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30.55% Overlord: Reborn as an NPC / Chapter 9: What Fear Looks Like

Capítulo 9: What Fear Looks Like

[Timeskip - 1 Day]

[Narrators POV]

The sky above was almost pitch black. If it wasn't for the glimmering stars in the distance and the light reflected by the moon, one could assume that their eyes were closed if looking upwards. The surrounding areas were quite dense with trees and vegetation. However, there were patches of open areas here and there.

A group of thirteen people could be seen traversing the quiet area dressed in unique clothing. From full sets of armour to elegant white robes and even a Japanese schoolgirl outfit. But, their items couldn't be scoffed at despite their odd appearance.

What was special about these items were that they were exclusive to only the strongest humans in the region. Not just any normal strong human. But, direct descendants from Six Great Gods that arrived to save humanity 600 years ago. These beings were known as God-kins.

Even after their departure back to heaven, the Six great God's treasured relics and potent bloodline still flow within each being of the group. This group's name? The Black Scripture of the Slane Theocracy. A special forces unit compromising of individuals with heroic-level abilities.

The Black Scripture was dead silent, matching the tense atmosphere around them. Only the faint footsteps across the grass and the jingle of their armour created any real sound. It wasn't until one of the smaller members broke the silence of the group.

"How much longer do we have to go, Astrologer?" Said the man, who could be mistaken for a boy. The man had medium brown hair and was dressed in pretty much all black with clock-like patterns. He wielded a rapier with one hand along with a miniature tophat.

"Didn't I tell you like … 15 seconds ago, Time Fucker?" Astrologer jokingly said, lightening the mood up a bit. "How many times do I have to tell you?!" The small-statured man asked half-jokingly and half annoyed. "It's Time Turbulence! Turbulence!" Time Turbulence shouted, repeating his last name.

"Alright, alright. How about we focus on the mission?" Said a blonde-haired man calmly. His name was Quaiesse. "Why don't you shut the hell up!" Retorted a more bulky man in a gruff voice. He wore bulky black armour around the legs and carried a shield in one hand. His name was Cedran.

"Settle down, guys." Said the man who was leading the whole group. He wore a full set of multi-coloured armour along with wielding a powerful spear. Though at first glance, one can mistake his androgynous face and long black hair to be female. However, he was a man. This person was the Captain of the Black Scripture, Xion.

(A/N: The actual name for the Captain is unknown as of writing this. So, I just gave him a random fantasy name I thought of on the spot.)

"Look, I know some of you have not been in the best of moods due to Clementine's defection." Xion said, turning his head around to eye a few of the members. "However, we must focus on our task." Xion finished, turning his head back.

He said his last sentence dutifully. As the Captain of the Black Scripture, Xion takes his job seriously and won't slack off. However, at times he can be optimistic and more laid back depending on circumstance.

"Task? We've been walking for good knows how long! When is this Catastrophe Dragon Lord supposed to revive so Kaire can brainwash it?!" Said a man with a tattoo on his face along with holding a long chain. The guy threw both his hands into the air, creating a 'Y' shape. His name was Beaumarchais.

"Ahh," Astrologer sighed, shaking her head slightly at her companion's constant whining. "As I've said before, the Dragon Lord will re-emerge near E-Rantel. We won't have to …" Astrologers talking was interrupted when she felt like something was … off.

"What's wrong, Astrologer?" Xion asked, worried about his team members' sudden lack of talking. The other Scripture members stopped in their tracks and looked at the girl. "S-some … something is c-coming our way …" Astrologer said hesitantly, her fingers were twitching with fear as her legs moved akin to shaking jello.

"What? Another wave of those Vampire Wolves we killed like what? Two minutes ago?" Asked a rather old man with a surprising muscular body for his age. The old man put down his abnormally and comically large axe down on the ground that any typical human couldn't even lift.

"N-n-no … something … w-wor-" Astrologer, who was forming tears in her eyes, couldn't even finish her sentence as she was interrupted. "Goddammit! Speak up, girl!" Shouted a man in a red skin-tight bodysuit. His name was Tenjho.

Astrologer couldn't formulate any proper sentence as she raised a shaking finger into the air. She pointed past where the Captain was and kept her finger there. The other members, curious as to what Astrologer was pointing at, turned to where she was pointing.

Cedran squinted his eyes. The dark night and the faint light made it hard to see long distances. The vegetation that lay ahead didn't help either. "I don't see anything." Cedran said to himself. Some of the other members seemed to agree with his statement, nodding collectively.

However, Xion knew something was off. Xion was quite experienced in terms of combat. Keeping the country safe from many threats, along with constant training with the 'Secret Ace' honed his skills drastically. 'Something … powerful is heading towards our direction at an alarming rate.' Xion thought. Xion tightly gripped his polearm, gritting his teeth and getting into a stance.

"Prepare your weapons." He said with a tone that wouldn't take any other suggestion for an answer. Though some of the Black Scripture members obediently followed the orders of the Captain, others were more hesitant. Not in a defiant way, but in a confused one. Not seeing the point of doing so.

"Huh? But … nothi-" Time Turbulence was cut off from speaking when something flew at an immense speed towards their direction. The sheer force of the unknown figure made the trees divert and split. Just like how Moses parted the Red Sea, so did this unknown figure.

"STAND YOUR GROUND!" Xion shouted at the top of his lungs, raising his polearm in a defensive position. Some of the weaker members of the Scripture were being pushed away by the wind of the unknown being. However, when Xion's spear clashed with the mysterious figure, every person flew back at least a couple of metres.

The impact between Xion's spear and the weapon of the unknown being created shockwaves that could have blown out the ears of any average human nearby. Xion carefully examined the facial features of the unknown being. What he saw could only be described as nightmare fuel.

The most noticeable feature being so close to the … thing was its mouth. Xion, who presumed the monster to be female, had a gaping circular maw. Rows of razor-sharp teeth lined the inside of the monster's mouth. There was also the monster's abnormally long tongue. Something that would be biologically impossible for a normal human.

The closest thing Xion could relate the looks of the monster to would be a lamprey. The monster's inhuman eyes glowed an ominous red. Her form was more hunched over and simian, with deadly claws on both hands and feet.

The monster wore a black ragged cloth that fluttered from the powerful winds. Her untidily silver kept hair too fluttered in the wind, swaying in all directions. The monster's weapon, an abnormally large lance, was held in her right hand grinded against Xion's polearm.

Xion could hear the faint cranking of metal on his weapon. A few yellow sparks flew out before quickly dissipating. 'Is this monster a being under the Catastrophe Dragon Lord?' Xion thought, keeping his feet firmly against the ground.

The monster was none other than Shalltear Bloodfalen in her True Vampire form. Currently, she was consumed by pure rage and bloodlust from sensing her summons to have been killed. Considering that whoever killed them were enemies, she threw herself at the opportunity to fight.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!" Screamed a man wielding a large white lance that could be mistaken for a greatsword. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW! BUT IT'S HELLA SCARY!" Beaumarchais screamed back.

The winds and falling trees were still raging, making it hard to hear each other. Shalltear growled at Xion's spear blocking her Spuit Lance. She changed tactics and jumped back, distancing herself from the opponent.

"Prepare for a fight!" Xion shouted at the top of his lungs. "And get Kaire ready to use 'it!'" He continued. Shalltear immediately rushed towards Xion again, this time aiming for Xion's abdomen. "But what about the Dragon Lord?" Said a woman in white robes. "This monster alone is worth it!" Xion shouted

Shalltear paid no heed to the ongoing conversation, attempting to kill the Black Scripture Captain. However, her lance was blocked for a second time by Xion's polearm. This only enraged her more. Shalltear directed her attention to the pest in front of her.

However, something triggered her sixth sense, warning her that something dangerous was going to happen. The enraged Shalltear turned to face an old looking woman who wore a qipao with a dragon stitched on it. Shalltear changed tactics and decided to eliminate the old woman first.

The old man with the large axe decided to step in and help his Captain in restraining the monster. The man raised his hands in the air, axe in hand and swung with all his might. Seeing so many outside interferences, Shalltear casted [Mass Hold Species] to capture them.

The old man was suddenly stuck, unable to move any part of his body. He wasn't the only one too. The man holding the white lance, Quaiesse, Time Turbulence, Beaumarchais and Astrologer couldn't move for the life of them. No matter how hard they thrashed, they couldn't move an inch.

Xion kept his spear tightly at hand, not letting Shalltear's lance go any further. The sheer pressure that built up made the metal start to loudly creak. 'Is that from my weapon or the monsters?' Xion thought. 'It doesn't matter. Kaire needs a few more seconds left to activate 'it.' I'll just need to hold out.' He thought, keeping his stance firm.

The seconds needed for Kaire to use Downfall of Castle and Country quickly passed as Shalltear was hit by the mind-controlling spell. 'W-what … is this?!' Shalltear thought, shocked by the situation. It felt as if her mind was being consumed by an unknown force.

'Something is wrong …' She thought. 'Is this … mind control?' She wondered. It was impossible for Shalltear to get brainwashed considering her immunity to mind control magic. Shalltear grit her teeth, trying to fight the corroding influence with herculean effort.

Seeing that the monster was hit with the brainwashing spell, Xion stepped back. However, he still kept his caution at an all-time high. As a last-ditch effort to break free from the unknown mind control spell, Shalltear did the only thing she could before succumbing to her fate.

The vampire, using her class skill, created a [Purifying Javelin]. A gigantic lance that dwarfed her and the Scripture Captains' weapon. The violent yellow spear crackled in the air. Its sheer pressure made the members of the Black Scripture sweat. 'How could something so holy … be created by such an unholy creature?' They all thought.

With all her might, Shalltear threw the holy javelin towards Kaire in an attempt to stop herself from being brainwashed. Cedran jumped between the monster and Kaire with his shield primed to protect his comrade. Sadly, it was to no avail.

Shalltear's javelin pierced through both the warrior and the old woman. The last thing Shalltear could remember was seeing the pair cough out tremendous amounts of blood. Shalltear's hideous form reverted back to her normal and more elegant form. However, her face showed no emotion. Just like an emotionless doll.

"Shit! Divine Chant, use your healing magic on Cedran and Kaire!" Xion said urgently. Some of the other frozen members, still in effect by Shalltears [Mass Hold Species] could only frown at their friends' injuries.

"Yes, Xion." Divine Chant said instantly, rushing to the aid of her wounded friends. "[Light Healing], [Heavy Recover]!" The lady in white robes said urgently. Her hands glowed a light and warm green as she casted the healing spells.

Though the spells worked to some extent and relieved both members' pain, albeit by a little. Along with them stopping the urge to cough out blood, it was no use. The wounds were too great to heal. "Shit, we're going to need more healers to close those wounds." Divine Chant muttered.

After a few moments, the other members were finally able to move their joints and muscles. "Kaire!" Astrologer shouted as tears formed in her eyes. She went to examine the wound of the person who acted as a mother to her. She hoped the wound was light. However, with what Divine Chant said, along with the weapon the vampire used, she knew in her heart Kaire wasn't going to live much longer.

Some of the other members rushed to Cedrans' side, worried about their friend. Even the calm and collected Quaiesse ran to his friend. "Holy shit!" Tenjho exclaimed, mortified by his colleague's wound. Not only was his shield shattered, but a massive hole formed on his upper abdomen. It was the same for kaire. Only, it was less serious as she was hit last.

"Hey, hey! Stay with us!" Time Turbulence shouted at Cedran, shaking his shoulders in an attempt to wake the man up. "I'll … I'll be … this fucking hurts … I'm good …" Cedran muttered under his breath, too weak to speak properly.

The Captain sighed in relief that the fight was over. 'Any more … I'm not sure that my weapon would have lasted. What's the material made in that thing anyway?' Xion thought, carefully eyeing the still monster.

"What the hell do we do, boss? This ain't no Dragon Lord, that's for sure." The old man holding his axe said. "Well, it should be under our control, right?" Beaumarchais replied, walking towards the monster, relaxed that it wasn't attacking anymore.

It wasn't until Beaumarchais got too close that Shalltear, Spuit Lance at hand, dashed towards the unknowing man. "BEAUMARCHAIS! NO!" Astrologer screamed, trying to warn her friend about the incoming danger. However, it was too late. Shalltears lance impaled the chain wielding man through the stomach.

Shalltear, as quickly as she attacked, jumped back to her original place, reverting to her emotionless form. Beaumarchais looked down to see what damage was done. His organs were falling out of his stomach like noodles.

His intestines, lungs, stomach all fell out of the hole created by the lance. Blood gushed out of the wound, pooling around his boots. Then, Beaumarchais fell to his knees as his face planted to the floor. The man was dead, unable to stand due to the loss of organs and blood.

"SHIT!" Time Turbulence shouted in surprise. Yet another one of his companions had perished to the fiend. "Stay back guys. It's not worth it." The Captain said, sighing at the end. "We can't finish the mind control, huh Captain?" Quaiesse asked. "No," Xion shook his head.

"Kaire and Cedran have suffered fatal wounds along with the death of Beaumarchais. It's best if we fall back and leave the vampire's mind control incomplete." Xion gave his thoughts with every other member of the Scripture agreeing with the statement.

A few of the members went to Cedran and Kaire to support them while walking. Divine Chant was behind the two casting healing magic on the way to relieve pain. It wasn't until the group walked a couple of metres that a mysterious voice made them stop in their tracks.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Said the ominous voice. Instantly, the Black Scripture members armed themselves, prepared for another attack. "WHO THE FUCK IS OUT THERE?! I'LL WHOOP YO ASS!" The man with the white lance exclaimed.

"My, my. That was rather impolite, wouldn't you say?" Said the mysterious being who stepped out of the dark vegetation. The being's tone was oddly polite and well-spoken like a noble. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem. However, for some reason, the beings' tone made each Scripture member's skin crawl.

The unknown figures' clothes blended in with their dark surroundings. A majestic cape in all black covered him from shoulder to the ground. However, there were some minor patches of grey sewed onto the robe here and there. Most likely a makeshift patch to fix some holes of varying sizes.

The cape was slightly open, giving view to what was behind. The shirt and pants, which also looked expensive, were black. The cape and sleeves were lined with black feathers. The sleeves also sagged at the end, creating an oval-like shape.

However, what stood out wasn't the expensive robe nor tophat. But the mask. The mask resembled that of a bird with its beak around 50 cm long. The area around the eye sockets had a black trim.

But the eyes. Those ominous glowing white eyes. They were both hypnotic yet horrifying. Both eerie yet calm. The Scripture members didn't know how to feel. 'How could someone like … that not be detected?' Xion thought, gripping his spear again.

"I-I-I-It's … y-y-you …" Astrologer couldn't help but mutter. She couldn't forget what Citrinitas looked like. The person who gave her nightmares ever since the disappearance of the Sunlight Scripture. "Who?" Quaiesse asked Astrologer. "Citrinitas." Astrologer meekly said.

"Oh?" Citrinitas said. Astrologer couldn't tell if the man in front of him was either surprised or amused. "You know of me?" The plague doctor asked. "T-the … Sunlight S-Scripture." She muttered. 'So this is one of the beings that took down Nigun?' Xion eyed the mysterious man carefully.

While some stayed cautious, other members' eyes widened with disbelief and shock. "Ahh, the Sunlight Scripture. The ones that were killing innocent humans in the name of those Six Great Dumbasses." Citrinitas said, taunting the group in front of him.

It was successful as the old man wielding the axe dashed towards Citrinitas. "GELMUED! STAND DOWN!" Xion tried to order his friend. Sadly, his order went of deaf ears of the old man. "HOW DARE YOU MOCK THE NAME OF THE SIX GRE-" The old man didn't even get to finish his sentence.

"[Corrosion]." Citrinitas muttered under his breath. The palms of his hands glowed an ominous dark green as Gelmued felt his entire body start to sting. It was bearable for the first second. However, the pain that followed only worsened.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Gelmued screamed at the top of his lungs. It felt like every part of his body was bit by fire ants - no. It felt even worse. Something akin to a red hot needle that pierced both every millimetre externally and internally.

"MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE! MAKE IT STOOOO-" He tried to scream more, but his vocal cords didn't allow that. Not because he was tired or they were sore. But, because they weren't there at all. His vocal cords dissolved into a black-like tar that trickled down his oesophagus.

Gelmued frantically looked all over his body and was horrified by what he saw. He was melting. His skin slowly turned from its typical colour to a hideous, gooey, black tar. He fell to the ground, unable to stand properly. His feet already dissolved into a black puddle that pooled under him.

His skin melted, muscles melted, organs then bones melted. After all that, Gelmued was no more.

He was reduced to a pile of black tar that pooled where his body use to be. So did his magical artefacts and weapon turn into the tar-like material. A great and honest man, a comrade and the unofficial uncle, reduced to nothing in a matter of a few seconds.

"At least that is taken care of." Citrinitas stated before looking at the shocked faces of the Scripture. Astrologer silently cried and shook out of fear. Time Turbulence let out a tear for the fallen comrade. Xion grit his teeth out of frustration, unable to be the competent leader he's supposed to be.

"Now, where were we? Ahh, I remember." Citrinitas said. The members couldn't tell if his tone was filled with mockery or was simply getting back to what he was saying. Even the smartest among the group couldn't predict Citrinitas's next move.

"W-wh … what do y-you wa … want?" The white-robed woman said. Her voice filled with fear and hesitation after witnessing such atrocious actions and being unable to do anything about it. "Straight to the point, I like that. What I want is simple, for most of you to die." Citrinitas said.

Though blunt, the tone he said the sentence in was polite. However, that politeness both agitated the members and made them scared. "That is total bullshit! We're not going to let this … thing trample all over us, right?!" Exclaimed the lance wielding man.

"We should at least kill the man quickly while getting back to base to heal Cedran and Kaire." Tenjho added his thoughts. While Quaiesse and Xion said nothing, they were thinking about possible options. "Ren is right, we should kill this parasite in front of us so we can go back to base with no issues." Said a man with magnificent black robes.

"If you're so confident in your abilities," Citrinitas took a few steps forwards, coming out of the dark shadows more. "Why don't you fight me?" The plague doctor taunted. The few that wanted to fight turned to their leader with glaring eyes. Though reluctantly, Xion gave a slight nod of approval.

'There are too many variables. It's better to get rid of this person now. With how dangerous Astrologer thinks he is, it is better safe than sorry.' Xion concluded. "THIS IS FOR GELMUED! FUCKER!" Ren screamed at the top of his lungs, fueled by his anger. "[Magical Weapon Enchantment]! [Sharpness]! [Ability Boost]!" He exclaimed, stacking Martial Art after Martial Art.

As Ren charged towards the plague doctor, who stood still, the man in black robes chanted a spell. "[Penetrate Maximize Magic: Dark Fire]!" The man in dark robes exclaimed. His palm lit up with a mix of red and black as a dark ball of fire shot towards the plague doctor.

"How pitiful, really." Citrinitas said with disappointment. "I thought more of the Black Scripture." Citrinitas ignored the magic shot at him and focused on Ren, who was closing in on him. The white lance, now glowing a warm yet dangerous light aimed for Citrinitas's neck. "[Grand Power Strike]!" Ren unleashed another Martial Art, bolstering the effect of damage his weapon would do.

'[Silent Magic: Miasma].' "[Body of Effulgent Heliodor]." Citrinitas said in a low voice. The enchanted and strengthened magic lance reached its target, slashing through Citrinitas's neck. Ren smiled wickedly before feeling a sharp pain in his stomach. 'W-what?! But I cut right through his neck! How is his head not decapitated?!' Ren thought, before falling to the floor.

The empowered magic shot that the 3rd Seat casted towards Citrinitas was absorbed by a purple shield that surrounded his entire being. 'He nullified my 4th tier magic without batting an eye?! What monster is this?!' The 3rd Seat internally freaked out.

Ren's death was anticlimactic and a lot less painful compared to Gelmued's. Though his stomach felt like it was going to explode and he choked on the foam that came out of his mouth, he didn't melt into a pool of tar. Tenjho, who was stacking Martial Arts stopped what he was doing as his hands shook with fear.

'Ren … is dead? He was perfectly fine before. The monster didn't even cast an offensive spell. Maybe I shouldn't attack.' He reasoned, staying back from the fight just like Quaiesse and Xion. "Screw this!" Time Turbulence exclaimed, fed up with all his colleagues slowly dying in front of him.

"[Over Magic: Time Deceleration]!" Time Turbulence gathered most of his mana in the body before channelling it into one of his most powerful spells. The world around Time Turbulence slowed down to an immense degree. He turned to see his friends, who were unmoving. Well, they were moving just really slowly. Compared to Time Turbulence, you could say that they were frozen in time.

'Hmph. Time to kill this fucker. Heh, a time pun.' Time Turbulence thought. "Time magic? How interesting." Citrinitas said. His voice clearly caught the short man off guard, draining all the colour in his face. "W-WHAT?! HOW?! YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE UNMOVING, STILL!" Time Turbulence shouted in shock and surprise. "I have magical artefacts that nullify time magic for me. Besides, this isn't even true 10th tier magic." Citrinitas said with clear disappointment.

"Wha-" Before the man could argue any further, Citrinitas raised a hand. "Sorry to interrupt. However, things are getting boring for me. I'll just kill you, another person and finish off those dying two behind you." Citrinitas said, his voice echoing throughout the area, making Time Turbulence sweat bullets.

"[Twin Magic: Implosion], [Twin Magic: Acid Arrow]." It all happened at the same time. Both Time Turbulence and Divine Chant imploded in on themselves. It was like their organs and bones collapsed in on themselves and exploded, covering the green grass red with blood and organs.

The two acid arrows went directly for the heads of the dying Cedran and Kaire, killing them instantly and painlessly. With the death of Time Turbulence, his magic ceased to work, speeding back time to its original state. The members closest to Divine Chant jumped and screamed in fear. One moment, she was there. The next moment, her guts covered the ground and blood covered their clothes.

Astrologer, who was silently crying, now let out loud sobs of pain and misery.

'What happened …' Xion could only think. 'This man … we stand no chance. We were caught off guard.' He concluded. 'To take so many of us … so many of humanity's greatest warriors on at once … what a monster …' Though not showing it on his face, Xion felt true fear.

"We need to leave." He said. His voice quivered in fear. He couldn't help it. "But boss, we can't just leave. This Citrinitas will chase us!" Quaiesse whispered loudly, not wanting to back down and willing to avenge his friend's deaths. "No, we need to retreat. We were caught off guard and lost too many men." Xion firmly stated.

"No worries. Before Time Turbulence died, I only said that I would only kill him and one other person. Those two behind you were bound to die anyway. I gave them the mercy of death." Citrinitas said. "YOU MONSTER!" Astrologer shouted, furious at the man who killed so many of her allies. "Not quite." The plague doctor rebuked.

"Now, I would leave you be. However, you still have something that I want." Citrinitas stated. "What would that be?" Xion said firmly. Citrinitas pointed to the dead woman, who was being held by Astrologer. "The dress." The plague doctor replied.

"One of the most powerful treasures of the Theocracy?!" Tenjho asked with half-shock and half-anger. 'Interesting. He said 'one of.' Does that mean the Theocracy has other World Items? This wasn't mentioned in the plot.' Citrinitas thought, curious to what other treasures the Theocracy had.

'The Cardinals would not be pleased. Not one bit.' Xion thought really hard about the situation. "Just the dress?" Xion asked with caution. "Y-you … you can't be serious, Captain?!" The 3rd Seat gasped. "That is one of the prized treasures of the Great Gods! Of Surshana! We can't just give it to an outsider!" He rebuked with fury.

"Yes, just the dress." Citrinitas reaffirmed. This made the Captain think even more. 'Either give up the dress to the unknown and powerful outsider. Refuse and have our numbers dwindle even more. Or, run and hope for the best.' Xion bit his lip to the point of bleeding. The other Black Scripture members gave their thoughts on the matter while the plague doctor patiently waited.

Their thoughts were all valid. Both with pros and cons. However, Xion needed to make a decision. He wasn't sure if the monster in front of him would suddenly change his mind if he took too long. "Astrologer, hand over the item." He said with clear sadness and regret in his voice.

"BU-" "GOD DAMIT DO IT NOW! WE HAVE LOST ENOUGH TODAY!" Xion shouted back, letting all his frustration and anger out. The members flinched. It was uncommon, nay, it was very rare to see the dutiful Captain act in such a manner. But, with the situation in front of them, they understood what type of pressure Xion was under.

Astrologer was hesitant. But with the looming fear of Citrinitas along with the outburst of her Captain, she took off the dress from the dead woman and walked up to the plague doctor. Her legs were like jello, shaking with every step. But, she handed the dress to Citrinitas at the end.

"Downfall of Castle and Country. I must thank you for handing it over with minimal effort." Citrinitas said, slightly bowing due to his politeness. "But for both our sakes, I suggest you should take those bodies with you and their artefacts." Citrinitas added, holding the dress in his hand.

'Damn, this dress looked simple in the anime. But actually, holding it? It looks like it's worth millions in USD.' Citrinitas thought. 'That reminds me, I should make up a story on how I got the world item. Considering my mysterious nature, that shouldn't be a problem. Besides, Ainz should still be a salaryman under all those bones. He should be easy to fool. However, I should be wary of Demiurge.'

"Anyways, my job here is done. I'll be leaving the rest of you alone … for now at least." Citrinitas said before vanishing into the vegetation behind him. The remaining members tried to use analyzing magic but couldn't find him anywhere. Citrinitas left them to their own devices.

"FUCK!" Tenjho couldn't help but shout in frustration and jump on the ground. "HOW MANY DID WE LOSE? CEDRAN, KAIRE, GELMUED, REN, TURBULENCE AND DIVINE CHANT?! THAT'S HALF OUR SCRIPTURE ALONG WITH KAIRE! SEVEN DEATHS IN TOTAL!" Tenjho exclaimed, letting out tears behind his mask.

"I can't believe you gave this … Citrinitas Downfall of Castle and Country." Quaiesse said to Xion. "I … I had no other choice. It was either the item or our lives. We're still needed in the Theocracy and to push back the Elves in the Elven front." Xion said.

'I'm such a fucking incompetent leader! I didn't even try and fight Citrinitas! I sent my men … my friends to die! FUCK!' Xion tried to keep a strong and calm mind, but failed. He blamed himself for the deaths of his friends tonight. "Let's … go home …"

[Timeskip - ??? Hours]

[Scene Change]

"Well, how was the mission, Xion?" Said a girl who was solving a multi-coloured cube. She wore a schoolgirl outfit covered in magical artefacts. Her hair was shoulder length and divided into two colours. Black and white. So too were her heterochromia eyes.

"We … encountered a vampire. Cedran and Kaire were badly injured while Beaumarchais lost his life." Xion said with sadness. "Oh? Was this vampi-" "The vampire was a girl." Xion stated, making Zesshi frown. "That isn't the only bit of news. There was another person. He went by Citrinitas." Xion said.

'Citrinitas? Isn't that one of the names Astrologer mentioned?' Zesshi thought. "And is this … Citrinitas … strong?" Zesshi asked. She put down the Rubik's cube and started to rub her belly in excitement. This is where Xion bit his lip.

While he respected Zesshi for being the Theocracy's ace, she was a wildcard. If he mentioned how strong Citrinitas really is, Zesshi would immediately leave the Theocracy and search the ends of the Earth for the mysterious man.

"I'm … not sure. However, he did have powerful magic that Astrologer couldn't recognise nor measure. Gelmued, Ren, Turbulence and Divine Chant lost their lives to his magic." Xion concluded. In the end, he gave a half-truth. The best type of lie.

The half-elf suddenly felt excitement as she let out a mischievous smile. 'To kill so many members in a fight. I'm not sure how strong this Citrinitas is. However, if he can best me … I must find him and make him impregnate me!' Zesshi concluded.

"He … he also took one of the sacred treasures." Xion added, sighing at the end. "Downfall of Castle and Country?" Zesshi asked curiously. Xion nodded once, before looking away. Too ashamed for letting an enemy possess one of the country's sacred treasures.

"That does suck." Zesshi replied, picking up her Rubik's cube again. 'However, if this Citrinitas does beat me … I don't care if he burns the item to cinders. I just want his seed and for him to raise a family with me.' The half-elf said internally.

The sheer thought of being defeated and courting her future husband made her underpants wet. "How did the Cardinals react? To lose one of the great treasures?" Zesshi asked. She was curious about the expressions shown by the men.

"Of course, they were not pleased. With half the Scripture dead, it only fanned the flames. Thankfully, we have reserves for the Scripture and equally powerful God-kins." Xion replied. "Though not as skilled, they have the potential. With just some training, we'll be back to our main strength in a matter of months." Xion concluded.

"Well, thank you for the info, Xion." Zesshi said, trying to solve the cube. "Still can't complete the whole thing?" Xion asked. "Sadly, I haven't. The best I've gotten is completing two sides." Zesshi said with a hint of frustration. Within her entire lifespan, she wasn't able to solve the thing no matter how hard she tried.

"Don't stress yourself too much." Xion said, trying to cheer up the girl. "There have been very few within the 600 years of the Theocracy's history that have been able to solve it. It is a divine test of willpower created by the Six themselves." Xion added.

"Hmph. That's easy for you to say considering you can solve the thing easily." She retorted. 'No shit. That's because you're focusing on only solving one side at a time!' Xion refrained from laughing at Zesshi's struggles.

"Anyways, I best be going. I do need to train our new Black Scripture members." Xion concluded. "Take care, I guess." Zesshi muttered, focusing on the troubling task ahead of her. Xion walked out of the vault the half-elf was guarding, leaving the girl to her own devices.

'Oh, how I can't wait to meet you, Citrinitas. I do hope you can defeat me!'

(A/N: Back to back uploads? What is this?! The reason I did this is because I ACED MY MATH TESTS HELL YEAAAA!!! And that English one was a pain in the ass xD Leave a review because your nice comments make me smile :)

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