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56.08% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 81: Chapter 78: The Crack Widens

Capítulo 81: Chapter 78: The Crack Widens

That night after my little chat with Padme nothing really happened for the next week.

Then came the reconciliation ceremony between the humans of Naboo and the Gungan.

A celebration the film truly failed to capture the size and scope of.

The event led to the entire planet basically partying for an entire day non-stop.

But as they say all good things must come to an end.

Then once it did it basically came time for all parties to head back where they came from.

Sitting in the conference room of the Milano I conversed with a life-sized hologram of Cohl.

Him and the others members of Dominicus who assisted me in fighting the Trade Federation on Naboo having left almost immediately after the occupation ended.

Which was my decision.

For I didn't want any of them around Palpatine nor the Jedi High Council.

Since both factions would ask too many questions, and I didn't want to risk my connection to Dominicus getting exposed just yet.

So I sent them packing.

"So, you're on your way back?" Cohl asked me.

After having giving me a status report on Dominicus as a whole.

For he is my number two within the group.

"Yep." I replied. "I'll also be bringing some guests back with me." I told him. "The boy Anakin and his mother Shimi, that astromech droid R2-D2, the droid 3PO, and the Jedi master Jinn." I explained.

Padme having gifted R2 to Anakin on my request.

For you can't have C-3PO without R2-D2.

That's like not without day.

Plus the little astromech droid has grown on me.

So there was no way I was leaving him behind.

"I see. Anything else I should know?" Cohl asked me.

"Yeah. HK-47 will be heading back on his own with a very special package we managed to get our hands on." I said.

Not getting into any specific details, on the off chance someone was listening to mine and Cohl's communication.

Constant vigilance!

"Good to know. See you soon." He told me.

"The same to you my friend." I replied.

We then ended the holo-call.

Once we did I left the conference room and headed to my personal quarters to check my personal messages on my personal terminal.

For the same day I resigned from the Jedi Order I sent out a broad message informing Yennali, my closest friends and allies, and pretty much all members of the coalition of my decision. Since I didn't want them to hear about it from anyone but me.

Looking through the messages I was surprised. Namely by the lack of shock in the responses I received from the message I sent out informing people of my resignation from the order. I mean I expected such reactions from my closest friends and allies, but what I didn't expect was the lack of surprise from the members of the coalition at my choice.

It almost seemed like everyone had expected I would leave the Jedi order.

But that couldn't be, right?

Deciding to get a second opinion on the matter I contacted Yennali and then explained my thoughts to her.

"Oh yeah, everyone expected you to leave the order sooner or later." Yennali told me.

"Really?" I asked. "Am I that easy to read?" I questioned.

"No, not at all. In fact sometimes I still can't even read you. But given me, our friends, and the members of the coalition were around you for years and observed your actions and knew your opinions on certain matters, then it wasn't a big leap for them to make in logic that you would do something along the lines of going against the order entirely one day." Yennali explained to me.

"I see." I replied. "Thanks for that."

"No problem." Yennali said. "So, I need you to come back to Coruscant and pick me up." She said.

"Sure." I replied.

"You're not even going to ask why?" Yennali questioned me.

"I can take a guess." I told her. "Plus, there's still the Serra thing. And given what you're planning and that I have resigned from the order this might be the only chance for all three of us to be together for a while. So yeah, I'll head back to Coruscant."

"Thanks." Yennali replied. "Well then see you soon. Love you."

"Love you too." I said.

We then ended our call.

Me leaning back in my chair after I did.

Running a hand through my shoulder-length hair I inhaled and then exhaled. My thoughts going towards the coming talk between Serra, Yennali, and I. Hoping that things wouldn't get too awkward or drama-filled.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by HK-47 contacting me over the ships comms.

"Statement: Master, the Jedi meatbag called Obi-Wan is outside the ship and requesting a meeting with you." HK-47 stated.

Hearing this I got up and headed outside the ship to meet with Obi-Wan.

"Hello there, Obi-Wan." I said to him.

"Oh yes, hello there Van." Obi-Wan. Finally saying the thing.

Me hearing it coming out of his mouth everything I dreamed it would be. But then again it is his catch-phrase so of course it hits different when he speak it.

"So, what do you need my friend?" I asked him.

"I have come to tell you my decision about the offer you made me on the day you and Qui-Gon resigned from the order." Obi-Wan explained.

"I see, so you have finally decided?" I asked.

"Yes, I have." Obi-Wan replied.

"And, what is your decision?" I questioned.

"I have decided to join you." Obi-Wan said. "I've already informed the council of my decision and turned over my lightsaber." He explained. "It wasn't easy, but if I can still keep following the principle tenants of the Jedi and be with Satine then I am ready to try." He spoke.

His words bringing a smile to my face.

"You're making the right choice my friend. I promise you that." I said.

"I do hope I am." Obi-Wan replied.

Once he did so I brought him aboard the Milano and gave him his own room. I then went and informed the others of his decision.

Qui-Gon being the happiest of the bunch when I did.

Makes sense, since he and Obi-Wan are basically father and son.

After telling everyone I headed to the cockpit.

I then sent HK-47 off to collect the Scimitar.

Then once he retrieved it and told me he was safely off planet I took off in the Milano.

Heading into space I watched as the Scimitar jumped into hyperspace. Then once it did I initiated my own hyperspace jump in the Milano. 

On my way back to Coruscant, for what would likely be a while.


[Jedi Temple, Coruscant, Galactic City]

(3rd Person: POV)

Standing before the Jedi High Council within their meeting room within the temple on Coruscant Yennali had a calm expression on her face, and felt at peace.

A stark contrast to the high council.

Some of whom were looking at Yennali with disapproval marring their faces, while others had neutral expressions. Finally there was her master Plo Koon, who looked stoic but inside was deeply worried for his apprentice.

For the meeting she was currently having with the high council would determine her future with the Jedi Order.

"Begin the meeting let us." Yoda spoke.

"Padawan learner Yennali Fonemys you stand before the high council today for your taking of actions that go against the Jedi order's code. Specifically the rules related to attachment." Windu spoke. "From statements we have received from various members of the order here at the temple over these past few days it seems you have been alluding to an intimate relationship with the former Jedi knight Van Sunrider. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"It's absolutely true." Yennali easily replied.

Shocking the entire council.

Ignoring the council's shocked expression Yennali removed her lightsaber from her hip and then used her telekinesis to place it on Plo Koon's lap.

Once she did this Yennali a kind smile to her master before looking at the rest of the high council again.

Who seemed to have finally regained their composure.

"Padawan learner Fonemys, you do understand what your actions mean, do you not?" Master Mundi asked her.

"Yes, I understand perfectly." Yennali replied. "Oh and before you all say anything else I just want to say I am officially resigning from the Jedi Order." She spoke.

Once again shocking the high council.

"Are you serious Padawan Fonemys?" Master Piell asked her.

"Yes." Yennali replied. "Since the order will not allow Van and us to remain together I cannot remain a part of it." She explained.

"So former knight Sunrider put you up to this did he?" Tiin asked Yennali.

Who looked at him like he was an idiot.

"No, he did not. I made this decision on my own." Yennali explained. "Namely because I have Van and he loves me. But due to the orders rules, and this council being too scared and stubborn to allow for something new the two of us are going our own way. Anyway thanks for everything, bye." She said.

Yennali then left the high council room.

Ignoring the calls of Mace Windu telling her to stop.

"To think, two of our members with such great potential would fall so far." Mundi spoke.

But before he could say another word Plo Koon spoke up.

"Mundi, be very careful the next words you speak out of your mouth." The Kel Dor Jedi master said. Giving Mundi a harsh glare as he did. "Or did you forget about your own wives and children?" Plo Koon asked.

This caused Mundi to start glaring harshly at Plo Koon.

The two continued glaring at each other for a few seconds before Windu spoke up.

"That is enough." Windu said. "What has happened has happened."

"Yes, what has happened in that just a short span of time the order has lost a respected master, a powerful young knight, and two promising young Padawan's." Adi Gallia. "Or am I missing something?" She rhetorically asked.

This caused the high council members to start debating with each other again. The situation ending up exactly like it did when Van, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan left the order on Naboo.

Ignoring the councils bickering Plo Koon got up from his seat and went to chase after Yennali.

Yoda allowing it, while he worked to calm down the rest of the high council.

The Kel Dor jedi master caught up to his apprentice, just as she was about to leave the Jedi temple.

"Yennali." Plo Koon spoke.

Which caused Yennali to stop in her tracks and turn to face him. "Master Plo." She said.

"Yennali, no little Nali, so you are in love with young Sunrider?" He asked.

"I am master." Yennali replied. "I apologize for not telling you until now, but I knew you would've tried to put a stop to it. And even if you hadn't with you being on the high council it would've put you in an awkward position and I couldn't do that to you. Not when you've given me so much over the years. Which I truly appreciate. But I can't stay with the order. Not when it makes us try and give up the things that allow us to connect to others. Emotions, relationships, etc. I struggled with the feelings I have for Van for a long time, and now that I know the true depth of my feelings I can't go back to locking them away." She spoke. "Once more, thank you for all you've done for me and if the day comes when you wish to follow in my footsteps and leave the order then I'll be waiting." Yennali said.

Then having nothing left to say she exited the Jedi temple.

Leaving Plo Koon standing there, alone with his thoughts and the words Yennali just spoke to him.

The Kel Dor Jedi for the first time in a long time having no idea how to handle the situation he was facing.

And Plo Koon was not the only one.

Upon learning of Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Van, and Yennali, leaving the order and the reasons behind their departure's two sides began to form within the Jedi orders ranks.

Those who were firmly against the resigned groups actions, and those who tried to understand them.

Then there was a small number within the Jedi order who even agreed with them.

Thus the crack of the burgeoning schism within the Jedi order widened.


A/N: Yes, the schism within the order grows.

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