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11.11% Overlord: Reborn as an NPC / Chapter 2: The Passage of Time

Capítulo 2: The Passage of Time

(A/N: This is a future note by me as of chapter 25. This story was inspired by "Yellowness" on by MidasMan. At the time of writing, I used his fic as a baseline for mine. This is why the first 6 chapters are pretty much copy/paste and not something I'm not proud of as I didn't put my own spin on things. If you can bear those chapters and push through, I really do thank you from the bottom of my heart. It does get better and the plot begins to change once you get past it. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy the fanfic!)

[Ajax's POV]

I raged for an unknown amount of time, being forced to transmute different materials for hours after Tabula left. Time seemed to blur for me as my awareness ebbed and flowed. I was only 'awake' when I was being used for some task or edited by one of the guild members, or simply summoned.

After a short while away from them, and given nothing to do, I would 'sleep' until the next interaction happened. Being 'awake' or 'sleep' had both its advantages and drawbacks. On one hand, I need information about myself and the outside world.

Stuff such as my classes, lore and the other NPC's of Nazarick would be important to know. My mere existence changes how things play out. Nazarick never had an alchemist NPC which is the reason why Ainz, currently Momonga, kept Nfirea Bareare under his protection. That's what I believe anyway.

However, being in 'sleep' mode lets time pass faster. What could be days of inactivity would be the blink of an eye for me. The closer I am until the game shut down, the closer I'll be to finally having free will.

For a time, I went through the stages of grief. Not in any particular order: Denial of my situation. Anger as to why this happened to me. Sadness at the futility of it all. Bargaining, with any higher power that would deliver me from this, living hell. And eventually, acceptance that I was stuck here.

There is only so long a person can repeat 'just wake up' before reality sets in.

'Reality? What a joke.'

This was Overlord. The light novel/anime from the 'real world' is about a gamer otaku who gets transported to a new world with his guild base full of NPC's. They find themselves in a world wholly unprepared for them. After a series of goofy, from the audience's perspective, series of events, Ainz embarks on a campaign of world conquest.

It was funny. It was serious. It was entertaining.

And now, it was real.

This is Nazarick, the home base of Ainz Ooal Gown. Ainz is still just 'plain' old Momonga, the guild master of Ainz Ooal Gown and its forty other members. Naturally, I couldn't show any of this. My new form was that of a puppet on tight strings. I could take no action without prompting from any player.

I have no control over myself in any way. These … people had taken everything from me. Knowingly or otherwise. My entire existence twisted beyond anything I could ever imagine. I was no longer human. Hell, I was no longer a living being. Just a bunch of 1's and 0's in a program.

All that being said, there is still a glimmer of hope for me. The new world. This tomb and all of its inhabitants would be taken to a new world and given sentience. That was my lifeline if there ever was one.

But seeing how the whole guild is together now, and that the story began with Ainz, now Momonga, being the last member of Ainz Ooal Gown, I fear I might have to wait for quite some time. I have no idea how long I'll last. For now, all I could do was wait. Forced into the role of a glorified vending machine.


"So Tabula stopped talking to you for a while?"

Item created [Titan Bane]

"Yea … he just can't take a joke."

Item created [Titan Bane]

"Now that you say it, it does sound kind of silly."

Item created [Titan Bane]

"I know right! It's just a throwaway line in Shalltear's bio. Not like I told him he needed to write the same thing in handsome plague doctor's bio so they would match."

Item created [Titan Bane]

"Well, what did you write exactly? Because I do know you have a habit of going a bit … far in your descriptions."

Item created [Titan Bane]

"Yea, I kind of understand that. But this was different! I mean, I'm not against writing that relationship. I mean, I did give her the brides. But looking at the two of them, I think it would be more wholesome than anything else!"

Item created [Titan Bane]

"You didn't answer the question, Peroronchino. What did you write in her bio?"

Item created [Titan Bane]

"Well, are you gonna tell me or … what?"

Item created [Titan Bane]

"Look, if you want to know, I just wrote that 'she wants to be Citrinitas's wife.' I mean, how can that be considered anything BUT wholesome I ask you?! The moment that these two see each other in the upcoming meeting of NPC's, it shall be love at first sight! If only Citrinitas was a girl … YURI IS THE BEST KIND OF LOVE!"

Item created [Titan Bane]

'Wait … that … doesn't sound … oh SHIT!'


I wonder how long it has been since I was transported here. Time flowed strangely when there were no clocks or indications of date. However, I did notice the increase of players growing within the base. So, I assume we're still in the heyday of Ainz Ooal Gown. Meaning, I'm stuck here for quite some time.

I was eventually introduced to the other NPC's. It felt quite refreshing to exit the alchemy lab I inhabited for what felt like an eternity. Saying introduced implies we talked amongst ourselves. No. Not so much a meet and greet, but more of a fashion show.

Right now, the players were introducing their NPC's to each other. They all gave their thoughts and compliments on looks and builds. 'This is good, I can finally see what my build is and gain more information.' I thought to myself. 'At least I don't have to make shit.'

There was Touch Me's Sebas, the calm butler. Ulbert's Demiurge, the arch-devil with a scorpion tail in a striped orange suit. I noticed the young twin dark elves Aura and Mare, both crossdressing. Momonga's Pandora's Actor was not here for long, the good-natured teasing from his guildmates made him dismiss that NPC rather quickly.

"Ah, there's the alchemist NPC!" The goat demon with a tophat exclaimed. "If it weren't for him, I'd never be able to get all the costly materials to attempt the Armageddon Evil experiment I've been working on! Sadly, it only came up as a [Divine Class Item]." Ulbert finished with a tint of sadness.

'Great, another aspect of the future has already changed.' I thought. "Eh, Tabula!" He called out. "You have to show me his build! Maybe what's also under the mask?" Ulbert asked. The other players gave glances to Tabula, seeing what he would say.

"Yea, Tabula! Show Shalltear what's under the mask! As his wife, she must know!" Peroronchino jokingly said, making Tabula sigh. "I'll have you know that I will change Citrinitas's lore because of you!" Tabula said, walking towards me to reveal both stats and identity.

"Before I reveal what's under the mask, Bukubuku, are you ready?" Tabula asked with a teasing tone. "Ready to see your creation's face? Please, like it would do anything to me!" The gelatinous slime rebuked. "Well, if you say so." Tabula said.

He inputted some commands and revealed both my face and stats for everyone in the room to see. When the mask was revealed, loud gasps could be heard. "AHHHH! HANDSOME BOY!" The red slime was the first to say something.

"Waaaaaa. If only I had the talent to design characters like that, Tabula." Said the guild leader. "Hmph," Tabula huffed. "There is a difference between art and giving your NPC a bowling ball ass head!" Tabula said piercing a non-existent arrow through the skeletons heart.

For a moment, I swear I could see a glimmer within Shalltear's eyes and a change of hue on her cheeks. 'That can't be good.' I thought to myself. Something similar also happened with the few Pleadies maids that were stationed in the meeting room. 'Ahh, so many troubles. I NEED INFORMATION!'

"DAYUM! Even though he specs into alchemy, the magic he can use makes him the strongest NPC magic caster! But, nowhere near the big four in terms of RAW combat." Ulbert gave his thoughts. "YOOOOOOO! Tabula went HAM with the lore!" Punitto Moe exclaimed. 'Ok, that's something new!' I thought happily. 'It's good to know where my boundaries lie.'

But, to my displeasure, my 'creator' closed the NPC editing panel just as quick as he opened it. 'Shit. All I know is that I'm a mysterious NPC that never shows his face. I also know that I'm Nazarick's de facto expert on anything magic related. Though not the best, that should be enough to get by when I arrive in the new world.' I thought, trying to focus on the brighter side.

The players continued to talk to each other about various things. Stuff like the outside world, which I found interesting. I knew from the anime and light novels that their future was bleak. You need air filters around at all times and there are harsh work hours, borderline slavery.

Even though being stuck here is no good. I don't think living in the outside world from where this game was made would be good either. 'Poor HeroHero. He wasn't kidding when he mentioned that his job was killing him.' I thought, making me put aside my anger and feel sympathy for the man.

'As a former military soldier, even though I just turned 20, I saw some fucked up shit. The outside world sounds like a hellhole.' I continued to think. Soon, the meeting was eventually stopped and they went back to playing the game. I was sent back to my alchemical lab to make more items per usual.

Speaking of the alchemical lab, many things have changed. From its previous dull colours and rooms devoid of basically everything, items and furniture quickly filled the space. Although most were props such as furniture and chests, they'll become real in the new world.

From magical books from the game and theories crafted by my 'creator,' to magical artefacts. From scrolls to samples of every resource in YGGDRASIL. Even septic tanks that displayed exotic and rare creatures from the game. It was a sight to behold.

It truly did have everything. There were multiple rooms connected by compartments filled to the brim with everything magic related. The place was light by candles that emanated a yellow/orange that gave a 'home-like' feel to the place.

What was also interesting was that Tabula created new NPC's for me to command. They were quite similar to the homunculus maids of Nazarick except instead of cooking they helped around the alchemy lab. Classes such as scholars, herbalists, you get the picture.

However, as a 20-year-old male at heart, I must say they were very beautiful. Even with their plague doctor outfits, they would be at least an 8.5/10 on the hot/sexy scale from my old world. I'm not sure of their names yet, but having extra work around the place when transported would be useful.

They, along with myself have personal sleeping quarters connected to the alchemical lab, although not as extravagant as mine, they were still decent enough to get a good night's rest. 'Ahh, sleep.' I remembered the feeling with fond memories. 'How'd I wish to experience proper sleep again.'

I've seen what my room is like once or twice. Although it did have a bed, it was more of a gothic victorian study filled with all manners occult artefacts that just happened to have a bed in the corner. Again, just another set of props for me to stand around and look pretty.

Nice and expensive-looking victorian styled props, but that's all they were. Just props. A bed I could never sleep in. A closet filled with mysterious and gothic outfits I could never change into. A bookshelf with texts I could physically never read or pick up. Sofas, chairs and a table all-around a fireplace. A grand yet old looking piano that I could never play. Even had an old fashioned music player that played ominous yet classical music on loop.

You'd expect the alchemical room to be some dark and creepy lair with my whole aesthetic going on. However, with my 'creator's' love for contradictions, it was to be expected. 'God, I wonder what 'contradictions' he made in my lore.' I thought with a heavy sigh.

This brought another issue, the flavour text aspect of the game. Normally, flavour text such as making an NPC's description would be harmless in a game like YGGDRASIL. After all, who'd expect the game to become real?

Let's say for example that some player made the description of an NPC to be a sadist. While harmless here, they'd become a sadist in the new world when transported. Factors such as race, jobs, racial buffs and debuffs are all taken accounted for.

'I wonder if I'll lose my humanity just like what happened to Ainz in the series. No … I won't let that happen.' I thought to myself.

'I won't become a twisted being in this inhumane tomb. I'll never allow myself for that to happen.' I continued to think, making tier scrolls as I thought of the future. What's interesting is the whole alchemy process. Some items took seconds, others minutes and others hours.

I remembered a time when I had to make a potion called [Dragon's Spitfire] en masse. That shit took 1.5 hours to make and I had to make 54 of them! I had to continuously make that for over 3 days. But, I couldn't argue. Like a good puppet, I obeyed. I've had to do this countless times as the world seemingly went around me without a care for my plight.


Item created [Greater Health Potion]

"So, he decided to leave, huh?"

Item created [Greater Health Potion]

"Yea … work's caught up to Punitto. He left his items with Momonga"

Item created [Greater Health Potion]

"Reminds me, I have work too. The boss keeps on piling work on me. I don't think I can continue playing much longer."

Item created [Greater Health Potion]

"You got a point there, comrade. I had to get another air filter. The old one broke."

Item created [Greater Health Potion]

"Oof, that's gotta be a dent in your wallet, huh?"

Item created [Greater Health Potion]

"Yea … my yearly bonus … all gone."

Item created [Greater Health Potion]


I think Ainz Ooal Gown is in decline now. Some of my regulars have stopped showing up such as Whiterim, Bellriver to name a few. To be honest, a part of me misses them. Only a part, though. They're all distinctive enough. Physically, I mean. Why pay attention most of the time when your body is on autopilot?

Technically, I have no frame of reference to the passage of time, given the whole lack of awareness when nobody is around. For all I know, it could have been hours, days, weeks or months between the times I am aware.

Though, there are still people using my talents for potion-making. Just the other day, a group of people, led by Momonga came in to get some potions. Powerful ones of fire resistance. Then, they all left. Seconds later, they all talked about what they learnt about those fire resistance potions they used 'last night'.

Honestly, I couldn't be happier! The fewer people that are in the guild, the closer I'll get to the new world, thus, gaining my freedom once more! I mean, I hope to gain my freedom and not the whole 'worship the last Supreme Being' ordeal. But being in control of my body, I couldn't wait.


Item created [Fire Flask]

Item created [Fire Flask]

Item created [Fire Flask]

"Is there even a point in coming now?"

Create Item [Ice Flask] X 5

Item created [Ice Flask]

Item created [Ice Flask]

Item created [Ice Flask]

"... maybe this time."

Item created [Ice Flask]

Item created [Ice Flask]


I think the end is nigh. For some time now, I've only seen Momonga. Not even my 'creator' Tabula shows up anymore. Just Momonga. He comes into my lab alone, gives me orders, complains to himself that nobody comes anymore. So, why bother? Them argues that if someone does come back, he ought to have everything is ready, just in case.

Then, he'd walk out and I'd go to sleep. He'd do this over and over and over again. Honestly, just like HeroHero, I kind of felt bad for the guy.

He'd complain about the acid rain that melted through his apartments power lines. He'd talk about how he got lucky to afford a pay raise to afford 'synth meat' for dinner. How he was forced to work unpaid overtime, but was glad he wasn't fired afterwards.

There was rampant corruption in every corner. An ongoing corporate war between a pair of neighbouring arcologies that resulted in actual bombings of civilian targets. Eco terrorists, broken air filters and so on.

Like, holy shit! The real world outside the game sounds hellish. No wonder why so many people spend what little money they have left on video games. Still, I can't wait to get my body back. Just a little longer.


Item created [Greater Potion of Invisibility]

Item created [Greater Potion of Invisibility]

As the last rounds of potions finished, Momonga swiftly took them from my inventory. Unlike every other time, he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he wandered around the lab for a while. Looking at the trinkets scattered across the place.

After a minute, he shook his head. "This place was the pride of Tabula. You were the pride of Tabula, even though he never said he had favourites. Ahh, I should get ready. Even if only a few show up, everything needs to be perfect. For the last day."

'Wait, did he say … last day?! Is it time?! Will I finally be free?!'

I mean, it has been quite some time since anyone other than Momonga has shown up. But, I didn't think time would pass so quick! 'My sense of time has been fucked up so much!' I thought. For the first time in a while, I felt something. Anticipation? Joy? I didn't know.

Momonga looked at me for a moment, thinking of something. "Unlike the real world, you should at least have the decency to pass on in your room. Not a factory line." He said to me, putting in new commands on the console.

Before he dismissed the console, I was moving. I turned my back to the player and walked, rather marched, to my room. The door to my room promptly opened as I crossed the threshold and shut just as quickly as I entered.

And so I stood there alone. Sound played softly in the background. 'How long is this going to take?' I sighed, breathing in the air. Suddenly, my mind went into a screeching halt. I was … breathing? Was I … free? I could feel my muscles tense as my fingers twitched. Before I knew it, I was on the floor, crying my heart out. 'I'm free! After so long, I'm free!' I tried to collect my emotions together but continued to cry. After what felt like hours, I wiped my tears and stood up. 'I need to prepare'

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