Unfortunately, even with the help of Ri, he couldn't quite understand this. However, he did comprehend many things including: the higher the water density, the greater the cold qi's effectiveness.
Dyon believed that this was definitely related to the environment the blue whales grew up in. For the blue whales, denser water equated to deeper water, which in Earth's climate meant sky high temperatures. Therefore, their innate abilities responded to excess water pressure with greater effectiveness.
But, how did Dyon so suddenly increase the water density? Dark Ocean was nowhere near as dense as Earth's oceans near its bottom because it was far shallower. The answer was in the abilities of yet another species, the seahorse!
The seahorse had two innate abilities to the blue whales' one. They produced psychedelic oscillations with their vocal cords that could lull weaker life forms into a deep illusion, and they had innate control over the ocean's currents.
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