thing to do.

"I will go meet some people and arrange everything." I say before giving her a peck on her lips "Sorry for ditching you, have fun around being a ronin." I smile before disappearing.

Time to convince a bunch of people that never saw me to join me in beating their trauma against their biggest foe, betting everything on me in a last standing after they failed two times already.

Must be easy... Let's hope my Char stat is up to the challenge and I roll a Nat20.


First things first... I will study the enemy. So right now, I discreetly invaded Onigashima.

Seeing the layout of the place, counting the people, and other things. It's the basics.

And meeting a certain someone...


I met her... Him, whatever. I will call her a female, I don't think she identifies herself as Oden because he is a male, she wants to be Oden because he is Oden. Being male is more of a consequence.

And there's no Twitter in the One Piece world, anyway...

I met her while she was destroying a big bolder with her Kanabo, that weapon is like a fancy Japanese club. Blunt weapons are OP against armor and in the old times, a good choice.

Yamato is not wearing any mask to hide her features while she trains. She has her White and slightly curly hair in a high ponytail, a characteristic of her features is that her horns and her hair gain colors on the edges and tips, red and azure respectively.

I simply drop in front of her without ceremony, I can see the surprise on her pretty face. And she is tall... And has big badoonkas. Tch. This world, man... Every moment is a challenge.

"Who are you?" She frowns and points her weapon at me cautiously, I notice the cuffs on her wrists.

"Sorry, let me test you a bit..." I say simply before suddenly attacking her.

A katana appears on my hands and I slash at her lightly. Fast, but not strongly.

Her reaction speed and Obsevation Haki are good enough, because she hastily puts her kanabo in the way of the slash.

She also doesn't waste time in retaliating, putting her two hands in her weapon and advancing to nail me on the ground with an overhead swing.

I calmly put my katana away while she approaches and when her attack comes, I grab it with my left hand.

Some cracks spread on the ground but I'm unfazed.

Her surprised face is cute too...

"Good strength..." I compliment her.

She retracts her weapon, I let her through, and puts a distance to prepare for the continuation of this fight.

But I cross my arms to show that I'm not a threat and sit down on a rock.

Yamato is a good person, she would not attack a defenseless someone, so she stops in confusion while watching my actions, or inaction really.

"Again, sorry for the sudden attack, but is convenient for us to measure our strength now. Will make things proceed smoothly later..." I say

"You're familiar..." She frowns at me, slightly on guard "Are you a new subordinate of my father?" She asks

"Hell no, In truth I'm here to kill your Father." I say bluntly

Her eyes widen "Are you crazy? That cow-gorilla will kill you!" She says in warning.

Heh, worried about a person she didn't even know and has attacked her. So pure...

"Don't you know me? You should be able to acquire the newspapers here, right?" I tilt my head at her

She tilts her head in response too.

And looks closely at me. Very closely... Really, she literally came closer and crouched down to look at my face from centimeters away. Squinting her eyes and all that while thinking hard.

I put my elbow on my crossed legs and support my cheek with my hand, patiently waiting for her.

She is pretty so I have no problem letting her closer.

"Heh~ I would flirt with you if I was in a better mood..." I smile at her. What Orochi did with the country of Wano messed up with my "Zen".

What sucks because one of the reasons I come to this world is to get out of my depressive mood after seeing a lot of shit in my world.

Well, I think I need to accept that there's darkness everywhere. Can't escape that even if I go to the My Little Pony world.

She doesn't acknowledge my words, maybe she doesn't care, or doesn't know about the concept of man-woman relationships or she really sees herself as a man.

I think is the former.

"Oh!" She finally exclaims and stands up, crashing her fist with her palm she points at me again "You're that new Emperor guy, like my Father. The Devil!"

"Something like that..." I shrug

"Hmmmm" She pouts in thought while looking at me "That cow-gorilla is strong." Warning me again

"I am stronger." I say immediately "Wanna Join?" I go to the point


"Yeah, defeat your father, liberate Wano... I will even call Oden retainers and former companions to help. To give them closure..." Will be too much overkill if I bring Rayleigh?

"Liberate Wano? I wanna do that!" She suddenly exclaims "I'm Oden after all!!" She poses while smashing the tip of her Kanabo on the ground.

", you're not." I say bluntly "You're Yamato, right?"

"No! I'm Oden!" She says stubbornly and starts explaining what I already know.

How she was touched by Oden's heroic spirit, Journals, and even his people... And deciding to not let his legacy die down and how she makes his last words of "opening Wano borders" her objective as Oden.

It's the whole Inherited Will thing.

I can understand but...

"I still fail to see you as Oden... In truth, I'm more Oden than you." I smile broadly.

She is a little taken back by my words and is ready to argue

"If I work hard I will become Oden!"

"Okay, okay... I can respect your strange wish a little. You as a child went against everyone around you, including your father, and suffered a lot of abuse to keep your wishes. It took courage, I don't doubt that." I say in a placating way "But there's no need to try to be the guy. Just try to be LIKE the guy."

I continue when I notice her paying attention to my words "I can understand your feelings... Admiring someone's way of life and especially his cool last moments and wanting to be like that... Heck, I have people like that too. But you will not be seeing me abandoning my identity and starting calling myself Future Gohan for example." I say, even if I know she will not catch the reference.

"..." She doesn't have anything to say "I still want to be Oden!" She exclaims.

Okay, I can't get on that thick head of hers.

I shrug, it's not like I want to convince her now. I just think she doesn't have the time or opportunity to mature. My therapist side is saying that this whole Oden thing is a coping mechanism and escapism. But whatever...

"Anyway, wanna Join?" I ask again

"Are you gonna fight him now??"

"No, during the Fire Festival... I know I can defeat him. But it will be good for other people to defeat the rest of his group. Give the people of Wano a chance to fight for themselves... I will bring Ace here too."

"Oh! So you really saved Ace!" She is suddenly close again "Thank you very much! I was so worried when his Vivre Card almost disappeared..." She grabs my hands on hers and shakes it excitedly

"Then the Vivre Card suddenly returns back to normal, totally repaired!" She continues to say

"No need to thank me... I just felt like it." I say, smiling lightly at her enthusiasm. I can feel my heart being healed by her giddiness

I put my free hand on her hands too, joining all of them together... Wow, already hand-holding? Should I propose now?

"Anyway, let's get rid of these things..." My hand moves to the cuffs on her wrist

"Oh! My Father put it there, he says that will explode if I leave Onigashima... But I don't know for sure. Don't want to test, apparently is strong enough to take my hands away." She says lightly

"Can't you take this by yourself? If you use Advanced Armament Haki, or Ryuo as people call it here in Wano, you can suppress the explosives inside, delaying the Explosion enough for you to take it off." I say. She absolutely knows how to use Armament Haki. I saw that earlier...

"Can you disarm it like that? Really?" She gasps in surprise

Oh, so she knows how to do it, but doesn't know that doing that can work. Typical.

It's like, everyone knows how to connect some wires, but the thing is knowing what wires to connect, hence we need engineers and mechanics.

"Yep, like this..." Haki covers my hand and I grab one of the cuffs, crushing it and taking it off.

I throw it away and encapsulate it in a barrier bubble.

Inside there it explodes, and it's possible to see that it is a strong explosion by the way the bubble shines white for a long time, but no shockwaves leave the bubble.

"That damn Cow-gorilla... He would do it to his own child." Yamato says in a little of disbelief.

So she is really a little naive and gullible. Still hoping for some familial love.

"And the other one?" She raises her other wrist

"Wanna try doing it yourself? I can do this too..." I say and use my [Larceny] power

The cuff suddenly is teleported to my hand, making Yamato go wide-eyed.

A convenient power, a pity that there's a range and weight limit. And eye contact too... If not I would be capable of doing the famous [Steal] from Kazuma.

(I can cheat on this last limitation by touching the object with my telekinesis, but I'm not gonna do that to steal panties)

"You can do that too??" She asks

"I have many talents." I say and create fake cuffs, similar to the previous one "Use it to trick people." I say while putting the fake cuffs on her hands

"Ooh~ You're smart!" She says in admiration, her eyes shining while she praises me.

I can only chuckle at her and ask the obvious question "Marry me..."




Flower Capital

Obviously, I was kidding... I don't plan on getting married.

Yamato was one of these types that doesn't even understand flirting, so would be a monumental task to even make her blush, so it's no fun to flirt with her.

"Thanks for the waiting, dear guest~" A geisha bows at me while she opens the door.

I'm in a certain place where another important person is hiding. Sitting on the ground in front of a table full of food while waiting for that person...

The geisha allows the person in question to enter the room before politely leaving us alone.

"Thank you for choosing me, Dear guest~" Komurasaki, the disguised Hiyori and daughter of Oden, bows politely and kneels at my side.

I paid a huge amount of money to have this lunch with her, so that we can be alone.

Yep, only a lunch.

Even if a crass way of calling courtesans lumps them together with prostitutes, it's not the same.

Yes, I bought her time, but there will be no sex involved. Especially with a Tayu, the highest rank Oiran, like Komurasaki.

An easy way to explain is... These Oirans are like that modern thing of renting a girlfriend in Japan. There's a manga about that, damn I hate that protagonist... That's a guy that deserves to be cucked. Maybe I will do that.

Anyway, I'm sidetracking... You rent Oirans to spend time with you. To cuddle, to show off in banquets, to sing to you, dance, play instruments...

Basically, this is where all that rent-a-girlfriend thing started.

Their virginities are kept intact, at least of the high-level ones, because the endgame is to be bought as wives or concubines.

Yes, they are like professional wives. Trained for that.

Maybe that was why nobles were beautiful, they constantly insert new beautiful blood into their bloodlines by choosing beautiful brides.

Now, how do I approach the subject?

I look at her... Komurasaki, Hiyori, is putting me a drink respectfully. I thought she would be more arrogant, because that is her persona as a courtesan, but maybe she is always like that at first to trick the bad guys and take their money.

"I never saw you before in the capital, dear guest..." She comments softly. Her voice is pleasant.

She presents the Ochoko, sake cup, at me with her two hands and smiles.

I say nothing, but take the drink from her hand.

Yep, she is really pretty. Enough to put no-name models in Marvel to shame and even other named characters. Mary Jane level but Asian.

If all K-pop and Japanese idols are lumped together, maybe will be on her level.

It's not a surprise she has a lot of simps.

She is trying to make me one too... Too bad she is against me.

After downing the drink, I still don't like alcohol, I finally deign her with an answer.

"First time here in the capital." I say

"Oh... So what did you think of the city? Pretty, huh?" She asks cutely, with her eyes half-closed in crescentes.

She is leaning at me while I look forward, ignoring her attempts of seduction. A petty part of me just doesn't want to give her the satisfaction of being exactly like every other male, the rest is simply because I pity her more than anything...

Must have been, and still is, a hard life. Imagine having to talk and act all merry with your family murderers? I can't do that...

Well, maybe I can. If needed I'm that cold-blooded... Luckily I never needed to do it. Perks of being strong.

But she doesn't have this option. Weak people can only fold. And I know that she is not a cold bastard like me... People in this world tend to be very emotional.

Every day must be a battle.

I can respect her. It's a different type of strength that she has.

"This city is disgusting..." I spat finally

My words make her gasp slightly. No one ever said that, probably.

In truth, the city is beautiful. The climate is great, the building's aesthetics pleasant, it's clean, people even act amicable... It's the perfect fantasy Japan in the Edo period... But...

I turn to look at the wall of this VIP room. I'm not really looking at the wall, I'm looking beyond it. Using the empathic type of Observation Haki, to observe everyone's feelings around the city. I can even observe the land aura.

"It stinks..." I elaborate "It's rotten on the core. Like a person that didn't take a bath in a long time and tries to cover the stench with a lot of sweet perfume. It can mask the smell of shit, but still makes a horrid combination. I'm holding back to not puke."

"..." Her soft and droopy eyes are finally showing real strong emotions while looking at me. But she controlled herself fast after I turned to look at her face.

She covers her mouth with her sleeve and looks down to put some food on a plate for me. Hiding her eyes from my vision, I bet.

"Is that so? Too bad, dear guest... I hope that I can change your perspective." She looks up again, batting her eyelashes at me and going back to her courtesan act.

I chuckle.

She is good at it. She knows how to use her looks.

There's a joke on the One Piece fandom, that all female characters are Namis with different skins. Heh.

So even if is said that Hancock, Shirahoshi, and Hiyori here are super beautiful... there's really no difference between them to the other female characters.

The simple explanation is that Oda is ultimately a shonen mangaka, he didn't put much thought into a female Character design. I think in an interview he revealed that he is simply drawing his type and his wife as the beautiful female characters.

So the guy likes big-breasted, small waist and tight butts women... Can't fault the guy here. Congratulations on scoring a wife like that.

Now, seeing the characters in real life I can tell the differences... Nami has more of a round face, passing that innocent vibe even if she is everything but that. Hancock has high cheekbones and sharp eyebrows. Shirahoshi looks almost surreal, with dazzling eyes.

And Yamato is pretty as fuck, even if she acts like a tomboy and masculine.

Hiyori here has that calm and demure look, that awakens the instinctive male urge of wanting to protect her.

"And what do you think of the Flower Capital?" I shot back the same question

"I love it!" She puts her hands together, her eyes wide "Everything is so pretty, the people are nice, and..." And she goes on with practiced lines, acting all proud.

Can fool anyone, but me. I don't see any light in her eyes.

I roll my eyes at her, not caring to hide the fact that I don't believe in her bullshit. "Tell me about these dishes..." I change the subject

The conversation goes pretty well. Talked about various topics, but nothing really important, I didn't even talk about Orochi or any other important person. I don't need to ask her for information.

I think she is surprised by the mundane topics, she was secretly on guard against me. Maybe she thinks that I'm someone sent to test her loyalty to the shogun...

"Gochisousamadeshita." I join my hands to say my thanks after the meal "Why didn't you play a song to me before I go?" I turn to her

"What song dear guest wants to hear?" She asks before clapping her hands two times and instructing someone to bring her some things.

"The one that you play the best..." I say lightly

After waiting for some time, the door is opened again.

"Excuse me~ Haha" A Young voice attracts my attention.

A Young girl with pink hair enters the room carrying a shamisen and a mask.

'Toko...' I think while watching the smiling girl delivering the musical instrument and mask to Hiyori

Toko is Komurasaki's Kamuro. Basically her sidekick, intern, apprentice, padawan, servant... Whatever you wanna call it.

'Her too, huh?' I frown while looking at the laughing girl.

Orochi is really a bastard. He must have distributed the defective smiles in many cities at the same time. He really wanted all of his way to make people miserable...

"O-Toko is a good girl. She is my Kamuro." Hiyori explains while patting the girl's head.

She must have misunderstood my frowning at her. Some people are assholes, and it would not be uncommon for some to mistreat a kid.

So she acts like that to make her simps dote on the girl too. Trying to gain brownie points with her.

I don't explain myself, there's no need, but the little girl's eyes go around the dishes on the table.

I obviously, in respect to the cooks and people in hunger around this country, have eaten everything clean. The way O-Toko's eyes go around the table and her disappointment make me deduce that she must eat the scraps of the guest when she can. Tch.

I hope that the theory about Orochi having eight lives thanks to his devil fruit is true. One death is not enough...

"Here girl..." I put my hand inside my sleeve to retrieve some candies from my Sky Poison Pearl and give them to her.

Heh~ Seeing her face brighten up is good. In the past, I didn't like children that much, but after going into the hero business, I started liking the little ones.

After ruffling her hair, I let O-Toko go away and turned to Hiyori.

She is looking at me intensely.

"What?" I ask

"...nothing." She giggles a little before going to put on her mask. That's the first 100% real smile that she gave me all.

She starts playing with her instrument slightly, setting the tone...

A part of me recognizes the music. It's the music that she used to play to her father when she was a child.

When she plays it, she always uses a mask because she can't smile while playing, a failure as an Oiran who always needs to smile.

The song starts gaining intensity while her fingers dance for all the shamisen.

I like this song... Or does the Oden card like it? I don't know.

I instinctively lay on my side, supporting my cheek with my hand, to enjoy her music while slowly closing my eyes.

Yes, I'm being healed... I can feel a real smile slipping up from my poker face. The atmosphere is good.

After doing it, I noticed a sudden change.

Another person wouldn't notice it, but I can see how she tensed up to my actions. Her muscles tighten up and she missed a note, that she hastily recovers.

Flashback much, dear? Seeing your dad in me?

I didn't even notice that I did his usual routine to hear your songs...

Well, this is not a topic we can dive on, so I will just close my eyes and enjoy the music.


She hits the last note, pressing the string with a finger and moving it up and down, so that it can vibrate, making the note reverberate as long as she can. Ending the song masterfully.

I open my eyes and sit again, clapping calmly "Very good, I can feel your passion through it." I compliment.

"I thank the dear guest for his kind words." She says with a polite bow, taking her time to remove the mask to school her features.

She approaches my side again, our time together is coming to an end.

"I'm glad dear guest enjoyed it." She beams at me

"I did." I nod "As expected of Hiyori-hime..." I finally say it.

"..." Well, it appears that she is not a flower vase either. After a second of shock, a knife goes straight to my neck very fast.

It's obvious that she is hiding weapons. Everyone who wears loose clothes hides something.

I stop the knife with my fingers.

"So that's your real face... I prefer this way." I smile at her angry face

"Who are you?" She asks in a low tight voice. Any pleasantry far from her features

"You wouldn't know even if I told you." I say. Orochi didn't let the Newspapers arrive in the population's hands.

She struggles to get out of my grasp, I don't fight her too much. I would be worried about other people hearing us if I didn't know that only one person is close. I waited till this moment to confront her because of this.

She backs off from me and...

! What the hell!

I move fast and grab her hand, going on top of her, to stop her from killing herself. Did she really think that I was with Orochi?

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down..." I say. Fun fact: No one ever calmed down by only hearing those words.

But is a necessary step to start.

She struggles under me, some tears in her eyes... Okay... This looks really bad from a third-person perspective.

"Hiyori!" I say strongly, in a whisper "Look at me."

This makes her pause and look at my face.

"If I wanted, I could've already hurt you. Trust me for some minutes, all right?" I look deeply into her eyes. That's a real strong woman. Ready to die to not be a liability. Choosing death over humiliation "I'm gonna release you now..." I say slowly and stop pressing her on the ground.


But I need to let her go faster to catch the sword aiming at my neck. Good form...

I grab the sword of the assailant.

Kyoshiro, or Dejiro, goes wide-eyed seeing me react that fast. He is one of Oden's retainers and another guy that ate a lot of shit in silence to create a foothold for Hiyori and other loyal people under Orochi noise.

He was the only one closer, another person that I needed to talk to, hence why I broached the sensitive topic with Hiyori.

"What do you think you're doing, Dejiro?" I ask him in annoyance.

This makes him back off quickly.

Maybe is the surprise of me knowing his real name, maybe he felt some familiarity with Oden and is instinctively listening to my orders...

Hmm, that's an interesting thought... How much do people feel my assimilations? The people close to the characters, I mean... Can I bat-glare the bat-family in submission too? Evoke good feelings in Catwoman and Wonder Woman?

A thought to the future.

I remove myself from Hiyori and back down.

"Let's have a little talk..." I sit down and make no moves to threaten them.

After Denjiro checks that Hiyori is okay, they set their eyes on me.


10 Minutes later, I explained everything to them. Well, almost everything.

The abridged version is that I have some connections with the previous generations: Oden, Whitebeard, and Roger.

Came to visit Wano and I'm livid about the situation of the citizens, so I'm gonna do something because I'm strong.

Yes, I can defeat Kaido. Denjiro must have seen some newspapers in Orochi's place because he trusted me on it.

And I proposed my plan of allowing them to fight together with me while I deal with the top brass members.

"It's too soon... there's no way people will move to it." Denjiro says with certain

"I really don't care" I say plainly, crossing my arms "I'm gonna liberate Wano anyway. You guys can be part of it or not."

"This is madness..."

"Oho~" I laugh at him "You have no idea what I can do. All of you great enemies are insects to me."

"Hector-sama... Please..." Hiyori starts slowly "We can maybe do this properly. Planning for some weeks..." She says softly and worried

Look at this. Another person is saying to me so that I can do things properly. What a weird day.

I chuckle and slowly stand up "I don't have the time and people are suffering right now... I'm already making a huge concession of waiting till the Fire festival." I look down on them "On the day of the festival I will attack Onigashima. I have the power to take anyone there... Pass the message to the ones loyal to you, Denjiro."

"To the ones that want to give this step to the bright future... Just follow behind me." And I disappear to make my point that I can really teleport.


"So you're Yasu..." I say slowly to the silly man with a big head "Or should I call you Yasuie-san?"

With my words, all the goofness leaves him and the former daimyo of Hakumai reveals himself.

"How do you know that?" he asks frowning.

He was hanging with Saeko after she met him and said that someone wanted to talk with him. Me, obviously after I sent a message to her.

Now we're in a dilapidated house that was previously being used by some bandits.

The bandits in question are tied to a tree after being beaten by Saeko.

She spared them probably because of the hard life in this country, and the small chance they are not that bad and are only led astray. But she beat them pretty harshly, so she can only control that sadistic side this much.

"Just a fan, Yasuie-san." I say. Yasuie-san is a real one, he will not die on my watch.

"A fan?" He asks confused

"I met O-toko earlier..." I changed the subject, talking about his adopted daughter. "And no, I'm not threatening you." I say before he reaches strange conclusions.

"..." he narrows his eyes at me

"I will be brief, Yasuie-san. I'm gonna take Kaido down and Orochi too." I say surprising him "You, more than most must understand that this victory achieved from an outsider means..." I look at his eyes

"..." He looks hard at me

"On the day of the Fire Festival, I will do the grand Opening. Follow me if you want." I say and don't wait for an answer before going away.

It's okay...

I can look into their eyes, there's still a Sparks amidst the cinders of their will... If I create a strong wind, their Fighting Spirit will reignite.


Third Person P.O.V.

Those were not the only people Hector met. He does not work too hard to convince anyone... He only gives them words because this is everything he can give.

In Wano, there's a prison called Udon. It's the place where they put the greatest criminals, people against the actual regime, to break their will.

Hector confidently walks on this shitty barren land to the front gate of the prison, Saeko by his side.

He scanned it earlier and noticed that Queen, one of Kaido's commanders was not there. Already left for Onigashima probably.


Hector kicks the gate and sends it flying till is lodged in a wall.



"Impossible!!! Is it one of the top commanders? Is he angry?"

The entire Prison pauses to pay attention to the commotion.

"Okay, okay people... Stop working. Anyone that is not a prisoner please step forward." Hector's cheery voice shows itself before the person.

"Who are you, your bastard?!" A prison guard shouts and steps forward, the rest just behind him.

"Hm, so there's really no one with artificial zoans... Saeko..." Hector watches them for a second before ignoring them completely and starts walking to a certain part of the prison.

"You-" The guards angrily step forward to attack him but Saeko is faster.

A gleam of purple is all everyone sees before she appears behind the group, their limbs flying in all directions

"Aargh!! My arm!"

"The signal!! Ring the signal!!"

"It's not working!!"

They shout while Saeko runs around the prison, bathing it in the blood of the guards. Moving fast, jumping over walls, and blitzing through everything.

"Obviously is not working..." Hector scoffs to himself, as if he would let information leak.

He walks, passing through the bewildered prisoners, ignoring them completely too.

Except one... An old small guy with blue hair and yakuza tattoos.

He gives the guy a look and a wave of his hand before he stops in front of a solitary cell.

With a move of his hand, the bars of the cell are ripped off from the small cave.

"Come out, Kawamatsu." Hector says and goes to sit on the small arena in the middle of the prison, his leg dangling from the edge. He looks very relaxed.

Slowly people can hear the steps of the person in the cell. In no time a fishman in samurai attire Steps out to the sunlight. He looks like a kappa from the legends.

Saeko finally returns to Hector's side, no guard can move anymore. She eyes Kawamatsu carefully. In her hand was a sword that Hector told her to retrieve from the supervisor's room.

She throws the sword at Kawamatsu, it's his from the beginning. He catches it easily and gets himself familiarized with it again after a few swings.


"That is one of the Red Scabbards!"

"So he is the mysterious prisoner!"

The prisoners mutter between themselves.

Hector raises an eyebrow and looks around "Why are you still holding these pickaxes and rocks? Did the slave mindset is already wired in your brains?" He frowns "Let them go!" He shouts like a drill sergeant in the last part.

Instinctively their bodies move and everyone lets go of their tools and rocks.

Hector nods to himself and smiles seeing that, only after they obeyed him that people find it weird. Saeko gives Hector a long look but says nothing.

"Alright people... Hear me out." Hector starts, attracting everyone's attention. He raises a finger to the sky and says "I'm gonna kill Kaido and liberate the country of Wano."



His confident tone makes everyone flabbergasted


Before voices of outrage or disbelief start, Hector interrupts. He doesn't have time to convince anyone.

"Shut up!" Everyone shuts up instinctively "Kaido is less than a garden snake to me. I can pick him up and spin him around like he is a toy." He says

His tone is light, normally people would think he is joking, but for some reason, some people are starting to believe him.

"The truth, I don't need you fuckers with your lousy will and pathetic fight spirit." He mocks. "I can do all alone and hoard the honor to myself." He says in a grandiose way

His words make people ball their fists and grit their teeth in anger.

Saeko: "..."

"But I can throw some breadcrumbs to you guys and let you all participate in the fight against the small fries while I do the heavy work." He sighs contemptuously

More shouts are heard from the prisoners.

Hector raises his hands, and some people including Kawamatsu get on guard, but when Hector makes a grab motion the cuffs and collars are teleported to his hand.

The process is repeated fast, he uses [Larceny] in a person's restraints and throws it over his shoulder before it explodes.

In less than one minute all prisoners are free.

"There, you can go away like little bitches now..." Hector then spreads his hands and a green light covers the whole prison healing and recovering everyone.

The prisoners look at themselves in awe before Hector's voice interrupts their little moment.

"Or you all can fight with me." He waves his hand down and a lot of katanas and weapons suddenly drop from the thin air

The sudden appearance of a bunch of weapons surprises everyone too. He smiles broadly while surrounded by weapons, it's hard to not see some glimpse of hope there.

"On the night of the Fire Festival, the two paths will be open to you all... Choose wisely." Hector says before grabbing Kawamatsu and disappearing with Saeko.


A Thief Hideout

Kawamaki is in a good mood right now. Not only he was free from imprisonment, but Hector also told him that Princess Hiyori was alive and well together with Denjiro.

And right now he is feeling like he is in the past again.

"I like direct guys like you, Ashura Douji..." Hector smiles down at the defeated samurai, also part of the Red Scabbards "Now that I defeated you, do I have your loyalty?"

Kawamatsu watches the scene with some nostalgia.

He is not the only one.

Ashura Douji feels like is suddenly teleported to the past.

He lies defeated on the ground and a smiling bastard is looking down on him while standing on his body.

"You're scumbag Ashura Douji, I heard that you've been stealing from the people. Very scummy..." Hector laughs at him and shakes his finger from side to side "But your skills are very sharp... Those are not the skills of a guy who lived a life preying on the weak. You've been training every day, right?"

"...!" Ashura Douji looked up to him.

"You've been honing your swordsmanship for 18 long years..." Hector extends his hand to him "...let's put these skills to use, shall we? One last and big 'Hurrah'." He smiles at him


Saeko looks attentively at the scene. Once again she was certain that Hector is simply too charismatic, if someone has a heart he can move it. It's a dangerous ability...

He knows exactly what to say and how to say it, and he has his actions to back it up.

"You're the last one in Wano, Douji. After you, I'm gonna recruit Nekomakushi and Inuarashi." He says


"Just follow me, your scumbag!"


On the same day, Hector decided to gather the rest of the allies and solve some business.

On that evening, during the sunset, an enormous flock of cranes flew over the country of Wano.

The crane is the bird of the Kozuki clan.

The thousands and thousands of Birds rained down leaflets to the whole population.

A simple piece of paper with the Symbol of the Kozuki clan, a full moon, a flame, and a vortex.

Under rushed whispers people discuss what is about. Hector's small actions, created a small wind that was fed by Denjiro's spies and Yasuie's contacts.

"AAAARRGHH! My stomach!!! It hurts!! It can't be!! It's two years early!! The 20 years haven't passed yet." In the castle of the shogun, people heard Orochi cursing during the whole night.

On the top of a huge tree, Hector observes the sunset, the flock of cranes flying around him. After they get too close, they change themselves back to cherry petals.

"[Gold Experience]... Very handy." He comments to himself before opening a portal "Let's destroy their allies first. Two days is more than enough time." He laughs before disappearing.


Two days to the Fire Festival

Hector meets the interested parts around the world and says his simple plan.

The Mink is a little complicated. He needs to beat Inuarashi and Nekomakushi to set them straight and end the 18-year-long feud.

Everyone starts Moving and making their preparations.

Hector on his side is heading to a certain part of the New World.

"It's here... Ready?" Hector asks while standing on an invisible platform high in the air, looking down on the G-5, the most infamous Marine Base.

"You are the one that should know that." Law deadpans while giving Hector a look.

Hector shrugs his shoulders "You're in an important part of your training. The truth is... You got used to fighting against me." Hector points at him "Haki evolves during battle, during real situations where you put your line on line. I simulate those situations, you got the fastest development in history, BUT... to find your own path and specialities you need to fight your own real battles." Hector says sagely

"..." Law can't argue against that

"Now, Young Padawan. Let's prepare the battlefield." Hector looks down on the Marine Base with a smirk and presses his palm downward.

From the center of the base, shockwaves propagate in all directions, destroying all the constructions and pushing the debris away in a circle

"..." Law tries to keep a calm face seeing Hector's power.

"There..." Hector points at a certain point. The debris are moving a little.

Law pays attention and sees his target emerging from beneath the debris

"Vergo..." Law squints his eyes

"Wants help from your crew?" Hector asks


"Good." Hector says and prepares himself to send him down "If you die I will collect your body." He says lightly

That's Law battle, his Devil Fruit development is obviously inferior to his canon counterpart of two you from now. But his haki is nothing to scoff off.

And on this battle against Vergo, Haki will decide the victor. Thanks to Vergo's Full body armament, there's no way to catch him off guard, Law will need to overcome him on haki.

Hector would give him a 30-70 chance of winning.

But he can still run.

Hector will not watch the duel "Let's go do my own thing..."


Punk Hazard

"P-please spare me!" Caesar Clown cries out while Hector grabs him by the neck.

His face is all swollen after a good beating.

"I don't think I will..." Hector answers without pity while copying his Devil Fruit power.

An excellent power. Hector wouldn't say that is wasted in Caesar, after all the scientist has a lot of knowledge and can use his power efficiently, but he could've done better.

'Well, he is a non-combatant...' He thinks

This guy here experimented with children and made them addicted, put a lot of lives at risk, and created the Smiles. So Hector has no hesitation in killing him.

After skimming through Caesar's memories he already made his decision. After he is done copying his power, he is gonna kill him.

He stopped holding back on this world.

Fuck the plot. Fuck if these villains are essential to the development of some characters.

He is already going to destroy the hardships that would mold Momonosuke into a better person in the future. Nothing can stop him now.

"D-damn it..." Caesar Clown cries out

At this moment, a glimmer of hope shines on his pupils.

He can see his subordinate Monet sneaking up on Hector.

When the green-haired woman finally is close enough she launches her attack...


...That was completely neutralized when a burst of blue flames sent her flying.

Hector didn't even look at her. The flames emitted from his back are enough to neutralize her Snow powers and hurt her severely.

Before she can gather herself, two stakes of Seastone impale her forearms, pinning her on the ground.

She groans in pain, but Hector doesn't even acknowledge her existence.

"I'm done..." Hector says slowly before releasing Caesar's from his grip.

The scientist appears surprised and elated at the sudden freedom, before he feels a momentary pain and in the next instant he is no more. Exploded by [Killer Queen] power.

Hector walks slowly to Monet.

She gulps seeing him loom over her.

"Pretty... What waste..." he says slowly and with a sigh, but she can say that in his eyes there's no pity or mercy.

She closes her eyes for the last time, waiting for the inevitable death.

She feels her head being held by a big hand.

"The next time, maybe I will try to steal you from Doflamingo..." It's the last words that she will ever hear.

Hector's playful and flirting ways that he adopted after coming from the One Piece world are nowhere to be seen.


Hector walks to an abandoned part of the laboratory.

Punk Hazard was in the past a island. where Vegapunk and Caesar do their research, one day Caesar blew up the island in a spiteful moment, making the whole place inhabitable because of the toxic gas... To everyone but him.

In truth, he started slowly rebuilding the research facility after the same being abandoned by the World Government, all of this funded by Doflamingo and Big Mom, which was supporting his research in creating Giants.

In a not-so-far future, in Canon the island will be the stage of a big duel between two Admirals, altering the landscape tremendously and creating a dual hot-cold climate.

Now, beyond the poisoned gas that lingers on the air a little, the island. looks almost normal with threes and normal rivers.

Hector removes his hand from a red slime and nods to himself.

The slime changes and turns himself into an axolotl. This is a rare case of an inanimate object eating a devil fruit and gaining life. A special process that only happens with Zoans.

Hector just finished copying the Axolotl Devil Fruit, it's a good fruit because of its regenerative properties.

Then he intimidates the slime axolotl with his Conqueror's Haki and captures it.

"It will be a good pet..." He nods to himself again, satisfied. "Now, it's here..." He turns his head and moves fast to a certain room.

Crossing the door he sees what he researching for.

The artificial Devil Fruit created by Vegapunk himself... Artificial Mythical Zoan, Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryuu. Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon.

"Pink Eel to be more exact..." Hector chuckles, still believing that is defective Devil Fruit.

"But is much better than any smile created by Caesar Clown."

He grabs the fruit and uses [Power Manipulation] to study it lightly.

"Hm?" He frowns.

The fruit does not give him the weird feeling he expected. He put his hand on some smiles earlier while dealing with Caesar, he felt the difference to a real Devil fruit. He does not feel a big discrepancy...

He then takes a fruit from his Sky Poison Pearl. The fruit is brown with scale-like patterns...

That's the Devil Fruit he found earlier when his Sky Poison Pearl signaled him... After checking a Devil fruit Encyclopedia he discovered that is a Zoan. Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Brown Snake.

Nothing impressive, a normal zoan. At least brown snakes are very venomous, so is not pathetic either.

"It's not that different..." he comments while carrying a devil fruit in each hand, like he is weighing it.

An idea pops into his head. "Maybe... Momo is a child... Luffy as a child is pretty pathetic with his Devil Fruit too."

He narrows his eyes while looking at the artificial Mythical Zoan, a smirk growing on the corner of his lips.

He had an idea.


"Well, well... You're alive. Congratulations." Hector walks slowly and pats Law's broken body on the ground, making the man wince in pain.

Laws glares murder at him when vomiting blood. He is in a bad shape, a bunch of his organs are being sustained by his own power, but he won.

Vergo lays defeated on the ground close to him, sliced in half. It's also possible to see some wounds on his body.

Hector makes a rough analysis and concludes that Law tried half a dozen of times to surpass Vergo's defense before finally having a breakthrough and defeating the man.

"Let me guess... Finally imbued your Haki in your sword perfectly?" Hector smiles at him, happy.

But Law continues to glare at him without answering, his lungs are in a bad shape even to answer.

'Vergo must wanted to beat him a lot before bringing him to Doflamingo... Sucker.' Hector thinks.

He finally stops teasing Law and restores his body with [Crazy Diamond] power.

"Rest well, little disciple. Tomorrow we will go for Doflamingo head." He gives a huge grin to the now-restored surgeon.


The day of the Fire Festival


Hector floats above Dressrosa, observing the country island like Pain before using the Shinra Tensei.

He admires the style and aesthetic of the country. If Wano is like Edo period Japan, Dressrosa is like Spain. A little at least.

Saeko floats to his side, standing on an air platform formed by her own powers.

"I started liking fights Saeko..." Hector says attracting her attention.

"..." She turns to him.

"Different from you, I'm not a battle maniac..." 'Even if I assimilated Yujiro Hanma' He thinks "The thrill of battle and excitement of putting your life in line... It's not for me, I think..."

"..." She keeps her silence and lets him conclude his thoughts

"It's more like... More like a battle is the stage where I can show and test my hard-earned abilities. Where I can apply all of my training". Hector opens his arms to the world

He chuckles a little while enjoying the wind

"To me, a good battle is the one where I know that I will win from the beginning. Suddenly having a power-up and relying on plot armor to win? Yew~" He jokes while he makes a disgusted face.

He never liked this clichê, even if is cool to watch. Leaving things to luck like... It's ironic too.

"That is the reason I train so hard, Saeko. My future battles... is happening right now." He gesticulates to the moment "I don't even know what I will fight, when I will fight, but I'm training for it. And I will be victorious because of it."

He always hated those characters with a lot of potential but lived normal lives till a threat appeared. If your life is not normal, don't go with a happy-go-lucky attitude and trust that shit will not happen

"Se Vices Pacem, Parabellum..." If you want peace, prepare for war...

He stops his gesture and looks down, his eyes locking on all his foes

"When I enter in battle is not about if I will win it's about how I will win..." he smirks "And I already decided..."

With his great plethora of powers, ironically the hardest part is deciding what power to use.

"Let's start..." He waves his hand at the country.

Locking it up in a barrier. No one leaves, no one enters.


Everyone is suddenly in panic when the country is locked in a transparent dome.

Suddenly, a screen appears on the dome and Hector's face is on it, smiling at them.

"Greetings, people of Dressrosa." He says "You guys must know me as the big and bad Devil. But I'm not a bad guy... Okay, I'm a little... But I'm better than your actual king and hero."

"I noticed that you guys worship Doflamingo. I'm here to say that all of you have been brainwashed." He says lightly

Everyone looks at each other in confusion

"It's okay, it's okay... You guys don't need to believe in me. I will prove it in the next instant. Prepare for the shock..." He says and the screen changes again.

Right now Hector is using a combination of the powers [Hologram] and [Chart] to show what he wants.

The screen shows a small kid eating some fruits leisurely, the kid jumps in fright at being shown on the big screen suddenly.

"This is bad..." In his castle, Doflamingo frowns and moves fast to where Sugar, the child in question is.

But Hector is faster.

He suddenly appears in front of the girl and smiles devilishly at her.

His hands go to his torso, he just started assimilating a certain character after finishing Arthur Lewyin's assimilation. He is assimilating this Character next only for this moment.

His fingers trace his torso like he is going to open a coat and then...

...he opens his torso.

Ghostfreak, Ectonurite Physiology.

The people watching the screen can't see because his back is turned to him, they can only see some tentacles other things getting off his torso and the face of Sugar for seeing it.

Her eyes bulged out, her mouth opened so much that her jaw almost fell off. Tears and snot cascade from her face and she pass out.

Hector laughs out loud and turns to the "camera".

"Now let's start the battle Royale... Beat everyone from the Doflamingo Family, people of Dressrosa! Freedom!!" He shouts in his best impression of William Wallace.

Hell broke loose after the screen disappeared from the dome.


"..." Hector looks down on the passed-out form of Sugar.

His eyes show disgust before he grabs her and starts taking her power away.

Yes, TAKING her power away.

For the first time since arriving in this world, he is not only copying a Devil Fruit but taking it completely.

The reason is simple...

As a fleeting traveler in this world, Hector is adopting a "respectful harvesting" instance. Similar to how people gather in nature, you don't take the roots of a plant, only what you want without taking it in excess.

If Hector takes a Devil Fruit power, the Devil Fruit will never reincarnate in this world because it will always be with him, so he avoided doing that.

Now... Sugar's Hobi Hobi no Mi is probably the only exception that he will make.

The power to turn people into toys with a touch, one-sidedly create an enslaving contract and retroactively erase all of the memories of that person in everyone's mind...

It's simply ridiculous and...

"Disgusting..." Hector mutters while taking the power away.

One of the Five Priority Paramecias that he came to take, but different from the others, this one he came to take and seal away.

"And done..." After taking the power away, Hector snaps Sugar's neck without pity.

She only looks like a child because of the side effect of her power, she is an adult. So no Mercy was given.

She throws her body to the side like trash and walks away.

There's a lot of powers here to take and after deciding to go all out, he is not holding back anymore.

"Fuck the plot..." He repeats himself


Doflamingo tried to stop Hector but was intercepted by Law halfway.



The two stare at each other, Doflamingo can't even "fly" because he can't connect his string powers with the clouds in the sky, thanks to Hector's dome. Hence he could only jump from roof to roof.

"I waited for this day for a long time..." Law says slowly while removing his big katana from the scabbard

Doflamingo gives an angry laugh while covering his face.

"So now you think because you have backer you can go against me?" He scowls "I think I need to put you in your place, Law!" He shouts in scorn before attacking.


The whole country is in chaos.

Normal people and some soldiers are fighting the Doflaming Family goons.

Some high-level people of Doflamingo are intercepted by Law's people and others are in battling some good fighters from Dressrosa's side.

Some former good soldiers remembered their loyalty and others finally have the courage to act.

"FREEEDOOMM!" Hector shouts from above a huge building, his voice crosses the battlefield. Carrying Belo Betty's hype power, strengthening the ones he sees as allies.

"That's too easy..." he comments with a shake of his head. Creating chaos is easy.


Another Hector is now in a certain building, and a bunch of people from Doflamingo lay down on the ground defeated.

He is holding a woman in his right arm, she is sitting on his forearm like she weighs nothing.

"So... Do you believe me now?" He turns his face to give her a cheeky smile.

Viola's eyes are wide when she is in Hector's arms. The situation changed fast.

They met earlier, before Hector even trapped the whole of Dressrosa. He talked with her and defeated all of her "subordinates" while doing it.

He approached the people who really matter in this whole situation, after all if he defeats Doflamingo, someone needs to rule and deal with the aftermath.

Creating chaos is easy, but establishing order is hard.

Thanks to his reputation and her overall dislike of pirates and men, Viola was distrustful of Hector at first.

But the guy has his way with the words...

"See? I kept my promise..." Hector says to her "It's too much to ask for a vote of confidence?" Hector acts hurt

"What did you expect? I can't see what you're thinking and I don't know you..." Viola deadpans.

Viola has one of the best non-combat powers in this world.

The Giro Giro no Mi(Glare-Glare Fruit) allows the user to see through everything... Things, lies, minds... Also allows the user to have a Clairvoyance move where she can see everything in a 4000 km radius. That's a ridiculous huge distance.

The applications together with other powers are vast too.

The user can also weaponize their tears, but this is not the focus of the power.

"So you can't cheat with your powers and need to know me better to have a measure of me? Like any other person?? Wow! So horrible!" Hector exclaims exaggeratedly, making fun of her.

She gets angry and pouts to the side.

"Aah~ C'mon~ Don't be like that~ I thought women like a mysterious man~" He puts his face close to her and whispers in her ears, sending shivers down her spine.

Hector smiles like the Cheshire Cat seeing her reactions.

"Don't make those faces, dear~ I almost can't hold myself...You look delectable enough to eat~" He whispers again, and takes advantage of her position on sitting on his arm to give a squeeze on her thicc backside

She yelps and glares at him, but it lacks heat.

If this was in his world, would be Sexual Assault... Here people are a little more desensitized to this whole thing. It's flirting. Obviously, if the guy is weaker than the woman, he must be ready to bear the consequences...

"Now... What will be my reward when I take down Doflamingo and his goons?" He asks flirtingly to create small talk. He needs time to copy her power after all.

And he is enjoying the weight of her body on his hand too.

She turns to look at him "If you defeat-"

"When." He corrects her with a cheeky smile

"..." She gulps at his confidence, she is feeling some weird things now "When... you defeat him AND if you not hurt innocents..." She adds strongly the last part making Hector smile grow a tad more warm "...I will be yours in any way that you want." She finishes strongly

"Oh~" He whistles with his eyebrows raised "Interesting..."

He approaches his face even closer "Well, well... I'm starting to like you beyond your thick body, plump lips, and velvet voice, my dear Spanish princess~" He laughs

Then he moves away a little "But I'm a man of principles and integrity. I will not scam you." He says with a hand over his own heart

"Scam? So you are really lying to me!" She accuses

"Well, I already planned to simply deal with the flamboyant pink guy and leave this country alone. No need to put it on the bargain... So..." He eyes her again unbothered by her accusation "What about a kiss?" He gets close again, their lips almost touching

This whole get close and move away is taking a toll on Viola's mental state. She is being teased a lot by him and can barely think straight... And this without taking into consideration the whole chaotic situation the country finds itself now.

"A kiss?" She asks incredulously

"I've never been kissed by a princess..." He shrugs "It's a man romance."

"..." She really can't say if or when he is serious.

Hector finally finishes copying her power and puts her down.

"Now my olive-skinned-and-thicker-than-a-bowl-of-oatmeal-princess..." Hector steals a peck of her lips making her eyes go wide in surprise "This is the down payment. Pray that I will come back to claim the rest of the reward..." he winks at her and disappears

"..." Viola unconsciously puts her hand together above her chest, maybe in a praying motion, maybe for longing... She sighs after watching the place where disappeared for a long time.

Her hands can feel her heart beating fast

"...Am I that easy?"


The Colosseum

Another Hector is there, just finished healing all the retired gladiators of their crippling injuries.

"Go fight for your freedom! What we do in life, echoes for eternity!" Hector hypes them with the quote from the movie Gladiator

The people raise their weapons to the ceiling and shout together. In the next second, they are emerging on the streets of Dresrosa and fighting.

Hector then turns to the last person that stayed

"Now little princess..." Hector says to Rebecca and then his eyes go to her chest 'Yep, Oda has preference... Only 13-year-old... What is the nutritional value of the food here? And bikini armor? Really?' "Let's go find your Father... You have a lot to catch up." He says softly

Rebecca sniffs and can't contain the tears from escaping her eyes. She fought for a long time alone, putting up a strong front. Now she finally recovered the memories of her father. And she knows that she was never alone...

'The Hobi Hobi no Mi is truly a cruel power..." Hector thinks

Rebecca then surprises him by jumping on his arms and burying his face in his chest and bawling her eyes out

"Eh...?!" He puts his arms in the air reflectively, not touching her "I'm a minor too, officer..."


Now, the "main" Hector walks calmly through the streets of Dressrosa.

He ignores the people running around, but occasionally helping with his telekinesis.

'Well, let's wait for Law to lose before stepping up...' He thinks while giving a glance to where the battle is happening.

He also gives glances to where other important fights are happening.

Pika, the man who has the Stone Fruit fused with a mountain, but is being thrashed by Gigantomachia in his giant form.

Hector is holding himself back to not laughing at the high-pitched groans that he is making.

He can see Cassandra and Rover fighting half a dozen of high-level officers of Domflamingo too. Against the guy who can increase his weight in tons, an old martial artist, the guy who can make explosions, and others.

She will win easily... These guys barely know Haki.

Saeko is fighting two of the Elite Officers: Dimante and Trebol. One can turn everything in flags and the other can make a sticky mucous substance. It's a good matchup because Dimante uses a unconventional swordsmanship and Trebol has some advantages against Saeko's style.

'But all of the tricks are useless against overwhelming power...' Hector thinks while he continues to walk calmly

He is still in his samurai clothes, but there's a different thing about him... He is carrying a weapon.

This is rare, he doesn't need to do it. But he is carrying a huge weapon in his left hand.

It's a hallberd... No, a glaive. Chinese style... A Guan Dao.

It's more than ten feet tall(3 meters) and is mostly silver, with the exception of some details in gold. The main characteristic is the draconic style of the weapon, where the blade connects with the pole there's a dragon head. And the curved and thick blade is being projected from its mouth. A little similar to the Blades of Chaos of Kratos.

The pole is covered in silver scales to help with the grip and a gold line passes through the body in a circular motion.

Hector leisurely carries the weapon, the tip being dragged on the ground, leaving a thin line because of how sharp it is.

"Oh~ finally here?" Hector comments looking forward, suddenly a woman ambushes him.

She is in a maid uniform and her arm is transformed into a rifle, she points it at him and screams "Die!!"

She shoots several times but not even one bullet connects, is unknown if he became intangible, diverted the bulled with telekinesis, or is simply too fast and avoided and no one saw how he did it.

The bullet hit the ground below him and seeing the futility of this type of attack, Baby 5 arm transforms into a sword and she advances

"Baby 5! I NEED you to stop!" Hector raises her hand at her.

She halts, her feet sliding through the street while she forces herself to stop, finally stopping when she is just some feet away from Hector.

"Do... Do... Do you need me?" She flushes and puts her hand on her cheeks while avoiding eye contact in embarrassment.

The corner of Hector's mouth rises seeing that.

"Yes... Since the first time I laid my eyes on you, I know that I NEED you in my life." Hector says in a smooth tone while approaching her. She flushes even more hearing that.

He snakes her hand around her waist and brings her closer

"You're exactly what I need..." He whispers in a husky tone.

He can practically see the heart in her eyes, the smoke of her cigarette forming Hearts too. She is almost fainting...

"Be mine..." He says strongly. Demands even.

"Yes~" She doesn't hesitate

Hector gives her a warm smile before kissing her lips, she melts on his arms at his ministrations.

She literally melts because she is knocked unconscious in less than 10 seconds

"..." Hector eyes the sleeping form of Baby 5 in his arms and he shakes his head, some gas is leaving his lips while making a sizzling sound.

He just used the Gas-Gas fruit to create sleeping gas and forced her to inhale it through the kiss. The Gas-Gas fruit is like the Gas version of Momo's [Creation] quirk. If you have the knowledge, you can create any type of gas.

Hector then passes Baby 5 through a portal, putting her to sleep in a cloud far in the sky that he made previously.

"Well, she is useful. I just need to solve her extreme emotional dependency on others..." he says "I can fix her..."

Baby 5 can't say "No" to anyone thanks to childhood trauma, her loyalty is very dubious because of that.

"When I turn her into a card... No, I should deal with it first..." Hector talks out loud before resuming his walking at his objective.


"So you're the only one guarding it..." Hector finally arrives at his destination, stops, and says to the people blocking his path.

There's a little group of people there, some guards, some women, but the most prominent person makes Hector smile only by seeing his face.

Señor Pink stays still with his arms crossed while blocking the path. The man in a bayby attire and diapers, wet his pacifier in a cup of alcohol before putting again in his mouth, nursing his drink in a cool way.

"That was the last step that you take." He declares while some women fawn over him

Hector laughs to the sky. "Hahaha. You're fun..."

Señor Pink throws down his drink and throws the cup over his shoulder before throwing himself on the ground.

His Devil Fruit power allows him to swim in anything.

"..." Hector calmly waits for him to approach, the glaive on his ready to destroy his opponent.

But... *Pah* To the surprise of everyone, including Cortana, Señor Pink's sucker punch really connects with Hector's face.

Cortana: "???"

Hector didn't put any defense, even if the attack didn't hurt he was sent sliding for some Steps.

He slowly turns his face back to Señor Pink and says "That one was free..."

He disappears, reappearing immediately in front of Señor Pink and punching the man in the gut. The attack raises the man some feet in the air before he goes back to the ground in pain.

"The next attack will be the last... Make it count." Hector declares and crosses his arms after stabbing his glaive on the ground.

"Master...?" Cortana asks confused

"It would not be manly to dodge his attacks..." Hector answers the unspoked question

"..." Señor Pink looks at him for some time in silence

The people watching the fight are in awe

"Ugh... For some reason... I can feel my heart beating fast~" A woman declares

"Why there are tears in my eyes??" A dude asks in confusion

"That's too hard-boiled!!"

Señor Pink straightens himself up before diving on the ground "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to let me go all out one last time..." He grabs Hector by the waist and continues to swim with him, pushing him to a building where the two go up like he is swimming against a waterfall.

"..." Hector let it happen, he kept his arms crossed while Senõr Pink dragged him through the highest tower wall.

Finally, the two leave the tower by the roof, Senõr Pink holding Hector by his back, he pulls him down together with the gravity

"Nyannyan Suplex: Baby Buster!" Señor Pink exclaims before slamming Hector on the hard ground, Hector's neck hitting the hard ground first.

Señor Pink slides away from the collision taking advantage of the momentum and looking at the result of his attack.

Hector is nailed to the ground, his legs in the air.

"..." Silence falls over the street before...


...Hector propels himself from the ground, straight like an arrow, using a burst attack from somewhere.

"And no one ever promised to sit on my face..." He chuckles while letting the dust and small rocks fall off his hair.

He is completely unscathed.

"No..." Some women exclaim in shock seeing that

Hector looks at Senõr Pink and calmly walks over the man, Senõr Pink on his part does nothing, only crossing his arm over his chest and waiting too.

"That's the end..." Hector says before raising his fist in the air.


"Senõr!!!" The people on the street shout

"Please, dodge!!!"


But he remains unmoved.

"You have a lot to atone for, Señor Pink..." Hector says "First comes rock..."

Hector concentrates a lot of power on his fist, even the wind is blown away by his aura. He is serious.

"Señor Pink..." Some people murmur sadly, accepting his fate slowly.

Hector doesn't hesitate any more and punches him on the torso.

It's possible to see that it's the end. Señor Pink is sent flying to the end of the street, his body hitting a house and disappearing on it.

Hector turns and takes his glaive off the ground before starting to walk away.

"If you survive that... Go open an orphanage or something, so that you can have something to be proud of when you meet your family on the other side." He says without looking back.


Saeko gives the last attack at her foes, effectively ending the fight.

She lands on the ground, while watching her enemies lie in a pool of their own blood. Too bad she can't kill them before Hector copies their powers.

"Saeko..." She hears Hector on her side, a strange intonation in his voice.

She turns to see him giving her a predatory gaze.

"...what?" She can't ask more before he grabs her hand and takes her somewhere

"I just had a manly moment... The testo is high." He says while looking at her directly in the eyes.

"What?" She is confused

They teleport to somewhere private and he gives her a look.

"...oh." She finally realizes and starts blushing, not protesting after all she is also in the mood.

"Just a quickie..." Hector whispers in her ear


"...maybe I'm an idiot. Having to multi-task this way it's not that relaxing..." The "main" Hector comments while walking out of the plantation of Smile. His pants are a little tight because of what he is doing too.

Behind him, all the trees are burning

"What?" A small Tontatta on his shoulder asks him, there's a bunch more climbing him and many others going around to help the rest.

Having these innocent creatures close while at the same time he is bending Saeko over is strange too. He needs to get used to it.

"Nothing... Leo is saving the princess, go help him." He says and watches the small people run away at incredible speed

The Tontattas are the race of Dwarves of the One Piece world, they are incredibly gullible so everything Hector needs to do to convince them is to talk to them.

Doflamingo has captured their princess because of her healing powers, now he is helping them save her and the ones that are used to Harvest the smiles fruits because of their great dexterity.

In exchange, they will create some chaos and help the ones that need it from the shadows, avoiding more casualties. Hector also will copy their Devil Fruit powers later.

"Oh... Law lost." Hector says while looking at the result of the fight.

Finally is time for him to end this.


"Fufufufufu! Now you see, Law?? You can escape from my grasp. It's like that in the past and is the same now." Doflamingo laughs

Law is now being crucified by his strings between some buildings, all bloody, and appears to not be far from death.

Doflamingo doesn't even look hurt, maybe he received some attacks but they are inconsequential.

"I will put you in your place and you will be a good compensation for all the problems that you and that trash caused." Doflamingo smirks, ready to take one limb or two.

But a massive wave of Conqueror's Haki assaults him making him stop, he turns around fast, but the world is silent.

He then turns back to Law in surprise and finds nothing there.

"Did you take a good chunk of him?" He hears a voice and looks up

Hector is carrying using hi glaive a support

"Ugh... More or less..." Law says slowly

"Yeah, he is strong, right? Top 50, unfortunately, you're only in the top 100 now." Hector says light

A golden light envelops Law and suddenly he is cured

"Wanna try again?" Hector asks while Law stands up in the air platform

"No..." Law answers slowly "Are you gonna kill him?"

"Absolutely. Wanna the last hit?"

"No need..." Law says before exchanging places

Law already made the guy suffer some pain in the battle. Doflamingo is really strong, beyond what he imagined, now he understands what Hector said about the New World being beyond his imagination.

"So... The Devil, huh? Fufufu" Dodlamingo laughs to hide his nervosism while looking up at Hector

"The Heavenly Demon... What a cool name." Hector smiles down at the guy

A crashing sound attracts their attention and they look at the source.

There, they saw Machia finishing tearing up the Mountain Giant that was Pika. Ending his battle.

"You lost, Heavenly Demon." Hector smirks at them "This sudden attack even prevented you from going begging to the World Government for help. You know... Using your Tenryuubito status and all that."

"! So you know about that..." Doflaming frowns more seriously now, stopping smiling

"I know everything that is need to know... Wanna know what is the One Piece?" He lies easily to mess with him.


Hector lets the man think. The more he thinks, the more he overthinks the more he weaves himself into a trap.

While this he plays with his silver glaive, spinning it on his hand and doing tricks with it.

"You know... I have Kaido at my side-" Doflamingo starts saying

"I know, I'm gonna end him tonight. Already dealt with Caesar by the way... Next try." Hector dismissively says without even looking at him

"!" Veins start popping off the Warlord forehead "So be it! If I take you down, will be my victory anyway!!" Doflamingo exclaims before waving his hands like claws, creating strings to the battle.

The chances are not good, but he is not gonna down without a fight.

"That was I'm talking about..." Hector smirks "Let me present you my new weapon, Heavenly Demon." Hector makes a stance with his glaive "Heavenly Demon... And you people even call you Young Master. Hehe~ Let's enter in character then!" Hector laughs

Doflamingo does a claw attack, the sharp strings trying to cut Hector in ribbons, but Hector counterattacks with a slash of his glaive. The warlord was surprised at how easily Hector cut his armament-covered strings.

Doflamingo watches Hector prepares a thrust motion with a frown, but dodges to the side nonetheless...

The decision proves to be the correct one because the glaive extends itself for many meters, almost stabbing him.

"It's not over yet, Heavenly Demon!" Hector laughs, he appears to be having fun, and twists his wrist.

With his motion, the glaive changes, becomes soft and strikes Doflamingo's side like a whip.

The Warlord spits blood while he is thrown away in a street.

'What is that weapon??' He tries to think.

But he doesn't have time because Hector is already swinging down the elongated whip-like glaive at him.

The glaive changes again, this time widening in size greatly. Becoming meters thick. The glaive hits the street, the pole covering all of it. Fitting perfectly between the houses.

Doflamingo didn't have time or space to dodge.

Except down.

He thought fast and buried himself deep on the ground to avoid the attack, even creating a string cocoon but still received damage by the shockwaves.

Hector retracts the glaive, letting it spin around him like a whip in the air.

"Get out of your turtle shell, Heavenly Demon!" Hector shouts with a big smile on his face. He finds the whole situation funny.

It's not about if he will defeat the enemy... It's how he will defeat the enemy. And he already decided how he will end Doflamingo. It's a rare chance.

He finds it very funny and fitting the whole wuxia/xianxia act.

Hector waits leisurely for Doflamingo's next move, he can predict what will be...

And the Warlord didn't disappoint.

Hector watches with interest how the Building and everything around Doflaming shifts. Changing to strings...

"An awakening... Interesting..." He says, but still calm

"Off White!" Doflaming shouts and swipes the white threads at Hector. The threads surround him like waves ready to crush him.

But before they make contact Hector smirks and the eyes of the dragon head on his glaive shine in a golden light.

The wave of threads finally hit him... Or not.

Everyone on Dressrosa can watch how the attack was pushed back by something, a huge body covering Hector protectively.

A huge silver dragon to be exact.

Hector smirks behind his dragon while looking at the shocked face of Doflamingo.

Doflamingo's mind instinctively went to Kaido, but it was a different color. The common sense that only one of the same Devil Fruit can exist at the same time short-circuited his brain for a moment.

But the image is a little unbelievable too.

There he is... The Devil floating in the air, holding a huge dragon by the tip of his tail. The part of the tail is still small compared to the rest of the body and doesn't need a genius to deduce that the dragon is the glaive.

The dragon is almost completely silver, with the exception of his hair, whiskers, and eyes at are gold. Gold fire also envelops it in ring-like clouds.

Hector releases his tail, allowing the dragon to complete his transformation, before hopping on his head.

"Now... This is what I'm talking about." Hector smiles satisfied with himself

The Silver Dragon is obviously a glaive that has eaten the artificial Dragon Fruit from Vegapunk.

It's possible to make an inanimate object eat a Devil Fruit, a zoan more specifically because of the will inside the fruit, the animal instinct that will create the life.

Hector read about it in Caesar's lab and from his memory. The man copied what Vegapunk discovered in creating the poison slime axolotl.

The process is a little costly and time-consuming, the reason why there are so few instances of objects that have eaten fruits in the world.

But Hector can cheat with his [Power Manipulation] and Dauntless power.

So yes, he created a weapon with essentially the strongest Zoan in the world, that he knows.

And another thing... The Silver luster on the Dragon's body is not only because Hector edited it with his perk of [Visual Customization].

The glaive is made of adamantium.

A dragon with scales of adamantium... Virtually indestructible to anyone here. A glaive that can change its body, enlarging itself, shots fire breaths, control the wind and much more... It's really...

"...The strongest weapon in this world." Hector declares to Doflamingo.

The weapon alone can probably create havoc on the world, only being subjugated under special circumstances. And this is mostly because is still a young life.

Hector can still pump it up with more powers with Dauntless.

Hector standing on top of the dragon's head, while his body hovers above Dressrosa, the clouds darkening and creating a huge pressure on Doflamingo.

Hector smiles seeing Doflamingo desparing face.

"Don't worry, I will stop using Long Yin now. I tested him enough." Hector jumps off his dragon's head, he still has some things to try.

He can't have Doflamingo breaking now.

"Come on, Heavenly Demon. I will give you another move, if not I will forgive you transgressions..." Hector says sagely "I just need you to rip off your own arm, slap yourself three hundred times, beat your head on the ground three thousand times, beg for forgiveness, and crawl between my legs... Then after I abolish your cultivation you can let your treasures here and you can go...Yes, I'm very merciful..." He nods to himself stroking an invisible beard

"..." Doflamingo almost vomited blood at his provocations

His fingers crack while he prepares his next attack. The buildings once again shift, the strings being prepared and aimed at Hector.

He let it happen without worries. He takes his time to take off his arms from his sleeves and bare his chest, letting the upper part of his clothes fall under his waist.

"God Thread!" Doflaming exclaims before shooting his strongest attack.

Sixteen special threads covering in armament haki are shot straight at Hector.

Hector closes his eyes and puts his hand in front of him in a praying gesture.

In the moment of contact, a golden light envelops him again, blinding everyone who is watching the fight.


The golden light dims to reveal Hector again, but he is different now.

He is three meters tall and all golden.

He used the Buddha's fruit to transform himself but there are differences. First, he is not fat... He kept his muscular body and there are some golden details on it too.

His hair is not like an afro, but it is a huge bun on the top of his head, similar to the one from Buddha from Record of Ragnarok, but instead of the hair being smooth, it's on a small conglomerate of braids.

All of these changes are possible thanks to his perk that allows him to customize his powers.

"Your strings can't pierce through my [Tyrannical Golden Vajra Body]..." Hector says with his eyes closed, and with one hand in front of his lips on a prayer.

Cortana: (◑́_◑᷅ )

Even Cortana rolls his eyes at him and his antics.

"Amithaba..." Hector says before releasing a palm strike at Doflamingo.

A golden shockwave in the shape of a hand flies to Doflamingo and strikes him down, a huge palm imprint is left on the ground.

"We are gaining the Netero card with this one." Hector joins his hand again. His golden hands make a *ting* *ting* sound.

Hector suddenly disappears in a flash of golden light, every move of him is accompanied by the joining of his palms in antecedence.

He reappeared beside the fallen Doflamingo, the man was struggling on his knees and looked up at his hated enemy.

Hector, in his three-meter tall form, is finally at the same height as Doflamingo.

But his more well-proportioned golden body makes him look like a god close to the fallen and bruised Doflamingo.

Hector still hasn't opened his eyes, keeping himself in Character, when he joins his hands again making the *ting* *ting* sound "Amithaba... Buddha is merciful. It appears that you're in a bad shape benefactor." Hector says in visible worry

"..." Doflamingo is so angry that he could swallow Hector whole

"Buddha is merciful... It appears that your time in this mortal plane is coming to an end, Benefactor." Hector joins his hands again to pray *ting* *ting*

But his brows furrows slightly

"But appears to be a problem, Benefactor. I can read your karma and I can tell that in your next life, you will have a horrible life because of your bad deeds on this one... Amithaba." Hector sighs and joins his hands again *Ting Ting*

The sound is making Doflaming go crazy.

The warlord prepares an attack, but he can't even start before...


Hector's foot descends on his calve, breaking it, and making him howl in pain.

"But don't worry, Benefactor. This poor monk has the solution." Hector beams, completely ignoring the fact he just broke the man's leg.

*Ting* *Ting*

"Life is a circle. Reincarnation is a wheel. On the Samsara, your deeds, good or bad... And your suffering and blessings determine how will be your next life." Hector explains amicably, but for a moment a smirk slip, before he schools himself

Hector grabs Doflamingo by the hair and punches his face with his other hand. His fist breaks a lot of teeth and carves his skull a little.

"I just need to create some... tribulations for you to overcome now, Benefactor. Before you reincarnate." Hector slams Doflamingo's face on the floor "Then we will cultivate positive Karma to you." He slams his face again.

Hector straightens himself and turns Doflamingo's body with his feet, making the man face the sky while lying on the ground. The Warlord is breathing heavily, he curses his great durability that keeps him awake.

"You have a lot of negative karma... But we will pass through this together, Benefactor. A can cure you till you turn a new leaf..." Hector smiles before breaking another leg of Doflamingo by stepping on it too.

Doflamingo cries in pain and curses Hector under his breath.

"What is it, Benefactor?" Hector puts his hand close to his ear to make a show of trying to hear him "Are you worried about me? Worried that I will cultivate bad karma by helping you? How touching, Benefactor..."

Hector puts his hands together again *Ting* *Ting* "Amithaba. It's this poor monk's job to help the stranded sheep..."

Hector opens his eyes slightly to look down on Doflamingo.

His golden eyes open in slits and shining maliciously while he gives the man an evil smirk.

"If I don't enter hell, who will?" *Ting* *Ting*



A.N.: Ahoy.

I had fun doing the whole cultivation battle with Doflamingo.

Now the beginning of the end.

Raise the curtains to the last important act of our boy in One Piece.

But there's still a little surprise... *smirk*

Till next time.

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