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10% Maelstrom Of The Marvel Universe / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Welcome to your new Home Part I
Maelstrom Of The Marvel Universe Maelstrom Of The Marvel Universe original

Maelstrom Of The Marvel Universe

Autor: Hyuga_Tobirama

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1: Welcome to your new Home Part I

Hey guys, I decided to do a Naruto crossover story with the Marvel Cinematic universe. Naruto get's sent to the Marvel universe at a young age and let's see how his influence would shape events there. He get's sent to a new universe with new powers and is taken under the guardianship of Tony Stark, what could go wrong? Enjoy!

Maelstrom of the Marvel Universe

At the Valley of End, two former teammates were fighting in a battle of epic proportions. Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, former teammates continued to fight against each other, with Naruto trying to bring Sasuke back to the village and Sasuke wanting to leave to seek power.

Both of the shinobi were tired, Naruto was in his nine-tailed state and Sasuke's curse mark was in full action as the two readied their last attack.

"RASENGAN!" Naruto yelled as he charged forward with his rasengan ready.

"CHIDORI!" Sasuke yelled as he charged as well.

"NARUTO!/SASUKE!" They shouted as the two attacks collided and released a sonic boom. The energy of their two attacks combined and created a large void of energy that began to expand. Raging wind and strong energy picked up as the two shinobi were so confused and wondered what the hell was going on as the energy consumed them.

The energy began to seep and permeate into Naruto's body as he screamed in pain and Sasuke was exploded out of the energy dome. Naruto screamed and groaned in pain as Sasuke watched and then the dome of energy disappeared and Naruto was gone. Where did he go?

Line Break xxxxx

Five Years before Iron Man

In Malibu, California at the home of Tony Stark, the 28 year old CEO of Stark Industries. The Worlds Largest and best company in terms of science and technology and was also the United States Military supplier of weapons and arms. Tony was working on some new designs for weapons in his shop at his mansion as his executive assistance Pepper Pots came in to talk to him about some upcoming meeting and logistic issues when they heard a loud boom. They took cover as they thought it was an earthquake but then J.A.R.V.I.S, (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System), Tony's personal artificial intelligence spoke.

"Sir, there's a energy fluctuation outside of the mansion." Jarvis said.

"What kind of energy fluctuation?" Tony asked.

"I'm afraid I cannot determine the source of energy as it is not within my databanks." Jarvis said.

"That's impossible, you have access and knowledge to all known sources of energy, even theoretic ones." Tony said.

"I'm sorry sir, but this is one I have no knowledge of. And it seems there is something else." Jarvis said.

"What?" Tony asked.

"If my optics aren't failing, I do believe a young boy appeared in the driveway." Jarvis said.

"What?" Pepper said as she ran upstairs.

"Pepper!" Tony yelled as he ran after her.

Tony followed her and ran out of the front door to the driveway and they saw a young boy, about the age of 13, with spiky blonde hair, wearing a tattered orange jumpsuit pop out of a small portal that immediately closed when the kid fell out. Pepper and Tony ran up to him to see if he was still alive. Pepper and Tony looked at his face and saw he had 6 whisker marks on his face and a weird leaf headband. Pepper checked his pulse and it was still there.

"He's alive." Pepper said.

"All right, let's get him inside." Tony said as he picked the kid up.

"We should get him to the hospital." Pepper said.

"And say what? We found this kid in my driveway after he came through a portal?" Tony said.

"Right." Pepper said as she followed Tony into the house and downstairs to Tony's lab where they put him on the table and had Jarvis check on him.

Line Break xxxxx

Naruto squinted his eyes as he was greeted with a bright light. He blinked to let his eyes adjust and was looking at a ceiling. He looked around to see he was in some place but didn't recognize anything. He saw he lying on a table with a blanket over him and saw some stuff a nearby table. He saw a headband, some pouches and his necklace. Naruto leaned up and groaned a bit, still a little sore.

"I would advise against that. Your body is recovering." Naruto heard a voice say.

"Who's—who's there." Naruto said as he looked around.

"My name is Jarvis, good day young sir." Jarvis heard.

"Don't be too shocked. Everyone get's a bit freaked out when they meet Jarvis." Naruto heard as he turned around and saw a man standing there.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Naruto asked, a bit concerned. Tony then walked up slowly.

"Easy, kid. I'm not here to hurt you. My name is Tony Stark, perhaps you've heard of me?" Tony said as Naruto looked at him weird.

"No." Naruto said.

"Right. Sorry, what's you're name." Tony asked.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said.

"Maelstrom Whirlpool. Not bad. So can you tell me what happened to you? I found you outside my house, unconscious." Tony said.

"I remember pieces. I was on a mission to bring a friend back to my village,…uh—we fought and then this loud boom." Naruto said.

"A loud boom?" Tony said as he sat next to Naruto.

"Yeah and then some searing pain and then nothing. And I woke up here." Naruto said.

"All right, well do you remember your home?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, Konoha, the hidden leaf village." Naruto said as Tony raised an eyebrow, having never heard of it.

"Jarvis?" Tony asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I cannot find any reference to any location or village, existing or non-existent by that name." Jarvis said.

"Not surprising, I don't believe Naruto is from here." Tony said.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Well, when we found you, we saw you fall out of a portal that closed immediately after you fell out. After we brought you inside to get you looked at, I did some research and reading and found some trace amount unknown energy that we found. It's has a energy signature I've never seen before." Tony said.

"Energy? Like Chakra?" Naruto asked.

"Charka? What do you mean?" Tony asked.

"Well, where I come from, people can control energy called Chakra. It's a combination of natural and spiritual energy and it allows us to do things with it." Naruto said, remembering what Sakura told him.

"Hmm, interesting. Humans able to tap into the energy of their body. Jarvis can you bring up the scan of Naruto's body." Tony said as Jarvis brought up a holographic screen of the body scan they did on Naruto when they brought him in. "Ok, now do an energy scan." Tony said as they watched and saw the body scan changed to show Naruto's body with something flowing within Naruto's body that seemed to originate from his stomach.

"Incredible, your body is producing it's own energy, unlike anything I've ever seen before." Tony said.

"That would be my chakra, but I've never seen it like this before." Naruto said.

"What do you mean?" Tony asked.

"Well, with chakra, it originates from chakra points around the body and flows through chakra pathways. But from what I can see here, my pathways are gone. Leaving just the chakra." Naruto said.

"Really? It seems like the energy in your body is free flowing, it moved throughout and it originates from your stomach." Tony said.

"Huh." Naruto said as he concentrated and entered his mindscape.

Naruto saw his mindscape and saw the cage that held the Kyubi. He did notice some strange markings on the cage door and the color changed from grey to blue. Naruto then saw the nine-tailed fox stare at him.

"Ah, my jailer has decided to visit me. What a pleasant surprise." The fox said.

"Oh, don't start fox. What the hell happened?" Naruto asked.

"Well, what happened was that you're an idiot." The fox said as Naruto scoffed. "And your fight with the Uchiha opened up a dimensional portal that sent you to a new world."

"What?" Naruto asked.

"Egh, my jailor is an idiot. The combined chakra from your attacks created the portal that sent you here. You're in a new world. Make the most of it." The fox said.

"How do I get back?" Naruto asked.

"Isn't that the question of the day? I'm not sure you can. I may be an almighty bijuu but even I have limits. And thanks to that portal, I'm not sure what help I could be." The fox said.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"See the seal. It changed." The fox said as Naruto did notice the seal was different than before.

"What did it change?" Naruto asked.

"Your chakra for instance. Your chakra pathways are gone leaving just the pure energy. You can still make jutsu's but now you can achieve far greater control than before without pathways to get in the way. You can now expel pure chakra out of you body." The fox said.

"Really? Cool." Naruto said as the fox groaned.

"Are you done? Please leave me now, I've had enough of your presence for a while. I'd like to go back to sleep." The fox said as Naruto huffed and exited his mindscape to see Tony looking at the scans of his body and then back at Naruto.

"So, any ideas on how we can get you back home?" Tony asked.

"None. Something tells me that the portal that brought me here was a one-way ticket. I'm not sure if I could create another one." Naruto said.

"Well, we can figure out how to help you." Naruto heard as he saw a woman walked down the stairs from above and entered the room. "It's nice to see you awake. I'm Pepper Potts, assistant to Mr. Stark."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Naruto." Naruto said.

"So how are you doing?" Pepper asked as she looked over Naruto, making sure they're weren't any lingering issues or injuries.

"I'm fine, really. I heal fast." Naruto said as he got back to his feet and stretched.

"Even still, you should sit down. You've been through a lot." Pepper said as Naruto grabbed a spare shirt on the table and put it on.

"I'm fine, thank you though Pepper. And thank you, Tony for looking after me." Naruto said.

"Don't mention it. You can stay here till you get your bearing and we can figure out if we can get you home." Tony said.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." Naruto said as Tony nodded.

"Come on, I'll show you where you'll be staying." Pepper said as she escorted Naruto upstairs to show him the rest of the mansion while Tony was looking over Naruto's energy scans.

"Jarvis, keep this information in my personal server." Tony said.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis said as Tony walked up stairs.

Line Break xxxxx

The next morning, Pepper entered Tony's mansion to drop off some papers as heard some bustle from the kitchen. She was confused since Tony didn't really cook. She walked in and saw a whole bunch of Narutos busy at work, each doing an individual job of either cooking meat, cutting vegetables or other food prep. Pepper was extremely confused but remembered that their guest was from another world so it was expected.

"Hey Pepper." She heard as she turned to see Naruto wearing a dark orange shirt and blue jeans. He walked up to her holding a cup of ice tea.

"Naruto, what's going on?" Pepper asked taking the ice tea and saw all the Naruto's so busy.

"Well, I thought I'd make dinner as a thank you for Tony letting me stay here. Granted I didn't know how to cook, but after a few hours of the Food Network and some trial and error, I got the hang of it." Naruto said as a clone brought over a prosciutto and mozzarella crostini appetizer. "Try one"

Pepper smiled as she looked at the food. It looked delicious and Naruto was really sweet for doing this. She took one, ate it and went wide-eyed, it was amazing. "Oh my god, that's incredible. Nicely done, Naruto."

"Thanks, Pepper." Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Where's Tony?" Pepper asked.

"Not sure, haven't seen him all day." Naruto said.

"Mr. Stark is in his laboratory down stairs." Jarvis said.

"Oh, so that's why Jarvis didn't let me go down those stairs." Naruto said.

"I'm sorry, Naruto. But you don't have authorization." Jarvis said.

"Whatever." Naruto said.

"I'll go see Tony and see what he's doing." Pepper said as she walked to the basement but walked back to grab the plate of crostini and took it down with her as Naruto chuckled.

"Hey, Jarvis. Thanks for all the cooking advice, by the way." Naruto said.

"My pleasure, Naruto." Jarvis said as Naruto got back to work.

Pepper walked down stairs into Tony's workshop and put in her authorization code and saw Tony busy at his desk, looking over Naruto's body scans from yesterday.

"And you're sure about this, Jarvis?" Tony asked.

"100% positive sir." Jarvis said.

"What's he so sure about?" Pepper asked as Tony saw Pepper walk in.

"Hey Pepper. What do you have there?" Tony asked as he saw the plate of food.

"Oh, Naruto's been upstairs making dinner as a thank you for letting him stay here." Pepper said as Tony took the plate and ate a crostini.

"Wow, so that's what all the commotion was about. He's good." Tony said as he ate another and so did Pepper.

"So what was Jarvis so sure about?" Pepper asked.

"Along with the body scan Jarvis did on Naruto, he also did a basic body scan to make sure Naruto wasn't hurt and what we found was interesting." Tony said.

"Like?" Pepper asked.

"Well, his skeletal structure is different than ours. He's bone density is three times as dense and three times as strong as a normal person, it's incredible really. It's similar to high-tensile steel, I mean he's strong. Not only that, but his muscular structure is more defined and much stronger than normal people, and able to repair itself at an increased rate. His immune system is incredible, he's probably got the strongest immune system I've ever seen. Granted, I'm not a biologist, but from the simulations ran by Jarvis, he can heal from even the deadliest of poisons. And taken into account his new energy, this kid is a living weapon." Tony said.

"My god, what kind of world did he come from?" Pepper asked.

"Someplace where they treat kids like weapons. I mean, not to be a hypocrite because I deal in weapons and technology, but human weapons, especially a kid,…that's crossing a line." Tony said.

"Well, he is from a different world. He mentioned a village and fighting to bring someone home. Maybe he can explain more about where's he from." Pepper said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. In the meantime, we've got to come up with a cover for the kid. I've done a search on his name, and there is no record of anyone by that name existing, so we need a cover for our new guest should the authorities or anyone else come sneaking by. I'm sure we're not the only ones who felt that earthquake." Tony said as Pepper nodded and walked back upstairs. Tony then saved the information on his personal server and had Jarvis work on beginning to create an identity for Naruto.

Tony walked up the stairs to see Pepper drinking some ice tea and eating more of Naruto's appetizers as Naruto had set the table for the three of them to eat. Tony chuckled as he saw how comfortable Naruto had become,…Tony could see that Naruto was a good kid.

After a nice dinner of roasted chicken, smashed and roasted potatoes, arugula salad, roasted vegetables and plenty of wine, dinner was over and Tony and Pepper were both stuffed. Naruto had his clones taking the dishes to the kitchen to get cleaned while Naruto brought out some fresh fruit for dessert. Tony and Pepper, bringing themselves out of their food coma decided that now would be the best time to talk to Naruto about what Jarvis body scans showed them.

"So, Naruto, thank you again for the dinner, you were so sweet to make that for us. And I'm sure that Mr. Stark really appreciated that, but if you don't mind, we'd like to talk to you about some stuff." Pepper said.

"What stuff?" Naruto asked.

"Like why you're so different. This chakra you spoke of, and why you were fighting a friend." Tony said as they saw Naruto didn't seem completely comfortable talking about the subject.

"Naruto, we just want to help. You don't have to tell us everything, start one piece at a time." Pepper said.

"No, it's better if you know my whole story." Naruto said as he began to explain his life and how he got here. His fights, his trials and his home. It did bring up some bad memories and Pepper soothed Naruto during the process that brought up some bad memories and by the end, Tony and Pepper had soaked in Naruto's story.

"And that's it. Then you guys found me outside." Naruto said as Pepper held Naruto's hand.

"My god, you've been through things no kid should have gone through." Tony said.

"Yeah, but it's made me stronger. I was well on my way to becoming Hokage! Well, that'll be a bit difficult now." Naruto said.

"Well, you are more than welcome to say as long as you want. Given everything you told us about your training, and your tenant, it'll be dangerous if you leave. If the wrong people found out about what you can do, it could be dangerous." Tony said.

"Why?" Naruto asked.

"Do some research on someone named Bruce Banner, that'll explain why." Tony said.

"Thanks, Tony." Naruto said.

"Don't mention it. We'll help you get adjusted to your new home. I've got Jarvis creating an identity for you so people shouldn't really ask questions and we'll monitor your powers and help you with them." Tony said.

"Thanks." Naruto said.

Line Break xxxxx

The next day, Naruto woke, took a shower and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Naruto walked down the hall and into the living room and saw that no one was around. "Hello?! Tony?! Pepper?!" Naruto called out.

"I'm sorry, Naruto. Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts are at Stark Industries. Mr. Stark has a very busy day ahead of him. He did instruct me to help you with anything that you need." Jarvis said.

"Thanks Jarvis." Naruto said as he went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. As he was eating, he was thinking about what Tony said last night about Bruce Banner.

"Jarvis, who is Bruce Banner?" Naruto asked.

"Would you like me to give you the information the public knows or would you like Mr. Starks personal records and files on him?" Jarvis asked.

"Uh, let's do both." Naruto said as Jarvis turned the TV screen in the kitchen into a monitor that was showing a picture of Bruce Banner and newspaper articles on something called the Hulk.

"Dr. Bruce Banner is a renowned scientist with knowledge and degrees in Bio-organics, biology, chemistry, engineering, physiology, and nuclear physics but it most known as the worlds foremost authority on radiation research. Dr. Bruce Banner was tasked by the government to devise countermeasures for the US military on Radiation resistance while in actuality he was being tasked to help the military revitalize the World War 2 subprogram on Bio-tech Force enhancements." Jarvis said.

"What?" Naruto asked, confused.

"Mr. Stark coins the term, Super Soldier. The project was used in World War 2 to create the famous Captain America. The US Military wanted to revitalize the project and Dr. Banners work was very early phase. To test his theory, Dr. Banner tested his radiation counter-measures on himself, which resulted in an explosion that exposed Dr. Banner to lethal amounts of Gamma radiation that would have killed him. Dr. Banner survived the radiation blast but it had a mutational side effect." Jarvis said.

"What happened?" Naruto asked.

"Dr. Banners body was changed. His blood became extremely poisoned with gamma radiation and when Dr. Banner is put under extreme emotional stress such as anger, he changes into a giant hulking rage monster, which the media has coined as the Hulk. He becomes incredible powerful, as his rage increases so does his strength. Mr. Stark theorizes that the Hulk can be become unstoppable if he is not settled down immediately." Jarvis said.

"Wow. So where is he now?" Naruto asked.

"Currently unknown. Bruce Banner's current whereabouts are unknown as of the moment and the US military under the command of General Thaddeus E. Thunderbolt Ross is tasked with finding Dr. Banner." Jarvis said.

"Did he run away or was he forced to?" Naruto asked.

"The military reports that he is a fugitive with military secrets. Mr. Stark doesn't believe that theory. Dr. Banner fled from General Ross to prevent the Hulk from being used by the army." Jarvis said.

"Does Tony know Bruce Banner personally?" Naruto asked.

"No, only by reputation. Mr. Stark is familiar with Dr. Banner's work and has had meetings with General Ross towards certain military equipment to be used in capturing Dr. Banner but that, is as he say, is strictly business." Jarvis said.

"Wow, no wonder Tony wants to help me. I could turn into another Bruce Banner, on the run." Naruto said as he finished his breakfast and washed the dishes. After he finished in the kitchen he walked into the living room and looked out to the ocean. He then looked at his fist and clenched it, deciding to do some training.

"Hey, Jarvis. Does Tony have a training room?" Naruto asked.

"Mr. Stark does a workout room that you are welcome to use." Jarvis said as he showed Naruto the workout room. It had a boxing ring in the middle, some dumb bells and weights, but not really was he was looking for.

"Huh." Naruto said as he walked over the weights on the side and to the bench and bar. He decided to do some weight lifting. He put four 45lbs weights on each side of the bench and then laid down on the bench. He grabbed the bar and pushed it up. It was 405lbs Naruto was lifting including the bar like a seasoned body builder would with their normal weight.

"Wow, I must be stronger than I thought or this world is much different than mine." Naruto said as he began to do some bench presses for about an hour without stopping.

"Well that was fun while it lasted." Naruto said as he stood up and decided to do some push-ups. After he hit about 1,000, he then did another thousand on his hands. After that, he did 1,000 sit-ups. Man was his stamina coming in handy or what, it was in overdrive. After that he then remembered what Tony said happened to his chakra and what the Nine-tailed fox told him as well.

"Hey, Jarvis. Think you could do an energy scan thingy on my body now? I want to try something." Naruto said.

"Of course." Jarvis said as a camera popped up next to the Television and scanned his body and then showed Naruto the scans on the screen.

"These are current scans. All right, let's try something." Naruto said as he concentrated. He made a hand sign and concentrated, gathering his charka like normal. He then saw the screen show his chakra flow around his body in a circular like path, traveling all over from his head to his toes. He then concentrated harder as the speed of his chakra flow intensified and flowed faster and faster and he could have swore it saw it glow. Naruto then saw his body begin to seep out energy and a blue aura of energy covered his body.

"Cool." Naruto said as he looked over himself and saw the blue energy surround his body.

"Impressive, Naruto. It seems your energy has created a cloak-like aura around your body. It is flowing and if my calculations and analysis is correct it, it will enhance your strength even more as well as provide enhanced protection for your body." Jarvis said, looking over the scans on Naruto's body.

"Sweet." Naruto said as he walked over to the 405lb bar on the bench and picked it up like it was nothing. He then used one hand to hold it up and then began to balance it on his finger. He then grab each end of the bar and then squeezed them together and crushed the bar and weights like it was a stick. Then balled it up together like it was piece of paper and in the end, the 405lb bar was crushed into his ball that fit perfectly in his hands. He dropped it and it made a loud clang and cracked into the ground a bit.

"Awesome." Naruto said as he looked at his hands and saw the blue energy cloak still active. He then concentrated more as was going to make a rasengan in his hand. The energy swirled together but then it shot out of his hands and blasted the window open. Naruto looked at his hand and then at the window, which was completely destroyed.

"Uh, Jarvis, did you get that?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis said.

"Good, because I'm in uncharted territory here." Naruto said.

Line Break xxxxx

Tony came home after some work at STARK Industries with Pepper in tow. Not only was Tony working on STARK industries stuff but also was with Pepper because she had arranged some things for Naruto to help him adjust to his new home. They walked in through the front door and saw Naruto sitting in the living room…glowing blue. He was sitting with his legs crossed and holding his hands in front of his chest. His hands were apart as they were pulsing blue energy and controlling what seemed to be a softball sized sphere of blue energy.

Naruto opened his eyes and saw Pepper and Tony walked in. "Hey guys." Naruto said as he deactivated his powers and stood up. "How was work?"

"Eh, same old, same old. Sign this, build that, make money." Tony said.

"So how was your day?" Pepper asked.

"Productive. Jarvis helped me do some more research on how my body changed." Naruto said.

"Indeed. It seems that Naruto's energy is very potent, yet unpredictable." Jarvis said.

"What do you mean, unpredictable?" Pepper asked.

"Well, Chakra is my people's living energy. Everyone back where I'm from has the potential to use it for jutsu's or other techniques. They can form and shape it depending on what they want to do, either make a jutsu or enhance their strength. So, Jarvis and I have been working on that for the past couple of hours and I have to say that I'm starting to get the hang of it." Naruto said as he activated his energy cloak and was glowing blue.

"In that form, Naruto's strength, agility, speed, and endurance it enhance 10 fold." Jarvis said as Tony and Pepper were amazed.

"And I also learned something else as well." Naruto said as he put a empty cup on the counter. "Watch." Naruto raised his hand and it glowed blue before his hand shot out a blast of blue energy that blasted the cup into pieces.

"Whoa." Tony said.

"I know, awesome right. I can shoot charka blasts out of my hands! And I'm working on some new stuff as well." Naruto said as his right arm glowed blue and the blue aura seemed to stretch from his arm and form a claw but the aura was very weak and was shaking. Naruto then stopped and panted. "Still not perfect but I'm getting there." (Think of the aura construct creation like in his Nine-tails Chakra mode where he is able to create charka arms but he can also create other constructs as well)

"Your energy is so malleable you made a solid object. Wow. Keep working and you'll be a force of nature." Tony said.

"Yeah, but I still got a long way to go before I master this." Naruto said.

"Well, in the mean time, Tony prepared your new identity and papers for you." Pepper said, handing him a envelope that held his new identity of Naruto Uzumaki as a real person in this world. Born in Tokyo, Japan, wherever that was, birth parents moved to America where they were killed in a car accident. What's a car? And then, placed under the guardianship of Anthony Stark. "Guardian?"

"Yeah, I know but I figured with your circumstances, you don't have many options under your belt. So you'll be staying here as your cover." Tony said.

"Thanks, Tony." Naruto said.

"Don't thank me yet, you still got to go to school." Tony said.

"School? What's school?" Naruto asked.

"Oh boy are you in for a rough couple of years." Tony said with a chuckled as he went to get a drink.

Thanks." Naruto said.

Line Break xxxxx

The next day, Naruto woke, took a shower and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Naruto walked down the hall and into the living room and saw that no one was around. "Hello?! Tony?! Pepper?!" Naruto called out.

"I'm sorry, Naruto. Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts are at Stark Industries. Mr. Stark has a very busy day ahead of him. He did instruct me to help you with anything that you need." Jarvis said.

"Thanks Jarvis." Naruto said as he went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. As he was eating, he was thinking about what Tony said last night about Bruce Banner.

"Jarvis, who is Bruce Banner?" Naruto asked.

"Would you like me to give you the information the public knows or would you like Mr. Starks personal records and files on him?" Jarvis asked.

"Uh, let's do both." Naruto said as Jarvis turned the TV screen in the kitchen into a monitor that was showing a picture of Bruce Banner and newspaper articles on something called the Hulk.

"Dr. Bruce Banner is a renowned scientist with knowledge and degrees in Bio-organics, biology, chemistry, engineering, physiology, and nuclear physics but it most known as the worlds foremost authority on radiation research. Dr. Bruce Banner was tasked by the government to devise countermeasures for the US military on Radiation resistance while in actuality he was being tasked to help the military revitalize the World War 2 subprogram on Bio-tech Force enhancements." Jarvis said.

"What?" Naruto asked, confused.

"Mr. Stark coins the term, Super Soldier. The project was used in World War 2 to create the famous Captain America. The US Military wanted to revitalize the project and Dr. Banners work was very early phase. To test his theory, Dr. Banner tested his radiation counter-measures on himself, which resulted in an explosion that exposed Dr. Banner to lethal amounts of Gamma radiation that would have killed him. Dr. Banner survived the radiation blast but it had a mutational side effect." Jarvis said.

"What happened?" Naruto asked.

"Dr. Banners body was changed. His blood became extremely poisoned with gamma radiation and when Dr. Banner is put under extreme emotional stress such as anger, he changes into a giant hulking rage monster, which the media has coined as the Hulk. He becomes incredible powerful, as his rage increases so does his strength. Mr. Stark theorizes that the Hulk can be become unstoppable if he is not settled down immediately." Jarvis said.

"Wow. So where is he now?" Naruto asked.

"Currently unknown. Bruce Banner's current whereabouts are unknown as of the moment and the US military under the command of General Thaddeus E. Thunderbolt Ross is tasked with finding Dr. Banner." Jarvis said.

"Did he run away or was he forced to?" Naruto asked.

"The military reports that he is a fugitive with military secrets. Mr. Stark doesn't believe that theory. Dr. Banner fled from General Ross to prevent the Hulk from being used by the army." Jarvis said.

"Does Tony know Bruce Banner personally?" Naruto asked.

"No, only by reputation. Mr. Stark is familiar with Dr. Banner's work and has had meetings with General Ross towards certain military equipment to be used in capturing Dr. Banner but that, is as he say, is strictly business." Jarvis said.

"Wow, no wonder Tony wants to help me. I could turn into another Bruce Banner, on the run." Naruto said as he finished his breakfast and washed the dishes. After he finished in the kitchen he walked into the living room and looked out to the ocean. He then looked at his fist and clenched it, deciding to do some training.

"Hey, Jarvis. Does Tony have a training room?" Naruto asked.

"Mr. Stark does a workout room that you are welcome to use." Jarvis said as he showed Naruto the workout room. It had a boxing ring in the middle, some dumb bells and weights, but not really was he was looking for.

"Huh." Naruto said as he walked over the weights on the side and to the bench and bar. He decided to do some weight lifting. He put four 45lbs weights on each side of the bench and then laid down on the bench. He grabbed the bar and pushed it up. It was 405lbs Naruto was lifting including the bar like a seasoned body builder would with their normal weight.

"Wow, I must be stronger than I thought or this world is much different than mine." Naruto said as he began to do some bench presses for about an hour without stopping.

"Well that was fun while it lasted." Naruto said as he stood up and decided to do some push-ups. After he hit about 1,000, he then did another thousand on his hands. After that, he did 1,000 sit-ups. Man was his stamina coming in handy or what, it was in overdrive. After that he then remembered what Tony said happened to his chakra and what the Nine-tailed fox told him as well.

"Hey, Jarvis. Think you could do an energy scan thingy on my body now? I want to try something." Naruto said.

"Of course." Jarvis said as a camera popped up next to the Television and scanned his body and then showed Naruto the scans on the screen.

"These are current scans. All right, let's try something." Naruto said as he concentrated. He made a hand sign and concentrated, gathering his charka like normal. He then saw the screen show his chakra flow around his body in a circular like path, traveling all over from his head to his toes. He then concentrated harder as the speed of his chakra flow intensified and flowed faster and faster and he could have swore it saw it glow. Naruto then saw his body begin to seep out energy and a blue aura of energy covered his body.

"Cool." Naruto said as he looked over himself and saw the blue energy surround his body.

"Impressive, Naruto. It seems your energy has created a cloak-like aura around your body. It is flowing and if my calculations and analysis is correct it, it will enhance your strength even more as well as provide enhanced protection for your body." Jarvis said, looking over the scans on Naruto's body.

"Sweet." Naruto said as he walked over to the 405lb bar on the bench and picked it up like it was nothing. He then used one hand to hold it up and then began to balance it on his finger. He then grab each end of the bar and then squeezed them together and crushed the bar and weights like it was a stick. Then balled it up together like it was piece of paper and in the end, the 405lb bar was crushed into his ball that fit perfectly in his hands. He dropped it and it made a loud clang and cracked into the ground a bit.

"Awesome." Naruto said as he looked at his hands and saw the blue energy cloak still active. He then concentrated more as was going to make a rasengan in his hand. The energy swirled together but then it shot out of his hands and blasted the window open. Naruto looked at his hand and then at the window, which was completely destroyed.

"Uh, Jarvis, did you get that?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis said.

"Good, because I'm in uncharted territory here." Naruto said.

Line Break xxxxx

Tony came home after some work at STARK Industries with Pepper in tow. Not only was Tony working on STARK industries stuff but also was with Pepper because she had arranged some things for Naruto to help him adjust to his new home. They walked in through the front door and saw Naruto sitting in the living room…glowing blue. He was sitting with his legs crossed and holding his hands in front of his chest. His hands were apart as they were pulsing blue energy and controlling what seemed to be a softball sized sphere of blue energy.

Naruto opened his eyes and saw Pepper and Tony walked in. "Hey guys." Naruto said as he deactivated his powers and stood up. "How was work?"

"Eh, same old, same old. Sign this, build that, make money." Tony said.

"So how was your day?" Pepper asked.

"Productive. Jarvis helped me do some more research on how my body changed." Naruto said.

"Indeed. It seems that Naruto's energy is very potent, yet unpredictable." Jarvis said.

"What do you mean, unpredictable?" Pepper asked.

"Well, Chakra is my people's living energy. Everyone back where I'm from has the potential to use it for jutsu's or other techniques. They can form and shape it depending on what they want to do, either make a jutsu or enhance their strength. So, Jarvis and I have been working on that for the past couple of hours and I have to say that I'm starting to get the hang of it." Naruto said as he activated his energy cloak and was glowing blue.

"In that form, Naruto's strength, agility, speed, and endurance it enhance 10 fold." Jarvis said as Tony and Pepper were amazed.

"And I also learned something else as well." Naruto said as he put a empty cup on the counter. "Watch." Naruto raised his hand and it glowed blue before his hand shot out a blast of blue energy that blasted the cup into pieces.

"Whoa." Tony said.

"I know, awesome right. I can shoot charka blasts out of my hands! And I'm working on some new stuff as well." Naruto said as his right arm glowed blue and the blue aura seemed to stretch from his arm and form a claw but the aura was very weak and was shaking. Naruto then stopped and panted. "Still not perfect but I'm getting there." (Think of the aura construct creation like in his Nine-tails Chakra mode where he is able to create charka arms but he can also create other constructs as well)

"Your energy is so malleable you made a solid object. Wow. Keep working and you'll be a force of nature." Tony said.

"Yeah, but I still got a long way to go before I master this." Naruto said.

"Well, in the mean time, Tony prepared your new identity and papers for you." Pepper said, handing him a envelope that held his new identity of Naruto Uzumaki as a real person in this world. Born in Tokyo, Japan, wherever that was, birth parents moved to America where they were killed in a car accident. What's a car? And then, placed under the guardianship of Anthony Stark. "Guardian?"

"Yeah, I know but I figured with your circumstances, you don't have many options under your belt. So you'll be staying here as your cover." Tony said.

"Thanks, Tony." Naruto said.

"Don't thank me yet, you still got to go to school." Tony said.

"School? What's school?" Naruto asked.

"Oh boy are you in for a rough couple of years." Tony said with a chuckled as he went to get a drink.

Line Break xxxxx

The following week, Naruto had his first day of Junior High. Pepper was helping Naruto on adjusting to his new home, telling him things he should and shouldn't do while Tony said he should do everything. Jarvis managed to give him some help and information on school so he wouldn't be going in super behind. Naruto found out a neat trick with Shadow clones. It was by accident one day when Naruto and his clones were training, two clones were playing rock-paper-scissors. When Naruto dispelled the clones, he remembered who won the game. Naruto tried again by having a clone read a newspaper article and when it dispelled he remembered what the clone read. That helped with learning everything he could to get ready for school.

Happy Hogan, Tony's driver/bodyguard/friend drove Naruto to his first day of junior high at Malibu Point Junior High as a 7th grader. Happy drove to the front of the school, parked the car and got out to open the passenger door. Naruto got out of the car dressed in new clothes that Pepper got him consisting of a black t-shirt, an orange button up, converse sneaker and blue jeans with his headband as his belt and his jade necklace around his neck with his backpack on.

"Have a good day at school, sir. I'll be here to pick you up later." Happy said.

"Thanks, Happy. Wish me luck." Naruto said.

"Don't worry, the first day of school isn't that bad. Just make some friends." Happy said to Naruto as he walked into the school. "Oh, he's going to hate it there." Happy said as he got in the car and drove away.

Naruto walked through the front door and saw a bunch of students walking through the hallways of the school as a bunch of the kids were leaning against their lockers talking to each other or on their phones. Some kids were sitting against their lockers and doing some homework and others were passing basketballs. Naruto walked through the school, trying to find the Principals office as some students saw him walk by and started to whisper about the new kid. Some of the girls giggled and smiled as they thought he was cute while the guys were just curious who he was. Soon Naruto heard a bell ring as the students then began to move through the halls and into rooms as Naruto was confused. He walked down the hall and finally found the principals office and walked in as the office head saw him walk in.

"Hello, can I help you?" The office head asked.

"Yeah, I'm a new student. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I was told to come here my first day." Naruto said.

"Of course. One second, I'll contact Mr. Jones and he'll be out in a second. Here you go, your class schedule, a map of the school and your school ID." The office head said as he handed Naruto everything.

"Thank you." Naruto said as then a 60-year-old African American man walked out of the Principal office wearing a suit.

"Hello, you must be Naruto." The man said.

"I am." Naruto said.

"My name is Mr. Jones, I'm the principal of Malibu Point Junior High. It's nice to meet you, Naruto Uzumaki." Mr. Jones said.

"Thank you, Mr. Jones." Naruto said.

"I must say, when we got the email about your attendance many of us were shocked. It's not everyday that the Tony Stark sends a child he is the guardian of to school." Mr. Jones said.

"Well, I hope you guys don't treat me any different. I'm just a normal kid." Naruto said as Mr. Jones smiled.

"Well, we'll do our best. Now I'll show you to your first period class." Mr. Jones said as he escorted Naruto through the school until they class room that said Class 120.

Mr. Jones knocked on the door as opened it to show a classroom. There was an Asian American sitting at a desk and a class filled with about 25 students. "Mr. Lee, sorry to interrupt but here is your new student." Mr. Jones said as Naruto stepped forward and Mr. Lee got up and shook Naruto's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Lee. I'm Naruto." Naruto said.

"Nice to meet you, Naruto. I'm Mr. Lee, I'll be your homeroom and science teacher." Mr. Lee said as he then looked at Mr. Jones. "I'll take it from here, Mr. Jones."

"All right, have a good day Naruto." Mr. Jones said as he left as Mr. Lee stood in front of the class.

"Ok, Class. Today we have a new student and I want you to make him feel welcome. Go ahead, introduce yourself." Mr. Lee said as Naruto stepped forward.

"Hello, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. Nice to meet you." Naruto said as he waved at the students. Some of the guys weren't too excited, a new kid in their class. The girls were awestruck because he was cute and some of the guys weren't happy that they saw the new guy getting the love stares from the girls.

"Well, Naruto, you can take a seat next to Ms. Park over there." Mr. Lee said as Naruto made his way through the class and sat down to an Asian American girl about his age.

"Hi." Naruto said as he sat down.

"Hey. Linda Park." Linda said as Naruto saw her.

"Nice to meet you." Naruto said as class began.

After a few hours, it was lunchtime as Naruto made his way to the cafeteria. Naruto walked through the cafeteria doors and saw the whole school population making their way through the lunchroom. Students were carrying trays of food or holding brown bag lunches and sat down to eat with their friends.

Naruto could see that the students seemed to be sitting in groups. Students wearing jackets with the school colors on them, holding footballs and passing them around. There were also groups of students wearing all black clothes with make up, students who were busy studying or working on homework and students who seemed normal.

Naruto sat down at the edge of a table where no one was sitting. He opened his backpack and took out his lunch. Naruto smiled as he saw what his lunch was…Ramen. Naruto made a batch of Ramen in the morning, placed a cover on it and quickly heated the bowl using his powers so that it would stay warm. Naruto took off the cover and smelled that delicious aroma. He picked up his chopsticks and began eating as he happily slurped the noodles when he heard someone sit down next to him.

"That was smart of you to pack a lunch. Especially on mystery meat day." Naruto heard as he looked to see Linda set down her lunch and sit across from him.

"Hey, Linda." Naruto said as he took a sip of water.

"So, how has the first day been for the new kid in school?" Linda asked.

"Uh,…pretty good I guess." Naruto said.

"Just pretty good. I was hoping for a more of a detailed response." Linda said, hopeful.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"I'm a reporter for the school newspaper and I want to do an article on you." Linda said as Naruto was a bit shocked. He was a bit worried, slightly concerned and flattered.

"Uh thanks for the flattery, Linda. But I'll think I'll pass. Besides, there's nothing worth writing about." Naruto said.

"Oh I don't believe that. I mean, a new cute male student joins the school and is under the guardianship of the famous weapon designer Tony Stark. No, there has to be an interesting story there." Linda said as Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know that?" Naruto asked.

"So it is true. I heard a rumor from the teachers about the new student being under the guardianship of the legendary Tony Stark." Linda said.

"Ok,…it's true. I can't lie to you now. But why do you want to know?" Naruto asked.

"Because I'm a reporter for the school newspaper. My dream is to write for the Daily Bugle." Linda said.

"Well, Linda, I hate to break it to you but there isn't an interesting story to write. Tony Stark is just a nice guy who is letting me stay with him." Naruto said.

"Ok…if that's what you say. But something tells me that you have a much more interesting story…and I will be there to make sure you get the right view point." Linda said.

"Yeah, right." Naruto said.

"Naruto…I think this is the start of a long and beautiful friendship." Linda said with a smile while Naruto was a bit worried.

End of Chapter 1

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