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78.57% The Guild of Gamers: The Warlord / Chapter 11: Yokai

Capítulo 11: Yokai

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.
Betad by Malcolm Tent, Marethyu, Priapus, Beans, Mike God of Lore Old man of the mountain

The Guild of Gamers: The Warlord
Chapter 11: Yokai

"You're my favourite, you are," Yoshino mumbles as I guide her up the stairs, wondering why I'm the mature one in the family.

"Considering my competition are two lazy bastards, that's not a hard battle to win," I deadpan, helping her to her room. Do I even want to know why she's so drunk? I have memories of her being drunk after a girl's night out before, but she's never been this bad. "I can't see Shika or Dad taking care of your drunk ass."

This just makes her snort, giggling at something that must be absolutely hilarious, given how much she's laughing, even as I finally get the stumbling drunk to the master bedroom. I am 95% sure Dad knew how drunk she'd be and is now hiding to avoid having to be the one to take care of her. The Nara don't do that branch family nonsense, so I can't even treat my distant cousins as servants and dump the work on them.

For once, I think the Hyuuga might be onto something… for about a second, then I shake my head. No, they really aren't.

"Yuuuuup," Yoshino drags out, giggling. "Normally, I have to be the one taking care of your dad; he's a complete lightweight," she whispers discreetly, looking around as she spills Dad's secret. That would explain why I don't see him drink at all. He's too high-ranking to risk getting drunk; just comes with the position. I'm sure he'd tell you it's troublesome.

"I don't think you should be calling anyone a lightweight, given the fact that you can barely walk straight," I point out, making her giggle again.

"I know! Now I'm the drunk one, and Shikaku is… where is he?" Yoshino asks, blinking as she looks around.

"At work, allegedly, which probably means he's slacking off somewhere," I say with a sigh. "Now, I think it's time for you to go to bed."

"That's supposed to be my line. You're not my dad," Yoshino points out before giggling again as I take a deep breath.

"No, I'm the son stuck dealing with you being black-out drunk," I say, rubbing my forehead. I beat a legendary Mist ninja last week; now I'm stuck dealing with a rebellious drunk. Can't I just go and fight another member of the Seven Swordsmen instead? "Now, it's late, and I have other things to do than babysit you, which means it's time to go to sleep."

"Nope," Yoshino says playfully, popping the P as she tries to slip out of my grasp and make her escape with all the grace and skill of the ninja she still is.

I say tries because reserve ninja or not, she's barely able to stay standing up straight, so when I let go, she just falls over, and a light push redirects her fall onto her bed, making me sigh as she tries to get back up.

"Pft, fiiiiiine," Yoshino whines, mumbling about how I'm too serious and don't know how to relax.

Rummaging around, I blink as she decides she's overdressed, her top flying off the bed. I suppose she shouldn't go to sleep in her clothes, but she doesn't even seem to realise she's stripping in front of her son, her trousers following soon after as I look away.

This proves to be a trap because as I turn away, she once again makes a break for it, running somewhere in nothing but her underwear.

She gets halfway across the room before she trips and falls flat on her face. Was she planning on trying to escape through the window like this? I could have caught her, of course, but I just watch mercilessly as she flops around on the ground.

"Really?" I ask, watching her sit up with a frown and rubbing her head.

"I was- I… oh no-" Yoshino groans, going a little green as she crawls for her and dad's personal bathroom. Taking pity on her, I help her to the toilet and hold her hair as she vomits up her breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I have to remind myself that I'm a badass ninja, the successor to a legend, as I help her clean her face and guide her back to the bed. She's more subdued now, making getting her into bed more manageable.

"Are you going to go to sleep now?" I ask, making her pout at being treated like a child.

"I guess," Yoshino says, sounding like a whiny teen as I roll my eyes, pausing as she gets a mischievous look. Pulling me in for a hug, she mumbles something that vaguely sounds like a thank you as she pushes her head into my shoulder, bra-clad breasts pressing against my chest.

Pulling back, she moves with surprising speed for a drunk as she places a sloppy, drunken kiss on my lips, slipping her tongue into my mouth for just a moment before she pulls back and starts to giggle again, laughing at the look on my face.

"Really?" I ask, making her giggle to herself.

"I figured that you deserved a reward for all your hard work," Yoshino says with a drunken smile. "Both looking after me and for everything else you've done lately. Or were you hoping for a bigger reward? You know, I probably won't even remember this tomorrow…"

As she speaks, she pulls her bra up and over her chest exposing her surprisingly large breasts with a mischievous smile.

"I don't like sleeping in bras; it's uncomfortable," Yoshino says innocently, undoing her bra and tossing it away.

"I'm sure it is," I deadpan, my eyes flickering down to her bare chest despite my best efforts as she giggles.

"Do you want to know something interesting? When I fall asleep after drinking this much, I'm completely out of it. I wouldn't wake up during an earthquake; someone could do anything to my sleeping body, and as long as they cleaned up afterwards, I would never know," Yoshino says lewdly, giving me a look. "Mommy is going to sleep now, Hei. Be a good boy and watch over me so no perverts take advantage of her."

Moving into the bed, she deliberately leaves the quilt down enough for her breasts to be exposed as she gives me one last lewd look, closing her eyes. It takes mere moments before she's snoring loudly, making me rub my forehead.

Yeah, right. Do I find her attractive? Yes. Would she know if I took her up on her not-so-subtle suggestion, probably. Would Dad work it out? Absolutely, he's one of the smartest men in the village.

Besides, she's my mother, and I'm not going to take advantage of her drunken stupidity. I have more than enough options if I want to get my dick wet; I could head over to Mai or Tsume's place if I wanted to get laid tonight.

She's not faking being asleep because if she's trying to be enticing, then it wouldn't be a loud drunk snoring, with the occasional snort.

To my great lack of surprise, I take one step out of her room and find Dad just vibing outside, now willing to come out of hiding once the work is done.

"Yoshino has always been a feisty drunk," Shikaku snorts, making me blink at how unoffended he seems at her actions. "You know we wanted one son? Don't tell your brother, but Iyona got her drunk, and nine months later, Shikamaru popped out. Thanks for looking after her. I would have done it, but I didn't want to."

"You're rather relaxed about this," I point out, making him shrug easily.

"Meh, I figured this would happen," Shikaku said. "You know I'm gonna ask you to spread your… boon around the clan, right? I'm hoping to get pretty much every Nara Kunoichi blessed by your touch."

"I figured, but even mom?" I ask, making him nod.

"Yup, sure, she's in the reserves, but that doesn't mean she won't ever be in danger, especially with the upcoming Chunin exams. Something is off about them this time, but we'd look weak if we cancelled them. We're inviting the Sand, Cloud and probably the Mist, if the rebels win in time, into our village, along with some smaller villages, and I always prepare for the worst."

"You think there's going to be an attack?" I ask, brows furrowing, making him shrug.

"Or there won't be, but we've had peace for too long. It won't last; with the way the Stone has been moving, Sand distancing themselves from us and other factors, I'm pretty sure we'll see another ninja war in the next ten years, so we need to prepare for any eventuality," Shikaku says with the same idleness he'd talk about the weather. "Don't go spreading that, but you should know. Given the way how things are going, you're probably going to be a key figure."

"I'll be ready," I promise, making him nod.

"Of course, you will," Shikaku says proudly, ruffling my hair which makes me frown. That's only funny when I do it to Shikamaru.

"...did you arrange for her to get this drunk?" I ask, giving him a look as he gives me a half-smile.

"Are you suggesting I tricked your mother into getting more drunk than she expected and arranged for her to be left alone with you in the hopes of you taking advantage of her and granting her your boon?" Shikaku asks, making me blink. "Nah, she just tried to outdrink Iyona and Chuya, who can both outlast her. I'd have drugged you with an aphrodisiac as well if I was arranging this."

My look makes him snort, shrugging again.

"It's not like you and Yoshino aren't attracted to each other," Shikaku shrugs, making me blink. "Though curiously, it started on your side right after you got your bloodline. You barely reacted to girls throwing themselves at you before, but now you can barely keep your pants on. I'm pretty sure your 'gift' wants to be spread. It wouldn't be the first bloodline to have an effect on the user's mentality."

That's right after I took the place of the 'Hei' who grew up in this world, merging with him. But I can't tell them that, so I just shrug. Of course, he noticed his son changing, but with the trauma of the mission and the awakening of my 'bloodline', I managed to avoid any real suspicion.

"There are worse things than an active libido," I say, making him snort.

"True that, go and get some sleep. If we're lucky, your mother won't remember what a fool she made of herself, but I imagine she'll be too embarrassed to bring it up even if she does," Shikaku snorts, giving me a pat on the shoulder as he walks away.

As I head to my own bed, I pause. I had sex in my past life, but it was never really a focus of mine, just a way to occasionally blow off steam really. I can't deny I've been a lot more active in this life, but is that because of the situations I've been placed in or because the system has been messing with my mind? I genuinely can't tell, and that worries me.

– Next Morning –

I didn't actually see Yoshino before I set off for the day since she was predictably hung over and didn't seem in a rush to leave her room. That works for me, to be honest, because I'm still not sure how to approach that whole situation.

"Ah, thank you for coming so quickly, Master Hei," Asami Hayabusa says, giving me a light bow as I arrive at the Hayabusa compound at the edge of the village. It's smaller than any of the other clan compounds I've seen, a single manor, a shrine, and a rather large training ground, the rest of the land having been left untouched. The gardens seem very well tended to.

"I thought it'd be for the best since, to be perfectly honest, I still don't understand exactly what being the next Dragon Ninja even really means," I admit, making her smile kindly.

She's dressed like a shrine maiden, and I always thought it was odd that Momiji's outfit seemed to be a modified shrine maiden outfit. I'm guessing her family tends to the shrine I saw over in the forested section of the compound.

"Of course, as Momiji told you before, this really wasn't supposed to happen anywhere near this soon, but fate had other plans," Asami says, guiding me inside the manor. It's tastefully decorated, less gaudy than the Hyuuga compound, and before long, I'm sitting in a comfy seat with her pouring me some tea. "Momiji and Kureha are tending to the shrine, and we will be going there soon enough ourselves, but allow me to try and clear things up for you."

"Are you actually shrine maidens? I vaguely remember Momiji mentioning she had to tend to the shrine after training sometimes, but it never came up," I say, making her nod calmly as she takes a seat opposite me.

I can see where Momiji gets her looks from. Asami gives me a gentle smile as I give her a once-over. She's not as curvy as her daughter, and she wears her hair down, unlike Momiji, who prefers to have it tied back in a ponytail, but I can certainly see the resemblance. The main difference is that Asami's eyes are a stark red instead of the amber Momiji has. She also looks more proper. Momiji's preferred outfit shows off quite a lot of cleavage and leg, while Asami's more proper shrine maiden outfit covers far more.

"We are. In fact, maintaining the Hayabusa shrine is our main duty beyond serving the Dragon Ninja, and for good reason, though we will get to that later. Firstly, I realise there was no real warning or fanfare around it, but you are now the Lord of the Hayabusa clan. I've informed the Hokage of our decision to follow Master Ryu's wishes. You are the head of our clan with all that entails. This is your house; the Hayabusa account at the bank is also in your name," Asami explains, making me pause before I nod. I can feel my power accept this place as my territory, a boost to my power, as I smile slightly.

"I'll do my best to live up to Ryu-sensei's expectations," I say sincerely, getting a smile from her. "But I still don't know exactly what is expected of me," I say, making her nod.

"Tell me, what do you know of Yokai?" Asami asks, seeing the surprise on my face at her sudden question.

"Very little, just the children's stories. I know the tailed beasts were mistakenly believed to be Yokai when they first appeared, before their nature as chakra beasts was revealed," I answer, seeing her smile as she takes a sip of her own tea.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken there. The tailed beasts are Yokai, some of the only Yokai still living in our realm," Asami explains as I blink in shock. I might not remember Naruto that well, but I know it didn't have real Yokai.

…fucking Kuro.

"So Yokai are real?" I ask, getting a simple nod.

"Yokai are beings from another realm; most simply call it the spirit realm, though it has many other names, and once upon a time, they travelled to our realm freely. This wasn't always a bad thing; many Yokai are benevolent creatures, some are merely tricksters, but a great many are malevolent creatures that preyed on the ancient humans. When we gained the power of Chakra, war broke out between the two realms until the Sage of the Six Paths intervened and banished most Yokai back into their own realm, creating a barrier to prevent them from crossing over. The tailed beasts escaped this banishment because they were all sealed within Jinchuriki at the time," Asami starts to explain as I listen carefully, a frown on my face. "The Sage granted humanity several relics to maintain the seal between our realms and the key to unlock them. One such relic is in our shrine, safeguarded by the Hayabusa clan for generations… and the key is on your back."

As she speaks, my eyes widen as I draw the Dragon Blade from where it had been sheathed on my back.

"I don't believe it was a coincidence that Ryu's killer wanted that blade. I fear he knew exactly what it was, and that scares me. The years have turned Yokai from fact to fiction by design, but this isn't the first time someone has tried to break the seal and grant the Yokai free access to our world once more," Asami continues, seeing me looking at my sword with some awe.

"Do you have any idea how they found out?" I ask, making her shake her head.

"The truth is a closely kept secret, but all secrets have a way of slipping out. The Eye of the Dragon, the relic we keep within our Shrine, protects the Land of Fire from Yokai intrusions, but many of the other relics have been lost to time, exposing the other Lands to Yokai slipping into our realm. That is where the Dragon Ninja comes in. It is your role to deal with those who intrude in our realm," Asami explains. "In fact, there's a Yokai in Konoha as we speak, working in the T&I division. Nyotengu once managed to break through into our realm, and while she was bested by Master Ryu, she was spared and permitted to remain in this realm in exchange for her servitude and assistance against her kin. You will have to deal with her, though I would prepare yourself. She will challenge you, and you will have to best her as Ryu once did. Be warned, she is a powerful and ancient being; do not accept her challenge until you are ready, or she will kill you. Once you best her, it will be up to you to decide how to deal with her, whether you allow her to remain here as Ryu did, slay her or send her home; the decision is yours."

"Why did Ryu-sensei allow her to remain in our realm?" I ask, making Asami smile.

"Because Yokai aren't inherently evil. Your main duty is to make sure the war between our realms does not restart. Nyotengu has no desire to destroy the barrier and let her kin join her, it was sheer inquisitiveness that pushed her to enter our realm, not maliciousness. She is a sadist, but when she found out that she could torture people and get paid for it, she was rather happy to join Konoha's forces," Asami explains. "We shrine maidens can sense when a Yokai is near, and with the Eye, the relic within our shrine, we can locate the general vicinity of any Yokai that slip through the barrier."

"Is anyone else dealing with them, or just me?" I ask.

"Very few, in truth. We know someone slipped through the barrier a few months back, but this one managed to avoid Ryu's hunts. I suspect it is this Yokai that pointed Ryu's killer at him, likely having manipulated him into trying to break the seal for his own ends," Asami explains with a sigh. "The Hokage knows of Yokai, as do his advisors, though I'm not sure if your father was informed of the truth. I suspect it is the same in the other major villages."

"How safe is the relic, this Eye?" I ask, eyes narrowed. I was going to kill the bastard who killed Ryu and Kasumi anyway. Now I just have a secondary target as well.

"From Yokai? Very, its mere presence repels Yokai. Nyotengu finds it hard to even approach the compound and she is a powerful and ancient Tengu. From humans? Less so, but we maidens are masters of Fuinjutsu, and the shrine is very well-protected. In addition, I am a fairly powerful combatant myself; all Hayabusa are trained in combat, after all. I am a skilled master of Taijutsu, while my oldest daughter, Kureha, prefers to fight with a bow."

Bows are fairly rare, but I have no doubts she's talented with it.

"I may be able to help secure the lands even further. Have you been informed about my… abilities?" I ask, making her shake her head.

"Only rumours, Master Hei, of which you are the subject to a great many," Asami says, making me snort.

"I awakened a strange bloodline after my last mission with Ryu-sensei, which is developing some strange and unique powers, some of which are useful for protecting a location," I explain, thinking about the Dungeon Core power I still haven't used. "We can discuss the specifics at a later date, but I do think I'll be able to secure the compound further."

"How serendipitous, the Fates can be strange like that," Asami says, giving me a smile. "Do you have any further questions?"

"One, for now. Momiji claimed that I'd be expected to… help repopulate the Hayabusa clan with her, her sister and you. Was she mistaken or simply teasing me?" I ask, making Asami smile calmly.

"Oh, she was quite correct. I suppose you could choose one of us to bear your children, but the clan has never been so small before. Had Ryu not been left infertile by a poison he was inflicted with in his youth, he would have impregnated both myself and my daughters repeatedly before his demise," Asami says casually, making me blink at her calm explanation. "I believe Momiji is going to be a part of your 'team' for the Chunin exams, so I would advise that you hold off attempting to breed her until then, but she was telling the truth. As the new head of the clan, you are expected to impregnate me and my daughters, likely multiple times each."

"Just like that?" I ask, making her nod. "You're rather casual about this."

"It is my duty. To bear the children of the new Dragon Ninja is an honour," Asami replies with a smile. "If you are ready, you could have me right here on the table, or we could call my daughters and move this to the bedroom. They both know their duty, and between you and me, I think Momiji is looking forward to it," Asami teases, giving me a sly smile. "I do believe she's looking forward to properly thanking her saviour. We are at your command, Master Hei; do not hesitate to call on us. That said, there is one last thing to take care of."

"What would that be?" I ask, watching her rise.

"You may have been accepted by the blade, but to truly become the Dragon Ninja, you need to make your oath before the Eye, as is tradition," Asami explains, seeing my confusion. "There is no set oath; each oath is as unique as the person making it. Nor do you need to tell me what you swear before the Eye; you will understand when we get there," Asami says soothingly as we set off out of the house and up the path towards the shrine.

I spot both sisters as we approach, Momiji giving me an encouraging smile as Kureha gives me a searching look, judging me as she watches me walk up towards the shrine. She doesn't look hostile, but she also doesn't look particularly approving either as they both step and push open the large wooden doors to the shrine.

As I pass, they both bow, Momiji bowing deeper than her sister.

"You must continue alone. What follows is between you and the Eye," Asami explains, making me nod.

Entering the shrine, the doors are closed behind me, the smell of incense making my enhanced nose twitch as I step forward into the torch-lit room.

I don't need a signpost to find the Eye of the Dragon, the large purple orb sitting on a pedestal against the back wall, in the dead centre. I move forward and, on pure instinct, place my hand on the Orb.

Immediately, the feeling of something trying to enter my mind makes me mentally wince, the presence hitting my [Unknowable Mind] and finding nothing. I feel a burst of irritation from whatever his being is, followed by amusement.

Young Ryu certainly chose a strange successor, little ninja. What an alien mind you have, shrouded in a blackness even I cannot see through.
Allow me entry; lay your mind bare before me so that you can be judged to see if you are worthy of the title of Dragon Ninja.

I hesitate for a moment before I focus and allow the presence entry, my eyes closing as I see a pair of golden eyes flash in the back of my mind, the presence going through years of memories in seconds. It fails to find the memories of the Guild, of anything that happened before my death; the power of the Guild won't permit it to find those secrets.

You are weak.

I know that. I've always known that. This world has some true monsters in it and I'm barely fodder before the strongest. There will always be someone stronger, and even if I become the strongest, then there's always the chance I'll be slain by someone weaker who just got lucky.

Correct, Ryu was the strongest ninja to ever hold the title of Dragon Ninja, a true 'monster' in battle, and he fell all the same.

He fell because he prioritised our survival over his; he died protecting me and Momiji.

A warrior's death, he was a noble soul.
You are an enigma, but I see your potential. In truth, I have never seen one like you before.
The source of your powers is unknown to me, but I see what you intend to do with them. You wish to rule; you have a drive to conquer.

I won't deny that. Conquest is my nature. I need power, and I get it through growing my territory and building my pack. Is that so wrong?

Do you believe you are worthy of my power?

I do. Ryu-sensei picked me as his heir, and I will live up to those expectations.

We shall see.

The moment those words are spoken into my mind, the presence strikes, attempting to overwhelm my mind, feeling like an infinitely heavy weight is pushing down on my shoulders and demanding I kneel.

But I have an [Unbreakable Will], gritting my teeth as I feel the weight lift momentarily before the pressure increases tenfold, squeezing down on my mind from all directions. But this shrine? It's my territory, not whoever this presence is.

I am the master here, and I will not fall.

My free hand clenches, fingernails digging into the palm of my hand tightly enough to draw blood as I grit my teeth and snap my eyes open, glaring at the orb as a thick purple fog seems to swirl within its depths.

As quickly as it started, I feel the pressure vanish, a chuckle that faintly sounds like approval echoing through my mind.

You may be an odd one, but at least you have an iron will. You will need it for what is to come.
You are worthy, and we shall see if you can live up to Ryu's and my expectations.
Make your oath, Dragon Ninja.

I have to pause momentarily, unsure what to say, relaxing my clenched fist.

I swear that I'll avenge my predecessor, that I will protect my realm from all invaders, and that I'll be the strongest warrior the realms have ever seen.

Oh? Then you better get to work because you have a long way to go.

Don't I know it?

Before I can lift my hand from the orb, it starts to glow as a sudden burst of heat floods my veins. It runs up my arm and towards my heart, making me gasp in surprise. The heat isn't uncomfortable, and the warmth rapidly spreads through my entire body, my back burning briefly before the heat fades and the orb goes dull once more, the presence retreating from my mind.

But not without leaving its mark upon me.

[Blessing of the Dragon]
You have been found worthy of being the Dragon Ninja.

Well, that's worryingly vague. Still, it's called a blessing, so I can only assume it is a good thing. I don't think my system would outright lie to me.

Turning and leaving the shrine, all three shrine maidens straighten up as I leave, their eyes widening as they can clearly tell that something has changed. Momiji moves first, kneeling before me as Asami and then Kureha follow suit.

I was expecting Kureha to hesitate, but whatever they can sense is enough to push past her misgivings as she kneels and bows her head.

I can feel the connection forming between me and them as they become part of my faction, their loyalty mine and mine alone.

"Congratulations, Master Hei," Asami says, rising as I gesture for them to stand. "Ryu's faith wasn't misplaced."

Drawing the Dragon Blade once more, I feel the blessing within me resonate with the sword, making a smile grow on my face.

"I won't let him, or you, down," I promise, sheathing the sword as I feel it hum with power, just waiting to be unleashed on my enemies. The girls smile at my words, Momiji giving me a proud look.

Which means I need to get to work because the world won't wait for me to be ready. I need power, and a lot of it.

I need more than just personal power as well. I need people loyal to me, and I think I have an idea of how to gain some easy allies, making people dependant on me.

[Monster Crafting]
As a Demon King, you have the knowledge to craft monsters from pure mana to serve your dark purpose. The complexity and power of these monsters increases their mana cost.

I haven't used this yet, and while it could be useful in making some simpler minions to defend my new lands, I wonder how Tsume would like some monstrous dogs, or perhaps some powerful new insects for the Aburame?

First things first, I need to put my dungeon down in the Hayabusa clan compound, and then I can get to work embracing my powers.

I will be the strongest ninja the world has ever seen, and may the shinigami have pity on those who get in my way.

– Yoshino Nara –

She was never drinking again.

The headache alone would have been enough to make her swear off drinking, no matter what Chuya and Iyona said next time they went out together, but no, her pounding headache that no amount of the Nara's secret herbal medicine seemed to quell was far from the only reason she was currently hiding her head under her pillow.

She didn't get black-out drunk. She had a very good memory that right now she was wishing was worse because she remembered everything. What the fuck had she been thinking? She'd kissed Hei on the lips, even slipping him some tongue (which she realised probably tasted like vomit since he'd just had to babysit her as she puked; thank god she'd used some mouthwash afterwards).

Then, in case sticking her tongue in her son's mouth wasn't enough, she stripped down to her panties and unsubtly hinted that he should use her sleeping body for his pleasure, basically offering herself up to him while she knew he found her attractive.

What the fuck was wrong with her? Why had she been disappointed that Hei hadn't taken her up on her stupid offer?

Shikaku hadn't been angry, more amused at the mess she'd dropped herself into. He was scheming something, though what he was up to, she couldn't work out. That was the problem with having an apathetic genius for a husband; it was hard to tell what he was up to.

How the hell was she supposed to face Hei when he came home?

— Bonus Scene — Princess Azula

Watching as the minor cut on her arm closed, she blinked for a moment before she considered what this meant.

The samurai she was sparring with blinked in surprise, but as she reached her conclusion, she made a simple choice. The samurai didn't even get to speak before her fireball engulfed him, screams filling the room as he was burnt alive.

Mai had healed from a wound that should have killed her, and she'd heard from Ty that Mai had bedded Hei before they met up. She'd heard strange rumours about Hei and his regeneration coming from Konoha, and now she had the same regeneration.

He'd granted her this with his power, a gift to his future wife and queen, to keep her safe while he returned to Konoha. Yes, that much was clear. She couldn't let anyone else know, not yet. Looking at the charred corpse, plans formed in her mind.

Soon, they'd be together again, oh yes.

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

Author’s Note: Bonus chapter because my muse is easily distracted by all the porn that gets posted in the Warlord chapter of the discord.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn.

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (ThePumpkinKing), and I’ll invite you myself.

I’ve finally put my Pat reon to use after months of procrastinating. My Pat reons now have the ability to vote for which fics they’d like to see updated more during the next chapter cycle. The winner of the normal tier poll gets one extra chapter per cycle, the second tier poll gets two extra chapters, and the highest tier pat reons can pick a fic that will get three extra chapters per cycle. The current cycle is probably going to last until early-mid January, so voting is open until then. I’ll also be starting the actual early access chapters around the same time, so if you want a fic to get some extra love, feel free to check it out.

Link: Pat reon .com/ TheDarkWolfShiro

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