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47.82% Maelstrom Of DC / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: No More Hiding - True Power Revealed!

Capítulo 11: Chapter 11: No More Hiding - True Power Revealed!

October 1st

Naruto raises his arm blocking a kick. He grabs the leg tossing Robin to the side. Robin twists around landing on his feet. Kaldur charges forward unleashing three quick punches that are all dodged with ease before Naruto goes for a leg sweep. Jumping over the leg sweep, Kaldur lands a safe distance away to reevaluate his plan of attack. Robin and Kaldur crouch into fighting stances waiting for the opportunity to attack Naruto. A giggling sound makes all three turn. Megan and Connor are walking side by side with Wolf, a genetically enhanced wolf, walks behind them.

Robin smirks, "did you know those two were a couple?"

"I believe I knew before they did," smirks Kaldur.

"So who is going to tell those two?" Robin gestures to Wally and Artemis.

Kaldur shakes his head, "it is not our place." Naruto listens to the conversation with a blank expression. Wally is an idiot so it comes as no surprise that the speedster never realized Megan's attraction to Connor. Artemis on the other hand is a surprise. The ninja knew that Artemis liked Superboy as well mainly from a physical standpoint. She is much brighter than Wally and he expected her to see the change in relationship between Megan and Connor. It isn't like the two are being very discreet. Holding hands, kissing, and all other things that a couple do.

"Isn't Zatara our babysitter this week so why is he here?" Wally looks at Captain Marvel. "And he is eating my snacks!"

"Recognized B02, Batman."

Batman teleports into the cave in a flash of light. "Computer national news," orders the Dark Knight. A screen opens up revealing live video footage of a large plant attacking Metropolis. Superman, Hawkwoman, Hawkman, and Martian Manhunter are battling the plant creature while trying to protect the citizens of Metropolis.

"This plant creature appeared thirty minutes ago and even the combined effort of the Justice League has yet to be able to stop it! Citizens are being urged to evacuate as the plant continues to cause more destruction."

"So are we heading out there?" smirks Robin.

"No, the League will soon have the situation under control. That is not the reason I am here. According to your intel Sportsmaster supplied Cadmus Blockbuster formula to Cobra."

"Which they combined with Bane's venom," continues Wally

Robin frowns, "and even though we confiscated the entire shipment…well Naruto confiscated the entire shipment the Brain somehow managed to get his hands on it and use it to create a genetically enhanced army of super animals."

Kaldur gains a pensive expression. "How did Brain get hands on the formula? Did any of the shipment get stolen?"

"All vials are safely aboard the Watchtower except one that is at Wayne Tech under heavy guard and constantly being analyzed for a cure," answers Batman. "We have to assume that Sportsmaster supplied others with the Blockbuster formula."

Superboy rubs Wolf's head. "It wasn't all that bad, got Wolf here." Wolf growls in delight.

"Brain also used inhibitor collars to control the animals like the ones in Belle Reve," states Megan.

"Batman, is it possible that plant-thing is on Cobra-venom too?" asks Artemis.

A holographic keyboard appears in front of Batman. "I had Green Lantern run a spot analysis on the plant. It contains traces of a Cobra-Venom variant in its celosias." Images of the cells appear in front of Batman.

"These can't be unrelated instances," states Kaldur.

"Agreed. It is obvious that there is a…Secret Society of Super Villains working together. This attack on Metropolis is only the beginning," says Batman.

Robin is typing on his own keyboard. Multiple screens of various cities under attack appear. Naruto's eyes narrow as he recognizes Tokyo. "Got that right, multiple cities around the world are being attack including Paris, Honk Kong, Rome…" Static suddenly fills all the screens.


"It isn't me," frowns Robin. "Someone is cutting the feed. All satellite feeds."

Suddenly, an image of man with a pale white face, bright red lipstick, green hair, and obnoxious purple suit appears on the screen. The man is one of the most infamous criminals in the world, Joker. Joker is smiling widely as he taps on the screen. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem to bring you this important announcement from the Injustice League." Joker's laughter fills the room as the camera turns to focus on six other criminals and super villains. The tall handsome man in a green suit with matching cape begins to speak in a dignified tone.

"We are the ones responsible for the attacks on your cities. If you wish to save them a ransom of 10 billion American dollars is required. A note has been sent to the United Nation…there is no time limit, but the longer your governments wait…"

The screen is turned back to Joker. "The more we get to have our jollies," Joker bursts out laughing as the screen turns to static.

Batman lifts a hand to his communication. "Roger that Aquaman prepare the ransom as a fallback, but it won't come to that."

Robin rewinds the recorded broadcast to reveal the members of the Injustice League. "Joker, Count Vertigo, Poison Ivy, Atomic Skull, Wotan, Ultra Humanite, and Black Adam are seven heavy hitters. All working together and probably behind every single event we faced so far."

"There is your Secret Society," says Artemis.

"Not so secret anymore," states Wally.

"After India they must have known we were close to finding out there secret so saw no point in hiding any further," says Kaldur.

Naruto remains calm, but he doesn't believe that for a second. The team wasn't close to finding out anything on the secret organization behind Cobra-Venom or Cadmus. A couple run in with various villains and assassins meant nothing. At best the team was disrupting various plans, but never truly stopping them from coming to fruition as proven by the Cobra-Venom being mass produced. This Injustice League doesn't sit right with him. It is more likely that these seven individuals came together with their own idea to gain some money and cause destruction. He doubts that this is the true secret organization.

"Their mistake! I say we go kick some plant creature butt," smirks Wally.

Batman destroys that train of thought. "The Justice League will handle the plants."

Wally groans, "aww man." Artemis punches his arm making him wince.

"With the plants attacking simultaneous locations at once there must be a central control system. Your mission is to destroy it," orders Batman.

Zatara steps forward not believing that Batman would assign such a dangerous mission. "You realize what you are asking them to do."

"They are ready," replies Batman.

"Ready? Ready for what?" Artemis punches Wally a second time. "Ow! Will you stop doing that?"

"Hello Wally! If the Big Guns are fighting plants, who do you think we will be fighting?" glares Artemis.

"I don't know, I guess we…" Artemis points at the screen showing the Injustice League. Wally's eyes widen as realization hits him. "Oh…"

"I will trust you know what you are doing," says Zatara.

Batman looks at Zatara. "I trust you can find the enemy."

"Indeed, Wotan's involvement suggests sorcery as a part of how the plant is controlled. Robin, if you will produce a holographic map of the globe." Robin strikes a few keys making a holographic image of Earth appear. Zatara steps forward raising his hands. The magician begins to incant a spell in an ancient language. Naruto can feel the rise in power. It reminds him of the mission to the Tower of Fate. All that power that made up the different dimensions inside the tower. He could even feel the power being thrown around in the battle by Dr. Fate and Klarion the Witch Boy. Magic is such a raw power similar to chakra in so many ways. He wanted to activate his Sharingan to better study the magic, but knew that revealing such a power would draw more questions and suspicion. So instead he watched Zatara cast his spell.

The globe stops spinning and a red dot appears in southern North America. "There, that is where you will find the Injustice League's central control system," says Zatara.

"Coordinates locked in. The Louisiana, Bayou," reads Robin.

"We are on our way," orders Aqualad.

The team heads towards the hangar. Captain Marvel goes to follow the team. "Captain Marvel," starts Batman drawing Marvel's attention. "If this plan is to work the entire League needs to be scene fighting the plant creatures. You are needed elsewhere."

Louisiana, Bayou

The entire teams is riding on the Bio-ship in silence. Robin is double checking all his gear. Kid is eating a banana in an attempt to eat away his nervousness. Artemis is tapping her foot. Kaldur is barely blinking as he stares out the window. Superboy is petting Wolf's head. Miss Martian is silent for once not wanting to draw any attention onto herself. Only one member of the team is calm, Naruto. Naruto is sitting in his seat staring up at the ceiling of the ship.

Artemis notices Naruto's nonchalant behavior. It is the same behavior he displays on every mission. He is never phased and more than half the time appears bored. Now that she thinks back on it, he has never suffered a single injury. Most of the time when the team finishes a mission half of them are exhausted or bruised up. Naruto barely ever has a speck of dirt on his clothes. Even in Biayla when he sacrificed himself to take out Psimon, he emerged from the explosion unharmed. His clothes were a bit burned but that was all. Heck, he sparred against Superboy on a near constant basis and never lost. He is undefeated in the training simulation. How does he do it? How strong is he?

The most recent memory of him fighting was against Red Tornado's siblings. She had never witnessed such an amazing and terrifying death match. Naruto displayed skills that she had only ever scene when watching Justice League members fight. He walked on water, summoned a dragon made of water, was killed and came back to life somehow, and found a way to take out two super powered androids that had taken down the entire team with little problem. 'A year younger than me too,' thinks Artemis. No wonder her father and sister were beat so easily. They didn't stand a chance against Naruto.

"What is in the bag?" Wally voice interrupts Artemis's thoughts. Her eyes travel towards the duffle bag next to Kaldur. Naruto knows what is in the bag. He kept silent, but planned to make sure that the item in the bag was not used. A wild card like that might disrupt the entire mission.

"Plan B," answers Aqualad.

"Uh," groans Miss Martian.

Superboy looks at her, "everything alright?"

"The ship is under attack," answers Naruto.

Robin frowns, "what are you talking about?"

"He's right," groans Miss Martian. "Something is attacking her. I won't be able to maintain camouflage…" The Bio-ship suddenly becomes visible. A second later a powerful force strikes the ship sending it spiraling.

"Brace for impact!" shouts Aqualad. A second powerful blow sends the ship splashing into a swamp. Water begins to fill the ship.

"No way I am drowning three missions in a row," Artemis reaches into her pocking pulling out a breathing device. She learned after India to come a bit more prepared.

Superboy grabs Miss Martian. "Megan open a hatch."

"Hello Megan!"

A hatch opens up on the floor. One by one the team swims through the hatch as large vines wrap around the ship. The team swims towards the shore before surfacing. Miss Martian watches as her ship is pulled underneath the water. 'She is in shock. It will take time for her to recover,' she says to everyone through the mental link.

Naruto senses a wave of negative emotions and jumps high into the air. A psychic wave strikes the team making them all fall to their knees. "Vertigo," groans Kid.

The villain walks towards the fallen team looking at them as if they are bugs. "That is Count Vertigo to you, peasant."

Superboy stands up charging at Vertigo, but a black blur smashes a fist straight into his face. One punch and Superboy is knocked out cold. Black Adam stands over the clone showing no emotion. 'Robin, Naruto, Miss Martian vanish into the trees we will handle this! Destroy the central control system!' orders Aqualad. Using his water bearers, he creates a wave that smashes into Count Vertigo. Naruto forms a hand seal while in the air and disappears in a cloud of smoke. Robin immediately vanishes into the trees with Miss Martian going into camouflage.

Robin bites his tongue as Naruto suddenly appears next to him. It really annoys him that there is someone on the team that is better at stealth then him. He is the protégé of Batman. Batman is able to sneak up on Superman. Robin is learning from the best in the business and yet Naruto is able to surprise him every time. 'I lost contact with Aqualad and the others. Should we…'

'Not the gig,' interrupts Robin. Up ahead the two spot a large dome building with a huge plant growing out of the top. It is a greenhouse. 'This is it, the Injustice League central control system. That plant there must be acting as an antenna to control all the others around the world. If we can take it out, we can end their plans…'

Naruto senses killer intent. Plants bursts out of the ground wrapping around Miss Martian and Robin. In a flash of silver the vines that tried to grab Naruto are cut to pieces. His eyes train upon Poison Ivy and Ultra Humanite. "This is the end of the line," smirks Ivy. Her vines begin to squeeze Robin and Miss Martian. Naruto moves in a blur slicing through the vines while tossing three shuriken at Ultra Humanite forcing the villain to dodge.

'I will handle them continue with the mission,' orders Naruto.

Miss Martian's eyes widen. 'We can't leave…'

'Miss Martian he can handle it!' states Robin. 'We have to destroy that plant or people around the world will continue to die.'

Naruto glances at Miss Martian as vines burst out of the ground towards him. 'Go,' he says before cutting apart the vines. She sends one last look at Naruto before going invisible.

"You won't be escaping," Ivy's eyes widen as Naruto appears in front of her. Ultra Humanite opens fire forcing Naruto to retreat. Naruto swings his arm tossing more shuriken at the ape. Possessing the dexterity and agility of an ape, Ultra Humanite dodges the shuriken with ease before taking aim at the ninja. Ivy grits her teeth calling upon more vines that burst out of the ground in the shape of giant spikes that are about to impale Naruto. The ninja channels chakra to his feet to stick to the vines. Naruto sheaths his sword and begins to flash through hand seals.

"Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu," Naruto takes a deep breath before spitting out a dozen small fireballs. Vines burst out of the ground protecting Ivy. Multiple explosions go off all around the villainess. Ivy yells in anger as the trees and her vines are burned by the fireballs.

"I will make you pay for harming nature!" swears Ivy.

Ultra Humanite shoots several more shots at Naruto. Naruto leaps from branch to branch dodging the shots before tossing a kunai. It sails true piercing Ultra Humanite's weapon and causing it to explode. He jumps towards the ground as vines rip through the tree he was on. Ultra Humanite leaps at Naruto, but the ninja rolls out of the way getting behind the villain. A spinning jump kick to the back of the head has Ultra Humanite eating mud. "Surrender," orders Count Vertigo. Naruto turns to see Vertigo standing on a cage made of magic. Wotan is maintaining the cage while Black Adam holds it. Inside the cage is his team. "Or I will start killing your friends one by one."

Naruto looks at the Count. The ninja turns his head to stare at the plant. Count Vertigo follows his line of sight. Ivy's eyes widen. "My baby!" The plant has dozens upon dozens of glowing lights on it. A closer look reveals those lights to be bird-a-rangs. Beeping, the bird-a-rangs explode destroying the giant plant in a single blast. Out of the smoke stand Robin and Miss Martian.

"Timber," smirks Robin. Miss Martian uses her telekinetic powers to blast Wotan. The attack forces Wotan to lose control on his construct freeing the team. A blast from behind strikes Miss Martian in the back. Robin barely avoids taking a hit.

"Children? Children foiled our plans!" Joker emerges on the roof with Atomic Skull. "Unbelievable! Inconceivable! Retributional! That last one might not be a word! So sue me!" laughs Joker.

"Kill them," orders Count Vertigo. "Kill them all!"

Artemis goes to draw her bow only to find her quiver gone along with her bow. "I feel naked. And not in a fun way." A vine bursts out of the swamp wrapping around the girl. Aqualad charges forward channeling his lightning magic to rip through the vine.

"We shall make our own fun like we were trained," states Aqualad.

Superboy and Wolf glare at Ultra Humanite. "I hate monkeys!" Roaring, he charges at Ultra Humanite. Ultra Humanite uses his animal reflexes to grab Superboy and swing him into Wolf sending both flying.

Kid spots Count Vertigo and runs at the count. Count Vertigo isn't phase in the least using his powers to slow down Kid. Kid tries to run through it, but starts to slow down. Suddenly, Black Adam appears in front of Kid and delivers a powerful punch. The speedster is sent flying into a tree. A cry of pain comes from Kid as his arm snaps. That cry is silenced quickly as his head strikes the tree knocking him out. "Kid!" shouts Robin.

A pair of hands burst out of the ground grabbing Vertigo's ankles. Count Vertigo's eyes widen. He never gets a chance to call out to Black Adam when he is dragged underground. Naruto bursts out of the ground leaving Count Vertigo buried underneath. In his right hand is the device that Vertigo uses to launch his psychic attacks. Naruto crushes it with ease before barely dodging a high speed punch from Black Adam. Adam grabs Naruto around the throat and with barely any strength snaps his neck. Confusion fills Adam as Naruto turns into mud.

Joker confronts Robin. The clown laughs hysterically as he draws a couple of switch blades. "I always wanted to carve this bird!"

Artemis does her best to avoid the vines, but there are too many. A large vine bursts out of the swamp behind her wrapping around her. Robin dodges Joker's attack before kicking the clown away. He tosses several bird-a-rangs that slash through the vine holding Artemis. Miss Martian uses her telekinesis to knock Ultra Humanite away from Superboy.

"Enough!" Wotan rises up into the air. Drawing upon his magic, he launches several bolts of lightning. The first bolt strikes Artemis electrocuting the archer. She screams in pain before passing out. A second and third bolt strike Robin and Superboy. Miss Martian is hit next followed by Aqualad.

'Suiton: Suigadon.'

Four small whirlpools form in the water under Wotan. The water rises up into four drills that strike the sorcerer. Wotan screams in pain releasing his spell. 'Stop fighting against random opponents,' orders Naruto over the link. 'Superboy take out the Joker than help Miss Martian with Poison Ivy. Aqualad take on Ultra Humanite. Robin deal with Atomic Skull. I will handle Black Adam and Wotan.'

Naruto bursts out of the ground behind Black Adam. A kick to the back doesn't even make Adam tumble. He flips backwards landing on the surface of the water. Adam flies at high speeds that rival Kage level ninja. Naruto watches the incoming attack. At this distance he has no opportunity to dodge. He thought his kick would do more damage.

"Still hiding?"

Time comes to a stop as Naruto hears a familiar voice. "Kurama?"

"Why do you continue to hide? This new world was supposed to be a chance for you to gain freedom!"

It has to be Kurama. Naruto is suddenly sucked into his mindscape. He is in a familiar sewer that was the representation of the seal. There is no seal this time. Kurama stands in front of him. The nine tailed demon is a sight to behold. "Kurama!" Tears brim Naruto's eyes upon seeing his best friend.

Kurama glares at Naruto. "Are you going to lose here brat? After all you went through to gain freedom is this where you fall?!"

"I...I don't understand!"

"Brat, stop hiding who you are! Do you think that after I was freed that I hid away to avoid Akatsuki? I am Kurama, I fear no one!" Kurama glares at Naruto. "Do you remember what I told you?"

The ninja stares at the demon. A sudden memory comes to mind. Naruto gains a hard look. "This world is different…"

Kurama lower his head. Crimson eyes stare into ocean blue. "What did I tell you?"

"That you refused to have a weak jailer."

"Show them true power. Like I conquered all those that dared to challenge me, destroy all those that would dare to take your freedom," grins Kurama. A small smile forms on Naruto's face.

Black Adam delivers a punch. A punch so powerful that only a select few individuals in the world could survive. The power of the punch is wasted as it strikes air. Adam turns his head to see Naruto move to the right. A pair of crimson eyes with three spinning black tomoe stare down Adam. 'Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu,' Naruto hands move at speeds that even Adam can't follow. He exhales a giant fireball that engulfs Adam. A large explosion shakes the forest interrupting the other fights.

Aqualad tackles Ultra Humanite allowing Superboy to track down Joker and Robin. Superboy locks onto Joker and leaps high into the air. Robin continuously dodges slashes from Joker. Smirking, he leaps back as Superboy comes down from above with a punch that drills Joker in the face. Blood sprays from Joker's mouth and is long unconscious before even hitting the murky swamp waters. Robin nods at Superboy before the two head towards new opponents.

Miss Martian is barely avoiding a barrage of vines and Atomic Skull's blasts. She bumps into a tree as more vines burst out of the swamp. "Ah!" Superboy grabs the vines ripping them apart with brute strength.

Atomic Skull is kicked in the face by Robin. "Tag, you're it," smirks Robin.

"Such control over the elements," Wotan flies into the air. "Adam we must take him down." Out of the smoke emerges a mostly uninjured Black Adam. Naruto stands on the swamp water with Sharingan spinning. "Kill him!" Wotan fires a beam of magic at Naruto. Naruto runs across the water at jounin level speeds. Adam flies at Naruto intent on smashing him to a bloody pulp. Sharingan locks onto Adam's high speed movements easily predicting the straight forward attack. A punch drives straight into Naruto's chest. In a cloud of smoke Naruto turns into a destroyed log. Wotan senses a rise in power and spin around to see the real Naruto standing on top of the burning green house. Naruto tosses several shuriken before flashing through hand seals.

"Shuriken no Kage Bunshin!"

Six shuriken turn into thirty. Wotan erects a barrier that block all the shuriken. The sorcerer sends a stream of fire at Naruto. Naruto leaps high into the air above Wotan. Black Adam shoots through the air straight at Naruto. Twisting around, Naruto dodges the punch before slapping a paper bomb tag on Black Adam's chest. It explodes blasting Adam and Naruto in different directions. Wotan begins to chant before launching several bolts of lightning at the falling Naruto. Naruto forms several hand seals finishing the jutsu as the lightning strikes him. Wotan scowls in anger as Naruto turns into a burnt log.

Naruto appears on the surface of the water flashing through another set of hand seals. "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu." The water rises up taking the form of a dragon. It roars loudly before charging at Wotan.

"You are strong, but Wotan is stronger!" smirks Wotan. The sorcerer begins to chant before summoning a bolt of lightning that comes down from the clouds above. It strikes the water dragon destroying it and heading straight at Naruto. Naruto jumps out of the way as the bolt of lightning strikes the water electrocuting it. Screams come from Superboy, Robin, Ultra Humanite, Poison Ivy, and Atomic Skull as the lightning ends up electrocuting all those standing in the swamp. Joker and Wally even wake up from unconscious to scream in pain for a second then fall back into darkness. Aqualad is able to endure the attack, but falls to his knees panting heavily.

Naruto stares up at Wotan and Black Adam. Sharingan locks onto his team. Artemis, Kid, and Robin are out cold. Aqualad is in bad condition. Superboy is recovering, but will not be much help against a magic user like Wotan. Miss Martian is the only member of the team in fighting condition. 'Megan, Superboy, gather the team and leave,' says Naruto.

'I am not leaving!' yells Superboy slowly standing. 'Only two are left. We can take them.'

'Naruto, you can't win this fight alone,' pants Aqualad unable to stand.

'We aren't leaving you,' says Miss Martian.

Naruto has his eyes trained on Wotan and Black Adam. 'Aqualad you are the leader, make the right call.' Aqualad's eyes widen. 'If you stay here the others will die. Robin, Artemis, and Kid are down for the count. You can barely stand. Megan is trying to hide it, but she is on her last legs.'

Superboy argues, 'I can fight. I heal faster than the others.'

'And who will help the others onto the Bio-ship? Megan doesn't have the strength to carry them and Aqualad. If you don't help her she will be wide open for attack,' argues Naruto. 'I can hold them long enough for you all to make an escape.'

'You are asking us to let you die!' yells Miss Martian.

Black Adam flies down at Naruto unleashing a flurry of punches. Naruto channels chakra to his legs to double his speed. Sharingan predicts each and every punch. The ninja dodges rapidly knowing that if a single punch lands it will be the end of him. 'Superboy help Miss Martian get the others on the Bio-ship,' orders Aqualad.

'I won't…'

'Superman would put the lives of others before his own. Naruto is right, if we don't move the others they will get caught in the fight and be killed,' says Aqualad. Superboy grits his teeth hesitating. Punching the tree in anger, he runs towards Robin's prone form. Miss Martian watches as Naruto escapes from Adam only to have Wotan launch multiple magic attacks at her friend. 'Megan the sooner we get the others to safety the sooner we can help him.' Aqualad also wants the ship nearby so that he can execute Plan B.

Miss Martian flies over to Kid picking him up with her telekinesis. She mentally calls the ship over to them. Camouflage drops and a hatch opens up.

Wotan notices the sidekicks about to escape. "Running away? I think not."

'Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu!' Wotan spins around erecting a magical barrier as a half dozen fireballs flies towards him. The fireballs crash against his barrier causing cracks to appear. Adam appears behind Naruto. A single hand seal makes several Naruto appear. 'Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.' Three Naruto pop into existence. Adam pauses not knowing which one to attack. In a burst of speed Adam destroys each Naruto until one remains. A punch to the last Naruto causes it to burst into a cloud of smoke. 'Suiro no Jutsu!' Water rises up surrounding Black Adam in a sphere. Adam tries to move, but is unable to do so. All he can do is glance to the side to see Naruto with a hand on the sphere.

Wotan stares down at Naruto who is holding a trapped Black Adam. "Wotan acknowledges that your powers wielding the elements are great. So young yet so powerful. But you have nowhere to go. If you dodge my next attack Adam will be released and I doubt you have much strength left in you to keep fighting us both."

Naruto stares at Wotan without an ounce of fear. "If you are so sure launch your attack." Wotan narrows his eyes. Sharingan spins locking eyes with Wotan. The immortal sorcerer stares into the crimson eyes feeling a shiver of fear. It is like the child is staring deep into his soul. Never in his immortal life has he encountered such piercing eyes. "I can see your next move. Planning to use another lightning bolt to take me out in one strike?"

Wotan's gasps, "how…"

"Did I know?" finishes Naruto. "My eyes can see many things. This is my true power."

"I will not be intimidated by a child!" Wotan begins to gather his magic. A new voice fills the air. Wotan turns in time to be struck by a blast of magic from above.

"Not this time Wotan," says Zatara floating down on a magical platform. Naruto looks up to see the entire Justice League. Relief fills his eyes. He was bluffing at the end. If Wotan had launched another attack and forced him to release Adam it would all be over. His chakra was all but gone. The water prison was his last jutsu.

Batman narrows his eyes upon Naruto. Naruto is holding Black Adam in a water sphere. The Dark Knight takes a closer look at the ninja hero. Batman is one of the few that notices Naruto's eyes are blood red instead of the usual ocean blue. The red eyes begin to fade away going back to their original ocean blue.

Superman raises an eyebrow. "Are you standing on water?"

The water keeping Adam imprisoned falls away. Adam goes to make a move, but Hawkwoman and Wonder Woman fly down between him and Naruto. "I suggest you stand down," says Wonder Woman. Hawkwoman lifts up her mace ready to fight. Naruto never answers Superman as he falls forward. A splashing sound fills the air as he hits the water face first.

'How was that Kurama?'

A smile is on his face. He knew that the encounter he had was not a memory. Kurama had contacted him. That meant his friend was alive…somewhere. As he drifts into a world of darkness, he already starts to plan to investigate finding Kurama.

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