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27.77% Overlord: Reborn as an NPC / Chapter 8: The Plague Doctor & the Arch-Devil

Capítulo 8: The Plague Doctor & the Arch-Devil

(A/N: I forgot to show pictures of the prison/torture chamber from the last chapter. Though nobody complained, here are the pictures. Use them as a reference. Take care!)

[Timeskip - 6 Days]

[Citrinitas's POV]

Torture. You'd think that inflicting physical and psychological pain is an easy way of extracting information. It's shown on all the shows so, it should work, right? Back in my old world, it was actually the opposite and quite ineffective.

It's unreliable, may damage subsequent collection efforts, and can induce the source to say what he/she thinks the interrogator wants to hear. I'm not sure whether the fact that I was transported to a new world, Esdeath is too good at her job, or that I was there to reduce the man's pain. But, Nigun spilt more knowledge than I would have imagined.

In a way, it worked like good cop/bad cop. If Nigun didn't answer a question, Esdeath would mercilessly torture the guy. When it was my turn, I offered to relieve his pain if he spilt the information about his country. It was definitely more than what he said in the show. He talked about the Theocracy's magical artefacts and the general history of the world.

Seeing the Captain of the Sunlight Scripture suffer agonizing pain did help solidify some theories I had. Though I did have to personally torture Nigun, it wasn't as bad as I imagined it to be. I would have surely thought I'd vomit or argue that torture was bad. That wasn't the case at all.

A part of me was indifferent to the ordeal. Torturing Nigun was the equivalent of doing a mundane task such as math. While it was manageable, it didn't bring me joy. However, another part of me did enjoy his pain. Not to the level of Esdeath who was laughing. But more or less a giggle or chuckle. The same type of giggle or chuckle you'd make when you hear a funny dad joke.

I figured that this was the work of two things. The slow blending of my emotions and my passive skill. While I don't have an emotional nullifier such as Ainz due to not being undead, I do have something similar. It was more like a passive that helps me keep calm in any situation.

It reminded me of the skill [Cold Blooded] from Second Life Ranker. A skill that can help me complete more inhumane tasks that any normal human couldn't. Thankfully, unlike the emotional nullifier, the passive retained my emotions. For simplicity's sake, I'll refer to my passive as [Cold Blooded].

Furthermore, Nigun didn't mention anything really important such as God-kins or Downfall of Castle and Country. The brainwashing of Shalltear is quite an important event in the series that leads to a multitude of things. From letting Ainz know that there are dangers in the new world to increasing Momon's reputation. Also, Shalltear becomes smarter after the ordeal and doesn't directly rush into conflict.

Of course, there are personal benefits for me. Stuff like seeing Ainz battle Shalltear and hopefully seeing some new spells I may be able to use. As a bonus, I'd also be getting a World Item due to Ainz's paranoia. Who would turn down the chance of getting a World Item? Certainly not me.

I've already accepted the fact that my mere existence will create unforeseen ripples in the plot. The moment Esdeath appeared, things were bound to change. However, if Shalltear doesn't get brainwashed, It would throw all my current plans out the metaphorical gutter and make all my future knowledge irrelevant.

Just like how I'd let Shalltear get Brainwashed, there will be a few other key components that need to stay the same. Events such as the Demonic Incursion and the Annual War must happen as their benefits are too great. To me, it doesn't matter when they take place. As long as it happens, I'm fine.

Naturally, I have my own set of plans that will speed up Nazaricks conquest. Shalltears brainwashing, which just so happens tomorrow, provides a unique window of opportunity. The appearance of the Black Scripture. This is important as if I kill enough of the members, I'll catch the attention of a certain half-elf.

Yes, Zesshi Zetsumei herself. The reason is that she is quite a useful tool. Though not confirmed, It was hinted in the plot that the Theocracy carefully manipulated her and sparked her hatred towards her father. This resulted in Zesshi constantly training and wanting revenge.

Because of her bloodline, she's one of the strongest beings in the new world. Being a God-Kin meant that she is a direct descendant of a player. This raises her potential exponentially, letting her break the cap of new world denizens. Being part elf resulted in Zesshi having a longer life span. With how much she has been training for, along with her unknown talent, it is no wonder why she wishes for someone strong to appear.

If I catch her attention and beat her, which would be an easy task, she will follow me to the ends of the Earth. Hell, with how crazy Zesshi is, she would most likely betray the Theocracy just to have sex with me. This would put the country between a rock and a hard place. She also has plenty of information and access to the Theocracy's treasures, another bonus for me.

Now, will there be issues between her along with Shalltear and Esdeath? 100%. Will I have sex with her? 100% not happening as I'll never stick my dick in crazy. However, having another woman infatuated with me is a small price to pay for Nazaricks benefit and speeding up the plan for world domination. After all, whatever benefits Nazarick indirectly benefits me considering I live here.

Catching the attention of Zesshi isn't the only set of plans I have. I've had the thought of being an adventurer for quite some time. But, when Ainz offered me a spot in his adventure group, I had to refuse. This of course was under the pretext of me already having a 'plan' and being busy in the lab doing alchemy things.

It would be in my interest to let Momon take all the spotlight instead of trying to share it. Mainly because when the Sorcerer Kingdom is established, the people of E-Rantel won't run away out of fear. This is also because I have other plans that would conflict If I joined his adventure team.

Besides, I would rather be a solo adventurer somewhere else where my direct interference won't drastically change the main timeline. At least for the first few months. Instead of being an adventurer in Re-Estize or the Baharuth Empire, I would rather go to a place such as the Dragon Kingdom. A country that up until volume 14, doesn't interfere with the plot.

It would make sense as I could have the excuse of wanting to study wild magic in the area. Fighting Beastmen would also help hone my magical skills. Me being there could also be under the pretext of making both kingdoms submit to the rule of Ainz. However, If I don't become an adventurer, there is also the chance to cause chaos with Jaldabaoth in Re-Estize and the Roble Holy Kingdom.

A small part of me wants to join in on the fun solely for the chaos. Though I'm sure that's the effect of my character lore. But, increasing the threat of the Demonic Incursion can benefit the Sorcerer Kingdom and speed up world domination.

For example, after Jaldabaoth's defeat and Ainz starting his religion in the Roble Holy Kingdom, I could be causing chaos in the Dragon Kingdom or the Karnassus City-State Alliance. Thus, Ainz spreading his great name and religion more after 'defeating' me.

'Jeez, so many fucking possible plans. Should I be an adventurer? Or should I be a chaos causing demon lord? Maybe … both?' I thought, sighing and leaning on my chair. "Is … everything ok, lord Citrinitas?" Elaina asked me, who heard my sigh as she passed by. "Everything is fine. Thank you, Elaina." I swiftly replied.

During the 6 days after Nigun's torture, I've been practicing and getting more confident with interactions. I only speak what's necessary, keeping a polite tone at all times. Acting mysterious and ominous basically comes naturally.

People are afraid of my mysterious nature as they can't read my emotions or predict what I'll do. The ominous part comes from body language and my external looks. Acting with this layer of politeness at all times adds to my nature. It's pretty much impossible to decipher any of my actions. At least to the normal denizens of Nazarick.

I've even gone out of the alchemy lab and fully explored the 9th floor to the best of my abilities. Sadly, Shalltear was always on my tail and poorly attempting to seduce me. Thankfully she left not long ago to complete her little mission.

"Uhm … a request from one of the floor guardians came in not too long ago." Elaina informed me. 'Is it Esdeath? Not her again. She's too crazy to deal with. She always tries to frag me to her prison to either torture or seduce me.' I internally sighed. "If it's …" "No, it is not Esdeath this time." Elaina clarified the issue. "It's Demiurge."

'Oh, how interesting.' I thought. At first, I was mortified by the arch-devil. But, as time passed, I've realized that my fear of being flayed was misplaced. However, to say that the demon is smart would be an understatement. Personally, I'm more afraid of not meeting the guy's expectations as the 'master alchemist' than anything else.

"Do you know where Demiurge is, Elaina?" I asked, keeping my polite tone. Elaina slightly blushed before clearing her throat. "He's currently with Sous-chef in the bar not too far from here." Elaina informed me. "Well … I'm not doing anything of importance right now. Sure, I'll visit him." I said, making up my mind.

Elaina nodded in acknowledgement before scuffling away. 'I guess something like this was inevitable.' I thought, taking in a deep breath. 'Just act like how you acted with every other NPC. You handled Esdeath and Shalltear. You got this!' I gave myself an internal prep talk before leaving the lab.

[Scene Change]

[Demiurges POV]

I've always admired my colleagues in Nazarick for what they do. Eclair Eclair Eclair, who works diligently to keep every part of the Supreme Beings home polished. The Pleiades maids for guarding the 9th floor. Not to mention every one of the floor guardians who have tirelessly defended Nazarick from outside invaders that dare trample on our creators.

Each and every one of us fulfils our roles for the Supreme One, lord Ainz. The last Supreme Being and by far the smartest of them all. However, if I was forced to choose out of every denizen of Nazarick that I truly admired, it would be Citrinitas.

Yes, the enigma himself. Out of all the denizens of Nazarick, I'd argue that he is the most overlooked. While in terms of combat, Citrinitas is stronger than me. However, his presence is shadowed by the likes of Shalltear, Cocytus, Sebas and Albedo. In terms of AoE, he stands no chance against the ice demon Esdeath herself.

It doesn't help that for the most part, Citrinitas locks himself up in his lab. Not coming out for days, possibly weeks at a time. Because of this, unless you've seen his charming face or wanting to study magic, you'd often forget that he existed in the first place.

But, what he lacks in pure combat, Citrinitas makes up for intelligence, magical prowess and alchemy. Though on paper, I'm supposed to be the smartest being in Nazarick, I could never understand, let alone comprehend what goes on in the plague doctor's mind.

For the most part, I'm able to read people. Their thoughts, their actions and their body language. However, no matter how hard I try, I could never truly analyze Citrinitas. I could only make assumptions about what he's thinking. His movements are elegant and his actions ever-changing. The mask and cape he wears prevent me from reading any real emotion.

Citrinitas's entire character is shrouded in a cloak of mystery. You can consider him a wildcard of sorts. An unknown being that is quite unpredictable. But what puts me on edge is this … layer of politeness he carries whenever he talks.

I can't quite put it into words. However, you can never tell if he's actually being polite, or just messing with you. It's this ambiguous nature that makes him so dangerous and scary. You'll never know what ideas formulate in his head. That's what makes him one of the 4 smartest beings in Nazarick.

While the floor guardians defended Nazarick from invaders, Citrinitas provided the Supreme beings with everything they needed. I could only fathom what knowledge Citrinitas must have picked up on for being so close to the Supreme Beings themselves.

Citrinitas was the one who provided the multitude of potions and scrolls for the Supreme Beings on their raids. Many of which succeeded only because of his alchemic skills alone. It is thanks to him that 'Project: Rubedo' was completed ahead of schedule, just before the 'Great Raid' on Nazarick.

It is thanks to Citrinitas that my master, Ulbert Alain Odle, was able to succeed in his Armageddon Evil experiment. Though it didn't result in a World Item, it became a [Divine Class Item]. The next best thing. Oh, how I'll always remember the sheer bliss my master had when he used the item. He told me that he single-handedly took over Asgard with the item for 2 days straight!

Being so helpful to all of Nazarick, it is no wonder why his alchemy lab is filled to the brim with anything magic or alchemy related. From lord Tabulas notes, magical artefacts and flasks or scrolls. If you needed something, you would have to go to his domain.

Citrinitas's lab is situated on the 9th floor. However, it is mostly hidden from view. The lab itself is heavily guarded by magical enchantments and a great wooden door. Not a flimsy wooden door, but one that can make a king jealous. Only a select few in Naarick have witnessed the labs interior.

I only overheard from the other Supreme Beings that his shelves were more packed about everything magic related to Ashurbanipal itself!

Since being transported to this new world, I've only seen Citrinitas once. And that was during the floor guardian summon on the 6th floor. I scolded myself every day for not taking the initiative to converse with him. However, my recent investigations suggested that Citrinitas had been exiting his lab more frequently as of late.

Naturally, I had to use the opportunity to converse with a fellow colleague and share ideas. I couldn't order Citrinitas to suddenly visit me. I had no such authority. I could only hope that he accepted my measly request. To my delight, one of his assistants informed me that he was coming to the bar.

To be honest, a part of me was nervous. Another part was joyous at the idea of discussing the Supreme Ones '10,000 Year Plan.' I took a sip of one of the drinks Sous-chef graciously provided me. 'Only time will tell.' I thought. 'I can't wait to get an insight of that brain of yours, Citrinitas.'

[Scene Change]

[Narrators POV]

Citrinitas arrived at the bar not too long after departing from his lab. By getting used to the surrounding layout of the 9th floor over the week, he was more confident about not getting lost. The bar looked like something out of an expensive and luxurious hotel.

With the detailed walls and pristine island, one could mistake the area to be of Victorian descent. However, the modern furniture and appliances scattered around the room dismissed the idea. Unlike in the anime, the bar was much bigger. A flat-screen TV, luxurious seats that could easily be worth a liver. You get the picture.

'So that must be Demiurge, huh?' Citrinitas thought, analyzing the arch-devil from the entrance. He had his typical look. Demiurge wore his signature striped orange suit. His jet black hair gelled back and his expensive circular glasses added to his formal and sharp aesthetic.

"Hello, Demiurge." Citrinitas started, gaining the attention of the demon. "Citrinitas, it is quite good to see a fellow colleague." Demiurge swiftly replied, keeping a similar tone of politeness. "I do hope my little request hasn't disrupted any plans." Demiurge slightly bowed his head as an apology.

"No, no. It is quite alright. I wasn't doing anything rather … important at the moment." Citrinitas said, relieving the arch-devil slightly. Demiurge gestured to the seat in front of him. A table for two that was separated by an elegant table. The perfect place to discuss plans.

"Are you hungry? I'll call over Sous-chef if needed. I will say that the food he makes is exquisite." Demiurge said, in the hopes to flatter his colleague. "I admire the offer. However, such things are unnecessary." Citrinitas commented.

'How truly foolish of me!' Demiurge criticized himself, all the while maintaining his composure. 'Of course, Citrinitas wouldn't want to eat in such a public place. He only lets a select few see his true face. Furthermore, Citrinitas most likely has plenty of work to do! He only lied about being free as he didn't want to disrespect me! Pull yourself together, Demiurge!'

'So far so good. Should I go watch a movie later? It has been a while ...' Citrinitas thought, totally unaware of the chaos in Demiurges head. "In that case, why don't we cut to the chase?" Demiurge offered. Citrinitas slightly nodded his head downwards in agreement.

"I wanted your input on some things actually." Demiurge started, slightly tightening his black gloves. "Really?" Citrinitas asked. Not in a surprised tone but, rather a more curious one. "Indeed. It has been around 10 days since Nazaricks mysterious transportation to this … new world. And, having examined the nearby areas with shadow demons and doppelgängers, I couldn't help but notice their magic system." Demiurge shared his thoughts with his colleague.

Citrinitas tapped his fingers on the table in a rhythmic pattern. Thinking about what to say to the arch-devil next.

"The tier magic here shares a striking resemblance to the one in YGGDRASIL. Nay, it is an exact copy. But what's odd are the new abilities I've seen. YGGDRASIL had no Martial Arts which is something unique to this world." Citrinitas said with a layer of politeness. Demiurge tried reading every movement Citrinitas took, his every change in tone. Yet, he couldn't fully comprehend any deeper meaning than what Citrinitas stated.

"I would love to thoroughly study this new magic system. However, I've only been outside only once and have been busy in the lab." Citrinitas added. "Then why didn't you take the offer of lord Ainz and go out on an adventure to further study the world's magic?" Demiurge questioned.

Demiurge's voice was filled with confusion. And rightfully so. 'Is there something I'm missing here?' Demiurge thought, trying to connect the invisible dots together. 'Citrinitas contradicted himself. Considering how smart he is, he shouldn't … couldn't have done that.' The arch-devil furrowed his eyebrows.

'Unless … I'm missing something of importance here …' "The reasoning is quite simple. While joining lord Ainz and Narberal would be beneficial in the short-term …" Citrinitas paused for a moment before speaking again. "In the long-term, my absence from lord Ainzs group has more drastic advantages." Citrinitas concluded.

'How truly foolish of myself!' Demiurge criticized himself, internally hitting himself in the head. 'Of course, Citrinitas would do such a thing. And for someone such as myself to not have grasped his reasoning earlier … I've made myself look like a total fool.' Demiurge sighed, all the while keeping his exterior calm and collected.

"Please, enlighten me. I've tried my best to grasp the grand plan of our lord. However, I believe someone of your calibre can … reveal a new side to our lord's plan." Demiurge said, in a half pleading and flattery voice.

"You truly don't know?" Citrinitas rhetorically asked, still keeping his polite tone. Demiurge couldn't tell if his colleague was mocking him, or truly confused by his obliviousness. 'I'm truly imprudent! For me to not even know what Citrinitas is referring to … I have no words. His every action is covered by a dark shadow.' Demiurge concluded, internally sucking in his pride.

"The moment he arrived in E-Rantel as the mysterious adventurer 'Momon' along with his companion 'Nabe,' our lord's plan has already been set in motion." It was as if lightning struck Demiurges head. 'It all … makes sense now.' He thought, shocked by the revelations.

"Lord Ainz wishes to establish a fake persona in order to calm the people of the Kingdom when he eventually takes the throne." Demiurge thought. "Precisely." Citrinitas simply replied. "With how weak the majority of beings are in this world, his adventurer persona will become a legendary figure. A hero of sorts." Demiurge muttered. 'To think that Citrinitas has such a unique view … a different and incomprehensible way of thinking compared to me. Just marvellous!'

"That is why I chose to refuse my lord's offer. It would be in our best interest to have 'Momon' be the main and sole attraction rather than to share his spotlight." Citrinitas said. "Indeed. Of course, you could be an adventurer in another country. Far enough as to not disrupt our lord building his persona whilst continuing to study the world's magic." Demiurge added, to which Citrinitas nodded his head in agreement.

'I'm already seeing the dots connect. For 'Momon' to be recognised as a true hero … he needs a villain.' Demiurge couldn't help but let out a small smirk. "Anyways," Demiurges smirk quickly retracted. "Back to Martial Arts, do you have any theories on how any Nazarick denizen can use them? I would suggest something but I'm no expert in the art of magic." Demiurge said.

'Truly, I have no fucking clue.' Citrinitas thought. 'I'll leave it to whatever comes to my mind. Random bullshit GO!' "I only have theories considering my lack of knowledge. However, from simple observations, only new world denizens can use them. This results in an interesting idea. Breeding."

'You truly have a bright mind, don't you Citrinitas. I wouldn't have come to such a conclusion in days. Maybe even weeks. Oh, how I wish to peer into your thought process.' Demiurge couldn't help but praise his colleague, already thinking about multitudes of scenarios.

"Will the offspring of two Nazarick denizens result in the child being able to use Martial Arts? If not, how about the mix between a Nazarick denizen and an outsider? This does bring into question how powerful the child would be between two parents." Citrinitas said.

"While I have started the 'Happy Farm' project, that only aims to solve the issue of only being able to make scrolls due to lack of resources. However, the applications such breeding can result in is intriguing. If children between a being from YGGDRASIL and an outsider result in powerful offspring, we can create an army." Demiurge chuckled.

"I can have my male Evil Lords … forcefully reproduce with unsuspecting human females to give birth to powerful Cambions. That brings the question of whether a different race results in a more or less powerful child. Oh, the possibilities are endless! Subarashii Citrinitas, Subarashii!" Demiurge exclaimed, euphoric about new possible experiments to test out.

'I feel oddly calm about the arch-devil talking about having his subordinates raping human outsiders. I guess I'm ok with people such as Reratrdios Custodio being raped. She was a total bitch. But … innocent women? I'm … not sure. A part of me seems indifferent and uncaring while the other dislikes the idea. I guess my personalities still haven't mixed yet. I definitely don't like it if innocent women get raped. I'll just have to wait and see what will happen.' Citrinitas thought.

"This does remind me of the idea about having lord Ainz produce an heir for Nazarick." Demiurge said, recalling his little conversation back on the 6th floor. "Albedo is quite ignorant about this but … skeletons can't reproduce." Demiurge said. "That said, considering the number of women that fawn over you, I believe you to be the next best option." Demiurge said with a sly grin.

'Oh … shit.' "I wonder what child will result with you having sex with Shalltear or Esdeath. I know a few of the Pleiades maids have crushes on you along with your assistants. Pretty much any woman who has seen your true face."

"That is an issue for a later date, Demiurge." Citrinitas said, stopping the arch-devil from getting any more ideas. 'Shalltear, Esdeath, Zesshi in the future … that sounds like such a hassle!' The plague doctor internally complained. 'Though the Zesshi one is on me. I brought that on myself.'

"Ahh, of course, Citrinitas. I've overstepped my boundaries. I do hope you'll forgive me." Demiurge said, slightly bowing his head. "It is quite alright. You're forgiven." Citrinitas simply replied. Demiurge raised his head back to face his colleague.

"Back to what you said earlier, about Momon being a hero for the people, don't you think a hero … needs a villain?" Demiurge asked curiously. 'He already thought of Jaldabaoth this soon? That is … quite interesting considering he made the whole thing up when Tuare gets kidnapped.' Citrinitas curiously thought.

"That is indeed true. Considering the beings of this world are of relatively low level, Momon would need a challenge. An … antagonist of sorts. Someone that poses a huge threat to the country. Something like … an invasion." Demiurge's smile grew bigger. "Not a bad idea." Citrinitas said.

"Precisely! Though I only thought of the plan a few minutes ago, I believe that an invasion of a city can be used as a pretext to kidnap people for the Happy Farm." Demiurge exclaimed, taking another sip from his drink before putting it down again.

"Thus, when Momon eventually defeats this force of powerful enemies, he is recognised as a national hero. So, when lord Ainz makes Nazarick known and takes over the country, the people won't instantly run away due to fear." Citrinitas added.

"Indeed." Demiurge said, taking another sip of his drink. After a brief pause, Citrinitas decided to speak again. "I must thank you for this … discussion, Demiurge. However, it would be best for me to be leaving." Citrinitas said kindly.

"Of course, I must thank you for taking some time out of your day to visit me. I do hope we can meet again like this another time." Demiurge said, giving a warm smile. "Indeed … another time …" Citrinitas said before standing up and walking towards the exit.

"Take care, Demiurge." Citrinitas said his final farewells before leaving the bar and back to his lab. 'That was … interesting.' Citrinitas thought. 'I did a pretty decent job, didn't I? I guess giving Demiurge ideas might make certain events happen earlier than later. I wonder if this affects any subplots in the show. I'll just have to wait and see.' Citrinitas thought.

His footsteps echoed along the long hallways of the 9th floor before arriving back in his lab. 'I should prepare for the Black Scripture tomorrow. Maybe make those Cardinals shit their pants out of fear …'

(A/N: Overlord Trailer #2 dropped. What are your thoughts? Personally, I'm hella excited! The CGI doesn't seem bad and the season focuses on volumes 10 & 11! This means more details and fewer cut out scenes!

I also completed my Math tests and Medical project! Too bad my English teacher gave us a test on Monday xD Take care y'all!)

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